GHS Yearbook 2021

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This year has brought new and unprecedented ch a llenges Students and staff alike faced disrupted schedules, quarantines both personal and school-wide , an d uni maginable hardships. However, in the face of these dramatic a nd somet imes heartbreaking changes , Demons rallied and showed resilience a nd stre ngth beyond anyth ing we c ould have predicted. We found solace in on lin e commu n ities, mastered new plattorms for learn in g , p e rformed athletic and perform ing fea t s in masks, and created entirely new ways o f see i ng the world. High school this ye ar looked and felt different than any year befo re o r afte r. In this book, we in vite you t o sh a re how 2020-21 has c hanged your outlook. Lo ok f or journ a lin g pages marke d with #yourperspective to share your thoughts! Find y ou rsel f in thes e pages and remembe r everything about this transformat ive year This is A New Pe rspe c tive .

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"The seed never sees the flower rt grows knowing rt must become more thon what ,t was Shoulders Shone

Best Smile

Adam Feasel

"Light travels foster than sound This Is why some people appear

until you hear them speak

"You met me at a very strange time in my hfe The

sod I stop being sod ond be awesome instead • Barney Stinson. How I Met Your

0 Q u, u, 0 IL I
Brianna Allen ,Ime Is something one con never get back, so embrace 11 while you can Samuel Aranda Margaret Andersen ·1 escaped then. brillionl I love 11 when I do that • 11th Doctor Jacob Archer Shayne Abrams Joseph Aigner bnght Alon Dundes Cassidy Anderson Garrison Arner Maia Addams Koyczon Cailean Albert Norrotor Fight Club Max Anderson 'Whenever rm Mother Kai Aune Jacob Babifz •Jock Just stole my g1r1 Everyone Taylor Battista Carley Beeman Lucas Berg-Fisher Kate Bain Samuel Bauer Ivy Behr Wow Nice Ruby Berkenkamp People who wonder ,1 the gloss is half empty or full miss the point The gloss 1s refillable Unknown Dominic Baker Jakob Bazewicz Sydney Benson Claramarie Bermanis Colby Bartosh Emily Becker Evan Berg
''It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.''
W. Shakespeare


"We're all in this together"



I j ...
Andrew Berube Joseph Borer Rebekah Branham
''Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.''
Henry David Thoreau
Johnathan Biz.zano Griffen Bowman Veoria Braunschweig
bet you guys still can' t pronounce my name "
Rachel Brunel
till can' t do my taxes, but it's o kay, neither can the president."
Kalei Bokinskie High School Musical Lucy Bowman Benjamin Brinkmann
who cannot, or will not acknowledge themselves are sure to fail " ltachi
Uchiha Christopher Burnett Ethan Bontrager Jeremiah Branham Benjamin Brown uOriginality is the best form of rebellion " Mike Sasso
Emily Calvert m just gonna live under a bridge and ask people riddles before they cross April Ludgate Ryan Campbell Samuel Carr Jayden Carrithers Eva Christianson 'I expect nothing. ond rm still let down Esau Capuchino Yeah we quiet now James Carriere Ian Cavanaugh Christina Clayden ·1 know way more than 2 imposters· Kate Chapman ·1 would sell my soul to the devil for Tom Honks Ashley Colin Najera If COOi iS weird I'm weird. Olivia Chevalier ·sometimes I'll start o sentence and I don't even know where ,rs going I just hope I find 1t along the way Michael Scott Jax Collins 'Guess what? I goto teevo 1 And the only prescnphon 1s more cowbell' Bruce D1ck1nson (Christopher Wolken SNL)

Life Is a succession of lessons. which must be lived to be understood •

Jess i ca Conde-Castillo "Suerio con omb1c16n Ethan Co x 'I've got loo many critics with no credentials.' Brenna Cude Tea Del Grippo I owe 11 all lo Qulzlel • Domin i c Connell 'I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig You get dirty, and besides. the pig likes It • George Bernard Show Maximus Cross "These ore the hmes that try men 's souls' Thomas Paine Sophia Davis "Unless someone like you cores a whole awful lot nothing Is going to get better Irs not· The Lorox Gavino Del Real Taylor Copeland Alfonso Cortes Lopez I'm ugly and rm proud SpongeBob stephen Crowfoot-Beyette Zachary Crowfoot-Beyett e Maryn DeGratt Rolph Waldo Emerson Tamas Delmonico Lexie Deitemeyer "The world 1s yours " Leo DeMeyer
Erika Dowell Dobby
free Dobby
Jock stole my girt Brynna Donohoe ·1 wish there was a way to know you were in the good old doys before you actually left them • Andy Bernard Jessica
Jacob Ellis ·1 cannot, and I cannot stress this enough, stress this enough· Brandon
"Stoy true to yourself, and don t let people control you·
...._ James
0 Q en en 0 •• Kid At Heart Riley McGovern
Dempsey Jonathan Dodson
Braydin Ellis
Keyshawn Doris Braden Dobbs

·rm going tnrough a httte bit of a rough patch The whole yeor, actually· MIchoe1 Scott

·ae careful who you trust Remember, the devil was once on angel Deon W1nchester(Supemoturol)

"High School is interesting when you're one of the quietest kids in the school"

"Llfe 1s a Journey to be expenenced , not o problem to be solved • Winnie the Pooh

'Respect your parents They passed school without Google '

"Okay, for me. first of all. dopeness 1s what I like the most· Konye West

·1 om not what happened to me, I om what I choose to become ·

'Respect mah outhonteh • Cortmon (And look over your left shoulder)

·can I get a refund?'

•Just because 1t isn't what you expected doesn't mean rt can't be beoullful • Unknown

r I I l
Lucy Ellis Mox English Rose Emory Doniel Erger Elaina England Kaela Fajardo Lily Fell Serenity Ferguson Hoyden English Adam Feasel Jock Feller Molly Fickes

Toe best way to predict the future 1s to create It· Abraham Lincoln

'Always hove o lucky egg Hennk Honout

-Seek Discomfort Yes Theory

"The mind is everything What you th ink, you b eco me ."

"Try to live everyday like Elle Woods ofter Womer told her she wasn't smart enough for low school

They told me senior year was gonna go by quick but I never thought 11 would zoom.'

"Ten years from now make sure you con soy that you chose your hfe you didn't settle for it·

·once 1n o while you get shown the light in the strongest of places 1! you look at 11 nghl • Gra teful Dead

'Smooth sea never mode for o skilled sailor Credit Yono

Moster hos given Kasey o high school d1plomo1 Kasey 1s freer

·111 see you on Wizard 1Ol , Cowboy

Grayson Flambures Kafy Freeman Ava Gardner Brady Glass Liam Fletcher Kiyo Fritzler Grace Gardner Kasey Goldstein
- 1 --.! -•• !.-~ -
Coastas Fly McKenzie Gallagher Greta Gardner Joshua Gomez Miles Forsyth-Simon Tonya Gallegos-Hudak Scarlett Garsombke Ulani Gonzales

Most Fashionable Tea Del Grippo

r I ' l 0 Q en en 0 ••
'We 'll be alright.
'This was not at all like High School Mus1ca1·
Seryn Grant
HS Jadyn Goodrich
'Juice WRLD IS the goat ond I WIii be a millionaire soon."
Gunnar Gorman Joseph Gray Garrett Greiner 'What up Council· Chad Goes Deep
wish I would've
Marla Goodspeed
met Joe
Willie Gould
"Rewords ore reaped from sacnfice, blood. and sweat leaving
with the sweet feeling of satisfaction.
Michael Greeley ·one mountain hon. two mountain lions. mountain lions1· Psych Elijah Grice "Moy the wind under your wings bear you where the sun soils and the moon walks Gandolf the Grey

·Any PIZZO ISO personal PIZZO If you hove the nght mindset

·Irs really hard being o single mother, especially when you hove no children and ore o teenage mole •

Toe earth Is not ours I1Is o treasure we hold m trust for the future generations


was o bigger

Four years here and I still don1 know the difference between effect and affect·

"The roof s not my Child but I WIii raise 1t •


Irs good to be lucky and lucky to be olive'

"Look at where procrastination gets you

'Someday everything will make perfect sense So for now tough at the confusion smile through the teors be strong and keep reminding yourself tho! everything happens for a reason • John Moyer

Camden Grover Justin Hanssen Toby Hassett 'Money con·t buy happiness, but rt con buy o lift Esmeralda Hernandez Lo vIdo es un ciclo y lo que no sirve yo no lo recIclo Gage Gunn Kylie Hard senior year disaster ftlon Sereno during Thonksg1v1ng xoxo· Charlize Haynes
,,,, • • i , ' , ,"'• •
Beau Higgins Ida Gurevich Taylor Hardegger Ava Helm Ava Hines Finn Hanson John Hargadon Bella Hernandez
Sydney Hines

"Don I live someone else 's story

'I really spent the lost twelve years only to gel a handshake and a piece of paper? wow,·

Proud to soy I porhc1poted m the longest senior ditch day mhistory:

"Not sure why I have a senior quote

1 f I didn't even hove a real senior year

'You can t Just give up Is that what a dinosaur would do?' Joey Tnbbtant

·vou·re as king me to be rational I know that 1s something I cannot do Ano k1n Skyw al ker

Confucius I
''Wherever you go, go with all your heart.''
Frank Holowin Tyler Howe 'Denver Nuggets NBA Champions 2024"
Isabella Hunt Olivi a Hoff Wnle your own • Joseph Homer Score, celly, dnnk cotfee Toby How i e "The best way to live hie 1s to be yoursel f and kick butt Cole Hunter "People say noth ing is 1mposs1ble, but I do nothing everyday Landon Hohmann Sophia Hook 'Toal girl With d1obetes Evan Hughes Jordyn Hyland
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Jillian Holbrook Ana Hopper Ella Hummels JConstantine lskalis
Garrett Jones 'I was in my car wrth the keys n. now I'm dewey • Maci Jones 'Hannah Montono soys nobody 1s perfect, yet here I om: Truman Karsten Joshua Kim 'You the people hove the power the power to create mochines The power to creole happiness! You. the people. hove the power to make lhis lrfe free and beout1ful, to make 1h1s life a wonderful adventure • Charlie Chaplin Isabella Jones "YOU ARE AN ACCIDENTAL GENIUS' Cyrus Bradley Kabler Gentry Keener ·1 really spent the lost twelve years only to get a handshake and o piece of paper? wow 1 • Corey King I N 0 N ••0 en en 0 0 Best Vocals Hannah Ninke Jailee Kennedy 'If only you knew what my rowdy name meant Benjamin
'Momma I mode ,t '
Seetharaman I I I I
Lydia Kern Roshan Klein -
r I , I
''Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here.'' Neil Gaiman
Scott Lagge Paris Larson
'If you con't blow them away
your brilliance, baffle them with your BS
Dylan Leonhardt Jayda Lambeth ·overth1nk1ng and also hungry· Samantha Lautrup ·stay positive, test negative. Leilani Leopold Charlotte Klinger If you·re hoppy doing whotyou love, nobody con tell you you're not successful. Horry Styles William Lancaster Maree Lenz
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Jakob Liedtke th IS IS High School "Alec Sonders Zuzu Kotula 1rs all in the mind you know: Hannah Larson 'When there·s no cops around anything 1s legal' Sylvia Lenz "113,880 hours tor o piece of paper and not even a handshake Connor Logan ·c11mote ,s what we expect weather 1s what we get· Mork Twain
Jenn ifer Lopez 'If you htJve o dre m dont let anybody toke ,t away· Selena Oumton a Bella Macarelli 'School was a beoutitu poem, but I was Jared 19 • Stefan Marshall I hod to put my grades up for adoption because I couldn1 raise them. Jocelyn Martinez 'All of us ore m the gutter but some of us ore looking at the stars • OscorW1fde Analisa Lorquet Chance Maccagnan I om not a carnivore because I love plants, I om o carnivore because I hate animals· Heidi Martin Tanner Mason "Hove you paid your dues, Jock? Yes sir the check 1s m lhe moil· Jock Burton, Big Trouble m Uttte Chino • Antoine Lundgren Joey Mancuso 'Toe roof 1s not my son, but I will raise 1t • ''Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.'' Ralph Waldo Emerson Collier Marshall I mean like to be poss1onote and sincere, but I also like to hove fun and act like o dork. Geeks unite • Kurt Cobain Best Actor Sophie Davis I N C) N ••0 en en 0 0

Best Friends Jack Babitz

I I l ...
Keegan Mattson Connor McCormick • may or may not hove done this at the lost second." Justin McCall ihe only shots I con toke ore rnsuhn shots • Cole McCririck
n 0 en en 0 •• I
Tyler Howe
Finn McCandless Riley McGovern "Meow.' Delaney Mclaughlin Non est ad ostro mollls e terns via· -Seneca Lili McNulty A single sunbeam 1s enough to dnve away many shadows· St Francis of Assisi Landree McClure Stay posmve. test negative
a will
a way and 1f
Kayla Mcilroy "If
qu1zlet there·s on A.·
Harmony McMullin "Go on adventuring changing, opening your mind and eyes. refusing to be stomped and stereotyped
a will ,
Kaylea Mendoza "If
there's a way If there·s a Quizlet. there ·s on




Is coming The present Is to prepare for

Lexi Merrill "Greys Anatomy, Season 5, Episode 6, 39 40" Trevor Michaelis Sydney Moser Rov1oh, ravioli, give me the dIplom1oli'" James Nichols •Just be yourself and maybe you'll get friends tha t will like you for who you ore· Maddy Merrill ·1 was only known here as one of the twins )" Simon Miller ·se excellent to each other and party on dudest· Bill & Ted Robert Moxley Hannah Ninke hoot for the moon Even 1f you miss, you·11Iand among the stars Norman Vincent Peale __. Cady Messerli Charlotte Moran Lucas Murray Aliza Nitschke Mitchell Meyers Just mean and people think ,ts funny· Trent Moreland ·school rs o 12 yeor long tutonol leve l.. ond college is the advanced tutonoI • Hoang Nguyen post hos passed and the future whors coming not tor the post Carter Novak
r I I I I Most Artistic 0 Q en en 0 ,. I Constantine lskalis
Eleanor Ogden ·1ve encountered some imposters · Sofie Olson
13 38 •
"The Office, season 4, episode 5, minute Owen Ogden I hope so. Kodak Block
Matthew Peterman Zachary Nuss Dylan O 'Neill Hank Ohlen "I like to eat chicken wings Yuh •
w - - -
Jackson Philleo Maggie O 'Connell 'Be proud of what you've been through· Heaven Oberg 'If you ore nght this whole thing 1s wrong Brock Oldfather
Elin Phillips


·1 know exactly how to qu,t and you know what scores me the most? Is Iho t

"Whenever I'm obout lo do something I think, Would on Idio t do tho!? And If they would I do not do that thing Dwigh t Schru te

Godge Pittsley Locy Powell Emilie Reh Emily Roesch 'Oh shoot I forgo t my mask · Anno Plotnick 'Treat people with kindness Dolton Prokosch Colin Ridley Veronica Rogers Ashlie Polvog1
to look up at the stars and not down of your feel • • Stephen Hawking r Groce Roberts Charles Roll Brianna Powell 'Yeehow Jock Quolteri 1rs eosy • Vinny Poz1enzo Mork Robinson Ello Romon

"The grea t thing abou t graduation Is tha t things can only ge t better or worse but they will not stoy the some •

'Long lrve the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cored·

Always remember that love 1s love 1mm1grants make America great. and

time to live for yourse lf or else you'll end up dying for someone else '

"You gotta




I I I ...
Jacob Romero Maxwell Ryan Alec Sanders Dale Schnackenberg Jaden Rose was finally released from his four year sentence·
.. .. " •• .. :: :: " I: • :: • • • •
Nicole Samuelson Gryffin Sanders toke
• •
Myles Schreiber Erin Royer Alejandro Sanchez Tupac Shokur Devyn Schaefer Bee Movie Minute l 7 37 • Max Schutt
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Nobody co res. work Ryan Rubenstein Mariah Sanchez-Calvo Block lives Matter· Kyle Scherer Natalie Searls


Anna Seibert "True terror 1s to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country· Kurt Vonnegut Gracie Serafin Tm so dead Madelyn Shea Insert funny relotable Joke because I forgo t to think of one until the due dote • Brandon Shull "You only ha ve one today make the most of rt Kaitlin Selvidio Leiton Seward https ,' www youtube com/ watch ?v=SXJGTnVfJ1c· Dawa Sherpa ·see you next year or nol hehehe Cordi B Madelyn Shull One day you'll leave this world behind, so live o life you will remember AVICII Ryan Sherry
bel 1111 UIU tU lf U II
Ethan Silver
Bryan Shuler "The smartest man in the world always knows that there 1s more to learn Audry Singer never win , bul I still graduated·
I l Kell e n Sis co "Zip Zap Zoop Nikola Tesla Macy Sparks Mason stobbe "U h-oh I'm in your house Con you find me?' Mahatma Gandh i Alic e Sweeney 'Peace and love, peace and love · ---Anton i a Sloan •Mon OITen be m "\1la' I) I) "'llmsi: ~' be tt I keep on SCJV1ng to mvsel1 ll'IOI , ..onnol <lO a airt01n llling. 11 ls P()SSlble lllOt I rro, eno by reolly becoming 111COpoble Of d0lllg d On !tie conrra,y i1 I lla,e tl'le be iel lllOt I con oo ll I shOU surely ocqwe tile copaclry to do tt even If I mov not have nor the beginning • MollOtmo Gandhi Kolton Spenc e r "Th anks Goo gle Br ittany stratton Alonso Tabuyo Chandler Slow ik 819 Iron on his Hip Tegan staric k "My senion hs hit on Morch, l 31ti 2 0 2 0 Jenna stroup ·catch you guys on !tie flipp1ty fiip Dalton Talty "This guy gels 1t - - - ----Ann ika Sm ith "That was fast Corey stark Nathan Swanson Hailey Tate 'Believe in yourself even when others don1 I I I
ljana Taylor t1:Ud1t/3 EAGLE Tucker Tingley ·11 a man does not hove the sauce then he is lost But the some man con get lost m the sauce· Gucci Mone ( \ Carter Vali Life 1s like a sandwich, no matter which way you Olp 11, the bread comes first Veronica Vaughan l Isaac Theis Andor Toth 'I'm Just happy we ore all here together· Andy Anika VanSchaardenburg The human body 1s 70% water so we re basically cucumbers with anxiety Kira Voelker 'New age, lers go discover this hfe 1s full of wonder· K1po and the Age of Wonderbeosts Anthony Thomas ·11 1s not the competent enemy one needs to fear, but rather the incompetent ally· Ryan Toy Cambell Thomp son 11~ ~'f n '-" • '• o ,1rscosy In so.nude 10 ~ u i!i..""' "'°''~ but ,nt, g,.,.., mu., i:; tie \"110 In Ille mlOsl ol tr,e CfOh'(I t.ecps V,1111 perfect swoot1cSS Ille Independence of sohlUde' Rolph Waldo Emerson Jade Trujillo ·vau know I've realized that I'm probably JUSI perfect, and 11's everybody else around me that's got issues • Scott D1s1ck Go To The Olympics Lexie Deitemeyer I N 0 N ,. 0 u, u, 0 0 0 I> (I) ·... 0 :E
Taylor Volek 'You only hve once Live your life to the fullest: Maria - Irene Waterman "We must not allow other peoples 11m1ted perceptions to define us· V1rg1rna Sohr Best Couple Ryan Walker 'Life 1s like o sandwich no matter what side your on, you always get the bread first· Dayna Weber 'Rolls eyes • Landree McClure & Joey Mancuso 0 0 en en 0 •• N I Luke
lamh1m Raya Wehner Because why not?· Trannette Westwood "Toke pride in how for you've come Hove faith 1n how for you con go But don't forget to enJoy the journey· Michael Josephson Carson
William Wheaton ·eon I complmn thot I don't have a funny creohve or original quote?' Ace

Most Likely to be a Soccer Mom

I N 0 N ••0 u, u, C 0 Taylor Wilson 'Maybe mama d1dn1 raise o fool ofter all .' Zachary Zapato C Cl) 0 "t'J I 0 >(!) Cl) 0 ..,_ ·...I I en 0 C .. ::::s I Cl) .. Cl) s::. 0 0 Cl) lo ........
Nathan Wiggins Young Christopher Ziemann
Class of 2021
Tegan Starick Koedyn Woodard "No molter how old you ore 1t o little kid hands you o toy phone you answer 1t Dave Chapelle Lio
"These 4 years ZOO Med by· I
.. 30
I ... 32
• 33

Zachary Zapata

Congratulatio n Zach! It h a bee n a ble 1ng to watc h you grow into a caring, funny , a nd amazing young m a n . The world is truly a be tte r place with you in it! W e are so proud of you a nd can' t wait to ee w hat th e future ho ld for you. (J e remiah 29: 11 )

With mu c h love, M om and Dad

Max English

Max ,

We are enormously proud of you and all your accomplishments. We feel so blessed and honored for the opportunity to watch you grow into the amazing young man you have become. You are kind. car ing, hones t and loyal and we love your lau gh and en e of humor. You take on any challenge that life brin g you with courage and humility . Always know that we are behind you every tep of the way. Congratulation on all that you have achieved. We are o excited to ee what amazing thing the future ha in tore for you.

" You ' re off to Great Place ! Today i your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!"

-Dr. Seu

Love , Mom and Dad

Liam Lancaster

Congratulation , our wide-eyed boy! Stay curiou , and you' 11 accompli h anything .

We love yo u o much.

Jax Collins

Congratulations Jax!

We are o proud of the perso n that you are Keep life imple. Stay true to yourself. Follow God ' lead.

Mom , Dad a nd Peyton Manning



Tucker Tingley

Tu ck er , We a re o pr o ud o f th e yo un g man that yo u h ave b eco m e. Your h e art i a bi g a th e un iver e . Your mind i un to pp abl e. Al way kn ow th a t yo u are trul y l ove d and w ill a l way h ave t wo of yo ur bigge t fan w i h1n g yo u mu ch ucce

We love yo u , M o m a nd D a d

35 [ I I I I

Sydney Hine s

B ehi nd you, a ll of yo ur m e m o ri es Befo r e yo u , all yo ur dreams

Around you, all w ho l ove yo u Within yo u , al l yo u n eed

L ove, M o m , D ad , a nd Land o n

Cass idy And e rs on

To ou r Cass id y Raine ,

Max Cro ss

M ax,

Why do birds s uddenl y appear Eve r y tim e yo u are near? From th e d ay you we re born , ,ve knew yo u were s pec ial. You alw ay s mi led and you made u lau g h all th e tim e. You are an awe ome brother. We know yo u wi l l co ntinu e to do am azing thing in life. You make u s so proud.

J ust like m e, Th ey lo ng to be C lose to you

\ ' Why do s tars fall l l d ow n from th e s ky

Every time yo u . -. "wa lk by? ,

Ju s t li ke me , t they long to be C lose to you.

On th e day th a t yo u were b o rn th e angel s go t toge th er, and ,.

d ecide d to c reate a 1 ~ dream co m e tru e. t.

So, th ey s prinkl e d

m oo n du s t in yo ur h air o f go ld

And s ta r li g ht in yo ur eyes o f blu e . - T h e C arpenters

And s un g many tim es in a lu ll a b y

by M o m , Dad & T xxoo

Conquer the world, Moo se! !

' ' . I
36 - -
I I i I

Henry Ohlen

Hank .

\\e are proud of you every day Because of what you have accomplished in the classroom, on the field , and at work But most of all because of the young man you have grown into, and the clear eyes and kind heart that you s hare with the world

Mom, Dad, and Mercede s

Rachel Brunel

In October of 2002 a beautiful a nge l was born Lo complete our family! We are so blessed to have you as our daughter and sis ter, Rac hel Catherine, and we are looking forward to watching you soar on a path that only you can create. The world i s your in s pite of th1 crazy pandemic and we hav e no doubt that you will co nquer it!

Lo ve, Dad , Mom , ic k , atal1e & Luke

Jordyn Hyland

Dear Jordyn,

Since the day you were born you have brought Dad and I such great Joy! You have been an amazing sis ter to Brandon and a wonderful daughter to us! You are a cherished friend to others because of your beauty in s ide and out! We know that great things lie ahead for you! We love you!

Brandon Shull

Brandon ,

You are our dreamer ke ep dreaming You are s trong keep fighting for your goal Set the bar high and continue to believe in your elf. Be kind and find JOY in all you do Live to the fulle t and exceed your potential. We have co nfidence in you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Chri s, Cameron & Caitlyn

I - -
- - - 37I I I I

Camden Grover

Continue to embrace life , love , and laughter and the opportunities they bring.

We love you forever and for always.

Mama and Dad

Brynna Donohoe

Si ssy,

You bring l au ght er a nd li ghtn ess to our world. We love you so mu ch and are proud t o be your parents!

M o m and Dad

Kaela Fajardo

Kae la, I

It ha s bee n a joy watching yo u grow into the beautiful I perso n you h ave become. You are compas ionate , d etermin ed, s trong , and of course a lot of sassy . Stay true to you rself, and le t yo ur big perso nality co ntinu e to s hin e br ig ht. R emem be r to alway s be kind , work h ard and make yo ur bed

Love, M o m , Dad and Carlie

Grayson Flambure s

Gray o n , W e are o p ro ud of the yo ung m an th at yo u have b ecome

Your f uture i o brig ht and we c ann ot wai t to ee w h at i n ex t fo r yo u Wh a t a n am az in g o n and bro th er yo u are! W e love yo u , al w ay and for ever .

L ove, D ad , M o m a nd J ack J ack

Oliv i a H off

Co ngr atul a ti ons L iv!

We are so proud an d are exc ite d to see w ha t co mes nex t for yo u

We l ove yo u ! Mom , Dad , and Daniel

Nathan Swan son

N a th an , Cong ratu lati ons! Yo u h ave grow n up to be an a ma zing person . Your fami ly beli eves in you and can ' t wai t for yo ur nex t ad ven ture

L ove , D ad , Mo m , Jack & Kramer

Chri stina Clayden

Co ng r a tul atio n , Chr is tin a! Yo u made it ! We are o proud of th e a maz ing per on yo u have beco me and of every thing yo u have acco mpli hed . T he be t i ye t to co me a yo u co ntinu e ont o co ll ege. Ju t re me mb er, yo u ' II alway be our " L i ttl e C."

L ove , M om and Dad

Owen & Eleanor Ogden

Celebra ting everything you both have accomp li h ed, everything you both have become , and everything you both have yet to do .

Congratulation ! We love you both!

(eq u a lly)




How kind and open you are to so man y differe nt kinds of people and id eas! Th oug htful , car in g, mart, tr ong, and beautiful. We can' t wait to see how yo ur artistic and mathematical stre ng th s and a dve nturou s n ature tak e off int o your next phase of life

We love yo u !

Dad , M om , Ellie, Te d , & Ro sie

Daniel Erger

Daniel, Bright, detennmed , fei sty and fear less, the road ahead i s full of unlimited poss ibilities and great adventures for you. We know you wi ll do amazing things in thi s world ! Your wit, wi dom and c uri o ity will take you far.

We love yo u always, Mom and Dad

Dominic Baker

Dominic , You are braver than you believe , stronger than yo u see m, s mart e r than yo u think and loved more than you kn ow So proud of the you ng man you've become!

Love, Mom and Dad (Christian too!!)

4 0

Brynna , Mckenzie, Scarlett & Cady

"Some people arrive and make uch a beautiful impact in your life, you can bare ly remember what life wa like witho u t them."

Hannah Ninke

Hannah Banana , You are AMBITIOUS ..

You are AUTHE TIC .

You are LOVED . You can D o a nything and yo u can BE anyth1ng yo u want to be, a5 long as yo u BELIEVE in your e lf and work hard .

We a re o proud of yo u !

Riley McGovern

Riley ,

We are so pr ou d of yo u and excited for yo ur fut ure. Wherever yo u go, wh atever you do , a lway s be yo u

We l ove yo u !

Love , Mo m and Teaga n

LOVE You SO , Mom , Dad and E

Ella Roman

From th e very s tart, yo u have always had a great se nse of hum or, boundless e n ergy and e nthu s ia s m Always pre sing yo ur boundari es and explo ring n ew thin gs. We know that you will be very s u cces ful 1n whatever you d o. Your land and warm h eart will a lw ay l ea d yo u in th e right dir ecuon. We luv u!

41 I

Tonya Gallegos- Hudak

Snuley , I am so proud of you! You have come a long way and have completed unbelievable accomplishments throughout your life. -Dad

To my Concussion Queen who is also the girl that love s to total my vehicles. With all the changes and challenges you have faced 1n the last four years, you deserve the best and highe s t prai se for accomp li s hing what others have not been able to achieve 1n our family I am so happy you lettered in cheer at the Academy . You are a bright star to the family , and I know you will continue to s hine 1n your future c hoices. Congrats on thi s accomplishment and the many more s ucce sses you will have . Be careful driving in the future. -Mom

Elin Phillips

We are so proud of the loving , s trong , determined woman you've become Keep chasing your dream s and never s top believ ing you can change the world. Our home will be too quiet without your bubbly perso nality a nd easy laugh.

Erin Royer

You are the definition of su ns hin e! A joy to watch from infancy to your senior year. You are loved completely. You've grown into s uch a beautiful you ng lady with immense potential.

We love you, Mom, Dad and Natalie We can' t wait to see the path you forge!

Jack Babitz

Congratulations Jack Rabbi ts!

We are so proud of you and so excited fo r thi s next adventure!

We love yo u ! Mom , Dad and Molly

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Vivian Weigel

Deare t Vivian,

You have alway been up for an adventureeven a a baby goi ng from Maine to Hawaii ow, you et ail! Go embrace new bore , ever mindful that "a lup 1n harbor 1s afe. but that i not what hip are meant for."

To ay we are proud of you i a g ro s understatement. To ay we love you doe not capture the full mea ure of how much you mean to all of u -

Mommy , Daddy, Henry , Stacy, Je s, aomi, Avri, Jo h, Jeff, Carson, Donovan , & the doggie Maddox , Stella, Shylo & Coco

Liam Fletcher

What a fun adventure it ha s been to watch you become the person you are today!

Your kind heart , gentle so ul and loyal character make us proud beyond words. We are so excited to see what you do next!

Love, Mom and Dad

Jack Feller

Jack, I am so proud of you!

You are an amazing perso n who 1s ktnd , intelligent, and se]f-confident, not to mention a lover of s hoe s, Ch1potle and South Park .

Being your mo m is the bes t gift of my life .

I love yo u , Mom

Mark Robinson


It ha s been a blast to watch you grow up I We can· t belleve 17 years went by so quickly! So exc it ed to see how your next chapter unfolds! We are so proud of you and we lo ve yo u !

Love, Mom , Dad , Jack and Kate

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Anika VanSchaardenburg

Congratul auo ns. we are so prou d of you' You have uch a wo nderfu l p1r1t. You r care an d compass ion fo r others 1s a trait th at makes yo u uniq uely you, and we ad mire yo u for 1t. It h as bee n a JOY to wa tc h yo ur creauve s ide develop over th e e p as t ye ars an d we look forward to where yo u wi ll take 1t.

We love yo u an d wis h yo u th e best i n yo ur f u ture c reat io ns.

L ove, Mo m and D ad

Elijah Grice

We' re so proud yo u turn ed ou t so w ise. compass ionate, adve nturo us, funn y, auth en ti c, and creative. Be in g with yo u as you've grown h as been pur e J Oy. You ' r e the BES T s ki , fi sh an d trave l bu d dy! We wis h yo u wo nd erful adve ntures ah ea d

Love you foreve r ! Mom , D ad Will , Ali ce an d Magic

Isabella Macarelli

B el la,

From th e start, you've always had a p owe rfu l vo ice wi th a h e art f ull of conv ic u on a nd co ur age. You 're s mart, f unn y and as fas t on th e bi ke a nd 1n th e wa ter as yo u are w1th a q uo te fr o m "Th e Off ice."

We ju s t a bout can 't keep up , so it 's pro ba bly goo d th a t yo u ' re gr a duati ng. ;)


~ ~.AN·To-:1S


James Douthit

I t's bee n a lo t of fun , Jame ! All the pr ac ti ces, gam e champi on hip s, ge t-toge ther , fri end , we eken d , tripwe wouldn ' t trad e it for a ny thing. Can ' t wait co ee wha t yo ur nex t c h apter br in g ! We' re pr oud of you!

L ove yo u too m uc h !

D a d , Mom , Ja co b and Jus tin


Kolton Spencer

K o l to n L i a m ,

Co n gr a tul a ti on !

W e are o pro u d of t h e yo ung m an yo u 've b eco m e

a nd we can ' t wait to ee

th e i mp ac t yo u ' II h a e

o n thi world .

L ove yo u M o m , D a d ,

Ki a n & T r ey


Mitchell Meyers Jenna Stroup

A parent's greatest blessing is to see their child grow to be a happy and uccessful person . Watching yo u become a cholar and a fme young man has been a remarkable journey Life has thrown u into un charted territory this la t year and you have navigated it with intelligence, compassio n, responsibility , focu and hard work. These are the thmgs that will make you happy and successfu l in whatever life you create. We are so very proud to cal l you our son and brother. We wish you al l the lu ck in the world as yo ur Journey continues. Never stop learrung, and try not to be a (you know).

Love, Mom, Dad, Johnn y, Ginger and Goldie

Myle s Schreiber


We are so proud of all you have accomp li s hed . Academic s , StuCo, and Irish Dance- we've loved watching you in all of it. Look for th e brightest star in the sky to watch over yo u in your next c hapter.

vVe love yo u bunches!

Mom, Dad, Jackson , and Jaydo n

" Oh , the place you'll go!"

We are o proud of you M yle s!

Lov e you to the moon and ba c k , M o m , Dad , Connor, Emma, Grandma and Grandpa


Andor Toth Andy,

We were o ble ed when you were born. You have made our li ve better becau e of your love , humor, and your adaptability. We are o proud of you and all your accompli hment and we can't wait to ee what you do next. You have a lot to offer thi world.

We love yo u o much ! Alway , Mom & Dad , Car on, Si y & Te ho, & Simon

Eva Christianson Mason Stobbe

How did we get h ere so fa s t, w h ere did the time go?

Watchi ng you grow ha s been the m ost amazing bles 1ng, we are so very proud of you! R emember to dream big, be brave, alway s be kind , yo u are never truly alone, and believe in yo ursel f, you are amazing.

We love yo u , always, forever , no matte r w h at.


Watching you g row h a been our JOY and we are excited to h are in your upcoming journey A Kurt Vonnegut aid, "Sc ience i mag ic that work "

So go make your magic

Love , Mom , Dad , Max & Lyla

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Antonia Sloan

Our little tree hugger! You continue to teach , in s pire and impress u on the daily as we watch you grow. You have al o made u s the proudes t parents by s imply being YOU. You are full of love and full of grace. But mo s t of all, you are full of your own uniquenes s that you not only add to our family but you radiate to anyone who has the privilege to know you Your academic s marts and your athletic talent s in tenni , sw imming , gymnastics, ski ing, and diving s peak for them elves and have only been a bonu s to watch your excel in Continue to live the life you choose and above all BE HAPPY!

We love you, Mother Deare s t and Father Gary

Connor Logan


Your curiosity is infectious and brings us new in sig ht s. Your empathy and acceptance of people is honorabl e. Your love of the outdoors gives us hope that nature will be protected Your power, spee d , and skill on bike, ski , and rock is amazing. We are cheering for you.

Love , Mom , Dad , and Cate

Rya n Sh erry

Ryan ,

These last 18 years went by so fast. You have brought us so much joy and we love you o much . Wherever life takes you, remember to enjoy the journey. Congratulations!

Love, Dad , Mom and Hannah

Camb e ll Thomp s on

Con gratu lations Cambell ! We are pro ud of you and all of the things you have ac hi eved as a stu dent and as a person. T hank yo u to all the teac hers, coac hes, a nd sc hool staff w ho h ave he lped you prepare fo r li fe.

O n to th e next adve nture!

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Lily Fell

Tyler, Tyler Howe

Congratulation on graduating from high chool and movmg on to the next tage of life We are o proud of the young man that you have become! We have loved watching you grow, not only academically, but athletically. Playing every port from occer, to ba ketball, and ultimately landing with your true pa s 1on , baseball. You are uch a good oul. Your kind pirit and "roll with it" per onality make you uch a loyal on and friend to many We wi h you lot of fun 1n college and know you will find great uc ce 1n the year a head. Alway be true to your elf and co ntinue to be our hand ome, happy and pirited T BO Z.

We love you alway , Mom , Dad and Connor

Adam Fea s el

Lily, my little girl. I love you and I am so proud of you. You are smart, strong and beautiful. I can't wait to see how you will light up thi s world!

Love , Mom

Lily , I am so proud of you. You have made it o far and are one of the mo s t beautiful people inside and out.

Love you, Je ssie


You bring o much joy to our live !

We are o proud of you and wi h you much happine !

We love you!

Mom, Dad and Emily

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Devyn Schaefer

We are so 1nc red1bl y pro ud of yo u ! We are so bl esse d to watch yo u bl osso m into a beauti f ul , intelli gent and k ind yo un g la dy 1!! You have absolutely taken every opp ortunity and every o bstac le and emb raced the m ! And yo u h ave JUS t begun yo ur Jo urn ey ' We c ann o t wait to see where co ll ege and be yo nd brin gs yo u ! We kn ow tha t no m atter th e chall e nge, yo u are rea dy for it 1 You are so brave and we are beyo nd impr essed w ith th e goals yo u h ave se t. Yo u are so r eady for yo ur nex t adve nture ! G o get 'e m 1 A few wo rd s for yo u " Alw ays re member your w hy," "S urro und yo ur self with p eo pl e who ge t 1t," "Two thin gs yo u are in total co ntrol of 1n hfe are yo ur a ttitud e and your effort. " Be happ y, be s trong and kn ow we are always here for yo u. We love yo u so mu ch D ev!

L ove, D ad, Mo m, M axly n an d th e pups (M onte & Pax ton)

Samuel Aranda Carter Vali

We are so pr oud of yo u ! Yo u have bro ught u s so mu c h joy a nd it h as bee n a pri vi lege to watch yo u grow

We love you so mu ch ! Mom and D ad

b e do ne. We are s o pro ud of yo u !

Cong ratu lau o n Carter! We rem emb er your fir s t d ay of schoo l in M a di so n, NJ , like it wa s yes t erday. In a blink , I h ere we are s hari ng th e ce le brati on of your gr adu ation . Fo ll ow your fe ar, go with yo ur heart and beli eve it c an up . We adm ire yo u r hard wo rk and de termin a ti on to acco mpli h w ha t eve r yo u put yo ur trund to. We ar e excite d to see wh ere life takes yo u next.

L ove, Mom , D ad and Marku s

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Maci Jones

Maci, You brightened our life the moment you entered 1t Dad and I learned a love we d1dn' t even know existed the day you were born . Your ~weet gentle. kind way have followed you through life. a long with the addiuon of a compet1uve pirit and knowing how to Do The Right Thing. Your leadership qualities and humility amaze us constanLly We have enJoyed watching you grow with such grace and we know you are o ready to spread your wings and fly You are going to do amazing tlungs at Bentley Un1ver ity and beyond We are more proud of you than you can even 1mag1ne I We love you and we are here for you n o matter how far away you ma) be

Love. Mom. Dad and Blake

Lucy Bowman Samantha Lautrup

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run a round and de se rt you Never gonna make you cry ever gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Margaret Andersen

We are proud of all you· ve accomplis he d and look fo r war d to seeing wha t i s ye t to come!

Love, Dad , Mom , Elyssa, and Taran

Sammy, We are o proud of your accomplishments and hard work. You are a wonderful daughter a nd fr iend We can,t wait to ee how you'll bring your unique qualities and gifts to the world in the future . Always remember h ow much we love you!

Mom, Dad and Ju st.In

Jacob Archer

Ja co b, We are very proud of you! You have o many amazing qualities and we have been incre dibly ble ed to have you as our on. Holding you in o ur arm and ki s mg your cheeks to Spiderman cos tume and tickling your feet. We 've lov e d watching you grow mto a hand ome young man. What can we ay, you have brought o mu ch joy! A you move on to life' n ew adventure , alway remember the e thmg , that you can achieve an y thing , you are 1oved and that we believe m you! May God ble s and s trengthen you all the day of yo ur life . Love you yesterday, today and forever! With all our love , Mom and Dad xoxo

Proverb 3:5-6 " Tru tin the LORD with all your heart , and do not lean on your own understandi ng. In all your way acknowledge Him , and He will make traight your path ."

Molly Fickes

Stay humble. Work hard Shine bright B e true to your elf.

And alway remember how much we love you.

Love , Mom , Dad , Charl ie and Kitty

Constantine Iskalis

Constanttne, Your entire hfe , you have excelled academically. a thletically and artistically . Your motivation , se n e of re spon si bility and integrity have made u so proud. You are imply a wonderful human being, with a very bright future !

Love , Dad , Mom , Lex1e and Zipper

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Cole Young

Co le,

We are so proud to see the young man you have become You always amaze u s. Keep l1v1ng life like the adventure it' s been , can't wait Lo see what you do 1n the future.

Love , Mom, Dad, Tanner and Hunter

Kalei Bokinskie

W e hope your dream take you to the cor n er of your smi le , to the h ighest of your h ope , to the windows of your oppo rturuu es, and to th e most peciaJ place your h eart ha s ever known.

L ove you bunches! M om and Dad -

Samuel Bauer

Our deare t ammy 1

Congra tul at ion on all you have accompl1 h ed o far. We Jove you o much and we are o proud of th e caring, incere, re pectful, hone t and wo nd erfu l young man you have become. We look forward to ee1ng what you do and where you go _ ___, 1n the future t

Love al\vay , Mom, Dad, George and He nry

Connor McCormick

Congratulat ion Connor!

On goe the Journey toward fulfi llin g your unique purpo e May you continue to learn and enjoy the proce 1n the mid t of it al l . We are proud of you!

Love , Mom, Dad , Max , and H ank

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Isaac Thei s

Reggie ,

It eem like ju s t ye terday that you were putting together ridiculou s ly huge Lego c reation and running barefoot through the neighborhood to go fi hing in the pond. Watching you grow into the kindhearted, intelligent , funny, adventurous, chill young man that yo u are has been the best part of our live . Remember that everything you need i s in side of YOU ! Alway s tay humble and kind . Alway s be yo ur self and believe in yourself. Work hard . You are an amazing so n , friend, and s tudent athlete. We are so proud of you. We love you be yo nd words and can not wait to see what you give bac k to thi world and tho se around you.

Love, Morn, Dad & Diggs

Jady n Goodrich

J ady n,

The way you viewed the world with smi lin g wonder ever si nce you were tin y, and at th e sam e ume attacked c hallenge s like a tigre ss, has been u c h a JOY Han g o nt o that as you go after your dream . We are o proud of you and lov e you so much Jay !

L ove, M o m , Dad and Ra c h

Joey Mancu s o

You n ever cease to amaze u with your s trength, courage and determination You are wise beyond your years. We are trul y blesse d to have a on and brother like you. We love you more than words can say. You will make thi s world a better pla ce.

Love ,

Mom , Dad , and Dom

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Kylie Hard Congratulation Ky li e!

Graduation i final ly here and we are o proud of yo u ! Yo u are an ama z in g, kind , intelli ge nt yo un g lad y and yo u are go in g to make an in c redib le differe n ce in thi wo rld Stay tru e to yo ur elf and you wil l u ccee d a t anything yo u e t your mind to!

W e love yo u , Dad, M o m, H a ley and yd n ey

Ethan Bontrager


W e cou ld not be m or e proud of th e yo un g man you've become. You are a gift to your family, friends, and teamma tes. W e c an 't wait to see what yo u do in life. Jus t be you, be kind, and love J esus.

W e love you so much, M om and Dad , Sam, Benj and I zzy

Miles For syth-Simon

We love yo u and are exc it ed fo r you r next adventure in l ife!

And re m e mb er "Neve r l e t fear de ci d e your fate."

L ove, Mom , Dad , P a bl o (and L o u ie)

Garrett Greiner


We are very proud of the amazing pers on you are today You are going to do big things and we cannot wait to see w h ere li fe take~ yo u Your humor, ki n dn e s an d calm attit ude will se r ve you well.

We will m1 s you G but wish yo u the b e t o n you r next adventure!

L ove, Mom, D ad, Abby

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Sydney Benson


We have so man y great memorie s over the years from play date s with c hildhood friend s; to soccer , indoor and beach volleyball across the co untry ; our c heri s hed pets Zoey and Lulu ; and our travel s arou nd the world! We have enJoyed and c heri shed watching you grow and evolve into the wonderful woman you are We are so proud of you!

Always s tay true to yo ur heart , keep working hard , lead with kindnes s, enJOY every day and you wi ll achieve your goals a nd dreams.

Can't wait to see what the f uture hold s for you!

Love you' Mom and Dad

McKenzie Gallagher Tegan Starick

McKenz ie, We are o proud of the person you have beco me We love yo ur adventuro us spiri~ c reativ i ty, kindness, hum or, and w illingne s to try o man y thi ng as yo u grew up . You are an amaz ing celli t and watching yo u pl ay has alw ay made us proud You have a grea t futur e ahead.

Tegan , Th ank you for all th e treasu r e you have give n u s! Th e s miles , tea rs, l aug ht er, and a dven tures. You melted our h earts f rom day o n e, and you r effo rt h ave as u red u yo u w ill meet th e c hall enges ahead! W e are o proud of yo u , and love yo u to th e m oo n and b ack

L ove, D a d and M om

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Kaedyn Woodard

D ear K aedy n , You h ave made u al l o very p r o ud . Proud of your ktnd n e an d humili ty. Proud of your dri ve to ucceed. P ro ud of th e m an you have b eco m e . Fo r yo u we wi h h a ppin e , heal th , u cces , adve ntu re, and l ove. Drea m b ig an d work h ard Go c h ange t he worl d by be ing yo ur e l f A l way h ow up to each d ay D o w h at i r ig ht , not w h a t i ea y. Li ve in th e mo m e nt a nd e nJoy th e li t tl e thtngs. Re member to b e gra te ful a n d th a nkf ul. We a r e al l h e re fo r yo u every tep of th e way. Yo u are o very l ove d .


M o m , D ad , S tefan i e, Mi ke, K ai la ru , G r aycen , a nd Cy ru s

Alice Sweeney

Dear Ali ce,

Yo u have always be en a brig ht lig ht in o ur Iive Yo u se e a world fu l l o f p oss ibilitie a nd h ave in ce the day yo u wer e bo rn . W e co uld not be m or e pr o ud of yo u and w h o y ou h ave g r own to be!

Andre w Berub e


It h as bee n uc h f un to wa tc h yo u grow f r om tha t precoc i o u , littl e b oy a t S TMP to th e am az ing p e r o n yo u are to d ay. W e are very pro ud of yo u and co nfid e nt yo u w ill d o grea t things!

L ove, We l ove yo u !!

Mom , D a d , Addi son , Anna a nd To mm y

D a d , M o m , B e n , No r a, M acy and Coco

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Alec Sander s

Alec ,

We are o proud of you and your accompli hments and o excited to ee what happen a you tart your co llege career.

Stay humble and enjoy the ride!

Love, Mom and Dad

Tama s Delmonico

Congratulation s Tama s !

We are proud of you and grateful for who you are

We l ove you!

Dad, Mom , Alex and Julien

Mariah Sanchez Calva

Lovi n g! You have been throu gh o mu c h th e e la t four ye ar s I know it was not easy, but yo u co ntinu e d on and now loo k , my bab y is a se ni or ! Ju s t kn ow I will always b e you r biggest s upp orter 1n whatever yo u do! I love you more than yo u kn ow!

Love , Mom

M y ba by s is ter, I am so proud of you and your s tren g th th ese p as t four years. You ' re my in s piration

Love, your bi g s i s ter

Mariah, You finally did it!

Love , A lyssa

Scarlett Garsombke

Scarlett, Your se nior ye ar is one for the hi s tory books for sure and we couldn't be more proud of you! You have worked so hard during your high sc hool years and have alway maintained your pos itive and kind spirit. We look forward to your next adve nture ! We love you so much!

Love , Mom , Dad, and Stella

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A shlie Polvogt

Ashlie, I , m so proud of you! Yo u ' re c aring, hard- working and have a great sense of humor. Always follow your heart .. it will never s teer you wrong. And reach for the stars I ' ll back you all the way ! I ' m so proud to call you my daughter. I love you so much!


Raya Wehner

Raya, You in s pire us with you r drive , c reativity , compass ion, s trength and critical mind . Your next ch ap ter will be incredible. Thi s world is a better pl ace with yo u in it.

We are so proud of you .

Brenna Cude

Bre nna ,

You are the exclamation mark in th e happie t entence I could eve r po ibl y write. You are th e mo t magi c al accompli hm e nt of my e ntire exi t e n ce and I love you more than you wil l ever po ibly know . You wi ll go o far 1n thi life a nd I wi ll be c h ee rin g you on every tep of the way.

I l ove yo u o very mu c h. Your "Madre"

Benjamin Kirschner

Hoo ray Be n' You are on you r way! We are so proud of the kind , comp ass io nate yo ung ma n you are and how yo u·ve worked to acco mpli sh yo ur goals. The world i s hu ge- dream bi g and et yo ur ow n path ! Love, Mom , Dad and Kau e

Kayla Mcilroy

Kay la , co ngra tu lat1ons ! We are so proud of all that yo u are May all of yo ur aston ishing characte ris ti cs serve yo u well. Within you, is a ll th at you ne ed. Th e future is yours! Go ge t it! We LOVE yo u!

XO , Mo m, Dad & Dy lan


Max Atencio Anderson

It see ms like it was just yesterday, our little boy watching "How It 's Made" & " The Weather Channel" featuring Hypercane s! You running around the hou se playing out a sce nario while taking care and managing "Your City." As you got older, we have had front row sea ts to your interes t in hi story that included compelling storie s about obscure (and not so obscure) facts You are witty , s mart , and funny. You are truly a genuine , incere, and loving person . You have been such a joy to us. We feel excitement along with anticipation and intrigue for the unfolding of your future. Only more brightness can be a result of so meone so bright! We are so proud of you'

Love , Dad & Mom

Ryan Toy

We ' re proud of who you have be co me, Ryan . We love yo ur sense of humor, our talk about politics and football , and your s up er ior skiing s kill s. You are a great compa nion for road trip s, and we look forward to many more.

We love you!

Mom , Dad , and Joanna

Katy Freeman

Katy, you have made your family so proud, pread your powerful wing , and accompli hed o much already. You're mart , beautiful, athletic, creative, compa s ionate, fun , and funny! We al l adore you and look forward to watchi ng you make your mark on the world.

We love yo u ! Mom, Dad, Max & Sam ...

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Delaney McLaughlin

You are a trong, beautiful and co mp a ionate young woman known a c holar, athlete, mu ician and frie nd . eve r be overw helm ed by th e wo rld , Overwhelm IT ! You h ave all th e too l and th o e you don't, yo u will acq uire or make yo ur elf Oh , The Place You'll Go!

L ove, Dad , Mom, Von & Suki

Olivia Chevalier

Livi Boo ...

You are mart , bea utiful , ill y, ath letic, funny and the be t DJ around! We are o very proud of you and al l you h ave accomp li hed ! You bring joy to al l around yo u and we can't wait to ee what the future hold

We love yo u o much, Mom, Dad , Grace and Luc

Emily Becker

Emi ly,

We are so proud of yo u and who you h ave become! Your drive for excellen ce will take yo u far , and your love of outdoor ad ven ture will take you to amazi ng places!

We lo ve yo u , Mom , Dad , J ohnn y, Will and Juli a

Olivia Chevalier

I love you s i ster! Th e funniest per on I know , and the bes t frie nd I could have been given. Don't ever dull that sparkle in you.

2021 let 's goooo!

L ove, G

Kaylea Mendoza

Dear Kay lea, You are braver than you believe, stronger than you eem, marter than you think , and loved more you know.

We are so proud of th e incredible human being that you are! Love yo u to th e moon & back, Mom and Dad

o \c~rn froM histor
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Taylor Volek


We are o proud of you. The time ha passe d by so fa t , we are beyond blessed and lucky to be your parent From the moment you were born we knew there was something so spec ial about you and that you were here to do great things. We can't wait to watch you take on the world. We love you so much , now and forever!

Love , Mom, Dad and the whole family

Rub y B erkenkamp

Dear Rub y Sue,

You are an amazing young woman- kind, compassionate and funny We look forward to watching you take flight and se t the world on ftre . Your next c hapter be gin s now! We are so proud of you.

Charlie Roll

Li ve every moment, Laugh ever y day,

Love b eyond words. You ' re off to great places! Wi s hing you as much joy and happiness that you have brought all of us !

Love , Dad , Momma , Grady , and Ja sper Love always, Dad

Kate Bain

We are so proud that you have always had the s tren gth to h old on and the courage to l et go. We k n ow you will flip into the future with th e grace and fiercene ss tha t you have alway s s h own.

We love you!

Mom and Dad


Isabella Jones

We ar e o proud of you. You ha ve accompli hed o much durin g your high chool year . We are amazed at your talent and focu . Keep followin g your dream and your pa ion . You are only limited by your ability to imagine the endle po ibilitie

Love , Mom , Dad , Penelope, Charlotte, Zorro and Kiwi

Ana Hopper

W e are so pro ud of yo u and all yo u have accomplished over the years!! We are s uper excited for thi s next chapter in your life and wish you happine s, s uccess, and lots of amazing adventures!

All our love, Mom , Dad , Adi and E s me

Max Ryan

Adventure is out there ! Keep following your pass ion a nd contin ue your journey. You are amazing Max!

Congratulauon s ! We love you lot s! !

Love , Dad , Mom , Mor Mor and Sam

Toby Hassett

Toby , W e are so ve ry proud of you for o man y rea on ! You put yo ur whole heart into every thing you do. We can't wait to ee where your future take yo u , a there is no doubt you will do so mething amazing! You have s u c h a fun per onality thank for making u s l augh a nd feel loved , all day every day!!

Love, your big ge t fan , Mom , Dad, S co tty and Anna


Car s on White

A Se ru or Yearbook Poe m , by M o m

"No per mi t1do"- the se ni o r pi c tu re\ , so I d id th e be\ t I could

To le t yo u know tha t we L OVE yo u , and are ve r y PROU D o f yo u, a~ we s h ould . . . H appy Gra du a ti o n CJ !!

W e are exc it e d to wa tc h you fl y L ove yo u , M o m , D ad & Ca m

Harmony McMullin

Our S un s hine, You 've a lways bee n a mos t k i nd , th oughtful , co mpa ssio nat e, fun , we ll -s poke n gi rl. You 've go t man y tale nt s: coo kin g, running, deb ating, an d a mas ter thrift er to o! All yo ur f amil y loves yo u to th e end s of th e ear th . and so ve ry proud of you . Wh at an imp ac t yo u ' ll make! Go ge t ·em Harm $

1--6 4

Sydney Moser

At a los f or word 18 years we nt by too f as t. So p r o ud o f yo u D ad S KM=S l bs of s u g ar An esse nti a l fo r b akin g Sydn ey, yo u are e sential. Lu cky wo rld Kee p ri in g, S w ee t Sy d ney M o m

I ' ll v is it yo u S OMEBODY h as to take m e to T aco B e ll. G u s l " g rand c hi l d : We re m e mb er 1n d e tail th e d ay yo u we re bor n .. ~ign1ficant. o m e m o r a b le You h ave d o n e so very we l l. an d , a you progre s you w ill co nti nu e to mak e us very pr ou d ! We l oo k fo r ward to w 1tnes 1ng your f uture. Mirru & Gr an dp a

Co ng r a tul a ti o n s , S y d ney I M ay Go d B le yo u in a ll yo ur e n deavors

W e kn ow yo u r futur e w ill b e as br ig ht as yo ur mi le an a & Po pPop

Jaidyn Zucca

Jaid ,

Your hard wo rk an d d e term ination have broug ht you to thi s d ay. Co nti nu e bel iev ing in yo ur se lf , take on ch al l e nge s and n ever le t a nyo ne b r ing yo u dow n Re me mb er to alway s s tay tr ue to you rse lf. We are so pr oud of yo u an d all of yo u r acc omp l ishme n ts. Yo ur futur e is br ig ht !

We love yo u Jaid, Mo rn , Dave , M ad i , Emm a an d Remi

Landree McClure

"Fo ll ow y o ur h ear t , b u t take yo ur b rain wi th yo u ." -2pac


Shayne Abrams

Shayne Ree e Oktos ha, Live every moment, Laugh every day , Love beyond words. I can't wait to see what the Universe has in s tore for you. You've been amazing s ince the day you arrived .

" Today you are you, that is truer than true. There i s no one alive who is youer than you! You have brains in your h ead. You have feet in your shoes. You can s teer yourself any direction you choose."

I love you MOST baby girl. forever and always! Mom

Gryffin Sanders Jade Trujillo

Gryffin , We are beyond proud of yo u and yo ur acco mpli shme n ts!

You h ave always been a s weet a nd kind-hearted person! We wis h you th e best of lu ck in all that yo u do!

Love , Mom a nd Dad

To our preciou Gordie, From the mom e nt you were born you have been our gr ea test blessing. We are so proud of you and th e woman you 've become . We know you' 11 go on to do great thing , and con tinue to make us proud.

Love , Dad and Mom

I - -~--------------------------------------66 - - -
ass o

Would you rather be five years older, or two years younger?


At this moment, who is your personal hero? Who are they, and why?


- - - 67
.. , LDEN HIGH SCH IiOME OF THE C o I o r a d <Ys O I d. s l E s tabl i~hed l C LASS Of 199 7

Noel Abare

tily Abbott

Alden Abeyta

Paige Adzema

Sage Alling

Mohamed Almrobat

Elliot Anderson

Luke Anderson

Hannah Aplonolp

Meredith Arnold

Chloe Axelrod

Gabriella Boker

Keira Bolaun

Christopher Barbato

Gabrielle Battaglia

Liam Bouer

Brooklee Baybeck

Madison Bergstrom

Samantha Biesemeler

Hannah Blockmon

Madeline Blair

Bloke Bowman

Connor Brankin

Michael Brounogel

Conlen Breheny Logan Brewer

Coleton Brickle

Skye Bnon

Denali Broodley

Morgon Brodnax

Have any of your goals changed over the past few months?

"They're the same for the most part."

Zachary Weiler

What is your favorite cla so far? Why?

1would say honestly my math class , just because of the teacher. He is very enjoyable. I would say Ponicsan is my favorite because he is an insanely die-hard, funny guy I really struggle with Math, but Ponicsan is such a good tea c her, he makes everything clear I definitely love that claS$ Kevin White


Cecelia Burnham

Joya Byrnes

Maya Carlson

Ryon Carriere

Hunter Cosselman

Yvonne CeNelli

Has your motivation changed? How?

"Yes, when I found out we were going back in person, I quickly got less motivated because I felt as if it would be easier to do nothing the last few weeks of online which was bad, but now I feel as if it will be harder.

Motivation was strong in the beginning but now I've lost a lot of it.·

Jenna Ricketson

Connor Chose

Zenia Christianson

Chad Church

Cohn Clarkin

Christian Cohan

Ella Colemon

Charles Coors

Hannah Corbin

Sthetany Cortez

Sophia Costenaro

Bloise Coulter

Cameron Couper

Robert Crone

Janiah Crowfoot-Beyette

Alexander Cunningham

Dayton Dalrymple

Julie Dalrymple

Andrew Davis

Abigail des Cognets

Brenda Dodson

Paige Douglass

Devlynn Doyle

Kayleigh Doyle

De'Jour DuBois

Have your socializing skills improved or gotten worse over the past year?

"Probably worse because we don't meet people outside as much and we can't go out. It just decreased the amount of time I spent with my friends , Now I spend more time by myself which made my socializing skills worsen ."

David Yoon

71 I J I

Jaden Dute

So~hia Eakes

Frances Eaton

Alina Edgett-Duran

Jadence Edwards

Lakeland Eldred

Paxton Engesser

Hunter Fabinski

Hugo Favre-Trosson

Kevin Fawcett

Caitlin Ferguson

Louie Ficco

Liam Fisher

Jovani Gallegos

Ava Ganter

Isaac Gehrett

Kira Geibe-Bonde

Seth Gerow

Hannah Gerwlng

Micaela Giulionelli Cone

Sarah Goerold

Annie Goldman

John Gomez

John Gornick

Kellon Graf

Jack Haggard

Briar Hamp

Mason Harder

Ella Harrison

Kate Hathway

Has your motivation changed?


It has c hanged . My parents have been more stri ct about my grades. "

Aiden Abeyta

What do you hope changes next year?

"I h o pe that the workload is more manageable."


Kaia Hein

Eleonor Helker

Zachary Henderson

Samuel Hirons

Jada Housel

Mia Howe

Do you have more empathy for strangers now that we are all going through a pandemic?

"I have considerable empathy, especially because I have seen the impact that COVID has on people in less fortunate situations."

Libbie Wilson

Ashlyn Howie

Eva Hughes

Alexandro lskalis

Myra James

Zena Johnson

Holey Johnston

Molly Jones

Brod Keller

Alyssa Kenitzer

Estelle Kennamer

Anna Kennedy

Shanga Khorshld

Reagan King

Toby Klecker

Ella Kristofco

Payton Kruse

Michael Krzywonski

Nora Labbo

Matthew Lamborne

Elizabeth Lambson

Sean Landmark

Ethan Lewis

Delaney Marie Lingad

Ezekiel Lugo

What was the biggest change or challenge you had to face?

· "I struggled to comp lete assignments at h ome on my own."

.. ,_ ____________ ________________________________ _
73 l !

Gabriella Mocorelll

Clansy Malone

Jordon Mascarenas

Morgan McCorter-Arnold

Jack McEnroe

Ryan Medley

Ion Messa

Bodi Miller

Mayo Miller

Tatum Miller

Thirophat Miller

John Mitchell

Madison Mobley

Chance Moore

Allee Moreland

Jessica Morrissey

Adam Mote

Brady Mulligan

Zachary Murphy

Eli Novant

Abygole Norton

Olivia Nygard

Annalyse o·oorisio

Edward O'Sullivan

K1an Oakl1ef

Isabel Ortiz

Ainsley Overholt

Meredith Overton

Hunter Paden

Anders Page-Roth


Victoria Pallagl

Jackson Porker

Mallory Peterman

Manel Peters

Somantha Phllleo

Nathaniel Phillips

Jaden Philp

Tnst1n Pieper

Matthew Pino

Thomas P1pk1n

Luke Plotnick

Akairo Pot

Anthony Powell

Connor Pratt

Ellena Prehn

Ethan Pnce

Richard Pruett

Anno Purcell

Kalley Purta

Noah Roths

Bryce Reeburgh

Nicholas Reinert

loin Remington

Andrew Repine

Jasmin Reveles

Jose Reynoso

Ella Ricci

Madison Rice

Anthony Rich

Jenna Ricketson

Isabella Rieger

-Briana Rios

Kelsen Ritter

Daniel Roberts

Gabriela Rothenberger

Samuel Rubenstein

Maura Rumley

Sebastian Ryerson

Violet Soifer

Angelina Sanchez

Omar Sanchez-Munoz

Sheea Sau

Cosette Saull

Sophie Schneider

Zachery Schultheis

Eleanor Schumacher

Austin Seela

Ian Segur

Haidu Sharoid

Stephanie Shemesh

Cotherine Sheridan

James Sheridon

Cherish Sherman

Mingma Sherpa

Alexandria Smith

Landon Smith

Mason Smith

Landon Stampka

Caitlyn Stevens

Olivio Stroy

Dalton Summers

Wongchat Sundoropura

Adelle Surghani

Maio Sytner

Arion Tahmourasl

Ashley Toylor

Zoe Tennant

Joshua Torrey

Simon Toth

Mara Touher

M,o Towl

Kaylyn Townsend

Benjamin Trader

Tobias Trujillo

Nyo Ulrich

Vanessa Umberger

Anno Vermeulen

Kevin Villa

Brett Vining

Marcello Vullo

Jacob Wade

Zane Walsh

Drew Watters

Cole Ward

Molly Weber

Tanner Wehrli

Zachary Weiler

Spencer West

McCloine Wetch

Kevin White


Q : What do you go to Warren Tech for?

A: To be a nail tech.

Q : What's your favorite part about what you do?

A : My favorite part about doing nails at Warren Tech is doing something I genuinely enjoy doing while learning how to do it better and know that I will have a career in it.

Q : Is it hard balancing both Warren Tech and Golden High School?

A : Under the circumstances , it is a little more difficult than anticipated but overall the fact that it is something I enjoy doin has made it easier to handle.

Q : How is it doing Warren Tech for the first time in a pandemic?

SoQJa Williams Kadence William~ordova Libbie Wilson Jake Wimbish Faith WolH David Yoon
Milo Young Jazlynn Haro

A: Its a little bit disappointing just because there aren't as many opportunities as there would be without all the restrictions

Q: Are you going to continue your studies at Warren Tech?

A Yes. I am planning to stay at Warren Tech this upcoming year.

Q: When did you know that you wanted to do what you 're doing currently?

,\: Ive talked about getting a cosmetology license and after realizing that nail art is big right now I decided being a nail technician would be a good career choice

Q: Do you have a back up plan if you didn 't enjoy nails?

A: Yes. I plan on going to college for a business administration degree

Q: What do you wish you knew before going into Warren Tech?

A: I wish I knew that high school and Warren Tech would be more separated .

Q: Do you enjoy doing what you do?

A: I enjoy it a lot, It's so worth it and just every thing about it is so fun.

Q: Would you recommend Warren Tech to the students at Golden High School? 79

A: Yes, I would I think it's a great way to explore and to get to know what you like


Jason Abel

Lesly Alvarez Ovalle

Declan Ambrose

Elyssa Andersen

Holly Anderson

Isabel Anderson

Sophie Anderson

Angel Angeles

Jonathon Archer

Brion Arnold

Jordon Aulik

Josilyn Boch

Preston Boker

Katelyn Baldwin

Ava Barnicle

Maddison Bates

Madison Bates

Jillian Battista

George Bouer

Yadira Baylon Regalado

Joelynne Beaber

Violette Beaupre

John Becker

Carter Beckford

Nathaniel Bell

Jane Bengston

John Berkenkomp

Jayden Berry

LIiiian Bester

Clayton Block

... ..

Do you prefer online or hybrid learning?

" In person ."

Mallory Wren

If you could describe this year in one word, what would it be?



Jady Sharp

I --l

Adrion Blozejczvk

Tristan Bradbury

Jos iah Branham

Erica Brounschwe ig

Chase Brion

Madison Bromfield

What do you hope is different next year?

"Definitely that we are in perso n and that I get to see everyone ,"

Peyton Brown

Abby Bruns

Mason Burns

Alessio Busnardo

Caden Coldes

Brayton Calley

Nicholas Campanelli

Hoyden Carbone

Evelyn Carlson

Alexander Chaffee

Jordan Chong

Joden Chapman

Torin Chevalier

Cheyenne Cloy

Jonathon Cochenour

Leisha Colin Najera

Vance Colle

Lucas Cox

Jock Cross

Lucas Cubansk1

Ashley Cummings

Deegan Darcey

Melanie Dorr

Colin Dougherty

Have your socializing skills improved or gotten worse over the past year?

"They h ave gotten 1gn1ficantly worse , be ca u e I have limited soc ial 1nteract1on especially not being at sc hool dall y "

I I 83

Jacob Decker Lauren Dewar

Mox Diffenderfer

Joseph Dixon

Conner Douglass

Justin Douthit

Mirando Dove

Isabell Duffy Mox Ecke

Mallorie Eckelberg

Solideo Ficco

Ion Fischer

Chloe Flannigan

Joden Flaugher

Eleonor Fluckiger

Samuel Freemon

Natalia Fusiorz

Derek Gallegos

Andres Garfias

Kyte Goldstein

What is something you are willing to fight for? Why?

Amanda Duchow
Loewe Eldred Ross Ellis Joseph Ellison
Grace Emory Emily Enos
Carlie Fajardo Paige Farewell
Sophia Farris Graeme Ferguson

Leila Goode

Lucy Gordon

Keileigh Gorman

Charles Greco

Phoenix Gregg

Abigail Greiner

Alma Gutierrez Cano

Fot1mo Guzman

Ian Hall

Mokena Hammer

Brooke Hansen

Thor Hansen

Kim Hanssen

Sydney Hord

Daine Hort

Scott Hassett

Cheyanne Haywood

Luke Henderson

Dustin Hendrix

Emma-Rose Hensley

Pedro Hernandez Teran

Jock Hines

Ava Hinz

Stephan Hoefler Schoneman

Jasper Hohenegger

Sarah Holmes

Zander Holowitz

Christopher Homer

Adison Hopper

Joydon Hord

,!!.£eI , I

Sqcnuel Hord

Jack Howard

Carlos Huarcaya Osorio

Nieves Huarcaya Osorio

Mileena Huerena

Henry Hummels

Brody Johnson

Kendall Johnson

Joseph Jones

Lucas Jones

Penelope Jones

Ryan Jones

Ardena Jordan

Sophie Justus

Sean Keating

Katelyn Kelble

Jock Kelley

lsibealla Kimble

Chloe Klein

Zadie Knopp

Moisun Kobel

Cameron Kronberg

Samantha Kruger

liberty Kuhns

Dias Kurakbay

Caleb Lo

Hannah Lane

Done Lorson

Jacob Laubhan

Maddox Lee Kested

Broiden Lewis

Broderick Lewis

Snix Dylunn Lingad

Clayton Lippoldt

Nikolai Loar

Catherine Logan

Dylan Long

Micah Long

Thomas Longobardi

Gabriela Lopez Gonzolez

Henry Lopez Trillo

Avery Lord

Zachary Lovlngler

Burke Lowrey

Mckenzie Lucken

LIiiian Ludwig

Berrt Lundberg

Darcey Lynn

Brooklyn Macias

Robert Mackenzie

Rory Maddux

Dominic Mancuso

Ethan Monn

Chase Manni

Robert Martin

Emily Martinez

Liam Masterson

Calvin Mathews

Kevin Mat1sheck

Ayden Mccanless


Colston McKenna

Owen McNeal

Morgan McNeil!

Liam Melcher

Maximus Melies

Madeline Melle

Rowan Messina

John Meyers

Corbin Moody

Flavio Moreno Lopez

Scott Morrison

August Moser

Lily Mourer

Ani Napuli

Ruby Neill

Alexandra Novello

Alexandro Noyes Xavier Nuss

Lance Oldfather Hailey Olson

Samantha Orduno Martinez La1f Palmer

Kiley Paulson

Dominic Pedavoli

Grant Penland

Luis Perez- Holguin

Laurel Perkin

Isabella Perry

Areli Teran

Q: When did your interest in makeup first start?

A : I was always interested in makeup ever since I was young because I would see my mom do her makeup.

Q: Is there any makeup artist that Inspires you?

A : Louie Castro inspires me

Q: Would like to make H a career?

A : I do want to make being a makeup artist a career, and I'm working towards that

Q: What Is your favorHe part about H?

A : My favorite part about it is how you can express you rself through makeup doing different looks depending on how you're fee ling.

Q: Is there anyone that you share your interest wHh?

A : I know a couple of peop le who are also interested in !earning to be a makeup artist.

- - -
Kayley McClanahan • Teogan McGovern
l I

Magnus Peterson

Natalie Phillips

Kane Poole

Cole Powderly

Anneke Powell

Joxon Powers

Koben Qua1ser

Siena Quesada

Gabriello Raguso

Ellary Ranney

Mia Rauz1

Hablba Reda

Chase Reed

Griffin Reed

Ashley Reveles

Alonzo Reyes

Emilee Reynolds

Sydney Richards

Jozel Riley

Jack Robinson

Lochlan Rogers

Josh Rohweder

James Roll

Carly Rommeney

Broe Rose

Jacob Royer

Lillian Ruiz

Marcus Runfola

Jacqueline Rust

Isabelle Rutar

Q: Is It your passion? If not, then do you think it ever will be?

A· Makeup is my passion, I love doing it.

a: Do yo u feel It is a significant part of your life?

A: I do feel it is a significant part of my life because it's what I llke to do and what I've always wanted to do as a career.

Ei&: Why d o you choose it as a source of inspiration and/or happiness?

A : I chose it as an inspiration/source of happiness because it's what makes me feel better Like for example, if I have had a bad day or I don't feel good I go and do my makeup to feel better

&: What would you say to someone who is just starting?

A. Practice makes perfect.

a: How i nvested in makeup are you?

,\ : I am really invested in makeup, I have been getting more invested the past 3 years and I'm still practicing and trying to see more of what I can do.


Nqdija Rutar

Clara Rutledge

Samuel Ryan

Fischer Sabadosh

Rachael Sanchez

Mox Sanden

Katharine Sontjer

Ion Sausto

Brock Schrom

Landon Serafin

Logan Seward

Haydyn Shaffer

Jonathan Sharp

Francis Shea

Adorn Shuler

Kylie Sisco

Lucia Sloan

Francesco Slowinski

Bloke Smith

Sasha Sonsino

Savannah South

Leo Spanski

Trey Sparks

Trey Spencer

Nolan Spetzler

Kira Stanek

Lucas Stearn

Oev1on Stephens

Keegan Stephens

Nola Stewart

- - - -

Henry Stickling

Maxwell Stobbe

Kaelon Stonehouse

Seamus Story

Brayden Streich

Burke Stricker

Henry Stubenrauch

Jade Swanson

Deyo Tollman

Areli Teran Hernandez

Brady Thompson

Kyle Thornhill

Forest Tingley

Vaughn Tingley

Chorfes Tobin

Taylor Tobin

James Towle

Joanna Toy

Campbell Traylor

Sonia Uria

Sofia Valenti

Markus Vali

Adriano Vosquez

Alexio Vosquez

Tonner Vodicka

Sienna Vu1Jsters

Gabriella Vullo

Luke Wagner

Thadius Wagner

Kirby Walker

I r:t1 J -6'-\'L I j



Emma Wengrovius






Mallory Wrenn

Madi DuVarney first became interested in speech and debate in 8th grade, wher1 they saw the class on the list of classes t o c hoose from Immediately they were intrigued by the idea of participating on the team, so they decided to give it a shot. Madi met three close friends through debate. Madi's favorite part of debate is the team dynamic However, their least favorite aspect of debate is having to wake up early on Saturday mornings for competition. Madi 's biggest achievement so far is placing fourth out of roughly 250 teams at a big tournament She hopes to compete at nationals in the future and believes it would be an incredible thing to accomplish. Madi's favorite part of competing is the rush of it They say, " Ifs so exhilarating in the moment, and I absolutely love doing it no matter the results I get." However, co mpetition can be very challenging at times. Their least favorite part of competing is, "O ne of those moments where I accidentally say something wrong , or I don ' t have evidence to patch a hole in my case." One thing Madi has learned from speech and debate thus far is learning how to speak for different audiences , whether it be a coach, experienced judge, or even 92 an inexperienced judge They believe this to be a valuable skill.

- ---
Warneke Weinberg West Weston QuoidWetch Wheeler Luisa Wilson Wilson Wishart Jackson Xander Miles Young Micah Zahn Pavel Zdon

Micah Long

Q : When did you start football?

A_ -rt,_,1)1 ,an year

Q : Why di d you start football?

A. , had always wanted to ploy tackle football but my mother said not until high school because she knew the nsks On top of that I wonted to do some sort of school activity. I didn't wont to be on everyday high school student I wanted to do a little mcrr- v.tith myself

Q : Would y ou say football is your passion? Why or why not?

A: Vw, 1en you say passion I think that typically means thafs the sole thing you re dedic1ted to. So no I don't think ifs my only passion but it's l 00°10 something that I am ,pry passionate about and put many hours of my hfe into

Q : Is there any advice you would give to other kids want ing to start football?

A. ,,,ere definitely 1s. it's a fantastic program but if you want to join you can't expect to only put a percentage of your effort into rt If you·re going to join you need to make sure you're ready to give all of your effort don't Join because you think it will make you more popular or anything like that You hove to be committed to the sport 1, i +hr- positives will come after that

Q ; Is foo tball a si gnif i cant part of your life? Why or why not?

A Al.Jsolutely, 1t tokes up a lot of time and even during the off season you still hove to do workouts and keep yourself 1n shape so year round ifs a significant port of my life and if5 well worth it

Q : What is someth ing that you wished you knew before you started football?

A. 1 wished I would hove known how hard rt could be I would've wonted to know this not because I don't appreciate that ifs hard, but I would hove prepared myself in advance for the competition for posrt1ons by working out and gaining weight prior +,-, ,I.he first summer camp

Q : Are you thinking about mak ing it a future career? Why or why not?

,.. Not really I have a lot of other things I am passionate about that I would rather pursue as far as a future Job

Q: Who is someone that inspires you to do football?

A: A lot of people inspire me to continue to play football My friends who also play football inspire me to keep going because of the c-lose bonds I have with them My coaches are very inspirational to me I hardly get any one-on-one conversations with Coach Yonnocito, however, he inspires me with his team speeches The coaches I get more personal time wrth that inspire me are Cooch Carvalho and Coach Holtman They push me to my limit and acknowledge my progress 1n the sport Lastly. my dad inspires me without his knowledge He has always wanted me to play football and making him proud 1nsp1res me to keep going

Q: Do you th ink you will continue football? Why or why not?

A. , p,an on playing through high school as of now, but you never know what could happen so who knows what my future 1kl"

Q : How ha s cov id affected your football e x perience?

A: \_JVid hos torn away a lot of things from the football program such as the UNC summer camp we do every year, cut a few games out of our season, and forced the coaches to come up with ways to deal with the situation as for as practices and workouts. And most important ly, the seniors this year hod to deal with so much adversity


Eloyna Abeyta

Keiton Abeyta

Donny Abrams

Alrayon Adorn

Miles Allen

Rhett Allen

Marwo Almrabat

Romon Anderson

Adio Annibella

Hendrick Arnold

Christian Baker

Grayson Baker

Lyndsey Barnett

Hunter Borr

Benjamin Barron

Isaac Battista

Haeley Beaudette

Emersen Beer

Christopher Belew

Greyson Belstock

Owen Berg

Zonyolane Bermonis

Rocco Berninzoni

Koioh Berry

Fen Biasi

Callie Bishop

Anton Blazejczyk

Trinity Bliss Berglund Eslaminia

Joke Bochow

Koden Bonatede I

- - - -
j . I

Jack Braun

Indiana Bredice

Hailey Brodnax

Griffin Brown

Ian Brown

Channing Bruce

Gavin Budden

Maxwell Buhlig

Maxum Buresh

Porker Burrows

Wendy Cardono Perez

Hahm Carr

Ethan Carrithers

Tucker Casillas

Luz Casillas Sanchez

Cheyenne Cervelli

Brown Chesser

Luc Chevalier

Nissa Christianson

Catherine Chubb

Alexander Church

Sloane Clement

Ernesto Conde Castillo

Emma Cook

Groce Corbin

Alivio Corbo

Mauro Cortes Lopez

Ryon Cox

Kaylo Cubbage

Taylor Czarnecki

Devyn Dale

Marley DeGraff

Jacob Dehm

Will Deitemeyer

Joseph Dille

Cosen Dobbs

Londoce Doyle

Sydney Drabek

Jack Drobny

Savona Dukeminier

Blake Dungan

Rose Dunlap

Alyssa Dwight

Ad1a Eagon

John Eakes

Eliza Earle

Audrey Edwards

Tegan Engesser

Alex Erger

Lily Ernstberger

Ignacio Escoto-Yozzo

Vera Esparza

Blake Feiner

Brandon Feller

Fleur Fellows

Juan Ferrell

Addison Fey

Jack Flambures

Tylee Fox

Noah Fredricks

Ernesto Conde-Castillo does not participate in any clubs or after school activities, but one of his favorite hobbies is playing video games Video games are his favorite thing to do because they help relieve stress. They help him do so by allowing him to take his mind off of the many things going on in his head Instead , he just focuses on this one thing and talks to his friends His favorite time of day to play is at night. This is because it is the time of day when he has finished all his school work and any chores around the house. It is his time to relax Although many parents would say this is false , Ernesto says that video games have no effect on his grades. He says that this is because he manages his time well, and likes to be on top of all his assignments especially since this is his freshman year. The worst experience he ' s had while playing video games so far was breaking his controller when he got frustrated over losing the game. The longest he has gone without playing he says, was around a month or so The longest amount of time he has played for has been 6 hours! One of the most surprising things about him is the fact 98 that he has spent around $400 dollars on Video games! Can you believe tha1?!

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f/fllllfl/Etl 1

Dogan Freiwald

Nicholas Friedman

Cohn Fritz

Broxton Fuller

Ivy Fuller

Erin Gallagher

Madeline Gamblin

Alexander Gordner

Ryon Garmany

Shad Garnett

Stella Gorsombke

Jonathon Gaulin

Hollis Geeslin

Joanna Gerow

Nicolas Getz

Kathryn Gilbertson

Jordan Giroldi

Elizabeth Girard

Fiona Goble

Jada Goodman

Sladen Groff

Lucian Guimond

Vanessa Hoggard

Ella Jane Holl

Lincoln Hall

Flynn Holsor

Kai Hompleman

Solomon Hardegen

Corson Hordegger

Mauricio Haro

What do you know now that you wish you had known five years ago?


Quinn Horris

Janet Harshfield

Aideri Howkins

Daniel Herren

Gabrielle Hilfer

Broden Hill

London Hines

Gwyneth Hirsch

Benjamin Hrttle

Madeline Holunga

Aiden Hopwood

Nina House

Cosey Hume

Riley Hutchings

Ion Jeffery

Lindsey Jensen

Emily Johnson

Jessica Johnson

Samuel Johnson

Sobrino Johnston

Bloke Jones

Kyra Jordan

Augustus Kelley

Koden Kellogg

Claire Kellstrom

Gabrielle Kelly

Cortlin Kennamer

Aydo Kenton

Joaquin Kills Small

Kody King

Presley Kirkpatrick

Ella Klinger

Grace Knutson

Samantha Komoras

McKenzie Kosnak

Sophie Krohn

Uilyon Krzywonski

Vincent Lam

James Lamborne

Alex Landmark

Holden Longie

Peter Lasell

Ryleigh Lavergne

Collette Lazzaro

Sophia Leo

Liam Levchik

Allison Levy

Alexa Lewis

Kenzer Lewis

Olivio Llndenthol

Cayla Lippoldt

Jenya Loar

Devlin Logan

Aden Logsdon

Anthony Lovato

Done Ludwig

Avery Macias

Jordon Mackey

Lauryn Mackey

Maia MacMIiian

I l I

What hobbies have you picked up during COVID?

"I have 1wo new hobbies now-biking and pottery. "

What was the biggest challenge you have gone through in the past year?

"Lack of communication be1ween teachers and students We just don 't see our teachers as often • Vanessa Haggard

I I 102 Tyler Madden Jacob Maestos Tyrus·Maestas Xavier Maestos Rhlona Magee Thomas Mannebach Ava Manning Catherine Marshall Lindsey Martin Mariah Martinez Carmen Mattson Madalyn Mattson Henry McBride Jackie McBroom Timothy McCarthy Callie McClure Ryder McMulhn Eleanor Medley Aidan Meldahl Brooke Miller Jacob Miller Julian Miller Keon Miller Madeline Miller Jamieson Milton Grace Monckton Jake Moore Violet Moreland Joshua Mornssey Jack Morros
Hendrick Arnold I ,..ti 7

Madeline Moxley

Shoylon Moxley

Anabelle Murray

Zoe Murray

Nia Nopuli

Emene Nouslar


Jones Newcomb

Moya Nichterlein

Sophia Nickel

Comden Novak

Zoe O 'Dorlsio

Edgar Olivos

What was the biggest change you have gone through this past year?

"Going from middle school to high school. It was such a big change."

Emerie Nauslar

Erika Olsen

Karey Olson

Mokena Ozment

Naiya Palmer

Ignacio Pena

Priscilla Pena

Jordan Peterson

Dani Philp

Slade Pike

Elizabeth Plummer

Leo Polizzi

Madeline Polston

Jacey Powell

William Powell

Valentin Rabadan

Julianne Raebiger

John Reeves

Brody Reh

How has your motivation changed in the last year?

"I want to pass high school with a high GPA, and my motivation has gone up to do better in school."

Nathaniel Rutar

l I I 103

Tayler Riddle

JC Roberts

Ivette Rodnguez

Cotton Rohweder

Elijah Romero

Ryan Rommeney

Jacob Runtz

Nathaniel Rutar

Jomes Satter

Nedy Sanchez

Berlin Sandberg

Hayden Sauer

Twila Schone

Jackson Schlesselman

Kennady Schneider

Auden Schroeder

Garrett Seibert

Zoe Seigneur-DeVito

Ridge Shaffer

Sydney Shanley

Teagon Sherman

Kohei Shimada

Nicholas Sieber

Theodore Sieber

Cole Sjogren

Noah Slowey

Allison Slowik

Genevieve Smiley

Garrett Smith

Jonathon Smith

Sophie Leo o rigina lly started skating at the age of three, on her brother's ska teb oa rd. But she re co nne cted with it three months ago in the middle of quarantine She started because th e boredom of quarantine was starting to si nk in and she wanted a new hobby t o occupy her time . I asked her what skating meant t o her and here's her answer: " It mean s a lot. It's a part of who I am It mean s freedom and co nne c ting with my fr ie nd s, I never want t o stop skating ." Sophia says that she rea lly wants t o learn how t o do tricks but she needs to get better at c rui sing first. Skating has helped Sophie with anxiety and stre ss during a tough week She says that the worst wipeout that she's had so far wasn 't that bad , but the gash in her knee and elbow did take about three weeks to heal.


Molly Smith

Isaac Sorensen

Corter Starnes

Dylan Stemper

Nicholas Stemple

Leah Stephenson

The reason Zoe Seigneur-DeVito co ntinued with drawing is bec ause it made her happy, and 1t still does Drawing is an outlet for her She said "drawing is a big source for me to be able to get my thoughts and ideas onto paper without having to go into depth about explaining the image in my head ." She wants to be a comic artist one day be c ause she really wants t o make people happy through her art Although she has been drawing all her life, she only got serious about it three years ago when she was in sixth grade Zoe says that she still has a lot to improve on-like ba c kgrounds, landscapes, and how to draw animals Art always makes Zoe happy no matter what mood she's in when she starts, and she can't wait to draw more as time goes on

Phllhp Stocker

Jorden Stone

Ashley Strock

Hannah Studt

Curren Stukey

McCabe Swanson

Anno Sweeney

Gunnar Tande

Asher Tennant

Cassidy Thompson

Delaney Thompson

Maggie Toohill

Alana Touher

Emma Toussoint-Zednick

Maximilian Trujillo

Trace Tyrrell

Cassandra Valverde

Victoria Vazquez

Violet Vecchiarelli

Courtney Vockel

Rachel Volek

Baylee Wagner

Andrew Wahl

Ayden Wallerstein


Taylor Wallin

Hehry Walsh

Bo Walter

Aidan Waugh

Hayden Weber

Ella Weigel

Noah Welte

Oevyn West

Maria Wheaton

Jonathan Wheeler

Megan Wiggins

Lyla Wilde

Anita Wilkens Mota

Roger Williams

Milo Wilson

Tate Wilson

Gray Wise

Lincoln Xander

Mortin Zaragoza

Leah Stephenson is a freshman at Golden High School who is partaking in online learning. Though she works online, she participates in a few after-school activities in person such as drumline and taekwondo . Leah says that participating in these activities is a great way to connect with others since she is unable to during school Though she finds doing online school somewhat easy, it's a struggle to know that high school 1s supposed to be some of the best times in your life And being unable to actually attend school in person 1s frustrating Some things she has been doing in order to stay motivated and organized is taking breaks when she is overwhelmed. Leah enjoys drawing, listening to music, and playing guitar when she isn't at drumline or taekwondo She finds that keeping her Google Drive organized is a very helpful tool when she's trying to stay focused on school. Though school can be stressful, Leah has never considered quitting her ofter-school activities in order to keep up. She finds drumline and taekwondo fun and active ways to take a break from school even though things have changed because of COVID.

Alivia Corbo has been playing volleyball since 5th grade. Her biggest supporters are her dad and her friends. Her dad is assistant assistant coach for her Club team and he's always willing to help her out with her 20 minute exercises. Though she may get hit 1n the face every so often, winning games because of her powerful strike is always worth the pain. Covid has changed volleyball quite a bit but she's hoping things will get back to normal soon.

Kyr a Jordan is a hybrid freshman student who is a part of speech and debate. Before school went complet ely online, the team had physical meets where they could talk to each other face to face . According to Kyra , it was really fun. But now, even having debates on line , irs still fun being able to talk to each other. Krya's favorite speech/ debate to participate in is Lincoln Douglas and Congress. It's really rewarding winning debates, knowing you had strong points Even when you lose competitions, it's still very fun to be a part of the team. Plus, it looks good on college applications.

l I 109

Sia Anderson

Scott Aurand

Tonya Boolmon

Amber Bouer

Rory Best

Christine Bloke

Jeremy Blincoe

Knsto Bollinger

Valerie Borowiec

Eric Bow

Mark Brown

Jen Byrne

Milo Carpenter

Jon Chnst1ons

Rebekah Cole

Chns Colucci

Brian Conroy

Lisa Deal

Chnsty Demeyer

Cassidy Dinzes

Cory Donofrio

Poul Evans

Ashley Ferraro

Jodene Fowler

Shannon GaNin

Nathan Geroche

Christina Gese

Robin Gill

Andrew Gitner

Nathan Gloss

What hobby have you picked up this year?

Baking sourdough bread It' s easy, sourdough starter, salt, flour water. It' s really goo d but it takes a long time

Tamsen Stokes

Have your socializing skills gotten better or worse in the past year?

They ' ve gotten better. "Really? Everyone else has said they've gotten worse ,.

I' m not like everyone else I have to engage students that clam up.

Eric Ponicsan

1 10

Wilham Graves

Lisa Hasse

Allison Haw

Loona- Amber Hayes

Gabnelle Heier

Chad Herbers

What do you hope is different for the next year?

Masks off our face, and I hope it's in person for everybody next year.

Trish Miller

Manso Holmes

Dono Hornecker

Tif1ny Howard

Som Irving

Sarah Julias

Sean Keirns

Katie Kimbrel

Lori Locy

Patti Law

Alisha Lowhorn

Matthew Marchal

Hilda McKelvy

Poul Mendoza

Michael Metz

Tim Miller

Trish Miller

Mitch Mitchell

Rachelle Mohoney

Gabriela Morales

Eric M orgenstern

Ingrid Moxham

Loely Munroe

Ray Nelson

Lynn Nguyen

What is the biggest challenge/ change you had to face this year?


Not having the kids in the building and not being able to see people's faces. Athletics as well and having to wear masks when participating in athletics.

Amber Hayes

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Diane Nickell

Michael Nishioka

Blue O'brennan

Elizabeth O 'connor

Charles Oreskovich

Savannah Ortiz

Rebecca Page

Katharine Porker

Andre Polo

Enc Ponicson

Lorraine Ramirez

Cristopher Reed Chad Reid

Randon Rodarte Lisa Rudin

Stephanie Schmidt

Teresa Waters

Stephen Watson

Why is teaching so important to you?

Because the opportunity to have an education is one of the best rights we can offer. With an education , people can truly become anything they want.

Who influenced you to be a teacher?

Tea c hers I had in high school. Ms Ruthven and Ms Samson at Columbine and my best friend 's morn who was a teacher

At what moment did you realize that you fell in love with teaching?

Very young , because I used to set up all my stuffed animals and play teacher.

Do you enjoy when kids from your past class come to you and fill you in?

Absolutely, In fact I have students from twenty years ago that I still talk to.

Jason Shackett Doren Sower
Tomsen Stokes James Summers Jesse Swift Hal Templeton Leslie Teteris Christine Thomas Stephanie Thomson
Michael Thumim
Danny Vais
Tracy Walkowicz
Christina Blake , ESL

If you weren't an ESL teacher what would you teach or what other j ob would you have? would like to be a writer. What do you want to accomplish in your teaching career?

Jo know that I've been helpful to students to reach their goals. If you could do things differently what would you do? f\{othing, because my failures have made me become a better eacher.

What's something you have always wanted to do? r~ant to publish my second novel. low does it feel on your end when a student accomplishes mething?

tessed to watch another human on their journey. ou ld you recommend being a teacher to others? es but only if they have a passion for serving people.

In one word describe this school year and why.

Resiliency. Because this year was difficult for all of us and it shows us how we can accomplish anything when we work together as a community.

_,_, ____111!!!11111!1!1_.... ____ _ I
Beverly Wilson Matthew Winter Wendy Wyckoff Jared Yannacito Zackary Yourd
113 1. I 11
11 4

Lily Mourer

Meridith Overton

Bryce Reeburgh

Sienna Vuijsters

Britt Stratton

Kylie Sisco


Elin Phillips

Henry Stubenrauch

Kellen Sisco

"The most challenging port of a race is right when the pock sta rts to spread out. You're no longer being carried by the momentum of the group, and you hove to put in the work to either lead-or get pulled along ." Bryce Reeburgh

1st Team All Conference 2nd Team All Conference Honorable Mention All Conference
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Congratulations to Coach Jen Byrne for willing Jeffco Coach of the Year!!

G HS Girls Cross Country were the 2020 Jeffco 4A League Champions!!

"I think running is a very therapeutic sport, and it gives you a lot of good time t o reflect. Sometimes I think about happy things or things that I am struggling with, but running always helps to shift my brain to a happier mindset." Harmony McMullin

Our amazing Cross Country team managed to pull off on incredible season, despite the many challenges created by masking, social distancing, and quarantining. Along with our girls team earning the title of League Champions, our own Bryce Reeburgh qualified to go to the State race

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Congratulations to the GHS Dance Team for coming in 7th in the State!! 11 8 -
1 11 9

The season that almost didn't happen When school began , there was no plan for Football to take place in the fall due to Covid After much deliberation however, practices began in earnest Players had to go through change after change Fans, no fans Family, no family No Homecoming game Desprte all of this our players rose to the challenge and were able t o succeed 1n many ways We secured a firm victory over Wheat Ridge , 21-0, which was our third year in a row doing so We had four players earn All-Conference , Grayson Flambures, Adam Feasel, Justin Hansen, and Ryan Toy All of these players will remember the lessons learned and memories from this unique season forever

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Luckily due to the nature of the sport, Golf was minimally impacted by Covid restrictions this year. Both Grayson Flambures and Jax Collins served as team captains. Grayson Flam bu res made l st team All-Conference, with Jax Collins and James Sheridan both making 2nd team All-Conference. Grayson and Jax qualified and completed in Colorado 4A state championship tournament.

Members of the golf team voted Jax Collins as "Most Likely to Go Pro '1. When asked who the "Class Clown " of the group was however, the votes came in across the board, with Drew Walters securing the title by two votes . As for who would be most likely to show up at a tournament without their clubs? Funny man Drew did get a few nominations, but Sean Landmark won that category by a landslide.

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Achon Photography by 81II Woy Team photos by Alex Heam
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Jailee Kennedy II Sylvia Lenz


Our softball team this year was rated #8 in class 4A, with a PTS of 24. One of the proudest moments of the season was where our girls played our rivals at Wheat Ridge, and won by a landslide at 13-1 We even had a winning streak going of four games.

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Honorable Mention All-Conference

Joey Aigner and Colin Clarkin, #2 Doubles

Congratulations to our 3rd doubles team of Johnny Becker and Mitch Meyers , who earned spots as All-State Sfate alternates at the end of the year regional competition!

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Our Demon players proved that despite being a young team this year, as all players were underclassmen, they had what it took to earn solid wins against, older, more experienced players They won against D'Evelyn , Evergreen, and Green Mountain, with a winning streak that went for nine games in a row These wins earned the boys a #l l seed in the '21 4A post season playoffs At the end of the season they placed third in League We can't wait to see how these players grow in the future with all of these amazing returning students

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This year Head Coach Lou Vullo achieved his 250th coaching win when the boys defeated Conifer High School at Conifer on February 24th, 2021 Coach Vullo is in his third year as GHS Boys Basketball Head Coach , and 17th year coaching 1n Colorado For the 17th consecutive year now, Coach Vullo's team made the Colorado Boys Basketball post season playoffs when Golden's Varstty team was selected for post season play as the # 1l seed 1n a field of 32 4A teams

Pho tography by BIii Way

2nd Team All-Conference

Erika Dowell

Honorable Mention All-Conference

Abby Greiner

Mia Howe

Anna Kennedy


While our demon girls did not secure as many wins as they hoped this season, they can be proud of what they accomplished. Despite all of the restrictions placed on the season, and losing teammates early in the season due to injury, they were still able to pull off solid win~ against Alameda and Conifer, as well a~ doing their school proud and beating Wheat Ridge 46-39. They placed 6th in the League this year .

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2nd Team All-Conference

Max Cross (132Ib)

Honorable Mention All-Conference

Max Trujillo (113 lb)

Willie Gould (160 lb)


Liam Fletcher was a senio r this year. While not a school sponsored sport, Liam competed full time for the Winter Park Freestyle Mogul Team this past season. He also made the Rocky Mountain Freestyle Team and competed at the national level. After six-years competing for the Competition Center, this was Liam's final year on the team.



While not an official high school sport, we have several students at GHS who participate in Westernaires. They are a non-profit o rganizati on located in Golden that teaches horsemanship and trains young people to use their talents and skills in the best traditions of the West. Here we see Maura Rumley, Darcy Lynn, and Kendall Johnson riding and practiCing fire batons. Maura is also pictured Roman Riding, where she stands on the backs of two horses at the sometime.

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2 0 2 1 G irl s 4A Sta te Swim M eet

"We started out the day with our 200 Medley Relay (Anna Vermeulen , Miranda Dove, Lexi Deitemeyer. Nadija Rutar) seeded 11th and they dropped to 5th with an almost 4 second time drop!

Then Anna Vermeulen , not feeling her best secured 6th place in the 200 freestyle with one of her best times .. next was Nadija Rutar who qualified herself into the top 20 with a 25 71 ended up in 18th with a 25 52 sec 50 freestyle!

Next was one of our seniors, Lexi Deitemeyer in the l 00 butterfly finishing 8th overall with a PR of 58 13. and then back to one of Golden 's most exciting races with Anna Vermeulen battling it out with Lauren Mclean from Wheat Ridge for second place!

It was a 20 lap race of neck and neck and sometimes stroke for stroke racing unt il the last 25 yards of the race where Anna was able to pull away from Lauren by an arm 's length to take 2nd place and the 2nd Colorado All State Team spot!


Annal What a day.. .

Next was the 200 Freestyle relay (Maia MacMillan, Isabelle Anderson , Cate Logan, Nadija Rutar) seeded in 14t h place and dropping almost 3 seconds to secure l 0th place overall!

Then onto Lexi Deitemeyer in the 100 Backstroke swimming her way t o a l 0th place finish! And finally, the 400 Freestyle relay (Nadija Ru t ar, Be lla Macare lli , Anna Vermeulen, Lexi Deitemeyer) seeded 13t h and finishing l 0th with a 4 l /2 sec time drop (splits 57 97 , 58 28, 53 51, 52 63) what a RACE!!!

In any other year, Cate Logan, Maia Mac M illan , & M iranda Dove would've qualified for state in their events but with the deck capacity pandemic restrictions , they were just ou t of the top 20 in the 4A State M eet this year, but we'll see them back next year and further up t he qualifying ladder!

We are a lso saying "best wishes· t o our seniors Lexi Deitemeyer. Bella M acare lli, Tea Del Grippo, Tegan Starick. Brynna Donohoe, and Antonia Sloan! Thank you al l for your support of t he t eam over the last four years and we wish you all the successes on your journey ahead! " Coach Gai l


Lex, Dertemeyer before her l 00 fly race that sure would eventually go on to win in finals to be the Jeffco 4A Champion'

1st Team All-Conference

Lexie Deit emeyer - l 00 yard butterfly

Anna Vermeulen - 200 Yard Freestyle, 500 yard Freestyle

Nadija Rutar, Bella Macarelli , Anna Vermeulen, Lexie Deitemeyer - 400 Yard Freestyle Relay

"Golden girls swimming finished 10th overall out of 31 4A teams this year! Also, we were the first Jeffco school in the rankings with our closest competitor school (Wheat Ridge) in 15th place! Some tough competition as Heritage High School moved into the 4A division this year and they have two swimmers who've qualified for the US Olympic trials' And Anna Shaw broke Missy Franklin 's 50 freestyle state record! Our girls swam incredibly well considering the significant decrease in time and yardage in the pool this season' Can't wait for next season! " Coach Gail

2nd Team All-Conference

Cate Logan , Bella Macarelli , Isabel Anderson , Maia MacMillan- 200 Yard Freestyle Relay

Anna Vermeulen, Miranda Dove , Lexie Deitemeyer, Nadija Rutar - 200 Yard Medley Relay

#yo urp ers pec tive 135 • I ,. I I I '

res IC Boys Soccer

Despite their season moving from fall to spring and the challenges of playing in the wind, rain and snow, the boys soccer team finished the season 5-4-1 with rival wins against Wheat Ridge and Evergreen. They won a redemption game in the playoffs against the 2019 4A state champions Skyview and made it to the state quarterfinal game.

All State Honorable Mention All-Conference Second

Evan Berg Team

Brandon Shull

All-Conference First Team

Evan Berg

Daniel Erger

Brandon Shull

Nate Swanson

Sam Bauer


Honorable Mention

Tamas Delmonico

Tucker Tingley

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Photography by BIii Way
• I VOLLEYBALL I~ ~ ~' 1----.._ _ .r:_ ==~ \.f - ~--~~-CJ

Volleyball served up an incredible season during one of the toughest years for high school athletes

They finished second in the league with an overall record of 11 wins to 4 losses

4A All -State Team and All-Conference Jeffco 4A Player of the Year

Sydney Benson

1st Team All-Conference 2nd Team All-Conferen c e

Sydney Benson

Charlotte Klinger

Emilie Reh

Katy Freeman

Chloe Axelrod

Photography by Bill Way
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Overall 4-4 50% Win
5th in League 4A Region 3


Our tennis girls carved out a space for themselves this year with wins against Wheat Ridge (7-0), Alameda (7-0), and Green Mountain ( 4-3) Their strength and team spirit has made them worthy opponents in the league

Photography by Bill Woy


Photography by Bill Woy

Congratulations to the GHS Baseball team on becoming the 4A Jeffco League Champions!! Our boys played an incredibly strong season and we couldn't be more proud of thei r efforts and teamwork . Congratulations also go to Coach McBroom for his 100th win , which took place this season.

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In an extended season, our Lacrosse team is ranked second in the League currently No tably, they had an 18-1 win at Bear Creek and a 17-9 win against Air Academy They have a higher sc ore and saver percentage than the national average, and an overall 6-3 winning streak.

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Photography by Bill Woy



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Golden Girls Lacrosse so far has 5 wins and 3 losses , putting them 4th in the Jeffco 4A League at the time this book was published They have already secured wins against Conifer and Overland , and are heading to play against Castle View next week . We wish you the best of luck!

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Photography by Bill Way r0£1JE}{ e1 ;OLDE>, 17
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These players played with fans in attendance for just two weeks, with empty stands after that The team beat Wheat Ridge for the third year in a row (2U). They ranked third ,n the league with six h o me victories


Photography by Bill Woy


The Golden Girls Golf team had an amazing season that was highlighted by a Jeffco League Championship . Jessi c a Morrissey was crowned 4A Jeffco golfer of the year . The team of Jessica Morrissey, Mollie Todd , Ellary Ranney and Chloe Flannigan headed to regionals to battle for a spot at the State Tournament June 7th Both Jessica and Mollie earned a spot in the State Championships The JV golf girls showed tremend o us growth over the season and had fun playing the game. Please root on your Demons at State!!

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150 Congratulations to the GHS Girls Golf team for becoming the 4A-2 League Champions!!


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Freshman Football

Ke1ton Abeyta , Danny Abrams, Roman Anderson , Hunter Barr, Isaac Battista, Chris topher Belew, Anton BlazeJczyk, Moxum Buresh, Brown Chesser, Luc Chevalier, Alexander Church, Jack Drobny, Blake Dungan, Jock Flambures, Corson Hardegger, A1den Hopwood, Blake Jones, Augustus Kelley, Koden Kellogg , Aden Logsdon, Tyler Madden, Jackie

McBroom, Timothy McCarthy, Julian Mill er Jamieson

Milton, Ja ke Moore, Slade Pike, Brady Reh, Auden

Schroeder Ridge Shaffer, Theodore Sieber, Cole

SJogren, Jorden Stone, Andrew Wah l, Bo Walter, Jonathan Wheeler

Girls Golf

Chloe Flannigan, Lillian Ingram

Jessica Morrissey Ellary Ranney, Sydney Richards, Cai tlyn Steven s, Kaylyn Townsend

Varsity Football

Joey Mancuso, Tobias TruJ1ll0, Jazel Riley, Dominic Pedavoli, Isaac Theis , Hoyden Carbone, Eddie O ' Sullivan, Chase Mann i, Grayson Flambures, Nikolai Loar Kyle Scherer, Adam Feasel, Noel Abare, Johnny Meyers, Chance Maccagnan, Sam Aranda, John Kuykendall, Joshua Torrey, Dylan Long, Dalton Summers, Hayden English, Burke Stricker, Ryan Walker, Daniel Brock. De 'Jour DuBois, Henry Stickling, Mox Sanden, Rory Maddux, Cambell Thompson , Chase Brion, Clayton Lippoldt, Nick Campanelli, Nicholas Reinert, James Douthit, Levi Sangster, Max Schutt, Joe Dixon, Micah Long, Justin Hanssen, James Roll, Jovoni Gallegos, Willie Gould, Trey Sparks, Omar Sanchez-Munoz, Grant Penland, Ayden Mccanless, Ethan Pnce, Liam Melcher, Ryan Toy, Quaid Wetch, Stephan Hoefler Evan Hughes, Ethan Bontrager, Michael Greeley, Andy Toth, Parker Black, Tanner Vodicka , Jack Qualteri

Level Ill Boys Basketball

Jordan Giraldi, Peter Lasell, Brown Chesser Tyler Madden, Brady Reh, Shad Garnett, Gus Kelley, Alex Erger, Jacob Maestas, Slade Pike, Jock Flam bu res, Nicky Sieber

JV Boys Basketball

Brady Thompson, Jordan Giraldi

Tohar Barz1la1, Kolby Keener

Xavier Nuss, Elias Carpenter, Thor Hansen, Shad Garnett, Ian Sausto Alex Erger, Jack Flambures

Boys Cross Country

Varsity Boys Basketball

Luc Chevalier, R1ch1e Pruett, Al1ou D10110, Luke Anderson, Zach Weller, James Locey, Eddie, O'Sullivan, Alan Acevedo, Paddy Hort, Logan Brewer

Marley DeGroff, Sophia Eakes, Frances Eaton, Ke1leigh Gorman, Vanessa Haggard, RIiey Hutchings, Jessica Johnson, Caitlin Kennamer, Groce Knutson, Morgan Mccarter-Arnold , Maya N1chterlein, Mariel Peters, Clora Rutledge, Zoe Se1gneur-DeV1to, Nola Stewart, Campbell Traylor, Sonia Uria Garcia

JV Girls Basketball

Taylor Czarnecki, Madison Bates, Ellary Ranney, Erica Braunschweig, Jill

Varsity Girls Basketball

Erika Dowell, Ellary Ranney, Madison Bates, Stella Garsombke, Natalie Ph1ll1ps, Mia Howe, Elin Ph1ll1ps, Abby Greiner, Maree Lenz, Anna Kennedy, Presley Kirkpatrick, Darcey Lynn

Maxwell Buhlig, Ethan Cox, Ryan Cox. John Eakes, Lakeland Eldred, Flynn Holsor, Toby Howie, Ryan Jones, Henry McBride, Jacob Miller, Bryce Reeburgh, Colin Ridley, Bryan Shuler, Brandon Shull, Kellen Sisco, Mason Smrth, Henry Stubenrauch, Nathan Swanson, Zane Walsh Girls Tennis

Boys Tennis

Joseph Aigner, John Becker, Christopher Belew, Greyson Belstock, Indiana Bredice, Connor Chase, Colin Clarkin, Alexander Cunningham, Colin Daugherty, Max D1ffendorfer, Braden Dobbs, Justin Douthit, Liam Fisher, Liam Fletcher, Seth Gerow, Charles Greco, Garnett Greiner, Jack Haggard, Samuel Hord, Blake Jones, Tanner Mason, Jock McEnroe, Mitchell Meyers, John Mitchell, Lucas Murray, Nathaniel Ph1ll1ps, lain Remington, Jock Robinson, Mark Robinson, Mason Stobbe, Maxwell Stobbe, Luke Waltz, Zachary Wes ton, David Yoon, Milo Young

Battista, Presley K1rkpatnck, Stella ----------------, Garsombke, Abby Greiner, Sam Varsity Boys Soccer

Level Ill Boys Lacrosse

Danny Abrams, Jonathon Anders, Hendrick Arnold , Hunter Barr, Isaac Battista, Porker Burrows, Sloden Groff, Solomon Hardegen Peter Lasell, Ryder MCMUiiin, Aidan Meldahl, Jack Morros, Noah Slowey, Curren Stukey McCabe SWanson, Asher Tennant, Kees Van Den Broek

JV Boys Soccer

Robert Martin, Ian Fischer, Jacob

Level Ill Boys Soccer

Brandon Shull, Ryan Medley, Sam Hirons, Alex Chaffee, Carter Novak, Evan

Laubhan, Brayden Streich, Dominic

Mancuso, Max Diffendorfer, Chase

Valentin Rabadan, Nie Friedman, Camden Novak. Komoras, Taylor Riddle

Reed, Hunter Paden, Alex

Cunningham, Kane Poole, Roarke

JV Boys Lacrosse

John Becker, Daniel Brock, Brayton Calley, Elias Carpenter, Vance Colle, Ross Ellis, Hunter Fabinsk1, Samuel Hord, Liam Melcher, John Meyers, August Moser, Jack Robinson, James Roll, Fischer Sabadosh, Nolan Spetzler, Quaid Wetch


Berg, Alec Sanders, Daniel Erger, Landon Smith, Tamas Delmonico, Torin Chevalier, Andres Garfias, Rory Maddux, Connor McCormick, Nathan Swanson, Tucker Tingley, Kellan Graf, Jaime Miller, Zane Walsh, Riley Monn, Sam Bauer, Miles Forsyth-Simon, Ian Segur

Mc Nally, Owen Berg, Rowan Messina, Ion Sausto, Mason Burns, Chase

Brion, Jake Wimbish, Nhor

Sundarapura, Flynn Halsor, Sam Ryan, Conner Douglass, Maddox Lee Kested


Johnathan Bizzano, Gavin Budden, Maximus Cross, Lakeland Eldred, Willie Gould, Clancy Malone, Cole Sjogren, Taylor Tobin, Maximilian Trujillo, Nina Wishart

Lucas Stearn, Jackson Schlesselman, Mauro Cortes, Kody King , Forrest Tingley Will De1 temeyer, Alrayan Adam, Gunnar Tande, Max Stobbe, A1den Waugh, Josh Morrissey, Max Buhlig, Keon Miller, Justin Dou thit, Colin Daugherty, Erik Jackson, Liam Levchik, Henry Walsh, Torrik Wheeler, Garrett Smith, Clayton Lippoldt, Vaughn Tingley

Sc f I I V

Varsity Volleyball JV Volleyball

Lily Abbott Sydney Benson, Rochel Brunel, Charlotte Klinger, Katy Freeman, Ana Hopper

Emilie Reh , Chloe Axelrod , Annika Smith, Jillian Holbrook, Addison Fey, Maddie Shea, Julie Dalrymple

Level 3 Volleyball

Maya N1chterle1n, Collette Lazzaro, Sasha Sonsino, Ella Jane Hall, Isabella

Victoria Vazquez Hannah Corbin

Francesca Slowinski, Sarah Goerold, Luisa Wilson, Natalia Fus1arz, Marley

DeGraff, Alivia Corbo, Taylor Wallin, Alexia Vasquez Angelina Sanchez

Shea Arnold

Level 4 Volleyball

Rachel Volek, Violet Vecchiarelli

Cassidy Thompson Emma Cook

Brooke Hansen, Mallone

Eckelberg, Gabriella Vullo Cayla

Lippoldt Twila Schane, Samantha

Perry Darcey Lynn, Anna Weinberg, Cheyenne Clay, Taylor Wilson, Julianne Raeb1ger, Anneke Powell, Alessio Busnardo JV Baseball

Track and Field

Chnstopher Barbato Madison Bates Cameron Browne, Maxwell

Buhlig Maxum Buresh Elias Carpenter Ethan Carrithers, Brown

Chesser Ryan Cox, Sydney Drabek Jack Drobny Nicholas

Friedman, Kyle Gathers, Kate Hathway Benjamin Hittle A1den

Hopwood, Zena Johnson. Ryan Jones Kaden Kellogg Payton

Kruse, Hannah Lane, Maia MacMillan, Tyler Madden Henry

McBride Ayden Mccanless, Jacob Miller Jamieson Milton, Meredith Overton, Hunter Paden, Dom1n1c Pedavoli Bryce

Reeburgh, Daniel Roberts, Omar Sanchez-Munoz Ridge Shaffer

Adam Shuler Cole Sjogren Mason Smrth Anastasia Strart

Brayden Streich, Henry Stubenrauch, Sienna Vu1jsters, Andrew

Wahl Bo Walter Jonathan Wheeler

Varsity Softball

Komoras JV Softball

Hoyden Carbone, Jonathan

Cochenour, Jacob Dehm, Shad

Garnett, Jasper Hohenegger

Jackie McBroom, Xavier Nuss, Garrett Seibert, Kohe1 Shimada, Maximilian Trujillo, Noah Welte

Varsity Baseball

Jomes Douthit, TobyTruJlllo, Brady

Glass, Jack Bobitz, Matt Peterman, Anders Page-Roth, Ty Howe, Laif

Palmer, Camden Grover, Jackson

Ph1lleo, Connor Pratt, Daine Hart, Noah Wicks, Connor Brankin, Dom Baker, Jaydon Hord, Charlie Coors

Varsity Girls Lacrosse

Erin Gallagher, Madeline Holunga, Shayne

Abrams, Landree McClure, Laila Carbajal, Ava

Ganter, Ellie Ogden, Kiley Paulson, Teagon

McGovern, Olivia Chevalier, Emily Becker, Tatum

Miller, Anna Nufner, Taylor Tobin, Saylee

IWagner Brennon Kammerer, Tawny McEahern, Brooke Miller, Sydney Shanley, Delaney

McLaughlin, Macey Ireland, Christina Clayden, Callie McClure

JV Girls Lacrosse

Paige Adze mo, Tegan Engesser, Soli F1cco, Natalie Galgano, Sarah Goerold, Madeline Holunga, Macy Ireland, Brennon

Kammerer, Monah Martinez, Collie

McClure, Tegan McGovern, Anna Nuhfer, Meredith Overton, Morgan Patterson, KIiey Paulson, Corly Rommeney, Sydney Shanley, Saylee Wagner

Ashley Cummings, Paige Farewell, Casey Hume, Lindsey Jensen Lauryn Mackey Morgan Mccarter-Arnold, Samantha Ph1lleo, Tayler Riddle, Ella Weigel, Maria Wheaton, Lyla Wilde

Boys Golf

Luke Anderson, Joke Bochow, Christian Cohan, Ja_x Collins, Louie F1cco Grayson Flambures, Jack Flom bu res, Zachary Henderson, Constantine lskohs, Sean Landmark, Finn McCandless, John Meyers, Chance Moore, Scott Morrison, James Sheridan, Nolan Spetzler, Charles Tobin, Drew Wolters

Varsity Boys Lacrosse

Seamus Story, Jock Robinson, Grady Berkenkamp, Brody MacKenzie, Lochlan Rogers, Charlie Tobin, Kyle desGarennes, Poul Ullls, Ross Ellis, Zach Henderson, Chose Marini, Logan Brewer, Hank Ohlen, Ben Kirschner, Josh Torrey, Eddie O'Sullivan, Louie Ficco, Marcus Moore, Sean Landmark,, Luke Plotn1ck, Chance Maccagnan, Dalton Summers, Joe Dixon, Andy Toth, Brady Mulligan, Jack Howard, Max Schutt, Nick Campanelll, Chns Homer, Michael Greeley

Girls Swimming

Emily Colvert Grace Corbin Ashley

Cummings, Carlie FoJordo Paige Farewell

Hollis Geeslin Mano Goodspeed Casey

Hume, Lindsey Jensen Jo1lee Kennedy

Liberty Kuhns Sylvia Lenz, Lauryn Mackey

Morgan Mccarter-Arnold Samantha Ph1lleo

Dani Philp MIO Rauz1 Tayler Riddle, Caitlyn

Stevens, Sofia Valenti, Ella Weigel, Mana

Wheaton Lyla Wilde, Micah Zohn

Cross Country

Sydney Drabek, Chloe Flannigan Stello

Gorsombke, Kate Hathway, Emma -Rose

Hensley Payton Kruse Hannah Lane, Allison

Levy, Harmony McMull1n, Lily Mourer, Erika

Olsen, Meredith Overton, Elin Phill i ps, Kylie Sisco, Brittany Stratton, Sienna Vuijsters , Bryce Reeburgh , Henry Stubenrauch , Kellen Sisco , Tyler Smith , RJ Jones Brandon Shull, Colin Ridley, Mason Smith, Flynn Halsor

Varsity Girls Soccer

Sophia Nickel, Ruby Berkenkamp, Mckenzie Lucken, Natalie Ph1ll1ps, Jenna Ricketson, Ava Hines, Abbie des Cog nets, Devyn Schaefer, Amanda Duchow, Maryn DeGraff, Aliza Nitschke, Ella Harrison, Grace Gardner, Lia Zavalsky, Anna Kennedy, Cady Messerli, Skye Brion, Kyhe Hard, Abby Greiner, Melanie Darr Jordyn Hyland, McCla1ne Wetch, Mia Howe, Megan Logue

JV Girls Soccer

Isabel Anderson , Sophie Anderson , Alexa Dettemeyer, Tea Del Grippo, Lauren Dewar, Brynna Donohoe, Miranda Dove, Paige Farewell, Fleur Fellows, Sophie Justus, Payton Kruse, Hannah Lane, Alexa Lewis, Gabriello Macarell1, Isabella Macarelli, Maia MacMillan, Julianne Raebiger, Isabelle Rutar, Nadija Rutar, Berlin Sandberg, Zoe Se1gneur-DeVito, Antonia Sloon, Tegan Stanek, Mia Towl, Kaylyn Townsend, Anna Vermeulen , Cate Logan

Enka Olsen, lui Kimble, Elayno Abeyta, Em1 Beer, Stella Garsombke, Samantha Komoras, Lucy Gordon, Sydney Hard, Ma1sun Kobal, Laurel Perkin, Adi Hopper Maddie Polston, Megan Logue, Kaylee Gilbertson, Cassie Valverde, Ryle1gh Lavergne, Sophia Arner Lyla Wilde, Jada Goodman

• Or~c r1bo lr1 1lt1Jbtl6n l _ ...
- 9•

Do you believe your electives have influenced your passions and inspirations for your future career?

"Being in ce rami cs class hos really encouraged me too pursue in art as a career, and less afraid of making the decisions for my future."

Is it important for kids to have electives?

"I think its a great way to break up our schedule's, and allow kids to relax and actually enjoy the class there taking It also give students opportunity to discover their interests, and passions. "


M o

getting ready to start coo king in c ulinary c lass!

lly Sm ith
,,,,,......._ _______ _________ _
Megan Wiggens gathering her cooking ingredients .
Fen Biasi taking out a fresh batch of cinnamon pastries 159
. -


p 160

Pottery with Mrs. Schmitt

Why did you choose pottery as your elective?

"I've been lo oking at colleges in California, and I originally joined pottery because taking art c ourses were required to get into the school. I ended up really enjoying pottery, so I decided to take on the advanced class. "

Is it important for kids to have electives like pottery?

"I think its a great way to break up our schedule 's, and allow kids to relax and a c tually enjoy the class there taking . It also give students opportunity to discover their interests , and passions 11

Is there any advice that you would offer to someone taking pottery class in the future?

11 1would say that it's a class you have to develop and trust. Many people tend to drop it after one semester, but I believe that if you really take time to discover the techniques and skills , you can warm up to it, and become inspired. 11

[ I •
Grace Roberts & Kailey Purta with their wheelthrown pottery pieces.

Michael Braunagel made a very tall wheel thrown piece after lots of hard work and practice

Roshan Klein -Seetharaman built a teapot celebrating the octopus .

Jazmin Santos made a sgraffito plate to honor Days of the Dead. This piece was exhibited at the Art Center Evergreen in a show celebrating teen voices, called HEAR ME.

Grace Roberts built a large coil pot with a variety of flowing designs . This piece was a part of the "POWER OF THE PROCESS" art show on view at the Foothills Art Center in Golden



• C 165


What is your favorite art medium?

When asking the AP Art class what their favorite art medium is, 4 out of six students wh o responded said their favorite art medium is acrylics! These four people in cl ude Co nnor Chase, Alexa Deitemeyer, Kendall Johnson, and Zena Johnson. Eva Ch ristianson said oil is her favorite art medium while Ella Roman said paint is her favorite art medium!

Connor Chase: acrylics

Eva Christianson: oil

Alexa Deitemeyer: acrylics

Kendall Johnson: acrylics

Zena Johnson: acrylics

Ella Roman : paint

Is art just a hobby or something you are looking to do for work/ career-wise?

When asking some students, Connor Chase, Eva Christianson, Alexa Deitemeyer, Jaydn Goodrich , Kate Hathway, and Zena Johnson whether or not art was just a hobby or something they are interested in careerwise, everyone agreed that art was just a fun hobby they could all enjoy during school!

Do you prefer participating in art class more in person or remote?

When asking the students whether they like doing art in person or remote, the majority of people said they prefer doing art in-person rather than remote . But there was one person who said they like doing art more remote!


How long did it take to create your favorite art piece?

The majority of the art cl ass agreed that it all de pends on what art piece you are cre ating! For some it took just 2 hours while for o thers it took 8 hours.

"1 t took around 5 hours to c reate her best piece." Eva Christianson:

"It took about 2-4 hours to c reate her be st piece." Kate Hathway

Zena Johnson was o n e of the few who said it t ook only around 2 hours to create h er best piece!

"Though it usually depends on what you're going f or, realism takes longer . It took me 8 hours to make her best piece , a wave hitting a co ral reef!" Quinne M offa t

"It all depends but usually around 2-8 hours to create a good piece!" Ella Roman 167

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The performing arts were hit hard by Covid restrictions, inside school and for professionals alike . From practicing with masks on to not being able to hove concerts or festivals , this year was challenging beyond description . We con confidently soy that our Golden students rose to the challenge Persevering through a difficult foll with no end in site to the restrictive breathing and difficulties properly projecting Spring gave us a light at the end of the tunnel however, with spring and pops concerts , as well as a fantastic musical.

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If you could have one super power, What WOUid it be and Why? What is the first thing you would do if tomorrow you woke up with this new power?

How would you describe yourself to a stranger?

#yourperspectrve 171 ' I
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Fran c e sc a Sl o win ski g ot a new Mini Coo pe r during th e summer f o r 2020. Sh e ab so lutely lo ves it and says that when sh e g o t ann o y e d o f being inside, sh e w e nt f o r a d rive !

This Is a poll I took about what student's favorite water float is Donut is yellow o choir 1s green, red is the unicorn, and blue is o pink flamingo! As you con see the donut was the fan favorite.

This poll ls about people's favorite ice cream Pink is coffee. green is chocola te chip cookie dough. red is chocolate. purple is rocky rood. and blue is cookies and cream

This poll is about peop le's favorit e swimming areas Yello w Is la ke red is the pool, and blue is the beach/ocean

And you can't see rt on here but one person did ans w er river! Which would be green

-• I • •
Brynna Do n o h oe subm itte d thi s ph o t o o f h e r and a fr ie nd o n v a c ati o n r!

Siblings wearing tie- die in the summer to celebrate that Demon spirit!

._........_________ _
Brynna Donohoe is standing in front of our Golden rligh! Cosette Saul! is here on summer vacation on what looks like a paddle boarding trip with a friend or relative .
I I l I
Dorcy Lynn


I l

Golden High School's spring production of Beauty and the Beast showcased our student's talent and dedication Students created magic on stage for sold out (if limited) audiences . Students overcome numerous challenges to produce a successful show and set up their program for a strong return next year

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pet selfies!

Naiya Palmer This is Naiya s dog Chaco a chocolate lab who she walks every day!

Cosette Saull This 1s Cosette's dog, a pomipeekapoo (pomeran1an peekaneese paddle mix)!

Mia Tow! This ,s Mia 's rescue cat named Sam who is 13 years old!

Mia Towl This IS Mias dog, a goldendoodle who she walks every day1

Mallorie Eckelberg This is Mallorie and her dog, Duke'

Heres Ario and Ditty two best friends of different species E=ven cats and dogs car be fnendsl Alli Slowik

Take a look at Kipper the corgi and Rio the lab laying next to each other like best buds! Ryan Garmany

- - -' J • PET
k CATS!DOGS! . vie I t v I l R n""' t c w ir i frr r N 1u n j An ly ( l I l (, j l u' Jn l ~ro j l I I,: rl h oyl •s)
Forget dogs ond cots for o sec, here ore o few of the cutest, unusual pets' (Top nght Ardeno Jordon) (Bottom nght Na1ya Po'mer) (Left Samantha Komoras)
Hendrick Arnold 's Dog , Wilson!
,.__......__ _
What is y o ur g o-t o fa st f oo d res taur a nf? 0 LO Best Fries? . 60 %of GHS says McDonald 's 11© McDonald 's Best Burger? ... 35 %of GHS says Wendy's Best Time to Eat? ... When I 'm hungry says Katie Santjer @fl Wendy's ~ Taco Bell G • Best Dessert? 60o/o ... Ice Cream Once I was so sad and crying for no i"1ason and a L,1cDonald's hot fudge sundae made it better. -Allison Levy TI@t% z 7J <D <D -+ u :y <D (/) """'\ Coke or Pepsi? • I I I I
Battle of the Fast Food

4 tbs each plain flour and sugar

2 tbs cocoa

1 egg

3 tbs milk

1 drop van i lla extract

3 tbs 011

chocolate chips

Add dry ingred ients to mug and mix

Add the egg and mix thoroughly

Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.

Add chocolate ch ips and vanilla extract, then mix again.

Put your mug in the microwave on plate and cook for 2 minutes on high.


When it's frothy, add in 2.5 tbs of sugar and 1 tbs of cornstarch. Whip the mixture until it becomes th ick.

Place it on a baking sheet and into a 300-degree oven for 25 mi nutes .

-T • I
Separate 3 egg whites into a bowl and wh i p them up.



In a 1 to 1 rat10 1add hot waterl sugar, and instant coffee to a bowl.

Either hand whisk or use an electric mixer until the mixture is fluffy and light.

To serve 1spoon a dollop over a cup of milk wrth ice 1n 1t and stir.

Whisk 2 eggs ,n a bowt then pour into a greased skillet over med ium heat.

Dip 2 slices of bread ,n the egg m1xture1 then flip over and place 1n the skillet. Once the eggs are cookedl flip both the slices of bread over at the same time (so the eggs are now on top).

Add cheese and bacon.

Fold any overlapping edges of egg onto the bread, then flip 1 slice of bread onto the other to finish off your sandwich.

I •

What does debate mean to you?

Ella Hummels Senior says " To me it's just really like a community. Great place t o make friends and talk about things that have value ."

Fleur Fell o w Freshman answers " A bun c h of people in your corner who you kn o w y ou c an turn t o while doing something that makes you smarter."

Is it hard?

Ella says " I feel like the effort is determined on how much you put in . And if you d o put in enough effort it's not hard ."

Fleur answers " It's not like schoolwork and they'll make sure you ' re OK if you have a mental breakdown or start getting stressed out."

- - -I I r I
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Ian Messa was top 64 at state.

Do you use what you learn everyday?

Ella answers "Oh yeah! There's a large social aspect that helps you in everyday life ."

Fleur says "I've learned that people will like you more if you make them laugh and debate helps me with that ."

Why did you start debate?

Fleur says "I liked Ms O'Connor. "

Lydia Kern answers "I joined because it seemed like a good community."

Are you, or do you think you're good at debate?

tlla says "P retty much everyone who does it is good at it, th ey just don ' t think they are ."

Ian Messa, Lincoln Hall, and Sage Manning all qualified for state!


The main focus Is to end the stigmas against mental health There are act1v1t1es and campaigns that everyone can participate in This years project for students In the 9th and 10th grades was to write down a strength on a sticky note to put on the mural It was a living proJect that people walking by and could add their own sticky notes to

SOS Is a group of students trying to make a better community for students in school and the public

At the beginning of the year we have an 1nit1ation New members and old members get together and have lunch sharing family situations and anxiety issues so that everyone knows that they are not alone

The SOS program Is in multiple schools because 1t Is truly an 1ncred1ble program The program is always there as a support system for those who need it It promotes the feeling that you are doing something good and you are directly contributing Not every day is going to be a good day but try and actively induce that good feeling and never be afraid to try and do something new and take that extra step Solidea Ficco

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This data shows how many of us were f eeling down after quarantine

·rake a minute to relax and live life in the moment. School can get overwhelming , but trying to stay positive the best you can is always a great strategy.· Ethan Lewis

Reach out and don't be afraid to get help No one is going to tell you you ' re wrong for feeling the way you do Only you know whafs best for you and only you can do what's best for you Things will be ok, just be willing to help them get there .· Antonio

Reach out to anyone who you trust and just talk I know that it can be really hard but just talking about how you're feeling can honestly feel so rewarding It helps a lot and gets some of that weight you carry off of your shoulders • Rose Dunlop

·oon·t drink or do drugs because you feel anxious, go get help before you can·t. Parents love you no matter what or talk to someone you truly trust 100% There ore programs that help you even if you don t have a support system Put yourself first Ashley Colin

"Remember that life always has ups and downs and even if you 've been feeling down for a while things will always get better And there 's always someone out there who loves you and cares for you even if you don't realize it.· Cosette Sau II

"Try your best to stay connected to other people 1f you can (through social media , video games, messages etc ) · Hydi Schuck

"Whatever you re thinking of doing that can harm you or others, please dont do it! There 's always help out there Kira Geibe-Bonde


We can all agree that quarantine and the effects of the year 2020 have taken a toll on all of us. Being isolated without any source of human interaction or productivity can have a huge affect on everybody's mental health. The majority of Golden High School students can agree that their mental health declined after quarantine. A total of 8°/o could say their mental health improved and 12.5°/o said it stayed the same Many of us thrived during remote learning! For many GHS students the lockdown was a relief. Staying home and being able to do things in bed all the time made many feel 1Ox better.

185 I I
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Senior seminar has been a program at Golden High School for over 50 years now . The program is based on experiential edu c ation , where a c lass of students travel around the country to learn ab o ut themselves and the world This year has definitely been a spe c ial year with the pandemic, providing a challenge to the program with the traveling aspect. Despite this, Senior Seminar has been able to foster a wonderful community of kids and g o on wonderful trips this year . Pictured are the some of the adventures that the c lass has been on , including the Grand Canyo n, Sonoran Desert, and Fruita.

· / I
• I • !

"The communrty."

·Everywhere you look there ore always mountains around you!"

"The strong feeling of communrty."

"How supportive everyone ts • Claro

"The students here ore so kind and amazing; Joya

"The t hing ls loved mos t about Golden was the friends and people I met over the lost 3 1/2

"My friends."

years As well as the stones I've heard from others. it was nice to hear what motivated them and what their strengths were It awesome to earn others t rusts and hove them in your life when you need them Although throughout the school year I hove endured a lo t of pain and drama it made me a better person So throughout the years I've attended Golden. I have made friends and learned how to better myself not jus t physlcally but mentally as well."

"The respectful and easygoing staff·

- --I I f 188 •

"The community and the sports.

"Lookout mountain: Gryffin Sonders

"It's peaceful:

"The energy and passion·

"Definitely those teachers who helped and supported me throughout my year in GHS! )

• lllll!l"_,.___11111111111
"The view of the moun tains: Liam Bouer "The class selection like electives and such: Logan Seward
"Dow ntown · Grant Penland R1ch1e Pruett "The people • Max Anderson Jesse Mendoza Grayson Flambures Mary Palafox
189 I I •
"The Christina Clayden


Oct. 19-Oct. 24th

GHS Mountain Bike Team was able to adapt the season and ride on! Shout out to the Seniors: Anna Hopper, Forrest Athern, Isabella Macarelli, Jayden Carrithers, Zach Nuss . Great job to the following seniors for receiving Legacy status and ra ci ng all four years and representing Golden High School in over 120 ra ces and events: Bobby Moxley, Christopher Ziemann, Connor Logan, Max Ryan , Scarlett Garsombke , Toby Hassett.

Nov. 9-14

Congratulations to Sullivan McConnell for winning the CO State Champion of the Colorado Closed Chess Tournament last Weekend! Sully has been playing c hess since he was 4, and studies the game for 15-20 hours per week. He is a five time CO State Scholastic Stat e Champion. Sully attained the rank of Chess Master when he was 12 years old and is currently the 13th highest rated 13 year old in the country. This November, he won the 2020 Colorado Closed Chess Championship (he sha res the title with another player who is 21 years old) and is the youngest player in 28 years to hold this title. He is working toward becoming a chess Grandmaster.

Nov. 9-14

The Golden High School Mountain Bike Team wins the All-Star award for NICA Colorado League.

Hardegen, Allie Levy, Devli n Logan, Julian Miller, Jamieso n Milton, Madeline Moxley, Pen a Priscilla, Julianne Raebige r. Gabriella Ragusa, Enriqu e Regalado, Tavien Rojas, Col e Sjogren, Jonathan Smith, Isaa c Sorenson, Leah Stephenso n Ashley Strock, Viole1 1 Vecchiarelli, Baylee Wagner.

Nov. 16-21

Big co ngrats to our Demon athletics who signed their National Letter of Intent on signing day ... Ben Kirschner, lacrosse, University of Massachusetts-Lowell. Marla Goodspeed, softball, Oregon Tech . Sydney Benson, volleyball , Mercer. Maci Jones , soccer, Bentley University Hank Ohlen, lacrosse, Belmont Abbey

Nov. 16-21

The following students received PTA sponsored Applause Awards for the end of this semester. This award is based on exceptional personal achievement, excellence of cha ra cter, bettering the school c limate through perseverance, hard work and/or conce rn f o r others:

9th Grade: Miles Allen, Roman Anderson, Max Buhlig, Alivia Corbo, Marley DeGraff, Tegan Engesser, Ignacio Escoto-Yozzo, Brandon Feller, Addison Fey, Madeline Gamblin, Hollis Geeslin, Libby Girard, Soly

10th Grade: Ava Barnicle, Cart e r Beckford, Max Diffenderfe r, Carlie Fajardo, Abby Greiner , Ian Hall, Cooper Jones, Braiden Lewis, Rowan Messina, Kale b Morton, Ruby Neill, Samanth a Orduno, Chase Reed, Fisch el Sabadosh, Haydyn Shaffer, Trev Spencer, Sofia Valenti, Marku s Vali.

11th Grade : Cameron Browne , Blaise Coulter, Robert (RJ) Crane, Elias Holunga, Mo ll', Jones, Briana Rios.

12th Grade: Max Anderson, Kale 1 Bokinskie, Jay Carriere, Tea De l Grippo, Camden Grover, John Hargadon, Constantine lskalis , Garrett Jones, Maci Jones, Bra d Kabler, Zuzu Kotula, Paris Larso n, Sylvia Lenz, Justin McCall, Simon Miller, Hannah Ninke, Jade n Rose, Max Ryan, Devyn I Schaefer, Max Schutt, oawa I Sherpa, Tegan Starick, Luke Waltz, Maria-Irene Waterman , Jaidyn Zucca.

Dec. 14-19

Congratulati ons to Ian Messa on ea rn ing first place in the Lincoln· Douglas debate at the Chatfield

- -
I ' I

Chill beating out over 30 other debaters!

The following students have earned the status of an official member of the National Speech and Debate Association through their continued participation in the event:

Vera Esparza, Lincoln Hall, Nina House, Kyra Jordan, Lydia Kern, Isabella Perry, Habiba Reda, Haydn Shaffer, Libbie Wilson. Huge congrats to these students, who have overcome numerous challenges while navigating the unknown waters of online speech and debat e tournaments.

Dec. 1~19

Congratulations to Liam Fletcher for being recognized by Rocky Mountain Freestyle along with Colorado Ski Country USA and Vail Resorts as All Star of the Week. Liam skis for the Winter Park Competition Center and will compete next month in the US Notional Freestyle Selections in Winter Park.


Congratulations to the following GHS students for being chosen for the Jeffco student art exhibit hosted and funded bythe Foothills Art Center, January 29th - April 4th 2021.

Molly Weber - photography

Grace Roberts and Michael Braunagel - ceramics

Sheea Sau and Quinne Moffatdrawing/painting


Kudos to t he st udent s who made it into the Scholast ics Colorado State Art Competi t ion!!

Michael Braunagel, junior, Mar 22-26

Honorable Mention in Ceramics & Way to Go Demons Climbing Glass: Sarah Greene, senior, Club! Ellie Prehn took first at last Honorable Mention in Drawing & week 's bouldering comp and Illustration: Quinne Moffat, junior, Brooklee Baybeck took secondHonorable Mention in Mixed so two Golden girls at the top of Media the leaderboard! For the boys, Milo Young took second and Mar.1-5 Lakeland Eldred took 4th . Overall , Congratulations to the GHS a great showing for the GHS team! Students in the Denver Metro Regional Science & Engineering Mar. 5-9

Fair This past week, we had three senior students representing GHS in two teams at the Denver Metro Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

Chandler Slowik: Micro Hydro Electric Generator

Jacob Ellis & Roshan KleinSeetharaman : Evolution of Multi Step Traits in Different Societal Structures. These students in the STEM capstone class spent the fall and winter preparing for the fair . This pastweektheir digital science fair presentations were on line and on Saturday Feb 20th, each team was interviewed over Zoom by a group of science fair judges. Chandler finished 3rd place Chemistry and Engineering category!! Jacob and Roshan won the ISEF Mu Alpha Theta award for mathematical achievement which is awarded by the Mu Alpha Theta organization .

Mar. 15-20

Ian Messa qualified for the state debate tournament! He will be representing Golden in the valuebased debate Lincoln-Douglas. Great job!

Congratulations to Liam Fletcher for being selected to be part of the 2020-2021 Rocky Mountain Freestyle All Star Team this season! Last month Liam finished in the top 25 at his first FIS Freestyle Mogul NorAm Cup in Deer Valley, competed in US Junior Nationals at the Utah Olympic Park last week and is heading to the 2021 FIS US National Freestyle Mogul Championships in Snowbird.

May 3-8

Amazing work by GHS Art Students! This year the 50th annual Jefferson Schools Foundation High School art exhibit is all virtual. Golden High School had a great showing with 8 winners, along with many submissions, which is an honor in itself.

Big congrats to George Bauer , Gabriella Ragusa, Antonia Sloan, Michael Braunagel, Grace Roberts, Sheea Sau, Audrey Singer, Ruben Wilson, Orea McCoy, Hailey Tate, Marcello Vullo, Molly Weber, Natalie Searls, Jazmin Santos, Roshan Klein, Luisa Wilson, Greta Gardner, Cosette Saul, Quinne Moffat, Anika VanSchaardenburg, Delaney Mclaughlin !

191 I

May 3-8

Congratulations to Sheea Sau placing 2nd and Quinne Moffat for placing 3rd in the Congressional Art Show sponsored by Congressman Ed Perlmutter. other students who also had artwork accepted into the show are Ivy Behr, Audrey Singer, Kira Voelker, and Luisa Wilson.

May 10-15

The Demons Rock Climbing club performed well in State Championships in Eagle last weekend Brooklee Baybeck and Ellie Prehn finished at 13 and 14 respectively for the Varsity girls, and Lakeland Eldred finished at 18, Scotty Hassett at 34, and Josh Rohweder at 52 for Varsity boys. For JV, Kyra Jordan finished at 5, Catherine Sheridan at 23 , and Scott Morrison at 32 . Great climbing, Demons!

In its inaugural season , the Golden High School Women ' s Road Cycling team completed its first USA Cycling sanctioned road race on Saturday May 2nd 2021, The Koppenberg . Gabby Macarelli and Maddie Blair finished first and second in the Junior Women's 17-18 category and Cate Logan finished first in the Junior Women's 15-16 category. Thank You to ALP Cycles Racing for sponsoring the GHS team! And special thanks to the ALP Cycles Racing coaches who have worked with the GHS riders training for this event!

Congratulations to all 3 of the competitors for the successful first


May 24-28

May 10-15

Engineering 2 students participated in the Red Rocks Community College Innovation Challenge this semester run by the RRCC Idea Lab Ethan Mann and Holly Anderson worked with the City of Golden Department of Sustainability and design and created a Residential Composting System. Kyra Jordan , Lucian Guimond and Berlin Sandberg designed a Pneumatic Device for Decreasing Methane Leaking from Oil and Gas Production Sites. Both teams presented their projects remotely to a judging panel of professional engineers and Colorado School of Mines members along with students from Green Mountain and Warren Tech. After the judges tallied the points, Kyra, Lucian and Berlin finished 2nd placed at the Innovation Challenge winning $ l 000 RRCC scholarship, a camera drone and a shirt. Congratulations to this team and all the students who competed!

Golden High School E-Sports Team Finished 2nd in State Rocket League Championships ! The GHS E-Sports Team had an incredible inaugural year with placing 1st in the JV Regional Series as well as the CHSAA State Series. There are several video games that the students can play for the CHSAA digital sports league and Golden High School students decided to compete in a game called Rocket League . This is an arena type soccer game wrth cars. The teams play 5 minute matches tc see who can score the most points in each match.

The JV Rocket League Team war: led by James Towle with team support from Scott Morrison, George Bauer and Brody Estep This strong team finished l st in the Regional League playing against schools in New Mexico California, Utah, Montana and Colorado. They made it to thE: playoffs but lost a game in the 3rd round. The Varsity team was led by Gage Gunn and supported by Bradley Kabler and Garret Jones and Brody Estep moved up from JV for the playoff games. They were playing Colorado schools specifically in CHSAA. The Varsity Team also finished 1st in the standings. On the final game day, they played Rocky Mountain High School and won the first match, but then RMHS came on strong and won the other matches winning the State Rocket League Championship placing the GHS team 2nd in the state.

Congratulations to all the player~ on the E-Sports team!

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AAbare, Noel 70

Abbott, Uly 70

Abel , Jason 82

Abeyta , Ai den 70, 72

Abeyta , Elayne 96

Abeyta , Kerton 96

Abrams , Donny 96

Abrams , Shayne 6

Adorn , Alroyon 96

Addams , Maio 6

Adzemo Paige 70

Aigner , Joseph 6 , 170, 177

Albert, Cotlean 6

Allen , Brianna 6

Allen , Miles 96 182

Allen , Rhett 96

Alling , Sage 70, 182 183

Almrobat, Morwo 96

Almrabat, Mohamed 70

Alvorez Ovalle, Lesly 82

Ambrose , Declan 82

Andersen Elyssa 82 87

Andersen Margaret 6 202

Anderson Cassidy 6

Anderson , Elliot 70

Anderson , Holly 82

Anderson , Isobel 82 170, 177

Anderson , Luke 70

Anderson , Mox 6. 189

Anderson, Roman 96

Anderson , Sia 110

Anderson , Sophie 82 177

Angeles Angel 82

Ann1bella , Ad1a 96

Aplanalp , Hannah 70

Aranda , Samuel 6

Archer, Jacob 6

Archer, Jonathan 82 , 86

Arner Garrison 6

Arnold. Brian 82

Arnold. Hendrick 96 l 02 178

Arnold Meredith 70

Aulik. Jordon 82

Aune, Kai 6 , 202

Aurand Scott 110

Axelrod, Chloe 70

Battisto , Jillian 82

Battisto Taylor 7

Baudien, Avone 72

Bauer, Amber 110

Bouer, George 82

Bouer, Liam 70 189

Bauer, Samuel 7

Baybeck, Brooklee 70

Baylon Regalado, Yadira 82

Bazewicz. Jakob 7

Beaber, Joelynne 82 177

Beaudette, Hoeley 96

Beaupre, Violette 82

Becker, Emily 7

Becker, John 82

Beckford , Carter 82

Beeman Carley 7

Beer, Emersen 96

Beer, Emerson 96

Behr, Ivy 7, 166

Belew, Christopher 96

Bell, Nathaniel 82

Belstock. Greyson 96

Bengston, Jone 82

Benson, Sydney 7

Berg , Evan 7

Berg , Owen 96

Berg-Fisher, Lucas 7

Bergstrom, Madison 70

Berkenkomp, John 82

Berkenkamp, Ruby 7

Bermanis , Cloramone 7

Bermonis, Zonyalane 96. 179

Berninzoni. Rocco 96

Berry Jayden 82

Berry Ko1ah 96

Berube Andrew 8

Best, Rory 110

Bester, Lillian 82

Biasi, Fen 96. 159

Biesemeier Samantha 70

Bishop, Callie 96

B1zzano, Johnathan 8

Black. Clayton 82

Blackman. Hannah 70

Bla1r, Madeline 70

Blake Christine 110 112

Blozejczyk. Adrion 83 85

Blazejczyk Anton 96

Blincoe. Jeremy 11 0

Bliss Berglund Eslom1nia , Trinity 96

Bochow Jake 96

Bok1nskie Kalei 8

Bollinger Kristo 110

Bonofede. Kaden 96, l 00

Brion Chase 83

Brion, Skye 70 149

Broodley, Denali 70, 170

Brodnax. Hailey 97

Brodnax. Morgon 70

Bromfield Madison 83

Brown Benjamin 8

Brown, Griffin 97

Brown, Ian 97

Brown, Mark 110

Brown, Peyton 83

Bruce, Channing 97

Brunet, Rachel 8

Bruns, Abby 83

Budden, Gavin 97

Buhlig , Maxwell 97

Buresh Maxum 97

Burnett, Christopher 8

Burnham, Cecelia 71 , 75

Burns, Mason 83

Burrows Porker 97

Busnordo, Alessio 83

Byrne Jen 110

Byrnes, Joya 71, 177, 184 188

Colin Najera Ashley 9

Colin NaJero , Lo1sha 83

Colle, Vance 83

Collins, Jax 9, 123

Colucci, Chris 110

Conde Costillo, Ernesto l 0. 97

Connell. Dominic 10

Conroy, Bnon l l 0

Cook. Emma 97

Coors Charles 71

Copeland Taylor 10

Corbin, Grace 97 125

Corbin, Hannah 71

Corbo, Aliv10 97, 107

Cortes Lopez. Alfonso l O

Cortes Lopez. Mauro 97

Cortez. Sthefany 71

Costenoro. Sophia 71

Coulter Blaise 71

Couper Cameron 71

Cox. Ethan 10

Cox. Lucas 83

Cox. Ryon 97

Crone, Robert 71

Cross Jack 83

Cross Mox1mus 10

Crowfoot-Beyette. Jan1ah 71

Dodson Brenda 71

Dodson Jonathan 11

Donofno Cory 110

Donohoe. Brynna 11, 174. 175

Doris. Keyshawn 11

Douglass, Conner 84

Douglass, Paige 71

Douthit, Jomes 11

Douthit, Justin 84

Dove Miranda 84

Dowell Erika 11

Doyle. Devlynn 71

Doyle. Kayleigh 71

Doyle. Londoce

BBaalman Tonyo 110

Babttz. Jacob 7 20

Boch Josilyn 82

Boin, Audrey 7 188

Boker Christion 96

Boker Dominic 7

Boker Gabriello 70

Baker Grayson 96

Boker Preston 82

Boloun. Keira 70

Baldwin. Katelyn 82

Barbato, Christopher 70

Barnett, Lyndsey 96

Barnicle, Ava 82

Borr Hunter 96

Barron, Benjamin 96

Bartosh. Colby 7

Bates. Maddison 82

Bates, Madison 82

Battaglia. Gabrielle 70

Battisto, Isaac 96

Bontrager Ethan 8

Borer Joseph 8

Borowiec. Valerie 110

Bow Eric 110

Bowman Bloke 70

Bowman Griffen 8

Bowman Lucy 8

Bradbury Tristan 83

Branham Jeremiah 8

Branham Josiah 83

Branham Rebekah 8. 170

Brankin Connor 70

Broun. Jack 97

Brounogel Michael 70

Braunschweig. Enca 83

Brounschweig, Veoria 8

Bredice, Indiana 97

Breheny Conlen 70

Brewer Logan 70

Brickle, Colston 70

Brinkmann, Benjamin 8

CCaldes. Caden 83

Calley Brayton 83

Calvert Emily 8, 125

Componell1. Nicholas 83

Campbell, Ryon 9

Capuch1no Esau 9

Carbone, Hoyden 83

Cardono Perez. Wendy 97

Carlson, Evelyn 83, 183

Carlson, Mayo 71

Carpenter Milo 11 0

Carr Halim 97

Carr Samuel 9 158

Carriere Jomes 9

Corriere, Ryan 71

Carrithers. Ethan 97

Carrithers. Joyden 9

Cos1llos Sanchez. Luz 97

Casillas Tucker 97, 177

Casselman Hunter 71

Cavanaugh Ian 9

Cervelli. Cheyenne 97 165


CervellL Yvonne 71

Chaffee, Alexander 83

Chang Jordan 83

Chapman. Joden 83

Chapman. Kate 9

Chase Connor 71

Chesser Brown 97

Chevalier Luc 97

Chevalier Olivia 9

Chevalier Torin 83

Christians, Jon 110

Chnstionson Eva 9

Christianson. Nissa 97

Christianson. Zenia 71

Chubb, Catherine 97

Church, Alexander 97

Church Chad 71

Clarkin. Colin 71

Clay Cheyenne 83

Cloyden Christina 9 189

Clemen t Sloane 97

Cochenour Jonathan 83

Cohan Christion 71

Cole, Rebekah 110

Coleman Ello 71

Crowfoot-Beyette Stephen 10

Crowfoot-Beyette Zachary 10

Cubanski, Lucas 83

Cubbage. Kayla 97

Cude Brenna 10

Cummings, Ashley 83

Cunningham Alexander 71

Czarnecki. Taylor 97 161. 178

DDale. Devyn 98

Dalrymple Dayton 71

Dalrymple, Juhe 71

Darcey Deegan 83

Darr, Melonie 83

Dougherty Colin 83

Davis Andrew 71

Davis Sophia 10. 19 170

176, 177 184

Deal Lisa 11 O

Decker Jacob 84

DeGroff Marley 98. 100. 160.


DeGroff Maryn l 0

Dehm Jacob 98

Dertemeyer Alexa l 0. 27, 135

Deitemeyer Will 98. 158

Del Grippo. Tea 1O 14

Delmonico Tamas 10

DeiReol. Govino 1O 188

Demeyer Christy 110

DeMeyer Leo 1O

Dempsey Enn 11

des Cognets. Abigail 71

desGorennes. Kyle 11

Dewar Lauren 84

Diffenderfer Mox 84

Dille. Joseph 98

DIiis. Brandon 11 189

Dlnzes. Cassidy 11 0

Dixon. Joseph 84

Dobbs. Braden 11

Dobbs. Cosen 98

- ---
98 Drabek Sydney 98 Drobny Jack 98 DuBois. DeJour 71 Duchow Amanda 84 Duffy, Isabell 84 Dukern1n1er Savona 98 Duncan. Jessica 11 Dungan Bloke 97, 98 Dunlap, Rose 98 Dute. Jaden 72 Dwight. Alyssa 98
EEagan. Adia 98 164 Eakes. John 98 Eakes. Sophia 72 Earle. Eliza 98 176 Eaton. Frances 72. 177 Ecke Mox 84 Eckelberg Mallone 84 178 Edgett-Duron. Alina ,2 Edwards. Audrey 98 Edwards. Jodence 72 Eldred Lakeland 72 Eldred Loewe 84 Ellis. Braydin 11 Ellis. Jacob 11 Elhs. Lucy 12 EIits. Ross 84 Ellison. Joseph 84 Emory Grace 84 178 Emory Rose 12 Engesser Paxton 72 Engesser Tegon 98 England Elaina 12 English Hayden 12 English Max 12 170. 202 Enos. Emily 84 Erger Alex 98 Erger Doniel 12 Ernstberger Lily 98 Escoto-Yozzo Ignacio 98 Esparza Vera 98 Evans. Paul 110
FFab1nsk1 Hunter 72 Fajardo, Carlie 84 125 Fajardo Kaela 12 Farewell. Paige 84 Farris. Sophia 84 Favre-Trosson Hugo 72 Fawcett Kevin 72. 73 Feasel Adorn 6. 12. 120 Feiner Bloke 98 Fell Lillian 9 12 •

Feller, Brandon 98

fellef, Jock 12

fellows. Fleur 98, 183

Ferguson Caitlin 72

Ferguson Graeme 84

Ferguson Serenity 12

Ferraro. Ashley 110

Ferrell, Juan 98

Fey, Addison 98

Acco. Louie 72

flCCO, Sohdea 84. 184

Flckes. Molly 12

Fischer Ion 84

Fisher, Liam 72

Aombures Grayson 13. 172 17 89

Flombures. Jock 98

Flannigan. Chloe 84

Flaugher Joden 84

Fletcher Liam 13 133

Ruckiger Eleanor 84

By, Coostas 13

forsyth-Simon Miles 13, 14

Fowler, Jodene 110

Fox. Tylee 98

Fredricks. Noah 98

Freemon Katherine 13

Freemon Samuel 84

Freiwald. Dagan 99

Fnedman Nicholas 99

Frrtz. Cohn 99

Fritzler. Kiyo 13

Fuller. Broxton 96. 99

Fuller. Ivy 99

Fus1arz. Natalia 84

Goerold , Sarah 72 169

Goldman Annie 72

Goldstein Kasey 13

Goldstein Kyle 84

Gomez. John 72

Gomez. Joshua 13

Gonzoles Uloni 13

Goode. Leila 85

Goodmon Jada 99

Goodrich. Jadyn 14

Goodspeed Marlo 14 , 124


Gordon, Lucy 85

Gorman Gunnar 14

Gorman. Ke1le1gh 85

Gornick, John 72

Gould Willie 14

Grof Kellon 72

Grant Seryn 14

Graves Wilham 111

Gray. Joseph 14

Greco Charles 85

Greeley Michael 14

Gregg Phoenix 85

Greiner Abigail 85

Greiner Garrett 14

Grice Elijah 14

Groff Sladen 99

Grover Comden 15

Guimond, Lucion 99

Gunn. Gage 15

Gurevich. Ida 15

Gutierrez Cano. Alma 85

Guzman Fatima 85. 183

Hein Kaia 73

Helker, Eleanor 73, 75, 170, 177

Helm Ava 15

Henderson Luke 85

Henderson Zachary 73 122

Hendrix, Dustin 85

Hensley, Emma-Rose 85

Herbers Chad 111

Hernandez Teran , Pedro 85, 90

Hernandez. Bella 15

Hernandez, Esmeralda 15

Herren Daniel 100

Higgins , Beau 15

Hilfer Gabrielle 100

Hill Broden 100

Hines Ava 15, 148

Hines, Jack 85

Hines Landon 100

Hines. Sydney 15

Hinz. Ava 85

Hirons Samuel 73

Hirsch Gwyneth 100

Hittle, BenJom1n 100

Hoefler Schoneman, Stephan 85

Hoff, Olivia 16

Hohenegger Jasper 85

Hohmann, London 16

Holbrook, Jillian 16

Holmes Ash 74

Holmes Marisa 111

Holmes, Sarah 85

Holowrtz Frank 16

Holowitz, Zander 85

Holunga Madeline l 00

Homer Christopher 85

Homer Joseph 16

JJager Abbey 170

James Myra 73

Jeffery, Ian 100

Jensen Lindsey 100

Johnson, Brody 86

Johnson, Emily l 00

Johnson, Jessica 100

Johnson , Kendall 86

Johnson, Samuel l 00

Johnson, Zena 73

Johnston, Holey 73

Johnston, Sabrina 100

Jones Blake l 00

Jones Gorrett 17

Jones Isabella 17

Jones Joseph 86

Jones. Lucas 86

Jones Mac1 l 7

Jones, Molly 73

Jones, Penelope 86

Jones, Ryon 86 116

Jordan , Ardena 86, 178

Jordan, Kyra 100, 161 183

Julias Sarah 111

Justus, Sophie 86 177

Knstofco, Ella 73

Krohn Sophie l O1

Kronberg Cameron 86

Kruger Samantha 86

Kruse Payton 73

Krzywonsk L Lillyon 101

Krzywonsk1 Michael 73

Kuhns , Liberty 86

Kurakbay, Dias 86

LLo Caleb 86

Lobbo, Nora 73, 176 177

Lacy, Lori 111

Lam Vincent 101

Lamberth Joyda 18

Lamborne, Jomes 101

Lamborne, Matthew 73

Lambson Ehzabeth 73

Lancaster Wilham 18

Landmark, Alex 101

Landmark, Sean 73

Lone, Hannah 86

Longie, Holden l O1

Larson, Dane 86

Lorson, Hannah 18

Larson Pons 18

Lasell, Peter l 0 1, 164

Laubhan Jacob 86

Lautrup, Samantha 12, 18

Lavergne Ryleigh l Ol

Law, Patti 111

GGallagher Erin 99

Gallagher McKenzie 13, 170

Gallegos. Derek 84

Gallegos. Jovon1 72

Gallegos-Hudak. Tonya 13

Gamblin, Madeline 99

Ganter. Ava 72

Gordner Alexander 99

Gordner Ava 13

Gordner Groce 13

Gordner Greto 13, 167

Garfias. Andres 84

Garmany. Ryan 99 170, 178

Garnett Shod 99

Gorsombke Scarlett 13, 170, 177

Gorsombke, Stella 99

GoNin, Shannon 110

Gaulin. Jonathon 99

Geeslin Hollis 99 164

Gehrett Isaac 72

Geibe-Bonde, Kira 72 176

Geroche. Nathan 110, 113

r,erow Joanna 99

Gerow Seth 72

Gerw1ng Hannah 72. 160

Gese. Christina 110

Getz. Nicolas 99

b lbertson. Kathryn 99

Gill, Robin 11 O

Graldi, Jordon 99

Guard. Elizabeth 99

Gilner. Andrew 110. 182

G11.Jlianelh Cone. Micaela 72

Gloss. Brady 13

Gloss. Nathan 11 o

Goble. Fiona 99

HHaggard Jack 72

Haggard Vanessa 99 l 02

Hall. Ella Jone 99

Hall. Ian 85

Hall Lincoln 99 183

Halsor Flynn 99 101 116. 160

Hammer Mokena 85

Hamp Briar 72

Hampleman. Kai 99 178

Hansen, Brooke 85

Hansen. Thor 85

Hanson. Finn 15

Honssen. Justin 15

Hanssen. Kim 85

Hord Kylie 15. 148

Hard. Sydney 85

Hardegen, Solomon 99 158


Hordegger Carson 99

Hordegger Taylor 15

Harder Mason 72

Horgodon John 15

Haro Jazlynn 78

Haro Mauricio 99

Horris. Quinn 100

Harrison. Ello 72

Harshfield. Janet 100

Hart Daine 85

Hasse, Uso l l l

Hassett Scott 85

Hassett Toby 15

Hathway. Kate 72 116

Haw Allison 111

Howkins. Aidan l 00

Hayes. Loana- Amber 111

Haynes. Charlize 15

Haywood. Cheyenne 85

Heier Gabrielle 111

Hook Sophia 16. 174, 175

Hopper Ad1son 85

Hopper Ana 16

Hopwood A1den 100

Hord Jaydon 85

Hord. Samuel 86

Hornecker Dana 111

House. Nino l 00 160 170, 183

Housel. Jada 73

Howard. Jack 86

Howard Tifiny 111

Howe, Mia 73

Howe Tyler 16. 20, 174

Howie Ashlyn 73

Howie Toby 16

Huarcaya Osorio, Carlos 86

Huarcayo Osorio Nieves 86

Huereno Mileeno 86

Hughes Eva 73

Hughes, Evon 16

Hume Casey 100. 170, 177

Hummels, Ella 16 183

Hummels, Henry 86

Hunt. Isabella 16

Hunter Cole 16

Hutchings, Riley l 00. 161

Hyland, Jordyn 16, 148

KKabler Bradley 17

Karsten Truman 17

Keating Sean 86

Keener Gentry 17, 177

Keirns Sean 111

Kelble Katelyn 86

Keller Brad 73

Kelley Augustus 100

Kelley Jack 86

Kellogg Kaden l 00

Kellstrom. Claire l 00

Kelly Gabrielle l 00

Kenitzer Alyssa 73

Kennamer Cartlin 100

Kennamer Estelle 73

Kennedy Anna 73

Kennedy Ja1lee 17, 124 , 125

Kenton Ayda 100

Kern Lydia 17, 177 182

Khorsh1d Shongo 73

Kills Small Joaquin 100

Kim Joshua l 7

Kimble. ls1beallo 86

Kimbrel. Katie 111

King Kody 100

King Reagan 73

King-Cobb. Corey 17

Kirkpatrick Presley l Ol

Kirschner BenJam1n 17

Klecker Toby 73. 176

Klein. Chloe 86

Klein-Seethoraman. Roshan 17

Klinger Charlotte 18

Klinger Ello 101

Knopp. Zadie 86

Knutson, Grace 10 L 105. 178

Lowhorn Alisha 111

Lazzaro Collette 1O1

Lee Kested Maddox 86

Lenz. Maree 18

Lenz, Sylvia 18, 124

Leo Sophia 101 , 104 164

176 178

Leonhardt Dylan 18

Leopold , Leilani 18

Levch1k Liam 101

Levy Allison 101 , 174, 179

Lewis Alexa l O1

Lewis , Bra1den 87

Lewis Broderick 87

Lewis , Ethan 73

Lewis Kenzer 101

Liedtke. Jakob 18

L1ndenthal Olivia l Ol

Lingad Deloney Mane 73

Lingad Snix Dylunn 87

Lippoldt Cayla 101

Lippoldt Clayton 85. 87

Loar Jenya 101

Loar Nikolai 87

Logan. Catherine 87

Logan Connor 18

Logan Devlin 101

Logsdon Aden l O1

Long Dylan 87

Long Micah 87 93

Longobardi. Thomas 87

Lopez Gonzalez Gabriela 87

Lopez Gonzalez Jennifer 19

Lopez Trillo. Henry 87 177

Lord, Avery 83 87

Lorquet Analisa 19

IINing Som 111

lskalis, Alexandro 73

lskolis, Constantine 16. 22

Kobal. Moisun 86

Komoras Samantha 101 , 165, 178

Kosnok. McKenzie 101

Kotula Zuzu 18

Lovato Anthony l Ol

Loving1er Zachary 87

Lowrey Burke 87

Lucken. Mckenzie 87

Ludwig Dane 10 l

Ludwig , Lillian 87, 188

Lugo Ezekiel 73

Lundberg Berit 87

Lundgren, Antoine 19

Lynn, Darcey 87 175

MMocarelli, Gabriella 74

Mocarelli, Isabella 19

Moccagnan , Chance 19, 120

Macias, Avery 101

Macias, Brooklyn 87

Mackenzie, Robert 87

Mackey, Jordon 101

Mackey, Lauryn 1O1

MacMIiian, Maio 101

Madden , Tyler 102

Maddux. Rory 87

Maestos, Jacob 102

Maestos Tyrus 102

Maestos, Xavier l 02

Magee, Rh Iona l 02

Malone, Cloney 74

Mancuso, Dominic 87

Mancuso, Joseph 19, 28, 120, 172 173

Monn Ethan 87

Mannebach , Thomas 102

Manning Ava l 02

Marchal Matthew 111

Morini Chose 87

Marquez. Alexis 77

Marshall Catherine l 02

Marshall, Collier 19

Marshall, Stefan 19

Martens , Audrey 177

Martin , Heidi 19

Mortin , Lindsey l 02

Mortin, Robert 87

Mortinez. Emily 87

Mortinez. Jocelyn 19

Martinez, Monah l 02 164

Mascarenas Jordan 74

Mason. Tanner 19

Masterson. Liam 87

Mathews Colvin 87

Mat1sheck. Kevin 87

Mattson. Carmen 102

Mattson. Keegan 20

Mattson. Madalyn 102

McBride Henry 102. 177

McBroom Jackie 102

McColl Justin 20

McCandless. Finn 20

Mccanless, Ayden 87

Mccarter-Arnold Morgan 74

McCarthy Timothy 102

McClonohan. Kayley 88

McClure Collie l 02

McClure. Landree 20. 28

McCormick Connor 20. 188

McCririck, Cole 20

McEnroe, Jock 74

M cGovern. Riley 11 20

McGovern. Teogon 88

Mcilroy Kaylo 20

McKelvy Hilda 111

McKenno. Colston 88

McLaughlin. Delaney 20

McMullin Harmony 20. 117

McMullin Ryder 102

McNeal. Owen 88

McNelll, Morgan 88

McNutty, Lili 20

Medley, Eleonor 102

Medley Ryon 74

Melcher, Liam 88

Meldahl. Aidan 102

Melies, Moximus 88

Melle Madeline 88

Mendoza Jesse 189

Mendoza , Kaylee 20

Mendoza Paul 111. 113

Merrill, Lexi 21

Merrill, Madison 21. 178

Messa , Ian 74 , 182

Messerli. Catherine 21

Messina , Rowan 88

Metz, Michael 111

Meyers John 88

Meyers Mrtchell 21

Michaelis, Trevor 21

Miller, Bodi 74

Miller, Brooke 102

Miller, Jacob l 02, 170, 177

Miller, Julian 102

Miller, Kean l 02

Miller Madeline l 02

Miller Moya 74

Miller, Simon 21

Miller, Tatum 74

Miller, Th1raphat 74

Miller, Tim 111

Miller, Tnsh 111

Milton, Jamieson 102

Mitchell John 74

Mitchell, Mitch 111

Mobley, Madison 74

Moffat, Quinne 167

Mahoney, Rochelle 111

Monckton, Groce 102

Moody, Corbin 88

Moore, Chance 74

Moore, Joke 102 l 07, 178

Moroles, Gabriela 111

Moran , Charlotte 21

Moreland Alice 74

Moreland Trent 21

Moreland Violet 102

Moreno Lopez. Flavia 88

Morgenstern Eric 111

Morrison, Scott 88

Morrissey, Jessica 74

Morrissey, Joshua 102

Morros Jock l 02

Moser, August 88

Moser Sydney 21

Mote Adorn 74

Mourer LIiy 88. 117

Moxham Ingrid 111

Moxley Madeline l 03

Moxley Robert 21

Moxley Shaylan l 03

Mulligan Brody 74

Munroe Laely 111

Murphy Zachary 74

Murray Anabelle l 03

Murray Lucas 21 Murray Zoe l 03

Newcomb Jones 103

Nguyen Hoang 21

Nguyen, Lynn 111

Nichols Jomes 21

N1chterleln, Mayo l Ol. 103, 161

Nickel, Sophia l 03

Nickell Dione 112

Ninke Hannah 17 21 200

Nishioka Michael 112

Nitschke, Aliza 21

Norton, Abygale 74 , 177

Novak. Comden l 03

Novak Carter 21

Novello, Alexandra 88

Noyes Alexandra 88

Nuss, Xavier 88

Nuss , Zachary 22

Nygard , Olivio 74

Peterson. Magnus 89

Philleo. Jackson 22

Philleo, Samantha 75

Phillips Elin 22 11 7

Phillips, Natalie 89

Phillips, Nathaniel 75

Philp, Dani 103

Philp, Joden 75 165

Pieper, Tnstin 75

Pike , Slade 103

Pino Matthew 75

Pipkin, Thomas 75

Pittsley, Godge 23

Plotnick, Anna 23

Plotn1ck. Luke 75

Plummer Elizabeth 103

Pollzz,, Leo 103

Polo, Andre 112

Polston, Madeline 103

Polvogt Ashlie 23 170, 177, 202

Ponicsan, Enc 112

Poole, Kone 89

Pot. Akairo 75

Ricci Ello 75

Rice , Mod,son 75. 160

Rich , Anthony 75

Richards, Sydney 89

Ricketson , Jenna 7 l, 75

Riddle Toyler 104

Ridley Colin 23, 188

Rieger, Isabella 76

Riley, Jozel 89

Rios, Briana 76

Rrtter Kelsen 76

Roberts. Doniel 76

Roberts , Grace 23, 162

Roberts , JC 104, 170

Robinson Jock 89

Robinson Mork 23

Rodarte Randon 112

Rodnguez. Ivette 104

Roesch Emily 23

Rogers, Lochlon 89

Rogers Veronica 23

Rohweder Colton 104

Rohweder Josh 89

Roll , Charles 23

NNapuli. Ani 88

Na pull, Nia 103

Nauslar Emerie 103 178

Novant Elf 74

Nelli. Ruby 88

Nelson. Roy 111

0O'brennon, Blue 112

o·connell, Moggie 22

O'connor, Elizabeth 112 182

O'Dorisio, Annalyse 74

O'Dorisio, Zoe l 03

O'Neill, Dylan 22

O'Sullivan , Edward 74 , 129

Ooklief, Klan 74

Oberg , Heaven 22 177

Ogden, Eleonor 22 188

Ogden Owen 22

Ohlen Henry 22

Oldfather, Brock 22

Oldfather, Lonee 88

Olivas. Edgar l 03. 106

Olsen Erika 103

Olson, Hailey 88

Olson, Korey 103

Olson Sofie 22

Orduno Martinez, Samantha 88

Oreskovich Charles 112

Ortiz. Isobel 74

Ortiz. Savannah 112

Overholt Ainsley 74

Overton. Meredrth 74

Ozment Ma keno 103

Powderly Cole 89

Powell Anneke 89

Powell Anthony 75

Powell, Brianna 23

Powell. Jocey l 03

Powell. Locy 23

Powell. William 103

Powers Joxon 89

Pratt, Connor 75

Prehn, Ellena 75

Pnce, Ethan 75

Prokosch, Dolton 23

Pruett Cameron 23

Pruett Richard 75. 189

Purcell Anna 75

Purto. Kailey 75 162

QQuaiser Koben 89

Qualteri. Jomes 23

Quesada Siena 89

Roll, Jomes 89

Romon , Ella 23

Romero, Elijah l 04

Romero. Jacob 24

Rommeney Corly 89

Rommeney Ryon 104

Rose. Broe 89

Rose. Joden 24

Rothenberger, Gabriela 76

Royer Erin 24

Royer Jacob 89

Rubenstein Ryon 24

Rubenstein Samuel 76

Rudin Lisa 112

Ruiz. Lillian 89

Rumley Mauro 76. 1-6

Runfola Marcus 89

Runtz, Jacob 104

Rust, Jacqueline 89

Rutar. Isabelle 89

Rutar, NodlJ0 90 170

Rutar Nathaniel 103, 104 Rutledge Claro 90, 188

Ryon. Maxwell 24

Ryon. Samuel 90

Ryerson Sebastion 76, 165

pPaden Hunter 74

Page Rebecca 112

Page--Roth, Anders 74

Palafox. Mory 189

Pollagi Victoria 75

Palmer Loif 88

Palmer Noiya 103 178

Porker Jackson 75

Porker Katharine 112

Poulson Kiley 88

Pedovoli. Dominic 88

Peno Ignacio 103

Peno Priscilla l 03

Penland Grant 88. 189

Perez- Holguin, Luis 88

Perkin. Laurel 88

Perry Isabella 88

Peterman Mallory 75

Peterman Matthew 22

Peters Mariel 75

Peterson. Jordon l 03

RRabadan Valentin 103

Roebiger Julianne l 03

Raguso Gabnello 89 177

Ramirez. Lorraine 112

Ranney Ellary 89

Raths. Noah 75

Rauz1. Mia 89 125

Redo Hobibo 89

Reeburgh Bryce 75. 194

Reed, Chose 89

Reed. Cristopher 112

Reed. Griffin 89

Reeves. John l 03

Reh. Brody 103

Reh. Emilie 23

Reid, Chad 112

Reinert Nicholas 75

Remington. loin 75

Repine. Andrew 75

Reveles. Ashley 89

Reveles. Jasmin 75

Reyes. Alonzo 89

Reynolds. Emilee 89

Reynoso Jose 75

sSobadosh. Fischer 90

Satter Jomes 104

Satter Violet 76

Samuelson Nicole 24

Sanchez. Alejandro 24

Sanchez. Angelino 76

Sanchez. Nedy 104

Sanchez. Rachael 90

Sanchez.Calvo Monah 24

Sanchez-Munoz. Omar 76

Sandberg. Berlin 104

Sanden. Mox 90

Sonders. Alec 24

Sonders. Gryffin 24 189

SontJer Katharine 90 179

Sou Sheeo 76

Sauer Hoyden l 04

Scull Cosette 76 160, 174. 175. 178

Sausto. Ion 90

Schaefer Devyn 24 148

Schone Twila 104

--~~~- -

Scherer, Kyle 24

~hlesselman, Jackson 104

Schmidt. Stephanie 112

Schnackenberg Dale 24

Schneider Kennady 104

Schneider Sophie 76

Schram. Brock 90

Schreiber Myles 24. 202

~hroeder Auden 104

Schultheis Zachery 76

Schumacher Eleanor 76

Schutt, Maxwell 24

Searls, Natalie 24

Seela Austin 76

Segui. Ion 76

Sebert. Anno 25

Selbert. Garrett 104

Sergneur-DeVrto. Zoe 104

105 159. 161. 178

SeMdro, Hannah 159 161


SeMd10. Kaitlin 25

Serafin Gracie 25

Serafin Landon 90

Seward. Lerton 25. 170. 179

Seward. Logan 90. 189

Shackett. Jason 1 12

Shafter. Haydyn 90

Shafter Ridge l 04

Shanley Sydney 104

Sharard. Haidu 76

Sharp, Jonathan 82 90

Shea. Francis 90

Shea, Madelyn 25

Shemesh Stephanie 76

Sheridan Catherine 76

Sheridan Jomes 76, 122

Sherman. Cherish 76

Sherman Teogan 104

Sherpa. Dawa 25

Srierpa, Mingmo 76

Sherry, Ryon 25

Stumado Koher l 04

Shuler, Adam 90

Shuler, Bryan 25

Shull Brandon 25, 116

Shull. Madelyn 25

eber Nicholas 104

Sieber Theodore 104

S:ver, Ethan 25, 29

nger, Audrey 25, 166

Sisco Kellen 26. 1 16

Sisco. Kylie 90

Sjogren. Cole 97. 104

Sloan, Antonia 26

Sban, Lucia 90

Slowey Noah 104

OW1k Allison 104. l 78

owik. Chandler 26

~iOW,nski, Francesca 90, 174.


Sm 1ey Genevieve 104

Smith. Alexandria 76. 176

~mith Annika 26

Smith, Bloke 90

$/nifh, Garre tt 104

Smith, Jonathon 104

Smth, Landon 76

Sm1h. M ason 76

Smith Molly 105. 158, 159

Sinith Tyler 117

~nslno, Sasha 90

So<ensen Isaac 105

South, Savannah 90. 178

Sower. Doren 112

Spanski. Leo 90

Soorks, M acy 26

Sparks. Trey 90

Spencer Kelton 26

Spencer Trey 90

Spetzler Nolan 90

Stampka Landon 76

Stanek. Kira 90

Stanek Tegan 26, 29

Stark. Corey 26 170 177 199

Starnes. Carter l 05

Steam Lucas 90

Stemper Dylan 105

Stemple. Nicholas 105

Stephens. Dev1on 90

Stephens. Keegan 90

Stephenson Leah l 05. 178

Stevens. Caitlyn 76

Stewart Nola 90

Strckhng Henry 91

Stobbe Mason 26

Stobbe Maxwell 91

Stocker Phillip 105

Stokes. Tamsen 112

Stone Jorden 105

Stonehouse. Keelan 91

Story Seamus 91

Stratton. Brittany 26

Streich Brayden 91

Stricker Burke 91

Strock. Ashley l 05

Stroup, Jenna 26

Stroy Ohvia 76

Stubenrauch Henry 91 116

Studt Hannah l 05

Stukey Curren 105

Summers. Dalton 77

Summers. Jomes 112

Sundarapura Wongchat 77

Surghon,. Adelle 77

Swanson Jade 91

Swanson McCabe l 05

Swanson. Nathan 26

Sweeney, Alice 26

Sweeney Anna l 05

Swift Jesse 112

Sytner Maio 77

Tobin , Charles 91

TObin, Toylor 91

Toahill Moggie 105

Torrey Joshua 77

Toth Andor 27

Toth Simon 77

Touher Alano 105

Touher Mora 77

Toussoint-Zednrck, Emma 105

Towl. Mio 77, 178

Towle Jomes 91

Towns end Kaylyn 77

Toy Joanna 91. 170, 177, 188

Toy Ryon 27

Trader, BenJom,n 77

Traylor, Compbell 91

Trujillo , Jaden 27

Trujillo , Maximilian 105

Trujillo , Tobias 77

Tyrrell Trace 105

Waltz. Luke 28

Ward , Cole 77

Warneke, Kyra 92

Worner, Madison 28

Waterman Mona-Irene 28

Waters , Teresa 112

Watson , Stephen 112

Waugh Aidan l 06

Weber, Dayna 28

Weber, Hayden 106

Weber, Molly 76, 77

Wehner, Raya 28

Wehrli Tonner 77

Weigel. Ello l 06

Weigel Vivian 25 28

Weiler, Zachary 70, 77

Weinberg , Anno 92

Weir Keelan 188

Welte , Noah l 06

Wengrovius Emma 92

West Caroline 92

West Devyn 106

West, Spencer 77

Weston Zachary 92

Westwood Trannette 28

Wetch , McClarne 77

zZahn , Micah 92 124

Zapato Zachary 29

Zaragoza Mart,n l 06

Zavalsky Lio 29, 148

Zdon , Pavel 92

Ziemann , Christopher 29

Zucco , Jaidyn 29

uUlrich, Nyo 77

Umberger Vanessa 77

Una Son,a 86. 91. 140

Wetch Quaid 92

Wheaton , Moria 106

Wheaton William 28 188

Wheeler, Jonathan l 06

Wheeler, Torrik 92

White, Carson 28

White , Kevin 70 77, 177

Wieland , Ace 28

VVais. Danny 112

Valent, Sofia 91 125

Vair Carter 27

Vali Markus 91

Valverde. Cassondra l 05

VonSchaardenburg. Anika 27

Vasquez. Adriano 91

Vasquez Alex,a 91

Vaughan Veronica 27

Vazquez. Victoria l 05

Vecchiarelli, Violet l 05 178. 182

Vermeulen. Anna 77. 160

Villa. Kev,n 77

Vining. Brett 77

Wiggins, Megan 106. 159

Wiggins Nathan 29

Wilde, Lyla 106

Wiles , Mason 29

Wilkens Mota Anita 106. 178

Williams , Roger l 06

Williams , Sonja 78

Williams-Cordova, Kadence 78

Wilson, Beverly 113

Wilson Labbie 73

Wilson. Libbie 78 l 77

Wilson , LUISO 92

Wilson , Milo 106

Wilson Tate 106

Wilson , Taylor 29 92

TTobuyo, Alonso 26

Tahmouras1 Arian 77

Tallman Deya 91

Totty Dalton 26

Tande, Gunnar 105

Tate, Hailey 26. 189

Taylor Ashley 77

Taylor IJona 27

Templeton Hal 112

Tennont Asher 105

Tennant Zoe 77

Teran Hernandez. Areli 88 91

Teteris Leslie 112

Theis. Isaac 27

Thomas. Anthony 27

Thomas, Christine 112

Thompson. Brady 91

Thompson. Cambell 27

Thompson, Cassidy 105

Thompson, Delaney 105

Thomson. St ephanie 112

Thornhill Kyle 91

Thumim, Michael 112

Tingley Forest 91

Tingley Tucker 27

Tingley, Vaughn 91

Vockel. Courtney l 05

Vodicka Tonner 91

Voelker Kira 27 167

Volek. Rachel l 05

Volek, Taylor 28

Vuijsters. Sienna 91

Vullo. Gabriella 91

Vullo. Marcello 77

Wimbish , Jake 78

Winter. Matthew l 13

w,se Gray 106

Wishart Nina 92

Wolff Faith 78

Woodard Kaedyn 29

Wrenn Mallory 82. 92

Wyckoff Wendy 113

Wade, Jacob 77

Wagner Baylee 105. 164

Wagner Luke 91

Wagner Thod1us 91

Wahl. Andrew 105

Walker Kirby 91

Walker Ryon 28

Walkowicz Tracy 112

Wallersteln. Ayden l 05

Wallin. Taylor 106

Walsh Henry l 06. 177

Walsh Zone 77

Wolter Bo 106

Wolters. Drew 74, 77 122

XXander Jackson 92

Xander Lincoln l 06

VYannac~o. Jared 113

Yoon David 71 78

Young. Cole 29

Young Ella 29

Young Miles 92

Young. Milo 78

Yourd Zackary 113

Thank you for taking the time to share your challenges, successes, wishes , and changes with us Demons , you are the reason that Golden rises above. Your passion , diligence , and resilience shine brightly in the darkness Remember that #yourperspective is what this year is all about. As you move forward with a new perspective, don 't forget to look back on the memories and thoughts within these pages for these are the moments that will guide you to continue onto greatness .

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Grandparents and other older relatives are at higher risk of COVID -19 effects. For much of the school year, families worked hard to keep them safe by staying away. By spring of 2021 , new CDC guidelines say that vaccinated grandparents can visit their unvaccinated grandchildren in a single household.


CURBSIDE PICKUP: avoiding entering stores or restaurants DRIVE-THROUGH TESTING: COVID-19 testing sites with as little personal contact as possible FLATTEN THE CURVE: slowing the spread over time. ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING: teachers post lessons and assignments online for students to access .

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment like masks and latex gloves . SHELTERING IN PLACE: staying at home except for necessary errands or exercise SOCIAL DISTANCING: staying at least 6 feet away from others SUPERSPREADER: gatherings that result in numerous cases.



A s new v i rus variants emerge,

the world hurri es to vaccinate enough people to reach " herd immunity." By late April 2021 , almost one -th i rd of all U S citizens over 18 are fully vaccinated ,

Early in the pandemic, with gyms closed and school sports seasons cut short, demand for bikes surges and, in early 2021, continues to outpace supply. Bike industry experts predict that the bike shortage will last into 2022. and all adults are eligible for vaccination The two - dose Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the primary vaccines in the U S



2021 adaptations include senior-only proms, outdoor venues, required masking, appetizers rather than sit-down meals, and even proms without slow dancing or with limited-member "dance groups." Some schools cancel their prom for a second year in a row


As the quarantine wave hits the U.S. in March 2020, TikTok influencers spread at-home food trends like banana bread, Dalgona coffee, and pancake cereal. By January 2021, TikTok users turned to new ideas, like Mexican birria tacos, feta-tomato pasta sauce, and West African fufu.

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In the first NASA partnership with a private corporation, Elon Musk's Space X company, the first astronauts head to the International Space Station. Lifting off in Space X's "Crew Dragon," U.S. astronauts go into orbit on a U.S.-built rocket for the first time in nine years. They will spend six months in space, joining another NASA astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts.


Despite COVID - 19 restrictions , a record number of people vote in November, as states allow more early voting or voting by absentee ballot Counting absentee ballots delays election results for days , leading some to challenge the results and demand state recounts Eventually, all 50 states certify election results and Joe Biden is declared the official winner of the presidential election

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In a rare decision, the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics are postponed until July 2021. Following a rise in COVID-19 cases, Japan decides that no foreign spectators will be allowed, and athletes must take COVID-19 tests every four days. Also, athletes are prohibited from using public transportation or visiting tourist sites during the games.


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg path-breaking Associate J ust i ce of the U S Supreme Court, dies of cancer in September Ginsburg , one of nine women entering Harvard Law School in 1956, argued six landmark gender discrimination cases President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg , making her the 5th female associate justice


Airlines lose more than 50 % of their business in early 2020 as they cut flight schedules and furlough employees

Over the 2020 Thanksgiving and winter holidays , despite CDC advice not to travel , millions take to the skies . Plane travel increases steadily in the spring of 2021 as more people are vaccinated . On April 18, 2021 , 1 6 million Americans fly, as compared to only 105 ,000 one year earlier

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Several of President Biden' s Cabinet picks make history, as it is the most diverse cabinet in history. 12 of 25 cabinet members are female , ages span from 35 to 65+, and members comprise those who identify as Black, White, Native American , Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, and multiracial.


Historically low mortgage rates propel a residential real estate boom, with ho me sales up 23.6% in 2020. By March of 2021, the Dow Jones has risen 70% but the service industry st ruggles due to ongoing COVID-19 re strictions. The Jefferies Financial Group estimates the current economy at 85% of its pre-pandemic strength, p artly due to an outpouring of $2 t rillion in federal relief funds.


Kamala Harris, the daughter of immigrants from India and Haiti, becomes the first African American and Asian American woman to win the Vice Presidency. Harris previously served as a California U.S. Senator and Attorney General. Her husband, Doug Emhoff. will also be a first - the first "Second Gentleman" of the United States.

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Tampa Bay wins their second title , defeating the Kansas City Chiefs , as the Buccaneers ' defense and quarterback Tom Brady dominate The matchup was a battle between the greatest quarterback of all time and the current best , Patrick Mahomes At 43 years old , Brady is the oldest player to ever play in the Super Bowl. The game is his 10th Super Bowl and he set NFL records with this seventh win and fifth MVP The halftime show featured entertainer The Weeknd


Early in the 20-21 school year, a handful of states cancel fall sports completely, while most either play, delay the season's start or move fall sports to the spring. Student athletes, coaches, and school boards ride an emotional rollercoaster throughout the year. By spring 2021, most school teams resume games and practices with social distancing. Unfortunately, one team member's positive COVID-19 test often leads to game cancellations or delays.




Alabama dominates Ohio State 55 -24 in the January College Football National Championship

The undefeated No 1 Crimson Tide, led by Heisman Trophy - winner Devonta Smith , who scored three touchdowns , win their 18th national title


The oddsmakers favor undefeated Gonzaga all the way until Baylor beats them in the NCAA men's final, 86-70. It is the first NCAA title f9r Baylor but would hove been o first for Gonzaga also. Baylor hits ten 3-pointers, while Gonzaga makes only five of its 17 attempts.



LeBron James wins his fourth Finals MVP award , tying Michael Jordan tor that record , after a win over the Miami Heat The Lakers win follows a tough year with the loss of former team leader Kobe Bryant. The team dedicates the season to him


Hideki Matsuyama becomes the first-ever Japanese professional golfer to win a men's major golf championship at the 2021 Masters Tournament. Matsuyama prevailed by one stroke over Will Zalatoris.


Concluding the shortest MLB season on record, the Dodgers win the World Series after the Tampa Bay Rays make a controversial pitching change in Game 6, breaking Blake Snell's momentum in favor of reliever Nick An<:ferson. Mookie Betts slides home to give the Dodgers the go-ahead 2-1 run and the Dodgers win 3-1. COVID-19 impacts both teams. After a month of quarantine , Rays Randy Arozarena hits a first-inning home run. Then, in the 8th inning, Dodgers third-baseman Justin Turner is pulled out after a positive test result.


COVID-19 interrupts the 2020 MLS season , but Columbus Crew eventually emerges triumphant in the December final against the Seattle Sounders with a 3 - 0 win 2021 looks hopeful , desp ite a sixweek opener delay due to labor negotiations After a fanless 2020 season leads to dramatic financial losses , teams announce that ltmited numbers of fans will be allowed into 2021 games

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Concerns about national security leads President Trump to threaten to prohibit Chinese-owned TikTok downloads starting in November. Oracle proposes taking over ownership of TikTok U.S. data, and negotiations continue through the fall. Two federal district court judges rule that Trump's emergency economic powers are not sufficient.


The U S Department of Justice files a lawsuit against tech giant Google after a Congressional report accuses Google, Twitter, Amazon and others of usin g monopoly powers The DOJ claims that Google ha s illegally paid computer manufacturers billions of dollars to choose Google as their default search engine and restrict rivals


In December, evidence of the most sophisticated and far-reaching hack in years becomes public A group of hackers known as " CozyBear " breached a trusted infrastructure supply chain While Microsoft could not fix the damage already done, they are able to prevent further infiltration within four days


Wall Street hedge funds bet that GameStop, a business hit hard by online gaming, would see falling stock prices. In response, a Reddit page called "Wall Street Bets" (WSB) urges followers to buy stock in GameStop. Millions of buyers send GameStop stock prices surging 1600% in a few days.

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Doctors Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work developing a gene-editing technique known as Crispr-Cas9. Crispr stands for "clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats," a type of sequencing in DNA chains that facilitates bacterial immunity. The Crispr technique allows scientists to cut out and replace chain segments. This will enable repairs to flawed genes and prevent diseases, but the technique's potential to create inheritable edited genes in humans Is controversial.

photo: wccflech


Created by father-son Eugene and Daniel Levy, the quirky Canadian comedy series Schitf's Creek wins nine Emmys, the most in a year for a comedy series. The show features a wealthy family that falls on hard times.


While NIOSH - certified " N95" masks are the gold standard , they are unava i lable to the general publ ic for months The urgent need for masks leads to c ountless c reative designs and unending argume nts about what the " best " masks are . Elastic loops? Tie s around the head? One or two fabric layers? Filters?


Chadwick Boseman dies from colon cancer at age 43. After his diagnosis, he films five movies including Black Panther. At the 2021 Golden Globes, Boseman posthumously wins " Best Actor "


De sp ite fa ci ng a threatened ban i n the U S., TikTok continues to grow to 732 million users as of April 2021 , mak i ng millions of dollars for some contributors.

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Everything is different, for everyone. Classes are on line. Spring sports that had just barely gotten started, ended before they really began. Plays and final concerts canceled. Graduation has been postponed until August , and Prom looked very , very different. All of our traditional rites of passage have changed for this Spring , but as a community we have come together to support one another, to adapt and to rein ve nt, to redefine just what Demon Strong means.

• HOW LIFE HAS tc rnl)~((rID

Being stuck at home has caused Peyton Brown (9) to develop a bad sleep schedule. "I typically go to bed between twelve and two 1n the morning," she says. Peyton has kept 1n touch with her friends through text and Face Time. Her school work only takes up to three hours a day which allows Peyton to do other things. She enJoys going for walks with her family and being able to relax at home.

Chloe Flannigan (9) has taken this time to hang out with her family. Although being housebound isn't ideal, 1t gives her a chance to spend time with her loved ones. She also keeps busy by doing her schoolwork. Chloe says, "I think about getting one thing done at a time and make sure to take breaks." Taking breaks while working refreshes the mind and 1s proven to increase product1v1ty.

Sol1 F1cco (9) has been reading, wnt1ng, and facet1m1ng her friends. She has enJoyed being with her family while at home. Staying motivated can be tough, but 1t 1s worth 1t to keep working hard. Sol1 says, "I stay motivated to do schoolwork by remembering that what I do now will determine my future, and when I don't feel motivated, I push myself to try." Something she has done to pass the time aside from school 1s researching things and writing about them. "There are so many things to discover, and despite not being able to go out and discover, there are incredible ways that we can still learn everyday!" says Sol1.

my rnot"'ottd to do Khoolwolit by rt,.,.,.,btrl"IJ th.I whit I do n- will det"'"''"my future. and _..n when don t fHI mottv•ttd 111 pull, myatllto tryl I ,ully Ion bti"II at >Choo! and I ffl4t an,yo,11 11

I.,_,.. dtvtloped a hobby of l'HH<dlln9 thing\ ind wnt•ng about ,U

A,,d also IO add on tht laJt one. I h dtv.loptd a hobby ol rnNtdll"II thU>9• and wn~n<jj tbout ,ti The<e •re so many thi"llf lO d•KOYff ind dnplle not b11n9 1ble to go - an d•K<Wff lhtrw art incrtdlbft thing• th.I wt can lurn ..,,,y dayf

LJ v..-.-

2'0, PM

QMason \. • )

1 Do you like the concept of on line school? \Nhy or why not?

2 Where ere you do,ng your work?

3 Which teacher gave you the least amount ofworlc?

4 Are any of your teechers doing lessons through FaceTlme or calling?

S Did you havo any difficulty wrth technology?

I 1 1 lil(e to concept of onhne school bee.use ,t gives m• th• freedom to worlc at my own pace and doesn't provide any of th• stress that school does

2 I'm doing my work In my room

3 My Spanish teacher gaw rn• th• leas1 amount of worlt

4 None of my teachers l,ave done F~ceTimlng calls yet, but i am e,c,pec1ing one over tho courH of the week

S I didn' t havo difficulty with technology. but I had somo difficulty wtth understanding wl'tat I was supoosed to be dolno

.. n Chloe '- • > .. IHey eon I "" u quutiont fo, yMri>ook? ... HQ.. a,e you ~ng t/,e t,,ne at home1 Whit ueps you busy? How do you stay molJVffld to do Khoolworic? tu-. you developed 1ny new hobb,.11? 1 Spend,ng time w,u, my family rm not sure for 2 J. Think about gm,ng one thing done at a timt and breaks 4 Not rully any ntw hobbies Joi O soudea ., IWkat -you dou,9 to pau l>me 7 How do you say mo1Jv1ttd 10 do Khc,ol,.o,~? Hive you develop.d anyn-hobbifl? I hove bttn rMd,n9 wn1>n51 l«t4>11'i"lJ my fntnd•
and bt ,"9 wrdl my f,mllyl

HARD AT W@«r~~w OR HARDLY W@«r~~ffi«rID~1

How long does it take for you to get done with your homework?

"Some ass ignments take me about 45 minutes so each class 1s roughly 45 minutes."

What is your home hangout?

"I work on my bed most of the time, sometimes it's my desk or my kitchen table-but mostly my bed."

Do you study with friends or by yourself?

" It depends on the day and the friends, I think I study better with friends but it's also easier to get distracted."

What are some online school study tips you have?

"I would say power through 1t and use as many resources as you have."

Yearbook response?
Alex Sm it h ( 10 )
( 10 ) I ' m able to ge t all of i t done before 1pm Reply ) Morgon McCorter ( 10) to take notes however you like and do whatever you want wi t h them c au se you have the time Alex
( 10 ) grind it out in the morn ing Reply ) ll1J- Morgon • \ McCorter ( 10) depend s on the c la ss some t imes only till lunch and sometimes much longer .,::, • • e Ell ary \. .. > Cl
Jk umm face time text netflix party and we played photo roulette ahaha (YEARBOOK) Samantha Orduno (9) "I contact f~iends through facetime."3
f) Kaia Hein

FINDING A NEW ffi1 !i ffl

Being under stay-at-home orders has created new challenges for everyone While some people found themselves overwhelmed trying to manage child care and a full time Job, others have ended up with a lot more free time on their hands than ever before Here are a few ways some family members and friends have been spending their time

" I sleep a lot. " Sage Manning ( 9 )

" I developed a new habit which is spending time with my dog for an hour everyday." Melanie Darr ( 9 )

Maria Waterman ( 11 ) has taken this time to clean and organize She has also up-cycled a lot of clothes Maria has kept very active during quarantine by "runn i ng for forty-five minutes every other day and working out 1n my basement. "

" I've been spending a lot of time playing with my dogs " Caroline West ( 10 )

Chloe Klein ( 9 ) spends her days walking her dogs, tanning, baking, and watching Netfl1x. She tnes to stay as productive as possible while stuck at home. Chloe 1s stayi ng active most ly by doing home workouts While school 1s pnont1zed, she has found this 1s a great time to re lax. " After school, I either go on my phone for a bit or spend time with my family," says Chloe Quarantine, while sometimes boring, gives us t ime to do the things we love. Nolan Spetz' s(9) favorite thing to do outdoors 1s play lacrosse. He has connect ed with hrs friends t hrough gaming A new hobby of his is playing hacky sack Nolan has spent lots of time bik i ng an d experiencing the outdoors

Kaia He in ( 10 )

Wh a t ' s y o ur f a vor i t e th i ng you have d o n e outdoor s?

"S itting a nd Reading . I don ' t really enjoy running which I also do outside. But I r ea ll y lik e to s it on my front porc h and read ."

What ore s om e th i n gs you have don e with your family?

" Going to get food. We've gone to Wendy ' s and McDonalds on multiple o cc a si on s and due to the way my family is , we never really used to do such things befor e "

What 's your fa v orit e thing you ha ve don e indoors?

" I have a lot more time on my hand s and I have been cooking a lot of new th, ngs ."

What o r e so m e way s you ' r e s taying activ e ?

" I ha v en ' t c hanged mu c h I run early in the morning just like I used to. Maybe n ot as mu c h but I stil l have mostly the same routine "

What a r e s om e n e w hobb ies you 'v e deve loped?

·· Drawing, writ i n g, and c leaning (if that 's c onsidered a hobby).''

4 I

ITS ALL ABOUT THE Snack Time is ALL the Time

Snack time in quarantine. While we can 't go out to eat , many of us are finding food a great a way to pass the time at home. The 1rres1st1ble desire to munch on some snacks while working from home or watching TV has people remembering old favorites as well as trying out some new snack time ideas

Zoe Tennant ( 10)

W hat is your favorite study snack?

"Hot cheetos because they're crunchy, spicy, and del1c1ous ."

What is your favor i te food to bak e ?

"Peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies."

What is your favorite food to cook?

" I really like cooking a box of mac and cheese with crunched up hot cheeto bits in it."

Is there any food that you eat now that you wouldn ' t eat as a child? "No, but I eat less now ."

way to eat during the quarantine.

• Iwl>at Yo f...-onw food wh J • ro.dy;ng7 l,AM!IY Igoldfbh a I the way
Samantha Kruger 's (9 ) favorite snack while studying IS goldfish! Goldfish are always a good snack, salty and b1te -s1zed! The snack that smiles back 1s always a good
• NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, YOU ARE l UU u ~000 re I \ PPR I ( ' I , \ 11 · 11

On April 15th our Student Council published a video on YouTube to remind the residents of Golden Pond, our local senior Irving facility, that we are supportive and th1nk1ng about them dunng these d1ff1cult times.

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I I I • Welcome to a GHS sprit week, quarantine style. The theme is Wizard of Oz/ There REALLY is no place like home! twister tuesday! wear your wacky . hair or a wacky t hat! '


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t ii~ If lftlt/~ "

Monclay 4/ 27

Lio,~1' T7e.,dA !Ji 1,, ( 11- 11t~ 1

Dress in l{_our Gest Jlnima{ Prints or ]ung1e/ 'liger King cy,yare LJ

1uescfay 4/ 28

Tu,,',.fe 1 ' T ,eo }{)fl

Wear y our wa c~v liair or a wa cfy hat!

Weclnescfay 4/ 29

l,t14ic [J cclt ·': I Y~ 'ci P '1win lay ! Coord-inate witfi a frienl/ c{ass/c{uG/ syorts team &' lress uy t ogetfier!

Tfiu rsclay 4/ 30

Pop/'!/ F•elo PJ 'DtJ!J

Snooze in tfie P'!YJY Fie(I in your Gest ya_;amas!

Friclay 5/ 1

Tltf' GretJt f Powe,.fu{ £r1e11t,al l,Vo,.~e141

Wear rel to sfiow your suyy ort for tfiose worfing on tfie front{ine s oJ tfie yanlemic.

which witch is which? twin day!

the great and powerful essential workers! thank you!

Thank you to all who partic i pated ! It has been important in these difficult times to stay con nect e d with each other, an d o u r wonderf u l StuCo has do ne a great job of hel p ing us a l l remem b er tha t even separated, we are sti l l a commun ity and we s t il l s t and Demon Strong !

-Tu t.":)';>t't\1\o.\ WoY¼tr:>\ .• •.....•••• -=== ===- ---- ----

Sadly, due to the ongoing pandemic , Spring Sports were unable to play this season. Many seniors lost out on their fourth year competing with teams that have become families, and others lost their

ce to j o i n those families for the first time. Our Softball team put together a YouTube video with words of en

ouragement to a ll those athletes who were unable to play this year.

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,. h1 f: Corne. ·n,.s lc,.t TO '0 hl1 Come htS . ,!I --...,: I \~ C'.1?JY I :t f~ \I' •A({"':) T\!Ar \,111-1,\,,~ 1(1U~\.f :r(f P. The ClaallengH that co~e oar way in We are simple opportunities to cba119e, grow, and to become tlut best aof oan.1,,.._ NEVER Fl)"}e\ , you
'SNOT WHETHER YOU GET KNOCKED DOWN. IT'S WHETHER YOU .... • '9 . . . • • • e 5+rong. TQYie cour aqe on 4- be 1nt1m1dated Don'-t, 1ve -them O ~ec.o d n -tho I C-UU~e 6, ad, ~OIJr 6tod . I \d'r:i<\ Oh eoa of u H h\- -th 1~- e ~ e W\-\h 400 He tut ~cu down ; he WO>!t leo.~ uteronom 01-<o j \Ill 111 1 ( 0,1 UI • allll ~TC) , T iMES Dent , \\ .frorr A- 'Lo,, t "" "6'Jl'llfifl i,1,\1 ~tt OU tVte~~~L I-+- m,qh+- be s-\-ov-°''i now, but _ i..;;;;.-- TCJlJC;f j •s; h? ~ ro..,11 do esnt- l Q-st fo~f.v(~ I • 6c on ,\lf ~Ulla.I . r n(1 {loo ,n qour (;' -, .. \h, bt m~~--:~•osJs, : bt ~i ro~ ! \'7 e7 ,, , . ove, ~o\l, Go\ de.t\ Sot\\)~\\ \ e°'\l\~ 1 1

G IRLS 7lr ~(irfi)(irfi)lll:W

Thank you to Cait Remington for these photos (mostly Varsity 2019 ) of the team While they may not have been able to have a season together , they certainly have wonderful memor i es of the time they did spend together.

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Thank you to Dalton Summers for helping make this page possible!

2020 Pre-Season Rankings

WRK TEAM L PTS 1 Golden (7) 0-0 88 2 Cheyenne Mountain (2) 0-0 78 3 Thompson Valley 0-0 64 4 Air Academy 0-0 52 5 Ev ergreen 0-0 51 6 Green lv1ountain 0-0 42 t 7 Erie 0-0 36 8 Steamboat Spnngs 0-1 33 9 Aspen 0-0 20 10 Eagle Valley 0-0 10
2019 State Semi-Finals Win

"Our season might have been cut short-but we all knew, and always will know, that this season was going to be special"


" I think everyone knew that this season was going to be special, we all wish we could have shown 1t on the field ."


"Once you know what failure feels like, determination chases success.''


"You can't make up for lost time , you just have to do the most with the time given" KEVIN MULLIGAN (12 )

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L.lndsey Meers

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