Message from the Mayor Get ready to pile into the car and take off on a journey through the scenic Midwest because ArtDrive is back for another huge year! Community members and groups have outdone themselves once again and jumped wholeheartedly into creating installations that were in keeping with this year’s theme ‘old is new again’. All entries display a high-level of creativity and resourcefulness. I commend all involved for their innovation, teamwork and commitment to enhancing our region.
a map as well as more information about each installation and is available for both iOS and Android smartphones. Now it’s time for you to explore ArtDrive! All installations will be removed at the start of November, so make sure you tell your friends and family about it. Drive safely and make sure you share your ArtDrive experience with us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook! #artdrivemidwest
I have had the pleasure of taking the tour and I can honestly say it makes for a great day out. The wildflowers are in bloom and the region looks as vibrant as ever! Be sure to pack a picnic or schedule in a lunch stop at one of the fantastic pubs or cafes in Greenough, Walkaway or Mullewa along the way. Our staff have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare this booklet as well as a brand new phone app. The free app includes
Shane Van Styn Mayor, City of Greater Geraldton
Welcome to ArtDrive What is ArtDrive?
Vote for your favourite!
ArtDrive is a self-drive art tour that takes explorers on a colourful journey throughout the Midwest. There are 20 different art installations along the route, with each one centred around the theme ‘old is new again’.
Please take the time to vote for your favourite art installations in our People’s Choice award via artdrive.cgg.wa.gov.au for your chance to win a $100 fuel card!
When does the project run? ArtDrive will be officially launched on 30 July and will run until 30 October 2017. How long is the drive? The self drive tour is 270kms and takes about five hours if you travel at a leisurely pace, pause for several minutes to enjoy each art installation and stop for a picnic or pub lunch along the way. Where can I get food? Check out the last few pages of the booklet to see a list of local pubs and cafes. A number of establishments are offering specials for ArtDrive visitors.
We want to hear from you Please head to artdrive.cgg.wa.gov.au and fill out the ArtDrive survey. We would love to know your thoughts on how we can improve the project for the future. Share your journey! On your journey, don’t forget to post Instagram, Twitter and Facebook images using the hashtag #artdrivemidwest
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Central Greenough Café & Visitor Centre
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Pioneer Museum
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*Distance between artworks
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Tenindewa Stockyards
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Installation 15 – Jose St, Mullewa: Located at the Men’s Shed.
Installation 14 – Mingenew-Mullewa Rd: Located in a rest stop on the eastern side of the road.
Installation 13 – 822 Nangetty Walkaway Rd: Located on the northern side of the road
Installation 12 – 4202 Nangetty Walkaway Rd: Located on the northern side of the road
Installation 11 – 6521 Nangetty Walkaway Rd, Walkaway: Located on the southern side of the road.
Mullewa/Tenindewa/Moonyoonooka Category
Greenough/Walkaway Category
Installations 8 , 9 , & 10 – Central Greenough Café and Visitor Centre: All installations aside from 8 can be found in the carpark (Installation 8 is located in the Visitor Centre).
Installations 5 , 6 , & 7 – The Hampton Arms Inn: 338 Company Rd, Greenough.
Installations 3 & 4 – Pioneer Museum: Phillips Rd.
Installations 1 & 2 - McConkey Rd: Installation 1 is located half way down on the eastern side of the road. Installation 2 is on the corner of McConkey Rd and Glynn Rd.
This map has been designed as if you are heading south from Geraldton.
ArtDrive Installations
Installation 20 – “Fairfax” 363 Moonyoonooka - NarraTarra Rd: Located on the western side of road.
Installation 19 – Geraldton Mt Magnet Rd: Located at the Moonyoonooka Store.
Installation 18 – Geraldton - Mt Magnet Rd: Located in a rest stop between Moore Rd and Desmond Rd, on the southern side of the road.
Installation 17 – Tenindewa Stockyards: Located on the northern side of the road.
Installation 16 – Geraldton - Mt Magnet Rd: Approx. 200m west from the Mingenew - Mullewa Rd T-Junction, located on the southern side of the road.
Insectum Obsession
Scientists estimate that an astounding four million types of insects remain undiscovered, along with half a million spiders. The word “insect” comes from the Latin word insectum, meaning “with a notched or divided body”, or literally “cut into”. Together we have enthusiastically “cut into” op shop finds, trash and recycled goods to build our own unique collection of strange and unusual invertebrates. Transforming the previously old, discarded and unappreciated into a state of new fascination - much like a caterpillar to a butterfly. Enjoy discovering our critter creations - exciting new species found right here in the Midwest.
Some elements of this art installation are for sale. For enquiries on china plates, contact Kim 0437 716 648. For other artwork enquiries contact Rachel 0488 732 027.
A Turning World
Almost everything we do now can be done with the aid of technology. Greenough artist Joy Graham has captured a unique view on “old is new again” with this kinetic installation which depicts a world that increasingly relies on technology and recycling. Teaming up with local engineer Andy Fawcett, this dynamic artwork is made totally from disused items. In a technology driven 21st century, the artist challenges the audience not only to reflect on these topical issues, but become actively involved to make a difference and help “keep the world turning”.
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Joy 0418 933 071.
An old steam boiler has stood in the front paddock of the museum for many years. Once the forefront of modern technology, it is now a superseded relic of the past. Bared to the elements, it slowly decays. But out of something old, something new emerges. The boiler has transformed into a chrysalis from which a giant butterfly emerges. Although still, the machine pulsates again releasing a trail of butterflies that flutter through the trees, garden and museum.
Leaning Loom of Love
Inspired by our annual Winter Solstice Camp, Leaning Tree students, sta and families came together to create this French knitting loom and beanie. French knitting is a skill that enables our students to create their own much loved beanie, ready for our family camp out. An old trampoline that had once brought much joy to one of our families and clothing that once gave warmth and protection, was fashioned into yarn, lovingly wound through the loom with hands of all ages. We hope this piece will bring joy and warmth to the hearts of many.
All is New Again
I gather your feathers by the dusk of the day. They fall to the ground when we shoo you away. They’re a gift from the birds I will weave into wings, and I’ll make you a gown from discarded things. So fly my angel, nothing is lost at all. Fly to the heavens. You’re the “Belle of the Ball”.
The Old is New Lighthouse
Our vision for our ‘lighthouse’ is to construct our piece with all recycled/re-purposed materials found locally. The structure has a movement element, powered by the Geraldton wind and is ‘lit’ using the sun (both daytime and night-time). Materials used in the construction have some connection with our City including: pot floats from the Abrolhos Islands’ clean up, old fencing wire from a local farm, an old cray pot ropes from local fishermen, old cable drum/vent from a local electrical company, pipework and assorted materials from scrap.
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Sandra 0438 218 356.
Larry the Lounge Lizard
Country friendly, Larry the Lounge Lizard lounges under the verandah and is warmed by the spring sunshine, oering photo opportunities and welcoming visitors to join him. Mansize - his head and tail is mosaiced with tiles and mirrors and his human body is dressed in recycled clothes. The recycled lounge chair is upholstered with natural paperbark.
For artwork enquiries contact Lorraine 0488 361 072.
The Scrabble Game
A game of scrabble started it all. I was using a dictionary as my literary reference. My daughter of course, was searching on her iPhone. This simple act initiated a conversation about all of the things the iPhone has now replaced in our present day. How many items can you find in Nanna’s living room that have become, or are quickly becoming obsolete - thanks to the modern wonder of the iPhone? A generational gap is clearly evident. Not only in the heavy reliance on technology, but also in today’s throwaway society of constant replacement.
I visualise my piece as complete metamorphosis in its four stages i.e. egg, larva, pupa and adult. The adult butterfly lays the egg, which hatches into the larva then changes to pupa where it morphs into the butterfly and the cycle returns and starts again. Life’s cycle never ends or starts. The question is, did the egg come first or the butterfly’s life mystery?
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Jan 0409 649 253.
The Feeding Time
A bird feeder made from 100% recycled metal bringing an old proverb back to life. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush�. . . but with a new twist - WHO is being fed? The birds or the hands?
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Peter 0467 820 596.
Happy Monkeys
Toys aren’t always made of plastic and don’t all come in boxes. The concept of playing outside is not new but somehow has become a buzzword - “nature play” - why has something so natural become so trendy? Because it is fun. Good ‘ol fun for new life. New experiences and happy moments every time for every one that takes the time to participate. Perhaps we’ve gotten lost in our busy lives and the trend reminds us to take the time to spend time together, laughing outside. It’s good to see you out for a drive. Have a laugh and enjoy.
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Sylvia on 0405 526 698.
Time Out
I would like you to take time to sit and slow down. We are all attached to a screen nowadays. Turn off your screens and take a moment to look around and appreciate your beautiful surrounds. Turning back time to when things were not so fast and hectic, a time when you would stop and have a chat in person, not on a screen. And following this year’s theme ‘Old is New Again’ my piece is created all from recycled/re-purposed materials.
Tribute to Toad
Geraldton Wax is often a source of inspiration for me. I love the contrast of the bright, delicate owers with the dark, hardy leaves. My work explores this concept with the hardness of steel contrasting against the natural surroundings of the work. Our landscape has some truly beautiful silhouettes and this is something that always inspires me and ďŹ nds its way into my work.
The Pink Windmill
Just like a windmill stands strong against the elements, with the fans rotating around, similarly do people who suffer from breast cancer. The strength needed to continue with the momentous cycle of life, amid the devastating challenges they are forced to face, is nothing short of courageous and inspiring. With the love and support from family, friends and wider community life can keep cycling on and the difficult journey can be made a possible one. Or, put simply, a pink windmill to reflect breast cancer awareness.
The Flintstone Mobile
The Mobile is made out of recycled products. We should recycle products that are unable to return to the earth, so they do not leave toxic waste behind. Most of the wood used in this piece is recycled from old wood pallets. The idea was formed by looking around and seeing the playgrounds in the town – it made us think about the types of things we used to have as a child and how we used to pretend to drive around. It allowed us to come up with the Flintstone Mobile and, well, who doesn’t like the Flintstones? Yabba Dabba Doo…
The Flame of Eternal Hope
Because of the inconsistencies of the power supply of where we live, rural residents need the back up of something as simple as candle light despite living in the modern world with all sorts of technology at our ďŹ ngertips. This candle remains the ame of eternal hope to bridge the gap between metropolitan and rural addresses.
Opening the Past
I set about to create an ‘Old is New Again’ statement piece that could be relocated and used at our farm in Tenindewa. I started with an old rusted gate from our cattle yards and collected as many rustic relics as possible, gathered from local farms and stations in the area. The gate resembles everything old; it has sheers, gun barrels, horse shoes, tools, wheels, cogs and much more. I have created a new gate by attaching these, oiling them and then framing the gate in aged wood.
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Jenna 0423 932 904.
Searching for Signal
People throughout rural and regional Australia are reaching out for better telecommunications. Our daily lives are constantly impeded by our distance from urban centres and the reduction in communication reliability that come with that distance. When phone signal can be the dierence between a successful small business or a failure, maintaining friendships and positive mental health or feeling trapped and isolated, or even life and death in an emergency, rural Australia needs telecommunications that are more reliable.
Back on the Bike
Shaun the Sheep is back! He’s finished moping about his future and has got back on his bike. He’s starting a new life, with old memories as guidance forward to a better future. (This kinetic sculpture has been made for people to interact with. Feel free to ride with Shaun into a happier future!)
This artwork is availabe to purchase. For enquiries contact Peter 0467 820 596.
Fairfax Farm Takeoff!
Two things inspired our artwork: first, the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas. We were amazed at the buried Cadillacs amongst the fields. The second was the cartoon “Cars” where Mater goes out tractor tipping - we just wanted to give it a go. Our half-buried treasures are essential farm equipment represented in a new way with the backdrop of the Moresby Ranges. We hope it makes people smile, especially the farmers during this drought.
Pitstops: Grab a bite along the way! Greenough
Central Greenough Café and Visitor Centre Cnr Brand Hwy and McCartney Road, Greenough (08) 9926 1084 www.centralgreenough.com Monday - Saturday 9am to 4pm Sunday - 8am to 4pm Note: Public holidays 10am to 4pm Come and try our delicious home-made food, with a great range of teas, barista style coffee, home-made pies, pastries, scones, cakes and slices your taste buds will be in heaven.
artdrive SPECIAL Stay tuned to the Central Greenough Historic Settlement, Café & Visitor Centre Facebook page for weekly ArtDrive specials.
The Hampton Arms Inn and Bookshop 338 Company Road, Greenough (08) 9926 1057 / 0400 607 226 www.hamptonarms.com.au Mon: Tues: Wed:
Closed Closed 11.30am to 5.30pm (kitchen closed) Thurs: 10.30am to 5.30pm Fri-Sat: 10.30am to 7.30pm (please book for evening meals) Sun: 10.30am to 5.30pm
artdrive SPECIAL Devonshire Tea/Coffee for two $15.00
Walkaway Tavern
1 Padbury Road, Walkaway (08) 9926 1015 Monday - Thursday: 2pm until late Friday - Sunday: 12pm until late
Railway Hotel Mullewa 19 Gray Street, Mullewa WA 6630 (08) 9961 1050 www.railwayhotelmullewa.com.au Open Daily from 12pm until late Cold beer & friendly country service.
artdrive SPECIAL Buy one meal over $20.00 and receive one FREE middy of beer or glass of house wine
Jonesys Café 9 Jose Street, Mullewa WA 6630 Open Monday - Friday 9am to 1pm Homemade cakes, fresh food and excellent coffee. EFTPOS available.
Inspirations Mullewa 30 Maitland Road, Mullewa 6630 (08) 9961 1002 www.inspirationsmullewa.com.au Open Monday - Friday 10am to 2pm Saturday 9am to 2pm Please note: Weekend hours may vary please check our facebook page for daily updates.
artdrive SPECIALS Mug of Coffee / Tea and Cake - $7.00 Get a mug of coffee or tea, plus choose a slice of cake from our display for the price of a cup. (Save $2)
Steak Burger & side of chips - $12.00 Get our steak burger with steak, egg, bacon, onion, lettuce, tomato, mild tomato chilli jam on a turkish roll plus a side of chips. (Save $3)
artdrive.cgg.wa.gov.au For ArtDrive enquiries, please contact the Arts & Cultural Development OďŹƒcer on 9956 6968