Cyril Jefferson@highpointnc gov
Vickie McKiver@highpointnc gov
Patrick Harman@highpointnc gov
Britt Moore@highpointnc gov
Tyrone Johnson@highpintnc gov
Tim Andrew@highpointnc gov
Amanda Cook@highpointnc gov
Monica Peters@highpointnc gov
Michael Holmes@highpointnc gov
The February 11th Association, a High Point, North Carolina-based group organized to commemorate the nation's first Woolworth Sit-In by high school students in the United States during the civil rights movement, announced plans for a prayer vigil to honor and celebrate the historic February civil rights Woolworth Sit-In by high school students in High Point, NC on February 11, 1960.
On Feb. 11, the City of High Point honored the 65th anniversary of the historic student-led sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counter on Wrenn Street. This pivotal moment in 1960, led by 26 William Penn High School students, was the first civil rights sit-in led by high school students—an inspiring act of courage that helped shape history.
Special thanks to Joe Barnes of the African American Initiative and Vice President of Resource Development at United Way of Greater High Point for organizing the prayer vigil near the monument by sculptor Thomas Jay Warren at the former Woolworth's site. The NAACP High Point branch participated. The family-friendly parade included marching bands, step and dance teams, civic organizations, fraternities/sororities, faith groups, businesses and more.
Keep High Point Beautiful, and the City of High Point was recently recognized at the National Keep America Beautiful Conference in Washington, DC, for creating and implementing programming focused on partnership within our community. The Summer Trash Smash program aims to find High Point residents doing beautiful things to improve their property and neighborhood. High Point Police and Fire Departments send personnel to see people working to maintain their property and award them a gift card from a local restaurant or grocery store.
The community effort begins in August following National Night Out and continues for approximately two weeks. This program began in 2017, and to date, $5,811.34 in gift cards have been distributed throughout High Point. This would not be possible without the work of our amazing first responders and the local community of businesses, who are so generous in their support. We look forward to hosting another fabulous Summer Trash Smash program in 2025!
On Wednesday, Feb. 12, the atmosphere inside the High Point Public Library was warm, sunny, and bright, even though the weather outside was cold, rainy, and wet.
The library celebrated National Flannel Day and Wear Red for Heart Healthy Month by encouraging staff members to wear flannel and/or plaid (red if possible).
The festive atmosphere continued when staff were invited to bring soup to share with their co-workers that afternoon. This combined celebration was christened "Soup-AFlannel Day-licious! WEDNESDAY."
Thanks to Gail Simpson for coordinating the event and a team of staff members, including Maxine Days, Jo Williamson, Maintenance Staff, Leslie Harrison, and Skyelar Spencer.
We appreciate all the staff that participated by bringing soup, wearing flannel, and interacting with other co-workers while enjoying a bowl of soup. This event confirmed that "We ARE better together!"
The Public Services Department extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Water and Sewer Mains division for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Their commitment to maintaining our community’s water and sewer infrastructure often in challenging weather and at all hours—ensures the health, safety, and well-being of our residents.
These efforts do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for the essential services provided. Thank you for your professionalism, perseverance, and the vital role each of you play in keeping our city running smoothly.
This planting project, managed by the City's Planning & Development Department, began in Spring 2024 by identifying potential neighborhoods for planting. Emerywood was chosen due to the number of large street trees lost to storm damage, disease and decline over the last decade. The project focused on planting trees within the public right-ofway along Hillcrest Drive, Greenway Drive, Forest Hill Drive and Emery Circle.
Planting locations were selected along these streets, focusing on areas that had
previously lost trees while avoiding potential conflicts with
This December, the City of High Point completed its first neighborhood street tree planting project using funds budgeted for a long-term tree program. Local landscape contractor Price Landscaping installed 25 new street trees in the Emerywood neighborhood. utilities. The project prioritized planting a diverse mix of canopy and ornamental tree species, with an emphasis on native and climate adapted selections such as Nuttall Oak, Serviceberry, Pistache and Elm. The newly planted trees will be watered throughout the upcoming growing season by the landscape contractor, aiding in establishment while the trees are most vulnerable to drought stress.
Feedback from the neighborhood was generally positive throughout the planning and planting phases, and many residents who did not have a tree planted in front of their property requested one.
With the success of this project, the initial steps for a fall 2025 planting project have begun with the identification of neighborhoods in the city that have little to no street trees where new plantings could make a big difference.
Through this tree planting initiative, we can help restore and increase tree canopy, beautify neighborhoods, and provide shade to mitigate heat and create cooler, more comfortable living spaces for our residents.
Special thanks to Rase McCray, the City of High Point's human relations manager, for an excellent presentation on job interviewing skills and etiquette to the High Point Youth Council.
Following his presentation, the Youth Council members split into groups, chose a group leader, and practiced some of the skills and techniques discussed. For more information on the High Point Youth Council, open to students in grades 8 -12, please call 336-883-3407 or email hpyouthcouncil@highpointnc.gov.
High Point was proud to send three competitors to the regionals of Bridging the Triad. In this event, contestants build bridges with 100 popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue and compete to see how much weight their bridges can bear before breaking.
Emery Dunst, who competed in the 8 -10 age group, came in second place, with her bridge holding an impressive 80.2 lbs. (For comparison, the first-place bridge held 83.6 lbs.) Emery's bridge held 51.8 lbs. at the local competition, so she obviously had worked hard to improve her bridge-building techniques between the contests!
This was Emery's first year competing in Bridging the Triad. We'd also like to recognize 11-yearold Grayson Menke and 13-year-old
Sinsanamano Anand for participating in local and regional competitions and working hard on their bridges. We hope to see everyone next year!
Here's a shoutout to Kingston Ervin, one of our talented youth basketball athletes with High Point Parks & Recreation's 8U Heat! Kingston helped lead his team to a 17 - 12 victory on February 15, scoring an impressive 12 points and putting his team in first place. Way to go!
When your team has some great players, plus two secret weapons responsible for scoring 25 points in one game, that's a good week! Meet Jayceon Robbins (left) and Gabriel Miller (right) with High Point Parks & Recreation's 10U Knicks! Jayceon scored 12 points in last week's playoff game, and Gabriel scored 13. Way to go, guys! That's how to end a season; we are proud of all of you!
Congratulations to the talented athletes from our High Point All-Star Cheerleading Teams, who recently competed at a competition in Shelby and brought home top honors!
The 2025 Father-Daughter Sneaker Ball at Deep River Recreation Center drew a big crowd! Everyone enjoyed showing off their best dance moves and fashionable sneakers, socializing with friends, and making great memories!