Certificate of Planning Excellence
Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association Planning and Community Development
$18 Million Dedicated to Maintenance in FY20
Destination Marketing Accreditation Program Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau
First Police Department to Complete the Requirements for One Mind Campaign International Association of Chiefs of Police Irving Police Department
Accreditation with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission Irving Library Services
77 Roads Overlaid/Improved 131 Roads Treated with Pavement Restoration 23.4 Centerline Miles Reconstructed 26,773 Tons of Asphalt Pavement Installed
Excellence in Code Enforcement Award Building Officials Association of Texas Code Enforcement Department
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year 2018-19 Government Finance Officers Association Financial Services
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the FY 2019-20 Budget Financial Services
2020 Municipal Traffic Safety Initiative Award for High-Volume Courts Municipal Courts Education Center Irving Municipal Court
2020 Texas Employer Traffic Safety Award National Safety Council Irving Municipal Court
2020 Leading Fleet Award
The city received the 2020 Leading Fleet award given to the top 50 fleets in the nation that are performing at a high level in fleet leadership, competitiveness, efficiency and demonstrated effectiveness in overcoming challenges.
Insurance Services Office Inc. ISO-1, Public Protection Classification Texas Department of Insurance State Fire Marshal’s Officer Irving Fire Department
Tree City USA - 12th Consecutive Year Arbor Day Foundation Parks and Recreation Department
Scenic City Certification
Scenic Texas Capital Improvement Program
President’s Circle Award Keep America Beautiful Keep Irving Beautiful
IRVING 360° 2.0
The city launched Irving 360° 2.0, a program to empower civic academy graduates to use data to solve a pressing community issue. The inaugural cohort was challenged to identify ways in which the city can engage residents who have not historically participated in local government.
The city implemented a new utility billing system with a customer portal allowing users to access their account information and make real-time online payments in one place. This new portal allows customers to view current and past bills on-demand, hourly meter readings, and daily and monthly use history. 2020 CENSUS
The city promoted the 2020 Census through the Complete Count Committee and coordinated outreach with the Census Bureau and Dallas County Campaigns. Irving’s self-response rate for the 2020 Census was 61.9%.
The City of Irving entered into a $3 million contract with Tyler Technologies to replace Banner with its Munis ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. This undertaking covered 28 modules and spans approximately three years for full implementation. Phase 1 of the project, focused on the city’s financial services, went live in October 2019. Phase 2 of the project, which focuses on Human Resources functions, launched in December 2020.