Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009-2010
Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009-10 through 2013-14
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Project Description
Carry Forward FY 09-10
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 2010-11
Planned FY 2011-12
Planned FY 2012-13
Total Project Needs
Planned FY 2013-14
General Government and Public Safety GG 04-01
East Lathrop Youth Complex Phase 1 Master Plan
GG 08-05
Animal Shelter
GG 09-13
Capital Facility Fee Study
GG 10-01
Interim Corporation Yard
GG 10-02
Interim Library
General Government and Public Safety Subtotal:
Parks & Recreation Improvements PK 03-03
Community Center Expansion
PK 07-07
Valverde Park Phase II Construction
PK 09-05
Lathrop Skate Park Improvements
PK 09-11
Security Camera System Improvements
PK 10-06
Central Control Irrigation Systems Expansion & Upgrades
Parks & Recreation Subtotal:
Street Improvements PS 97-02
Westerly Grade Separation
PS 02-04
Fifth Street Bikeway
PS 02-24
Lathrop Road Widening Rehab
PS 06-06
Louise Avenue and I-5 Improvements
PS 06-16
Lathrop Road and I-5 Improvements
PS 07-09
Louise Avenue Rehab Phase II
PS 07-18
5th, 6th and 7th Street Sidewalk and Storm Drain
$ $
PS 08-02
Sidewalk Repair Program
PS 08-12
Harlan Road Widening and Rehabilitation Phase 1
PS 09-01
Bikeway Striping
PS 09-04
River Islands Parkway & Bradshaws Crossing Bridge
3,012,753 183,844 1,550,000
$ $
$ $
PS 09-08
Traffic Calming Measures
PS 09-09
Louise Avenue/McKinley Avenue Improvements
PS 10-05
Roth and Harlan Road Improvments
PS 10-07
Thomsen Road Walking Path
PS 10-08
Slurry Seal and Pavement Repair Program
PS 10-12
Harlan Road Improvments Phase 1 (Storage Pro)
Street Subtotal:
Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009-10 through 2013-14
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 2010-11
Planned FY 2011-12
Planned FY 2012-13
Total Project Needs
Planned FY 2013-14
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 09-10
PW 03-01 Well 10
PW 05-05 Update SCADA
PW 05-07 Well 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Arsenic Reduction Project
11,081,241 500,493
Project Description
Water Improvements
PW 08-09 Well 21 Post Construction
PW 10-09 Urban Water Master Plan Update
PW 10-10 Water Master Plan Update
PW 10-11 Technical Managerial Financial Studies Water Subtotal:
$ $
$ $
$ $
275,000 6,405,000
Drainage Improvements SD 08-07
Schilling Storm Water Pump Station & Force Main Drainage Subtotal:
Wastewater Improvements WW 01-12 Manteca Water QCF Phase 3 Expansion
WW 04-12 McKinley Corridor Sanitary Sewer
WW 05-18 McKinley Avenue/Yosemite Bypass
WW 06-07 WRP #1 Phase 2 Expansion
WW 06-08 WRP #2 Phase 1 Construction
WW 06-12 Sewer 5 Year Permitting Plan
WW 07-14 East to West Wastewater Intertie
WW 07-15 Response to NOV for SSFM Break
WW 07-16 River Discharge Permitting
WW 07-23 Shared Facilities
WW 09-10 Mossdale Recycled Water Pond Fencing
Wastewater Subtotal:
Grand Total CIP:
$ 20,703,568
140,322 -
100,983 160,000 -
$ $ $ $
350,000 1,996,026
$ 14,794,164
$ 14,446,238
$ 10,105,057
$ 23,051,844
$ 117,272,528
$ 209,404,078
CIP by Project Category FY 2009-2010 New Funding Request General Government & Public Safety, $660,000 , 7% Parks & Recreation Improvements, $115,500 , 1%
Drainage Improvements, $- , 0%
Street Improvements, $4,020,252 , 45%
Wastewater Improvements, $3,060,768 , 34%
Water Improvements, $1,174,159 , 13% 352
CIP by Project Category 5-Year Funding Program FYs 2010-2014 Parks & Recreation Improvements, $5,284,776 , 2%
General Government & Public Safety, $15,895,483 , 8% Drainage Improvements, $1,500,000 , 1%
Street Improvements, $109,324,928 , 52% Wastewater Improvements, $62,783,178 , 30%
Water Improvements, $14,615,713 , 7%
Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2009-10 through 2013-14
CIP by Year and Category $140,000,000 Drainage Improvements
$120,000,000 General Government & Public Safety
Dollar Amount
Parks & Recreation Improvements
Wastewater Improvements
Water Improvements
$60,000,000 Street Improvements
Fiscal Years
by Project Type 3 Current Projects 2 New Projects 5 Totals
10,180,483 660,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals 109,083
Carry Forward FY 09-10 4,071,400
109,083 109,083
109,083 109,083
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
6,000,000 6,000,000
5,055,000 5,055,000
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14 11,055,000 11,055,000
by Funding Sources General Fund F101-General GG04-01 Special Revenue Funds F226-Culture & Leisure GG04-01 F227-City Services GG08-05 GG10-01 GG10-02 F229-Administration GG09-13
10,000,000 10,000,000
5,715,000 5,055,000 430,000 230,000
71,400 71,400
4,000,000 4,000,000 -
430,000 230,000
71,400 71,400
by Project Type 4 Current Projects 1 New Projects 5 Totals
5,179,776 105,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 09-10
554,701 -
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
2,471,829 1,717,931 582,434 69,964 28,000 73,500
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14
1,805,431 1,717,931
by Funding Sources General Fund F101 General PK03-03 PK07-07 PK09-05 PK09-11 PK10-06 Special Revenue Funds F215-Federal Grant PK07-07
168,783 168,783
F226-CFF Culture & Leis PK03-03 PK10-06
1,635,500 1,604,000 31,500
F341-Park-In-Lieu PK03-03 PK07-07
1,008,664 839,881 168,783
582,434 19,964 21,000
50,000 7,000
513,737 513,737
42,000 42,000
126,783 126,783
1,090,263 1,090,263
966,664 839,881 126,783
31,500 -
by Project Type 13 Current Projects 4 New Projects 17 Totals
108,863,563 445,000 109,324,928
Prior & Current Year Actuals 2,897,148
Carry Forward FY 09-10 6,555,857
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
190,185 190,185
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14
by Funding Sources Special Revenue Funds F203 Gas Tax PS07-09 PS08-12 PS10-12
590,185 190,185 310,000 90,000
F211-Measure K PS02-04 PS06-06 PS06-16
6,014,217 64,217 3,000,000 2,950,000
F214-TDA Funds PS97-02 PS02-04 PS07-09 PS07-18 PS08-02 PS09-08 PS10-07 PS10-08
2,914,558 200,000 75,673 697,945 1,500,251 120,000 40,689 30,000 250,000
F215-Federal PS06-06 PS06-16 PS08-12 PS09-01
1,520,245 645,975 452,270 342,000 80,000
310,000 90,000 47,361 47,361
16,856 16,856
3,000,000 2,950,000 490,299 91,528 2,365 285,000 74,526 36,880
1,358,883 108,472 73,308 412,945 690,349 33,120 40,689
50,000 30,000 250,000
645,975 645,975
532,270 452,270
342,000 80,000
by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued F216-STIP PS97-02 PS07-09 F223-CFF-Regional Trans PS97-02 F225-CFF Local Trans PS97-02 PS02-24 PS07-09 PS08-12 PS09-09
16,021,000 13,987,000 2,034,000 420,000 420,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals 200,000 200,000
F232- CFF W/C Lathrop Trans PS06-06
24,254,489 24,254,489
1,370,688 1,370,688
F233- WLSP Regional Trans PS06-16
34,774,668 34,774,668
Railroad PS97-02 To be determined PS97-02 PS02-24 PS07-18 PS08-12 PS10-05
846,522 222,708 177,332 84,551 361,931
Carry Forward FY 09-10
New Funding Request FY 09-10 2,932,000 2,932,000
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
10,855,000 10,855,000
Planned FY 13-14 -
34,912 58,152
420,000 420,000
1,134,980 400,000 353,132 65,000 16,848 300,000
683,801 683,801
22,200,000 22,200,000
29,396 29,396
34,745,272 34,745,272
743,097 222,708 114,579 68,879 336,931
62,753 15,672 25,000
1,000,000 1,000,000
19,741,000 5,002,000 3,114,000 10,000,000 1,550,000 75,000
Planned FY 12-13
1,228,044 400,000 388,044 65,000 75,000 300,000
Other Sources Developer Contribution PS06-06 PS06-16 PS07-09 PS09-04
Total Est. Cost
1,000,000 1,000,000 11,002,000 5,002,000
3,114,000 4,000,000
1,550,000 75,000 2,897,148
6,555,857 358
by Project Type
Total Est. Cost
Prior & Current Year Actuals
4 Current Projects
3 New Projects
7 Totals
1,585,741 566,280 50,000 717,387 252,075
753,063 131,614 50,000 571,449
1,903,402 478,000 250,000 1,175,402
Carry Forward FY 09-10
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14
580,603 434,665
by Funding Sources Enterprise Funds F560-Water Cap Repl PW03-01 PW05-05 PW05-07 PW08-09 F561-Water Expansion PW03-01 PW05-05 PW05-07 F562-Water PW03-01 PW05-07 PW10-09 PW10-10 PW10-11
145,938 252,075
37,922 729,147
1,044,387 478,000 212,078 354,309 -
915,214 377,214 150,000 38,000 275,000 75,000
527,214 377,214 150,000
Capital Project F353-Federal EPA Grant PW03-01
523,800 523,800
506,897 506,897
16,903 16,903
Capital Facility 603- Capital Facility Fee PW05-05
278,500 278,500
278,500 278,500
38,000 275,000 75,000
by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued Sewer Replacement 606- Sewer Replacement Fund PW05-05 CFD 2003-1 541 - CFD 2003-01 PW08-09
Total Est. Cost
Prior & Current Year Actuals
5,186 5,186
5,186 5,186
128,418 128,418
493 493
Carry Forward FY 09-10
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14
49,901 49,901
78,024 78,024
Other Sources GF Loan (SRF Loan) PW05-07
8,338,054 8,338,054
227- City Services
Developer PW05-05 PW08-09
237,000 117,000 120,000
117,000 117,000
6,038,054 6,038,054
2,300,000 2,300,000
700,398 14,338
by Project Type 1 Current Projects 0 New Projects 1 Totals
Total Est. Cost 1,500,000 -
Prior & Current Year Actuals -
Carry Forward FY 09-10 150,000
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14 1,350,000 -
1,500,000 1,500,000
150,000 150,000
1,350,000 1,350,000
by Funding Sources Special Revenue Funds F234-CFF Regional Trans SD08-07
by Project Type 11 Current Projects 0 New Projects 11 Totals
62,783,178 62,783,178
Prior & Current Year Actuals 14,187,214
Carry Forward FY 09-10 2,303,775
New Funding Request FY 09-10
3,060,768 3,060,768
Planned FY 10-11 260,983 260,983
Planned FY 11-12 2,346,026 2,346,026
Planned FY 12-13 -
Planned FY 13-14 40,624,412 40,624,412
by Funding Sources F101 Gen Fund WW01-12 WW07-16 WW07-23 F215-Federal WW06-07 WW06-12 WW07-16 WW07-23 Enterprise Funds F603-Connection Fees WW01-12 WW04-12 WW05-18 WW06-07 WW06-12 WW07-15 F606-Cap. Replacement WW01-12 WW05-18
1,896,378 1,840,000 962 55,416 26,433,721 14,355,830 285,715 3,992,176 7,800,000
1,896,378 1,840,000 962 55,416 -
100,983 1,996,026
4,394,923 2,753,421 101,032 1,030,500 247,285 62,685 200,000
3,224,101 2,753,421 101,032
1,529,425 694,425 835,000
1,450,772 694,425 756,347
247,285 62,685 59,678
24,336,712 14,355,830 184,732 1,996,150 7,800,000
140,322 78,653 78,653
by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued F610-MWQCF WW01-12 WW04-12 WW05-18 F622-WRP Phs 2 Exp. WW06-07
Total Est. Cost
Prior & Current Year Actuals
6,983,410 5,597,610 1,256,300 129,500
5,155,110 4,797,610 357,500
64,810 64,810
64,810 64,810
186,000 186,000
Carry Forward FY 09-10 1,698,800 800,000 898,800
New Funding Request FY 09-10
Planned FY 10-11
Planned FY 11-12
Planned FY 12-13
Planned FY 13-14
129,500 -
Other Sources F621-Mossdale AD 2003-1 WW09-10 Developer WW06-07 WW06-08 WW06-12 WW07-16 WW07-23 To Be Determined WW04-12 WW07-14 WW07-15
17,373,743 1,046,298 15,025,661 800,028 3,012 498,744 3,920,768 2,100,768 1,500,000 320,000
186,000 186,000
2,396,043 1,046,298 47,961 800,028 3,012 498,744
2,100,768 2,100,768
1,310,000 1,150,000 160,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 04-01
Project Number: GG 04-01
Project Name: East Lathrop Community Complex
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: The East Lathrop Community Complex includes development of the three acre parcel which includes the current corporation yard, Skate Park and other City-owned property. The project includes adjacent street improvements, approximately 14,000 SF Youth and Teen Center, play equipment, art walk, skate park expansion, parking lot, outdoor stage and turf seating mound, landscape and irrigation improvements, security lighting, underground utilities and stormwater basin. The Master Plan and Environmental findings for this project were approved by the City Council in February 2009. Staff is recommending revision of that Master Plan and Environmental Documentation to keep the building about the same size, but to add a Public Library of about 7,000 SF, to downsize the Youth and Teen Center portion of the building to about 3,500 SF and to include about 4,500 SF of shared use space such as a multi-purpose room, computer lab, cafe, restrooms, lobby, etc. In addition, construction documents are included for the first phase of construction which is anticipated to include some street improvements, a parking lot, a Phase One 6,000 SF Library/Youth and Teen Center, landscaping and irrigation, retention basins and turf seating area. Future phases of construction will include expansion of the Library/Youth and Teen Center building to approximately 15,000 SF, play equipment, art walk, skate park expansion, outdoor stage and possibly additional infrastructure improvements. Justification: City Council has requested a Youth and Teen Center in east Lathrop and there is a need for a larger Public Library. In addition, this building will be owned by the City and will alleviate lease payments on the current Public Library and Meeting Room on 7th Street.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 04-01
Project Number: GG 04-01
Project Name: East Lathrop Community Complex
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund Loan (101) Culture & Leisure Fund (226) Total Revenues: Use of Funds General Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund (101):
Critical Date Summer 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2009 Winter 2009/2010 Spring 2010 Spring 2010 Spring 2011 Prior Year Appropriations 109,083
Components Community Input Master Plan P&R Commissions Approvals Planning Commission Approval City Council Approval
Descriptions Input for Revised Master Plan; YAC Meetings & Public Workshops Revised Master Plan Completion Revised Master Plan Approval by P&R Commission & YAC Revised Master Plan & Initial Study & Mitigation Monitoring Plan Revised Master Plan & Initial Study & Mitigation Monitoring Plan
Construction Documentation Bidding Construction Start Project Complete
Complete Construction Documentation for Phase I Prepare and Request Bids Start Construction Construction Complete and Building Open
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 4,000,000 $ 4,000,000
2009/10 Recommended $ -
Prior Year Appropriations
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
108,409 674 109,083
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Use of Funds Culture & Leisure Fund (226) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Culture & Leisure Fund (226):
Total Expenditures:
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
190,000 325,000 3,245,000 240,000 4,000,000
2010/11 Planned -
2009/10 Recommended
2012/13 Planned -
2013/14 Planned 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000
Total Allocations 109,083 10,000,000 $ 10,109,083
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
108,409 674 109,083
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2011/12 Planned -
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
300,000 450,000 4,850,000 400,000 6,000,000
490,000 775,000 8,095,000 640,000 10,000,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 09-13
Project Number: GG 09-13
Project Number: Capital Facility Fee Study Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Further Update the 2005 Capital Facility Fee Study.
Justification: The CFF Study was updated in 2007 but never adpoted, the study needs to be updated to reflect the slowdown in the housing market and the recent additional funding the City received from various agencies. The fees for the properties located East of I-5 need to be reviewed and updated.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 09-13
Project Number: GG 09-13
Project Number: Capital Facility Fee Study Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Administration Fund (229) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Administration Fund (229) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Adminsitration Fund (229): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 71,400 $ $ 71,400
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
71,400 71,400
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
71,400 71,400
Total Allocations 71,400 $ 71,400
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan Project Number: GG 10-01
Project Number: Interim Corp Yard
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
GG 10-01
Project Description: The project consists of converting the existing metal building into office space and storage for the maintenance staff located at the New Corp Yard facility.
Justification: The City, as part of its long range planning has purchased the New Corp Yard site located on Louise Avenue. The site has an existing metal building which a portion can be converted to office space.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 10-01
Project Number: GG 10-01
Project Number: Interim Corp Yard
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date Current N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds City Services CFF Fund (227) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds City Services CFF Fund (227) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total City Services CFF Fund (227): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended 430,000 $ 430,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
30,000 400,000 430,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
30,000 400,000 430,000
Total Allocations 430,000 $ 430,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan Project Number: GG 10-02
Project Number: Interim Library
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
GG 10-02
Project Description: The project consists of demolishing and removal of the existing Corp Yard building and purchasing a modular unit.
Justification: The City, as part of its long range planning may relocate the Corp Yard facility on Seventh Street to the New Corp Yard facility on Louise Avenue. The existing Corp Yard building will be demolished and removed. A modular unit will be purchased and converted into an interim library facility.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 10-02
Project Number: GG 10-02
Project Number: Interim Library
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date Current N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds City Services CFF Fund (227) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds City Services CFF Fund (227) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total City Services CFF Fund (227): Total Expenditures:
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended 230,000 $ 230,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
30,000 200,000 230,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
30,000 200,000 230,000
Total Allocations 230,000 $ 230,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 07-07
Project Number: PK 07-07
Project Name: Valverde Park Phase II Construction
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: Phase II will include athletic field lighting, tennis/volleyball court, a group picnic shelter and small outdoor amphitheater. The Parks & Recreation Department has obtained a contract with the Land & Water Conservation Fund for $42,000 for a matching grant for the group picnic shelter. Staff is requesting funding for the match in 2009-10 so that the picnic shelter can be completed. The Parks & Recreation Department has also been recommended for $126,783 in funding for a matching grant through the Land and Water Conservation Fund for the outdoor amphitheatre and is awaiting the contract from the State of California. Staff is requesting funding for the match of this grant in 2010-2011. Justification: Construction of the first phase began in December 2007 and was completed in November 2008. Due to the grant funding deadline and the slow economy, the Parks & Recreation Department is recommending that the picnic shelter portion of the project be completed during the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 07-07
Project Number: PK 07-07
Project Name: Valverde Park Phase II Construction
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund (101) Park in Lieu Fund (341) Federal Fund - Federal Grants (215) Total Revenues: Use of Funds General Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund (101): Use of Funds Park in Lieu Fund (341) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Park in Lieu Fund (341): Use of Funds Federal Fund - Federal Grants (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Fund (215): Total Expenditures:
Critical Date NA Summer 09 Fall 09 Winter 2010 Summer 2010 Prior Year Appropriations -
Prior Year Appropriations
Prior Year Appropriations
Prior Year Appropriations
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications for Picnic Shelter Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The picnic shelter is constructed and ready to occupy
2009/10 Recommended
42,000 42,000 84,000
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
3,750 38,250 42,000
2010/11 Planned
8,875 117,908 126,783
2010/11 Planned
84,000 $ 373
2012/13 Planned -
2011/12 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
3,750 38,250 42,000
126,783 126,783 253,566
2011/12 Planned 582,434
8,875 117,908 126,783
40,770 541,664 582,434
Total Allocations 582,434 168,783 168,783 $ 920,000
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
40,770 541,664 582,434
2013/14 Planned -
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
12,625 156,158 168,783
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
12,625 156,158 168,783
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 09-11
Project Number: PK 09-11
Project Name: Security Camera System Improvements
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: This project is composed of the purchase and installation of a startup camera system that will provide two cameras to cover the location of the Veteran's Memorial. This system has one camera in front of the Veteran’s Memorial and one on the side of the Community Center Building. The camera on the Community Center Building will send its video feed over the fiber network to the Senior Center and the camera in front of the Veteran’s Memorial will be located on a parking light pole and will send its signal wirelessly to the Senior Center. This system is set up so that we can add additional wireless cameras in the parking lot or even at nearby locations, such as the Skate Park, and not have to throw away any of the items that we are purchasing. This proposed start up camera system will cost about $28,000 to purchase and install (including electrical work to provide power to the camera locations). Justification: This project was requested by City Council. A security camera system will help deter vandalism or theft at the Veteran’s Memorial, and therefore provides a certain level of protection for this significant capital improvement.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 09-11
Project Number: PK 09-11
Project Name: Security Camera System Improvements
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360 Critical Date April-09 June-09 July-09
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund (101) Total Revenues:
Components Quotes Construction Project Closeout
Descriptions Receive Quotes for the camera system Construction Complete Final billings paid, etc.
Prior Year Appropriations 21,000 $ 21,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 7,000 $ 7,000
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Total Allocations 28,000 $ 28,000
Prior Year Appropriations
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
28,000 28,000
Use of Funds General Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund (101):
Total Expenditures:
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 10-06
Project Number: PK 10-06
Project Name: Central Control Irrigation System Expansion & Upgrade
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: This project is intended to expand and upgrade our current Central Control Irrigation System to as many parks and streetscapes as possible through the purchase and installation of additional controllers & attachments. There are a few locations that it is not feasible to expand to and those areas would not be included in this project. Staff obtained costs for all the desired expansions and upgrades and then prioritized the improvements based on water saved and staff time saved. Priority one improvements, which we would complete during the 09-10 FY, will cost about $31,500. Priority one improvements will save about $17,300 per year ($86,500 over the next five years) in water costs and staff time of going to each controller location to change the scheduled program. In addition, these improvements will ensure that parks and streetscapes are not overwatered saving approximately 3.9 million gallons of water each year. The priority one improvements are located at Sangalang Park, Woodfield Park, Milestone Park, Libby Park, The Green, Thomsen Pond, River Park North, The Commons, and Armstrong Park. Priority two improvements of $37,000 would be proposed during the 10-11 FY at City Hall and streetscapes at Opal/Garr, Slate/Waterman, Stonebridge/Jet, Stonebridge/Rosewood and Slate/Kirkwood. The priority two improvements would save $12,000 per year ($60,000 over a five year period) in water costs and staff time. Once again these improvements would ensure water is not wasted and save approximately 2.3 million gallons of water each year. Priority three improvements of $25,000 would be proposed during the 11-12 FY at many parks and streetscapes in the Mossdale Landing and Stonebridge areas. The priority three improvements would not necessarily save significant amounts of water, but would save $7,500 per year ($37,500 over a five year period) in staff time. Priority four improvements of $11,000 would be proposed during the 12-13 FY at a few small basins and streetscapes at various locations in the City. The priority four improvements would not necessarily save significant amounts of water, but would save $3,400 per year ($17,000 over a five year period) in water costs and staff time.
Justification: Over the past few years the City has added many new parks to the responsibility of our parks maintenance staff. That coupled with the inability to fund additional parks maintenance workers at this time creates a very difficult situation for our current parks maintenance staff. It is estimated that these improvements would help ease the workload of our current park maintenance staff by saving nearly 300 hrs of staff time each year. The improvements, as phased, would save the City $163,800 over the next five years in water costs and staff time and would continue in future years to save the City at least $40,200 per year. If all four priorities of improvements were funded this fiscal year, the City would save an additional $37,200 over the next five years due to the quicker expansion and upgrade of our Central Control System. With a drought always a possibility in California one more benefit of this proposal is the savings of approximately 6.2 million gallons of water each year.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 10-06
Project Number: PK 10-06
Central Control Irrigation System Expansion & Upgrade
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund (101) Culture & Leisure CFF (226) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds General Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund (101):
Use of Funds Culture & Leisure CFF (226) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Culture & Leisure CFF (226): Total Expenditures:
Project Name:
Critical Date July-09 September-09
Prior Year Appropriations -
Prior Year Appropriations
Prior Year Appropriations
Components Purchase Installation
Descriptions Place order for irrigation controllers & attachments Installation of irrigation controllers & attachments complete
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended 31,500 $ 31,500
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2010/11 Planned 37,500
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned 25,000
37,500 37,500
2012/13 Planned 11,000
2011/12 Planned
25,000 25,000
2013/14 Planned -
2012/13 Planned
11,000 11,000
Total Allocations 73,500 31,500 $ 105,000
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
73,500 73,500
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
31,500 31,500
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 97-02
Project Number: PS 97-02
Project Name: Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Sep
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The project will construct a four-lane bridge the Union Pacific Railroad tracks (Crossing #D82.1) The tracks cross Lathrop Road at about 90 degrees. The project will bridge over the tracks and will solve a variety of technical issues, such as: local access and circulation issues, no major drainage facilities or building structures exist within the required right-of-way, and acquisition of several parcels. The magnitude of this project requires outside consulting firms for environmental, design engineering, and construction management. In addition, coordination with Union Pacific Railroad and the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is required. Justification: Lathrop Road is a regional corridor connecting I-5 to SR-99. The grade separation is needed for safety and emergency purposes and to facilitate the traffic flow along this important corridor. This crossing is ranked #26 on the statewide grade separation priority list, and staff will continue to seek Section 190 funding from the PUC. The project is majority funded through STIP funds, as well as City CFF Program funds.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 97-02
Project Number: PS 97-02
Project Name: Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Sep
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date 2009/10 Current 2010/11 2010/11 2011/12
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds STIP Fund (216) Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Regional Traffic "East" Fund (223) TDA - LTF Streets & Roads (COG) Fund (214) Union Pacific Railroad Unknown Total Revenues:
Use of Funds STIP Fund (216) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total STIP Augmentation Fund (216):
Use of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Trffic Mitigation Fund (225):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 200,000 91,528 $ 291,528
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 400,000 420,000 108,472 $ 928,472
2009/10 Recommended 2,932,000 $ 2,932,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
887,000 2,045,000 2,932,000
200,000 200,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
400,000 400,000
2009/10 Recommended -
2012/13 Planned 10,855,000 1,000,000 5,002,000 $ 16,857,000
2013/14 Planned
2012/13 Planned
10,855,000 10,855,000
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 13,987,000 400,000 420,000 200,000 1,000,000 5,002,000 21,009,000
Total Allocations
1,087,000 2,045,000 10,855,000 13,987,000 Total Allocations
400,000 400,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 97-02
Project Number: PS 97-02
Project Name: Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Sep
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Regional Traffic "East" Fund (223) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Regional Traffic "East" Fund (223):
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund 214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF STS & RDS Fund (214):
Use of Funds Union Pacific Railroad Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Union Pacific Railroad:
Use of Funds Unknown Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unknown: Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
91,528 91,528
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
$ $
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
420,000 420,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
108,472 108,472
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
$ $
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended -
$ $
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
1,000,000 1,000,000
$ $
420,000 420,000 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
2012/13 Planned 5,002,000 5,002,000
Total Allocations
200,000 200,000 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Allocations
5,002,000 5,002,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 02-04
Project Number: PS 02-04
Project Name: Fifth Street Bikeway
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: This project will complete the bike lane on Fifth Street from J Street to Lathrop Road. This project is funded by Measure K Fund 211 and Local Transportation Fund 214.
Justification: This project will complete the bike lane on Fifth Street from J Street to Lathrop Road. This Completes a 6-year program to get bike lanes on Fifth Street from Lathrop Road to "O" Street.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 02-04
Project Number: PS 02-04
Project Name: Fifth Street Bikeway
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Measure K Fund (211) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Use of Funds Measure K Fund (211) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Measure K Fund (211) Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 2,365 $ 2,365
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 73,308 47,361 $ 120,669
2009/10 Recommended 16,856 $ 16,856
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2,365 2,365
Prior & Current Year Actuals
49,759 23,549 73,308
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Total Allocations 75,673 64,217 $ 139,890 Total Allocations
52,124 23,549 75,673
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
5,000 59,217 64,217
5,000 42,361 47,361
16,856 16,856
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 02-24
Project Number: PS 02-24
Project Name: Lathrop Road Widening/Rehab
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The project consists of acquiring all necessary right-of-way, reconstruction of existing pavement section, construction of a landscaped median and widening of Lathrop Road to four (4) lanes with concrete curb and gutter from I-5 to the easterly City Limits. Right-of-way acquisition and road widening is estimated to occur primarily on the north side. It is anticipated that this project will be combined with the design and construction of the Lathrop Road/U.P.R.R. Westerly Grade Separation (PS 97-02) Justification: Improving this corridor improves regional traffic flow. This is the basis for applying for future STIP funds.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 02-24
Project Number: PS 02-24
Project Name: Lathrop Road Widening/Rehab
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date 2008/09 2012/13 2012/13 2012/13 N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFF - Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Unfunded Total Revenues: Use of Funds CFF - Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - Traffic Mitigation Fund (225): Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded: Total Expenditures:
Descriptions Prepare Plans & Specifications Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Design Phase Acquisition & Preparation Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals 34,912 $ 34,912
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 353,132 $ 353,132
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
34,912 34,912
Prior & Current Year Actuals
353,132 353,132
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
Total Allocations 388,044 3,114,000 $ 3,502,044
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned 3,114,000 $ 3,114,000
2013/14 Planned
388,044 388,044 Total Allocations
500,000 2,614,000 3,114,000
500,000 2,614,000 3,114,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-06
Project Number: PS 06-06
Project Name: Louise Ave & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Interchange improvements at the Louise Avenue and Interstate 5 interchange, including widening of Louise Avenue at the undercrossing, improvements to all on- and off-ramps, and new traffic signals. The southbound on- and off-ramp will be shifted to the west and may require a loop on-ramp to southbound I-5. Justification: Interchange capacity improvements to accommodate the West Lathrop Specific Plan projects and the Central Lathrop Specific Plan projects. The existing interchange cannot accommodate planned development.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-06
Project Number: PS 06-06
Project Name: Louise Ave & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Critical Date N/A Current N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFF - W/C Lathrop Trans Fund (232) Developer Project Fund (271) Measure K Fund (211) Federal Grant- IMD Award Fund (215) Total Revenues: Use of Funds CFF - W/C Lathrop Trans Fund (232) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - W/C Lathrop Trans Fund (232): Use of Funds Developer Project Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Project Fund (271):
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 1,370,688 683,801 222,708 645,975 $ 1,593,396 $ 1,329,776
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
1,081,985 288,703 1,370,688
Prior & Current Year Actuals
212,944 9,764 222,708
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
683,801 683,801
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned 22,200,000 $ 22,200,000
Total Allocations 24,254,489 222,708 3,000,000 645,975 $ 28,123,172
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
3,600,000 18,600,000 22,200,000
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
1,081,985 3,600,000 19,572,504 24,254,489 Total Allocations
212,944 9,764 222,708
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-06
Project Number: PS 06-06
Project Name: Louise Ave & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Measure K Fund (211) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Measure K Fund (211):
Use of Funds Federal Grant - IMD Award Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Grant Fund (215): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
$ $
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
645,975 645,975
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
3,000,000 3,000,000
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
3,000,000 3,000,000 Total Allocations
645,975 645,975
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-16
Project Number: PS 06-16
Project Name: Lathrop Road & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Interchange at the Lathrop Road and Interstate 5 Interchange. The interchange is anticipated to require dual loop on ramps to I-5. Staff will be pursuing some interim improvements in the upcoming year due to the ultimate construction being several years away. Justification: Provide Interchange capacity improvements to accommodate the West Lathrop Specific Plan projects and the Central Lathrop Specific Plan projects. The existing interchange cannot accommodate planned development.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-16
Project Number: PS 06-16
Project Name: Lathrop Road & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A Current N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFF - WLSP Regional Trans Fund (233) Measure K Renewal Fund (211) Federal Funds - IMD Award Fund (215) Developer Project - Richland Fund (271) Unfunded Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFF - WLSP Regional Trans Fund (233) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - WLSP Regional Trans Fund (233): Use of Funds Measure K Renewal Fund (211) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Measure K Renewal Fund (211):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 114,579 $ 114,579
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended 29,396 $ 29,396
2010/11 Planned 452,270 $ 452,270
2011/12 Planned 2,950,000 62,753 $ 3,012,753
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
29,396 29,396
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2010/11 Planned
2012/13 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2,950,000 2,950,000
2013/14 Planned Total 34,745,272 $ 34,745,272 $ 2013/14 Planned
3,060,000 3,900,000 27,785,272 34,745,272
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Allocations 34,774,668 2,950,000 452,270 177,332 38,354,270
3,060,000 3,900,000 27,785,272 29,396 34,774,668
2,950,000 2,950,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 06-16
Project Number: PS 06-16
Project Name: Lathrop Road & I-5 Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Federal Funds - IMD Award Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Funds (215) Use of Funds Developer Project - Richland (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Project - Richland Fund (271) Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
114,579 $
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
452,270 452,270
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
62,753 62,753
$ Total
Allocations 452,270 452,270 Allocations
177,332 177,332
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 07-09
Project Number: PS 07-09
Project Name: Louise Ave Rehab Phase II
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The second phase of the Louise Avenue widening and rehabilitation will provide street pavement repairs, including overlays and/or reconstruction, widening to four (4) lanes, and installation and installation of a raised median between 5th Street and the easterly City limits. Minor intersection improvements at McKinley Avenue will also be included.
Justification: The widening of Louise Avenue, a major arterial, has been identified for many years as being a priority project. It is needed to improve traffic flow, increase safety, and improve the pavement surface to a 20-year service life. It will connect to the future City of Manteca widening project improvements.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 07-09
Project Number: PS 07-09
Project Name: Louise Ave Rehab Phase II
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Critical Date June-08 June-08 July-08 December-09 June-11
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) STIP Augmentation 07/08 Fund (216) Gas Tax 2105 06/07 Fund (203) Developer Projects Fund (271) TDA - LTF Streets & Roads (COG) Fund (214) Total Revenues: Use of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Traffic Mitigation Fund (225):
Use of Funds STIP Augmentation 07/08 Fund (216) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total STIP Augmentation 07/08 Fund (216):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 68,879 285,000 $ 353,879
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 65,000 2,034,000 190,185 15,672 412,945 $ 2,717,802
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Prior & Current Year Actuals
65,000 65,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2,034,000 2,034,000
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 65,000 2,034,000 190,185 84,551 697,945 $ 3,071,681 Total Allocations
65,000 65,000 Total Allocations
2,034,000 2,034,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 07-09
Project Number: PS 07-09
Project Name: Louise Ave Rehab Phase II
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Gas Tax 2105 06/07 Fund (203) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Gas Tax 2105 06/07 Fund (203): Use of Funds Developer Projects Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects Fund (271): Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads (COG) Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
68,879 68,879
Prior & Current Year Actuals
285,000 285,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
190,185 190,185
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
15,672 15,672
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
412,945 412,945
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
190,185 190,185 Total Allocations
68,879 15,672 84,551
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
285,000 412,945 697,945
2010/11 Planned
Total Allocations
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 07-18
Project Number: PS 07-18
Project Name: 5th 6th & 7th Sidewalk & Storm Drain
Department Responsible: Public Works / Juan Ochoa
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The proposed project would construct new sidewalks, curbs, gutters and storm drain system to provide safe pedestrian access and to collect and convey the storm water to detention/retention basins and eventually to the San Joaquin River. The project will focus on the 5th, 6th and 7th Streets area north of Louise Avenue and south of Lathrop Road. Public Works staff is working with consultants to determine and evalutate several alternative options for the system. Those options will be presented to Council. The project cost presented here is only a "thumb nail" estimate at this time. A more complete estimate will follow when all the alternative proposals have been explored. Justification: The historic section of Lathrop does not have a safe sidewalk, curb, gutter and storm drainage system to convey the storm water runoff from the streets. Pedestrians currently walk on the streets and storm water runoff flows into earthen swales along the roadway where it is retained and eventually percolates into the ground. Additionally, during major storm events, local flooding occurs on the street as well as the adjacent properties.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 07-18
Project Number: PS 07-18
Project Name: 5th 6th & 7th Sidewalk & Storm Drain
Department Responsible: Public Works / Juan Ochoa
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Components Preliminary Design Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals 74,526 $ 74,526
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 690,349 $ 690,349
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 183,844 $ 183,844
2011/12 Planned 183,844 $ 183,844
2012/13 Planned 183,844 6,000,000 $ 6,183,844
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads (COG) Fund (214) Unfunded Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads (COG) Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded: Total Expenditures:
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins Project construction is complete and ready for acceptance
Critical Date Completed TBD N/A N/A N/A
74,275 251 74,526
Prior & Current Year Actuals
141,076 527,024 22,249 690,349
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
183,844 183,844
20,000 163,844 183,844
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
$ $
20,000 163,844 183,844
2013/14 Planned Total 183,844 4,000,000 $ 4,183,844 $ 2014/15 Planned
2012/13 Planned
20,000 163,844 183,844 2014/15 Planned
6,000,000 6,000,000
4,000,000 4,000,000
Allocations 1,500,251 10,000,000 11,500,251
Allocations 60,000 399,195 1,018,556 22,500 1,500,251
10,000,000 10,000,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 08-02
Project Number: PS 08-02
Project Name: Sidewalk Repair Program
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Remove and replace damaged, cracked, and uneven concrete sidewalks as needed. Sidewalk replacement includes installation of root barriers to protect against future root damage. Locations are determined by an annual sidewalk survey which creates a database of repair locations.
Justification: This project repairs cracked and uneven sidewalks which can be trip hazards.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 08-02
Project Number: PS 08-02
Project Name: Sidewalk Repair Program
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Total Expenditures:
Critical Date N/A October-08 December-08 February-09 April-09
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 36,880 33,120 $ 36,880 $ 33,120
2009/10 Recommended 50,000 $ 50,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
36,880 36,880
33,120 33,120
50,000 50,000
120,000 120,000
Total Allocations 120,000 $ 120,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 08-12
Project Number: PS 08-12
Project Name: Harlan Road Widening and Rehabilitation Phase IA and Phase 1B
Department Responsible: Public Works/Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Widen and rehabilitate Harlan Road between Louise Avenue and Lathrop Road. The project will include the addition of a shoulder in the southbound direction, road widening in select locations, rehabilitation of the existing pavement to a 20-year service life, and other safety and operational improvements. Phase 1A will rehabilitate the roadway from Lathrop Road south to Thomsen Road. Phase 1B will rehabilitate the roadway from Thomsen Road south to the intersection of New Harlan/Old Harlan Road. Justification: Development along Harlan Road has led to increased traffic volumes, including heavy truck traffic, leading to a very poor, deteriorated pavement surface. The southbound widening is included in the CFF program.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 08-12
Project Number: PS 08-12
Project Name: Harlan Road Widening and Rehabilitation Phase IA and Phase 1B
Department Responsible: Public Works/Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Gas Tax Prop 1B Fund (203) Federal - Economic Stimulous Fund (215) Unfunded Total Revenues: Use of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Traffic Mitigation Fund (225):
Use of Funds Gas Tax Prop 1B Fund (203) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Gas Tax Prop 1B Fund (203):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 16,848 $ 16,848
2009/10 Recommended 310,000 342,000 $ 652,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
58,152 58,152
16,848 16,848
Prior & Current Year Actuals 58,152
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2010/11 Planned -
2011/12 Planned -
1,550,000 1,550,000
2012/13 Planned -
2013/14 Planned -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
310,000 310,000
Total Allocations 75,000 310,000 342,000 1,550,000 $ 2,277,000 Total Allocations
75,000 75,000 Total Allocations
310,000 310,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 08-12
Project Number: PS 08-12
Project Name: Harlan Road Widening and Rehabilitation Phase IA and Phase 1B
Department Responsible: Public Works/Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Federal - Economic Stimulous Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal - Economic Stimulous Fund (215): Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
342,000 342,000
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
Total Allocations
342,000 342,000
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
1,550,000 1,550,000
1,550,000 1,550,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-04
Project Number: PS 09-04
Project Name: River Islands Parkway/Bradshaw Crossing Bridge
Department Responsible: Public Works
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The River Islands Parkway road improvements and the Bradshaw's Crossing Bridge are necessary to serve planned and existing development and traffic circulation. The first phase is for purchasing the necessary right of way and construction easements. It also provides funds for professional services required to acquire the property with eminent domain. Justification: The construction of River Islands Parkway and the Bradshaw's Crossing Bridge are necessary to satisfy an arterial for service to present and future Mossdale Village, River Islands, other City and County residents. The bridge provides a roadway connection from Mossdale Fire Station to the River Island project to comply with emergency response time requirements. The first phase of the project is to obtain the necessary right of way and construction easements.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-04
Project Number: PS 09-04
Project Name: River Islands Parkway/Bradshaw Crossing Bridge
Department Responsible: Public Works
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Critical Date August-09 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Funded - River Islands Fund (271) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Funded - River Islands Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Funded Fund (271): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 336,931 25,000 $ 336,931 $ 25,000
2008/09 Recommended $ -
2009/10 Planned $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2008/09 Recommended
2009/10 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
288,000 48,931 336,931
25,000 25,000
288,000 73,931 361,931
Total Allocations 361,931 $ 361,931 Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-08
Project Number: PS 09-08
Project Name: Traffic Calming Measures
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The main purpose for this CIP is to install stop signs, and striping on various City streets to address resident complaints, City Council concerns, and resolve traffic issues related to the speed survey.
Justification: Currently, the Department of Public Works has received several traffic calming issues throughout the City from either residents or from the Council members. In addition, the recent traffic survey indicates that the speed limit on various City streets cannot be enforced with radar. The Department of Public Works intends on improving the streets with striping such that it would allow the use of radar.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-08
Project Number: PS 09-08
Project Name: Traffic Calming Measures
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Critical Date August-09 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 40,689 $ $ 40,689
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
40,689 40,689
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
40,689 40,689
Total Allocations 40,689 $ 40,689 Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-09
Project Number: PS 09-09
Project Name: Louise Avenue/McKinley Avenue Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Property acquisitions and minor intersection improvements at the intersection of Louise Avenue and McKinley Avenue. This work will be performed concurrently with CIP PS 07-09, Louise Avenue Widening, and will cover improvements that are outside of the right-of-way for the PS 07-09.
Justification: Intersection improvements at Louise Avenue and McKinley Avenue will tie the improvements performed as part of PS 07-09 into McKinley Avenue. The widening of Louise Avenue(PS 07-09) has been identified for many years as being a priority project. It is needed to improve traffic flow, increase safety, and improve the pavement surface to a 20-year service life. It will connect to the future City of Manteca widening project improvements.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-09
Project Number: PS 09-09
Project Name: Louise Avenue/McKinley Avenue Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Total Revenues: Use of Funds Traffic Mitigation Fund (225) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Traffic Mitigation Fund (225): Total Expenditures:
Critical Date September-09 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 300,000 $ 300,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
300,000 300,000
2009/10 Recommended
300,000 300,000
Total Allocations 300,000 $ 300,000 Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-08
Project Number: PS 10-08
Project Name: Slurry Seal & Pavement Repair Program
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The annual street repair program, including the slurry seal program and pavement rehabilitation program depend on the recommendations of the Pavement Management Program Update. This year's project will include slurry seal application to those streets crack sealed during the FY 07-08 Slurry Seal Program.
Justification: The pavement management program recommends streets for slurry seal, base repair, and pavement rehabilitation. Timely pavement repair will extend the useful life of the road pavement and help prevent severe deterioration.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-08
Project Number: PS 10-08
Project Name: Slurry Seal & Pavement Repair Program
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A July-08 July-08 July-08 June-08
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended 250,000 $ 250,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
250,000 250,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
250,000 250,000
2010/11 Planned $
2011/12 Planned $
2012/13 Planned $
2013/14 Planned $
Total Allocations 250,000 $ 250,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-12
Project Number: PS 10-12
Project Name: Harlan Road Improvements Phase I (Storage Pro Frontage Improvements)
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct or install landscape, streetlights, sidewalk, curb and gutter and 20 feet width of AC pavement from J Street south to the property line between Storage Pro and Joe's Travel Plaza on Harlan Road.
Justification: The Developer has a Deferred Frontage Improvement (DFI) agreement which requires him to install these improvements. Unfortunately, the cost of these improvements was capped in the DFIA to $120,000. Since the DFIA, was approved, City standards have changed regarding pavement thickness and the type of streetlights. The new cost is estimated to be $210,000. The City needs to provide $90,000 from proposition 1B funds to fund this project.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-12
Project Number: PS 10-12
Project Name: Harlan Road Improvements Phase I (Storage Pro Frontage Improvements)
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Critical Date N/A Completed N/A April-09 August-09
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Gas Tax - Prop 1B (203) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Gas Tax - Prop 1 B (203) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Gas Tax - Prop 1 B Fund (203): Total Expenditures:
Descriptions Private Dedication Prepare Plans and Specifications Private Bid Private Contract The project is constructed and accepted
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended 90,000 $ 90,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
90,000 90,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
90,000 90,000
Total $
Allocations 90,000 90,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 03-01
Project Number: PW 03-01
Project Name: Well 10
Department Responsible: Public Works / Juan Ochoa
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: With the new site already acquired, the City, needs to drill a replacement well for Well 5. Well 5 was located adjacent to Lathrop Road and was shut down because of possible contamination from Sharpe Army Depot (Defense Logistics Agency West) before it was finished. The drilling and testing phase of the project is completed and the underground improvements for the well's construction has been completed. Construction of the above ground improvements is underway, construction to be completed by late November 2009. Justification: The City's water system has limited reserve for high peak use days. The well will provide a reserve during peak usage. The initial funding will provide funds to identify and acquire an appropriate site. The Federal Grant (US EPA) requires a 40% match.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 03-01
Project Number: PW 03-01
Project Name: Well 10
Department Responsible: Public Works / Juan Ochoa
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date Completed Completed Completed January-09 November-09
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) Water Federal Grant Fund (353) Water Fund (562) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water System Capital Repl Fund (560): Use of Funds CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The well is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 131,614 434,665 478,000 506,897 16,903 377,214 $ 1,015,725 $ 929,568
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
72,810 58,804 131,614
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
191,683 242,982 434,665
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
478,000 478,000
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 566,279 478,000 523,800 377,214 $ 1,945,293
Total Allocations
264,493 58,804 242,982 566,279 Total Allocations
478,000 478,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 03-01
Project Number: PW 03-01
Project Name: Well 10
Department Responsible: Public Works / Juan Ochoa
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Water Federal Grant Fund (353) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Federal Grant Fund (353): Use of Funds Water Fund (562) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Fund (562): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
455,996 50,000 901 506,897
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
16,903 16,903
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
377,214 377,214
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
472,899 50,000 901 523,800
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
377,214 377,214
Total Allocations
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-05
Project Number: PW 05-05
Project Name: Update SCADA System
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Upgrade the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to accommodate new infrastructure. Need to replace obsolete master Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) at City Hall and Corp Yard and replace or retrofit obsolete slave RTUs at approximately two dozen remote sites. This project has been planned to upgrade existing sites in three groups: Group 1 - potable water sites; Group 2 - wastewater and storm water pump station; Group 3 storm water pump stations. Work to upgrade the Group 1 and 2 sites have already been completed. The Group 3 sites are proposed to be upgraded in FY 09-10 with completion in FY 09-10. Justification: The old SCADA system is no longer in use. The City is currently utilizing the new SCADA system for the Group 1 and 2 sites. The completion of Group 3 sites will complete SCADA system update. SCADA equipment failure(s) could cause complete shut-down or downtime until the entire system is upgraded.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-05
Project Number: PW 05-05
Project Name: Update SCADA System
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date Complete Complete Complete In progress December-09
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects Fund (271) Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Sewer Replacement Fund (606) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects Fund (271): Use of Funds Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water System Cap Repl Fund (560):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Proposal, contract negotiations Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and work begins Improvements completed and ready for use.
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 117,000 50,000 37,922 212,078 278,500 5,186 $ 488,608 $ 212,078
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
117,000 117,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
50,000 50,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2010/11 Planned -
2009/10 Recommended
2011/12 Planned -
2012/13 Planned -
2013/14 Planned -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 117,000 50,000 250,000 278,500 5,186 $ 700,686 Total Allocations
117,000 117,000 Total Allocations
50,000 50,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-05
Project Number: PW 05-05
Project Name: Update SCADA System
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - Water Connection Fund (561):
Use of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - WW Connection Fee Fund (603): Use of Funds Sewer Replacement Fund (606) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Sewer Replacement Fund (606): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
37,922 37,922
Prior & Current Year Actuals
202,500 76,000 278,500
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
212,078 212,078
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
5,186 5,186
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
250,000 250,000 Total Allocations
202,500 76,000 278,500
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
5,186 5,186
Total Allocations
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-07
Project Number: PW 05-07
Project Name: Water Supply Wells Arsenic Reduction
Department Responsible: Public Works/ Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The Federal EPA lowered the maximum level of Arsenic in drinking water from 50 parts per billion (ppb) to 10 ppb. In order to meet this new requirement, a study identified the need for a Water Supply Wells Arsenic Reduction Project. The project will consist of a new centralized water treatment facility to treat water from Wells 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 at a site near the intersection of Louise and McKinley Avenues, and additional equipment to treat water from Well 21 at the existing on-site water treatment plant. The City has applied for State Revolving Fund loan to finance the project capital costs. The SRF loan would be paid back through increases in the water rates. Justification: As part of the Federal EPA rules, the City's water system was required to begin implementing a strategy for treatment of ground water by January of 2006 for any well that did not meet the new 10 ppb standard. Therefore, the City must construct a treatment facility to remove the arsenic. Currently, the City's wells arsenic levels range from 12 ppb to 26 ppb.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-07
Project Number: PW 05-07
Project Name: Water Supply Wells Arsenic Reduction
Department Responsible: Public Works/ Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Water Fund (562) Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) General Fund Loan Fund (101) - "SRF Loan" City Services Fund (227) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Water Fund (562) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Fund (562): Use of Funds Water System Capital Replacement Fund (560) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water System Cap Repl Fund (560):
Critical Date Current September-10 September-10 October-10 July-12
Components Funding & Prelim Design Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, SRF Application to Purchase Site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins Work is complete and ready for acceptance
Prior & Current Year Actuals 150,000 571,449 729,147 $ 1,450,596
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 145,938 354,309 $ 500,247
2009/10 Recommended 700,398 $ 700,398
2010/11 Planned 91,946 6,038,054 $ 6,130,000
2011/12 Planned 2,300,000 $ 2,300,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
80,000 50,000 20,000 150,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
419,487 57,140 92,879 1,943 571,449
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
145,327 611 145,938
2009/10 Recommended -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 150,000 717,387 1,175,402 8,338,054 700,398 $ 11,081,241 Total Allocations
80,000 50,000 20,000 150,000 Total Allocations
145,327 420,098 57,140 92,879 1,943 717,387
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 05-07
Project Number: PW 05-07
Project Name: Water Supply Wells Arsenic Reduction
Department Responsible: Public Works/ Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF - Water Connection Fee Fund (561):
Use of Funds General Fund Loan Fund (101) - "SRF Loan" Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund Loan Fund (101):
Use of Funds City Services Fund (227) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total City Services Fund (227): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
724,737 4,410 729,147
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
$ $
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
254,309 100,000 354,309
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
$ $
2009/10 Recommended -
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended -
91,946 91,946
2010/11 Planned
158,054 250,000 5,380,000 250,000 6,038,054
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2011/12 Planned
115,000 115,000 1,955,000 115,000 2,300,000
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
1,070,992 4,410 100,000 1,175,402 Total Allocations
273,054 365,000 7,335,000 365,000 8,338,054
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
700,398 700,398
700,398 700,398
$ $
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 08-09
Project Number: PW 08-09
Project Name: Well 21 Post Construction
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construction of Well 21 and Manganese Water Treatment Facility was substantially complete by December 2004; however, due to quality issues, the well has not been put into active service or added to the City's water supply permit. Additional work is needed to evaluate options to 1) disinfect the well; 2) provide a replacement well; or 3) provide additional treatment. Flushing of Well 21 to adjacent orchard properties, SSJID canal or to City's recycled water system may be performed as part of the remediation efforts.
Justification: Well 21 is needed to provide a ground water supply for new development west of I-5. Additional work is needed to permit the well and bring it on-line. The project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 08-09
Project Number: PW 08-09
Project Name: Well 21 Post Construction
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFD 2003-01 (541) Developer Contribution Fund (560) PW 0115 Transfer Developer Projects - RI 20% Fund (271) Developer Projects - Watt 4% Annexation Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFD 2003-1 (Fund 541) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFD 2003-1 Fund (541):
Use of Funds Developer Contribution Fund (560) PW0115 Transfer Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Contribution- Fund (560):
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The facility is constructed and ready for use
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals 493 $ 493
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 49,901 11,923 2,415 $ 64,239
2009/10 Recommended 78,024 252,075 88,077 17,585 $ 435,761
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
493 493
44,761 5,140 49,901
78,024 78,024
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
252,075 252,075
Total Allocations 128,418 252,075 100,000 20,000 $ 500,493 Total Allocations
45,254 78,024 5,140 128,418 Total Allocations
252,075 252,075
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 08-09
Project Number: PW 08-09
Project Name: Well 21 Post Construction
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RI 20% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RI Fund (271):
Use of Funds Developer Projects - Watt 4% Annexation Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - Annex Buy Out Cash: Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
11,923 11,923
88,077 88,077
Total Allocations
100,000 100,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
17,585 17,585
20,000 20,000
2,415 2,415
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-09
Project Number: PW 10-09
Project Name: UWMP Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The Urban Water Management Planning Act requires urban water suppliers to describe and evaluate sources of water supply, efficient uses of water, demand management measures, implementation strategy and schedule, and other relevant information and programs. Update of the City's draft 2005 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) is needed based on the results of the Water Supply Study. Another update of the UWMP is due to be completed in 2010.
Justification: Required for compliance with UWMP Act, SRF funding of Arsenic Reduction project, and to meet future water demands through water conservation measures identified in the RBF Water Supply Study. The UWMP may be used as the basis for SB 610/SB 221 Water Supply Assessments and Writtern Verification of Water Supply reports required for approval of large new development projects.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-09
Project Number: PW 10-09
Project Name: UWMP Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date December-09 December-10
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Water Fund (562) Total Revenues: Use of Funds Water Fund (562) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Fund (562): Total Expenditures:
Components Update UWMP 2005 Complete UWMP 2010
Total Allocations 38,000 38,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended 38,000 $ 38,000
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
38,000 38,000
38,000 38,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
SD 08-07
Project Number: SD 08-07
Project Name: Shilling Storm Water Pump Station & Force Main
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The Shilling Storm Water Pump Station and Force Main project implements one part of a sub-regional storm drainage solution for the Lathrop Acres, 5th, 6th , and 7th Street, Stonebridge, and Interstate 5/Lathrop Road Interchange Area.
Justification: The City is currently updating its storm drainage master plan to provide storm drainage solutions for the area east of Interstate 5.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
SD 08-07
Project Number: SD 08-07
Project Name: Shilling Storm Water Pump Station & Force Main
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date N/A TBD TBD TBD TBD
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFF - RTIF Lathrop Local East Fund (234) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFF - RTIF Lathrop Local East Fund (234) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF-RTIF Lathrop Local East Fund (234): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ Prior & Current Year Actuals
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 150,000 $ 150,000
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
150,000 150,000
2013/14 Planned 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000
Total Allocations 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
50,000 1,300,000 1,350,000
50,000 150,000 1,300,000 1,500,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 01-12
Project Number: WW 01-12
Project Name: Manteca WQCF Phase 3 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The City of Manteca has been expanding the shared Manteca-Lathrop wastewater treatment plant in phases (Schedules B, C, and D). Some of the costs are the responsibility of new customers; however, some of the costs are the responsibility of existing customers. Schedules B and D are largely complete. Schedule C is still in design and was bid during FY 08/09. All the funding is in place for all three schdules including $870,235 for Schedule C.
Justification: The additional capacity is needed to permit the continued residential, commercial and industrial development of the City.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 01-12
Project Number: WW 01-12
Project Name: Manteca WQCF Phase 3 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFD 2003-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Wastewater System Capital Repl Fund (606) General Fund Loan Fund (101) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFD 2003-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous - Water Rights Total Manteca WWTP Expansion Fund (610): Use of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The project is constructed and accepted
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 4,797,610 800,000 2,753,421 694,425 1,840,000 $ 10,085,456 $ 800,000
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
390,403 4,407,207 4,797,610
Prior & Current Year Actuals
426,629 2,326,792 2,753,421
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
800,000 800,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 5,597,610 2,753,421 694,425 1,840,000 10,885,456 Total Allocations
1,190,403 4,407,207 5,597,610 Total Allocations
426,629 2,326,792 2,753,421
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 01-12
Project Number: WW 01-12
Project Name: Manteca WQCF Phase 3 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Wastewater System Capital Repl Fund (606) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Wastewater System Cap Repl Fund (606): Use of Funds General Fund Loan Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund Loan Fund (101): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
694,425 694,425
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
1,840,000 1,840,000
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
1,840,000 1,840,000
694,425 694,425
2010/11 Planned
NOTE: the following have not taken place. 1) Payment to the City of Manteca for schedule C
Total Allocations
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 04-12
Project Number: WW 04-12
Project Name: McKinley Corridor Sanitary Sewer
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct the infrastructure along McKinley Avenue for Phase 3 capacity of the Manteca Water Quality Control Facility. Infrastructure will include construction of a gravity sewer main, new pump station, and force main.
Justification: This project provides sewer conveyance for the properties along the McKinley Avenue corridor.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 04-12
Project Number: WW 04-12
Project Name: McKinley Corridor Sanitary Sewer
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFD 03-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Unfunded Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFD 03-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610): Use of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 357,500 898,800 101,032 $ 458,532 $ 898,800
2009/10 Recommended 2,100,768 $ 2,100,768
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
74,000 270,000 73,532 417,532
Prior & Current Year Actuals
41,000 41,000
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
229,968 668,832 898,800
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 1,256,300 101,032 2,100,768 $ 3,458,100 Total Allocations
74,000 499,968 73,532 668,832 1,316,332 Total Allocations
41,000 41,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 04-12
Project Number: WW 04-12
Project Name: McKinley Corridor Sanitary Sewer
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded: Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
$ $
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
$ $
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2,100,768 2,100,768
2,100,768 2,100,768
NOTE: the following have not taken place. 1) Second Bond Issuance
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 05-18
Project Number: WW 05-18
Project Name: McKinley/Yosemite Bypass
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct a new 16" SSFM on Yosemite Avenue between McKinley Avenue and the WQCF. This section is needed to tie into the section previously installed on McKinley Avenue, and complete the parallel force main to the WQCF from McKinley Avenue sewer pump station.
Justification: This project falls within the general guidelines of the Comprehensive General Plan, adopted by the City on December 17, 1991, which included specific policies and objectives for infrastructure, construction and maintenance of public facilities. The project provides for secondary redundancy and additional capacity to convey wastewater to the Manteca-Lathrop WQCF. This additional capacity is needed for the infill development east of I-5.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 05-18
Project Number: WW 05-18
Project Name: McKinley/Yosemite Bypass
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFD 2003-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) Wastewater System Capital Repl Fund (606) CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Total Revenues: Use of Funds CFD 2003-2 - Manteca WWTP Expan Fund (610) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Manteca WWTP Expansion Fund (610):
Use of Funds Wastewater System Capital Repl Fund (606) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total WW System Cap Repl Fund (606):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 756,347 $ 756,347
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 78,653 200,000 $ 278,653
2009/10 Recommended 129,500 830,500 $ 960,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
129,500 129,500
Prior & Current Year Actuals
123,418 632,929 756,347
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Use of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603):
Total Expenditures:
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
78,653 78,653
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2010/11 Planned -
2009/10 Recommended
2011/12 Planned -
2012/13 Planned -
2013/14 Planned -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 129,500 835,000 1,030,500 $ 1,995,000 Total Allocations
129,500 129,500 Total Allocations
123,418 711,582 835,000
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
200,000 830,500 1,030,500
200,000 200,000
830,500 830,500 434
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-15
Project Number: WW 07-15
Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Force Main Break NOV Response
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tracie Sakakihara
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: HDR prepared a technical report in response to the Notice of Violation (NOV) for the June 2004 SSFM break with recommendations to: Eliminate point loads & compromised pipe, perform surge analysis, verify FM condition, clean FM, reduce probability of damage, install spill detection system and provide means to depressurize and drain FM. These provisions were designed to prevent the reoccurence of sanitary sewer overflows. Justification: Improvements were recommended by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in response to the sanitary sewer force main break that occurred in June 2004. Recommendations need to be implemented to prevent future breaks and/or enforcement actions by the RWQCB.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-15
Project Number: WW 07-15
Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Force Main Break NOV Response
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tracie Sakakihara
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Unfunded Total Revenues:
Use of Funds CFF - Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Wastewater Connection Fee Fund (603):
Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded: Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 59,678 140,322 $ 59,678 $ 140,322
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 160,000 $ 160,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
59,678 59,678
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
140,322 140,322
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
160,000 160,000
2013/14 Planned 160,000 $ 160,000
Total Allocations 200,000 320,000 520,000 Total Allocations
200,000 200,000 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
160,000 160,000
320,000 320,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 09-10
Project Number: WW 09-10
Project Name: Mossdale Recycled Water Pond Fencing
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: New security fence for the Mossdale Recycled Water Ponds located on Brookhurst Blvd. and Golden Valley Pkwy. Security Fencing for Ponds S-1, S-2, and S-3 is needed in order to prevent vandals from entering these sites and causing damage. Justification: New security fence for the Mossdale Recycled Water Ponds located on Brookhurst Blvd. and Golden Valley Pkwy. In the past, vandals have broken the existing fence and have caused more than $150,000 in damage to Pond S-3. The fence needs to be replaced with security fencing to deter vandalism.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 09-10
Project Number: WW 09-10
Project Name: Mossdale Recycled Water Pond Fencing
Department Responsible: Public Works / Ryan Bouley
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date February-09 February-09 March-09 April-09 April-09
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Mossdale Village AD 2003-1 Fund (621) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Mossdale Village AD 2003-1 Fund (621) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Mossdale Village AD Fund (621): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 186,000 $ 186,000
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
20,000 166,000 186,000
20,000 166,000 186,000
Total $
Allocations 186,000 186,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 08-05
Project Number: GG 08-05
Project Name: Animal Shelter
Department Responsible: Animal Services
Contact Number: 209-941-7241
Project Description: Animal Shelter
Justification: CFF fees have been and are currently being collected under Municipal Services for an Animal Shelter.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
GG 08-05
Project Number: GG 08-05
Project Name: Animal Shelter
Department Responsible: Animal Services
Contact Number: 209-941-7241 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds City Services Fund (227) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds City Services Fund (227) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total City Services Fund (227): Total Expenditures:
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned 5,055,000 $ 5,055,000
Total Allocations 5,055,000 $ 5,055,000
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
956,000 566,000 685,000 2,848,000 5,055,000
956,000 566,000 685,000 2,848,000 5,055,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 03-03
Project Number: PK 03-03
Project Name: Community Center Expansion
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: The project consists of four building improvements with construction on both the east and west sides of the existing building. On the east side of the Community Center will be expanded office space of approximately 2,800 sq. ft. On the west side of the building will be three improvements totaling 5,508 sq. ft. including two classrooms and storage space. Also included are slurry coating and striping for the parking lot, furnishing for the building, adjacent landscaping, inspection services, project management and project contingency.
Justification: The Community Center is the oldest public facility in Lathrop and is in need of renovation and expansion. Space is needed to accommodate expansion of recreation programs and to accommodate additional work space.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 03-03
Project Number: PK 03-03
Project Name: Community Center Expansion
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360 Critical Date NA Summer 2007 -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund Loan (101) Park-in-Lieu Fund (341) Culture and Leisure Fund (226) Total Revenues: Use of Funds General Fund Loan (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund Loan (101): Use of Funds Park-in-Lieu Fund (341) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Park-in-Lieu Fund (341): Use of Funds Culture and Leisure Fund (226) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Culture and Leisure Fund (226): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior Year Appropriations 513,737 $ 513,737
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 1,717,931 839,881 1,090,263 $ 3,648,075
Prior Year Appropriations
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
Prior Year Appropriations
Prior Year Appropriations
91,267 422,470 513,737
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Total Allocations 1,717,931 839,881 1,604,000 $ 4,161,812
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
1,717,931 1,717,931
2010/11 Planned
2009/10 Recommended
1,717,931 1,717,931
2011/12 Planned $ -
150,000 75,000 614,881 839,881
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
150,000 75,000 614,881 839,881
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
91,267 1,512,733 1,604,000
1,090,263 1,090,263
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 09-05
Project Number: PK 09-05
Project Name: Lathrop Skate Park Improvements
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360
Project Description: In FY 2008/2009 this project was created with $20,000 funding to fix the Lathrop Skate Park which was closed in March 2008 due to vandalism. The wear and tear on the wood ramps of the existing skate park is increasing rapidly due to the age of the skate park, materials used for construction and frequent use. In an effort to plan for the future, staff is recommending that $50,000 be budgeted for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 to replace the skatelite pro surfacing that is beginning to deteriorate and will need replacement. At that time, it will be City Council's discretion to either replace the surfacing or consider replacing the ramps altogether with a product that will require much less maintenance and save the City money. Justification: The wear and tear on the skate park is increasing rapidly due to the age of the skate park and the materials used for construction. The condition of wood frame ramps can decline rapidly in the Central Valley due to the extreme weather changes from the dry hot summer to the foggy cold winter. Also, the fact that the City’s skate park is well used, contributes to the aging on the ramp structures. Due to this increased aging the maintenance required to keep the park in an operationally safe condition is increasing rapidly. In addition, in a few years the skatelite pro surfacing will need to be completely replaced.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PK 09-05
Project Number: PK 09-05
Project Name: Lathrop Skate Park Improvements
Department Responsible: Parks and Recreation
Contact Number: 209-941-7360 Critical Date NA NA NA NA NA
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds General Fund (101) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds General Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund (101): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins Construction is complete
Prior Year Appropriations 19,964 $ 19,964
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
Prior Year Appropriations
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
19,964 19,964
2010/11 Planned 50,000 $ 50,000
2009/10 Recommended
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
Total Allocations 69,964 $ 69,964
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
69,964 69,964
2010/11 Planned
50,000 50,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-01
Project Number: PS 09-01
Project Name: Bikeway Striping
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Add bicycle lane striping on various streets throughout the City. The first phase will include Cambridge Drive, J Street, O Street, and Opal Street. The second phase would include Bizzibe Street and Slate Street.This project is currently unfunded. However, the City will request funding from future allocations of Congestion Management Air Quality (CMAQ). Justification: The addition of bicycle lanes throughout the City of Lathrop will provide safer passage for bicycle riders by providing defined lanes to divide traffic lanes from bicycles. It will encourage alternate travel. The bike lanes will also contribute to traffic calming on these primarily residential streets. The Bicycle Transportation Plan includes Cambridge Drive.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 09-01
Project Number: PS 09-01
Project Name: Bikeway Striping
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Federal Fund - CMAQ Fund (215) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Federal Fund - CMAQ Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Fund - CMAQ Fund (215): Total Expenditures:
Critical Date N/A September-08 September-11 October-11 June-11
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 80,000 $ 80,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
80,000 80,000
80,000 80,000
Total Allocations 80,000 $ 80,000 Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-05
Project Number: PS 10-05
Project Name: Roth & Harlan Road Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Remove existing AC paving section in the eastbound travel lanes on Roth Road at the intersection of Roth and Harlan Road. Replace with an appropriate pavement section.
Justification: The existing roadway has settled and became ruted. The pavement section needs to be remove and replaced before it becomes a driving hazard.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-05
Project Number: PS 10-05
Project Name: Roth & Harlan Road Improvements
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Unfunded Total Revenues: Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded : Total Expenditures:
Critical Date NA July - Aug 09 August-09 Sept 09 -Nov 09 November-09
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 75,000 $ 75,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
6,000 66,000 3,000 75,000
6,000 66,000 3,000 75,000
Total Allocations 75,000 $ 75,000 Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-07
Project Number: PS 10-07
Project Name: Thomsen Road Walking Path
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct decomposed granite walking path along the south side of Thomsen Road from Lathrop Elementary School to Derby Lane.
Justification: The City has received complaints regarding the lack of a walking path along Thomsen Road from Lathrop Elementary School to the Lathrop School Annex. During the winter months the unpaved portion of the right-of-way becomes saturated with rain and the children are forced to walk on the paved roadway.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PS 10-07
Project Number: PS 10-07
Project Name: Thomsen Road Walking Path
Department Responsible: Public Works / Al Gali
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total TDA - LTF Streets & Roads Fund (214): Total Expenditures:
Critical Date N/A January-12 May-12 July-12 September-12
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 $ $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2010/11 Planned $
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned 30,000 $ 30,000
2012/13 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2013/14 Planned $
2012/13 Planned
Total Allocations 30,000 $ 30,000
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations
2,000 5,000 23,000 30,000
2,000 5,000 23,000 30,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-10
Project Number: PW 10-10
Project Name: Water Master Plan Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: With the completion of the RBF Water Supply Study, a Water Master Plan Update (includes potable water, wastewater collection & treatment, and recycled water) is needed to plan for future capital improvement projects based on updated water demand projections, and provide for treatment and/or alternative water supplies needed due to salinity intrusion into the City's groundwater supply. The draft Historic Lathrop Water & Sewer Master Plan Studies by Nolte (2006) will be updated and incorporated into the Water Master Plan Update. The Water Master Plan serves as the planning document used to provide water infrastructure needed for the City to develop according to its General Plan, and for the environmental determination to meet California Environmental Quality Act requirements.
Justification: The Water Master Plan needs to be updated to incorporate findings of the RBF Water Supply Study, to plan and budget for water infrastructure capital improvement projects, equipment replacement plans, and inform development approval processes, water rate studies and CFF updates.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-10
Project Number: PW 10-10
Project Name: Water Master Plan Update
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date December-10 March-11
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Water Fund (562) Total Revenues:
Components Update Water Master Plan Complete CEQA
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 275,000 $ 275,000
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
Use of Funds Water Fund (562) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Fund (562):
Total Expenditures:
2011/12 Planned $
Total Allocations 275,000 275,000
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
250,000 25,000 275,000
250,000 25,000 275,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-11
Project Number: PW 10-11
Project Name: TMF Water Technical Studies
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Technical studies of the water system are needed to meet Technical, Managerial and Financial (TMF) capacity criteria for the State Revolving Fund loan that is being used to finance the Arsenic Reduction project, and will be required as permit conditions by the State Health Department to add the arsenic treatment system to the City's water supply permit. These studies include a Technical Evaluation of the water system to determine if it meets Title 22 Waterworks standards, Capital Improvement Plan/Equipment Replacement, Emergency/Disaster Response Plan and a Source Capacity Assessment & Evaluation.
Justification: The water technical studies will be required as Water Supply Permit conditions to establish the Technical, Managerial and Financial capacity to qualify for SRF funding for the arsenic treatment project.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
PW 10-11
Project Number: PW 10-11
Project Name: TMF Water Technical Studies
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date December-12
Components Complete TMF Studies
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Water Fund (562) Total Revenues:
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
Use of Funds Water Fund (562) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Water Fund (562):
Total Expenditures:
2011/12 Planned 75,000 $ 75,000
Total Allocations 75,000 75,000
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
75,000 75,000
2011/12 Planned
75,000 75,000
Total Allocations
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-07
Project Number: WW 06-07
Project Name: Water Recycling Plant #1 - Stage 2 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct collection system modifications and an expansion of Water Recycling Plant No. 1 from .75 mgd (million gallons per day) to 1.50 mgd, possible more. Construction will occur on the existing WRP No. 1 site.
Justification: The second .75 mgd capacity and collection system modification will be used by the West Lathrop Specific Plan projects (mainly River Islands). The project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs or another funding source is found such as the Economic Stimulus.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-07
Project Number: WW 06-07
Project Name: Water Recycling Plant #1 - Stage 2 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects Fund (271) - RI 80% Developer Projects Fund (271) - RI 100% CFF - WW Con Fee Fund (603)"GF Loan 20%" WRP Phase 2 Expansion Fund (622) "WLSP" Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects Fund (271):
Use of Funds CFF - WW Connection Fee Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total CFF WW Connection Fee Fund (603):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The facility is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 1,038,716 7,582 247,285 64,810 $ 1,358,393
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
461,905 584,393 1,046,298
Prior & Current Year Actuals
247,285 247,285
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2013/14 Planned 14,355,830 $ 14,355,830
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 1,038,716 7,582 247,285 64,810 14,355,830 15,714,223 Total Allocations
461,905 584,393 1,046,298 Total Allocations
247,285 247,285
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-07
Project Number: WW 06-07
Project Name: Water Recycling Plant #1 - Stage 2 Expansion
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds WRP Phase 2 Expansion Fund (622) "WLSP" Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total WRP Phase 2 Expansion Fund (622):
Prior & Current Year Actuals
64,810 64,810
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Use of Funds Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal - Stimulus Plan Fund (215):
Total Expenditures:
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2010/11 Planned
NOTE: This project is on Hold due to the Housing Market; it will be delayed for several years.
Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
64,810 64,810 Total Allocations
14,355,830 14,355,830
14,355,830 14,355,830
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-08
Project Number: WW 06-08
Project Name: Water Recycling Plant #2 Construction
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Construct Water Recycling Plant No. 2 with a stage 1 capacity of .75 mgd. Early preliminary stages of this project will be to finalize the site location, then move into final design and construction.
Justification: The .75 mgd capacity will be utilized by the Central Lathrop Specific Plan project. The project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs or another funding source is found such as the Economic Stimulus.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-08
Project Number: WW 06-08
Project Name: Water Recycling Plant #2 Construction
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects - Richland Fund (271) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects - Richland Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RC Fund (271): Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 47,961 $ 47,961
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2008/09 Recommended
2009/10 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
47,961 47,961
2013/14 Planned 14,977,700 $ 14,977,700
Total Allocations 15,025,661 $ 15,025,661
2012/13 Planned
Total Allocations
14,977,700 14,977,700
15,025,661 15,025,661
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-12
Project Number: WW 06-12
Project Name: 5-Year Permitting Plan
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: The City is in the process of expanding WRP #1 and construction of a new WRP #2 WWTP to treat up to 6 million gallons per day of wastewater in order to support growth for the next 5 years. A loan from the General Fund of $152,796 is needed to pay the City's share of the costs of the project per the development agreement. The loan will be repaid from user fees once the plant is in operation. Justification: The expansion is to provide wastewater capacity needed to support growth for the next five years. Portions of this project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs or another funding source is found such as the Economic Stimulus.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-12
Project Number: WW 06-12
Project Name: 5-Year Permitting Plan
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects - RI 34.3% Fund (271) Developer Projects - RC 41.5% Fund (271) WW Connection Fund-City/TCN 24.2% Fund (603) Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RI 34.3% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RI Fund (271):
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RC 41.5% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RC Fund (271):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals 379,549 420,479 62,685 $ 862,713
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned 100,983 $ 100,983
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
191,750 187,799 379,549
Prior & Current Year Actuals
209,121 211,359 420,479
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2013/14 Planned 184,732 $ 184,732
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 379,549 420,479 62,685 285,715 1,148,428 Total Allocations
191,750 187,799 379,549 Total Allocations
209,121 211,359 420,479
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 06-12
Project Number: WW 06-12
Project Name: 5-Year Permitting Plan
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds WW Connection Fund - City 24.2% Fund (603) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total WW Connection Fund - City Fund (603):
Prior & Current Year Actuals
62,685 62,685
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Use of Funds Federal Fund - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Fund - Stimulus Plan Fund (215):
Total Expenditures:
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
100,983 100,983
Total Allocations
62,685 62,685 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
184,732 184,732
285,715 285,715
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-14
Project Number: WW 07-14
Project Name: East to West Wastewater Inter-tie on Lathrop Road
Department Responsible: Public Works
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Sewer inter-tie to allow diversion of wastewater flows between the east and west sides of I-5 to either WRP#1 or WRP#2. The project consists of the installation of a new sewer line on Lathrop Road in the vicinity of the I-5 interchange.
Justification: Provides redundancy for operations and maintenance, and reduces the potential for a sanitary sewer overflow in the event of a failure in the City's wastewater system. Reduces wastewater treatment costs by diverting sewer flow to the facility with the most economical treatment costs. This project is on hold until a developer restarts CLSP. This is dependant upon CLSP Sewer Pump Station being complete.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-14
Project Number: WW 07-14
Project Name: East to West Wastewater Inter-tie on Lathrop Road
Department Responsible: Public Works
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Unfunded Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Unfunded Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Unfunded: Total Expenditures:
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Year Actuals $ -
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned 350,000 $ 350,000
2012/13 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned
350,000 350,000
2013/14 Planned 1,150,000 $ 1,150,000
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 1,500,000 1,500,000 Total Allocations
1,150,000 1,150,000
350,000 1,150,000 1,500,000
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-16
Project Number: WW 07-16
Project Name: River Discharge Permitting
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Perform engineering studies and CEQA review of a River Discharge Permit for the WRP #1 and WRP #2.
Justification: Obtaining this permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board will reduce the acreage of land application sites and will also reduce overall costs to maintain the recycled water system. The project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs or another funding source is found such as the Economic Stimulus.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-16
Project Number: WW 07-16
Project Name: River Discharge Permitting
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects - River Island Fund (271) Developer Projects - Richland Fund (271) General Fund Loan Fund (101) Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RI 34.3% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RI Fund (271):
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RC 41.5% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RC Fund (271):
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Prior & Current Year Actuals 1,363 1,649 962 $ 3,974
Carry Forward FY 2009/10 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
1,363 1,363
Prior & Current Year Actuals
1,649 1,649
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2011/12 Planned 1,996,026 $ 1,996,026
2012/13 Planned $ -
2013/14 Planned 1,996,150 $ 1,996,150
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 1,363 1,649 962 3,992,176 3,996,150 Total Allocations
1,363 1,363 Total Allocations
1,649 1,649
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-16
Project Number: WW 07-16
Project Name: River Discharge Permitting
Department Responsible: Public Works / Tom Ruark
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds General Fund Loan Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund Loan Fund (101):
Use of Funds Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal Fund Stimulus Fund (215): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
962 962
Prior & Current Year Actuals
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
1,996,026 1,996,026
2012/13 Planned
Total Allocations
962 962 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
1,996,150 1,996,150
3,992,176 3,992,176
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-23
Project Number: WW 07-23
Project Name: Shared Facilities
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Project Description: Design and construction of: 1) Solids handling facilities, 2) New lab administration building, 3) Conversion of exiting effluent storage basin S-4 to an emergency storage basin at the WRP-1 site. Justification: Shared Facilities are needed for either the WRP-1 Expansion or the WRP-2 to function in the most economical manner, eliminating redundancy. Portions of this project is developer funded and is on hold until future development occurs or another funding source is found such as the Economic Stimulus.
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-23
Project Number: WW 07-23
Project Name: Shared Facilities
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430 Critical Date -
Project Components & Estimated Timeline
Source of Funds Developer Projects - RI 40% (271) Developer Projects - RC 50% Fund (271) General Fund Loan - City 10% Fund (101) Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Total Revenues:
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RI 40% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RI Fund (271):
Use of Funds Developer Projects - RC 50% Fund (271) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Developer Projects - RC Fund (271):
Components Acquisition & Preparation Design Phase Bid Process Construction Phase Completion
Descriptions Appraisal, negotiations & grading of site Prepare Plans and Specifications Council approves plans and authorize bidding the project Council awards the contract and construction begins The building is constructed and ready to occupy
Prior & Current Carry Forward Year Actuals FY 2009/10 221,664 277,080 55,416 $ 554,160 $ -
2009/10 Recommended $ -
2010/11 Planned $ -
2011/12 Planned $ -
2012/13 Planned $ -
Prior & Current Year Actuals
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
221,664 221,664
Prior & Current Year Actuals
277,080 277,080
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2013/14 Planned 7,800,000 $ 7,800,000
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
Total Allocations 221,664 277,080 55,416 7,800,000 8,354,160 Total Allocations
221,664 221,664 Total Allocations
277,080 277,080
Capital Improvement Project Plan
WW 07-23
Project Number: WW 07-23
Project Name: Shared Facilities
Department Responsible: Public Works / Greg Gibson
Contact Number: 209-941-7430
Use of Funds General Fund Loan - City 10% Fund (101) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total General Fund Loan Fund (101):
Use of Funds Federal Funds - Stimulus Plan Fund (215) Project Management Design and Engineering Land Acquisition Construction Miscellaneous Total Federal - Stimulus Plan Fund (215): Total Expenditures:
Prior & Current Year Actuals
55,416 55,416
Prior & Current Year Actuals
$ $
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
Carry Forward FY 2009/10
2009/10 Recommended -
2009/10 Recommended
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
2013/14 Planned
2010/11 Planned
2011/12 Planned
2012/13 Planned
Total Allocations
55,416 55,416 Total Allocations
2013/14 Planned
7,800,000 7,800,000
7,800,000 7,800,000