2015/2016 Adopted Budget

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City of Lathrop California Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2015-2016

Lathrop Community Complex‐ Generation Center Building


City of Office of the City Manager

390 Towne Centre Drive – Lathrop, CA 95330 Phone (209) 941-7220 – Fax (209) 941-7248 www.ci.lathrop.ca.us

City Manager’s Budget Message Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council and Citizens of the City of Lathrop: The City’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2015/2016 recommended budget has been prepared and is presented for your consideration. As in the previous years, we are continuing to adjust to the challenges presented by fluctuating revenues and ever increasing costs. Although, the City’s General Fund revenue is expected to increase by 12 percent rising operating costs nearly depletes the gain by a 14 percent increase from FY 2014/2015 Adopted Budget. This spending plan reflects our commitment to provide a high level of service to our residents, while preserving the City’s long‐term financial viability. The total expenditures budget proposed for FY 2015/2016 is $135.3 million. This includes $17.3 million for General Fund operations, $3.2 million for Measure C, $45.2 million for Enterprise Fund operations, $50.7 million for Special Revenue Fund operations, and $18.9 million for Capital Improvement Projects (see Illustration 1). The proposed General Fund budget presented to Council is balanced with an estimated Reserve of approximately $5.2 million (30.4 percent of annual expenditures). Currently, the future looks bright and holds a great deal of promise due to the resurgence in development activity. The City is poised for positive growth with a plan to balance new residential development with retail, commercial, and industrial development. Although property tax revenue has not rebounded as quickly, it is expected to improve due increases in assessed value and home prices. At the close of 2014/2015, residential permits for single‐family homes are expected to have increased 58 percent over the previous year. In FY 2015/2016, a nearly 10 percent increase in permits is expected for single‐family homes. This is an encouraging sign with more development on the way. GUIDING PRINCIPLES With an improving economic situation, Lathrop is proposing a budget designed to balance the need for expansion with the ability to weather whatever the next economic cycle brings. As an energetic and thriving organization, the City of Lathrop strives to provide a balanced living environment to its citizens focusing on safety, family and growth. The FY 2015/16 budget addresses a range of operational needs with specific focus on the following guiding principles:  A Feeling of Safety  Economic Growth  Community Values  Team Work

Proposed Budget FY 2015/16 Appropriations $135.3 (in millions) Capital Improvement Fund 14.0%

Special Revenue 37.5% General Fund 12.8% Enterprise Fund 33.4% Measure C 2.4%

FISCAL CLIMATE After the mid 1990’s and prior to FY 2008/2009, revenues trended upward at varying rates giving the City a period of growth and rapid housing development. With the onset of the Great Recession, the City launched a series of short term cost reduction strategies which achieved approximately $3.9 million in savings. However, the work did not stop there. The City’s leadership recognized these challenging times as an opportunity to develop a sustainable financial model that will help weather the financial risks associated with volatile revenues and constant rising expenditures. As a result, the City implemented a 10‐Year General Fund Fiscal Model and committed to preserve a General Fund Reserve of 10‐50 percent of annual expenditures. Property and Sales Taxes constitute the primary revenue sources for the City’s operations. When development is at its peak, revenues from Current Service Charges, mainly Plan Check and Inspection Fees, tend to upsurge at the pace of development. These revenue sources, can and do fluctuate since they are reliant on market conditions and consumer’s confidence levels. Illustration 2 provides a historical outlook on these revenue sources. Observing the trends these revenue sources displayed from their peak through the Great Recession reminds us of our commitment to exercise prudent fiscal measures. As the new fiscal year approaches, revenues seem favorable as the market stabilizes and shows slight signs of growth; however, the City continues to manage its funding sources with caution and prudence. Illustration 2


Property Tax and Sales Tax ‐ Historical Data FY 2007/08 thru FY2015/16 (in millions)

Current Service Charges ‐ Historical Data FY 2007/08 thru FY 2015/16 (in millions)
















$‐ Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Amended Base Budget Budget

$‐ Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY Sum of FY 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Amended Base Budget Budget Property Taxes Sales/Use Tax


Inspection Fees

Plan Check Fees

Revenues The City’s revenue streams are composed of three major funds: 1. General Fund, 2. Enterprise Fund, and 3. Other Sources Fund. General Fund supports all general government activities such as police, parks, and public works. The major source of funding for the General Fund derives from property and sales taxes. For FY 2015/2016 initial estimates of property tax revenues indicate that there will be a slight increase from FY 2014/2015. Additionally, Sales Tax revenues are expected to grow at a moderate pace (See Illustration 2). However, these revenue sources are strictly dependent on consumer’s confidence and market conditions yielding the risk for unpredictability. Staff continues to monitor this situation with the San Joaquin County Assessor and the State Board of Equalization and will advise all of the City’s stakeholders if any significant changes are anticipated. Expenditures Through the budget process, all departments have thoroughly examined their expenditures in order to maximize the efficient use of resources. The City continues to monitor contracts and operations with a focus on cost savings wherever possible. However, the rising costs in retirement and healthcare benefits present a challenge for this fiscal year and future years to come as personnel costs is the largest expense in our budget (See Illustration 3). City departments continue to work together to plan for these known challenges and will continue to update Council if any significant changes arise. Illustration 3

General Fund ‐ Revenues FY 2015/2016 $17.3 million Taxes 39.1%

Other Financing Sources 21.2%

Licenses and Permits 10.6%

Contractual Services 19.2%

General Fund ‐ Expenditures FY 2015/2016 $17.3 million

Intergovermental 6.9% Current Service Charges 19.7%

Materials & Supplies 4.0%

Personnel 40.2% Fines and Forfeitures 0.4%

Other Revenue 1.9%

Use of Property and Money 0.3%

Contractual Svcs (Intergvmtl) 26.0%

Training & Travel Fixed Charges 0.9% 4.0% Transfers 0.5%

Debt Service 3.6%

Fixed Assets 1.6%

General Fund Reserve The General Fund reserve is similar to a savings account in which money is set aside for unforeseen economic events. Although, staff expects an upswing in the economy for Fiscal Year 2015/2016; we will continue to make conservative decisions over the next couple of years to maintain healthy General Fund reserves. The Proposed General Fund budget is balanced which means that expenditures are covered by revenues without the use of General Fund Reserves. The Proposed Budget FY 2015/2016 ends the year with a General Fund reserve projection of approximately $5.2 million which means the City’s General Fund reserves remain in healthy standing. BUDGET STRATEGY Even during the economic slowdown, Lathrop continued to grow slightly. The City’s estimated population, as of January 1, 2015 is 20,353, which is an increase of 2.6 percent. Growth will continue this year, albeit at a moderate pace, as the recovery begins to launch. The budget strategy crafted for this year maintains its conservative approach as prior years by carefully projecting tangible and measurable revenue sources and including critical and necessary expenditures while preserving a healthy General Fund Reserve. This strategy will provide an opportunity for the City to continue to refine its processes, consolidate its gains, and prepare for more development in the future. 10 YEAR FISCAL MODEL The primary objective of the Fiscal Model is to construct a ten‐year forecast in order to help ensure the City has a financially healthy future. The past seven years have presented local agencies throughout the State with significant financial challenges. Agencies were forced to develop new ways of doing business while maintaining critical operations. In Lathrop, maintaining the high service levels expected by our residents with a significantly reduced revenue base, while faced with increasing expenditure requirements, was a difficult task to achieve.

The Fiscal Model is designed to be a living document, allowing staff to continually update the projections as often as needed to keep up with changing economic conditions. The model takes the City’s current financial position and, using numerous assumptions, projections, and variables provides a full ten‐year fiscal forecast. It serves as a supplemental tool in the development of the City’s operating budget. The development growth component of the model contains a year‐by‐year assessment of planned single‐family and multi‐family residential and commercial/industrial development. In addition, it analyzes every one of the City’s General Fund revenue and expenditure components. The Fiscal Model is a dynamic tool that allows staff to run countless “what‐if” scenarios and easily access the fiscal impact of either a single change or multiple changes. Work on the model began in 2012 and was a collaborative effort involving every City Department. Examples of variables incorporated include: employee cost impacts resulting from the labor bargaining unit agreements including health insurance, employee pension contributions, retiree medical and cost of living increases, statewide pension reform legislation and the impacts that employee turnover will have on future employee costs; impacts from a future rising interest rate environment; separate modeling of residential and commercial property valuations for purposes of property tax revenues and improvements in the housing market. The model has become a tool for the City Council and the City Manager to assist with the decision making process to determine the financial feasibility of any priorities or goals they may wish to adopt. Additionally, the model also alerts management and the City Council to potential shortfalls and affords them the time to develop practical solutions with minimal impacts to our citizens. Early Fiscal Warnings and Challenges  Other Post‐Employment Benefits (OPEB): In FY 2013/14, the City held $8.2 million in unfunded long‐term liabilities associated with the retiree medical benefit. Although, the benefit was funded on a pay‐as‐you‐go basis (paying only the actual costs of the benefit in the current fiscal year); Financial Accounting Standards require the City to account for the benefit as if it were actuarially funded. Under this method, the City would hold an unfunded liability of $3.8 million for FY 2014/2015. Taking no action on this item increased the risks of a financial breakdown for the City as forecasted in the Fiscal Model. However, City leadership staff effectively conveyed this message to the Council, labor groups, and City staff. Unanimously, all impacted groups decided to establish an irrevocable OPEB Trust to secure the City’s financial stability and City employees’ future retirement benefits. The OPEB Trust has earned interest of approximately $60,000 during the first quarter of its creation reinforcing the decision to establish it.  Healthcare Costs: 36 percent of the City’s operating budget is dedicated to pay for employee services. Despite efforts to reduce costs, the city has limited or no control over pension and healthcare increases. The Fiscal Model projects a steady increase of 5 percent for healthcare costs. The City has led a strong effort to negotiate lower rates from vision and dental providers. This effort has proven successful as both contracts were renewed at lower rates saving the City approximately $17,000. Savings from these contracts are also passed down to the employees whom are able to afford more benefits through their benefit allowance. Forecasting and managing these costs remain a critical issue for the City’s leadership team as future financial planning tools are developed.

 Levee Upgrades: In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, much attention by the state and federal governments has been placed on levees. In 2007, Senate Bill 5 (SB5) was passed by the voters of California and later amended by SB 1278. SB5 requires the State to develop and adopt a comprehensive Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP), which was approved by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) in June 2012. As amended, SB5 also requires all cities and counties in the Central Valley to incorporate the CVFPP into their general plans by July 1, 2015 and into their zoning ordinances by July 1, 2016. Finally, SB5 restricts development beyond July 1, 2016 unless a permitting agency can make a “finding of adequate progress” towards providing an Urban Level of Flood Protection (ULOP) for the 200‐year flood event. The City has obtained approval from Council to develop the Initial Financial Plan study. The Initial Financial Plan study is necessary for the City to become eligible to apply for an Urban Flood Risk Reduction (UFRR) Grant from the State of California to help finance the design of levee improvements to meet the desired Urban Level of Flood Protection (ULOP) for Reclamation District 17 levees.  Water Bonds: In 2003, the City of Lathrop took part in a multi‐agency water supply project known as the South County Water Supply Project (“SCWSP”). At that time, the Developer of the Central Lathrop Specific Plan (“CLSP”) committed to paying a large share of the debt issue which financed the City’s participation in SCWSP. In 2008, the Developer defaulted on its obligations. To ensure the City does not default on its bond obligations, the General Fund has been temporarily making the debt service payments. The City is currently working with a new developer on the assignment of the CLSP Development Agreement (“DA”). It is anticipated that as soon as the DA is assigned the Water Bond Payments will be reimbursed to the General Fund. Key Fiscal Model Impacts  Residential Construction: Residential home constructions increased by 58 percent in FY 2014/2015. Currently, River Islands has 4 home builders that are offering 5 different model home complexes. The City will issue approximately 300 new residential permits by June of 2015 and estimated 350 new residential permits in FY 2015/2016.  Commercial and Industrial Construction: The City continues to have new commercial and industrial interest. In FY 2014/2015, both Tesla and TEC Equipment purchased property and began making building improvements. In addition, the Crossroads business parks continues to have industrial interest. Currently, the City is processing an EIR and Development Agreement for the South Lathrop Specific Plan (“SLSP”) and anticipates annexing the property into the City in the near future. It is the hope that an influx of companies like Tesla will created a spin off affect that will result in ancillary companies locating to Lathrop  Property Tax: Property tax continues to recover. Growth over the past two years has been positive and is expected to reach pre‐recession levels within the next five years. Several new residential developments are under way and many others are planned for the future.  Sales Tax and Measure C: Population is expected to continue to grow as homes are sold and new residents move to the City. A higher population is indicative that local businesses will thrive and taxable items bought in the City will drive Sales Tax and Measure C collections higher.

 Staffing: While weathering the Great Recession and its lingering effects, the City of Lathrop implemented cost savings measures to close its structural deficit. Proactive management of expenses continues to play a key role in maintaining financial stability. With workload approaching pre‐recession levels, resources including staff, have strategically been added to accommodate the new demand. A key strategy continues to be balancing how we provide services and respond to community needs while minimizing long‐term costs. Growth in Lathrop’s economy, development and population means an expansion of services. The City must remain strategic on expansion of core services and add staff strategically. The FY 2015/16 budget includes 4 new General Fund positions (Code Compliance Supervisor, Principal Planner, Principal Engineer and Permit Technician). LOOKING AHEAD The Fiscal Model has allowed the City to prepare for difficult times by managing reduced revenues and steadily increasing expenditures. Due to the timely implementation of cost containment measures, the City sustained modest but healthy reserves through the Great Recession. Using the model to forecast the years ahead, the City remains hopeful that revenue streams will maintain its current upward trend due to the expected increase in Residential and Commercial Development. Illustration 4 below shows that over the next nine fiscal years expenditures increase more than revenues, resulting in a negative fund balance by Fiscal Year Ending 2024. The City will need to continue to explore options to increase our revenue base, while keeping expenses to a minimum. Illustration 4

FY 2015/16 Proposed Budget

$35 $30 $25 $20


$15 $10



















2024 ($1.5)

2025 ($3.3)

2026 ($5.7)

Fiscal Year Ending Revenues




General Fund Ending Balance

25% Reserve

City Council & Commissions

City Council (top leŌ to boƩom right) Steve Dresser, Vice Mayor Martha Salcedo, Councilmember Paul Akinjo, Councilmember Omar Ornelas, Councilmember Sonny Dhaliwal, Mayor

Youth Advisory Commission Abagail Allen Puneet Bajwa Vailsy Guadalupe Cabrales Esparza Christopher Consul Navinder Singh Dhindsa Nathaniel Medina Sarah Pacheco Sunanda Ralmilay Nathaniel Schuler Parminder Singh Sahib D. Singh Mauricio Torres Melonie Vaughn

Planning Commission Mark A. Ellio Mac Freeman Bennie Ga o Jose Perez Jennifer Torres‐O’Callaghan

Parks & Recrea on Commission Romi Bhinder Brent Maynor Charles McGonegal Ash Ralmilay Craig Weis

Measure C Oversight Commi ee Rev. Lucius Davis, Jr. Francisco Diaz Jim Hilson Debra L. Rock

Senior Advisory Commi ee Dennis “Buck” Bandy Gordon Deckelmeier Lena M. Evans George Jackson Nellie Zavala Frances Dixon Lavon Kay Tindell

City of Lathrop Organizational Chart FY 2015-16

Martha Salcedo Councilmember

Omar Ornelas Councilmember


City Clerk

Administrative Services

Finance Department

Sonny Dhaliwal Mayor

City Manager

City Engineer

Public Works

Steve Dresser Vice Mayor

Paul Akinjo Councilmember

City Attorney

Community Development

Parks & Recreation

Police Services

Lathrop, California

Located in Northern California, 70 miles east of San Francisco, 60 miles south of Sacramento, 10 miles south of Stockton, and 328 miles from Los Angeles. The City of Lathrop was founded on August 1, 1887. Since it was located by the railroad, it ini ally came to be known as Wilsons Sta on. Leland Stanford is credited as the founder of this city. The city was later named a er his brother‐in‐law, Charles Lathrop. It was incorporated as a city in 1989.

From 1989 to 2014, Lathrop experienced major growth and made the Top Ten Fastest Growing Ci es list several years in a row. Even with develop‐ ment slowing down last few years, Lathrop s ll experienced a 2.74 per‐ cent growth in popula on, bringing its total popula on to 20,353.



Budget for FIscal Year 2015‐2016



GENERAL 1010 GENERAL $ 5,063,251 1050 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ ‐ 1060 MEASURE C ‐ ESSENTIAL CITY SERVICES $ 1,338,262 SPECIAL REVENUE 2010 MEASURE "C" ‐LMFD $ ‐ 2030 GAS TAX 2105 $ 391,768 2070 TRAFFIC SAFETY $ 32,231 2080 STREET EXP. $ 156,464 2090 PUBLIC NUISANCE $ 1,999 2100 ASSET FORFEITURE $ 587 2110 MEASURE "K" $ 617,714 2120 PUBLIC TRANSIT $ 20,200 2140 LTF‐STREETS & ROAD APPORT (COG) $ 633,788 2150 FEDERAL GRANT $ ‐ 2160 STIP AUGMENTATION $ ‐ 2190 UNIVERSAL HIRING GRANT $ 65 2220 STATE COPS $ 37 2240 HISTORIC LATHROP LOAN FUND $ 215,590 2250 TRAFFIC MITIGATION $ 46,680 2260 CULTURE LEISURE $ 3,694,445 2270 CITY SERVICES $ 2,357,785 2280 STORM DRAIN CFF $ 276,241 2290 ADMINISTRATION $ 156,351 2310 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION CFF $ ‐ 2320 W/C LATHROP TRANS. CFF $ 1,347,537 2330 WLSP REGIONAL TRANS. CFF $ 155,302 2340 RTIF‐LATHROP LOCAL EAST $ 79,747 2350 RTIF‐ SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY 10% $ ‐ 2360 RTIF‐ LATHROP LOCAL WEST $ 1,455,249 2370 RTIF‐SAN JOAQUIN COG $ ‐ 2390 CLSP SERVICES CFD $ 50,000 2400 RECYCLING ‐ 3% ‐ AB 939 $ 322,263 2420 NORTH LATHROP TRANSPORTATION $ ‐ 2430 STEWART ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FE $ 288,062 2440 CITYWIDE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FE $ 72,016 2490 XROADS STORM DRAIN CAP REPL $ 93,713 2500 CROSSROADS STORM DRAIN $ 26,118 2510 STORM DRAIN‐SPEC BEN. $ 161,144 2520 STREET LIGHTING $ 165,781 2530 WOODFIELD LANDSCAPE $ 7,035 2550 STONEBRIDGE LANDSCAPE $ 259,235 2560 STONEBRIDGE DRAIN/LIGHTING $ 574,346 2570 MOSSDALE CFD $ 319,132 2580 MOSSDALE LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING $ 330,456 2590 MOSSDALE CFD CAPITAL REPLACE $ 64,309 2610 MOSSDALE L & L CAP REPLACE $ 45,693 2630 HISTORIC LATHROP CFD $ 34,566 2640 RIVER ISLAND CFD 2013‐1 $ 35,821 2650 CDBG $ 2,330







600,000 24,000





86,072 30,000



1,035,419 11,028


16,614,135 1,563,912.00

1,120,000 524,000 16,000


41,050 650,346 25,000 551


1,336,051 7,181 117,146 959 36 2,967,504

20,200 1,053,197 4,126,182

1,390,736 4,126,182

83,651.00 100,000

83,651.00 100,037 67,760 1,275,003 2,079,042 93,519 248,248


686,250 180,000 100,000

1,190,902 111,321 13,923 124,986 904,723 187,479

57,350 57,350 5,000 124,986 5,000 187,479 331,195 49,416

321,500 85,000

57,350 40,305 9,916

401,332 1,400,000 350,000 117,930 244,292 160,738 54,764 206,729 206,204 2,018,836 501,803



18,059 26,819 3,667 3,667 7,500

118,318 219,032 148,835 73,797 198,290 219,147 1,949,852 469,870

5,000 5,000 39,327 83,141

40,398 7,891 68,500

‐ 35,590 44,232 16,983 14,821 30,391 46,728 281,842 61,326 7,500 ‐ 4,771 ‐ 68,500



$ 5,083,251 $ ‐ $ 1,005,215

1010 1050 1060

$ ‐ $ 615,136 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 40 $ ‐ $ 569,112 $ ‐ $ 296,249 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 215,590 $ 114,440 $ 4,969,448 $ 3,750,577 $ 189,760 $ 304,599 $ ‐ $ 2,481,089 $ 209,273 $ 88,670 $ ‐ $ 2,297,622 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 347,931 $ 401,332 $ 1,688,062 $ 422,016 $ 93,713 $ ‐ $ 142,172 $ 178,760 $ ‐ $ 240,950 $ 518,342 $ 159,704 $ 301,063 $ 61,809 $ 50,693 $ 28,724 $ 111,071 $ 2,330

2010 2030 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2140 2150 2160 2190 2220 2240 2250 2260 2270 2280 2290 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 2390 2400 2420 2430 2440 2490 2500 2510 2520 2530 2550 2560 2570 2580 2590 2610 2630 2640 2650

Budget for FIscal Year 2015‐2016




$ 12,294 $ 4,500 $ 644






440,946 2,000 24,304,097

$ 826,212 $ 4,085,196 $ 256,947 $ 1,329,150 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 19,538 $ 1,388,353 $ 2,265,809 $ 529,016 $ 3,102,972 $ ‐ $ 889,104 $ 1,835,250 $ 975,602 $ 965,832 $ 3,403,645 $ 734,410 $ 1,561,798 $ 3,580,862 $ 4,718 $ 741,354 $ 49,406,518



441,004 6,500 24,304,741

$ 12,236 $ ‐ $ ‐

2660 2700 2710

$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 256,947 $ ‐

3010 3310 3410 3910

$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐

4010 4020 4030 4060 4080 4100 4130 4140 4150 4170 4180 4200

$ 16,938 $ ‐ $ 2,298,267 $ 865,037 $ 2,435,577 $ 15,050 $ ‐ $ 2,137,106 $ 1,082,034 $ 1,081,732 $ 3,852,123 $ 884,341 $ 1,315,244 $ ‐ $ 4,718 $ 944,921 $ 44,141,013

5400 5410 5600 5610 5620 5640 5690 6010 6030 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110

377,135 2,993,583

999,736 11,634,400

50,000 4,225





6,060,000 50,000 5,000 30,000 899,500 1,000 700 500 440,000 15,000 6,500 10,000




391,940.00 1,388,353.00 668,970

701,428 5,842,454


600,659 10,547,012

6,449,500 50,000 5,000 30,000 899,500 1,000 700 500 599,854 15,000 6,500 10,000

336,021.00 581,219 25,050.00




2,622,823 3,223,700

1,836,789 656,000

2,338,455 10,000 1,314 1,101,054


1,820,790 106,432.00


715,338 451,150 150,486 440,946 21,760,952


$ 34,295,977

$ 50,827,769

204,510 $ 44,972,713

260,662 2,672 555 567,820 6,175


$ 39,666,660



$ 24,239,510

$ 23,440,688

$ 3,012,393

$ 30,000

943 $ 44,972,713



Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$2,912,667 $6,676,994 $419,267 $705,405 $748,979 $1,182,797 $2,726,192 $75,478 $63,848 $515,060 $3,665,688 $19,692,375

$3,030,000 $4,970,000 $400,000 $667,000 $754,122 $1,185,000 $2,760,914 $67,000 $54,849 $410,483 $3,552,981 $17,852,349

$3,295,000 $2,400,000 $400,000 $690,000 $1,832,516 $1,195,000 $3,413,099 $66,000 $58,557 $326,050 $3,670,235 $17,346,457


Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

Account Number City Council 1010‐11‐10‐371‐90‐00 1010‐11‐10‐372‐02‐20

Miscellaneous Revenue July 1st Fireworks

$12,317 $20 $12,337

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

City Manager 1010‐11‐20‐341‐01‐01

Current Service Charges ‐ General

$51,380 $51,380

$30,000 $30,000

$30,000 $30,000

City Clerk 1010‐12‐10‐341‐01‐01 1010‐12‐10‐371‐06‐00 1010‐12‐10‐371‐90‐00

Current Service Charges ‐ General Passports Miscellaneous Revenue

$0 $9,935 $140 $10,075

$3,000 $5,000 $2,200 $10,200

$1,500 $5,000 $2,200 $8,700

City Attorney 1010‐13‐10‐341‐01‐01 1010‐13‐10‐371‐90‐00

Current Service Charges ‐ General Miscellaneous Revenue

$31,085 $226 $31,311

$25,000 $0 $25,000

$40,000 $200 $40,200

Finance 1010‐15‐10‐311‐01‐00 1010‐15‐10‐311‐03‐01 1010‐15‐10‐311‐04‐00 1010‐15‐10‐313‐01‐00 1010‐15‐10‐313‐01‐01 1010‐15‐10‐313‐02‐00 1010‐15‐10‐314‐01‐00 1010‐15‐10‐314‐01‐01 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐00 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐01 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐02 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐03 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐04 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐05 1010‐15‐10‐319‐05‐07 1010‐15‐10‐322‐01‐00

Secured Property Taxes Supplemental SB813 Current Other Property Taxes Sales and Use Retail Sales Tax SBOE Appeals Sales Tax in Lieu Transient Occupancy Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Late Fees Franchises Franchise Electric Tax Gas Tax & Surcharge Cable Solid Waste Industrial Waste Telecommunications Business Licenses

$2,770,984 $50,140 $91,543 $2,230,130 $1,732,302 ($126,467) $416,592 $2,675 $0 $283,231 $121,852 $64,497 $163,546 $43,362 $28,917 $103,069

$2,950,000 $15,000 $65,000 $1,950,000 $0 $700,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $280,000 $120,000 $62,000 $150,000 $40,000 $15,000 $80,000

$3,200,000 $20,000 $75,000 $2,100,000 $0 $300,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $280,000 $120,000 $65,000 $160,000 $40,000 $25,000 $90,000


GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY DEPARTMENT Account Number Finance (Continued) 1010‐15‐10‐324‐03‐00 1010‐15‐10‐331‐01‐00 1010‐15‐10‐331‐01‐02 1010‐15‐10‐331‐02‐00 1010‐15‐10‐341‐01‐01 1010‐15‐10‐341‐01‐03 1010‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 1010‐15‐10‐371‐03‐00 1010‐15‐10‐371‐08‐00 1010‐15‐10‐371‐90‐00 1010‐15‐20‐341‐01‐01 1010‐15‐20‐379‐01‐00

Description Garage Sale Permits Vehicle License Fee Vehicle License Fee in Lieu Home Owner Tax Relief Current Service Charges ‐ General Return Check Charge Investment Earnings State Mandated Reimbursement Settlement Proceeds Miscellaneous Revenue Current Service Charges ‐ General Equipment Replacement

Administrative Services 1010‐14‐40‐331‐05‐00 1010‐14‐40‐331‐10‐00 1010‐14‐40‐363‐01‐00 1010‐16‐10‐321‐01‐00 1010‐16‐10‐321‐03‐00 1010‐16‐10‐341‐01‐01 1010‐16‐10‐341‐01‐20 1010‐16‐10‐371‐01‐00 1010‐16‐10‐371‐01‐01 1010‐16‐10‐371‐01‐02 1010‐16‐10‐371‐01‐03 1010‐16‐10‐371‐90‐00 1010‐16‐10‐372‐02‐00 1010‐16‐10‐379‐01‐00

Intergovernmental State ‐ Other State Grants Intergovernmental State ‐ Retiree Subsidy Sale Surplus Property Animal Licenses Dangerous Animal Permit Current Service Charges ‐ General Unaltered Impound Animal Fees Over the Counter Animal Shelter Forfeited Spay/Neuter Deposit Manteca Shelter Credits Petsmart Miscellaneous Revenue Contributions Equipment Replacement

Community Development 1010‐20‐10‐324‐20‐00 1010‐20‐10‐341‐01‐01

Home Occupation Permits Current Service Charges ‐ General

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$70 $8,149 $1,110,340 $33,416 $99,559 $880 $24,456 $4 $0 $1,623 $1,422 $0 $9,256,292

$50 $10,000 $1,120,000 $35,000 $50,000 $1,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $500 $9,600 $63,000 $8,141,150

$50 $10,000 $1,150,000 $35,000 $76,660 $1,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $500 $9,600 $0 $8,182,810

$0 $6,003 $0 $62,781 $700 $1,487 $1,920 $14,206 $0 $11,801 $5,584 $60 $0 $0 $104,542

$20,000 $0 $6,000 $65,000 $500 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $100 $10,000 $5,000 $0 $100 $0 $114,700

$0 $0 $0 $65,000 $500 $2,500 $2,000 $4,000 $100 $10,000 $5,000 $0 $50 $53,000 $142,150

$1,961 $37,265

$1,060 $75,000

$1,060 $40,000

GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY DEPARTMENT Account Number Description Community Development (Continued) Sales of Maps 1010‐20‐10‐341‐01‐02 Zoning Fees 1010‐20‐10‐341‐02‐01 1010‐20‐10‐341‐02‐04 Microfiche 1010‐20‐10‐371‐90‐00 Miscellaneous Revenue 1010‐20‐30‐323‐01‐00 Construction Permits 1010‐20‐30‐341‐02‐02 Plan Check Fees 1010‐20‐30‐341‐02‐03 Inspection Fees 1010‐20‐30‐341‐02‐04 Microfiche 1010‐20‐30‐371‐04‐00 SMIP Education Fee 1010‐20‐30‐371‐07‐00 Building Standards Administration 1010‐20‐30‐371‐09‐00 SB‐1186 Business License 1010‐20‐60‐341‐02‐03 Inspection Fees 1010‐20‐60‐341‐04‐00 Fireworks Permit 1010‐20‐60‐351‐03‐00 Other Fines Culture and Recreation 1010‐30‐01‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐21‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐21‐362‐01‐00 1010‐30‐21‐372‐02‐00 1010‐30‐21‐372‐02‐09 1010‐30‐30‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐30‐362‐01‐00 1010‐30‐30‐372‐02‐00 1010‐30‐30‐372‐02‐02 1010‐30‐33‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐35‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐35‐362‐01‐00 1010‐30‐36‐341‐01‐04 1010‐30‐36‐372‐02‐00

Parks and Recreation Fees Parks and Recreation Fees Rents and Concessions Contributions SAC Contributions Parks and Recreation Fees Rents and Concessions Contributions YAC Contributions Parks and Recreation Fees Parks and Recreation Fees Rents and Concessions Parks and Recreation Fees Contributions

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$478 $32,332 $842 $376,447 $572,430 $110,809 $5,089 $17,846 $117 $62 $866 $697 $100 $1,156 $1,158,497

$0 $39,453 $0 $240,000 $599,052 $138,297 $5,000 $5,000 $200 $300 $500 $1,000 $0 $2,000 $1,106,862

$0 $15,110 $0 $190,000 $1,665,916 $555,857 $10,000 $16,000 $200 $300 $500 $500 $0 $1,000 $2,496,443

$57,993 $4,183 $2,598 $0 $18,247 $34,559 $9,955 $500 $6,991 $91,819 $0 $0 $15,601 $554 $242,999

$0 $3,610 $780 $100 $8,900 $38,215 $7,800 $0 $2,000 $76,750 $0 $0 $16,989 $0 $155,144

$5,000 $4,216 $2,757 $0 $0 $11,430 $7,800 $0 $0 $70,000 $2,300 $3,000 $39,835 $0 $146,338


Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$24,888 $605,248 $1,160 $36,468 $23,230 $14,625 $4,135 $55,000 $0 $764,754

$0 $263,700 $700 $30,000 $20,000 $15,000 $5,000 $55,000 $13,583 $402,983

$0 $263,700 $600 $30,000 $20,000 $15,000 $5,000 $55,000 $0 $389,300

Account Number Public Safety 1010‐40‐10‐333‐09‐00 1010‐40‐10‐341‐01‐01 1010‐40‐10‐341‐01‐05 1010‐40‐10‐351‐02‐00 1010‐40‐10‐351‐03‐00 1010‐40‐10‐352‐02‐00 1010‐40‐10‐363‐01‐00 1010‐40‐10‐372‐02‐10 1010‐40‐10‐379‐01‐00

ARRA Current Service Charges ‐ General Cadet Academy Parking Violations Other Fines Impound Vehicle Fee Sale Surplus Property MUSD ‐ School Resource Officer Equipment Replacement

Public Works 1010‐50‐01‐324‐01‐00 1010‐50‐01‐324‐02‐00 1010‐50‐01‐341‐01‐01 1010‐50‐01‐341‐02‐04 1010‐50‐03‐341‐02‐03 1010‐50‐04‐341‐01‐01 1010‐50‐04‐341‐02‐02 1010‐50‐05‐379‐01‐00 1010‐50‐06‐341‐01‐01 1010‐50‐70‐362‐01‐00 1010‐50‐80‐371‐90‐00 1010‐50‐80‐379‐01‐00

Encroachment Permit Transportation Permits Current Service Charges ‐ General Microfiche Inspection Fees Current Service Charges ‐ General Current Service Charges ‐ Plan Check Fees Equipment Replacement Current Service Charges ‐ General Rents and Concessions Miscellaneous Revenue Equipment Replacement

$2,400 $5,568 $142,582 $461 $585,805 $262,523 $531,068 $0 $0 $22,704 $360 $0 $1,553,471

$3,600 $4,860 $3,000 $0 $829,700 $150,000 $989,900 $0 $2,000 $10,269 $0 $0 $1,993,329

$3,600 $6,390 $42,000 $0 $1,578,128 $110,000 $453,163 $0 $32,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $2,240,281

Transfers In 1010‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Transfers In

$3,665,688 $3,665,688

$3,552,981 $3,552,981

$3,670,235 $3,670,235





General Funds By Deparment Totals:

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Economic Development 1050‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 1050‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Description Investment Earnings Transfers In

Essential City Services Measure C Investment Earnings 1060‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 1060‐19‐10‐313‐03‐00 Taxes ‐ Sales & Use ‐ Measure C Equipment Replacement 1060‐40‐10‐379‐01‐00

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$1,560 $0 $1,560

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $2,841,029 $0 $2,841,029

$0 $2,320,000 $0 $2,320,000

$0 $2,800,000 $55,000 $2,855,000

$9 $1,076,286 $1,076,295

$0 $928,000 $928,000

$0 $1,120,000 $1,120,000

$1,181 $119,644 $59,364 $125,022 $0 $239,766 $2,367,982 $2,912,959

$0 $90,836 $75,492 $111,613 $4,000 $197,659 $3,477,526 $3,957,126

$0 $110,000 $60,000 $150,000 $4,000 $200,000 $1,035,419 $1,559,419

LMFD Measure C 2010‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2010‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

Gas Tax 2030‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2030‐50‐10‐331‐03‐01 2030‐50‐10‐331‐03‐02 2030‐50‐10‐331‐03‐03 2030‐50‐10‐331‐03‐04 2030‐50‐10‐331‐03‐05 2030‐50‐10‐331‐20‐00

Investment Earnings Gas Tax 2105 Gas Tax 2106 Gas Tax 2107 Gas Tax 2107.5 Gas Tax HUTA 2103 (Replace prop 42) Prop 1B Street & Road Improvements

Traffic Safety 2070‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2070‐40‐10‐351‐01‐00 2070‐40‐10‐379‐01‐00

Investment Earnings Vehicle Code Fines Equipment Replacement

$187 $35,629 $0 $35,816

$0 $32,000 $0 $32,000

$0 $16,000 $0 $16,000

Streets 2080‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2080‐50‐10‐371‐90‐00 2080‐50‐10‐379‐01‐00 2080‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Revenue Equipment Replacement Transfers In

$630 $0 $0 $400,000 $400,630

$0 $0 $0 $600,000 $600,000

$0 $0 $11,028 $600,000 $611,028

OTHER FUNDS Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

Account Number Public Nuisance 2090‐15‐10361‐01‐00 2090‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

$17 $0 $17

$0 $25,000 $25,000

$0 $24,000 $24,000

Asset Forfeiture 2100‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

Investment Earnings




Measure K 2110‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2110‐80‐00‐332‐01‐01 2110‐80‐00‐332‐01‐03

Investment Earnings Measure "K" Maintenance Improvements Measure "K" Lathrop Road Grade

$907 $300,000 $4,908,382 $5,209,289

$0 $300,000 $7,692,182 $7,992,182

$0 $300,000 $2,618,902 $2,918,902

Public Transit 2120‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

Investment Earnings

$5,986 $5,986

$0 $0

$0 $0

$751 $450,562 $12,432 $463,745

$0 $999,018 $12,371 $1,011,389

$0 $1,039,466 $13,731 $1,053,197

$51 $16,638 $0 $16,689

$0 $3,951,604 $0 $3,951,604

$0 $4,126,182 $0 $4,126,182

$254 $2,950,969 $446,948 $3,398,170

$0 $1,301,123 $531,959 $1,833,082

$0 $0 $0 $0

$0 $15,400 $15,400

$0 $118,421 $118,421

$0 $83,651 $83,651


Local Transportation Fund ‐Streets & Roads (COG) Investment Earnings 2140‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 LTF ‐ Streets & Roads 2140‐80‐00‐332‐05‐00 Pedestrian & Bike Path 2140‐80‐00‐332‐07‐00 Federal Grant 2150‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2150‐80‐00‐333‐05‐00 2150‐80‐00‐333‐09‐01

Investment Earnings Other Federal Grants ARRA EECBG Program

STIP Augmentation 2160‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2160‐80‐00‐331‐05‐10 2160‐80‐00‐331‐06‐00

Investment Earnings State ‐ Prop 84 STIP Augmentation Grant

Universal Hiring Grant 2190‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2190‐40‐10‐333‐05‐00

Investment Earnings Other Federal Grants

OTHER FUNDS Account Number State COPS SB1913 2220‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2220‐40‐16‐333‐02‐00

Description Investment Earnings Intergovernmental Federal ‐ COPS

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$7 $100,000 $100,007

$0 $100,000 $100,000

$0 $100,000 $100,000

$0 $0

$0 $0

$0 $0

Historic Lathrop Loan 2240‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

Investment Earnings

Traffic Mitigation 2250‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2250‐50‐10‐318‐02‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Construction Development Local Trans

$577 $137,052 $137,629

$0 $1,042,656 $1,042,656

$0 $67,760 $67,760

Culture & Leisure 2260‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2260‐30‐40‐318‐03‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Culture and Leisure

$4,832 $508,286 $513,118

$0 $972,360 $972,360

$0 $1,275,003 $1,275,003

City Services 2270‐15‐10‐318‐04‐01 2270‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

CFF ‐ City Services Investment Earnings

$426,336 $4,987 $431,323

$1,935,175 $0 $1,935,175

$2,079,042 $0 $2,079,042

Storm Drain CFF 2280‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2280‐50‐20‐318‐04‐02 2280‐50‐20‐318‐04‐81 2280‐50‐90‐318‐04‐02

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Storm Drain East CFF ‐ Zone 4 Freeway Commercial CFF ‐ Storm Drain West

$499 ($1,127) $0 $2,599 $1,971

$0 $4,236 $0 $0 $4,236

$0 $1,985 $91,534 $0 $93,519

Administration 2290‐15‐10‐318‐04‐03 2290‐15‐10‐318‐04‐05 2290‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

CFF ‐ City Administration CFF ‐ RTIF Administration Investment Earnings

$47,278 $5,205 $123 $52,607

$162,215 $23,470 $0 $185,685

$229,500 $18,748 $0 $248,248

($19) ($303) ($322)

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

Environmental Mitigation CFF 2310‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 2310‐50‐10‐318‐04‐04 CFF ‐ Environmental Mitigation

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Description W/C Lathrop Local Trans CFF Investment Earnings 2320‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 CFF ‐ Local Trans 2320‐50‐10‐318‐02‐00

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$1,734 $289,584 $291,318

$0 $782,320 $782,320

$0 $1,190,902 $1,190,902

WLSP Regional Trans CFF 2330‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2330‐50‐10‐318‐01‐00 2330‐50‐10‐318‐02‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Regional Trans CFF ‐ Local Trans

$264 $479 $28,673 $29,416

$0 $78,080 $0 $78,080

$0 $0 $111,321 $111,321

RTIF‐Lathrop Local East 2340‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2340‐50‐10‐318‐01‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Regional Trans

$695 $208,466 $209,161

$0 $10,509 $10,509

$0 $13,923 $13,923

$19 $34,703 $34,722

$0 $78,947 $78,947

$0 $124,986 $124,986

$2,490 $239,123 $241,613

$0 $569,748 $569,748

$0 $904,723 $904,723

$29 $52,446 $52,475

$0 $118,420 $118,420

$0 $187,479 $187,479

RTIF‐San Joaquin County 10% Investment Earnings 2350‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2350‐50‐10‐318‐01‐00 CFF ‐ Regional Trans RTIF‐Lathrop Local West 2360‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2360‐50‐10‐318‐01‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Regional Trans

RTIF‐San Joaquin COG 15% Investment Earnings 2370‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 CFF ‐ Regional Trans 2370‐50‐10‐318‐01‐00 CLSP Services CFD 2390‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2390‐50‐66‐355‐01‐24

Investment Earnings CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services

$541 $226,132 $226,673

$0 $421,407 $421,407

$0 $321,500 $321,500

Recycling ‐ 3% AB 939 2400‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2400‐50‐40‐319‐05‐06 2400‐50‐40‐331‐05‐09

Investment Earnings Recycling AB939 Beverage Recycling Grant

$487 $79,809 $5,339 $85,635

$0 $70,000 $5,000 $75,000

$0 $80,000 $5,000 $85,000

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Description North Lathrop Transportation CFF ‐ N Lathrop Transportation 2420‐50‐10‐318‐02‐01 Stewart Economic Dev Fee 80% CFF ‐ Stewart Tract 80% 2430‐11‐30‐318‐18‐01 Citywide Economic Dev Fee 20% CFF ‐ Citywide 20% 2440‐11‐30‐318‐18‐02 XRoads Storm Drain Capital Replacement Investment Earnings 2490‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Crossroads Storm Drain Zone 1A Investment Earnings 2500‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Special Assess XRoads Storm Drain Asess 2500‐50‐21‐355‐01‐01 Equipment Replacement 2500‐50‐21‐379‐01‐00 Transfers In 2500‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$0 $0

$745,208 $745,208

$401,332 $401,332

$0 $0

$800,000 $800,000

$1,400,000 $1,400,000

$0 $0

$200,000 $200,000

$350,000 $350,000

$168 $168

$0 $0

$0 $0

$66 $113,394 $0 $38,812 $152,272

$0 $113,395 $0 $14,379 $127,774

$0 $113,395 $4,535 $9,860 $127,790

Storm Drain City Zone 1 2510‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2510‐50‐20‐355‐01‐02 2510‐50‐20‐379‐01‐00

Investment Earnings Storm Drain Fee Equipment Replacement

$270 $238,983 $0 $239,254

$0 $238,292 $0 $238,292

$0 $238,292 $6,000 $244,292

Streets Lighting 2520‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2520‐50‐12‐355‐01‐10 2520‐50‐14‐355‐01‐11 2520‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Residential ‐ Light District Fee Zone 2 Industrial ‐ Lighting Zone 2 Transfers In

$216 $102,676 $48,000 $17,095 $167,987

$0 $106,163 $49,596 $17,566 $173,325

$0 $109,814 $50,924 $18,059 $178,797

Woodfield Landscape 2530‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2530‐50‐62‐355‐01‐15 2530‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Landscape Maint‐Woodfield Transfers In

$30 $54,764 $9,013 $63,807

$0 $54,764 $11,170 $65,934

$0 $54,764 $26,819 $81,583

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Description Stonebridget Landscaping Maintenance District Investment Earnings 2550‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2550‐50‐60‐355‐01‐18 Stonebridge‐Landscaping Rents and Concessions 2550‐50‐60‐362‐01‐00 Equipment Replacement 2550‐50‐60‐379‐01‐00 Transfers In 2550‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Stonebridge Drain/Lighting 2560‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2560‐50‐61‐355‐01‐20 2560‐50‐61‐379‐01‐00 2560‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Stonebridge Drainage and Lighting Equipment Replacement Transfers In

Mossdale CFD 2004‐1 2570‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2570‐50‐63‐318‐07‐00 2570‐50‐63‐355‐01‐13 2570‐50‐63‐362‐01‐00 2570‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Mossdale Maint District Fee CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services Rents and Concessions Transfers In

Mossdale Landscape & Lighting 2580‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 2580‐50‐64‐355‐01‐14 Mossdale LLMD 2580‐50‐64‐379‐01‐00 Equipment Replacement 2580‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In Mossdale CFD Capital Replacement 2590‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 2590‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In Mossdale LLMD Cap Replacement 2610‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 2610‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$432 $203,229 $6,129 $0 $3,326 $213,116

$0 $203,230 $3,450 $0 $3,492 $210,172

$0 $203,229 $3,500 $0 $3,667 $210,396

$1,340 $203,103 $0 $3,326 $207,769

$0 $203,004 $0 $3,492 $206,496

$0 $203,004 $3,200 $3,667 $209,871

$1,104 $35,199 $1,934,658 $7,424 $4,093 $1,982,478

$0 $114,564 $1,973,882 $5,000 $0 $2,093,446

$0 $45,930 $2,013,336 $5,500 $7,500 $2,072,266

$399 $432,862 $0 $2,964 $436,225

$0 $432,863 $0 $0 $432,863

$0 $501,803 $0 $0 $501,803

$104 $5,000 $5,104

$0 $5,000 $5,000

$0 $5,000 $5,000

$69 $5,000 $5,069

$0 $5,000 $5,000

$0 $5,000 $5,000

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Historic Lathrop CFD 2005‐1 2630‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2630‐50‐65‐355‐01‐19 2630‐50‐65‐355‐01‐23

Description Investment Earnings CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop Historic Lathrop CFD Zone ‐ 2

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$61 $17,748 $13,500 $31,310

$0 $18,108 $13,500 $31,608

$0 $18,327 $21,000 $39,327

River Islands CFD 2013‐1 2640‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2640‐50‐68‐355‐01‐25

Investment Earnings River Islands CFD 2013‐1

$0 $0 $0

$0 $0 $0

$0 $83,141 $83,141

CDBG 2650‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2650‐20‐10‐333‐01‐00

Investment Earnings CDBG

$4 $0 $4

$0 $0 $0

$0 $68,500 $68,500

Mossdale Standby 2005‐1 2660‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2660‐50‐34‐344‐01‐36

Investment Earnings Mossdale Standby 2005‐1

$361 $430,292 $430,653

$0 $367,738 $367,738

$0 $440,946 $440,946

Scholarship 2700‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2700‐30‐01‐333‐01‐02 2700‐30‐01‐372‐02‐00

Investment Earnings CDBG Community Center Contributions

$16 $0 $3,767 $3,783

$0 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000

$0 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000

Developer Projects 2710‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 2710‐80‐00‐372‐01‐00

Investment Earnings Developer Contribution

$1,138 $7,421,718 $7,422,857

$0 $3,278,660 $3,278,660

$0 $24,304,097 $24,304,097

General CIP 3010‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 3010‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

$3,965 $3,984,739 $3,988,703

$0 $1,374,739 $1,374,739

$0 $600,659 $600,659

Streets and Road 3310‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 3310‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

$5,240 $9,194,646 $9,199,886

$0 $18,067,169 $18,067,169

$0 $10,547,012 $10,547,012

OTHER FUNDS Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

Account Number Park In‐Lieu 3410‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00

Investment Earnings

$460 $460

$0 $0

$0 $0

Storm Drain CIP 3910‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 3910‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

$644 $86,311 $86,955

$0 $50,000 $50,000

$0 $1,500,000 $1,500,000

Saybrook CLSP LLC 4010‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4010‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$235 $2,382,425 $2,382,660

$400 $1,723,600 $1,724,000

$200 $6,449,300 $6,449,500

Gateway 4020‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4020‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$151 $2,788 $2,939

$250 $49,750 $50,000

$100 $49,900 $50,000

Watt Lathrop II 4030‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4030‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$18 $147 $165

$50 $4,950 $5,000

$50 $4,950 $5,000

South Lathrop Richland 4060‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4060‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$17 $13,107 $13,124

$50 $29,950 $30,000

$50 $29,950 $30,000

Xroads Richland 4080‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4080‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$179 $152,422 $152,601

$100 $107,400 $107,500

$200 $899,300 $899,500

Pacific Union Homes 4100‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Contribution from Development

$0 $0

$1,000 $1,000

$1,000 $1,000

Pulte Homes 4130‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4130‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$439 $0 $439

$700 $0 $700

$700 $0 $700


OTHER FUNDS Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

Account Number River Islands 4150‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4150‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$2,526 $427,271 $429,797

$4,500 $645,500 $650,000

$2,000 $597,854 $599,854

Robinson Property 4160‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4160‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$31 $0 $31

$50 $450 $500

$50 $450 $500

TCN Properties 4170‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Contribution from Development

$4,062 $4,062

$15,000 $15,000

$15,000 $15,000

Watt Lathrop I 4180‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4180‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$22 $0 $22

$50 $6,450 $6,500

$50 $6,450 $6,500

Pegasus Development 4200‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 4200‐89‐99‐371‐91‐00

Investment Earnings Contribution from Development

$7 $18,820 $18,827

$20 $9,980 $10,000

$20 $9,980 $10,000

$208 $5,000,000 $566,688 $5,566,895

$0 $0 $1,216,434 $1,216,434

$0 $0 $389,340 $389,340

$4,511 $647,572 $583 $652,665

$0 $592,780 $0 $592,780

$0 $0 $0 $0

$3,682 $340,420 $344,102

$0 $390,431 $390,431

$0 $701,428 $701,428


Surface Water Supply ‐ CLSP 5400‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings Proceeds from Issuance 5400‐50‐50‐318‐04‐20 5400‐50‐90‐318‐04‐20 CFF ‐ Water Connection Mossdale Village CFD 2003‐1 5410‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 5410‐50‐50‐355‐01‐21 CFD 2003‐1 Mossdale Village 5410‐50‐50‐371‐90‐00 Miscellaneous Revenue Water System Capital Replacement Investment Earnings 5600‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 5600‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Water Connection Fee 5610‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 5610‐50‐50‐318‐04‐20 5610‐50‐90‐318‐04‐20 5610‐50‐90‐318‐04‐60

Description Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Water Connection East CFF ‐ Water Connection West CFF ‐ Merchant Builders West

Water 5620‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 5620‐15‐10‐374‐01‐00 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐10 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐12 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐20 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐30 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐40 5620‐50‐50‐345‐01‐41 5620‐50‐50‐361‐02‐00 5620‐50‐50‐371‐90‐00 5620‐50‐50‐379‐01‐00 5620‐80‐00‐371‐91‐00 5620‐80‐00‐372‐01‐00 5620‐80‐00‐375‐01‐00 5620‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Late Charge Penalties Water Service Charges Water Reconnection Fees Water Construction Water Fire Lines Water SCSWSP Facilities Charge Water SCSWSP Fixed Charges Specific Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Revenue Equipment Replacement Contribution from Development Developer Contribution Well 21 Construction Transfers In

Surface Water Supply CFF 5640‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 5640‐50‐50‐318‐04‐21

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Surface Water Supply

Water CIP 5690‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 5690‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Transfers In

MWQCF Collection System Investment Earnings 6010‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 6010‐15‐10‐374‐01‐00 Late Charge Penalties

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$735 $22,373 $73,864 ($2,122) $94,850

$0 $30,317 $172,032 $0 $202,349

$0 $62,706 $273,315 $0 $336,021

$11,636 $81,801 $4,632,215 $69,431 $13,761 $268,320 $579,614 $988,145 $1,291 $10,528 $0 $6,909,758 $159,854 $0 $4,450,694 $18,177,046

$10,400 $63,000 $3,999,728 $60,000 $7,000 $193,301 $557,362 $850,000 $0 $47,794 $25,973 $0 $159,854 $581,219 $1,704,092 $8,259,723

$10,400 $63,000 $4,178,700 $60,000 $7,000 $143,100 $558,400 $652,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $159,854 $581,219 $498,940 $6,922,613

$432 $6,220 $6,652

$0 $30,317 $30,317

$0 $25,050 $25,050

$2,456 $702,364 $704,820

$0 $2,384,108 $2,384,108

$0 $2,622,823 $2,622,823

$5,892 $59,321

$5,000 $50,000

$5,000 $50,000

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Description MWQCF Collection System (Continued) Wastewater Charges 6010‐50‐30‐344‐01‐10 Lot Segregation 6010‐50‐30‐344‐01‐12 6010‐50‐30‐344‐01‐20 Wastewater CO‐GEN Wastewater Connection Fee 6030‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 6030‐50‐30‐318‐04‐50 6030‐50‐30‐318‐04‐60 6030‐50‐90‐318‐04‐50 6030‐50‐90‐318‐04‐60

Investment Earnings CFF ‐ Sewer Construction East CFF ‐ Merchant Builders East CFF ‐ Sewer Construction West CFF ‐ Merchant Builders West

Water Recycling Plant #1 6050‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 6050‐15‐10‐374‐01‐00 6050‐50‐31‐344‐01‐30 6050‐50‐31‐344‐01‐35 6050‐50‐32‐371‐90‐00

Investment Earnings Late Charge Penalties XRoads Wastewater Charges XRoads Standby Miscellaneous Revenue

Wastewater Capital Replacement 6060‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 6060‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In Water Recycling Plant #1 Capital Replacement 6070‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 6070‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer 6080‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 6080‐15‐10‐374‐01‐00 6080‐50‐34‐344‐01‐10 6080‐50‐34‐371‐90‐00 6080‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Investment Earnings Late Charge Penalties Wastewater Charges Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers In

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$2,720,812 $0 $140,414 $2,926,439

$2,769,429 $1,200 $145,329 $2,970,958

$3,036,500 $1,200 $131,000 $3,223,700

$556 $63,467 $11,966 $4,404 ($1,781) $78,612

$0 $69,923 $0 $10,240 $0 $80,163

$0 $90,073 $0 $16,359 $0 $106,432

$2,021 $9,206 $1,167,976 $30,162 $0 $1,209,366

$5,000 $7,000 $1,140,913 $30,345 $10,000 $1,193,258

$5,000 $7,000 $1,039,600 $30,300 $10,000 $1,091,900

$4,994 $398,840 $403,834

$0 $408,066 $408,066

$0 $451,150 $451,150

$1,038 $163,976 $165,014

$0 $163,976 $163,976

$0 $150,486 $150,486

$3,295 $30,470 $1,349,030 $320,511 $414,476 $2,117,782

$3,500 $28,000 $1,184,225 $12,420 $457,963 $1,686,108

$3,500 $27,546 $1,665,000 $14,454 $440,946 $2,151,446

OTHER FUNDS Account Number Wastewater CIP 6090‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 6090‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00

Description Investment Earnings Transfers In

Manteca WWTP Expansion Investment Earnings 6100‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 MBR Plant #1 Capital Replacement 6110‐15‐10‐361‐01‐00 Investment Earnings 6110‐99‐00‐393‐00‐00 Transfers In

Total Other Funds: Grand Totals:

Actual FY 2013‐2014

Est. Revenues FY 2014‐2015

Est. Revenues FY 2015‐2016

$11,542 $7,966,362 $7,977,904

$0 $3,832,544 $3,832,544

$0 $21,760,952 $21,760,952

$8 $8

$0 $0

$0 $0

$1,762 $108,568 $110,330

$0 $93,118 $93,118

$0 $204,510 $204,510








2015 Adopted Budget $58,875

2016 City Manager Recommended $60,675

2016 City Council Adopted $60,675

City Manager City Manager Economic Development Total: City Manager

$519,500 $48,341 $567,840

$568,731 $663,100 $1,231,831

$613,005 $0 $613,005

$613,005 $0 $613,005

City Clerk





City Attorney





$1,124,278 $922,497 $2,046,775

$1,129,220 $985,647 $2,114,867

$1,189,697 $1,059,451 $2,249,148

$1,189,697 $1,059,451 $2,249,148

Administrative Services Personnel Central Services Animal Services Total: Administrative Services

$180,592 $466,731 $309,985 $957,308

$227,315 $630,665 $251,056 $1,109,036

$222,236 $436,911 $360,709 $1,019,856

$222,236 $436,911 $360,709 $1,019,856

Measure C Essential City Services Lathrop Manteca Fire District Total: Measure C

$576,206 $1,076,286 $1,652,493

$1,392,000 $928,000 $2,320,000

$1,563,912 $1,120,000 $2,683,912

$1,563,912 $1,120,000 $2,683,912

Community Development Planning Building Code Compliance Public Nuisance Total: Community Development

$648,959 $513,649 $112,983 $10,477 $1,286,068

$576,046 $787,878 $50,184 $25,000 $1,439,108

$732,397 $1,017,175 $204,826 $25,000 $1,979,398

$732,397 $1,017,175 $204,826 $25,000 $1,979,398

City Council

Finance Finance Information Technology Total: Finance


2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

Culture and Recreation Administration Senior Center Recreation Programs Special Events Kids Club & Day Camp Teen Program Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Prgms Library Total: Culture & Recreation

$371,502 $167,908 $206,129 $0 $228,815 $0 $80,941 $8,659 $1,063,954

$457,252 $182,080 $205,638 $0 $297,924 $0 $101,950 $12,166 $1,257,010

$399,968 $118,957 $217,973 $42,636 $306,921 $166,404 $83,509 $7,465 $1,343,833

$399,968 $118,957 $217,973 $42,636 $306,921 $166,404 $83,509 $7,465 $1,343,833

Public Safety Police Services Traffic Safety Asset Forefeiture Universal Hiring Grant State COPS Fund ‐ State AB1913 Total: Public Safety

$4,137,568 $69,817 $173 $19,253 $99,970 $4,326,781

$4,720,153 $47,820 $0 $118,421 $100,000 $4,986,394

$4,883,793 $41,050 $551 $83,651 $100,037 $5,109,082

$4,883,793 $41,050 $551 $83,651 $100,037 $5,109,082

Public Works Adminstration Construction Management Land Development City Hall Utility Engineering Building Maintenance Parks & Landscape Maintenance Streets Street Trees & Landscaping Public Transit RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local East RTIF ‐ San Joaquin County 10% RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local West

$445,888 $614,953 $341,479 $166,966 $225,342 $178,136 $175,797 $317,263 $15,046 $0 $0 $34,966 $348,901

$544,011 $533,186 $548,574 $234,326 $248,538 $237,294 $255,300 $524,657 $30,199 $25,692 $5,000 $78,947 $5,000

$849,897 $1,383,417 $561,484 $241,670 $245,194 $203,657 $275,979 $616,803 $33,543 $20,200 $5,000 $124,986 $5,000

$849,897 $1,383,417 $561,484 $241,670 $245,194 $203,657 $275,979 $616,803 $33,543 $20,200 $5,000 $124,986 $5,000


2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

Public Works (Continued) RTIF ‐ San Joaquin COG 15% CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services Solid Waste Crossroads Storm Drains Storm Drains Residential LMD Industrial LMD Woodfield LMD Stonebridge Landscaping Maintenance Stonebridge Drainage & Lighting District CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services Mossdale LLMD CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop CFD 2013‐1 River Islands Total: Public Works

$52,841 $268,849 $37,105 $111,186 $150,351 $72,767 $21,240 $55,043 $153,272 $141,330 $1,729,038 $279,848 $18,231 $0 $5,955,836

$118,420 $386,044 $46,320 $111,480 $206,974 $87,877 $53,567 $61,777 $180,647 $198,215 $2,002,780 $345,227 $26,809 $0 $7,096,861

$187,479 $331,195 $49,416 $118,318 $219,032 $95,332 $53,503 $73,797 $198,290 $219,147 $1,949,852 $469,870 $40,398 $7,891 $8,580,350

$187,479 $331,195 $49,416 $118,318 $219,032 $95,332 $53,503 $73,797 $198,290 $219,147 $1,949,852 $469,870 $40,398 $7,891 $8,580,350

Utilities Water MWQCF Collection System Xroad Treatment Plant Xroads WW Collection System MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer Total: Utilities

$3,482,157 $1,861,005 $632,416 $113,856 $1,171,575 $7,261,009

$3,336,627 $1,753,375 $667,763 $139,143 $1,561,355 $7,458,263

$3,414,764 $1,820,790 $585,500 $129,838 $1,830,180 $7,781,072

$3,414,764 $1,820,790 $585,500 $129,838 $1,830,180 $7,781,072

Developer Projects Saybrook CLSP LLC Gateway Watt Lathrop II South Lathrop Richland Xroads Richland Pacific Union Homes Pulte Homes

$1,870,802 $5,424 $262 $12,987 $9,244 $128 $0

$1,150,472 $50,000 $5,000 $30,000 $107,500 $1,000 $500

$6,060,000 $50,000 $5,000 $30,000 $899,500 $1,000 $700

$6,060,000 $50,000 $5,000 $30,000 $899,500 $1,000 $700


Developer Projects (Continued) River Islands Robinson Property TCN Properties Watt Lathrop I Pegasus Development Total: Developer Projects Grand Totals:

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$280,476 $1,503 $4,062 $601 $18,827 $2,204,316

$490,146 $500 $15,000 $6,500 $10,000 $1,866,618

$440,000 $500 $15,000 $6,500 $10,000 $7,518,200

$440,000 $500 $15,000 $6,500 $10,000 $7,518,200






General Fund ‐ 1010 City Council City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Finance Information Technology Personnel Central Services Animal Services Planning Building Code Compliance Parks and Recreation ‐ Administration Senior Center Recreation Programs Special Events Kids Club & Day Camp Teen Program Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Prgms Library Police Services Public Works ‐ Adminstration Construction Management Land Development City Hall Utility Engineering Building Maintenance Parks & Landscape Maintenance Total: General Fund

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$70,721 $519,500 $180,198 $490,295 $1,124,278 $922,497 $180,592 $466,731 $309,985 $648,959 $513,649 $112,983 $371,502 $167,908 $206,129 $0 $228,815 $0 $80,941 $8,659 $4,137,568 $445,888 $614,953 $341,479 $166,966 $225,342 $178,136 $175,797 $12,890,471

$58,875 $568,731 $194,665 $448,095 $1,129,220 $985,647 $227,315 $630,665 $251,056 $576,046 $787,878 $50,184 $457,252 $182,080 $205,638 $0 $297,924 $0 $101,950 $12,166 $4,720,153 $544,011 $533,186 $548,574 $234,326 $248,538 $237,294 $255,300 $14,486,769

$60,675 $613,005 $145,038 $583,091 $1,189,697 $1,059,451 $222,236 $436,911 $360,709 $732,397 $1,017,175 $204,826 $399,968 $118,957 $217,973 $42,636 $306,921 $166,404 $83,509 $7,465 $4,883,793 $849,897 $1,383,417 $561,484 $241,670 $245,194 $203,657 $275,979 $16,614,135

$60,675 $613,005 $145,038 $583,091 $1,189,697 $1,059,451 $222,236 $436,911 $360,709 $732,397 $1,017,175 $204,826 $399,968 $118,957 $217,973 $42,636 $306,921 $166,404 $83,509 $7,465 $4,883,793 $849,897 $1,383,417 $561,484 $241,670 $245,194 $203,657 $275,979 $16,614,135


2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

































Universal Hiring Grant Fund ‐ 2190





State COPS Fund ‐ 2220









RTIF ‐ San Joaquin County 10% Fund ‐





RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local West Fund ‐ 2360

















Special Revenue Funds Economic Development Fund ‐ 1050 Essential City Services ‐ Measure C Fund ‐ LMFD ‐ Measure C Fund ‐ 2010 Traffic Safety Fund ‐ 2070 Streets Fund ‐ 2080 Public Nuisance Fund ‐ 2090 Asset Forefeiture Fund ‐ 2100 Public Transit Fund ‐ 2120

RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local East Fund ‐ 2340

RTIF ‐ San Joaquin COG 15% Fund ‐ 2370 CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services Fund ‐2390 Solid Waste Fund ‐ 2400


2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted









Street Lighting Fund ‐ 2520





Woodfield LMD Fund ‐ 2530





Stonebridge Landscaping Maint. Dist.





Stonebridge Drainage & Lighting District

























Gateway Fund Fund ‐ 4020





Watt Lathrop II Fund ‐ 4030

















Special Revenue Funds (Continued) Crossroads Storm Drains Fund ‐ 2500 Storm Drains Fund ‐ 2510

CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services Fund ‐ Mossdale LLMD Fund ‐ 2580 CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop Fund 2630 CFD 2013‐1 River Island Fund 2640 Saybrook CLSP LLC Fund ‐ 4010

South Lathrop Richland Fund ‐ 4050 Xroads Richland Fund ‐4080 Pacific Union Homes Fund ‐ 4100


2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted





River Islands Fund ‐ 4150





Robinson Property ‐ 4160





TCN Properties Fund ‐ 4170





Watt Lathrop I Fund ‐ 4180













Water Fund ‐ 5620





MWQCF Collection System Fund ‐ 6010





















Special Revenue Funds (Continued) Pulte Homes Fund ‐ 4130

Pegasus Development Fund ‐ 4200 Total: Special Revenue Funds Enterprise Funds

Xroad Plant Fund ‐ 6050 MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer Fund ‐ 6080 Total: Enterprise Funds Grand Totals:

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


CITY MANAGER City Clerk City Engineer City Manager Executive Assistant to City Manager Senior Administrative Assistant

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

1.00 0.50 1.50

1.00 0.20 1.20

0.50 0.50 1.00

0.50 0.50 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 13.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

0.00 1.00 2.00 0.70 0.00

0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10

CITY CLERK City Clerk Senior Administrative Assistant

CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Legal Assistant Legal Secretary

FINANCE Accountant I/II Accounting Manager Accounting Specialist I/II/Technician Budget Analyst I/II Budget Manager Director of Finance Executive Assistant GIS Specialist I/II Information Technology Manager Information Technology Technician Programmer Analyst Senior Accounting Technician

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Assistant I/II Animal Services Assistant Animal Services Officer Director of Administrative Services Executive Assistant

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Continued) Management Analyst I/II Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Animal Services Officer

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administrative Assistant I/II Building Inspector I/II/III Chief Building Official Code Compliance Officer I/II/III Code Compliance Supervisor Director of Community Development Permit Technician/Admin Assistant I/II Principal Planner Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Planner

CULTURE & RECREATION Director of Administrative Services Director of Parks and Recreation Executive Assistant Facility Supervisor Management Analyst I/II Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Administrator Projects and Programs Manager Recreation Coordinator Recreation Leaders Recreation Supervisor Senior Center Manager Senior Recreation Leaders

PUBLIC SAFETY Administrative Assistant I/II Criminal Research Analyst Management Analyst I/II

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

0.20 0.50 0.00 4.40

0.00 0.80 0.00 3.80

0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

0.30 1.00 0.00 0.66 0.80 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.75 16.21

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.66 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.50 15.36

0.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

0.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

1.00 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued) Police Office Manager Contractual Services Chief of Police Deputy Sheriff II for Community Resource Officer Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Deputy Sheriff II for Investigations Deputy Sheriff II for Patrol Lieutenant to serve as Supervisor Sergeant to serve as Supervisor

PUBLIC WORKS Administrative Assistant I/II Assistant Engineer City Engineer Director of Public Works Junior Engineer Maintenance Services Supervisor Maintenance Worker I/II Meter Reader Principal Engineer Projects and Programs Manager Public Works Superintendent Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Civil Engineer Senior Construction Inspector I/II Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Management Analyst Utility Operator I/II/III

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

1.00 4.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 21.83

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 22.33

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

MEASURE C * * * *

Essential City Services Administrative Assistant I/II Facility Supervisor Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Superintendent

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


MEASURE C (Continued) Contractual Services Deputy Sheriff II for Community Impact Team Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Sergeant to serve as Supervisor

Lathrop Manteca Fire District Firefighters/Engineers Battalion Chiefs

Total City Staff positions Total Contractual positions TOTAL FUNDED POSITIONS * In Culture and Recreation Department

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 0.00 2.00

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98

75.31 28.00 103.31

74.06 33.98 108.04

81.10 33.98 115.08

81.10 33.98 115.08

Total City Budget by Fund Type Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 $135.4 (in million) Wastewater Operations‐MBR $2,398,000 2% Wastewater Operations‐ WPR $976,000 1% Wastewater Operations ‐ MWQCF $2,921,844 2%

Wastewater Capital $25,345,984 19%

General Fund $17,326,457 13%

General Fund Special Revenue Funds Measure C Essential City Services Measure C ‐ LMFD Construction Funds

Water Capital $5,579,250 4% Water Operations $7,981,948 6%

Special Revenue Funds $49,636,205 36%

Water Operations Water Capital Wastewater Operations ‐ MWQCF Wastewater Operations‐ WPR

Construction Funds $18,888,229 14%

Wastewater Operations‐MBR Wastewater Capital Measure C ‐ LMFD $1,120,000 1%

Measure C Essential City Services $3,188,047 2%

General Fund Anticipated Revenues Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Use of Money & Property $58,557 0%

Other $326,050 2%

$17.3 (in million)

Property Tax

Fines & Forfeitures $66,000 0%

Sales & Use Tax

Service Charges $3,413,099 20%

Property Tax $3,295,000 19%

Operating Transfer In Hotel Tax Franchise Fees Licenses & Permits

Sales & Use Tax $2,400,000 14%

Motor Vehicle in Lieu $1,195,000 7%

Motor Vehicle in Lieu Service Charges

Licenses & Permits $1,832,516 11%

Fines & Forfeitures Operating Transfer In $3,670,235 21%

Use of Money & Property Other

Franchise Fees $690,000 4%

Hotel Tax $400,000 2%

General Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Public Nuisance $24,000 Debt Service 0% $626,250 4%

$17.3 (in million) Assessment Districts $62,072 0%

Adminstrative Services $1,019,856 6%

Culture and Recreation Public Works

Culture and Recreation $1,343,833 8%

Community Development Public Safety

Finance & Information Technology $2,249,148 13%

Public Works $3,761,298 22%

General Government Finance & Information Technology

General Government $1,401,809 8%

Adminstrative Services

Public Safety $4,883,793 28%

Community Development $1,954,398 11%

Debt Service Public Nuisance Assessment Districts


City Council Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $12,337.41 $70,721.10 ($58,383.69)

2015 Adopted Budget $0.00 $58,875.00 ($58,875.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $0.00 $60,675.00 ($60,675.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $0.00 $60,675.00 ($60,675.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$12,337.41 $70,721.10 ($58,383.69)

$0.00 $58,875.00 ($58,875.00)

$0.00 $60,675.00 ($60,675.00)

$0.00 $60,675.00 ($60,675.00)

City Council

DescripƟon of Division The Mayor and City Council consist of the Mayor and four Councilmembers and acts as the policy‐making body for the City of Lathrop. The goal of the Council is to govern the City in a manner that is both responsive to the needs and concerns of the City residents and is financially sound. The City Council enacts and enforces ordinances and regula ons that concern municipal affairs, subject only to the limita ons and restric ons of the State Cons tu on. The City Council, as a body, supervises and provides guidance for the ac vi es of the City. The City Council members are the elected representa ves of the ci zens of Lathrop.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Financial Solvency. Con nue to implement the 10‐year budget model which projects revenues and expenses into the future. The model is an essen al aid in guiding the annual budget and ensuring financial sustainability.

 Promote Business Development. Due to the downturn in the economy in residen al construc on, considerable me has been spent working on solu ons to various challenges. Including mee ng with the San Joaquin Partnership and various poten al businesses.

 Promote Community Values. Create an environment where children and seniors are valued and nurtured, where the City values civic engagement and promotes community involvement. Reinforce a sense of community by focusing on community events, recrea onal improvements and community safety.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Financial Solvency. Con nue to maintain the 10‐year survival plan to ensure the City’s sustainability. Con nue to ensure that the City’s budget reflects the community’s spending priori es and includes economic development and public safety.

 Promote Business Development. Promote equitable and sustainable development in residen al construc on, commercial construc on and industrial construc on. Con nue to work and the San Joaquin Partnership to a ract and retain business development.

 Promote Community Values. Con nue to create an environment where children and seniors are valued and nurtured, where the City values civic engagement and promotes community involvement. Reinforce a sense of community by focusing on community events. 1. Con nue to explore resident cost reduc on op ons 2. Con nue to maintain Parks, Recrea on and Community Services

City Council

Work Plan 2015/2016 (conƟnued)

 Capital Improvement Program. Focus on projects that benefit the community as a whole, such as: the City Library, Lathrop’s Genera on Center and Skate Park. These projects work well with Council’s work plan to reinforce the sense of community theme by focusing on community projects and leisure programs for all age groups. Capital Requests

 None

Significant OperaƟng Changes

 None

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

11 10

City Council City Council

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐38‐00 Community Promotions 420‐39‐00 July 1st Celebration 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐43‐00 Badges and Name Plates 430‐47‐00 Awards Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Division Total: City Council

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$18,052.50 ($603.05) $14,664.64 $1,177.67 $203.50 $37.20 $33,532.46

$18,000.00 $0.00 $19,250.00 $1,115.00 $260.00 $0.00 $38,625.00

$18,000.00 $0.00 $24,050.00 $1,115.00 $260.00 $0.00 $43,425.00

$18,000.00 $0.00 $24,050.00 $1,115.00 $260.00 $0.00 $43,425.00

$14,418.90 $1,042.15 $7,196.40 1200 $54.25 $23,911.70

$4,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $6,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $3,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $3,000.00

0 898.14 0 59.62 957.76

$500.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 $2,250.00

$500.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 $2,250.00

$500.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 $2,250.00

$6,976.20 $5,342.98 $12,319.18 $70,721.10

$7,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,000.00 $58,875.00

$7,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,000.00 $60,675.00

$7,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,000.00 $60,675.00

City of Lathrop City Manager’s Office City Manager

City Clerk

City Engineer

Economic Development

Sr. Administrative Assistant FY 2015-2016

City Manager Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Economic Development Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

Departmental Staffing City Clerk City Engineer City Manager Executive Assistant to City Manager Senior Administrative Assistant Total City Manager FTE

2014 Actual $51,380.44 $519,499.74 ($468,119.30)

2015 Adopted Budget $30,000.00 $568,731.00 ($538,731.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $30,000.00 $613,005.00 ($583,005.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $30,000.00 $613,005.00 ($583,005.00)

$0.00 $0.00 ($87,092.72)

$0.00 $713,100.00 ($901,763.00)

$0.00 $0.00 ($713,100.00)

$0.00 $0.00 ($713,100.00)

$51,380.44 $519,499.74 ($468,119.30)

$30,000.00 $1,281,831.00 ($1,251,831.00)

$30,000.00 $613,005.00 ($583,005.00)

$30,000.00 $613,005.00 ($583,005.00)

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

City Manager

Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Sustainable Budge ng. The City con nues to monitor both revenue and expenditures in all City funds and maintains the City’s 10 year model intended to keep the City on the path toward long‐term sustainability. The focus has been on maintaining a stable budget and strategically inves ng the City’s resources to keep our community safe, inves ng in our future, and maximizing efficiency and produc vity. Staff con nues to work to control expenditures and reduce opera ng costs. Work Plan 2015/2016 The City’s focus for FY 15/16 and beyond is to promote the following four (4) objec ves important to the success of our City. These objec ves will be the founda on to improve our community’s financial and social health:

 Managing City func ons using sound business principles. Being a well‐run city is due in large part to our history of though ul, long‐range financial planning. For the 18th consecu ve year, Lathrop has been awarded the highest form of recogni on in governmental accoun ng for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). We are a full service city that strives to be proac ve and responsive to our community’s needs and that depends upon strong partnerships. Our ongoing focus is to maintain a balanced budget and con nue to focus on maintaining service levels.

 Providing Excep onal Service. As important as finding fiscal stability and strengthening our rela onships and partnerships is providing excep onal service. The most important asset the City has is its staff. Over the past few years our staff has become increasingly customer‐oriented, delivering be er and more cost effec ve services to our residents, businesses and development community. In FY 15/16, the City will con nue its focus on providing excep onal service to our residents, businesses and development community. To accomplish this, City staff will con nue its progress to make improvements in the meliness, quality and responsiveness of service delivery, while also focusing on the business goals of efficiency and produc vity.

Descrip on of Division The City Manager’s Office administers City projects, programs, efficient and effec ve municipal services to the ci zens of Lathrop. The City Manager provides policy recommenda ons to the City Council, leadership and direc on for the opera on and management of all City departments except the City A orney’s office. The City Manager's Office provides strategic leadership that supports the Mayor and the City Council and provides for the effec ve implementa on of the Mayor and Council’s policies and priori es. Func ons of the City Manager’s Office include: Legisla ve Affairs, Project Management, Economic Development, and Business Development.

City Manager Work Plan 2015/2016 (con nued)

 Deliver sustainable development. We all know that the world has changed significantly in the ten years since most of Lathrop’s development was en tled. Development has become much more cost‐conscious, much more difficult to finance, and much more defined by near term market reali es. Now economic condi ons are star ng to improve locally and the City of Lathrop is seeing stable property tax, increasing sales tax receipts, more op mism from our local businesses and development community, and significant interest from commercial, industrial and even residen al developers.

 Infrastructure. A key component of assis ng Economic Development is to be prepared and ready to go when the economy improves. Staff’s top priority will con nue to put focus on finding cost efficient op ons for wastewater capacity to provide addi onal capacity needed for new development projects in the City, and con nue finding solu ons to meet the SB5—200 year Flood Plain Legisla on. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 In FY 14/15, the Execu ve Assistant to the City Manager posi on was reclassified to City Clerk, and a Sr. Administra ve Assistant posi on was added, both posi ons are split equally between City Manager’s Office and the City Clerk’s Office.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary Posi on:




City Clerk




City Engineer




City Manager




Execu ve Assistant to the City Manager




Senior Administra ve Assistant




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

11 20

City Manager City Manager

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$309,980.57 $0.00 $43.92 $29,343.87 $39,286.25 $10,825.34 $33,421.07 $3,293.10 $838.16 $536.85 $5,150.69 $5,365.13 $795.55 $3,976.68 $1,085.00 $2,145.84 $446,088.02

$332,796.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44,641.00 $8,246.00 $45,840.00 $0.00 $886.00 $0.00 $6,825.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $5,200.00 $1,085.00 $2,313.00 $453,232.00

$355,730.00 $0.00 $2,148.00 $0.00 $28,252.00 $28,623.00 $46,326.00 $3,989.00 $1,021.00 $526.00 $10,179.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $5,617.00 $1,085.00 $2,180.00 $491,076.00

$355,730.00 $0.00 $2,148.00 $0.00 $28,252.00 $28,623.00 $46,326.00 $3,989.00 $1,021.00 $526.00 $10,179.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $5,617.00 $1,085.00 $2,180.00 $491,076.00

$43,481.02 $2,400.00 $27.13 $45,908.15

$70,000.00 $14,400.00 $500.00 $84,900.00

$50,000.00 $7,200.00 $500.00 $57,700.00

$50,000.00 $7,200.00 $500.00 $57,700.00

$493.65 $493.65

$1,000.00 $1,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,000.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

11 20

City Manager City Manager

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: City Manager

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$650.00 $6,689.79 $7,339.79

$2,000.00 $7,200.00 $9,200.00

$32,000.00 $7,200.00 $39,200.00

$32,000.00 $7,200.00 $39,200.00

$19,670.13 $19,670.13 $519,499.74

$20,399.00 $20,399.00 $568,731.00

$24,029.00 $24,029.00 $613,005.00

$24,029.00 $24,029.00 $613,005.00

City of Lathrop City Clerk’s Office

City Clerk

Sr. Administrative Assistant

FY 2015-2016

City Clerk Department Budget Summary 2016 City Manager Recommended $8,700.00 $145,038.00 ($136,338.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $8,700.00 $145,038.00 ($136,338.00)

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $10,074.99 $180,197.56 ($170,122.57)

2015 Adopted Budget $10,200.00 $194,665.00 ($184,465.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$10,074.99 $180,197.56 ($170,122.57)

$10,200.00 $194,665.00 ($184,465.00)

$8,700.00 $145,038.00 ($136,338.00)

$8,700.00 $145,038.00 ($136,338.00)

1.00 0.50 1.50

1.00 0.20 1.20

0.50 0.50 1.00

0.50 0.50 1.00

Departmental Staffing City Clerk Senior Administrative Assistant Total City Clerk FTE

City Clerk Descrip on of Division The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for records management, legisla ve history, elec ons and prepara on for City Council mee ngs. Some of the du es include:

 Provide execu ve level support to the City Manager and assists in the development and implementa on of City Manager goals and objec ve

 Coordinate City‐Wide Records Management Program, including crea on, maintenance and disposi on of records and maintenance of Municipal Code, City Council Handbook of Rules and Procedures and various logs and publica ons

 Prepare legisla ve documenta on for Regular Mee ngs, Special Mee ngs and Study Sessions of the City Council, including agendas, agenda packets, minutes, resolu ons, ordinances and miscellaneous legal no ces pursuant to State law

 Conduct General and Special Municipal Elec ons called by the City Council and serving as the Elec ons Official  Administer campaign and economic interest repor ng, maintaining Conflict of Interest Code and serving as the Filing Official / Officer, pursuant to State law

 Manage contracts, bonds, bid openings, Board / Commission / Commi ee recruitments and legal no cing  Provide administra ve support to City Council members  Serve as Public Informa on Officer  Process passports  Provide notary services Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Con nued to preserve all vital records of the City of Lathrop  Con nued to coordinate City‐wide records disposi on  Con nued organizing and streamlining processes of the City Clerk’s Office  Provided informa ve sessions to new staff to become familiar with the agenda process and management of contracts  Provided passport services

City Clerk Work Plan 2015/2016

 Prepare for 2016 General Municipal Elec on

 Conduct biennial review of the City of Lathrop Conflict of Interest Code  Coordinate annual City‐Wide records disposi on  Coordinate records storage op ons and assist with the implanta on of the City Hall renova on project  Con nue to preserve all vital records of the City of Lathrop  Collaborate with Finance to implement the Contract Management and Tracking Program  Con nue to provide passport services to the public  Con nue to provide notary services to the public  Con nue to organize and streamline processes of the City Clerk’s Office  Con nue to support the City Manager and other execu ve staff to streamline City‐wide procedures. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 In FY14/15, the Execu ve Assistant to the City Manager posi on was reclassified to City Clerk, and a Sr. Administra ve Assistant posi on was added, both posi ons are split equally between City Manager’s Office and the City Clerk’s Office. Staffing FY 2015‐2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary:

Posi on:




City Clerk




Senior Administra ve Assistant




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

12 10

City Clerk City Clerk

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐57‐00 Elections 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$110,952.76 $0.00 $7,008.34 $14,403.64 $4,015.68 $20,614.54 $1,897.77 $312.56 $422.39 $4,130.39 $337.41 $1,304.73 $651.01 $1,014.54 $167,065.76

$100,078.00 $100.00 $0.00 $13,424.00 $2,488.00 $21,358.00 $481.00 $266.00 $85.00 $4,060.00 $0.00 $1,477.00 $1,019.00 $521.00 $145,357.00

$82,894.00 $2,148.00 $0.00 $6,417.00 $6,349.00 $17,766.00 $841.00 $227.00 $101.00 $2,964.00 $0.00 $1,246.00 $434.00 $771.00 $122,158.00

$82,894.00 $2,148.00 $0.00 $6,417.00 $6,349.00 $17,766.00 $841.00 $227.00 $101.00 $2,964.00 $0.00 $1,246.00 $434.00 $771.00 $122,158.00

$3,799.56 $0.00 $4,254.57 $0.00 $8,054.13

$14,500.00 $24,000.00 $5,000.00 $305.00 $43,805.00

$10,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $300.00 $15,300.00

$10,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $300.00 $15,300.00

$2,136.62 $200.00 $2,336.62

$1,650.00 $200.00 $1,850.00

$1,650.00 $500.00 $2,150.00

$1,650.00 $500.00 $2,150.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

12 10

City Clerk City Clerk

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: City Clerk

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$435.00 $669.46 $1,104.46

$450.00 $1,500.00 $1,950.00

$1,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,500.00

$1,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,500.00

$1,636.59 $1,636.59 $180,197.56

$1,703.00 $1,703.00 $194,665.00

$930.00 $930.00 $145,038.00

$930.00 $930.00 $145,038.00

City of Lathrop City Attorney’s Office

City Attorney

Legal Assistant

FY 2015-2016

City Attorney Department Budget Summary 2016 City Manager Recommended $40,200.00 $583,091.00 ($542,891.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $40,200.00 $583,091.00 ($542,891.00)

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $31,311.26 $490,295.30 ($458,984.04)

2015 Adopted Budget $25,000.00 $448,095.00 ($423,095.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$31,311.26 $490,295.30 ($458,984.04)

$25,000.00 $448,095.00 ($423,095.00)

$40,200.00 $583,091.00 ($542,891.00)

$40,200.00 $583,091.00 ($542,891.00)

Departmental Staffing City Attorney Legal Secretary Legal Assistant Total City Attorney FTE

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

City A orney Descrip on of Division The City A orney is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the City Council. Under policy direc on, the City A orney is charged with the task of advising the City Council, City Manager, other Administra ve Staff, and various boards and commissions of the City on all legal aspects of municipal opera ons. The City A orney represents the City in civil and criminal ac ons; prosecutes viola ons of City ordinances; and dra s necessary legal documents, including ordinances, resolu ons and contracts. The City A orney a ends all regular and special City Council mee ngs and Planning Commission mee ngs, and, when necessary, Council Commi ee mee ngs and other advisory body mee ngs. The a orney‐client rela onship is established for the City by advising members of the City Council and Staff in all city‐related ma ers. Other services of the City A orney include coordina on with the City Manager, Department Heads and general staff. The City A orney also provides advice regarding relevant laws and supervises the work of outside counsel handling li ga on and other ma ers. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Processed numerous public records requests, liability claims, property damage claims, and Municipal Code viola ons.  Assisted the City in dra ing several agreements such as the River Islands 3rd and 4th Amendments to Development Agreement.

 Worked with the City’s development team to implement ongoing projects as directed by Council including:  Terra Verde Solar Project, a proposed restructure of Community Facili es District 2006‐01 for CLSP,  Li ga on seeking to collect $7M in uncollected sales taxes,  mul ple City Ordinances and Resolu ons such as: Ordinance Prohibi ng the Establishment of and Opera on of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Coopera ves and Collec ves, an Ordinance Prohibi ng Camping in Public Places and Aggressive Solicita on; other Ordinances Amending Lathrop Municipal Code and, Ordinances associated with Amendments to Development Agreements. Work Plan 2015/2016 The City A orney intends to con nue to support development of Lathrop through necessary review, considera on, and analysis of adopted and proposed projects. City A orney shall also con nue representa on of the City in proceedings and li ga on.

City A orney

Capital Requests



Significant Opera ng Changes


This year’s budget includes the reclassifica on of the Legal Secretary to a Legal Assistant.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




City A orney




Legal Assistant




Legal Secretary




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

13 10

City Attorney City Attorney

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$222,107.44 $0.00 $0.00 $22,372.88 $28,923.55 $8,031.00 $29,935.34 $2,158.92 $624.59 $405.90 $4,594.60 $5,410.13 $718.39 $2,861.40 $868.00 $1,603.12 $330,615.26

$232,646.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $31,207.00 $5,772.00 $38,582.00 $761.00 $621.00 $170.00 $4,900.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $3,604.00 $868.00 $1,672.00 $326,703.00

$258,835.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,180.00 $20,349.00 $35,852.00 $3,166.00 $752.00 $453.00 $5,928.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $4,037.00 $868.00 $1,653.00 $357,473.00

$258,835.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,180.00 $20,349.00 $35,852.00 $3,166.00 $752.00 $453.00 $5,928.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $4,037.00 $868.00 $1,653.00 $357,473.00

$138,007.13 $138,007.13

$100,000.00 $100,000.00

$200,000.00 $200,000.00

$200,000.00 $200,000.00

$619.85 $2,795.57 $3,415.42

$1,000.00 $6,500.00 $7,500.00

$1,000.00 $5,500.00 $6,500.00

$1,000.00 $5,500.00 $6,500.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

13 10

City Attorney City Attorney

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: City Attorney

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$900.00 $2,287.65 $3,187.65

$900.00 $3,000.00 $3,900.00

$900.00 $4,000.00 $4,900.00

$900.00 $4,000.00 $4,900.00

$15,069.84 $15,069.84 $490,295.30

$9,992.00 $9,992.00 $448,095.00

$14,218.00 $14,218.00 $583,091.00

$14,218.00 $14,218.00 $583,091.00

City of Lathrop - Finance Department Director of Finance


Administration/ Customer Service

Budget Division

Information Technology

Executive Assistant

Accounting Manager

IT Manager

Sr. Accounting Technician

Budget Manager

Programmer Analyst

Accounting Technician (2)

Budget Analyst I/II

GIS Specialist I/II

Accounting Specialist I/II (2)

Accountant I/II

FY 2015-2016

Finance and Information Systems Department Budget Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $9,256,291.88 $2,046,775.07 $7,209,516.81

2015 Adopted Budget $8,141,150.00 $2,114,867.00 $6,026,283.00

2016 City Manager Recommended $8,182,810.00 $2,249,148.00 $5,933,662.00

2016 City Council Adopted $8,182,810.00 $2,249,148.00 $5,933,662.00

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$9,256,291.88 $2,046,775.07 $7,209,516.81

$8,141,150.00 $2,114,867.00 $6,026,283.00

$8,182,810.00 $2,249,148.00 $5,933,662.00

$8,182,810.00 $2,249,148.00 $5,933,662.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 13.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 14.00

Departmental Staffing Accountant I/II Accounting Manager Accounting Specialist I/II Technician Budget Manager Budget Analyst I/II Director of Finance Executive Assistant Information Technology Manager Information Technology Technician GIS Specialist I/II Programmer Analyst Senior Accounting Technician Special Districts Manager Total Finance FTE


Descrip on of Division The Finance Department — Accoun ng Division prepares u lity bills, collects revenue, invests City funds, coordinates the City budget, issues financial reports, issues and administers debt, administers City procurement, processes City payroll, manages employee benefits, and pays City’s invoices in accordance with fiscal policies and internal controls. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Updated the 10‐Year Financial Model assis ng in the successful resolu ons of labor nego a ons  Closed Fiscal Year 2013‐2014 in a posi ve posi on returning approximately $0.3 million to reserves  Obtained a Cer ficate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Repor ng by the Government Finance Officers Associa on (GFOA) for mely submi al of the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

    

Established the Other Pension Benefits (OPEB) Trust securing employees with a stable re rement plan Applied for and received a grant award of $35,000 for the New Alterna ve Fuel Vehicle Purchase Issued Crossroads Series B Bonds in the amount of $10 million Nego ated new Dental and Vision Benefit plans for employees at a lower cost Coordinated the disposal of surplus property for City Departments

Work Plan 2015/2016  Water and Wastewater Rate Studies. Con nue to explore cost reduc on opportuni es keeping rate increases at a minimum and opera ng u li es at a fiscally responsible level.

 Ten (10) Year Financial Model. Con nue to update and revise the model as needed for long‐range financial planning.  Policies and Procedures. Review, update and create financial policies which promote financial solvency and budget sustainability.

 Special Financing Districts. Manage the City’s debt and maintenance districts.  Debt. Explore refinancing Mossdale 03‐01, Series 2005 and City Hall Bonds.


Capital Requests  None Significant Opera ng Changes  None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Accountant I/II




Accoun ng Manager




Accoun ng Specialist I/II/Technician




Budget Analyst I/II (confiden al)




Budget Manager




Director of Finance




Execu ve Assistant




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

15 10

Finance Finance

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI 410‐99‐00 Expense Variance Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐20‐00 Sales Tax Audit 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$500,002.45 $0.00 $5,045.57 $44,954.10 $59,228.39 $16,587.17 $79,238.82 $7,825.51 $1,338.50 $1,460.27 $13,861.64 $1,329.82 $6,001.36 $3,282.60 $3,481.39 $0.08 $743,637.67

$594,977.00 $0.00 $1,610.00 $0.00 $69,332.00 $13,223.00 $113,862.00 $3,948.00 $1,509.00 $815.00 $15,750.00 $0.00 $8,921.00 $7,422.00 $0.00 $0.00 $831,369.00

$641,419.00 $0.00 $1,626.00 $0.00 $47,634.00 $37,806.00 $114,567.00 $10,381.00 $1,847.00 $1,491.00 $18,902.00 $0.00 $9,590.00 $3,038.00 $4,136.00 $0.00 $892,437.00

$641,419.00 $0.00 $1,626.00 $0.00 $47,634.00 $37,806.00 $114,567.00 $10,381.00 $1,847.00 $1,491.00 $18,902.00 $0.00 $9,590.00 $3,038.00 $4,136.00 $0.00 $892,437.00

$169,236.08 $23,790.86 $0.00 $9,340.20 $0.00 $260.42 $202,627.56

$84,800.00 $24,000.00 $100.00 $11,000.00 $380.00 $500.00 $120,780.00

$84,800.00 $20,000.00 $100.00 $11,000.00 $380.00 $0.00 $116,280.00

$84,800.00 $20,000.00 $100.00 $11,000.00 $380.00 $0.00 $116,280.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

15 10

Finance Finance

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐33‐00 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐80‐00 Bad Debt 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Finance

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$8,856.91 $404.91 $23.63 $2,132.56 $0.00 $11,418.01

$9,000.00 $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $500.00 $9,800.00

$9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $9,500.00

$9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $9,500.00

$684.90 $2,680.15 $3,365.05

$1,950.00 $6,600.00 $8,550.00

$1,600.00 $6,600.00 $8,200.00

$1,600.00 $6,600.00 $8,200.00

$147,890.40 $54.25 $15,284.86 $163,229.51 $1,124,277.80

$140,000.00 $0.00 $18,721.00 $158,721.00 $1,129,220.00

$145,000.00 $0.00 $18,280.00 $163,280.00 $1,189,697.00

$145,000.00 $0.00 $18,280.00 $163,280.00 $1,189,697.00

Informa on Technology

Descrip on of Division

The Informa on Technology Division (IT) provides informa on technology services to the public, City Council, and all City departments. IT provides the support and leadership required to ensure that the full benefit of the City’s investments in technology is realized. The division supports approximately 175 users who depend on 150 computers, 40 servers, 120 telephones, 10 Routers, 20 Data Switches, internal and external network security, 10 voice/data circuits and a number of informa on systems located across the city. Addi onally, IT supports the public facing informa on systems including Channel 97 and the City’s website which receives an average of approximately 340 visits each day. In FY13/14, IT began providing support to the Lathrop‐Manteca Fire District technology systems. Accomplishments 2014/2015  Completed 4,350 Help Desk support requests.

 Deployed 45 new phones to Police Services and Lathrop Manteca Fire.  Deployed 35 desktops and Thin Clients to replace Windows XP machines.  Completed Wide Are Network integra on for Community Center, Stonebridge, Park West, Community Park and Woodfield Park.

     

Performed a security audit with the aid of an external technology company. Implemented the ERP (Enterprise Resource Plan) system. Started Third phase of Disaster Recovery Plan infrastructure to leverage the New Corp Yard site. Con nued implementa on of Virtual system to reduce energy and support costs. Con nued maintenance of the City’s website. Implemented three addi onal sites of the Wide Area Network Wireless System to create a ring around the city for redundancy.

 Migrated the GIS system to new infrastructure—Phase II.  Completed Phase II of SCADA system migra on into the network.

Informa on Technology Work Plan 2015/2016 The highest priority of the Informa on Technology Division are the following:

        

Con nue the annual security audit Implement the security audit recommenda ons Con nue maintenance of the City’s website Phase III of the DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) at the new Corp Yard Migra on of all Windows 2003 Server—End of life Development and support of GIS (Geographic Informa on Systems) infrastructure Con nue the implementa on of Wireless to replace carriers circuits to reduce approximately $24,000 annually Con nue system refresh to reduce costs and labor Con nue implementa on of Enterprise Resource Program (ERP)

Capital Requests

 Storage Area Network


 TDR– Telephone Disaster Recovery


 Tower—City Hall


Significant Opera ng Changes  This year’s budget includes the reclassifica on of the Informa on Technology Technician to a GIS Specialist I/II posi on.

Informa on Technology Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




GIS Specialist I/II




Informa on Technology Manager




Informa on Technology Technician




Programmer Analyst




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$160,903.46 $0.00 $1,208.93 $5,619.78 $20,478.22 $5,704.30 $31,706.21 $2,651.31 $444.66 $454.50 $4,594.60 $471.23 $1,879.46 $868.00 $909.29 $237,893.95

$249,090.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $27,432.00 $4,140.00 $55,008.00 $0.00 $671.00 $0.00 $8,750.00 $0.00 $3,814.00 $1,302.00 $1,867.00 $352,574.00

$265,799.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $19,705.00 $14,240.00 $59,847.00 $3,888.00 $803.00 $525.00 $10,738.00 $0.00 $3,981.00 $1,302.00 $1,737.00 $383,065.00

$265,799.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $19,705.00 $14,240.00 $59,847.00 $3,888.00 $803.00 $525.00 $10,738.00 $0.00 $3,981.00 $1,302.00 $1,737.00 $383,065.00

$39,258.34 $329,352.02 $0.00 $0.00 $21,060.94 $389,671.30

$40,000.00 $221,500.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 $23,500.00 $287,250.00

$31,500.00 $215,500.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 $26,000.00 $275,250.00

$31,500.00 $215,500.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 $26,000.00 $275,250.00

Description 1010

General Fund

15 20

Finance Information Technology

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$44.07 $23,616.61 $448.88 $23.63 $72,502.04 $119,491.01 $216,126.24

$500.00 $25,000.00 $200.00 $500.00 $25,000.00 $125,000.00 $176,200.00

$500.00 $20,000.00 $200.00 $0.00 $64,900.00 $120,000.00 $205,600.00

$500.00 $20,000.00 $200.00 $0.00 $64,900.00 $120,000.00 $205,600.00

$160.00 $17,645.62 $17,805.62

$200.00 $5,000.00 $5,200.00

$200.00 $5,000.00 $5,200.00

$200.00 $5,000.00 $5,200.00

$27,771.06 $9,086.38 $36,857.44

$28,000.00 $13,423.00 $41,423.00

$30,000.00 $8,236.00 $38,236.00

$30,000.00 $8,236.00 $38,236.00

$24,142.72 $24,142.72 $922,497.27

$123,000.00 $123,000.00 $985,647.00

$152,100.00 $152,100.00 $1,059,451.00

$152,100.00 $152,100.00 $1,059,451.00

Description 1010

General Fund

15 20

Finance Information Technology

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐15‐00 Duplicating Costs 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐53‐00 Phones Services Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐12‐00 Computer and Equipment Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: Information Technology


City of Lathrop Administrative Services Director of Administrative Services Executive Assistant

Animal Services

Human Resources

Central Services

Risk Management

Emergency Services

Sr. Animal Services Officer Animal Services Officer

Administrative Assistant I/II

FY 2015-2016

Administrative Services Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $104,542.02 $1,583,551.59 ($1,479,009.57)

2015 Adopted Budget $114,700.00 $1,735,286.00 ($1,620,586.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $142,150.00 $1,646,106.00 ($1,503,956.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $142,150.00 $1,646,106.00 ($1,503,956.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$104,542.02 $1,583,551.59 ($1,479,009.57)

$114,700.00 $1,735,286.00 ($1,620,586.00)

$142,150.00 $1,646,106.00 ($1,503,956.00)

$142,150.00 $1,646,106.00 ($1,503,956.00)

0.00 1.00 2.00 0.70 0.00 0.20 0.50 0.00 4.40

0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 3.80

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

Departmental Staffing Administrative Assistant I/II Animal Services Assistant Animal Services Officer Director of Administrative Services Executive Assistant Management Analyst I/ II Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Animal Services Officer Total Administrative Services FTE

Human Resources Descrip on of Division The Human Resources Division includes the du es normally assigned to Personnel, Risk Management, and Safety Coordinator. This division handles all recruitment, examina on and selec on of employees; all employee personnel records, employee training, and coordina ng with CSJVRMA for risk management, safety programs, EAP, liability, property, vehicles, and worker’s compensa on. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Assist in coordina on and par cipa on of Na onal Night Out.  Maintained opera ons cost control measures.  Assisted Departments with inquiries involving City Risk Management Authority: cer ficates of insurance, transfer of risk        

associated with deeds, contracts, etc. Coordinated recruitments required to support increased demand on staff resources resul ng from overall growth of City, vacated or newly created posi ons. Established department goals in concert with Council Goals and integrate into department protocol. Coordinated monthly newsle er and newspaper ar cle submission for all departments. Coordinated Annual Employee Recogni on Luncheon and Quarterly All Staff Mee ngs. Coordinated Workers Compensa on claims with our Risk Management Authority. Processed auto claims and City property damage claims; coordina on with City A orney in claims processing. Processed updates and renewals of risk and liability program policies; coordina on with departments. Provided assistance and guidance to all departments in the use of and appropriate procedures in employee rela ons ma ers.

Work Plan 2015/2016

   

Con nue to coordinate and track training for staff citywide. Assist all departments in coordina ng par cipa on in Na onal Night Out. Con nue to maintain opera ons cost control measures. Assist Departments with inquiries involving City Risk Management Authority: cer ficates of insurance, transfer of risk associated with deeds, contracts, etc.

Human Resources

Work Plan 2015/2016 (con nued)

 Coordinate recruitments required to support increased demand on staff resources resul ng from overall growth of City,           

vacated or newly created posi ons. Par cipate in union nego a on with bargaining units. Con nue to establish department goals in concert with Council Goals and integrate into department protocol. Con nue to coordinate monthly newsle er and newspaper ar cle submission for all departments. Con nue to provide no fica on, coordina on and tracking of training for all departments. Coordinate Annual Employee Recogni on Luncheon and Quarterly All Staff Mee ngs. Coordinate required trainings including CPR/AED/First aid and sexual harassment training. Coordinate Workers Compensa on claims with our Risk Management Authority. Process auto claims and City property damage claims; coordina on with City A orney in claims processing. Process updates and renewals of risk and liability program policies; coordina on with departments. Update City Administra ve Policies, Personnel Rules & Regula ons. Provide assistance and guidance to all departments in the use of and appropriate procedures in employee rela ons ma ers.

Capital Requests  None Significant Opera ng Changes

 In FY 2015/2016, the Administra ve Services Director posi on is fully budgeted in the Human Resources budget.  The Senior Administra ve Assistant positon was reclassified to an Execu ve Assistant posi on and provides 0.1 FTE support for

the Department.

Human Resources

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Dir of Administra ve Services




Execu ve Assistant




Sr. Administra ve Assistant




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

14 10

Personnel Personnel

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries Part‐time Salaries 410‐12‐00 Overtime 410‐13‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐14‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐20‐00 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐25‐00 Retiree ‐ Employer‐Funded 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐62‐00 Pre‐employment Physicals 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$98,261.79 $0.00 $43.92 $7,270.31 $12,327.87 $3,423.73 $2.00 $6,913.47 $1,079.48 $264.49 $202.95 $2,415.51 $0.00 $304.05 $1,204.63 $433.99 $802.80 $134,950.99

$146,533.00 $0.00 $301.00 $0.00 $19,655.00 $3,634.00 $0.00 $14,201.00 $2,052.00 $388.00 $391.00 $3,710.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,240.00 $607.00 $1,188.00 $194,900.00

$152,776.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,612.00 $604.00 $0.00 $22,544.00 $240.00 $454.00 $32.00 $4,922.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,255.00 $477.00 $1,009.00 $194,925.00

$152,776.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,612.00 $604.00 $0.00 $22,544.00 $240.00 $454.00 $32.00 $4,922.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,255.00 $477.00 $1,009.00 $194,925.00

$27,927.33 $4,996.20 $1,964.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34,887.53

$2,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $100.00 $100.00 $10,600.00

$2,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,400.00

$2,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,400.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

14 10

Personnel Personnel

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐47‐00 Awards Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Personnel

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$446.43 ($115.37) $1,042.32 $3,906.01 $5,279.39

$1,000.00 $250.00 $2,800.00 $4,500.00 $8,550.00

$1,000.00 $250.00 $2,800.00 $4,500.00 $8,550.00

$1,000.00 $250.00 $2,800.00 $4,500.00 $8,550.00

$1,073.98 $1,672.95 $2,746.93

$1,000.00 $4,600.00 $5,600.00

$1,000.00 $4,600.00 $5,600.00

$1,000.00 $4,600.00 $5,600.00

$2,727.16 $2,727.16 $180,592.00

$7,665.00 $7,665.00 $227,315.00

$2,761.00 $2,761.00 $222,236.00

$2,761.00 $2,761.00 $222,236.00

Central Services

DescripƟon of Division The Central Services Division provides a focal point for expenses that overlap one or more departments. It is more cost‐effec ve to budget in a single area than in each department. This division does not include direct services to the public, nor does it include any staff that is dedicated to this func on only.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Completed purchase of electric car.  Finalized purchase and provided training for the use of AED machines for City facili es.

Work Plan 2015/2016 Included in this budget are the following expenditures:

 City share of re ree medical insurance premiums  Employee educa onal assistance program  City Staff trainings  Postage and express mail delivery services  Annual payment to CSJVRMA for administra on, risk management, liability, property, vehicle and employee assistance insurance coverage

 Annual lease payments for City Hall Capital Requests  None Significant OperaƟng Changes  None

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

14 40

Personnel Central Services

Personnel Services 410‐25‐00 Retiree ‐ Employer‐Funded 410‐26‐00 Cobra Insurance Payments 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐31‐00 General Liability Insurance 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐41‐00 Rents Total: Fixed Charges

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$110,669.27 $0.00 $0.00 $110,669.27

$162,857.00 $0.00 $0.00 $162,857.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$4,587.01 $635.82 $0.00 $5,222.83

$1,900.00 $1,000.00 $9,000.00 $11,900.00

$6,100.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $7,100.00

$6,100.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $7,100.00

$7,834.16 $43,589.61 $1,790.65 ($180.92) $53,033.50

$9,000.00 $57,200.00 $300.00 $0.00 $66,500.00

$9,000.00 $57,200.00 $300.00 $0.00 $66,500.00

$9,000.00 $57,200.00 $300.00 $0.00 $66,500.00

$611.63 $4,837.50 $5,449.13

$650.00 $28,700.00 $29,350.00

$650.00 $28,700.00 $29,350.00

$650.00 $28,700.00 $29,350.00

($74.67) $262,193.00 $0.00 $30,237.66 $292,355.99

$0.00 $311,033.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 $317,533.00

$0.00 $327,461.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 $333,961.00

$0.00 $327,461.00 $0.00 $6,500.00 $333,961.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division


Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Debt Service Principal 480‐01‐00 Interest 480‐02‐00 Total: Debt Service Division Total: Central Services


General Fund

14 40

Personnel Central Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00

$42,525.00 $42,525.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$274,370.13 $351,873.87 $626,244.00 $1,092,974.72

$626,250.00 $0.00 $626,250.00 $1,256,915.00

$626,250.00 $0.00 $626,250.00 $1,063,161.00

$626,250.00 $0.00 $626,250.00 $1,063,161.00

Animal Services

Descrip on of Division Animal Services is comprised of three major program areas: Field, Shelter and Administra ve services, responsible for the efficient and effec ve enforcement of all Federal, State and Local laws regula ng animals and ownership, including, but not limited to, licensing, care and control of animals, sheltering of stray, unwanted, injured, or sick animals, nuisance abatement, humane inves ga ons and public educa on. Animal Services administers the State‐mandated rabies program including vaccine clinics, repor ng bites and the quaran ne of animals. Addi onally, Animal Services is responsible for maintaining compliance with all Federal and State laws regula ng the animal welfare industry. Accomplishments 2014/2015

     

Successful Dangerous Animal/Vicious Animal program Bite Quaran ne process effec ve and well‐documented Public Safety hazards first priority with good response me Collabora on with City A orney for successful prosecu on of Humane cases and Dangerous Animal viola ons Maintained opera ons cost control measures Received dona ons from community partners such as: PetSmart, Tractor Supply Company and ci zens; partnered with PetSmart Adop on Partner Chari es and Tractor Supply for adop on events

 Public Outreach at various City sponsored events  Ac ve recruitment for foster/volunteer programs  Con nued rela onship with local animal rescues and trainers to provide ci zens with an alterna ve to surrendering/returning their animals to the shelter

 Educated ci zens on low cost spay and neutering services available and low cost vaccina on clinics  Increased educa on of ci zens regarding senior discounts available for licensing and impound fees  Maintained website portals to inform the public on lost/found animals and adop on services

Animal Services

Work Plan 2015/2016 The highest priori es for the Animal Services Department are to con nue and enhance:

               

Dangerous Animal/Vicious Animal program Bite Quaran ne process effec ve and well‐documented Public Safety hazards first priority with good response me Collabora on with City A orney for successful prosecu on of Humane cases and Dangerous Animal viola ons Par cipa on in Ci zen's Police Academy/Jr. Police Academy and Neighborhood Watch mee ngs Maintaining opera ons cost control measures Collabora on with community partners such as PetSmart, Target, Tractor Supply Company and ci zens to receive dona ons and adop on events Department representa on in City‐wide Grant Wri ng Group and researching grant opportuni es Use Lathrop Veterinary for veterinary services Purchase supplies from local businesses Provide low cost Rabies Vaccine clinic Provide Spay/Neuter Voucher incen ves Con nue involvement and par cipa on in City events Con nue adop on events for the community Con nue ac ve recruitment for foster/volunteer programs Con nue rela onship with local animal rescues and trainers to provide ci zens with an alterna ve to surrendering/ returning their animals

Capital Requests

 One (1) New Vehicle Replacement for Animal Services, approximate cost $53,000.

Animal Services

Significant Opera ng Changes

 The Administra ve Services Director posi on remained vacant during FY 14‐15. In FY 15‐16, it is proposed for this posi on to be redirected to the Human Resources Department. Animal Services staff currently report to the City Clerk on an interim basis.

 Funded a new Administra ve Assistant in FY 14‐15 to support the day‐to‐day clerical func ons of the division.  In FY 14‐15, the Senior Administra ve Assistant was reclassified and no longer provides support for this Division. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:





Administra ve Services Director




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Animal Services Assistant




Animal Services Officer (1)




Sr. Administra ve Assistant




Sr. Animal Services Officer (1)




Total Full Time Equivalents




FTE’s split between Animal Services and Mossdale CFD 2004‐1 budgets (50% each)

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

16 10

Animal Services Animal Services

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries Overtime 410‐13‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐14‐00 Standby 410‐15‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐20‐00 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$118,604.71 $0.00 $1,722.64 $9,127.38 $12,787.53 $15,552.95 $4,347.30 $34,407.27 $2,262.69 $337.04 $352.62 $23,813.24 $0.00 $383.97 $1,532.63 $954.77 $0.00 $199.16 $226,385.90

$93,236.00 $0.00 $1,144.00 $0.00 $10,002.00 $12,547.00 $2,333.00 $22,643.00 $633.00 $247.00 $119.00 $10,880.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,542.00 $608.00 $0.00 $328.00 $156,262.00

$108,693.00 $0.00 $4,528.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $8,044.00 $5,113.00 $41,997.00 $742.00 $320.00 $102.00 $12,636.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,786.00 $868.00 $0.00 $0.00 $194,829.00

$108,693.00 $0.00 $4,528.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $8,044.00 $5,113.00 $41,997.00 $742.00 $320.00 $102.00 $12,636.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,786.00 $868.00 $0.00 $0.00 $194,829.00

$11,657.65 $0.00 $0.00 $1,117.42 $2,605.28 $24.00 $15,404.35

$10,000.00 $0.00 $50.00 $2,000.00 $4,300.00 $150.00 $16,500.00

$10,000.00 $0.00 $50.00 $2,000.00 $4,300.00 $150.00 $16,500.00

$10,000.00 $0.00 $50.00 $2,000.00 $4,300.00 $150.00 $16,500.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

16 10

Animal Services Animal Services

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐12‐00 Animal Shelter Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Office Supplies 430‐10‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐24‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐26‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐33‐00 Shop Tools 430‐35‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐37‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐40‐00 Reference Books 430‐45‐00 Unaltered Impound Animal 430‐54‐00 430‐55‐00 PetSmart Spay/Neuter Expense 430‐56‐00 Forfeited Spay Neuter Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐80‐00 Bad Debt 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: Animal Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$44,496.00 $44,496.00

$51,500.00 $51,500.00

$71,500.00 $71,500.00

$71,500.00 $71,500.00

$702.69 $2,252.53 $182.35 $0.00 $3,335.06 $78.75 $0.00 $1,614.81 $180.00 $35.00 $6,021.81 $0.00 $14,403.00

$1,000.00 $5,100.00 $250.00 $200.00 $4,000.00 $200.00 $850.00 $2,850.00 $180.00 $0.00 $4,648.00 $0.00 $19,278.00

$1,000.00 $5,100.00 $250.00 $200.00 $4,000.00 $200.00 $850.00 $2,850.00 $180.00 $0.00 $4,650.00 $0.00 $19,280.00

$1,000.00 $5,100.00 $250.00 $200.00 $4,000.00 $200.00 $850.00 $2,850.00 $180.00 $0.00 $4,650.00 $0.00 $19,280.00

$455.00 $4,435.96 $4,890.96

$600.00 $5,000.00 $5,600.00

$600.00 $5,000.00 $5,600.00

$600.00 $5,000.00 $5,600.00

$3,313.80 $1,090.86 $4,404.66

$0.00 $1,916.00 $1,916.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $309,984.87

$0.00 $0.00 $251,056.00

$53,000.00 $53,000.00 $360,709.00

$53,000.00 $53,000.00 $360,709.00


City of Lathrop Community Development Director of Community Development


Planning Division

Building Division

Code Compliance

Sr. Administrative Assistant

Principal Planner

Chief Building Official

Code Compliance Supervisor

Sr. Administrative Assistant – Front Counter Support

Senior Planner

Building Inspector I/II/III (2)

Permit Technician (.50 FTE)

Permit Technician (.50 FTE)

FY 2015-2016

Community Development Budget Summary 2016 City Manager Recommended $2,496,443.00 $1,954,398.00 $542,045.00

2016 City Council Adopted $2,496,443.00 $1,954,398.00 $542,045.00

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $1,158,497.15 $1,275,591.06 ($117,093.91)

2015 Adopted Budget $1,106,862.00 $1,414,108.00 ($307,246.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Public Nuisance

$17.24 $12,242.72 ($12,225.48)

$25,000.00 $26,270.00 ($1,270.00)

$24,000.00 $25,959.00 ($1,959.00)

$24,000.00 $25,959.00 ($1,959.00)

$1,158,514.39 $1,287,833.78 ($129,319.39)

$1,131,862.00 $1,440,378.00 ($308,516.00)

$2,520,443.00 $1,980,357.00 $540,086.00

$2,520,443.00 $1,980,357.00 $540,086.00

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

Departmental Staffing Administrative Assistant I/II Building Inspector I/II/III Chief Building Official Code Compliance Officer I/II/III Code Compliance Supervisor Director of Community Development Permit Technician/ Admin Assistant I/II Principal Planner Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Planner Total Community Development FTE

Community Development—Planning Descrip on of Division The Planning Division is responsible for promo ng the City’s development, encouraging new business and business expansion and reten on, residen al and other appropriate growth, preparing and implemen ng the General Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and processing Specific Plans, Plan Amendments, Urban Design Concepts, Condi onal Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, Home Occupa on Permits, Administra ve Permits and other discre onary and non‐discre onary applica ons. The Planning Division provides assistance to the Code Compliance program including code interpreta ons with the objec ve of improving and enhancing the exis ng community. The Planning Division is responsible for implemen ng and administering the Community Development Block Grant Program. Accomplishments 2014/2015  Central Lathrop Specific Plan: The master planned community began in 2006. Project consists of 6,800 dwelling units, approximately 5 million square feet of new retail/office space, the Lathrop Genera ons Center, Lathrop High School and proposed K‐8 schools, parks, and open space. A large lot subdivision was recorded in 2006 and a tenta ve map for 1,040 single‐family lots within 10 villages was approved in early 2007. Manteca Unified School District completed construc on of Lathrop High School which opened the fall of 2008. In January of 2014, the City Council approved the Stanford Crossing tenta ve map adjacent to the Genera on Center and High School for 430 residen al lots on 94 acre site. In April of 2014, the City approved the temporary ponds and spray fields to serve CLSP. In June of 2014, the Lathrop Genera ons Center officially opened to the public to serve as a teen center and an expanded space for the Lathrop public library.

 Mossdale Landing: Woodside Homes con nues to build on Tract 3338 and Tract 3410 in Mossdale Landing. Woodside Homes has also acquired and recently received Final Map approval for Tract 3490, located adjacent to Mossdale Park consis ng of 52 residen al lots. Woodside Homes has completed construc on of approximately 70 homes and con nue to pull building permits for their inventory of infill lots in Lathrop.

Community Development—Planning

Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)  River Islands: Phase 1 began in 2007. The Phase 1 tenta ve subdivision map comprised of 1,350 net acres and created approximately 4,200 residen al parcels, as well as commercial and office space, parks, and public facili es. The project developer com‐ pleted improvements to Stewart Road to provide access to the new Charter School and facilitate the first residen al and commercial construc on. The Bradshaw/River Islands Parkway Bridge was constructed, but not yet connected. The Charter School opened in August 2013. In 2013, the City approved numerous documents to guide the development of River Islands, including the Parks and Open Space Plan, Neighborhood Design Plan, Architectural Design Guidelines, and the 3rd Amend‐ ment to the Development Agreement. Mul ple final maps were approved to accommodate the construc on of the first phase—498 lots (Community at South River Bend). Home construc ons began in early 2014. Currently, there are 4 build‐ ers with 5 different model home complex. The City has issued approximately 200 new residen al permits as of April 2015.

 Lathrop Gateway Business Park Specific Plan: The project EIR and limited en tlements were approved by the City for a 384‐acre specific plan area with approximately 57 acres of commercial office uses, 168 acres of limited industrial uses, 83 acres of service commercial uses and the remaining 77 acres in roads, and public facility sites. On January 23, 2012 the City Council approved par al Annexa on of the specific plan area which was approved by LAFCO on June 1, 2012. In February 2015, the Planning Commission approved the Ves ng Tenta ve Parcel Map for the Lathrop Gateway project which proposes to subdivide the project area into 6 large developable lots for industrial use.  South Lathrop Specific Plan: In 2012, Richland Development submi ed a Specific Plan and associated applica ons for approximately 300 acres of land south of Highway 120 to develop as a business/industrial park. In April 2015, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to receive tes mony from the public and agencies on the Dra and Final Environmental Impact Report, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Zoning Amendment, Development Agreement and Annexa on request. The Planning Com‐ mission con nued the public hearing to allow addi onal me for the City and developer to finalize the Development Agree‐ ment for the project.

Community Development—Planning  Commercial and Industrial Opportuni es: The City worked collabora vely with our economic development partners to recruit, facilitate, and welcome new business‐ es in the City during the 14/15 fiscal year, including but not limited to:

 Tesla Motors received approval for a proposed 110,000 square foot mul ‐phased addi on at the former Daimler‐ Chrysler building. The City has issued the building permit for the Phase 1 addi on and construc on is currently under‐ way.

 I‐5 Logis cs (formerly Laird Norton) received Planning Commission re‐approval on January 2014 for a proposed 740,000 square foot warehouse and distribu on building. Plan check is almost complete and the project proponent hopes to break ground in the summer of 2015.

 TEC Equipment received approval to remodel an exis ng 40,000 square foot steel building and upgrade parking, ligh ng and landscaping for a proposed truck sales, parts and service located at 2050 E. Louise Ave. Construc on is currently un‐ derway.

 McDonald’s received approval to demo the exis ng building and construct a new 4,000 square foot restaurant with dual drive‐thru aisle. Staff is an cipa ng to receive construc on/building plans in the next few months.

 JH Motorsports received approval for the Phase II of the project which includes the construc on of a 4,000 square foot service building and warehouse. Construc on is currently underway.

 Simplot received approval for an 18,000 square foot fabric warehouse building for storage use. Construc on recently completed.

 Comfort Inn received approval to expand the exis ng parking area to construct addi onal truck/RV parking and regular parking stalls.

 The former Community Bank site located at Towne Centre Drive received approval to expand the parking lot to include 24 addi onal parking stalls and associated parking lot improvements.

 USA Motors and O’Reilly’s both received Final Occupancy and recently opened for business.  San Joaquin County Habitat Plan — Annual 2015 Fee Update approved in November 2014.

Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)

Community Development—Planning

Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)  Approved several annual events held by Give Every Child a Chance (Relay for Life), Dell’Osso Farms, Eagle’s Nest Harley Davidson, Guadalupe Church, Lathrop Carnival and Modesto Street Rods.

 Processed and approved mul ple design review applica ons for Mossdale and River Islands. In addi on, reviewed and approved model home complex for Woodside Homes, De Nova Homes, Brookfield Homes & Van Daele Homes.

 FEMA’s Community Ra ng System ‐ staff completed and received annual recer fica on approval for FEMA’s Na onal Flood Insurance Ra ng Program. Staff is working with CRS coordinator to maintain our cer fica on.

 Staff was ac ve in the review and comment on surrounding jurisdic on development and projects including but not lim‐ ited to: Manteca ‐ Centerpoint; San Joaquin County ‐ Sunrise Trucking, UPRR Intermodal Facility.

Work Plan 2015/2016

 City wide  Con nue to work with the Management Team for SB‐5 Implementa on Measures (Flood Protec on).  Update the City’s Housing Element—required by the State of California  Update the City’s Municipal Service Review ‐ required by LAFCO  Update the City’s Zoning Code for SB‐5 (200 year flood protec on)  River Islands: Con nue the processing of final maps, produc on home permits, and mi ga on monitoring programs.  Central Lathrop: Con nue the processing of en tlements and restructuring of the CFD.  Mossdale Landing: Con nue the issuance of permits and inspec ons of produc on homes.  Lathrop Gateway: Con nue to work with the project proponent to find a major anchor or tenant.  South Lathrop : Con nue to work with project proponents to receive approval for the Lathrop Specific Plan project

which consists of a Dra and Final Environmental Impact Report, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Zoning Amendment, Development Agreement and Annexa on request.

 Effec vely manage the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.  Commercial and Industrial development:  Con nue to work with applicants interested in expanding exis ng or loca ng new businesses in the City.  Con nue to work with the San Joaquin Partnership in efforts to recruit large employers and provide adap ve re‐use of

Industrial sites, including the Pilkington Plant  Con nue to work with federal agencies regarding the disposi on of the Sharpe Army Depot.

Community Development—Planning Capital Requests

 None

Significant Opera ng Changes  A Principal Planner posi on has been added to this year’s budget.  An Administra ve Assistant posi on has been reclassified to a Senior Administra ve Assistant posi on to align the positon with the du es performed. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant




Community Development Director




Principal Planner




Senior Administra ve Assistant




Senior Planner




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$178,406.71 $0.00 $620.86 $4,074.62 $15,536.77 $5,994.03 $27,616.15 $1,102.67 $469.31 $242.34 $5,909.35 $0.00 $500.49 $2,068.77 $1,385.99 $1,537.01 $245,465.07

$215,196.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,733.00 $4,654.00 $42,118.00 $259.00 $555.00 $58.00 $7,042.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,168.00 $1,059.00 $1,721.00 $292,563.00

$343,544.00 $0.00 $510.00 $0.00 $22,107.00 $1,867.00 $68,554.00 $2,213.00 $1,004.00 $193.00 $13,445.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,069.00 $1,493.00 $2,593.00 $462,592.00

$343,544.00 $0.00 $510.00 $0.00 $22,107.00 $1,867.00 $68,554.00 $2,213.00 $1,004.00 $193.00 $13,445.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,069.00 $1,493.00 $2,593.00 $462,592.00

$360,232.37 $1,220.00 $0.00 $22,844.47 $5,579.43 $228.28 $390,104.55

$260,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $265,500.00

$240,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $245,500.00

$240,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $245,500.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 10

Community Development Planning

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐02‐00 Planning Commission 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,841.93 $186.90 $11.94 $50.00 $2,090.77

$2,000.00 $100.00 $50.00 $450.00 $2,600.00

$2,000.00 $300.00 $100.00 $450.00 $2,850.00

$2,000.00 $300.00 $100.00 $450.00 $2,850.00

$257.30 $1,495.50 $1,752.80

$1,100.00 $2,800.00 $3,900.00

$1,650.00 $6,050.00 $7,700.00

$1,650.00 $6,050.00 $7,700.00

$7,027.00 $998.44 $1,520.64 $9,546.08 $648,959.27

$7,200.00 $1,020.00 $3,263.00 $11,483.00 $576,046.00

$7,200.00 $1,020.00 $5,535.00 $13,755.00 $732,397.00

$7,200.00 $1,020.00 $5,535.00 $13,755.00 $732,397.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 10

Community Development Planning

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐43‐00 Badges and Name Plates 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Planning

Community Development—Building

Descrip on of Division The Building Division is responsible for serving the public by ensuring that the safety depicted by the current adopted California Codes and the Lathrop Municipal Code are enforced during the construc on, use, occupancy and maintenance of buildings and structures, and all of their various components. This is accomplished by providing examina on of plans, calcula ons and specifica ons, inspec ons of all aspects of on‐site construc on and providing staff to perform and manage the building permit process. Staff carries on this service a er permits are issued and finalized by maintaining plans and documents for future inquires. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Processed over 743 permit applica ons as of May 1, 2015 ‐ Twice the number of permits processed last year! 

241 New Residen al Permits


178 new homes in River Islands


63 new homes in Mossdale

 Staff an cipates to reach issuance of 300 permits for new homes by end of this fiscal year, which is three mes the number of new residen al permits from last year!

 Tesla is under construc on for a mul ‐phased building addi on  TEC Equipment is under construc on for a total renova on of the 40,000 square foot building to accommodate new truck sales, parts and service on Louise Avenue

 I‐5 Logis cs (formerly Laird Norton) is breaking ground on a 750,000 square foot warehouse/distribu on building on North Harlan Road

    

JH Motorsports completed a 4,000 square foot service building on North Harlan Road Simplot completed a 18,000 square foot fabric warehouse to store product and materials USA Motors completed a new sales office on North Harlan Road O’Reilly’s completed a new retail auto parts building on North Harlan Road Approved and issued building permits and tenant improvements for businesses in the D’Arcy Business Park, Crossroads Business Park, Savemart Shopping Center, High Five Plaza and the Lathrop Crossing Plaza.

 Received Public Benefit Grant award from SJVAPCD to support development of a compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas fueling sta on by clean energy.

Community Development—Building

Work Plan 2015/2016

 The Building Division will transi on from the limited staffing levels that were necessary in the recession years, to a fully‐ staffed division consis ng of a core group of City employees, augmented by contract resources for the peaks of construc‐ on ac vity to avoid any delays in permi ng and inspec ons.

 The Building Division will welcome a new Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors, and Permit Technician, to provide high‐caliber service to the commercial, industrial, and masterplanned residen al communi es under construc on in the City.

 Complete the conversion of the department’s so ware to the New World System. This involves comple ng the configura‐ on and implementa on of the modules to facilitate the deployment of inspec ons, calcula on of fees, and repor ng mechanisms.

 Provide training of staff on the New World System.  Develop SOP’s for Building Division opera ons.  Maintain and improve the por on of the City website pertaining to the Building Division which would include:


Providing informa onal handouts to educate the general public on building code issues.


Providing informa on on obtaining a permit (i.e. applica on, required plan check submi als and licensing veri‐ fica on).

Community Development—Building

Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 The number of building permits to be processed doubled in the last year. The number of new single family homes under construc on has tripled. There does not appear to be any slowing of growth in the City, in fact, all indicators suggest it will con nue at this rapid pace in 2015/2016. There is a need to increase the staff to provide permi ng, plan check and inspec on services to accommodate this growth. Therefore, the following staffing changes are requested:

 Reclassify Code Compliance Officer I/II to Building Inspector I/II/III and allocate the posi on 100% to the Building Division.

 Add Permit Technician posi on and allocate 50% to Building and 50% to Code Enforcement to perform suppor ng du es in these areas.

 In FY 14/15 the following staffing changes were approved by the City Council :  Reclassified 0.33 FTE Administra ve Assistant to Senior Administra ve Assistant be er accommodate the workload deriving from the increase permit ac vi es.

 Reclassified Permit Technician to Administra ve Assistant I/II and reallocated posi on to Animal Services Division.

Community Development—Building

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Building Inspector I/II/III




Chief Building Official




Code Compliance Officer I/II/III




Director of CDD




Permit Technician




Senior Administra ve Assistant




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$327,416.44 $0.00 $689.88 $23,444.32 $39,250.84 $11,905.82 $56,216.97 $3,684.97 $924.56 $694.75 $9,967.28 $0.00 $988.96 $3,944.36 $2,279.49 $1,694.93 $483,103.57

$385,724.00 $0.00 $939.00 $0.00 $43,805.00 $8,904.00 $86,218.00 $251.00 $1,008.00 $56.00 $13,857.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,658.00 $2,139.00 $1,602.00 $550,161.00

$392,547.00 $0.00 $510.00 $0.00 $25,986.00 $6,495.00 $95,683.00 $3,191.00 $1,157.00 $300.00 $24,068.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,747.00 $2,009.00 $1,494.00 $559,187.00

$392,547.00 $0.00 $510.00 $0.00 $25,986.00 $6,495.00 $95,683.00 $3,191.00 $1,157.00 $300.00 $24,068.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,747.00 $2,009.00 $1,494.00 $559,187.00

$15,563.04 $0.00 $376.59 $234.48 $72.00 $16,246.11

$108,300.00 $108,600.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $219,400.00

$389,100.00 $46,000.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $100.00 $437,700.00

$389,100.00 $46,000.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 $100.00 $437,700.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 30

Community Development Building

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,414.36 $179.34 $1,713.26 $180.97 $0.00 $2,224.79 $5,712.72

$1,800.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $300.00 $1,120.00 $2,800.00 $8,420.00

$1,800.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $300.00 $1,200.00 $2,800.00 $8,500.00

$1,800.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $300.00 $1,200.00 $2,800.00 $8,500.00

$1,160.00 $2,662.98 $3,822.98

$1,000.00 $4,325.00 $5,325.00

$1,000.00 $6,525.00 $7,525.00

$1,000.00 $6,525.00 $7,525.00

$998.44 $3,764.76 $4,763.20 $513,648.58

$990.00 $3,582.00 $4,572.00 $787,878.00

$990.00 $3,273.00 $4,263.00 $1,017,175.00

$990.00 $3,273.00 $4,263.00 $1,017,175.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 30

Community Development Building

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Building

Code Compliance

Descrip on of Division The Code Compliance Division is responsible for the City of Lathrop’s code enforcement opera ons. The Division conducts inspecons of residen al, commercial, and industrial proper es to determine compliance with applicable local and state codes, laws, regula ons and ordinances rela ng to maintenance of proper es and structures. The Division ini ates enforcement ac ons and issues cita ons and no ces. Code Compliance is vital to the protec on of the public health, safety, and quality of life for the ci zens of Lathrop.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Provided Code Compliance services for the department.  Par cipated in the mul -agency task force with Lathrop Police Services. The task force addressed 8 proper es in an effort to reduce crime and risk to Lathrop ci zens. They made arrests for drugs, weapons, and violators of proba on condi ons. Code Enforcement was able to inspect a large number of residences and outbuildings, red tagging unsafe and uninhabitable structures.

 Worked closely with Lathrop Police Services to remove an illegal squa er camp along North Harlan Road.  Worked closely with Lathrop Police Services on hot spots that involved noise, parking viola ons, people living in sheds and other neighborhood disturbances.

 Responded to public nuisance complaints involving waste of garbage, debris and inoperable vehicles in public right-of-way and private property.

Code Compliance Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue implementa on of Council priori es for code issues such as priori zing life and safety issues, neighborhood preserva ons and no longer accep ng anonymous reports of assumed code viola ons.

 Con nue to provide educa onal material regarding code compliance and the importance of keeping their community safe and clean.

 Con nue to work collabora vely with Lathrop Police Services to address public safety concerns and viola ons.  Con nue to work collabora vely with Lathrop Manteca Fire District to assist as needed in weed abatement efforts.  Con nue to keep the neighborhoods free of blight by aba ng unsafe structures, removing abandoned vehicles, and removing other items declared a public nuisance.

 Con nue to issue inspec on no ces and administra ve cita ons for viola ons of health and public safety.  Prepare and present op ons for City Council considera on to implement comprehensive programs to address specific code enforcement topics. Topics to include inoperable vehicles, unlawful truck storage yards, and other viola ons that cause blight and deteriora on of neighborhoods.

Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes  Due to the significant increase in building permit inspec on, the former Code Compliance Officer (20% me) has been reassigned as a full- me building inspector. In addi on to a Permit Technician (.50 FTE), a full- me Code Compliance Supervisor has been added to the FY 15/16 budget, to accomplish the above work plan.

Code Compliance

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary




Budget Analyst I/II




Code Compliance Officer I/II/III




Code Compliance Supervisor




Dir. Community Development




Permit Technician




Total Full Time Equivalents




Posi on:

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$68,928.00 $0.00 $78.57 $2,285.52 $7,822.00 $2,644.71 $17,732.13 $1,171.93 $194.36 $201.73 $4,428.79 $221.58 $784.98 $645.51 $128.40 $107,268.21

$28,405.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $3,016.00 $705.00 $5,503.00 $0.00 $75.00 $0.00 $1,155.00 $0.00 $418.00 $130.00 $102.00 $39,609.00

$139,043.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,746.00 $193.00 $34,073.00 $168.00 $418.00 $32.00 $5,850.00 $0.00 $2,047.00 $694.00 $990.00 $192,254.00

$139,043.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,746.00 $193.00 $34,073.00 $168.00 $418.00 $32.00 $5,850.00 $0.00 $2,047.00 $694.00 $990.00 $192,254.00

$0.00 $0.00 $785.58 $251.85 $72.00 $1,109.43

$1,000.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $3,700.00

$500.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $3,200.00

$500.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $3,200.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 60

Community Development Code Compliance

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$600.45 $142.25 $1,830.46 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,623.16

$800.00 $400.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $0.00 $80.00 $100.00 $4,080.00

$800.00 $400.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $100.00 $4,700.00

$800.00 $400.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $100.00 $4,700.00

$211.00 $425.50 $636.50

$350.00 $675.00 $1,025.00

$350.00 $675.00 $1,025.00

$350.00 $675.00 $1,025.00

$437.00 $908.91 $0.00 $1,345.91 $112,983.21

$500.00 $990.00 $280.00 $1,770.00 $50,184.00

$500.00 $990.00 $2,157.00 $3,647.00 $204,826.00

$500.00 $990.00 $2,157.00 $3,647.00 $204,826.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

20 60

Community Development Code Compliance

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐33‐00 Shop Tools 430‐35‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐37‐00 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Code Compliance

Public Nuisance

DescripƟon of Division The Public Nuisance Division ac vi es are performed by the Code Compliance staff, in conjunc on with the Planning Division and the City A orney’s Office. The ac vity is focused on the abatement of dilapidated and unsafe structures, the removal of abandoned vehicles, and other viola ons that have been declared a Public Nuisance. The monies from the Public Nuisance fund are used when all other legal collec on avenues have been exhausted and the viola on remains. The fund is intended to be self‐renewing by reimbursement.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  There were no proper es that went through the formal process to be declared public nuisances in 2014/2015. Work Plan 2015/2016

 This fund provides the fiscal resources for Code Compliance ac vi es, such as demoli ons, abatements, boarding‐up houses, etc. A lien is placed on the property to recover the costs, and the money is recovered through property taxes.

 Staff will con nue to respond on nights and weekends for emergency services assistance for fire and damaged proper es. Capital Requests 


Significant OperaƟng Changes

 A Code Compliance Supervisor posi on is included in this year’s budget to reac vate the public nuisance ac vi es when needed for public safety and neighborhood preserva on.

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$10,476.72 $10,476.72

$25,000.00 $25,000.00

$25,000.00 $25,000.00

$25,000.00 $25,000.00

$1,766.00 $1,766.00 $12,242.72

$1,270.00 $1,270.00 $26,270.00

$959.00 $959.00 $25,959.00

$959.00 $959.00 $25,959.00

2014 Actual

Description 2090

Public Nuisance

20 40

Community Development CD Public Nuisance

Contractual Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other Total: Contractual Services Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: CD Public Nuisance


City of Lathrop - Parks & Recreation Director of Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Superintendent Executive Assistant

Recreation Supervisor (Youth Development and Senior Services)

Recreation Supervisor (Sports and Leisure)

Senior Services

Youth Development

Recreation Coordinator

Office Assistant I/II

Recreation Leader (.45)

Recreation Coordinator

Kids Club Sr. Rec Leaders (2.5), Rec Leaders (3.36)

Teen Programs Recreation Leaders (1.35)

Recreation Coordinator

Events Manager (S.S.Manager)

Event Volunteers

Administrative Assistant I/II Facilities Facility Supervisor (2.10)

Recreation Leader (.34)

FY 2015-2016

Culture and Recreation Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund

2014 Actual $242,998.72 $1,063,954.35 ($820,955.63)

2015 Adopted Budget $155,144.00 $1,257,010.00 ($1,101,866.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $146,338.00 $1,343,833.00 ($1,197,495.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $146,338.00 $1,343,833.00 ($1,197,495.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$242,998.72 $1,063,954.35 ($820,955.63)

$155,144.00 $1,257,010.00 ($1,101,866.00)

$146,338.00 $1,343,833.00 ($1,197,495.00)

$146,338.00 $1,343,833.00 ($1,197,495.00)

0.00 0.30 1.00 0.66 0.80 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.75 16.21

0.00 0.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.50 15.36

0.90 0.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

0.90 0.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

Departmental Staffing Executive Assistant Director of Administrative Services Director of Parks and Recreation Facility Supervisor Management Analyst I/II Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Administrator Projects and Programs Manager Recreation Coordinator Recreation Leaders Recreation Supervisor Senior Center Manager Senior Recreation Leaders Total Culture and Recreation FTE

Culture and Recrea on—Administra on Descrip on of Division

The Administra on Division provides direct administra on and supervision of other Divisions in the Department including personnel func ons, budget monitoring, and the development and implementa on of Department policies and procedures. This Division also provides management support for the planning and construc on of parks and recrea on facili es. Addi onally, this Division helps support three City Council appointed Commissions and Ci zen Commi ees. The Division also produces the seasonal ac vity guide, processes program registra on and facility bookings.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Provided Staff support to Parks and Recrea on Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Youth Advisory Commission, Veteran’s Memorial Commi ee, Lathrop Celebra on Commi ee, Mayor’s Art Show Commi ee, Holiday Parade Commi ee, Lathrop Run Commi ee, Celebra on of Cultural Diversity Commi ee and Beau fica on Day Commi ee.

 Established a subcommi ee within the Parks and Recrea on Commission to work with staff on upda ng the Field Use and Fee Waiver Policies.

 Reorganized the department to be er define the responsibili es and improve the quality of service deliver.  Hired a new Recrea on Supervisor for the Youth Development programs.  Iden fied staffing needs and worked to fill vacant posi ons.  Assisted with the acceptance of Vega Park in the River Islands Development. Work Plan 2015/2016  Manage Parks & Recrea on Capital Improvement Projects, including: 

Measure C Funded projects, Teen Center, Woodfield Park Improvements and Senior Center Kitchen improvements.

 Con nue to review park plans to ensure compliance with the design standards set forth in the UDC for each perspec ve development area.

 Con nue to review the department’s budget, manage the RecTrac so ware program and finalize department policies and procedures (i.e. facility rental & special event policies).

 Update and implement Field and Facility use policies  Evaluate fees  Organize RecTrac training for key staff.

Culture and Recrea on—Administra on Capital Requests 


Significant Opera ng Changes 

The Parks & Recrea on Administrator was reclassified to a Superintendent and is being funded by Measure C this fiscal year.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Administra ve Services Director




Director of Parks and Recrea on




Execu ve Assistant




Management Analyst II




Parks & Recrea on Administrator




Parks Project Manager




Recrea on Coordinator




Recrea on Leader




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$254,096.86 $0.00 $0.00 $28,121.40 $25,645.52 $8,622.55 $23,399.02 $1,929.76 $637.10 $383.90 $5,907.21 $0.00 $668.72 $3,067.57 $1,473.26 $2,095.66 $356,048.53

$325,395.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,335.00 $3,157.00 $59,977.00 $1,142.00 $872.00 $255.00 $10,675.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,791.00 $1,519.00 $2,944.00 $437,062.00

$240,468.00 $41,208.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,341.00 $6,510.00 $50,226.00 $4,570.00 $682.00 $612.00 $11,406.00 $0.00 $2,556.00 $4,118.00 $2,995.00 $1,567.00 $383,259.00

$240,468.00 $41,208.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,341.00 $6,510.00 $50,226.00 $4,570.00 $682.00 $612.00 $11,406.00 $0.00 $2,556.00 $4,118.00 $2,995.00 $1,567.00 $383,259.00

$0.00 $146.00 $0.00 $3,378.62 $0.00 $799.96 $203.92 $4,528.50

$500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $4,400.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $300.00 $9,000.00

$500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $2,480.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $6,780.00

$500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $2,480.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $6,780.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

30 01

Culture & Recreation Culture & Recreation Admin

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,041.17 $569.01 $1,385.67 $1,213.80 $0.00 $0.00 $58.91 $0.00 $33.51 $4,302.07

$900.00 $720.00 $200.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $4,595.00

$900.00 $360.00 $200.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $120.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $4,355.00

$900.00 $360.00 $200.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $120.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $4,355.00

$630.00 $1,000.00 $1,630.00

$640.00 $1,000.00 $1,640.00

$790.00 $2,400.00 $3,190.00

$790.00 $2,400.00 $3,190.00

$4,992.96 $4,992.96 $371,502.06

$4,955.00 $4,955.00 $457,252.00

$2,384.00 $2,384.00 $399,968.00

$2,384.00 $2,384.00 $399,968.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

30 01

Culture & Recreation Culture & Recreation Admin

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐43‐00 Badges and Name Plates 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐47‐00 Awards Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Culture & Recreation Admin

Culture and Recrea on—Senior Center

Descrip on of Division

The Senior Center Division is responsible to meet the recrea onal, educa onal, physical and social needs for adults ages 50 or older. The budget provides funding for two posi ons, Senior Center Supervisor and Recrea on Coordinator, to manage the facility, implement a variety of programs (ac vi es and food programs), assist the Senior Advisory Commission, produce a monthly newsle er and coordinate volunteers. The Division monitors the Senior Advisory Commission (SAC) Fund.

Accomplishments 2014/2015


Offered the following programs: 

AARP Tax Prepara on Service (record number of par cipants)


Medicare Insurance Seminars


Senior Legal Services (Council for Spanish Speaking)


Flu Shots (Walgreens Drug Store)


Brown Bag, Commodi es and Farmer’s Market (1200 Bags of food)


Bread & Pastries Program (10,000 pastries & 3.500 lbs of bread)


Country Breakfast (40‐50 guests each month)


Weekly A ernoon Movies


Trips & Tours (added new des na ons such as San Jose Boardwalk and Egyp an Museum)


Started Hos ng Monthly sponsored Ice Cream Socials


Organized Annual SAC BBQ Event with the Senior Advisory Commission for August 2015.


Assisted Senior Advisory Commission with Valen nes Banquet/Dance.


Upgraded the stove at the Senior Center.

Culture and Recrea on—Senior Center Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)

 We con nue to redesign our Senior Center Newsle er for easier reading and prin ng in‐house for cost savings.  Assisted the Senior Advisory Commission with the development of a LED sales booth at the 2014 Lathrop Celebra on Event.

 Hosted the following holiday/special events: Holiday Bou que, Saint Patrick's Day Breakfast, Mother’s Day Luncheon & Father’s Day Luncheon.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Maintain close communica on with seniors and the Senior Advisory Commission (SAC).  Expand the BBQ  Introduce new programming ideas in consulta on with SAC and the seniors. We will be inten onal in offering healthy living and ac ve program opportuni es for our seniors (walking club).

 Explore opportuni es to increase self‐sustaining programs such as fee‐for‐service opportuni es and Senior Advisory Commission (SAC) fundraising.

 Quarterly Open House: Will have speakers discussing various topics including health issues, challenges facing seniors and health and fitness.

Capital Requests  None Significant Opera ng Changes  Staff distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func ons. This is reflected within the staffing budgets.

 In order to easily track the funds of the Senior Advisory Commission, the funds were moved to a liability account.

Culture and Recrea on—Senior Center

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Recrea on Coordinator




Senior Center Manager




Senior Recrea on Leader




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$92,019.39 $0.00 $0.00 $6,710.51 $11,421.43 $3,202.10 $9,929.24 $519.03 $248.17 $116.10 $4,358.19 $280.54 $1,109.68 $868.00 $653.34 $131,435.72

$89,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,954.00 $2,235.00 $15,804.00 $761.00 $237.00 $170.00 $4,743.00 $0.00 $1,312.00 $803.00 $698.00 $127,837.00

$61,352.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,804.00 $4,920.00 $16,399.00 $913.00 $176.00 $157.00 $2,080.00 $0.00 $894.00 $521.00 $145.00 $92,361.00

$61,352.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,804.00 $4,920.00 $16,399.00 $913.00 $176.00 $157.00 $2,080.00 $0.00 $894.00 $521.00 $145.00 $92,361.00

$1,673.06 $959.00 $0.00 $3,728.06 $0.00 $179.40 $6,539.52

$1,900.00 $1,714.00 $200.00 $4,880.00 $300.00 $500.00 $9,494.00

$3,840.00 $1,538.00 $800.00 $4,340.00 $300.00 $500.00 $11,318.00

$3,840.00 $1,538.00 $800.00 $4,340.00 $300.00 $500.00 $11,318.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 21

Culture & Recreation Senior Center

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$919.56 $1,601.01 $0.00 $4,434.43 $0.00 $1,031.05 $143.00 $0.00 $150.00 $20,375.51 $28,654.56

$1,100.00 $2,060.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $700.00 $2,800.00 $120.00 $100.00 $150.00 $31,000.00 $42,530.00

$1,200.00 $2,060.00 $895.00 $4,456.00 $700.00 $2,750.00 $120.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,281.00

$1,200.00 $2,060.00 $895.00 $4,456.00 $700.00 $2,750.00 $120.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,281.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$100.00 $790.00 $890.00

$420.00 $2,300.00 $2,720.00

$420.00 $2,300.00 $2,720.00

$1,277.74 $1,277.74

$1,329.00 $1,329.00

$277.00 $277.00

$277.00 $277.00

$0.00 $0.00 $167,907.54

$0.00 $0.00 $182,080.00

$0.00 $0.00 $118,957.00

$0.00 $0.00 $118,957.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 21

Culture & Recreation Senior Center

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Postage 430‐11‐00 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐43‐00 Badges and Name Plates 430‐47‐00 Awards 430‐60‐00 Contribution M & O Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐11‐00 Furniture Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: Senior Center

Culture and Recrea on—Recrea on Programs

Descrip on of Division The Recrea on Division is responsible for a variety of recrea on programs and services. Addi onally, the Division assists with program registra on, facility bookings, and a er hours facility monitoring including: Valverde Park, Mossdale Park, Sangalang Park, Park West, Lathrop Community Center, Lathrop Senior Center and Lathrop Genera ons Center and all other Parks & Recrea on facili es.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Increased shelter and facility reserva ons.  Increased enrollment in classes including: Karate, Piano Lessons and Step Aerobics.  Worked with Community volunteers to produce Beau fica on Day/Love Lathrop Commi ee, Mayor’s Art Show, Run Commi ee, Memorial/Veteran’s Day Commi ee, Christmas Parade Commi ee, and Lathrop Celebra on Commi ee, Spring Fun Day and Harvest Fes val with budget and program details.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Maintain high program standards for all Parks & Recrea on Programs.  Evaluate current programming and facility usage / rentals.  Con nue to maintain and expand exis ng programs and services.  Research offering Clubs such as Photography, Run, Bike, Chess, etc.  Research / evaluate current rental and class fees.  Evaluate and work with the Parks and Recrea on Commission to update and implement the Field Use Policy.  Evaluate the current fee waiver program.  Con nue in‐house training in RecTrac (the Department’s facility & ac vity registra on program) to improve and streamline class and facility organiza on.  Assist with Parks & Recrea on Capital Improvement Projects.

Culture and Recrea on—Recrea on Programs Capital Requests


Significant Opera ng Changes  Staffing distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func‐ ons. This is reflected within the staffing budgets.

 There was a significant change in Professional Services, Recrea on Personnel and Materials and supplies due to the expenses within these accounts being moved to another fund.  In order to easily track the funds of the Senior Advisory Commission, the funds were moved to a liability account. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Facility Supervisor




Office Assistant I/II




Recrea on Coordinator




Recrea on Leader




Recrea on Supervisor




Senior Center Manager




Senior Recrea on Leader




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$88,768.01 $4,371.68 $351.89 $8,291.28 $9,952.38 $2,791.21 $20,434.09 $1,899.45 $238.72 $347.85 $3,740.85 $1,699.24 $1,135.34 $1,947.82 $0.00 $145,969.81

$72,161.00 $23,221.00 $675.00 $0.00 $9,728.00 $1,820.00 $21,245.00 $343.00 $217.00 $77.00 $5,044.00 $1,418.00 $1,396.00 $1,884.00 $0.00 $139,229.00

$105,267.00 $28,838.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,158.00 $8,675.00 $23,614.00 $2,040.00 $300.00 $271.00 $7,438.00 $1,787.00 $1,954.00 $2,005.00 $778.00 $191,125.00

$105,267.00 $28,838.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,158.00 $8,675.00 $23,614.00 $2,040.00 $300.00 $271.00 $7,438.00 $1,787.00 $1,954.00 $2,005.00 $778.00 $191,125.00

$5,294.75 $24,811.70 $0.00 $0.00 $5,206.77 $302.26 $35,615.48

$4,250.00 $28,179.00 $1,900.00 $500.00 $7,400.00 $1,200.00 $43,429.00

$0.00 $8,001.00 $0.00 $600.00 $5,910.00 $0.00 $14,511.00

$0.00 $8,001.00 $0.00 $600.00 $5,910.00 $0.00 $14,511.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 30

Culture & Recreation Recreation Programs

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐55‐00 Youth/Adult Activity 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental Total: Contractual Services

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,052.86 $995.76 $2,391.75 $2,183.28 $250.00 $600.00 $14,063.06 $21,536.71

$1,100.00 $1,260.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 $600.00 $7,525.00 $18,235.00

$1,100.00 $1,080.00 $1,900.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,830.00

$1,100.00 $1,080.00 $1,900.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,830.00

$0.00 $249.16 $249.16

$0.00 $1,225.00 $1,225.00

$0.00 $2,295.00 $2,295.00

$0.00 $2,295.00 $2,295.00

$2,758.30 $0.00 $2,758.30 $206,129.46

$3,520.00 $0.00 $3,520.00 $205,638.00

$2,520.00 $692.00 $3,212.00 $217,973.00

$2,520.00 $692.00 $3,212.00 $217,973.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 30

Culture & Recreation Recreation Programs

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Postage 430‐11‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐47‐00 Awards 430‐60‐00 Contribution M & O Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Recreation Programs

Culture and Recrea on—Special Events

Descrip on of Division

The Special Events Division—provides the planning, and coordina on of city‐wide special events. Staff acts as a liaison to commi ees and commissions in order to assist and guide the planning/management and execu on of special events (for example YAC/SAC spon‐ sored events and Mayor’s Commi ees). Learning and improvement is an ongoing never‐ending process. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 The department is improving on its consistency in planning and has assigned staff as the Events Manager to oversee this com‐ mitment to the City’s Special Events.

 The first annual Lathrop Cultural Diversity Fes val.  The Volunteer Recogni on Brunch had another successful year since it’s transi on from the dinner format.  Refined the Lathrop Celebra on from a two day to a one day event. Con nue the tradi on of the Lathrop Anniversary.  Coordinated weekly Farmers Market with cer fied Farmers’ Markets of San Joaquin County. Work Plan 2015/2016  Maintain high standards focusing on the following quali es: family friendly, safety minded, quality entertainment, promo on of City, local businesses/organiza ons and the ci zens of Lathrop.  Develop Public Outreach and branding for the City while building a community iden ty (What we want to be known for).  Evaluate past event history, city policies and event staffing pa erns.  Expand our sponsor pool.  Con nue research to evaluate, improve, and expand the quality of our events. Focus on a crea ve approach that seeks to ex‐ pand our audience over me. Create a college On the Job Training Program for this division.  Con nued commitment to this new division which is designed to foster the City’s Park & Recrea ons pursuit of quality.  Develop a sponsor Marke ng Plan designed to allow sponsors a detailed look at our events and assist them in the selec on and commitment to the events they wish to sponsor.

Culture and Recrea on—Special Events Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 Staffing distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func ons. This is reflected within the staffing budgets. In order to assist in accomplishing this, a budget was created for Special Events. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Senior Center Manager




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

30 32

Culture & Recreation Special Events

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐55‐00 Youth/Adult Activity 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$23,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,744.00 $1,783.00 $3,432.00 $228.00 $64.00 $39.00 $1,443.00 $0.00 $351.00 $130.00 $218.00 $33,221.00

$23,789.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,744.00 $1,783.00 $3,432.00 $228.00 $64.00 $39.00 $1,443.00 $0.00 $351.00 $130.00 $218.00 $33,221.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$3,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,560.00 $1,200.00 $5,960.00

$3,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,560.00 $1,200.00 $5,960.00

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

30 32

Culture & Recreation Special Events

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐47‐00 Awards 430‐60‐00 Contribution M & O Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Special Events

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$180.00 $2,100.00 $60.00 $700.00 $0.00 $3,040.00

$180.00 $2,100.00 $60.00 $700.00 $0.00 $3,040.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $415.00 $415.00 $42,636.00

$0.00 $415.00 $415.00 $42,636.00

Culture and Recrea on—Kid Club & Day Camp

Descrip on of Division The Kid Club & Day Camp Division provides quality recrea onal and educa onal programs for children of local residents. The budget includes appropria ons for staffing, materials and supplies necessary to provide before school programs, a er school programs, summer camps with educa onal ac vi es and programs and field trips for school age children.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Program Average Daily A endance for the last three fiscal years is as follows:

Before School ‐ Before School ‐ Before School ‐ A er School ‐ A er School ‐ A er School ‐ Camp Themed Weeks

Community Center Joseph Widmer School Mossdale School Community Center Joseph Widmer School Mossdale School




8 8 8 15 20 20 25

15 20 20 23 25 25 35

20 25 20 15 30 25 n/a

 Con nued year working with Lathrop High School ROP students to in the Before and A er School programs.  Planned and Implemented the “Green Machine” program that maintains the removal of trash and debris in Valverde Park and teaches Kid Club par cipants the importance of taking care of our planet. Approximately 15 children from the Community Center Kid Club site par cipate. “Green Machine” programs were also added at the Mossdale School and Joseph Widmer, Jr. School Kid Club sites.

 Provided facili es for the federally funded USDA Snack Program at the Lathrop Community Center; this program serves children daily during the school year. Snacks were also served for the second year at the Joseph Widmer, Jr. School Kid Club sites.

 Con nued working with 4‐H to implement leadership class with in the Kids Club and Camp programs.

Culture and Recrea on—Kid Club & Day Camp Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)

 USDA Summer Food Program also was u lized by the Kid Club program and local community during the summer months. Summer Food Program sites were located at the Lathrop Community Center, Genera on Center and at Sangalang Park. Aver‐ age Daily A endance for summer 2014 was: 

Breakfast Served Daily



Lunch Served Daily


Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue to improve customer service and build our educa onal and healthy living programs for children and Lathrop resi‐ dents. We will seek to add science, arts, language and other opportuni es to offer to our par cipants.

 Con nue to encourage our par cipants to make healthy ac vity choices through our summer camp themes.  Con nue to encourage our par cipants to make healthy diet choices through our educa onal programming in a er school programs.

 Con nue to teach the children in the community to take pride in their surroundings and environment through our green ma‐ chine and other programs.

 Con nue to offer the community educa onal and entertaining programming through our camp se ngs and before/ a er school program se ngs.

 Build rela onships with the MUSD, local school sites, and families to be er understand the needs of our community.  Work with Manteca Unified School District to add the Genera on Center as a site for the USDA Summer Food Breakfast and Lunch Program. Capital Requests 


Culture and Recrea on—Kid Club & Day Camp

Significant Opera ng Changes  Staffing distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func ons. This is reflected within the staffing budgets.

 Addi onal funding is budgeted in Prin ng to promote our programs.  Addi onal funding is budgeted in Materials and Supplies to purchase new program supplies. Staffing FY 2015‐2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary: Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Recrea on Coordinator




Recrea on Leader




Recrea on Supervisor




Senior Recrea on Leader




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$105,643.67 $16,147.66 $0.00 $11,577.83 $0.00 $11,542.98 $3,322.49 $45,524.07 $4,498.80 $273.91 $790.74 $9,140.28 $3,046.07 $1,455.93 $4,070.26 $0.00 $0.00 $217,034.69

$78,343.00 $100,682.00 $375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,067.00 $3,035.00 $55,508.00 $2,016.00 $322.00 $361.00 $12,549.00 $3,675.00 $2,602.00 $4,999.00 $0.00 $0.00 $280,534.00

$116,284.00 $61,718.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,321.00 $7,228.00 $52,941.00 $7,736.00 $373.00 $847.00 $13,135.00 $3,824.00 $2,580.00 $4,927.00 $0.00 $375.00 $280,289.00

$116,284.00 $61,718.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,321.00 $7,228.00 $52,941.00 $7,736.00 $373.00 $847.00 $13,135.00 $3,824.00 $2,580.00 $4,927.00 $0.00 $375.00 $280,289.00

$0.00 $0.00 $6,019.50 $2,219.84 $8,239.34

$0.00 $0.00 $8,100.00 $2,880.00 $10,980.00

$0.00 $3,952.00 $8,550.00 $5,000.00 $17,502.00

$0.00 $3,952.00 $8,550.00 $5,000.00 $17,502.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 33

Culture & Recreation Kids Club & Day Camp

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contract‐ Other 420‐55‐00 Youth/Adult Activity 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$291.85 $426.76 $2,272.61 $0.00 $550.00 $3,541.22

$500.00 $540.00 $3,100.00 $200.00 $550.00 $4,890.00

$600.00 $720.00 $4,000.00 $700.00 $740.00 $6,760.00

$600.00 $720.00 $4,000.00 $700.00 $740.00 $6,760.00

$0.00 $0.00 $228,815.25

$1,520.00 $1,520.00 $297,924.00

$2,370.00 $2,370.00 $306,921.00

$2,370.00 $2,370.00 $306,921.00

Description 1010

General Fund

30 33

Culture & Recreation Kids Club & Day Camp

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Postage 430‐11‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Division Total: Kids Club & Day Camp

Culture and Recrea on—Teen Program Descrip on of Division

The Teen Program Division provides quality recrea onal, and educa onal program for teens of local residents. The budget will include appropria ons for staffing, materials, and supplies necessary to provide for the opera on and development of impac ul programs for the Genera ons Teen Center. The staff will seek out opportuni es to create meaningful opportuni es for a posi ve impact for all genera ons through camps, a erschool clubs, classes, and events.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Lathrop Genera on Center opened to the public in July.  The Teen Center began as a drop in program at the start of the school year and began taking memberships as of February of 2015.

 The YAC hosted there 7th Annual Teen Art Show and purchase their first piece to be displayed at the Teen Center.  The YAC and staff hosted the first annual Super Bowl Party this year at the Genera on Center in February.  The Genera on Teen Center began hos ng tournaments for ping pong, pool, and other events.  The YAC worked with the Lathrop High FNL club to host a movie night at the Genera on Center in May.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Teen Center staff will create S.T.E.M., and sports camp programs during summer and holidays to serve the teens and families in Lathrop.  Teen Center staff will work to create impac ul programs and clubs that meet on a weekly basis for the Teens in Lathrop. These clubs will offer opportuni es in art, music, photography, graphic design and more.  Collaborate with Na onal Organiza on; Guitars not Guns to bring introduc on guitar classes to the teens in Lathrop.  We will seek to create Skate, Parkor, and Gardening programs to u lize outdoor por ons of the Genera on Center.  Collaborate with MUSD to offer food and snack programs for teens and families in Lathrop.  Develop a rela onship with the clubs on the high school campus to promote programs to assist in mee ng the needs of Lathrop teens.

Culture and Recrea on—Teen Program

Significant Opera ng Changes  Staffing distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func ons. In order to assist in accomplishing this, a budget was created for Teen Programs.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Office Assistant II




Recrea on Coordinator




Recrea on Supervisor




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

30 35

Culture & Recreation Teen Program

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐55‐00 Youth/Adult Activity 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$104,242.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,687.00 $5,710.00 $17,845.00 $2,886.00 $291.00 $258.00 $2,235.00 $0.00 $1,512.00 $868.00 $250.00 $143,784.00

$104,242.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,687.00 $5,710.00 $17,845.00 $2,886.00 $291.00 $258.00 $2,235.00 $0.00 $1,512.00 $868.00 $250.00 $143,784.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $5,800.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $8,800.00

$0.00 $0.00 $5,800.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $8,800.00

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

30 35

Culture & Recreation Teen Program

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Office Supplies 430‐10‐00 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐47‐00 Awards 430‐60‐00 Contribution M & O Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Teen Program

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$2,520.00 $180.00 $7,750.00 $1,380.00 $990.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,820.00

$2,520.00 $180.00 $7,750.00 $1,380.00 $990.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,820.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

$0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $166,404.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $166,404.00

Culture and Recrea on ‐ Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Descrip on of Division

This is the eleventh year for this division in the Parks & Recrea on Department. This Division includes: youth sports, adult sports, outdoor programs, and fitness programs.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Offered Pee Wee Sports (ages 4‐7 years) in flag football, soccer, basketball and t‐ball with an average par cipa on of 50   

  

par cipants per sport. Offered Youth Sports (ages 8‐13 years) in flag football, soccer and basketball with an average par cipa on of 40 par cipants per sport. Offered Start Smart Soccer, Football, T‐Ball and Basketball for children ages 3 and 5 years old. This program has the support and interac on of parents and staff. Number of par cipants has grown significantly. Offered Fun Day/Clinics for the following programs:  Pee Wee and Youth Soccer staffed by Challenger Sports at Park West.  Pee Wee and Youth Basketball staffed by local firefighters.  Pee Wee and Youth Flag Football staffed by Lathrop Spartans. Con nued offering Bri sh Soccer Camps staffed by Challenger Sports at Mossdale Park . Offered open gym Monday—Friday at the Lathrop Community Center during the day for the community. Con nued Adult Coed So ball League, added three seasons of Adult Basketball.

 Offered NFL Punt, Pass & Kick at Valverde Park.  Offered open gym volleyball on Monday nights.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Maintain high program standards for all Parks & Recrea on Sports Leagues.  Increase numbers in Adult Basketball League & Adult Coed So ball par cipa on.

Culture and Recrea on ‐ Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Work Plan 2015/2016 (con nued)         

Increase Men’s Adult Basketball league from 3 seasons to 4 seasons. Offer NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Program and offer MLB Pitch, Hit & Run Program. Increase in fitness / sports classes such as boxing class, boot camp class, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, etc. Addi on of summer sports camps such as cheer camp, basketball camp, etc. Research offering a Volleyball League. Implemen ng sports leagues into RecTrac and WebTrac. Offer Running Classes and begin a Running Club. Partner with Lathrop High School Track program to offer Hershey Track and Field event. Research par cipa on in the Junior Giants Program.

Capital Requests 


Significant Opera ng Changes  Staffing distribu on changes were made department wide in order to meet the needs and demands of the department func ons. This is reflected within the staffing budgets.

 There was a significant change in Recrea on Personnel and Materials and supplies due to the expenses within these accounts being moved to another fund.

Culture and Recrea on ‐ Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Programs

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary Posi on:




Recrea on Coordinator




Recrea on Leader




Recrea on Supervisor




Senior Recrea on Leader




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$39,750.10 $1,614.75 $144.90 $5,279.96 $5,538.06 $1,596.25 $7,576.30 $380.55 $103.95 $85.13 $2,370.15 $299.27 $564.65 $904.31 $66,208.33

$47,331.00 $10,299.00 $425.00 $0.00 $7,235.00 $1,368.00 $9,351.00 $609.00 $126.00 $137.00 $2,474.00 $229.00 $839.00 $993.00 $81,416.00

$26,576.00 $3,846.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,127.00 $2,971.00 $5,860.00 $505.00 $59.00 $61.00 $1,957.00 $237.00 $445.00 $913.00 $45,557.00

$26,576.00 $3,846.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,127.00 $2,971.00 $5,860.00 $505.00 $59.00 $61.00 $1,957.00 $237.00 $445.00 $913.00 $45,557.00

$6,600.00 $739.94 $7,339.94

$9,954.00 $1,160.00 $11,114.00

$25,862.00 $1,160.00 $27,022.00

$25,862.00 $1,160.00 $27,022.00

$400.00 $142.25 $5,206.13 $108.00 $125.00 $1,410.98 $7,392.36

$400.00 $180.00 $5,330.00 $1,000.00 $125.00 $2,040.00 $9,075.00

$400.00 $180.00 $6,150.00 $2,000.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 $10,930.00

$400.00 $180.00 $6,150.00 $2,000.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 $10,930.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

30 36

Culture & Recreation Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Prgms

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective Awards 430‐47‐00 Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

30 36

Culture & Recreation Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Prgms

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Division Total: Sports, Fitness & Outdoor Prgms

$0.00 $0.00 $80,940.63

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$345.00 $345.00 $101,950.00

$0.00 $0.00 $83,509.00

$0.00 $0.00 $83,509.00

Culture and Recrea on—Library

Descrip on of Division

The Library Division provides staffing and equipment to operate a library branch that is open to the public 25 hours per week. This library branch is made possible through a partnership with the Stockton‐San Joaquin County Public Library system. The branch opened in it’s new loca on at the Lathrop Genera ons Center in June of 2014.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Lathrop Library Branch has been opera ng successfully for nine years.  Lathrop Library Branch offered Preschool Story Time, Puppet Shows, teen programs, arts and cra s programs and guests speakers for all ages.

 The Library Division con nued to offer services to Lathrop residents, including partnership of new programs and no‐cost computer classes.

 Mobile Library site loca ons include Mossdale Landing Community Park and the Valverde Park.  Con nued to provide $5,000 in funding for new library books.

Work Plan 2015/2016  The Library Division will con nue to offer services to Lathrop residents such as: computer access, circula on of materials and programming to Lathrop residents (which includes partnership of new programs).  The Stockton‐San Joaquin County Library will con nue to be coordinated with the City in opera on at the Lathrop Genera on Center. Capital Requests  None

Significant Opera ng Changes  None

Culture and Recrea on—Library

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Recrea on Supervisor




Total Full Time Equivalents




A Supervising Librarian and a Stockton City‐County employee will provide oversight of the Lathrop Branch Library through the Stockton – San Joaquin County Public Library.

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

30 40

Culture & Recreation Library

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐03‐00 Recreation 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐11‐00 Postage 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Division Total: Library

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,983.42 $0.00 $327.27 $306.19 $89.83 $372.70 $17.34 $6.89 $3.88 $69.45 $9.60 $32.77 $21.79 $3,241.13

$3,422.00 $25.00 $0.00 $460.00 $85.00 $528.00 $38.00 $9.00 $9.00 $53.00 $0.00 $50.00 $22.00 $4,701.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$800.00 $739.94 $1,539.94

$900.00 $960.00 $1,860.00

$900.00 $960.00 $1,860.00

$900.00 $960.00 $1,860.00

$125.00 $142.25 $11.09 $0.00 $3,600.00 $3,878.34 $8,659.41

$125.00 $180.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,605.00 $12,166.00

$125.00 $180.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,605.00 $7,465.00

$125.00 $180.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,605.00 $7,465.00


City of Lathrop - Police Services Chief of Police

Police Services Manager


Administrative Sergeant

CIT Deputy (2)


CRO Deputy

SRO Deputy (2)

Patrol Sergeant (2)

Sheriff Deputy (12)

Management Analyst I/II

Administrative Assistant I/II

K9 Deputy (2)

Traffic Deputy

FY 2015-2016

Public Safety Department Budget Summary 2014 Actual $764,753.59 $4,143,946.56 ($3,379,192.97)

2015 Adopted Budget $402,983.00 $4,725,753.00 ($4,322,770.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $389,300.00 $4,883,793.00 ($4,494,493.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $389,300.00 $4,883,793.00 ($4,494,493.00)

$35,815.91 $76,873.65 ($41,057.74)

$32,000.00 $52,374.00 ($20,374.00)

$16,000.00 $48,231.00 ($32,231.00)

$16,000.00 $48,231.00 ($32,231.00)

$0.31 $173.10 ($172.79)

$0.00 $97.00 ($97.00)

$0.00 $587.00 ($587.00)

$0.00 $587.00 ($587.00)

$15,400.03 $19,263.16 ($3,863.13)

$118,421.00 $118,421.00 $0.00

$83,651.00 $83,716.00 ($65.00)

$83,651.00 $83,716.00 ($65.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: State COPS

$100,006.60 $99,969.81 $36.79

$100,000.00 $100,000.00 $0.00

$100,000.00 $100,037.00 ($37.00)

$100,000.00 $100,037.00 ($37.00)

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$915,976.44 $4,340,226.28 ($3,424,249.84)

$653,404.00 $4,996,645.00 ($4,343,241.00)

$588,951.00 $5,116,364.00 ($4,527,413.00)

$588,951.00 $5,116,364.00 ($4,527,413.00)

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00

1.00 1.00

1.00 1.00

1.00 1.00

1.00 1.00

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Traffic Safety Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Asset Forfeiture Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Universal Hiring Grant

Departmental Staffing Administrative Assistant I/II Criminal Research Analyst Management Analyst I/II Police Office Supervisor Contractual Services Chief of Police Deputy Sheriff II for Community Resource Officer

Public Safety Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Departmental Staffing (Continue) Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Deputy Sheriff II for Investigations Deputy Sheriff II for Patrol Lieutenant to serve as Supervisor Sergeant to serve as Supervisor Total Public Safety FTE

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

Public Safety—Administra on Descrip on of Division Mission Statement (Why we are here)

We, the members of Lathrop Police Services in partnership with our community, will strive to reduce crime, the fear of crime, and improve quality of life by upholding laws, protec ng lives and property, and providing a safe and secure environment for everyone.

Vision (Where we are headed) The vision of Lathrop Police Services, a division of the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office, is to be regarded by our community and our profession as the premier law enforcement agency in the State of California.

Values (How we do our business) Safety and security (Our number one priority to all of our ci zens living, working or visi ng in the City of Lathrop) Excellence (The quality of being excep onally good in our service delivery) Respect (Willingness to show considera on, apprecia on, concern for all people and staff) Vigilance (Careful a en on, alert watchfulness of our community) Integrity (Honesty and moral soundness) Collabora on (To work together/partnerships) Ethics (A code of behavior, a set of principles of right conduct we model) Goals (Desired outcomes we seek)  To Reduce Crime  To Reduce the Fear of Crime  To Improve the Overall Quality of Life in the Community  To Build and Maintain Effec ve Partnerships in the City of Lathrop and with all the City Stakeholders

Public Safety—Administra on Accomplishments 2014/2015  Presenta on of D.A.R.E. Program to 5th grade students at Lathrop, Widmer, Mossdale Elementary Schools and River Islands Technology Academy. Over 300 students made the pledge to stay drug free.

 Resolved traffic and speeding issues in schools zones with help from School Administrators and Public Works.  Par cipated in Na onal Distracted Driver Campaign “Phone in One Hand / Ticket in the Other”, targe ng drivers using handheld phones while driving, sponsored by the Na onal Highway Traffic Safety Administra on (NHTSA) and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).

 Conducted free child safety seat inspec ons and installa on trainings for parents.  Twenty-four (24) Neighborhood Watch Groups were ac ve in 2014. Sixteen (16) community members opened their homes to their neighbors on August 5, 2014 for Na onal Night Out.

 New and exis ng local business owners were invited to par cipate in “Business Watch”, a crime deterrent and preven on program for their workplaces.

 Two (2) sessions of the Annual Junior Police Academy Program were held, with 38 cadets par cipa ng.  Annual Ci zen's Police Academy welcomed 16 community members as par cipants.  Annual Bicycle Helmet Drive successfully produced enough dona ons to provide free helmets to Bicycle Rodeo par cipants in need.

 Annual Bicycle Rodeo - nearly 100 local students par cipated.  Community Outreach - Holiday Toy Drives / Canned Food Drives / Clothing Drives.  Juvenile Proba on Partnership - Lathrop Police Services con nues our partnership with the Juvenile Proba on Department. The full- me proba on officer works closely with our detec ves and depu es to help them in the iden fica on and apprehension of subjects involved in gang and drug ac vi es.

 Impounded or stored a total of 259 vehicles in 2014.  One hundred thirty (130) DUI (Driving Under the Influence) arrests were made in 2014.  Five hundred seventy three (573) criminal arrests were made in calendar year 2014. Violent Crimes were down by 10%.  Received Second Place Award for 2013 California Law Enforcement Challenge by NHTSA and the California Office of Traffic Safety, at both the State and Na onal level.

Public Safety—Administra on Work Plan 2015/16  Con nue to improve traffic and pedestrian safety, especially in and around the school zones, by working with school administrators and parents, conduc ng traffic enforcements, and public educa on programs such as bicycle rodeos and school events.

 Con nue the Ci zens Academy for our adult community members and the Junior Police Academy for our young ci zens.  Con nue developing, improving and expanding crime preven on programs within the community.  Expand Neighborhood Watch programs.  Con nue expansion of the Business Watch program with local businesses.  Con nue Child Safety Restraint programs for community members, providing free safety seat inspec ons, proper installaon assistance, and educa onal materials on the seatbelt/child safety restraint laws.

 Work in partnership with other local Law Enforcement Agencies, conduc ng special sweeps to check on sex offenders, proba oners, and parolees to ensure they are in compliance with condi ons of parole and proba on.

 Con nue OTS Grant funded DUI Enforcements and special opera ons with allied agencies. Capital Requests  One Vehicle


Significant Opera ng Changes  None

Public Safety—Administra on Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Management Analyst




Police Services Manager




Total Full Time Equivalents







Chief of Police




Deputy Sheriff Inves ga ons




Deputy Sheriff for Com Resource Officer




Deputy Sheriff for Patrol




Deputy Sheriff for School Resource Officer




Lieutenant to serve as Supervisor




Sergeant to Serve as Supervisor




Total San Joaquin County Posi ons




San Joaquin County Posi ons:

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

40 10

Public Safety Police Services

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐25‐00 Building & Ground 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$146,715.63 $0.00 $18,555.46 $19,587.50 $5,326.08 $12,278.64 $4,008.62 $444.49 $708.40 $4,831.02 $386.19 $1,758.11 $922.40 $992.39 $216,514.93

$203,388.00 $800.00 $0.00 $27,282.00 $5,070.00 $24,750.00 $4,810.00 $539.00 $850.00 $5,950.00 $0.00 $2,983.00 $1,302.00 $1,566.00 $279,290.00

$222,498.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,273.00 $17,663.00 $23,507.00 $7,215.00 $537.00 $966.00 $7,046.00 $0.00 $3,249.00 $1,302.00 $1,554.00 $302,810.00

$222,498.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,273.00 $17,663.00 $23,507.00 $7,215.00 $537.00 $966.00 $7,046.00 $0.00 $3,249.00 $1,302.00 $1,554.00 $302,810.00

$7,665.57 $1,684.06 $8,733.98 $0.00 $1,762.69 $1,776.97 $1,984.04 $2,975.78 $26,583.09

$8,300.00 $1,685.00 $14,400.00 $900.00 $300.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 $6,750.00 $42,335.00

$10,550.00 $1,685.00 $14,400.00 $900.00 $1,200.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,325.00 $44,060.00

$10,550.00 $1,685.00 $14,400.00 $900.00 $1,200.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,325.00 $44,060.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

40 10

Public Safety Police Services

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐10‐00 Special Contracts 425‐11‐00 Gold Rush ‐ Police Mossdale Landing ‐ Police 425‐14‐00 Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐47‐00 Awards 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water 430‐60‐00 Contribution M & O Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$3,325,606.82 $321,253.65 $20,891.01 $3,667,751.48

$4,187,939.00 $0.00 $23,670.00 $4,211,609.00

$4,404,673.00 $0.00 $23,670.00 $4,428,343.00

$4,404,673.00 $0.00 $23,670.00 $4,428,343.00

$3,731.18 $7,824.81 $567.00 $1,283.43 $20.00 $426.35 $476.10 $340.54 $97.05 $11,909.90 $704.82 $1,354.90 $28,736.08

$3,800.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 $200.00 $365.00 $200.00 $12,800.00 $750.00 $1,800.00 $33,415.00

$3,800.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $365.00 $200.00 $12,800.00 $750.00 $1,800.00 $31,515.00

$3,800.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $365.00 $200.00 $12,800.00 $750.00 $1,800.00 $31,515.00

$60.00 $375.00 $435.00

$300.00 $600.00 $900.00

$300.00 $600.00 $900.00

$300.00 $600.00 $900.00

$800.00 $38,444.29 $1,445.65 $40,689.94

$1,000.00 $38,600.00 $3,004.00 $42,604.00

$1,000.00 $38,600.00 $1,565.00 $41,165.00

$1,000.00 $38,600.00 $1,565.00 $41,165.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

40 10

Public Safety Police Services

Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment Vehicles 450‐30‐00 Total: Fixed Assets Debt Service 480‐01‐00 Principal Total: Debt Service Division Total: Police Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$59,681.86 $97,175.34 $156,857.20

$0.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00

$0.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00

$0.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00

$6,378.84 $6,378.84 $4,143,946.56

$5,600.00 $5,600.00 $4,725,753.00

$0.00 $0.00 $4,883,793.00

$0.00 $0.00 $4,883,793.00

Public Safety– Traffic Safety DescripƟon of Division A por on of fines collected for the viola on of certain traffic misdemeanors are dispersed by law to a “Traffic Safety Fund” established by each City. These funds must be used exclusively for official traffic control devices, the maintenance thereof, equipment and supplies for traffic law enforcement and traffic accident preven on, and for the maintenance, improvements or construc on of public streets, bridges, and culverts within the City.

Accomplishments 2014/2015 

Awarded 2nd place in the 2013 Law Enforcement Challenge, at both the Na onal and State levels, for Traffic Enforcements.


Par cipated in numerous “AVOID the 10” mul -agency DUI Enforcements within allied agencies in San Joaquin County.


Par cipated in the California Office of Traffic Safety April Distracted Driver Awareness Campaign, “It’s Not Worth It”.


Conducted special patrols in areas for problem speeders, near locals Elementary and High Schools.

Work Plan 2015/2016 

Con nue increased Traffic Enforcement and Public Educa on with use of one full- me Motorcycle Officer.

Capital Requests 


Significant OperaƟng Changes 


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2070

Traffic Safety

40 10

Public Safety Police Services

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services Computer Tech Support 420‐58‐00 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: Police Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $1,950.00 $25,325.49 $2,587.12 $29,862.61

$1,800.00 $0.00 $500.00 $20,000.00 $9,100.00 $31,400.00

$1,800.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $22,250.00 $4,000.00 $31,550.00

$1,800.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $22,250.00 $4,000.00 $31,550.00

$1,784.96 $2,389.92 $0.00 $2,006.22 $3,010.75 $1,153.88 $10,345.73

$1,600.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,820.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $12,920.00

$500.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,500.00 $500.00 $9,500.00

$500.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $3,500.00 $500.00 $9,500.00

$0.00 $29,608.41 $29,608.41

$3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$7,056.90 $7,056.90 $76,873.65

$4,554.00 $4,554.00 $52,374.00

$7,181.00 $7,181.00 $48,231.00

$7,181.00 $7,181.00 $48,231.00

Public Safety—Asset Forfeiture DescripƟon of Division Asset Forfeiture funds that seized as a result of illegal possession, sale or manufacture of illegal drugs or narco cs can be u lized by police departments to purchase police related equipment.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  There was no ac vity related to this fund in 2014/2015. Work Plan 2015/2016 

Purchase officer "trading cards” to distribute at community events. This is a program that promotes the opportunity for posi ve interac on between officers and the youth in our community.

Capital Requests 


Significant OperaƟng Changes 


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2100

Asset Forfeiture

40 12

Public Safety PS Asset Forefeiture

Contractual Services 420‐38‐00 Community Promotions Total: Contractual Services Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PS Asset Forefeiture

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$173.10 $173.10

$0.00 $0.00

$551.00 $551.00

$551.00 $551.00

$0.00 $0.00 $173.10

$97.00 $97.00 $97.00

$36.00 $36.00 $587.00

$36.00 $36.00 $587.00

Public Safety—Universal Hiring Grant DescripƟon of Division Universal Hiring Grant

 Office of Traffic Safety ‐ Sobriety Checkpoint Mini‐Grant.  Office of Traffic Safety—Selec ve Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Submi ed an applica on for the Selected Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant which, if awarded, will begin in October 2015. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Plan and prepare for grant opportuni es for the upcoming fiscal year, in an cipa on of STEP Grant Award of $83,650 Capital Requests:

 Total Sta on—Accident and Crime Scene Reconstruc on Equipment $20,000  Light Tower for DUI checkpoints $3,950

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$19,253.16 $19,253.16

$40,254.00 $40,254.00

$50,074.00 $50,074.00

$50,074.00 $50,074.00

$0.00 $0.00

$13,877.00 $13,877.00

$7,130.00 $7,130.00

$7,130.00 $7,130.00

$0.00 $0.00

$3,190.00 $3,190.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$23,100.00 $38,000.00 $61,100.00

$26,447.00 $0.00 $26,447.00

$26,447.00 $0.00 $26,447.00

$10.00 $10.00 $19,263.16

$0.00 $0.00 $118,421.00

$65.00 $65.00 $83,716.00

$65.00 $65.00 $83,716.00

Description 2190

Universal Hiring Grant

40 10

Public Safety Police Services

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐10‐00 Special Contracts Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: Police Services

Public Safety—SLESF / COPS Descrip on of Division SLESF (Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funding)/COPS Funding‐ This fund was established by legisla ve ac on to supplement funding to local law enforcement. The Police Chief will make a wri en request to City Council specifying front line law enforcement needs. Based on the popula on of the City, we are allocated to receive $100,000 from the State for front line Law Enforcement. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Received funding for the Community Resource Officer Posi on in the amount of $100,000 in 4 quarterly increments of $25,000. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Submit request for SLESF / COPS Funding for FY 15/16 Capital Requests 


Significant Opera ng Changes 


Staffing Summary FY 2015/2016 Staffing Summary

San Joaquin County Posi ons:




Deputy Sheriff for Com Resource Officer




Total San Joaquin County Posi ons




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

Description 2220

State COPS

40 16

Public Safety PS COPS Fund ‐ State AB1913

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐10‐00 Special Contracts Total: Contractual Services Division Total: PS COPS Fund ‐ State AB1913

$99,969.81 $99,969.81 $99,969.81

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00

$100,037.00 $100,037.00 $100,037.00

$100,037.00 $100,037.00 $100,037.00


City of Lathrop - Public Works Director of Public Works

Engineering Division

Construction Division

Operations & Maintenance

Project Support

Admin/Budget Fiscal Support

Sr. Civil Engineer (2)

Sr. Construction Inspector


Projects & Programs Manager

Sr. Management Analyst

Assistant Engineer


Maintenance Division

Utilities Operations Division

Sr. Administrative Assistant

Maintenance Supervisor

Utility Operator I/II/III (5)

Administrative Assistant II – Engineering Support

Sr. Maintenance Worker (2)

Meter Reader

Maintenance Worker I/II (3)

FY 2015-2016

Public Works Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: General Fund Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Local Street Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Public Transit Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: RTIF‐Lathrop Local East Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: RTIF‐San Joaquin County 10% Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: RTIF‐Lathrop Local West Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: RTIF‐San Joaquin COG 15% Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: CLSP Services CFD 2006‐2 Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Recycling ‐ 3% AB 939

2014 Actual $1,553,471.02 $2,148,561.11 ($595,090.09)

2015 Adopted Budget $1,993,329.00 $2,601,229.00 ($607,900.00)

2016 City Manager Recommended $2,240,281.00 $3,761,298.00 ($1,521,017.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $2,240,281.00 $3,761,298.00 ($1,521,017.00)

$400,629.97 $457,316.06 ($56,686.09)

$600,000.00 $661,368.00 ($61,368.00)

$611,028.00 $767,492.00 ($156,464.00)

$611,028.00 $767,492.00 ($156,464.00)

$5,986.00 $5,986.00 $0.00

$0.00 $26,099.00 ($26,099.00)

$0.00 $20,200.00 ($20,200.00)

$0.00 $20,200.00 ($20,200.00)

$209,160.88 $636,969.95 ($427,809.07)

$10,509.00 $5,000.00 $5,509.00

$13,923.00 $5,000.00 $8,923.00

$13,923.00 $5,000.00 $8,923.00

$34,722.12 $34,966.24 ($244.12)

$78,947.00 $78,947.00 $0.00

$124,986.00 $124,986.00 $0.00

$124,986.00 $124,986.00 $0.00

$241,613.10 $631,900.70 ($390,287.60)

$569,748.00 $62,350.00 $507,398.00

$904,723.00 $62,350.00 $842,373.00

$904,723.00 $62,350.00 $842,373.00

$52,475.33 $52,840.86 ($365.53)

$118,420.00 $118,420.00 $0.00

$187,479.00 $187,479.00 $0.00

$187,479.00 $187,479.00 $0.00

$226,673.36 $317,631.72 ($90,958.36)

$421,407.00 $428,161.00 ($6,754.00)

$321,500.00 $371,500.00 ($50,000.00)

$321,500.00 $371,500.00 ($50,000.00)

$85,634.89 $43,372.19 $42,262.70

$75,000.00 $53,898.00 $21,102.00

$85,000.00 $59,332.00 $25,668.00

$85,000.00 $59,332.00 $25,668.00

Public Works Department Budget Summary 2016 City Manager Recommended $127,790.00 $153,908.00 ($26,118.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $127,790.00 $153,908.00 ($26,118.00)

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Crossroads Storm Drain Zone 1A

2014 Actual $152,272.06 $149,585.30 $2,686.76

2015 Adopted Budget $127,774.00 $147,529.00 ($19,755.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Storm Drain City Zone 1

$239,253.77 $198,769.81 $40,483.96

$238,292.00 $248,741.00 ($10,449.00)

$244,292.00 $263,264.00 ($18,972.00)

$244,292.00 $263,264.00 ($18,972.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Street Lighting

$167,987.40 $157,440.70 $10,546.70

$173,325.00 $158,739.00 $14,586.00

$178,797.00 $165,818.00 $12,979.00

$178,797.00 $165,818.00 $12,979.00

$63,807.12 $71,284.65 ($7,477.53)

$65,934.00 $75,014.00 ($9,080.00)

$81,583.00 $88,618.00 ($7,035.00)

$81,583.00 $88,618.00 ($7,035.00)

$213,115.95 $219,424.28 ($6,308.33)

$210,172.00 $210,449.00 ($277.00)

$210,396.00 $228,681.00 ($18,285.00)

$210,396.00 $228,681.00 ($18,285.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Stonebridge Drain/Lighting

$207,769.32 $362,599.59 ($154,830.27)

$206,496.00 $243,452.00 ($36,956.00)

$209,871.00 $265,875.00 ($56,004.00)

$209,871.00 $265,875.00 ($56,004.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Mossdale CFD 2004‐1

$1,982,478.31 $2,112,224.93 ($129,746.62)

$2,093,446.00 $2,320,999.00 ($227,553.00)

$2,072,266.00 $2,231,694.00 ($159,428.00)

$2,072,266.00 $2,231,694.00 ($159,428.00)

$436,225.10 $360,633.62 $75,591.48

$432,863.00 $401,948.00 $30,915.00

$501,803.00 $531,196.00 ($29,393.00)

$501,803.00 $531,196.00 ($29,393.00)

$31,309.60 $24,989.50 $6,320.10

$31,608.00 $31,422.00 $186.00

$39,327.00 $45,169.00 ($5,842.00)

$39,327.00 $45,169.00 ($5,842.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Woodfield Landscape Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Stonebridge Landscape

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Mossdale Landscape & Lighting Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Historic Lathrop CFD 2005‐1

Public Works Department Budget Summary 2014 Actual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

2015 Adopted Budget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

2016 City Manager Recommended $83,141.00 $7,891.00 $75,250.00

2016 City Council Adopted $83,141.00 $7,891.00 $75,250.00

$18,177,046.33 $7,105,224.23 $11,071,822.10

$8,259,723.00 $8,323,097.00 ($63,374.00)

$6,922,613.00 $7,590,008.00 ($667,395.00)

$6,922,613.00 $7,590,008.00 ($667,395.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: MWQCF Collection System

$2,926,438.57 $2,887,051.32 $39,387.25

$2,970,958.00 $2,747,917.00 $223,041.00

$3,223,700.00 $2,921,844.00 $301,856.00

$3,223,700.00 $2,921,844.00 $301,856.00

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Water Recycling Plant #1

$1,209,365.60 $1,095,972.21 $113,393.39

$1,193,258.00 $1,152,771.00 $40,487.00

$1,091,900.00 $976,000.00 $115,900.00

$1,091,900.00 $976,000.00 $115,900.00

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer

$2,117,782.45 $1,667,432.66 $450,349.79

$1,686,108.00 $2,030,081.00 ($343,973.00)

$2,151,446.00 $2,398,000.00 ($246,554.00)

$2,151,446.00 $2,398,000.00 ($246,554.00)

$30,735,218.25 $20,742,177.63 $9,993,040.62

$21,557,317.00 $22,127,631.00 ($570,314.00)

$21,627,845.00 $23,227,603.00 ($1,599,758.00)

$21,627,845.00 $23,227,603.00 ($1,599,758.00)

Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: River Islands CFD 2013‐1 Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Water

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

Public Works Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Departmental Staffing Administrative Assistant I/II Assistant Engineer City Engineer Director of Public Works Junior Engineer Maintenance Services Supervisor Parks Maintenance Worker I/II Meter Reader Projects and Programs Manager Principal Engineer Public Works Superintendent Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Construction Inspector I/II Senior Civil Engineer Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Management Analyst Utility Operator I/II/ III Total Community Development FTE

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 21.83

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 22.33

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

Public Works—Administra on

Descrip on of Division The Public Works Administra on Division consists of the following posi ons: Public Works Director, Projects and Programs Manager, Senior Management Analyst, Senior Administra ve Assistant, and Administra ve Assistant I/II. This Division provides management and administra ve support to the other Public Works Divisions, helps administer the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), provides support and customer service to residents, businesses, development project representa ves and other outside public and private agencies. Accomplishments 2014/2015 During the 2014/2015 fiscal year, the Division successfully nego ated and administered various contracts related to public works opera ons and /or capital improvement projects, and administered many Public Works func ons and ac vi es including:

         

Administra on of Capital Improvement Projects related to General Government & Community Beau fica on Projects. Provided assistance to Master Developers with U lity Infrastructure Development and planning of project expansions . Assisted with the processing of co‐op reimbursements for state and federal funds for roadway improvements. Coordinated with Police Services and City A orney’s office to process auto claims and City property damage claims to recover costs to repair damages to property such as fire hydrants, streetlights, and sound walls caused by vehicle accidents or vandalism. Prepared and administered the budget for the Department’s Opera ng expenditures and the Capital Improvement Program. Processing of regulatory repor ng associated with Domes c and Recycled Water, Wastewater, and Storm Drainage as required by State and federal permit requirements. Provided management and support to the Departments’ other func onal groups, such as: construc on management, land development, u li es, surplus vehicles, recording documents with County Recorder, fire hydrant permits, transporta on permits, water system repor ng requirements, etc. Coordinated with the Bureau of Automo ve Repair (BAR) to provide vehicle informa on to comply with their annual smog check program audit. Coordinated bid documents for capital improvement and on‐going maintenance projects. Reorganized filing systems throughout the department while con nuing the Records Reten on Management Program.

Public Works—Administra on Work Plan 2015/2016

 Ensure all Capital Improvement Projects are implemented on schedule and on budget.  Directly oversee the Solar Energy CIP Project ( GG 12‐14), the LCTF 2.0 Expansion CIP Project .  Work closely with the City Engineer to implement, finance and begin construc on of the San Joaquin River levee improvements.

 Work closely with the City Engineer and the Community Development Department to coordinate mely and complete reviews and guidance for new and exis ng businesses and developer improvement projects and financing.

 Provide assistance to the Engineering Division in pursue of new FY grant funds from Local, State, and Federal programs to assist in financing needed for construc on and opera on of public infrastructure facili es, alterna ve energy op ons, and programs to enhance the community.

   

Update City’s Capital Facili es Fee (CFF) program. Manage the comple on of the West Lathrop Traffic Monitoring Program ( TMP). Work with the City’s Finance Department to update the City’s Water and Sewer rates. Update and improve Public Works page on City website by upda ng informa on related to Solid Waste, Recycling, and Storm Water Pollu on informa on, Sustainable Communi es and Street Ligh ng Outages and Repor ng.

 Implement a Records Management Program and a comprehensive GIS database for accurate and simple access to exis ng City infrastructure informa on. Capital Requests 


Public Works—Administra on Significant Opera ng Changes  A Principal Engineer posi on is included in the Public Works Administra on Division.  In FY 14/15, an Administra ve Assistant posi on has been reclassified to a Senior Administra ve Assistant posi on to align the posi on with the du es performed.

 In FY 14/15, A Projects & Programs Manager (0.5 FTE) posi on was reassigned from Parks & Recrea on to Public Works to align the posi on with the du es performed. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Director of Public Works




Principle Engineer




Projects & Programs Manager




Senior Administra ve Assistant




Senior Management Analyst




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$283,530.40 $7,275.74 $6,032.39 $26,752.77 $7,140.73 $35,437.28 $3,909.32 $741.33 $425.53 $3,325.62 $1,872.00 $879.87 $3,415.51 $2,272.30 $1,931.73 $384,942.52

$389,360.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 $31,868.00 $4,015.00 $61,881.00 $3,798.00 $1,010.00 $736.00 $8,747.00 $2,400.00 $0.00 $5,786.00 $1,879.00 $2,992.00 $516,072.00

$614,906.00 $2,040.00 $0.00 $40,101.00 $8,868.00 $109,640.00 $6,974.00 $1,796.00 $961.00 $17,594.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,073.00 $2,530.00 $4,270.00 $818,753.00

$614,906.00 $2,040.00 $0.00 $40,101.00 $8,868.00 $109,640.00 $6,974.00 $1,796.00 $961.00 $17,594.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,073.00 $2,530.00 $4,270.00 $818,753.00

$53,727.47 $463.94 $306.29 $0.00 $24.00 $54,521.70

$10,000.00 $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 $100.00 $11,300.00

$10,000.00 $700.00 $600.00 $2,500.00 $100.00 $13,900.00

$10,000.00 $700.00 $600.00 $2,500.00 $100.00 $13,900.00

$530.67 $77.30

$600.00 $100.00

$700.00 $100.00

$700.00 $100.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 01

Public Works Public Works Adminstration

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐11‐00 Postage

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $607.97

$450.00 $100.00 $0.00 $1,250.00

$800.00 $100.00 $0.00 $1,700.00

$800.00 $100.00 $0.00 $1,700.00

$0.00 $397.32 $397.32

$750.00 $4,600.00 $5,350.00

$750.00 $4,600.00 $5,350.00

$750.00 $4,600.00 $5,350.00

$1,156.75 $4,261.48 $5,418.23 $445,887.74

$1,420.00 $8,619.00 $10,039.00 $544,011.00

$1,420.00 $8,774.00 $10,194.00 $849,897.00

$1,420.00 $8,774.00 $10,194.00 $849,897.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 01

Public Works Public Works Adminstration

430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Awards 430‐47‐00 Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: Public Works Adminstration

Public Works—Construc on Management Descrip on of Division This division performs construc on inspec on of capital improvement projects, commercial, residen al, and developer off‐site improvements; such as sewer, water, storm drain, curb and gu er, streets, grading, traffic signals, and parks. The Construc on Management Division ensures that the City’s infrastructure is built to the City’s standards and adheres to approved plans and contract documents. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Completed inspec on services for a number of private and commercial developments including William Lyon Homes Tract 3468,     

Woodside Homes Tract 3410 & 3490, In‐N‐Out warehouse expansion, Tesla, TEC Equipment, and USA Motors. Inspected all Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, which included the City‐Wide pavement maintenance projects, Lathrop Road Grade Separa on Project, O Street Sidewalk Improvements, and various others. Completed the storm water inspec on cer fica on for the Cer fied Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI). Reviewed and inspected Storm Water Pollu on Preven on Plans (SWPPP). Inspec on of Encroachment Permits on City Right‐of‐Ways. Contracted with Vali Cooper to inspect offsite improvements for the River Islands development.

Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue providing Inspec on Services for private development and improvements within the City’s right‐of‐way to ensure that    

the improvements meet the City Standards. Ul mately, these improvements will become a part of the City’s infrastructure. Con nue to provide inspec on services for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP has iden fied numerous projects including: Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Separa on, Manthey Bridge Replacement, City‐Wide Road Maintenance and Repairs, Sidewalk Repair Program, etc. Con nue to oversee construc on projects city‐wide to ensure compliance with the new SWPPP requirements. Inspec on of City Encroachment Permits. Complete the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD Inspector)/Qualified SWPPP Prac oner (QSP) cer fica on.

Public Works—Construc on Management Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes  None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Senior Construc on Inspector




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$69,441.31 $0.00 $9,430.03 $9,798.27 $2,728.40 $15,807.09 $1,011.42 $212.77 $164.70 $3,666.15 $223.11 $868.12 $434.00 $113,785.37

$79,379.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $10,648.00 $1,974.00 $18,336.00 $0.00 $212.00 $0.00 $3,850.00 $0.00 $1,173.00 $434.00 $117,506.00

$84,239.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,742.00 $6,889.00 $19,734.00 $1,483.00 $245.00 $203.00 $4,810.00 $0.00 $1,221.00 $434.00 $126,000.00

$84,239.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,742.00 $6,889.00 $19,734.00 $1,483.00 $245.00 $203.00 $4,810.00 $0.00 $1,221.00 $434.00 $126,000.00

$495,588.54 $1,224.00 $0.00 $120.05 $143.14 $24.00 $497,099.73

$400,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $400.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $406,500.00

$1,236,667.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $400.00 $2,500.00 $100.00 $1,249,667.00

$1,236,667.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $400.00 $2,500.00 $100.00 $1,249,667.00

$187.55 $0.00 $3,360.23

$200.00 $730.00 $4,000.00

$300.00 $600.00 $4,500.00

$300.00 $600.00 $4,500.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 03

Public Works PW Construction Management

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $350.00 $0.00 $3,897.78

$2,400.00 $650.00 $100.00 $8,080.00

$500.00 $650.00 $100.00 $6,650.00

$500.00 $650.00 $100.00 $6,650.00

$170.00 $0.00 $170.00 $614,952.88

$400.00 $700.00 $1,100.00 $533,186.00

$400.00 $700.00 $1,100.00 $1,383,417.00

$400.00 $700.00 $1,100.00 $1,383,417.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 03

Public Works PW Construction Management

430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective Reference Books 430‐45‐00 Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Division Total: PW Construction Management

Public Works—Land Development Descrip on of Division The Land Development and Transporta on Engineering Division provides engineering review and project management services such as forma on of financial districts, project plan review, permit processing, and public assistance. The division provides for the regula on and control of the design and improvement of subdivisions, redevelopment, and real property services within the City. It is also responsible for overseeing Capital Improvements for the Transporta on system in the City of Lathrop. Land Development works closely with the Community Development Department and City Engineer to provide Public Works condi ons of approval associated with Building and Planning permit applica ons. Accomplishments 2014/2015 Land Development  Con nued efforts towards making a “finding of adequate progress” in providing a Urban Level of Flood Protec on (ULOP) from the 200 year flood in the San Joaquin River as required by Senate Bill 5. Consultant PBI is contracted to provide hydraulic modeling , floodplain mapping, land design criteria analysis, and UPRR grant applica on..  Accepted public improvements in River Islands which included streets improvements, u lity improvements, and ligh ng improvements.  Approved seven (7) final maps for River Islands development for 303 single family lots and executed subdivision improvement agreements for public improvements.  Accepted improvement for River Islands tracts 3703, 3704, 3705, and 3706.  Accepted public improvements for William Lyon Homes Tract 3468  Updated the Wastewater Interceptor Sewer Unit (ISU) Alloca on Policy.  Provided plan check services for all subdivisions and other developments including parcel and subdivision maps, improvement plans, specific plans, and building permit submi als.  Completed the Traffic Monitoring Program for the west side of Lathrop and developed preliminary roadway improvements and schedule for comple on.  Issued 30 public right‐of‐way Encroachment Permits.  Coordinated with the County Office of Emergency Services to update our Flood Safety Plan in order to gain compliance with the California Water Code, Sec on 9650.  Provided condi ons of approval on 2 site plans, 6 use permits and 26 building permits.  Approved Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Woodside Homes for tract 3490. Streets  Approved design contract for O Street sidewalk improvements.  Established precise plan line for River Islands Parkway from Bradshaw’s Crossing Bridge West to Somerston Parkway.  Acceptance of backbone improvement, and public streets, for ini al access to the community at South River Bend at River Islands at Lathrop.

Public Works—Land Development Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued) Transporta on  Ongoing coordina on with Public Agencies to acquire State and Federal grants for Capital Improvement Projects.  Con nued the construc on of the Lathrop Westerly Grade Separa on—$21.2M (Measure K, Prop 1B, CFF, STIP, UPRR).  Con nued the preliminary engineering and environmental assessment for the Manthey Road Bridge— $44M (Federal Highway Bridge Program, CFF).  Awarded $640K of Ac ve Transporta on Program funds for sidewalk improvements along the eastern side of 5th Street from H Street to O Street.  Awarded contract and completed 2014 City‐Wide Pavement Repair and Rehabilita on Project.  Implemented the City’s Traffic Calming program and installed various traffic calming measures throughout the City.  Completed a Citywide Road Assessment and annual road repair program including restriping of several city streets.  Completed a traffic analysis of the Harlan Road and Slate Street intersec on and the Harlan Road and Stonebridge Lane intersec on.  Adopted a City wide ADA Transi on Plan. Work Plan 2015/2016  

       

Con nue the engineering design, financing plan, and construc on implementa on for providing an Urban Level of Flood Protec on (ULOP) from the 200 year flood in the San Joaquin River as required by Senate Bill 5. Provide quality review and plan checking of all design and improvement of subdivisions and other developments within the City, including River Islands, Central Lathrop, South Lathrop, Mossdale Landing, Historic Lathrop, and Crossroads Industrial Park. Complete Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Studies for the Manthey Road Bridge Replacement. Construct Pavement Rehabilita on Improvements consistent with the City’s Pavement Management Plan. Construc on of Harlan Road Street Improvements—South of Roth Road. Ini ate Project Study Reports (PSR’s) for Lathrop Rd/I‐5, Louise Ave/I‐5, and Yosemite/SR 120 interchanges. Construc on of Lathrop Road Widening from Harlan Road to 5th Street. Work with SJCOG to iden fy upgrades to the City’s STAA and non‐STAA Truck Routes as part of a County‐wide effort. Work with SJCOG to iden fy upgrades to the County‐wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Implement the City wide ADA Transi on Plan, including sidewalk improvements addressing trip hazards.

Public Works—Land Development Capital Requests 


Significant Opera ng Changes 

This year’s budget includes the reclassifica on of the Junior Engineer to an Assistant Engineer.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Assistant Engineer




City Engineer




Junior Engineer




Senior Civil Engineer




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$192,669.98 $0.00 $12,142.89 $19,051.41 $6,865.54 $28,977.09 $2,801.46 $534.03 $488.07 $6,521.28 $475.14 $2,250.91 $824.55 $1,312.00 $274,914.35

$208,267.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,853.00 $5,163.00 $34,838.00 $0.00 $553.00 $0.00 $6,195.00 $0.00 $3,116.00 $825.00 $1,524.00 $281,334.00

$222,487.00 $560.00 $0.00 $15,989.00 $8,123.00 $36,037.00 $4,109.00 $651.00 $552.00 $7,662.00 $0.00 $3,316.00 $825.00 $1,409.00 $301,720.00

$222,487.00 $560.00 $0.00 $15,989.00 $8,123.00 $36,037.00 $4,109.00 $651.00 $552.00 $7,662.00 $0.00 $3,316.00 $825.00 $1,409.00 $301,720.00

$57,150.50 $166.68 $0.00 $0.00 $720.74 $1,201.29 $24.00 $59,263.21

$245,000.00 $500.00 $0.00 $200.00 $900.00 $1,000.00 $24.00 $247,624.00

$245,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $200.00 $900.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $247,700.00

$245,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $200.00 $900.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $247,700.00

Description 1010

General Fund

50 04

Public Works PW Land Development

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair Other Maintenance & Repair 420‐75‐00 Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$307.09 $681.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $988.32

$500.00 $1,400.00 $2,400.00 $725.00 $400.00 $5,425.00

$700.00 $0.00 $500.00 $725.00 $400.00 $2,325.00

$700.00 $0.00 $500.00 $725.00 $400.00 $2,325.00

$423.75 $964.50 $1,388.25

$2,300.00 $1,800.00 $4,100.00

$2,300.00 $1,800.00 $4,100.00

$2,300.00 $1,800.00 $4,100.00

$4,924.80 $4,924.80 $341,478.93

$10,091.00 $10,091.00 $548,574.00

$5,639.00 $5,639.00 $561,484.00

$5,639.00 $5,639.00 $561,484.00

Description 1010

General Fund

50 04

Public Works PW Land Development

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: PW Land Development

Public Works—City Hall Descrip on of Division The City Hall Division of the Public Works Department provides the opera on, maintenance, and janitorial services of the City Hall building. Associated building costs such as u li es are budgeted in this division. City Hall represents our City and therefore is important that it be well maintained and runs efficiently.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Ini ated City Hall space redesign and reorganiza on project.  Awarded Roof Repair contract.  Awarded Janitorial Service contract.  Quarterly HVAC preventa ve maintenance.  Replaced recessed ligh ng, burned out lights, and ballasts.  Performed facility maintenance to maintain a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of the City Hall building. Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue to maintain a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of City Hall.  Con nue rou ne preventa ve maintenance for the HVAC unit.  Begin implemen ng the City’s ADA Transi on plan by priori zing ADA‐compliant improvements to City Hall and budge ng accordingly.

Capital Requests 

Vehicle Replacement

Significant Opera ng Changes  None



Public Works—City Hall Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

50 05

Public Works PW City Hall

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐25‐00 Building & Ground 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping Computer Tech Support 420‐58‐00 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$6,558.90 $137.20 $657.68 $697.74 $249.02 $1,510.38 $93.64 $19.22 $16.35 $1,191.63 $105.67 $52.06 $41.50 $11,330.99

$7,230.00 $223.00 $0.00 $736.00 $181.00 $2,084.00 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $1,223.00 $108.00 $52.00 $44.00 $11,901.00

$9,591.00 $245.00 $0.00 $643.00 $310.00 $2,002.00 $153.00 $26.00 $22.00 $1,470.00 $142.00 $61.00 $60.00 $14,725.00

$9,591.00 $245.00 $0.00 $643.00 $310.00 $2,002.00 $153.00 $26.00 $22.00 $1,470.00 $142.00 $61.00 $60.00 $14,725.00

$999.36 $4,068.36 $7,380.00 $32,586.95 $1,200.00 $0.00 $148.32 $380.05 $0.00 $1,156.06 $54.00 $47,973.10

$1,000.00 $4,500.00 $8,000.00 $80,500.00 $1,450.00 $0.00 $100.00 $550.00 $1,000.00 $4,100.00 $8,550.00 $109,750.00

$1,100.00 $300.00 $8,000.00 $80,300.00 $1,450.00 $445.00 $200.00 $550.00 $2,800.00 $11,700.00 $2,550.00 $109,395.00

$1,100.00 $300.00 $8,000.00 $80,300.00 $1,450.00 $445.00 $200.00 $550.00 $2,800.00 $11,700.00 $2,550.00 $109,395.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 1010

General Fund

50 05

Public Works PW City Hall

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐21‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐36‐00 Building Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: PW City Hall

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$657.98 $1,381.30 $0.00 $95.31 $11.87 $1,948.92 $0.00 $81,835.10 $6,724.86 $92,655.34

$3,600.00 $3,500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $2,500.00 $50.00 $71,700.00 $7,000.00 $90,150.00

$3,600.00 $3,500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $3,500.00 $50.00 $81,800.00 $7,000.00 $101,250.00

$3,600.00 $3,500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $3,500.00 $50.00 $81,800.00 $7,000.00 $101,250.00

$13.34 $16.00 $29.34

$25.00 $75.00 $100.00

$50.00 $350.00 $400.00

$50.00 $350.00 $400.00

$11,314.07 $11,314.07

$12,425.00 $12,425.00

$11,900.00 $11,900.00

$11,900.00 $11,900.00

$3,663.51 $0.00 $3,663.51 $166,966.35

$4,000.00 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 $234,326.00

$4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $241,670.00

$4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $241,670.00

Public Works—U lity Engineering

Descrip on of Division The U lity Engineering Division provides the basis for development and implementa on of the u lity related projects for the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for water, wastewater, and drainage improvements. It supports u lity infrastructure planning and compliance with permits administered by state and federal regulatory agencies. This division also provides engineering technical support and contract administra on for the City’s exis ng u lity systems in conjunc on with the Public Works Opera ons and Maintenance Division. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 CIP Project Management for the u lity related CIP projects for water, wastewater, and drainage improvements:  Well Modifica ons (PW 14‐08)  Well 21 Post Construc on (PW 08‐09)  Water Master Plan Update (PW 10‐10)/UWMP 2010 (PW 10‐09)  WRP‐1 MBR Expansion ‐ Phase 1 (WW 10‐15)  Consolidated Treatment Facility Expansion ‐ Phase 2 (WW 14‐14)  Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion (WW 11‐06)  Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades (WW 12‐07)  Provided support for regulatory permit compliance for the City’s water, wastewater, and drainage systems. Ac vi es included coordina on of monitoring and repor ng requirements of the permits and ongoing planning and implementa on of the City’s Storm Water Management Plan, Sewer System Management Plan and Urban Water Management Plan associated with regulatory permit compliance.

 U lity Planning: Con nue technical studies and CIP planning for water, wastewater, recycled water and drainage u li es. Master Plan updates including hydraulic modeling of the u lity systems are needed to iden fy and plan projects.

Provided engineering technical support and contract administra on services for the City’s u lity systems. Contracts include services for wastewater treatment plant opera ons, water quality monitoring, wastewater discharge, permit compliance, SCADA, recycled water farming, and maintenance contracts.

Public Works—U lity Engineering Accomplishments 2014/2015 (con nued)

 Coordina on with the development community to develop agreements to finance the next phase expansion of the Lathrop Consolidated Treatment Facility (WW‐14‐14) to obtain addi onal sewer capacity needed for new development and the decommissioning of the Crossroads wastewater treatment plant. Accomplishments included funding services for project design, permi ng, construc on and CEQA .

Work Plan FY 2015/2016 The work plan of the Public Works U lity Engineering Division for the upcoming fiscal year includes the following:

 CIP Project Management: CIP project management for u lity related CIP projects planned for fiscal year 2015‐2016:  Well 21 Post Construc on (PW 08‐09)  Water Meter Improvements (PW 13‐08)  Water Master Plan Update (PW 10‐10)/UWMP 2010 (PW 10‐09)  Well 10 Emergency Power (PW 15‐05)  WRP‐1 MBR Expansion (WW 10‐15)  Consolidated Treatment Facility Expansion ‐ Phase 2 (WW 14‐14)  Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion (WW 11‐06)  Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades (WW 12‐07)  Crossroads Decommissioning (WW 15‐20)  U lity Planning: Con nue technical studies and CIP planning for water, wastewater, recycled water and drainage u li es. Master Plan updates including hydraulic modeling of the u lity systems are needed to iden fy and plan projects.  Regulatory Permit Compliance: Ongoing monitoring and repor ng efforts are needed to maintain compliance with following state and federal permits for the water, wastewater, recycled water and drainage systems:  NPDES Phase II MS4, a permit administered by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to meet Clean Water Act requirements for the City’s drainage system.  Waste Discharge Requirements permits administered by the RWQCB for the City’s wastewater treatment plants, wastewater collec on system, and recycled water distribu on systems. This includes repor ng spills to the Office of Emergency Services, RWQCB, and San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department or California Department of Public Health (CDPH).  Water Supply Permit administered by the CDPH.

Public Works—U lity Engineering Work Plan 2015/2016 (con nued)  Infrastructure Asset & Maintenance Management: Develop and improve procedures for infrastructure and maintenance management through improved records and document management systems. Provide support for ongoing data collec on and updates for the GIS and U lity Maps.

Capital Requests

 None

Significant Opera ng Changes 

This year’s budget includes the reclassifica on of the Junior Engineer to an Assistant Engineer.

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Assistant Engineer




Junior Engineer




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Engineer




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$144,397.60 $0.00 $7,128.35 $16,987.86 $5,226.13 $25,638.11 $2,154.54 $404.37 $467.26 $7,246.10 $402.85 $1,645.71 $703.13 $947.68 $213,349.69

$151,839.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18,197.00 $3,771.00 $29,705.00 $0.00 $402.00 $0.00 $4,557.00 $0.00 $2,405.00 $703.00 $1,036.00 $212,615.00

$163,356.00 $840.00 $0.00 $12,492.00 $10,145.00 $31,013.00 $3,156.00 $479.00 $519.00 $5,577.00 $0.00 $2,414.00 $703.00 $958.00 $231,652.00

$163,356.00 $840.00 $0.00 $12,492.00 $10,145.00 $31,013.00 $3,156.00 $479.00 $519.00 $5,577.00 $0.00 $2,414.00 $703.00 $958.00 $231,652.00

$1,010.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $868.27 $600.66 $24.00 $2,502.93

$10,000.00 $500.00 $0.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $24.00 $12,124.00

$5,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $0.00 $7,200.00

$5,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $0.00 $7,200.00

Description 1010

General Fund

50 06

Public Works PW Utility Engineering

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair Other Maintenance & Repair 420‐75‐00 Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$319.21 $681.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.45

$500.00 $1,400.00 $2,400.00 $1,025.00 $200.00 $5,525.00

$700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,025.00 $200.00 $1,925.00

$700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,025.00 $200.00 $1,925.00

$648.00 $0.00 $648.00

$1,130.00 $1,000.00 $2,130.00

$1,160.00 $1,000.00 $2,160.00

$1,160.00 $1,000.00 $2,160.00

$7,841.08 $7,841.08 $225,342.15

$16,144.00 $16,144.00 $248,538.00

$2,257.00 $2,257.00 $245,194.00

$2,257.00 $2,257.00 $245,194.00

Description 1010

General Fund

50 06

Public Works PW Utility Engineering

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: PW Utility Engineering

Public Works—Building Maintenance Descrip on of Division The Building Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department provides the opera on, maintenance, and janitorial services for the Senior Center and Community Center buildings. Associated building costs, such as u li es, are budgeted through this division. The Senior Center and Community Center are public facili es where members of the community gather, therefore it is important that both buildings are maintained and run efficiently. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Supported Parks & Recrea on with the set‐up and coordina on of the following City events: Memorial Day Celebra on, 

  

Veteran’s Day Celebra on, Tree Ligh ng Ceremony, Volunteer Recogni on Dinner, July 1st Celebra on, Na onal Night Out, Lathrop Days Celebra on, and the Holiday Parade. Performed Facility Maintenance including:  Repairs to the Senior Center handicap door and flooring.  Veteran’s Memorial American and State flags replaced to be in compliance with the Na onal Flag Pole Code requirements and replaced lights and ballasts.  Community Center, Senior Center and Corp Yard HVAC unit serviced. Monitored building entrances, walkways, parking lots, and landscape islands to eliminate li er, graffi , and safety concerns. Repainted red curb in parking lot at Valverde Park. Coordinated disposal of surplus property for City Departments.

Work Plan 2015/2016

 Implement the City’s ADA Transi on plan by carrying out ADA‐compliant improvements to the Senior Center and Community    

Center. Assist other City departments with City events and office maintenance. Con nue to monitor building entrances, walkways, parking lots and landscape islands to eliminate li er, graffi , and safety concerns. Con nue use of SEMS Asset Management program to manage facility maintenance. Provide maintenance support for the Lathrop Genera ons Center.

Public Works—Building Maintenance Capital Requests  Vehicle Replacement

$ 9,600

Significant Opera ng Changes  None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$21,432.91 $500.03 $2,342.89 $2,399.73 $824.84 $5,244.05 $333.23 $63.85 $56.16 $4,044.16 $72.54 $273.32 $173.55 $118.48 $37,879.74

$23,949.00 $812.00 $0.00 $2,548.00 $599.00 $7,008.00 $0.00 $63.00 $0.00 $4,080.00 $0.00 $359.00 $174.00 $126.00 $39,718.00

$26,747.00 $816.00 $0.00 $1,867.00 $1,138.00 $6,186.00 $488.00 $75.00 $67.00 $4,202.00 $0.00 $400.00 $174.00 $133.00 $42,293.00

$26,747.00 $816.00 $0.00 $1,867.00 $1,138.00 $6,186.00 $488.00 $75.00 $67.00 $4,202.00 $0.00 $400.00 $174.00 $133.00 $42,293.00

$9,510.23 $11,644.00 $23,524.36 $296.32 $1,833.27 $1,890.00 $48,698.18

$14,600.00 $14,664.00 $55,640.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $4,250.00 $92,654.00

$1,000.00 $13,564.00 $54,760.00 $2,800.00 $3,000.00 $4,950.00 $80,074.00

$1,000.00 $13,564.00 $54,760.00 $2,800.00 $3,000.00 $4,950.00 $80,074.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 70

Public Works PW Building Maintenance

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐25‐00 Building & Ground 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,444.58 $991.23 $910.43 $7.04 $279.06 $3,010.97 $122.47 $403.11 $0.00 $40,076.24 $10,249.12 $57,494.25

$5,797.00 $1,100.00 $1,300.00 $400.00 $200.00 $3,000.00 $200.00 $900.00 $150.00 $42,000.00 $8,500.00 $63,547.00

$5,800.00 $1,100.00 $1,300.00 $400.00 $200.00 $3,700.00 $200.00 $1,100.00 $150.00 $42,000.00 $12,000.00 $67,950.00

$5,800.00 $1,100.00 $1,300.00 $400.00 $200.00 $3,700.00 $200.00 $1,100.00 $150.00 $42,000.00 $12,000.00 $67,950.00

$13.34 $38.40 $51.74

$100.00 $405.00 $505.00

$75.00 $795.00 $870.00

$75.00 $795.00 $870.00

$2,703.08 $2,703.08

$2,870.00 $2,870.00

$2,870.00 $2,870.00

$2,870.00 $2,870.00

$22,377.70 $8,931.69 $0.00 $31,309.39 $178,136.38

$22,400.00 $9,600.00 $6,000.00 $38,000.00 $237,294.00

$0.00 $9,600.00 $0.00 $9,600.00 $203,657.00

$0.00 $9,600.00 $0.00 $9,600.00 $203,657.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 70

Public Works PW Building Maintenance

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐21‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐36‐00 Building Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: PW Building Maintenance

Public Works—Park Maintenance

Descrip on of Division

The Park Maintenance division’s mission is to provide clean and safe parks and recrea on facili es that enhance the visual appeal of neighborhoods and meet the recrea onal needs of Lathrop’s residents. The work includes regular scheduled efforts as well as demand driven responses to recrea on programming needs, weather, and vandalism; such as, li er removal, restroom maintenance, playground maintenance, athle c field maintenance, irriga on system maintenance, tree maintenance, and community event support. This budget reflects the funds needed to maintain Valverde, Milestone, Libby and Skate Parks and street landscaping. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Installed Mini Tron sign donated by Sco Brooks.  Performed Preventa ve Maintenance and Repairs including:  Playground equipment repaired.  Basketball nets replaced.  Repaired Valverde Park pathway ligh ng.  Repaired door at Mossdale Park.  Maintained a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of landscaping at Cambridge and “N” Street and Valverde, Milestone, Libby and Skate Parks.

 Con nuous maintenance of the central landscape irriga on control with the Calsense Central Irriga on Control System at Libby, Milestone, Armstrong, Woodfield, Sangalang, Commons, and Green Parks as well as Thomsen Basin and River Park North.

 Assisted Parks & Recrea on with the set‐up and coordina on of the following City events: Memorial Day Celebra on, Veteran’s Day Celebra on, Tree Ligh ng Ceremony, Volunteer Recogni on Dinner, Skate Park Compe Days Celebra on, and the Holiday Parade.

 Par cipa on in Beau fica on Day:  Replan ng at The Genera ons Center, installed Dog Park ameni es.  Approved contract with Spohn Ranch, Inc. for skate park improvements on 7th Street.

ons, July 1st Celebra on, Lathrop

Public Works—Park Maintenance

Work Plan 2015/2016

   

Con nue inspec on and preventa ve maintenance of park playgrounds and athle c fields. Con nue to manage contract for rodent control services for Valverde Park. Con nue to manage contract for City park maintenance of 13 City parks. Con nue to contract with County Community Corp. workers during the spring and summer to help maintain pond basins, right‐ of‐way, and landscaping. It is important to maintain City property in light of the increased weed abatement efforts.  Con nue to maintain a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of landscaping at Cambridge and “N” Street and Valverde, Milestone, Libby and Skate Parks.  Secure restroom facili es each night in an effort to provide a safe and clean environment for public use.

Capital Requests  Park Maintenance Replacement Vehicle  Concrete Park Signs

$ 12,400 $ 10,000

Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$34,269.25 $750.04 $3,798.02 $3,882.07 $1,315.60 $8,188.52 $522.93 $101.95 $87.82 $6,139.56 $115.04 $434.67 $269.04 $196.09 $60,070.60

$38,223.00 $1,218.00 $0.00 $4,130.00 $956.00 $10,877.00 $0.00 $102.00 $0.00 $6,196.00 $0.00 $573.00 $269.00 $209.00 $62,753.00

$42,573.00 $1,224.00 $0.00 $2,997.00 $1,904.00 $9,664.00 $763.00 $119.00 $104.00 $6,398.00 $0.00 $635.00 $269.00 $218.00 $66,868.00

$42,573.00 $1,224.00 $0.00 $2,997.00 $1,904.00 $9,664.00 $763.00 $119.00 $104.00 $6,398.00 $0.00 $635.00 $269.00 $218.00 $66,868.00

$832.96 $2,095.56 $1,300.00 $2,880.00 $31,361.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,430.32 $1,794.95 $42,694.95

$4,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,800.00 $10,300.00 $37,360.00 $0.00 $100.00 $1,600.00 $2,300.00 $31,200.00 $92,660.00

$4,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,800.00 $10,320.00 $37,410.00 $445.00 $100.00 $1,600.00 $3,900.00 $31,000.00 $94,575.00

$4,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,800.00 $10,320.00 $37,410.00 $445.00 $100.00 $1,600.00 $3,900.00 $31,000.00 $94,575.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 80

Public Works Parks & Landscape Maintenance

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$755.25 $346.96 $444.09 $86.87 $4,646.35 $519.20 $3,914.99 $431.42 $223.37 $37.75 $2,406.25 $42,517.44 $56,329.94

$1,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $12,900.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $150.00 $2,500.00 $52,840.00 $79,490.00

$1,800.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $17,400.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $150.00 $2,500.00 $52,840.00 $84,790.00

$1,800.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $17,400.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $150.00 $2,500.00 $52,840.00 $84,790.00

$13.34 $49.60 $62.94

$100.00 $508.00 $608.00

$75.00 $1,025.00 $1,100.00

$75.00 $1,025.00 $1,100.00

$5,101.49 $0.00 $5,101.49

$7,300.00 $89.00 $7,389.00

$6,200.00 $46.00 $6,246.00

$6,200.00 $46.00 $6,246.00

$11,536.76 $0.00 $11,536.76 $175,796.68

$12,400.00 $0.00 $12,400.00 $255,300.00

$12,400.00 $10,000.00 $22,400.00 $275,979.00

$12,400.00 $10,000.00 $22,400.00 $275,979.00

2014 Actual

Description 1010

General Fund

50 80

Public Works Parks & Landscape Maintenance

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐21‐00 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐38‐00 Improvements ‐ Nonstructure Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: Parks & Landscape Maintenance

Public Works—Streets Descrip on of Division Ac vi es within the Streets Division include maintenance, repair, and cleaning of City streets and rights of way. The installa on, repair, and maintenance of street signs, street striping, and pavement markings are also included in this budget. This Division provides maintenance of 82.8 centerline miles of City streets. Work includes pot‐hole patching, seal coa ng and overlay applica ons, monthly street sweeping, curbs and gu ers maintenance, installa on and maintenance of traffic control devices including traffic signals and control signs, street name signs, right of way mowing and herbicide applica on, weather response (sanding, catch basin clearing, gravel street work) and community event support. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Striping rejuvena on in cri cal areas of school crossings, bridges and worn areas along heavily travelled roads.  Accepted public improvements, including:  2014 Pavement Repair and Rehabilita on Project  Con nued Construc on on the Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Separa on  Implemented the City’s Traffic Calming program and installed various traffic calming measures throughout the City.  Replaced missing street signs and repaired damaged street signs.  Preventa ve maintenance for heavy equipment and vehicles.  Maintained City streets and roadways with exis ng staff.  Graffi removal and weed abatement on city right‐of‐ways.  Contract with Community Corp to maintain City property, right‐of‐way, and landscaping in light of the increased weed abatement efforts.

 Patched pot holes throughout the City.  Replaced landscape on City right‐of‐way.

Public Works—Streets Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue to implement the Sidewalk Repair Program to repair or remove and replace damaged, cracked, and uneven concrete sidewalks as needed.

   

Con nue to implement the Citywide Traffic Calming Program. Con nue to implement the Pavement Maintenance program throughout the City priori zing major arterials and collectors. Renewal of striping in heavily worn areas. Con nue to u lize community labor for right‐of‐way maintenance and trash removal through an agreement with the San Joaquin County Sherriff Community Corps.

Capital Requests  Ba ery Back‐up  Street Light Inventory  Vehicle Replacement

$ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 16,000

Significant Opera ng Changes 


Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2080

Local Street

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐29‐00 Street Sweeping Services 420‐30‐00 Street Stripping 420‐31‐00 Signal Maintenance 420‐33‐00 Street Light Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$63,895.65 $0.00 $1,952.39 $7,107.68 $38.34 $8,441.73 $2,422.69 $15,731.92 $1,781.75 $181.88 $337.09 $13,721.90 $201.38 $791.67 $844.31 $45.50 $117,495.88

$108,153.00 $0.00 $4,696.00 $0.00 $41.00 $11,397.00 $1,642.00 $32,421.00 $24.00 $291.00 $4.00 $20,487.00 $0.00 $1,638.00 $886.00 $51.00 $181,731.00

$122,413.00 $0.00 $5,335.00 $0.00 $34.00 $8,602.00 $4,444.00 $39,097.00 $3,287.00 $355.00 $422.00 $23,665.00 $0.00 $1,856.00 $990.00 $47.00 $210,547.00

$122,413.00 $0.00 $5,335.00 $0.00 $34.00 $8,602.00 $4,444.00 $39,097.00 $3,287.00 $355.00 $422.00 $23,665.00 $0.00 $1,856.00 $990.00 $47.00 $210,547.00

$2,620.00 $12,682.22 $900.00 $15,202.92 $750.00 $27,805.36 $38,249.08 $1,500.00 $0.00

$7,200.00 $20,000.00 $900.00 $15,616.00 $40,000.00 $58,840.00 $28,500.00 $1,500.00 $100.00

$1,200.00 $20,000.00 $900.00 $17,460.00 $40,000.00 $54,150.00 $27,792.00 $1,500.00 $100.00

$1,200.00 $20,000.00 $900.00 $17,460.00 $40,000.00 $54,150.00 $27,792.00 $1,500.00 $100.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2080

Local Street

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Printing 420‐65‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐67‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐69‐00 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐28‐00 Patching Materials 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$119.96 $0.00 $600.51 $4,145.12 $3,715.51 $108,290.68

$350.00 $500.00 $660.00 $6,000.00 $47,000.00 $227,166.00

$350.00 $6,500.00 $660.00 $9,000.00 $47,000.00 $226,612.00

$350.00 $6,500.00 $660.00 $9,000.00 $47,000.00 $226,612.00

$195.40 $23.86 $77.97 $1,578.91 $11,828.70 $1,687.73 $5,192.04 $5,749.46 $924.49 $0.00 $549.32 $0.00 $19,812.13 $47,620.01

$500.00 $200.00 $700.00 $2,600.00 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,100.00 $1,400.00 $800.00 $900.00 $100.00 $20,900.00 $63,200.00

$500.00 $200.00 $700.00 $2,600.00 $17,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,100.00 $1,400.00 $800.00 $900.00 $100.00 $25,100.00 $69,400.00

$500.00 $200.00 $700.00 $2,600.00 $17,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,100.00 $1,400.00 $800.00 $900.00 $100.00 $25,100.00 $69,400.00

$118.34 $520.00 $638.34

$200.00 $1,780.00 $1,980.00

$205.00 $2,700.00 $2,905.00

$205.00 $2,700.00 $2,905.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2080

Local Street

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment Vehicles 450‐30‐00 Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Streets

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$37,499.46 $0.00 $37,499.46

$40,468.00 $112.00 $40,580.00

$41,223.00 $116.00 $41,339.00

$41,223.00 $116.00 $41,339.00

$0.00 $5,718.82 $5,718.82

$10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00

$50,000.00 $16,000.00 $66,000.00

$50,000.00 $16,000.00 $66,000.00

$119,570.21 $119,570.21 $436,833.40

$100,719.00 $100,719.00 $625,376.00

$111,603.00 $111,603.00 $728,406.00

$111,603.00 $111,603.00 $728,406.00

Public Works—Street Trees Descrip on of Division The Street Trees & Landscaping Division provides for the plan ng and maintenance of street trees and for the development and maintenance of landscaping within the public right‐of‐way. The Division removes tree branches and brush that may pose a possible hazard to pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Spraying of street trees for insect infesta on and pruning street trees as needed is also provided. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Tree Maintenance, including:  Trees in various loca ons throughout the City were trimmed to promote health or removed if they posed a public safety hazard.  Tree pruning on Towne Centre Dr, Easy St, Brookhurst Blvd, Valverde Park, Stonebridge Way, Thomsen Rd, and 5th St.  Herbicide applica on to reduce mistletoe growth on trees in Valverde Park & Woodfield Park and olive tree growth on Thomsen Road & 5th Street. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue to manage and trim City trees located within the public right‐of‐way and park trees with City staff and some contract tree trimming services. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

Public Works—Street Trees Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Public Works Superintendent




Maintenance Worker I/II




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$7,460.12 $0.00 $83.84 $583.78 $0.00 $994.57 $278.72 $1,204.13 $125.30 $21.42 $20.99 $630.86 $22.25 $89.88 $54.30 $45.50 $11,615.66

$9,943.00 $0.00 $208.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,199.00 $201.00 $2,136.00 $0.00 $26.00 $0.00 $1,008.00 $0.00 $149.00 $56.00 $51.00 $14,977.00

$11,787.00 $0.00 $263.00 $0.00 $0.00 $884.00 $700.00 $2,801.00 $237.00 $35.00 $31.00 $1,396.00 $0.00 $177.00 $69.00 $47.00 $18,427.00

$11,787.00 $0.00 $263.00 $0.00 $0.00 $884.00 $700.00 $2,801.00 $237.00 $35.00 $31.00 $1,396.00 $0.00 $177.00 $69.00 $47.00 $18,427.00

$3,430.00 $3,430.00

$15,000.00 $15,000.00

$15,000.00 $15,000.00

$15,000.00 $15,000.00

$0.00 $0.00

$222.00 $222.00

$116.00 $116.00

$116.00 $116.00

2014 Actual

Description 2080

Local Street

50 11

Public Works PW Street Trees & Landscaping

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping Total: Contractual Services Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

Description 2080

Local Street

50 11

Public Works PW Street Trees & Landscaping

Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Street Trees & Landscaping

$5,437.00 $5,437.00 $20,482.66

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$5,793.00 $5,793.00 $35,992.00

$5,543.00 $5,543.00 $39,086.00

$5,543.00 $5,543.00 $39,086.00

Public Works—Public Transit DescripƟon of Division This Division provides a basic transportaƟon system serving all age groups with emphasis on elderly and handicapped ciƟzens. The purpose of the system is to increase the mobility of people by interfacing with neighboring transportaƟon systems wherever possible. San Joaquin Regional Transit District (SJRTD) has implemented a hopper service which provides faster service to desƟnaƟons. Funds from this division are available for contract service to increase bus service if needed. This Division also provides for the maintenance, repair, and upgrade of bus shelters. Accomplishments 2014/2015

   

Maintained and repaired vandalized bus shelters. Studied unmet transit needs and maintained communicaƟon and coordinaƟon with SJRTD. UƟlized Local TransportaƟon Funds (LTF) for street maintenance. Provided informaƟon to residents regarding available transit opƟons.

Work Plan 2015/2016

   

ConƟnue to study local transit needs and maintain communicaƟon and coordinaƟon with SJRTD. Revise service as needed to match budget. ConƟnue to monitor and maintain bus shelters. Pending Unmet Transit Needs Study in the Fall of 2015, program the remaining LTF.

Capital Requests

 None Significant OperaƟng Changes

 None

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2120

Public Transit

50 13

Public Works PW Public Transit

Contractual Services 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐10‐00 Special Contracts Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Public Transit

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00

$3,000.00 $3,000.00

$3,000.00 $3,000.00

$3,000.00 $3,000.00

$0.00 $0.00

$20,692.00 $20,692.00

$15,200.00 $15,200.00

$15,200.00 $15,200.00

$0.00 $0.00

$2,000.00 $2,000.00

$2,000.00 $2,000.00

$2,000.00 $2,000.00

$5,986.00 $5,986.00 $5,986.00

$407.00 $407.00 $26,099.00

$0.00 $0.00 $20,200.00

$0.00 $0.00 $20,200.00

Public Works —RTIF Lathrop Local East DescripƟon of Division

The City adopted the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (RTIF) fee on December 20, 2005. The RTIF was created to help fund regional traffic conges on improvements and related adverse impacts in the County of San Joaquin. San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) manages the RTIF program. SJCOG’s management costs called Third Party Costs, are paid from fees collected and are processed through this budget unit.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Collected RTIF from new development projects. Work Plan 2015/2016 

Con nue to collect RTIF from new development.

Significant OperaƟng Changes 


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$636,969.95 $636,969.95 $636,969.95

$0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00


Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Streets


RTIF‐Lathrop Local East

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Public Works—RTIF San Joaquin County 10%

DescripƟon of Division The City adopted the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (RTIF) fee on December 20, 2005. The RTIF was created to help fund regional traffic conges on improvements and related adverse impacts in the County of San Joaquin. Ten percent (10%) of all RTIF funds collected are transferred to this fund for transfers to the San Joaquin County to mi gate impacts from City projects on County roads. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Not applicable Work Plan 2015/2016

 Not applicable Significant OperaƟng Changes

 Not applicable

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division


2014 Actual RTIF‐San Joaquin County 10%

50 10

Public Works PW Streets


Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: PW Streets

$34,966.24 $34,966.24 $34,966.24

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$78,947.00 $78,947.00 $78,947.00

$124,986.00 $124,986.00 $124,986.00

$124,986.00 $124,986.00 $124,986.00

Public Works—RTIF Lathrop Local West DescripƟon of Division

The City adopted the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (RTIF) fee on December 20, 2005. The RTIF was created to help fund regional traffic conges on improvements and related adverse impacts in the County of San Joaquin. San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) manages the RTIF program. SJCOG’s management costs, called Third Party Costs, are paid from this budget.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Collected RTIF from new development projects. Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue to collect RTIF from new development projects. Significant OperaƟng Changes  None

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$5,000.00 $5,000.00

$348,900.70 $348,900.70

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$283,000.00 $283,000.00 $631,900.70

$57,350.00 $57,350.00 $62,350.00

$57,350.00 $57,350.00 $62,350.00

$57,350.00 $57,350.00 $62,350.00

Description 2360

RTIF‐Lathrop Local West

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐35‐00 Land / Land Acquisition Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Streets

Public Works —RTIF SJCOG 15%

DescripƟon of Division The City adopted the Regional Traffic Impact Fee (RTIF) fee on December 20, 2005. The RTIF was created to help fund regional traffic conges on improvements and related adverse impacts in the County of San Joaquin. Fi een percent (15%) of all RTIF funds collected are transferred to this fund to transfer to the San Joaquin Council of Governments to mi gate impacts of City projects on the regional transporta on system. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Not applicable Work Plan 2015/2016

 Not applicable Significant OperaƟng Changes

 Not applicable

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$52,840.86 $52,840.86 $52,840.86

$118,420.00 $118,420.00 $118,420.00

$187,479.00 $187,479.00 $187,479.00

$187,479.00 $187,479.00 $187,479.00


Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Total: Fixed Charges Division Total: PW Streets


RTIF‐San Joaquin COG

50 10

Public Works PW Streets

Public Works—CLSP Services CFD 2006‐2 Descrip on of Division The Central Lathrop Specific Plan (CLSP) Services CFD fund was established to fund the ac vi es related to providing public services, public safety, and to maintain public infrastructure as necessary in the Central Lathrop Specific Plan area. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Accepted CLSP Low Flow Sewer Improvements, Storm Drain Basin Improvements and the Back bone Gravity Sewer      

Improvements. Streetlight quarterly inspec ons and rou ne maintenance and repairs to maintain public safety. Coordinated with Odyssey Landscape services to maintain public improvements on Golden Valley Parkway. Provided police services to the Central Lathrop Specific Plan area. Preventa ve maintenance performed for the storm water pump. Contracted rodent control services for River Island Parkway and Lathrop Road. Coordinated with engineers and contractors for the design and construc on of improvements for the CLSP Interim Sewer and Storm Drain pump sta on and the CLSP Storm Drain basin improvements.

Work Plan 2015/2016

 Maintain a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of the storm drain facili es, street lights, and traffic signals.  Con nue to provide streetlight and landscaping services on Golden Valley Parkway from River Islands Parkway to Lathrop Road and Lathrop Road from Manthey Road to Land Park Drive.  Operate and maintain the CLSP Interim Sewer and Storm Drain pump sta on and storm drain basin. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes  This CFD was par ally removed from San Joaquin County’s alterna ve tax payment system (the Teeter Plan) beginning in FY 2010/11. It is unknown when or if the district will be reinstated into the system. Un l reinstatement, the City has curtailed maintenance and opera ons ac vi es in an a empt to match expenditures with reduced revenues. Public safety funding was not affected by the Teeter Plan removal.

Public Works—CLSP Services CFD 2006‐2 Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37.78

$41,139.00 $1,928.00 $0.00 $1,529.00 $4,688.00 $875.00 $10,916.00 $264.00 $108.00 $46.00 $6,755.00 $0.00 $648.00 $304.00 $111.00 $69,311.00

$14,171.00 $631.00 $0.00 $371.00 $1,068.00 $803.00 $4,212.00 $253.00 $42.00 $34.00 $2,139.00 $0.00 $219.00 $95.00 $28.00 $24,066.00

$14,171.00 $631.00 $0.00 $371.00 $1,068.00 $803.00 $4,212.00 $253.00 $42.00 $34.00 $2,139.00 $0.00 $219.00 $95.00 $28.00 $24,066.00

$3,109.70 $0.00 $4,507.59 $4,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $36.81 $11,660.55 $24,114.65

$5,068.00 $5,954.00 $12,140.00 $4,800.00 $0.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $22,900.00 $52,112.00

$5,068.00 $5,954.00 $12,140.00 $4,980.00 $445.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $9,032.00 $40,369.00

$5,068.00 $5,954.00 $12,140.00 $4,980.00 $445.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $9,032.00 $40,369.00

2014 Actual

Description 2390

CLSP Services CFD

50 66

Public Works PW CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$100,000.00 $109,406.88 $209,406.88

$100,000.00 $121,407.00 $221,407.00

$100,000.00 $121,400.00 $221,400.00

$100,000.00 $121,400.00 $221,400.00

$0.00 $292.15 $865.34 $2,128.28 $21,496.17 $4,118.25 $28,900.19

$500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $21,100.00 $5,400.00 $34,000.00

$500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $22,500.00 $5,400.00 $35,400.00

$500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 $22,500.00 $5,400.00 $35,400.00

$246.00 $6,143.22 $0.00 $6,389.22

$300.00 $8,780.00 $134.00 $9,214.00

$300.00 $9,590.00 $70.00 $9,960.00

$300.00 $9,590.00 $70.00 $9,960.00

$48,783.00 $48,783.00 $317,631.72

$42,117.00 $42,117.00 $428,161.00

$40,305.00 $40,305.00 $371,500.00

$40,305.00 $40,305.00 $371,500.00

2014 Actual

Description 2390

CLSP Services CFD

50 66

Public Works PW CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐15‐00 Central Lathrop ‐ Police 425‐30‐00 Fire Department Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW CFD 2006‐2 CLSP Services

Public Works—Solid Waste AB939

Descrip on of Division

The Solid Waste Management Division is responsible for the collec on and disposal of industrial, commercial, and residen al solid waste. In addi on, administering the City’s Source Reduc on and Recycling (SRRE) Program, and providing technical assistance and outreach to increase awareness of waste reduc on and recycling. In 1989, Assembly Bill 939, Integrated Waste Management Act, was passed to establish a new direc on for waste management and the decrease in landfill capacity. Following AB 939 came the crea on of the CA Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). The City of Lathrop is mandated to meet solid waste diversion goals of 50%, a end monthly planning commi ees hosted by SJ County Public Works Division, purchase recycled products, and minimize waste. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Provided MUSD 6th grade classes “Upcycling is the Recycling” presenta on and an “Upcycling” Art Contest designated to increase and promote recycling awareness.

 The Division was awarded a $5,000 AB 939 Grant to implement and con nue the beverage container recycling and li er reduc on programs for the City of Lathrop.

 Free electronics recycling event coordinated with Onsite Electronics Recycling for Lathrop residents and businesses to drop off their E‐Waste and Universal Waste.

 Free mobile shredding service coordinated with Shred‐It to provide Lathrop residents with secure personal informa on destruc on and recycling.

 Reached an official waste diversion rate of 80% to maintain compliance with AB 939.  Provided a Solid Waste Recycling Kiosk for ques ons and concerns for the City events listed below. The Kiosk included free giveaway bags for public outreach that included adult and child educa onal literature on recycling, compos ng, and conserva on. Coordina on with Allied Waste to provide free compost for Residents of the Community.

    

Na onal Night Out Na onal Public Works Week MUSD Planet Party Day Love Lathrop—Beau fica on Day Carpenter Company Annual Employee Educa on Fair

Public Works—Solid Waste AB939

Work Plan 2015/2016

 Senate Bill 1365, disposal of household Sharps waste, went into effect September 1, 2008. Further research of grants, funding, and implementa on needs to be conducted by staff to assist residents with the cost of FDA approved containers and shipping.

   

Provide a list of San Joaquin County available recycling resources. Use hands‐on exhibits at city events to educate the public on their essen al role in the waste reduc on effort. Con nue to organize and offer residents free e‐waste collec on.

Con nue to par cipate in City organized events and provide a Solid Waste Recycling Kiosk for outreach and educa on on natural resource conserva on educa onal literature, compos ng, and recycling.  Complete the required cer fica on hours towards the Resource Management Professional Cer fica on with the California Resource and Recovery Associa on (CRRA).  Organize various complimentary events for Lathrop residents, such as: paper shredding, E‐waste recycling, and re collec on.

 Staff will con nue to par cipate in the San Joaquin County Integrated Waste Management Task Force to obtain addi onal informa on on specialized conserva on topics (e.g. Go‐Green alterna ves) for City of Lathrop residents.

 Research and propose City Recycling Ordinances for City of Lathrop (e.g. Construc on & Demoli on Ordinance).  Prepare for AB 1826, organics recycling, deadline of January 2016.

Capital Requests 


Significant Opera ng Changes  None

Public Works—Solid Waste AB939 Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$6,679.78 $0.00 $0.00 $588.87 $0.00 $487.66 $176.98 $3,080.03 $191.25 $21.64 $27.45 $118.21 $7.67 $93.79 $249.82 $0.00 $0.00 $11,723.15

$23,097.00 $0.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,444.00 $12.00 $9,168.00 $0.00 $66.00 $0.00 $525.00 $0.00 $341.00 $217.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,270.00

$24,509.00 $0.00 $612.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,529.00 $12.00 $9,550.00 $841.00 $72.00 $101.00 $559.00 $0.00 $364.00 $217.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,366.00

$24,509.00 $0.00 $612.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,529.00 $12.00 $9,550.00 $841.00 $72.00 $101.00 $559.00 $0.00 $364.00 $217.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,366.00

$24,070.65 $0.00 $1,201.29 $25,271.94

$6,700.00 $200.00 $1,250.00 $8,150.00

$6,700.00 $200.00 $1,250.00 $8,150.00

$6,700.00 $200.00 $1,250.00 $8,150.00

Description 2400

Recycling ‐ 3% AB 939

50 40

Public Works PW Solid Waste

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$110.10 $0.00 $110.10

$500.00 $300.00 $800.00

$500.00 $300.00 $800.00

$500.00 $300.00 $800.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$500.00 $1,600.00 $2,100.00

$500.00 $1,600.00 $2,100.00

$500.00 $1,600.00 $2,100.00

$6,267.00 $6,267.00 $43,372.19

$7,578.00 $7,578.00 $53,898.00

$9,916.00 $9,916.00 $59,332.00

$9,916.00 $9,916.00 $59,332.00

Description 2400

Recycling ‐ 3% AB 939

50 40

Public Works PW Solid Waste

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies Reference Books 430‐45‐00 Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Solid Waste

Public Works—Crossroads Storm Drain City Zone 1A Descrip on of Division The purpose of the Crossroads Storm Drain Division is to operate, maintain, and improve the storm drain system in the Crossroads Commerce Center (CCC), formerly known for assessment district purposes as City Service Zone 1A. City Zone 1A includes approximately 4.5 miles of pipelines, ponds, pumps, pump sta on facili es, and catch basins. Approximately 295 acres of developed property drains into this system.

Accomplishments 2014/2015    

Opera on and maintenance of storm drain infrastructure within the CCC. Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA programming and support services. On‐going implementa on of Na onal Pollutant Discharge Elimina on System (NPDES) Storm Water Management Plan Preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump sta ons.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue opera on and maintenance of storm drain infrastructure within the CCC.  Con nue implementa on of NPDES Storm Water Management Plan.  Con nue preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump sta ons. Capital Requests  Vehicle Replacement Significant Opera ng Changes 



Public Works—Crossroads Storm Drain City Zone 1A Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$35,014.82 $0.00 $952.13 $3,755.52 $1,688.28 $4,619.99 $1,343.48 $8,586.48 $755.04 $102.44 $136.64 $7,040.50 $116.72 $436.60 $306.86 $0.00 $71.91 $64,927.41

$22,211.00 $0.00 $1,072.00 $0.00 $909.00 $2,699.00 $490.00 $5,665.00 $192.00 $60.00 $34.00 $3,616.00 $0.00 $352.00 $164.00 $0.00 $41.00 $37,505.00

$18,890.00 $0.00 $887.00 $0.00 $607.00 $1,427.00 $1,083.00 $4,958.00 $418.00 $56.00 $57.00 $2,817.00 $0.00 $296.00 $124.00 $0.00 $38.00 $31,658.00

$18,890.00 $0.00 $887.00 $0.00 $607.00 $1,427.00 $1,083.00 $4,958.00 $418.00 $56.00 $57.00 $2,817.00 $0.00 $296.00 $124.00 $0.00 $38.00 $31,658.00

$2,961.32 $0.00 $2,125.80 $710.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120.05

$11,840.00 $2,977.00 $2,410.00 $710.00 $160.00 $100.00 $130.00

$11,840.00 $2,977.00 $2,410.00 $710.00 $640.00 $100.00 $130.00

$11,840.00 $2,977.00 $2,410.00 $710.00 $640.00 $100.00 $130.00


2014 Actual Crossroads Storm Drain Zone 1A

50 21

Public Works PW Crossroads Storm Drains


Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$120.23 $851.21 $1,080.76 $200.83 $8,170.20

$130.00 $2,300.00 $1,254.00 $6,800.00 $28,811.00

$130.00 $3,900.00 $2,925.00 $6,800.00 $32,562.00

$130.00 $3,900.00 $2,925.00 $6,800.00 $32,562.00

$17.19 $0.00 $0.00 $194.94 $23.62 $260.91 $5,009.65 $0.00 $33.17 $0.00 $25,460.39 $30,999.87

$300.00 $100.00 $300.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $6,150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $200.00 $24,000.00 $33,400.00

$300.00 $100.00 $300.00 $800.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $6,150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,000.00 $35,200.00

$300.00 $100.00 $300.00 $800.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $6,150.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,000.00 $35,200.00

$13.34 $35.04 $48.38

$200.00 $555.00 $755.00

$100.00 $800.00 $900.00

$100.00 $800.00 $900.00

$459.00 $4,865.77 $0.00 $0.00

$500.00 $5,300.00 $5,120.00 $89.00

$500.00 $7,485.00 $5,120.00 $93.00

$500.00 $7,485.00 $5,120.00 $93.00


2014 Actual Crossroads Storm Drain Zone 1A

50 21

Public Works PW Crossroads Storm Drains


Office Equipment & Repair 420‐69‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐70‐00 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐41‐00 Rents 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted





$1,715.67 $1,715.67

$0.00 $0.00

$4,800.00 $4,800.00

$4,800.00 $4,800.00

$38,399.00 $38,399.00 $149,585.30

$36,049.00 $36,049.00 $147,529.00

$35,590.00 $35,590.00 $153,908.00

$35,590.00 $35,590.00 $153,908.00


2014 Actual Crossroads Storm Drain Zone 1A

50 21

Public Works PW Crossroads Storm Drains


Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets Vehicles 450‐30‐00 Total: Fixed Assets Transfers Transfers Out 990‐90‐10 Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Crossroads Storm Drains

Public Works—Storm Drain City Zone 1

Descrip on of Division

The purpose of the Storm Drain Division is to operate, maintain, and improve the storm drain system in the City Zone 1 system area which encompasses most of the area bound by Louise Avenue to the south, I‐5 to the west, UPRR to the east, and Stonebridge subdivision to the north. The City Zone 1 storm drainage system includes pipes, ponds, pumps, pump sta on facili es, and catch basins.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Completed Thomsen Pump Sta on Repairs.  Opera on and maintenance of storm drain infrastructure within Zone 1.  Contracted with MCC Control Systems for SCADA Programming and Support Services.  On‐going implementa on of Na onal Pollutant Discharge Elimina on System (NPDES) Storm Water Management Plan.  Preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump sta ons. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue opera on and maintenance of Storm Drain infrastructure with Zone 1.  Con nue implementa on of NPDES Storm Water Management Plan.  Con nue preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump sta ons. Capital Requests 

New Harlan & Valley Crossings Storm Pump Replacement  Vehicle Replacement

Significant Opera ng Changes



$ 14,000 $ 6,000

Public Works—Storm Drain City Zone 1

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Posi on:

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$40,203.94 $0.00 $1,173.02 $4,442.80 $1,811.25 $5,300.65 $1,543.13 $10,512.15 $897.81 $117.84 $167.56 $8,718.84 $138.00 $492.36 $367.68 $0.00 $64.79 $75,951.82

$48,454.00 $0.00 $2,374.00 $0.00 $1,901.00 $5,802.00 $1,029.00 $13,250.00 $360.00 $128.00 $64.00 $8,220.00 $0.00 $767.00 $368.00 $0.00 $71.00 $82,788.00

$51,737.00 $0.00 $2,610.00 $0.00 $1,651.00 $3,869.00 $2,788.00 $15,547.00 $1,029.00 $152.00 $141.00 $8,530.00 $0.00 $813.00 $368.00 $0.00 $66.00 $89,301.00

$51,737.00 $0.00 $2,610.00 $0.00 $1,651.00 $3,869.00 $2,788.00 $15,547.00 $1,029.00 $152.00 $141.00 $8,530.00 $0.00 $813.00 $368.00 $0.00 $66.00 $89,301.00

$4,807.73 $0.00 $3,344.84 $710.00 $1,800.00 $5,702.40 $0.00

$13,862.00 $2,977.00 $8,300.00 $710.00 $2,200.00 $6,203.00 $250.00

$13,862.00 $2,977.00 $8,300.00 $710.00 $2,200.00 $6,356.00 $1,495.00

$13,862.00 $2,977.00 $8,300.00 $710.00 $2,200.00 $6,356.00 $1,495.00

Description 2510

Storm Drain City Zone 1

50 20

Public Works PW Storm Drains

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $120.05 $96.84 $120.23 $1,008.90 $1,665.43 $21,003.85 $40,380.27

$50.00 $130.00 $700.00 $130.00 $2,200.00 $2,148.00 $27,100.00 $66,960.00

$50.00 $130.00 $700.00 $130.00 $4,200.00 $4,933.00 $2,600.00 $48,643.00

$50.00 $130.00 $700.00 $130.00 $4,200.00 $4,933.00 $2,600.00 $48,643.00

$21.48 $0.00 $227.20 $104.01 $1,094.68 $1,038.40 $3,940.79 $0.00 $66.37 $0.00 $8,443.20 $5,649.15 $20,585.28

$300.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $3,600.00 $1,400.00 $8,700.00 $500.00 $300.00 $100.00 $15,600.00 $4,600.00 $36,800.00

$300.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $4,500.00 $1,400.00 $8,100.00 $500.00 $300.00 $100.00 $15,600.00 $5,700.00 $38,200.00

$300.00 $200.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $4,500.00 $1,400.00 $8,100.00 $500.00 $300.00 $100.00 $15,600.00 $5,700.00 $38,200.00

$13.34 $76.64 $89.98

$200.00 $1,050.00 $1,250.00

$100.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00

$100.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00

Description 2510

Storm Drain City Zone 1

50 20

Public Works PW Storm Drains

Advertising 420‐60‐00 Printing 420‐65‐00 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$2,381.79 $8,816.88 $0.00 $11,198.67

$2,400.00 $16,620.00 $156.00 $19,176.00

$2,400.00 $19,225.00 $163.00 $21,788.00

$2,400.00 $19,225.00 $163.00 $21,788.00

$0.00 $2,144.59 $2,144.59

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$14,000.00 $6,000.00 $20,000.00

$14,000.00 $6,000.00 $20,000.00

$48,419.20 $48,419.20 $198,769.81

$41,767.00 $41,767.00 $248,741.00

$44,232.00 $44,232.00 $263,264.00

$44,232.00 $44,232.00 $263,264.00

Description 2510

Storm Drain City Zone 1

50 20

Public Works PW Storm Drains

440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Compensated Absences 440‐90‐00 Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Storm Drains

Public Works—Residen al Street Ligh ng Descrip on of Division The Residen al Street Ligh ng Division provides street ligh ng maintenance for the City streets by contract with Pacific, Gas and Electric Company. The Residen al Street Ligh ng District is bounded by Louise Avenue to the south, Interstate 5 to the west, Stonebridge Subdivision to the north, and the City limits to the east. The Division provides for the installa on, maintenance, and opera on of streetlights. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Repaired several street lights and replaced burnt out bulbs.  Performed streetlight quarterly inspec ons and rou ne maintenance and repairs to maintain public safety.  Approximately 500 streetlights were opera ng and maintained. Work Plan 2015/2016

   

Install new streetlights as new development occurs. Con nue to operate and maintain the exis ng streetlight system. Con nue to provide streetlight quarterly inspec ons and rou ne maintenance services to maintain public safety. Con ngent upon funding for the energy grant, ini ate replacement of exis ng fixtures with LED energy efficient fixtures.

Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

Public Works—Residen al Street Ligh ng Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Public Works Superintendent




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,059.96 $0.00 $0.00 $64.64 $0.00 $140.25 $39.00 $160.26 $11.41 $3.03 $1.76 $55.33 $3.13 $12.24 $4.34 $8.99 $1,564.34

$1,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $154.00 $28.00 $183.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $39.00 $0.00 $17.00 $4.00 $10.00 $1,588.00

$1,226.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98.00 $99.00 $191.00 $15.00 $4.00 $2.00 $48.00 $0.00 $18.00 $4.00 $9.00 $1,714.00

$1,226.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98.00 $99.00 $191.00 $15.00 $4.00 $2.00 $48.00 $0.00 $18.00 $4.00 $9.00 $1,714.00

$4,183.36 $0.00 $2,561.50 $6,744.86

$7,275.00 $60.00 $21,432.00 $28,767.00

$7,275.00 $60.00 $21,660.00 $28,995.00

$7,275.00 $60.00 $21,660.00 $28,995.00

$63,455.69 $63,455.69

$56,500.00 $56,500.00

$63,600.00 $63,600.00

$63,600.00 $63,600.00

Description 2520

Street Lighting

50 12

Public Works PW Residential LMD

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,001.65 $0.00 $1,001.65

$1,000.00 $22.00 $1,022.00

$1,000.00 $23.00 $1,023.00

$1,000.00 $23.00 $1,023.00

$56,231.00 $56,231.00 $128,997.54

$12,469.00 $12,469.00 $100,346.00

$12,823.00 $12,823.00 $108,155.00

$12,823.00 $12,823.00 $108,155.00

Description 2520

Street Lighting

50 12

Public Works PW Residential LMD

Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Residential LMD

Public Works—Industrial Street Ligh ng Descrip on of Division The purpose of the Industrial Street Ligh ng Division is to provide street ligh ng for City streets by contract with Pacific, Gas and Electric Company for electricity and under contract with Siemens Industry, Inc. for maintenance and repair of the streetlights. The Industrial Street Ligh ng District is bound by Louise Avenue to the north, Interstate 5 to the west, and UPRR to the east for Zone A (Crossroads Commerce Center). Zone B is bounded by Louise Avenue to the north, McKinley Avenue to the west, and Yosemite Avenue to the south. Zone C is bounded by Interstate 5 to the west, Roth Road to the north, the Stonebridge Development to the south, and the UPRR to the east. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Replaced missing street light wire in the Crossroads Commerce Center and incorporated deterrents to future the .  Provided quarterly inspec on for streetlights and signal lights to maintain public safety.  220 Street Lights are maintained in the Industrial Ligh ng District. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Maintain streetlights and signal lights at an acceptable level.  Con nue to provide streetlight quarterly inspec on and rou ne maintenance services to maintain public safety.  Con ngent upon funding for the energy grant, complete replacement of exis ng fixtures with LED energy efficient fixtures. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes  None

Public Works—Industrial Street Ligh ng Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Public Works Superintendent




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2520

Street Lighting

50 14

Public Works PW Industrial LMD

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,059.96 $0.00 $0.00 $64.64 $0.00 $140.25 $39.00 $160.26 $11.41 $3.03 $1.76 $55.33 $3.13 $12.24 $4.34 $8.99 $1,564.34

$1,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $154.00 $28.00 $183.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $39.00 $0.00 $17.00 $4.00 $10.00 $1,588.00

$1,226.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98.00 $99.00 $191.00 $15.00 $4.00 $2.00 $48.00 $0.00 $18.00 $4.00 $9.00 $1,714.00

$1,226.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $98.00 $99.00 $191.00 $15.00 $4.00 $2.00 $48.00 $0.00 $18.00 $4.00 $9.00 $1,714.00

$1,047.79 $0.00 $2,167.40 $3,215.19

$4,646.00 $100.00 $27,711.00 $32,457.00

$4,646.00 $100.00 $27,520.00 $32,266.00

$4,646.00 $100.00 $27,520.00 $32,266.00

$15,981.92 $15,981.92

$19,000.00 $19,000.00

$19,000.00 $19,000.00

$19,000.00 $19,000.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 2520

Street Lighting

50 14

Public Works PW Industrial LMD

Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges Compensated Absences 440‐90‐00 Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Industrial LMD

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$478.71 $0.00 $478.71

$500.00 $22.00 $522.00

$500.00 $23.00 $523.00

$500.00 $23.00 $523.00

$7,203.00 $7,203.00 $28,443.16

$4,826.00 $4,826.00 $58,393.00

$4,160.00 $4,160.00 $57,663.00

$4,160.00 $4,160.00 $57,663.00

Public Works—Woodfield Park Maintenance Descrip on of Division Woodfield Park is a five acre neighborhood park established in a storm drain pond and financed by assessments paid by the property owners residing in the Woodfield Landscape District. This budget ensures that the park is kept clean, safe, and visually appealing. Maintenance services are provided by a combina on of City personnel and contracted services. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Completed the installa on of solar ligh ng.  Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA Programming and Support Services.  Performed Preventa ve Maintenance and Repairs including:  Trees pruned.  Irriga on repaired.  Provided rodent control maintenance for Woodfield Park.  Maintained a safe and clean park including the basketball court and restroom building.  Con nuous maintenance of the central landscape irriga on control with the Calsense Central Irriga on Control System at Woodfield.  Preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump sta ons. Work Plan 2015/2016

 Open and close restrooms daily in an effort to prevent vandalism.  Con nue opera ons to provide the community with a safe and clean recrea onal area. Capital Requests

 Storm Low Flow Pump  Vehicle Replacement Significant Opera ng Changes  None

$ 10,000 $ 2,000

Public Works—Woodfield Park Maintenance Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$2,614.65 $0.00 $68.90 $389.38 $0.00 $310.45 $102.22 $686.16 $44.72 $7.95 $7.29 $525.65 $8.93 $33.28 $21.63 $11.84 $4,833.05

$2,350.00 $0.00 $102.00 $0.00 $0.00 $282.00 $59.00 $715.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $407.00 $0.00 $35.00 $17.00 $6.00 $3,980.00

$2,559.00 $0.00 $102.00 $0.00 $0.00 $191.00 $157.00 $699.00 $58.00 $7.00 $7.00 $420.00 $0.00 $39.00 $17.00 $7.00 $4,263.00

$2,559.00 $0.00 $102.00 $0.00 $0.00 $191.00 $157.00 $699.00 $58.00 $7.00 $7.00 $420.00 $0.00 $39.00 $17.00 $7.00 $4,263.00

$1,587.27 $2,255.72 $12,754.80 $0.00 $0.00 $418.68 $4,959.90 $21,976.37

$3,334.00 $2,360.00 $13,912.00 $0.00 $60.00 $600.00 $3,750.00 $24,016.00

$3,334.00 $2,360.00 $14,260.00 $445.00 $60.00 $1,000.00 $3,750.00 $25,209.00

$3,334.00 $2,360.00 $14,260.00 $445.00 $60.00 $1,000.00 $3,750.00 $25,209.00

Description 2530

Woodfield Landscape

50 62

Public Works PW Woodfield LMD

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$678.53 $20.60 $19.71 $2,200.35 $671.98 $72.48 $45.15 $0.00 $1,014.19 $20,353.60 $25,076.59

$650.00 $500.00 $200.00 $4,250.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $22,100.00 $30,100.00

$1,100.00 $500.00 $200.00 $4,250.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $22,100.00 $30,550.00

$1,100.00 $500.00 $200.00 $4,250.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $22,100.00 $30,550.00

$13.34 $8.00 $21.34

$50.00 $71.00 $121.00

$50.00 $165.00 $215.00

$50.00 $165.00 $215.00

$547.64 $726.88 $0.00 $1,274.52

$600.00 $960.00 $0.00 $1,560.00

$600.00 $960.00 $0.00 $1,560.00

$600.00 $960.00 $0.00 $1,560.00

$0.00 $1,860.78 $1,860.78

$0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00

$10,000.00 $2,000.00 $12,000.00

$10,000.00 $2,000.00 $12,000.00

Description 2530

Woodfield Landscape

50 62

Public Works PW Woodfield LMD

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐21‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$16,242.00 $16,242.00 $71,284.65

$13,237.00 $13,237.00 $75,014.00

$14,821.00 $14,821.00 $88,618.00

$14,821.00 $14,821.00 $88,618.00

Description 2530

Woodfield Landscape

50 62

Public Works PW Woodfield LMD

Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Woodfield LMD

Public Works‐Stonebridge Park & Street Landscaping Descrip on of Division The purpose of this division is to provide maintenance for the Stonebridge Landscaping District. Included in the district is Stone‐ bridge Park, a 10‐acre neighborhood park with a restroom building, a basketball court, and approximately 512,000 square feet of street landscaping in public rights of way. The objec ve is to provide clean, safe, and visually sa sfying street and park facili es. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Sangalang Park Improvements including:  Installed addi onal benches, table and garbage cans on pathway.  Replaced restroom par ons.  Performed Preventa ve Maintenance and Repairs including:  Park irriga on repairs.  Restroom ligh ng repairs.  Basketball nets replaced.  Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA Programming and Support Services.  Pruned trees on Stonebridge Way.  Maintained park, restroom building, and basketball court in a safe and visually appealing manner.  Maintained a safe, clean opera on of the street landscaping.  Con nued to maintain central landscape irriga on control with the Calsense Central Irriga on Control System at Sangalang.  Preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles and pump sta ons.  Coordinated Odyssey Landscape for Park and Street Landscape Maintenance services.

Public Works‐Stonebridge Park & Street Landscaping Work Plan 2015/2016

     

Maintain a safe, clean and efficient opera on of Stonebridge Park, new shade structure and restroom building. Provide any needed repairs in a mely manner. Open and close restroom building daily. Maintain a safe, clean opera on of the street landscaping. Con nue to manage Sangalang Park Landscape Maintenance contract. Five trees were planted during Ci es Beau fica on Day event

Capital Requests

 Vehicle Replacement


Significant Opera ng Changes

 None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Public Works Superintendent




Maintenance Worker I/II




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$2,140.23 $0.00 $41.91 $195.03 $0.00 $284.78 $80.35 $360.05 $45.27 $6.05 $7.78 $279.11 $6.46 $26.39 $20.60 $8.99 $3,503.00

$3,248.00 $0.00 $104.00 $22.00 $0.00 $368.00 $58.00 $793.00 $0.00 $9.00 $0.00 $446.00 $0.00 $49.00 $32.00 $0.00 $5,129.00

$3,404.00 $0.00 $101.00 $0.00 $0.00 $256.00 $198.00 $808.00 $97.00 $11.00 $12.00 $468.00 $0.00 $50.00 $22.00 $9.00 $5,436.00

$3,404.00 $0.00 $101.00 $0.00 $0.00 $256.00 $198.00 $808.00 $97.00 $11.00 $12.00 $468.00 $0.00 $50.00 $22.00 $9.00 $5,436.00

$2,042.31 $0.00 $227.48 $46,997.19 $14,424.24 $0.00 $0.00 $120.05

$2,719.00 $2,977.00 $300.00 $59,900.00 $16,470.00 $0.00 $100.00 $130.00

$2,719.00 $2,977.00 $300.00 $70,560.00 $16,920.00 $445.00 $100.00 $130.00

$2,719.00 $2,977.00 $300.00 $70,560.00 $16,920.00 $445.00 $100.00 $130.00

2014 Actual

Description 2550

Stonebridge Landscape

50 60

Public Works PW Landscaping Maintenance Dist

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $937.27 $666.44 $65,414.98

$200.00 $1,200.00 $4,000.00 $87,996.00

$200.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $100,351.00

$200.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $100,351.00

$284.68 $217.81 $87.85 $3.20 $1,814.42 $1,394.80 $186.38 $119.00 $0.00 $3,087.56 $69,523.78 $76,719.48

$350.00 $500.00 $500.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 $1,900.00 $500.00 $250.00 $50.00 $3,500.00 $66,490.00 $78,440.00

$1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 $1,900.00 $500.00 $250.00 $50.00 $3,500.00 $70,100.00 $82,700.00

$1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 $1,900.00 $500.00 $250.00 $50.00 $3,500.00 $70,100.00 $82,700.00

$13.34 $16.00 $29.34

$87.00 $120.00 $207.00

$100.00 $405.00 $505.00

$100.00 $405.00 $505.00

$2,027.79 $1,713.17 $0.00 $3,740.96

$2,400.00 $2,475.00 $0.00 $4,875.00

$2,400.00 $2,475.00 $23.00 $4,898.00

$2,400.00 $2,475.00 $23.00 $4,898.00

2014 Actual

Description 2550

Stonebridge Landscape

50 60

Public Works PW Landscaping Maintenance Dist

Equipment Rental 420‐67‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐70‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 420‐75‐00 Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐21‐00 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$3,864.52 $3,864.52

$4,000.00 $4,000.00

$4,400.00 $4,400.00

$4,400.00 $4,400.00

$66,152.00 $66,152.00 $219,424.28

$29,802.00 $29,802.00 $210,449.00

$30,391.00 $30,391.00 $228,681.00

$30,391.00 $30,391.00 $228,681.00

2014 Actual

Description 2550

Stonebridge Landscape

50 60

Public Works PW Landscaping Maintenance Dist

Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Landscaping Maintenance

Public Works—Stonebridge Drainage & LighƟng Descrip on of Division

The purpose of the Stonebridge Drainage and LighƟng District is to operate, maintain, and improve the storm drainage and street lighƟng within the Stonebridge Subdivision. Accomplishments 2014/2015

   

Replaced missing street light wire and incorporated deterrents to future theŌs. Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA programming and support services. OperaƟon and maintenance of storm drainage infrastructure and streetlights located within the Stonebridge subdivision. Managed the ongoing implementaƟon of NaƟonal Pollutant Discharge EliminaƟon System (NPDES) Storm Water Management Plan.  Performed preventaƟve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump staƟons. Work Plan 2015/2016

 ConƟnue operaƟon and maintenance of storm drainage infrastructure and streetlights located within the Stonebridge subdivision.

 ConƟnue ongoing implementaƟon of NPDES Storm Water Management Plan.  ConƟnue preventaƟve maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and pump staƟons. Capital Requests  Vehicle Replacement Significant Opera ng Changes  None

$ 3,200

Public Works—Stonebridge Drainage & LighƟng Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




UƟlity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Posi on:

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$48,528.94 $1,049.76 $5,768.22 $836.88 $5,878.21 $1,848.85 $12,710.67 $1,028.70 $142.20 $200.51 $10,984.36 $164.33 $590.46 $454.46 $0.00 $127.47 $90,314.02

$57,342.00 $2,244.00 $0.00 $868.00 $6,371.00 $1,250.00 $16,843.00 $360.00 $154.00 $63.00 $10,642.00 $0.00 $878.00 $456.00 $0.00 $136.00 $97,607.00

$64,088.00 $2,826.00 $0.00 $976.00 $4,475.00 $2,339.00 $19,611.00 $1,068.00 $182.00 $145.00 $11,602.00 $0.00 $984.00 $483.00 $0.00 $142.00 $108,921.00

$64,088.00 $2,826.00 $0.00 $976.00 $4,475.00 $2,339.00 $19,611.00 $1,068.00 $182.00 $145.00 $11,602.00 $0.00 $984.00 $483.00 $0.00 $142.00 $108,921.00

$3,500.70 $0.00 $2,493.09 $710.00 $2,682.96 $0.00 $0.00 $120.05

$12,991.00 $2,977.00 $1,640.00 $710.00 $5,190.00 $200.00 $100.00 $130.00

$12,991.00 $2,977.00 $1,640.00 $710.00 $5,260.00 $840.00 $100.00 $130.00

$12,991.00 $2,977.00 $1,640.00 $710.00 $5,260.00 $840.00 $100.00 $130.00


2014 Actual Stonebridge Drain/Lighting

50 61

Public Works PW Drainage & Lighting BAD


Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $360.67 $595.23 $1,373.09 $3,043.03 $14,878.82

$200.00 $400.00 $1,900.00 $2,900.00 $24,778.00 $54,116.00

$200.00 $400.00 $2,720.00 $5,228.00 $24,802.00 $57,998.00

$200.00 $400.00 $2,720.00 $5,228.00 $24,802.00 $57,998.00

$11.46 $52.06 $0.00 $81.65 $513.31 $346.14 $976.53 $56.37 $33.17 $0.00 $27,631.28 $1,637.88 $31,339.85

$200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $200.00 $31,000.00 $2,100.00 $39,850.00

$200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $200.00 $31,000.00 $2,100.00 $39,850.00

$200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $200.00 $31,000.00 $2,100.00 $39,850.00

$13.34 $25.19 $38.53

$300.00 $200.00 $500.00

$50.00 $550.00 $600.00

$50.00 $550.00 $600.00


2014 Actual Stonebridge Drain/Lighting

50 61

Public Works PW Drainage & Lighting BAD


420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$2,027.79 $1,586.81 $0.00 $3,614.60

$2,400.00 $3,720.00 $22.00 $6,142.00

$2,400.00 $6,155.00 $23.00 $8,578.00

$2,400.00 $6,155.00 $23.00 $8,578.00

$1,143.77 $1,143.77

$0.00 $0.00

$3,200.00 $3,200.00

$3,200.00 $3,200.00

$221,270.00 $221,270.00 $362,599.59

$45,237.00 $45,237.00 $243,452.00

$46,728.00 $46,728.00 $265,875.00

$46,728.00 $46,728.00 $265,875.00


2014 Actual Stonebridge Drain/Lighting

50 61

Public Works PW Drainage & Lighting BAD


Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Drainage & Lighting BAD

Public Works—Mossdale Services CFD 2004‐1

Descrip on of Division

The purpose of this division is to operate and maintain the system for storm drain facili es, parks, street landscaping, signal ligh ng, street ligh ng, police, and animal services within the Mossdale area of the City.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Performed Park Preventa ve Maintenance and Repairs including:  Restroom repairs.  Irriga on repairs.  River Park South Restroom Installa on.  Mossdale Community Park baseball dugout fence repairs.  Basketball nets replaced.  Performed Preventa ve Maintenance of heavy equipment and vehicles:  Mossdale Booster Pump serviced.  Serviced generators.  Opera on and maintenance of storm drain infrastructure.  Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA Programming and Support Services.  Performed inspec ons, preventa ve maintenance, and repairs of streetlights.  Provided animal control staffing at an effec ve level for the area.  Ongoing implementa on of the Na onal Pollutant Discharge Elimina on System (NPDES) Storm Water Management Plan.  Provided landscape maintenance services of park and street landscape areas.  Opera on and maintenance of park and street landscape area irriga on systems.  Ongoing weed abatement and monthly street sweeping.  Painted over graffi that was previously removed along asphalt pathway and restroom building.

Public Works—Mossdale Services CFD 2004‐1

Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue preventa ve maintenance of heavy equipment and vehicles.  Con nued opera on and maintenance of storm drain infrastructure.  Con nue to perform inspec ons, maintenance and repairs of streetlights.  Con nue to provide animal control staffing at an effec ve level for the area.  Con nued implementa on of the NPDES Storm Water Management Plan.  Con nue to provide landscape maintenance services of park and street landscape areas.  Con nued opera on and maintenance of park and street landscape area irriga on systems.  Con nue to maintain safe and clean parks.  Con nue ongoing weed abatement.  Con nue monthly street sweeping. Capital Requests

 PW Vehicle Replacement  Concrete Park Signs

Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

$ 10,800 $


Public Works—Mossdale Services CFD 2004‐1 Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Animal Services Officer




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Animal Services Officer




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents







San Joaquin County Posi on:

Deputy Sheriff for Patrol




Total San Joaquin County Posi ons




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$75,019.17 $0.00 $1,617.25 $18,012.32 $6,293.30 $10,111.20 $3,051.06 $26,727.67 $1,698.90 $252.69 $290.74 $13,018.40 $303.18 $1,003.51 $884.07 $134.40 $158,417.86

$92,609.00 $0.00 $2,774.00 $0.00 $10,788.00 $11,847.00 $2,227.00 $29,576.00 $144.00 $245.00 $26.00 $16,639.00 $0.00 $1,541.00 $730.00 $80.00 $169,226.00

$99,406.00 $0.00 $2,906.00 $0.00 $10,741.00 $7,713.00 $6,830.00 $32,770.00 $1,599.00 $291.00 $215.00 $18,488.00 $0.00 $1,639.00 $730.00 $81.00 $183,409.00

$99,406.00 $0.00 $2,906.00 $0.00 $10,741.00 $7,713.00 $6,830.00 $32,770.00 $1,599.00 $291.00 $215.00 $18,488.00 $0.00 $1,639.00 $730.00 $81.00 $183,409.00

$7,056.86 $0.00 $13,761.77 $0.00 $100,433.35 $8,337.08 $104,716.02 $0.00

$19,400.00 $13,397.00 $18,340.00 $924.00 $111,000.00 $11,656.00 $114,520.00 $1,260.00

$19,500.00 $13,397.00 $18,820.00 $1,008.00 $113,600.00 $11,964.00 $0.00 $2,985.00

$19,500.00 $13,397.00 $18,820.00 $1,008.00 $113,600.00 $11,964.00 $0.00 $2,985.00

2014 Actual

Description 2570

Mossdale CFD

50 63

Public Works PW CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐29‐00 Street Sweeping Services 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $240.10 $0.00 $240.46 $3,047.68 $2,690.01 $3,657.48 $244,180.81

$100.00 $265.00 $200.00 $265.00 $9,500.00 $3,250.00 $12,132.00 $316,209.00

$100.00 $265.00 $200.00 $265.00 $12,200.00 $7,706.00 $12,180.00 $214,190.00

$100.00 $265.00 $200.00 $265.00 $12,200.00 $7,706.00 $12,180.00 $214,190.00

$17,304.00 $1,052,069.00 $1,069,373.00

$16,254.00 $1,182,164.00 $1,198,418.00

$16,254.00 $1,251,059.00 $1,267,313.00

$16,254.00 $1,251,059.00 $1,267,313.00

$101.69 $636.30 $742.58 $406.46 $11,059.49 $346.14 $8,401.45 $182.78 $0.00 $405.79 $0.00 $37,672.27 $129,791.54 $189,746.49

$200.00 $1,480.00 $800.00 $1,250.00 $10,900.00 $600.00 $10,650.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $350.00 $51,780.00 $149,400.00 $232,710.00

$200.00 $1,480.00 $800.00 $1,700.00 $18,500.00 $600.00 $10,900.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $350.00 $51,780.00 $149,400.00 $241,010.00

$200.00 $1,480.00 $800.00 $1,700.00 $18,500.00 $600.00 $10,900.00 $300.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $350.00 $51,780.00 $149,400.00 $241,010.00

2014 Actual

Description 2570

Mossdale CFD

50 63

Public Works PW CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services

Advertising 420‐60‐00 Printing 420‐65‐00 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐12‐00 Animal Shelter 425‐14‐00 Mossdale Landing ‐ Police Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$13.34 $164.23 $177.57

$500.00 $2,450.00 $2,950.00

$125.00 $3,300.00 $3,425.00

$125.00 $3,300.00 $3,425.00

$6,189.00 $11,838.56 $0.00 $18,027.56

$6,200.00 $16,000.00 $67.00 $22,267.00

$6,200.00 $18,435.00 $70.00 $24,705.00

$6,200.00 $18,435.00 $70.00 $24,705.00

$49,114.64 $0.00 $49,114.64

$61,000.00 $0.00 $61,000.00

$10,800.00 $5,000.00 $15,800.00

$10,800.00 $5,000.00 $15,800.00

$383,187.00 $383,187.00 $2,112,224.93

$318,219.00 $318,219.00 $2,320,999.00

$281,842.00 $281,842.00 $2,231,694.00

$281,842.00 $281,842.00 $2,231,694.00

2014 Actual

Description 2570

Mossdale CFD

50 63

Public Works PW CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale Services

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐36‐00 Building Total: Fixed Assets Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW CFD 2004‐1 Mossdale

Public Works‐Mossdale Landscape & Ligh ng District Descrip on of Division

The purpose of this division is to maintain street lights, landscaping, park sites, and street trees within the district. Accomplishments 2014/2015

         

Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA programming and support services.

   

Maintain a safe, clean, and efficient opera on of street lights and street trees.

Upgrade of SCADA firewall promo ng security of City communica on systems. Irriga on repairs completed for M5 Storm Drain Sta on on Golden Valley Parkway. Trees were trimmed to promote health or removed if they posed a public safety hazard. Reviewed plans for construc on and provided inspec ons. Quarterly streetlight inspec ons, maintenance and repairs required to maintain public safety. Coordinated with Odyssey Landscape to provide street landscaping maintenance services. Maintained safe and clean parks. Con nuous maintenance of the central landscape irriga on control with the Calsense Central Irriga on Control System.

Preventa ve maintenance for heavy equipment and vehicles. Work Plan 2015/2016 Con nue to provide quarterly streetlight inspec ons, maintenance, and repairs required to maintain public safety. Con nue to manage street landscape maintenance contract. Con nue to manage street sweeping contract.

Public Works‐Mossdale Landscape & Ligh ng District Capital Requests


Vehicle Replacement


Significant Opera ng Change  None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Senior Maintenance Worker




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$13,049.88 $191.32 $1,442.26 $0.00 $1,584.72 $488.52 $2,795.62 $199.62 $37.50 $32.61 $2,033.59 $44.23 $158.48 $103.16 $0.00 $75.15 $22,236.66

$16,085.00 $417.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,765.00 $323.00 $4,198.00 $0.00 $43.00 $0.00 $2,131.00 $0.00 $241.00 $106.00 $0.00 $83.00 $25,392.00

$19,914.00 $488.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,420.00 $900.00 $4,989.00 $294.00 $58.00 $39.00 $2,761.00 $0.00 $298.00 $127.00 $0.00 $93.00 $31,381.00

$19,914.00 $488.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,420.00 $900.00 $4,989.00 $294.00 $58.00 $39.00 $2,761.00 $0.00 $298.00 $127.00 $0.00 $93.00 $31,381.00

$5,402.53 $0.00 $4,231.31 $14,717.17 $0.00 $0.00 $240.10 $0.00

$5,591.00 $8,931.00 $4,144.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $100.00 $265.00 $200.00

$5,591.00 $8,931.00 $4,144.00 $30,000.00 $117,400.00 $100.00 $265.00 $200.00

$5,591.00 $8,931.00 $4,144.00 $30,000.00 $117,400.00 $100.00 $265.00 $200.00


2014 Actual Mossdale Landscape & Lighting

50 64

Public Works PW Mossdale LLMD


Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$360.68 $500.21 $0.00 $61,867.81 $87,319.81

$400.00 $920.00 $100.00 $78,597.00 $129,248.00

$400.00 $1,170.00 $100.00 $78,597.00 $246,898.00

$400.00 $1,170.00 $100.00 $78,597.00 $246,898.00

$35.12 $0.00 $0.00 $6.39 $143.83 $129.80 $867.43 $82.43 $37.18 $0.00 $77,055.61 $85,436.88 $163,794.67

$200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $50.00 $78,800.00 $101,525.00 $183,275.00

$200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $50.00 $78,800.00 $101,500.00 $183,250.00

$200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $50.00 $78,800.00 $101,500.00 $183,250.00

$13.34 $8.00 $21.34

$100.00 $100.00 $200.00

$100.00 $325.00 $425.00

$100.00 $325.00 $425.00

$4,328.62 $0.00 $0.00

$4,500.00 $500.00 $112.00

$4,500.00 $500.00 $116.00

$4,500.00 $500.00 $116.00


2014 Actual Mossdale Landscape & Lighting

50 64

Public Works PW Mossdale LLMD


Office Equipment & Repair 420‐69‐00 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted





$2,146.72 $2,146.72

$2,000.00 $2,000.00

$2,800.00 $2,800.00

$2,800.00 $2,800.00

$80,786.00 $80,786.00 $360,633.82

$56,721.00 $56,721.00 $401,948.00

$61,326.00 $61,326.00 $531,196.00

$61,326.00 $61,326.00 $531,196.00


2014 Actual Mossdale Landscape & Lighting

50 64

Public Works PW Mossdale LLMD


Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets Vehicles 450‐30‐00 Total: Fixed Assets Transfers Transfers Out 990‐90‐10 Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Mossdale LLMD

Public Works—Historical CFD 2005‐1 Descrip on of Division The purpose of this division is to operate, maintain and improve the system for the storm drain facili es, parks, and street landscaping within the Historical Community Facili es District. This District includes the Richmond American Homes Developments on “O” Street and Thompson Street and the Florsheim Homes on Warren Avenue. This division is designed to annex all new residen al and commercial in‐fill developments east of Interstate 5 and func on as the primary funding source for the services and systems men oned above. Accomplishments 2014/2015

   

Completed O Street Pond fence repairs. Maintained the street landscaping, storm drain facili es, and parks in the district to an acceptable standard. Maintained the central landscape irriga on control with the Calsense Central Irriga on Control System at Armstrong Park. Coordinated with Odyssey to provide landscape services along “O” Street, Thomsen Street, Warren Avenue, and Armstrong Park.

Work Plan 2015/2016

 Maintain a safe, clean and efficient opera on of the storm drain facili es, parks, and street landscaping.  Annex commercial proper es located along Harlan Road as CFD 2005‐1, Tax Zone 3. Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

Public Works—Historical CFD 2005‐1 Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Maintenance Services Supervisor




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$600.29 $6.08 $59.06 $50.14 $21.70 $102.63 $5.44 $1.57 $1.20 $99.66 $2.01 $7.98 $4.51 $5.89 $968.16

$622.00 $10.00 $0.00 $52.00 $16.00 $170.00 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $104.00 $0.00 $10.00 $5.00 $7.00 $998.00

$9,475.00 $153.00 $0.00 $650.00 $334.00 $2,164.00 $83.00 $27.00 $13.00 $1,194.00 $0.00 $141.00 $57.00 $61.00 $14,352.00

$9,475.00 $153.00 $0.00 $650.00 $334.00 $2,164.00 $83.00 $27.00 $13.00 $1,194.00 $0.00 $141.00 $57.00 $61.00 $14,352.00

$3,149.38 $0.00 $1,440.00 $2,851.20 $0.00 $7,440.58

$3,717.00 $1,489.00 $1,940.00 $3,360.00 $300.00 $10,806.00

$3,717.00 $1,489.00 $2,480.00 $3,440.00 $300.00 $11,426.00

$3,717.00 $1,489.00 $2,480.00 $3,440.00 $300.00 $11,426.00

$1,500.00 $1,500.00

$1,500.00 $1,500.00

$1,500.00 $1,500.00

$1,500.00 $1,500.00

2014 Actual

Description 2630

Historic Lathrop CFD

50 65

Public Works PW CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐30‐00 Fire Department Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $229.94 $240.55 $7,282.23 $7,752.72

$200.00 $400.00 $300.00 $8,200.00 $9,100.00

$200.00 $400.00 $300.00 $8,200.00 $9,100.00

$200.00 $400.00 $300.00 $8,200.00 $9,100.00

$0.00 $0.00

$50.00 $50.00

$50.00 $50.00

$50.00 $50.00

$54.00 $515.04 $0.00 $569.04

$300.00 $4,055.00 $0.00 $4,355.00

$300.00 $3,600.00 $70.00 $3,970.00

$300.00 $3,600.00 $70.00 $3,970.00

$6,759.00 $6,759.00 $24,989.50

$4,613.00 $4,613.00 $31,422.00

$4,771.00 $4,771.00 $45,169.00

$4,771.00 $4,771.00 $45,169.00

2014 Actual

Description 2630

Historic Lathrop CFD

50 65

Public Works PW CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW CFD 2005‐1 Historic Lathrop

Public Works—River Islands CFD 13‐1 DescripƟon of Division The purpose of this division is to operate, maintain and improve the system for the storm drain facili es, parks, and street landscaping within the River Islands Community Facili es District. This District includes the River Islands development area. This division is designed to include new residen al and commercial in‐fill developments within River Islands development area located west of Interstate 5 and func on as the primary funding source for the services and systems men oned above. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Fund created Work Plan 2015/2016

 Maintain a safe, clean and efficient opera on of the storm drain facili es, parks, and street landscaping.  Capital Requests

 None Significant OperaƟng Changes

 None

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$4,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,000.00

$4,500.00 $2,500.00 $7,000.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$891.00 $891.00

$891.00 $891.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $7,891.00

$0.00 $0.00 $7,891.00

2014 Actual

Description 2640

River Islands CFD 2013‐1

50 68

Public Works PW CFD 2013‐1 River Islands Services

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel Total: Contractual Services Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges Total: Fixed Charges Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: River Islands CFD 2013‐1

Public Works—Water Descrip on of Division The purpose of the Water Division is to provide safe, reliable drinking water to the City’s water u lity customers. The Water Division operates, maintains, and improves the water supply and distribu on system. The City’s water system includes five six wells, two water treatment facili es, four water storage and associated booster pump sta ons, approximately 100 miles of distribu on piping, 5100 water meters, and 365 backflow preven on devices. The system is operated under a Water Supply Permit administered by the SWRCB‐Division of Drinking Water (DDW). Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Implemented amended Phase III water conserva on measures; 25% water reduc on.  Installed water meter antenna and tower at Stonebridge, Corp Yard and Community Center.  Provided City residents with indoor and outdoor Water Conserva on kits.  Replaced commercial water meters.  LAWTF Grading improvements completed for the solar array.  Opera on and Maintenance of the City’s potable water system including the Louise Avenue and Well 21 Water Treatment Facili es, City Wells (six), Booster Pump Sta ons (four), and Water Distribu on System.

 Contracts administered for water tank maintenance, water quality tes ng, and other services related to opera ons and maintenance of the potable water system.

 Completed O Street waterline repair.  Completed fire hydrant repairs on Christopher Way and Harlan Road & Slate Street .  Performed preventa ve maintenance on heavy equipment, vehicles, Booster Sta ons, and City Wells.  Maintained compliance with the City’s Water Supply Permit and state and federal drinking water regula ons including water quality monitoring and repor ng, cross connec on control tes ng, DDW annual inspec on and response, and prepara on and distribu on of the annual consumer confidence report.

 Provided safe, reliable drinking water to u lity customers.  Provided high quality customer service, including response to customer inquiries about drinking water quality, and the water system.

 Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA programming and support services.

Public Works—Water Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue working with consultants and regulatory agency to resolve Well 21 arsenic and uranium water quality issues.  Con nue to provide safe, reliable drinking water to u lity customers.  Con nue opera on and maintenance of the City’s drinking water supply and distribu on system.  Con nue tasks rela ng to compliance with the City’s Water Supply Permit, and state and federal drinking water regula ons.  Con nue to provide high quality customer service, including response to customer inquiries about drinking water quality, and the water system.

 Con nue contract administra on for water tank maintenance, water quality tes ng, and other services related to opera ons and maintenance of the potable water system. Capital Requests

 Vehicle Replacement  LAWTF Awning  Radio Towers for water metering and network Equip Significant Opera ng Changes 


$ 22,400 $


$ 50,000

Public Works—Water Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Accoun ng Specialist I/II/Technician




Maintenance Worker I/II




Meter Reader I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Sr. Accoun ng Technician




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 5620


50 50

Public Works PW Water

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐25‐00 Building & Ground 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐65‐00 Printing

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$224,321.12 $2,246.51 $25,379.52 $4,235.87 $30,345.62 $8,699.68 $58,082.74 $5,674.05 $657.05 $751.65 $28,450.82 $630.20 $2,617.19 $2,156.73 $136.71 $394,385.46

$276,669.00 $6,210.00 $0.00 $4,423.00 $34,388.00 $6,218.00 $71,084.00 $2,613.00 $717.00 $498.00 $27,780.00 $0.00 $4,170.00 $2,155.00 $153.00 $437,078.00

$280,541.00 $7,073.00 $0.00 $4,280.00 $21,265.00 $16,742.00 $82,707.00 $7,122.00 $833.00 $782.00 $27,985.00 $0.00 $4,238.00 $2,121.00 $141.00 $455,830.00

$280,541.00 $7,073.00 $0.00 $4,280.00 $21,265.00 $16,742.00 $82,707.00 $7,122.00 $833.00 $782.00 $27,985.00 $0.00 $4,238.00 $2,121.00 $141.00 $455,830.00

$44,371.57 $215,800.00 $108,294.58 $43,354.00 $0.00 $1,479.96 $450.00 $148.32 $63.11

$89,000.00 $223,408.00 $143,127.00 $46,200.00 $0.00 $1,730.00 $13,910.00 $1,000.00 $600.00

$93,847.00 $223,408.00 $182,192.00 $46,200.00 $1,750.00 $1,760.00 $18,850.00 $1,000.00 $600.00

$93,847.00 $223,408.00 $182,192.00 $46,200.00 $1,750.00 $1,760.00 $18,850.00 $1,000.00 $600.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 5620


50 50

Public Works PW Water

420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐37‐00 Miscellaneous Equipment 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐12‐00 SCSWSP O&M Costs 440‐40‐00 Special Fees

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$607.89 $2,281.90 $6,225.17 $13,324.37 $22,840.92 $459,241.79

$850.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $31,300.00 $41,700.00 $605,325.00

$850.00 $2,500.00 $19,000.00 $27,570.00 $42,084.00 $661,611.00

$850.00 $2,500.00 $19,000.00 $27,570.00 $42,084.00 $661,611.00

$1,589.05 $8.65 $1,234.87 $1,008.43 $14,766.91 $34,307.43 $11,516.00 $141.92 $317.57 $546.08 $0.00 $418,799.29 $484,236.20

$2,100.00 $300.00 $1,750.00 $1,500.00 $46,500.00 $60,000.00 $16,500.00 $1,500.00 $37,640.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $378,000.00 $548,490.00

$2,100.00 $300.00 $1,750.00 $1,500.00 $46,500.00 $60,000.00 $16,000.00 $1,800.00 $18,000.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $378,000.00 $528,650.00

$2,100.00 $300.00 $1,750.00 $1,500.00 $46,500.00 $60,000.00 $16,000.00 $1,800.00 $18,000.00 $2,500.00 $200.00 $378,000.00 $528,650.00

$1,167.92 $2,879.20 $4,047.12

$1,800.00 $8,440.00 $10,240.00

$2,300.00 $9,010.00 $11,310.00

$2,300.00 $9,010.00 $11,310.00

$1,356,657.50 $39,840.45

$1,600,000.00 $57,685.00

$1,600,000.00 $62,615.00

$1,600,000.00 $62,615.00

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 5620


50 50

Public Works PW Water

Bad Debt 440‐80‐00 Compensated Absences 440‐90‐00 Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐36‐00 Building 450‐38‐00 Improvements ‐ Nonstructure Total: Fixed Assets Depreciation and Amortization 470‐05‐00 Amortization Total: Depreciation and Amortization Debt Service 480‐01‐00 Principal 480‐02‐00 Interest Total: Debt Service Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Water

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$22,647.03 $0.00 $1,419,144.98

$17,000.00 $809.00 $1,675,494.00

$17,000.00 $348.00 $1,679,963.00

$17,000.00 $348.00 $1,679,963.00

($0.01) $0.00 ($415,134.20) ($415,134.21)

$40,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $60,000.00

$22,400.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $77,400.00

$22,400.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 $77,400.00

$1,136,235.75 $1,136,235.75

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$664,892.86 $1,548,460.28 $2,213,353.14

$1,336,268.00 $1,642,438.00 $2,978,706.00

$705,747.00 $1,131,042.00 $1,836,789.00

$705,747.00 $1,131,042.00 $1,836,789.00

$1,409,714.00 $1,409,714.00 $7,105,224.23

$2,007,764.00 $2,007,764.00 $8,323,097.00

$2,338,455.00 $2,338,455.00 $7,590,008.00

$2,338,455.00 $2,338,455.00 $7,590,008.00

Public Works—MWQCF Wastewater Collec on System

Descrip on of Division The purpose of this division is to operate, maintain, and improve the collec on system for the transmission of the City’s wastewater to the Manteca Water Quality Control Facility (MWQCF) for treatment and disposal. The MWQCF provides wastewater treatment for the majority of areas east of I‐5 in Lathrop, excluding the Crossroads Commerce Center area. The MWQCF wastewater collec on system consists of gravity sewers, sewer force mains, manholes, and four sewer pump sta ons. Accomplishments 2014/2015

   

Completed sewer repairs on Aztec Lane. Completed repairs for Stonebridge sewer pump sta on. Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA Programming Support Services. Con nued implementa on of the City’s Sewer System Management Plan as related to the MWQCF wastewater collec on system.

 Performed TV assessment of MWQCF sewer collec on system.  Performed Preventa ve Maintenance of heavy equipment, vehicles, and Pump Sta ons.      

Opera on and maintenance services completed on MWQCF collec on system. Provided safe, reliable sewer service to u lity customers. Coordina on with the City of Manteca regarding MWQCF opera ons and regulatory permit compliance. Customer service, including response to customer inquires and sewer blockages and/or overflows. Managed alloca on, realloca on and/or transfer of Interceptor System Units (ISUs). Contracted with MCC Control Systems to provide SCADA programming and support services.

Public Works—MWQCF Wastewater Collec on System

Work Plan 2015/2016

     

Con nue to provide safe, reliable sewer service to u lity customers. Con nued opera on and maintenance of the MWQCF wastewater collec on system. Con nue coordina on with the City of Manteca regarding MWQCF opera ons and regulatory permit compliance. Con nue to provide customer service, including response to customer inquires and sewer blockages and/or overflows. Con nue ongoing implementa on of Sanitary Sewer Management Plan. Con nue ongoing management of alloca on, realloca on and/or transfer of Interceptor System Units (ISUs).

Capital Request  

Wet Well Pipeline Vehicle Replacement

Significant Opera ng Changes 


$ 20,000 $ 8,800

Public Works—MWQCF Wastewater Collec on System Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order)

Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Accoun ng Specialist I/II/Technician




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Sr. Accoun ng Technician




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$100,671.36 $0.00 $1,934.56 $9,434.63 $3,050.83 $13,073.06 $3,827.28 $25,702.60 $2,578.67 $288.69 $373.43 $13,908.53 $0.00 $296.30 $1,173.79 $923.13 $145.74 $177,382.60

$122,757.00 $0.00 $3,944.00 $0.00 $3,225.00 $14,707.00 $2,666.00 $32,920.00 $890.00 $319.00 $157.00 $13,387.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,888.00 $926.00 $163.00 $197,949.00

$121,394.00 $0.00 $4,076.00 $0.00 $2,796.00 $9,106.00 $6,703.00 $34,887.00 $3,115.00 $362.00 $355.00 $12,590.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,865.00 $869.00 $150.00 $198,268.00

$121,394.00 $0.00 $4,076.00 $0.00 $2,796.00 $9,106.00 $6,703.00 $34,887.00 $3,115.00 $362.00 $355.00 $12,590.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,865.00 $869.00 $150.00 $198,268.00

$35,531.76 $2,709.85 $800.00 $930.00 $0.00 $543.75 $96.88

$48,900.00 $5,200.00 $800.00 $1,180.00 $1,800.00 $900.00 $700.00

$64,400.00 $4,900.00 $800.00 $1,180.00 $4,672.00 $900.00 $700.00

$64,400.00 $4,900.00 $800.00 $1,180.00 $4,672.00 $900.00 $700.00


2014 Actual MWQCF Collection System

50 30

Public Works PW Wastewater


Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$600.69 $3,591.24 $4,339.74 $19,733.84 $68,877.75

$660.00 $5,500.00 $17,650.00 $40,800.00 $124,090.00

$660.00 $5,400.00 $13,178.00 $50,800.00 $147,590.00

$660.00 $5,400.00 $13,178.00 $50,800.00 $147,590.00

$1,543,967.79 $1,543,967.79

$1,338,195.00 $1,338,195.00

$1,352,000.00 $1,352,000.00

$1,352,000.00 $1,352,000.00

$422.68 $0.00 $402.13 $481.77 $3,159.74 $0.00 $971.56 $4,323.42 $866.56 $793.02 $0.00 $29,959.37 $2,353.42 $43,733.67

$1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $8,700.00 $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $7,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $39,600.00 $4,500.00 $69,450.00

$1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $8,700.00 $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $7,300.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $41,000.00 $4,500.00 $70,650.00

$1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $8,700.00 $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $7,300.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $41,000.00 $4,500.00 $70,650.00

$188.59 $52.56 $241.15

$600.00 $2,382.00 $2,982.00

$300.00 $1,500.00 $1,800.00

$300.00 $1,500.00 $1,800.00


2014 Actual MWQCF Collection System

50 30

Public Works PW Wastewater


Office Equipment & Repair 420‐69‐00 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐13‐00 Sewer Service Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐20‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐28‐00 Patching Materials 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐50‐00 Water Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$3,158.88 $20,498.11 $0.00 $23,656.99

$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $709.00 $20,709.00

$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,682.00 $21,682.00

$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,682.00 $21,682.00

$0.00 $3,145.37 $3,145.37

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$20,000.00 $8,800.00 $28,800.00

$20,000.00 $8,800.00 $28,800.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$1,026,046.00 $1,026,046.00 $2,887,051.32

$994,542.00 $994,542.00 $2,747,917.00

$1,101,054.00 $1,101,054.00 $2,921,844.00

$1,101,054.00 $1,101,054.00 $2,921,844.00


2014 Actual MWQCF Collection System

50 30

Public Works PW Wastewater


Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐80‐00 Bad Debt 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Depreciation and Amortization 470‐01‐00 Depreciation Total: Depreciation and Amortization Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Wastewater

Public Works‐Crossroads Wastewater‐Treatment

Descrip on of Division The purpose of this division is to provide services for opera on and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant serving the Crossroads Commerce Center area. The Crossroads wastewater treatment facility is operated under a contract with Veolia Water North America (VWNA). The plant opera ons are regulated under a Waste Discharge Requirements order administered by the State Regional Water Quality Control Board. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Provided services and administered contracts for regulatory permit compliance, opera ons and maintenance, water quality tes ng, and groundwater monitoring associated with the Crossroads wastewater treatment plant.

 Project management and contract administra on services for the Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements CIP WW 11‐06.

 Created a new CIP WW 15‐20 for decommissioning the Crossroads WWTP and integra ng with the adjacent Lathrop Consolidated Treatment Facility resul ng in an es mated 50 percent rate reduc on for our customers in the area.

 Administered Veolia Water Industrial Pretreatment Program Contract and management of the Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP). Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue to provide project management and contract administra on services for the Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements CIP WW 11‐06 and the WW 15‐20 Crossroads Decommissioning projects to provide addi onal sewer treatment capacity needed for addi onal development to occur in the Crossroads Commerce Center.

 Con nue to provide services and manage contracts for opera ons, maintenance, and regulatory permit compliance for the wastewater treatment plant serving the Crossroads Commerce Center.

 Con nue to assist local and new businesses within Crossroads obtain sewer capacity needed for development and/or expansion.

Public Works‐Crossroads Wastewater‐Treatment Capital Requests

 None Significant Opera ng Changes

 None Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Public Works Superintendent




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$5,299.76 $557.28 $0.00 $705.34 $196.01 $445.12 $57.52 $15.28 $8.93 $229.72 $15.59 $61.48 $21.71 $45.50 $7,659.24

$5,748.00 $0.00 $0.00 $771.00 $142.00 $917.00 $0.00 $15.00 $0.00 $193.00 $0.00 $85.00 $22.00 $51.00 $7,944.00

$6,132.00 $0.00 $0.00 $488.00 $498.00 $954.00 $74.00 $18.00 $10.00 $241.00 $0.00 $91.00 $22.00 $47.00 $8,575.00

$6,132.00 $0.00 $0.00 $488.00 $498.00 $954.00 $74.00 $18.00 $10.00 $241.00 $0.00 $91.00 $22.00 $47.00 $8,575.00

$536,946.87 $1,542.50 $538,489.37

$570,110.00 $3,012.00 $573,122.00

$470,637.00 $3,012.00 $473,649.00

$470,637.00 $3,012.00 $473,649.00

$0.00 $0.00 $11.06 $74,643.71 $74,654.77

$100.00 $0.00 $50.00 $69,000.00 $69,150.00

$100.00 $0.00 $50.00 $75,000.00 $75,150.00

$100.00 $0.00 $50.00 $75,000.00 $75,150.00

2014 Actual

Description 6050

Water Recycling Plant #1

50 31

Public Works PW Wastewater Treatment Plant

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance Dental Insurance 410‐41‐00 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $0.00

$50.00 $50.00

$50.00 $50.00

$50.00 $50.00

$11,612.43 $0.00 $11,612.43

$17,275.00 $222.00 $17,497.00

$27,960.00 $116.00 $28,076.00

$27,960.00 $116.00 $28,076.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$319,047.00 $319,047.00 $951,462.81

$313,440.00 $313,440.00 $981,203.00

$228,162.00 $228,162.00 $813,662.00

$228,162.00 $228,162.00 $813,662.00

2014 Actual

Description 6050

Water Recycling Plant #1

50 31

Public Works PW Wastewater Treatment Plant

Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Depreciation and Amortization 470‐01‐00 Depreciation Total: Depreciation and Amortization Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Wastewater Treatment

Public Works‐Crossroads Wastewater‐Collec on Descrip on of Division This division provides services for opera on and maintenance, and regulatory permit compliance for the wastewater collec on system, recycled water storage ponds, and recycled water land applica on areas serving the Crossroads Commerce Center.

Accomplishments 2014/2015 

Provided services and management of contracts for opera on and maintenance and regulatory permit compliance for the wastewater collec on system, recycled water storage ponds, and recycled water land applica on areas serving the Crossroads Commerce Center.


Performed preventa ve maintenance for heavy equipment, vehicles, and Pump Sta ons.


Administered contract with Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. (EKI) for SWISS/Hormel Wastewater permit compliance discharge.

 

Administered Veolia Water Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Contract and management of the IPP. Administered contract and coordinated with J&J Farming Services to dispose of recycled water at Land Applica on Sites (LAS) 2 and 3.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Con nue to provide services for opera on and maintenance and regulatory permit compliance for the wastewater collec on system, recycled water storage ponds, and recycled water land applica on areas serving the Crossroads Commerce Center.

 

Con nue preventa ve Maintenance for Heavy Equipment, vehicles, and Pump Sta ons.

 

Con nue to administer Veolia Water Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) Contract and management of the IPP.

Con nue to administer contract with EKI for SWISS/Hormel Wastewater permit compliance discharge. Con nue to administer contract and coordinate with J&J Farming Services to dispose of recycled water at LAS2 and LAS3.

Public Works‐Crossroads Wastewater‐Collec on Capital Requests 

Vehicle Replacement

$ 1,600

Significant Opera ng Changes 


Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Accoun ng Specialist I/II/Technician




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Sr. Accoun ng Technician




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$34,363.99 $379.81 $3,138.72 $553.56 $4,496.01 $1,298.93 $9,471.07 $923.76 $97.34 $118.81 $3,449.65 $95.32 $387.70 $324.36 $45.50 $59,144.53

$43,492.00 $944.00 $0.00 $580.00 $5,173.00 $900.00 $12,142.00 $240.00 $112.00 $42.00 $3,683.00 $0.00 $655.00 $378.00 $0.00 $68,341.00

$42,865.00 $1,020.00 $0.00 $537.00 $3,174.00 $2,217.00 $13,172.00 $1,107.00 $129.00 $113.00 $3,524.00 $0.00 $645.00 $314.00 $47.00 $68,864.00

$42,865.00 $1,020.00 $0.00 $537.00 $3,174.00 $2,217.00 $13,172.00 $1,107.00 $129.00 $113.00 $3,524.00 $0.00 $645.00 $314.00 $47.00 $68,864.00

$33,027.05 $4,306.15 $0.00 $120.23 $1,314.91 $118.54 $38,886.88

$28,150.00 $4,500.00 $800.00 $120.00 $1,650.00 $16,200.00 $51,420.00

$24,800.00 $4,500.00 $3,063.00 $120.00 $1,650.00 $16,200.00 $50,333.00

$24,800.00 $4,500.00 $3,063.00 $120.00 $1,650.00 $16,200.00 $50,333.00

2014 Actual

Description 6050

Water Recycling Plant #1

50 32

Public Works PW Xroads WW Collection System

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐69‐00 Office Equipment & Repair 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $12.79 $134.79 $910.21 $0.00 $33.17 $1,090.96

$150.00 $300.00 $150.00 $2,000.00 $50.00 $300.00 $2,950.00

$150.00 $300.00 $150.00 $2,000.00 $50.00 $300.00 $2,950.00

$150.00 $300.00 $150.00 $2,000.00 $50.00 $300.00 $2,950.00

$39.00 $6.59 $45.59

$200.00 $1,510.00 $1,710.00

$200.00 $1,510.00 $1,710.00

$200.00 $1,510.00 $1,710.00

$14,116.54 $0.00 $14,116.54

$14,500.00 $222.00 $14,722.00

$4,265.00 $116.00 $4,381.00

$4,265.00 $116.00 $4,381.00

$0.00 $571.90 $571.90

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00

$0.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$30,653.00 $30,653.00 $144,509.40

$32,425.00 $32,425.00 $171,568.00

$32,500.00 $32,500.00 $162,338.00

$32,500.00 $32,500.00 $162,338.00

2014 Actual

Description 6050

Water Recycling Plant #1

50 32

Public Works PW Xroads WW Collection System

Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐17‐00 Custodial Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment 450‐30‐00 Vehicles Total: Fixed Assets Depreciation and Amortization 470‐01‐00 Depreciation Total: Depreciation and Amortization Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Xroads WW Collection

Public Works—MBR Wastewater Treatment Descrip on of Division This division provides wastewater collec on, treatment and disposal of treated effluent for the Mossdale, River Islands, and CLSP development areas at the Lathrop Consolidated Treatment Facility (LCTF) located within the Crossroads Commerce Center and its associated wastewater collec on and recycled water systems. The treated water is pumped to recycled water storage basins or agricultural land applica on sites located in the Mossdale, River Islands and CLSP development areas. The LCTF is operated under a design‐build‐operate contract with Veolia Water North America (VWNA). The wastewater collec on system consists of gravity sewer pipelines, sewer force mains, and the Mossdale sewer pump sta on. The recycled water system consists of recycled water distribu on pipelines, five recycled water basins, three recycled water pump sta ons, and numerous urban and agricultural land applica on areas. Accomplishments 2014/2015

 Provided ongoing services and management of contracts for opera ons, maintenance, and regulatory permit compliance for the LCTF wastewater treatment plant and associated wastewater collec on and recycled water systems.

 Provided project management and contract administra on services for the LCTF Phase I and II Expansion projects under CIPs WW 10‐15 and WW 14‐14 to provide addi onal sewer treatment capacity needed for new development.

 Administered Veolia Water IPP Contract renewal and management of the Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP).  Worked with Veolia to perform asset management assessment and update of the 5 year Capital Replacement budget.  Managed the IPP and FOGS program including review of monthly repor ng systems.  Performed preventa ve maintenance for Heavy Equipment, Vehicles, and Pump Sta ons.  Delivered con nua on of the City’s Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) as related to the LCTF’s collec on system.

Public Works—MBR Wastewater Treatment Work Plan 2015/2016

 Con nue to provide ongoing services and management of contracts for opera ons, maintenance and regulatory permit compli‐ ance for the LCTF and associated wastewater collec on and recycled water systems.

 Con nue to provide project management and contract administra on services for the LCTF Phase I & II Expansion projects CIP #s WW 10‐15 and WW 14‐14 to provide addi onal sewer treatment capacity needed for new development.

 Con nue to provide contract administra on services for the Veolia Water IPP Contract and program management of the IPP.  Con nue working with Veolia to perform asset management assessment and update of the 5 year Capital Replacement budg‐ et .

 Ongoing preventa ve Maintenance for Heavy Equipment, Vehicles and Pump Sta ons.  Con nua on of the City’s Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) as related to the LCTF’s collec on system. Capital Requests

 Vehicle Replacement Significant Opera ng Changes

 None

$ 11,200

Public Works—MBR Wastewater Treatment Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary

Posi on:




Accoun ng Specialist I/II/Technician




Maintenance Worker I/II




Public Works Superintendent




Sr. Accoun ng Technician




Senior Maintenance Worker




U lity Operator I/II/III




Total Full Time Equivalents




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$86,799.75 $1,772.09 $9,218.69 $2,179.84 $11,716.52 $3,361.62 $19,998.93 $1,938.24 $257.30 $296.14 $12,388.80 $0.00 $262.44 $1,052.20 $759.96 $0.00 $146.38 $152,148.90

$102,067.00 $2,424.00 $357.00 $2,274.00 $13,007.00 $2,422.00 $24,702.00 $483.00 $266.00 $85.00 $13,204.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,554.00 $922.00 $0.00 $0.00 $163,767.00

$125,769.00 $6,098.00 $0.00 $4,853.00 $9,434.00 $6,500.00 $37,248.00 $2,683.00 $377.00 $330.00 $16,763.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,991.00 $887.00 $0.00 $150.00 $213,083.00

$125,769.00 $6,098.00 $0.00 $4,853.00 $9,434.00 $6,500.00 $37,248.00 $2,683.00 $377.00 $330.00 $16,763.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,991.00 $887.00 $0.00 $150.00 $213,083.00

$651,913.81 $0.00 $8,700.60 $1,447.50 $5,640.00 $0.00 $601.86

$947,598.00 $7,443.00 $16,341.00 $3,024.00 $6,000.00 $5,800.00 $660.00

$1,123,674.00 $7,443.00 $13,760.00 $3,024.00 $6,180.00 $5,020.00 $660.00

$1,123,674.00 $7,443.00 $13,760.00 $3,024.00 $6,180.00 $5,020.00 $660.00


2014 Actual MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer

50 34

Public Works PW Wastewater West I‐5 Standby


Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐13‐00 Overtime 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐15‐00 Standby 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐45‐00 Auto Allowance 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐48‐00 Bilingual Pay 410‐49‐00 SDI Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐04‐00 Personnel 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐58‐00 Computer Tech Support 420‐65‐00 Printing

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$2,815.33 $8,538.95 $15,728.29 $695,386.34

$5,350.00 $10,150.00 $20,200.00 $1,022,566.00

$6,450.00 $13,534.00 $20,200.00 $1,199,945.00

$6,450.00 $13,534.00 $20,200.00 $1,199,945.00

$225.78 $89.50 $1,783.64 $166.00 $4,332.02 $0.00 $151.99 $0.00 $213,927.15 $220,676.08

$300.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $300.00 $6,100.00 $800.00 $600.00 $300.00 $235,000.00 $248,900.00

$300.00 $500.00 $8,000.00 $300.00 $6,100.00 $800.00 $600.00 $300.00 $263,000.00 $279,900.00

$300.00 $500.00 $8,000.00 $300.00 $6,100.00 $800.00 $600.00 $300.00 $263,000.00 $279,900.00

$38.91 $72.25 $111.16

$700.00 $1,975.00 $2,675.00

$700.00 $1,975.00 $2,675.00

$700.00 $1,975.00 $2,675.00

$756.48 $91,016.60 $7,475.89 $0.00 $99,248.97

$3,737.00 $99,268.00 $20,000.00 $442.00 $123,447.00

$3,737.00 $99,268.00 $20,000.00 $372.00 $123,377.00

$3,737.00 $99,268.00 $20,000.00 $372.00 $123,377.00


2014 Actual MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer

50 34

Public Works PW Wastewater West I‐5 Standby


Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐70‐00 420‐72‐00 Communication Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐10‐00 Office Supplies 430‐24‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment Parts 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals 430‐33‐00 Gas/Diesel/Oil/Lubricants 430‐35‐00 Shop Tools 430‐40‐00 Uniforms and Protective 430‐45‐00 Reference Books 430‐49‐00 Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐10‐00 Subscriptions 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐10‐00 Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees 440‐80‐00 Bad Debt 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $4,003.21 $4,003.21

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $11,200.00 $11,200.00

$0.00 $11,200.00 $11,200.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$495,858.00 $495,858.00 $1,667,432.66

$468,726.00 $468,726.00 $2,030,081.00

$567,820.00 $567,820.00 $2,398,000.00

$567,820.00 $567,820.00 $2,398,000.00


2014 Actual MBR Plant #1 ‐ West Sewer

50 34

Public Works PW Wastewater West I‐5 Standby


Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment Vehicles 450‐30‐00 Total: Fixed Assets Depreciation and Amortization 470‐01‐00 Depreciation Total: Depreciation and Amortization Transfers 990‐90‐10 Transfers Out Total: Transfers Division Total: PW Wastewater West I‐5


Measure C ‐ Department Budget Summary Account Number Description Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: Essential City Services Measure C

2014 Actual $2,841,028.84 $576,206.37 $2,264,822.47

2015 Adopted Budget $2,320,000.00 $1,392,000.00 $928,000.00

2016 City Manager Recommended $2,855,000.00 $3,158,047.00 ($303,047.00)

2016 City Council Adopted $2,855,000.00 $3,158,047.00 ($303,047.00)

Revenue Totals: Expense Totals Fund Total: LMFD Measure C

$1,076,295.21 $1,076,286.39 $8.82

$928,000.00 $928,000.00 $0.00

$1,120,000.00 $1,120,000.00 $0.00

$1,120,000.00 $1,120,000.00 $0.00

Revenue Grand Totals: Expense Grand Totals: Net Grand Totals:

$3,917,324.05 $1,652,492.76 $2,264,831.29

$3,248,000.00 $2,320,000.00 $928,000.00

$3,975,000.00 $4,278,047.00 ($303,047.00)

$3,975,000.00 $4,278,047.00 ($303,047.00)

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 0.00 2.00

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98





Departmental Staffing Essential City Services Administrative Assistant I/II Facility Supervisor Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Superintendent Contractual Services Deputy Sheriff II for Community Impact Team Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Sergeant to serve as Supervisor

Lathrop Manteca Fire District Firefighters/Engineers Battlion Chiefs

Total Measure ‐ C FTE

Measure C—Essen al City Services

Descrip on of Division In September 2011, the City Council directed staff to evaluate a local revenue measure for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing essen al City services, such as police and fire protec on, and youth and senior services within the City. In July 2012, Council approved placing a 1% sales tax measure on the November ballot for voter considera on. On November 6, 2012, over 77% of the City of Lathrop registered voters passed Measure C (Public Safety/Essen al City Services).

On November 19, 2012, the City Council approved an agreement with Lathrop Manteca Fire District alloca ng 40% of Measure C funds to the District. The Measure C funds will be used to augment and enhance fire protec on ac vi es within the City.

The remaining 60% of Measure C funds will be used by the City to maintain and enhance police and other essen al City services. All Measure C expenditures will be reviewed by the Measure C Community Oversight Commi ee and recommended to the City Council for approval.

Measure C went into effect on April 1, 2013. The City began receiving revenue from Measure C in September 2013.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Public Safety  Funded four (4) previously unfunded sworn police posi ons Two (2) Community Impact Team Depu es to combat street‐level crimes and create a proac ve supplement to patrol ac vi es, u lizing an intelligence based reac on team focused on criminal street gangs and drug traffickers.

One (1) Administra ve Sergeant to provide direct supervision to the Resource Officers, Traffic Officers and Inves ga ons Officers, as well as general supervision to the dayshi patrol officers. This posi on also assists with administra ve func ons to allow management to focus on developing a public safety services plan for the an cipated future growth of the City.

One (1) School Resource Officer to promote a safe environment for school and student success, focusing on preven on, interven on and outreach.

Measure C—Essen al City Services Accomplishments 2014/2015 con nued  Essen al City Services— Parks & Recrea on

 Funded two (2) previously unfunded Facility Supervisor posi ons and one (1) Office Assistant posi on to support the

administra ve opera ons of the Lathrop Genera ons Center.  Funded the Maintenance and Opera ons (M&O) costs related to the Lathrop Genera ons Center.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Public Safety  Con nue to fund four (4) sworn posi ons.

 Essen al City Services  Con nue to fund support positons and M&O costs for the Lathrop Genera ons Center.

Capital Requests  Replacement of one (1) Community Impact Team (CIT) patrol vehicle.  Purchase of one (1) mobile trailer to haul equipment from Parks and Recrea on.  Installa on of solar lights at Thomsen Park and Woodfield Park.  Renova ons for Senior Center Kitchen area.  Installa on of shade sails at the Lathrop Genera ons Center Skate Park area.  Improvements at the Teen Center Café.  Installa on of new park equipment and rubberized surface for: Crescent Park, Mossdale Park, and Woodfield Park.  Miscellaneous renova ons for River Park South and 7th Street Skate Park. Significant Opera ng Changes  Measure C will support funding for one (1) Parks and Recrea on Superintendent needed to provide oversight of the Lathrop Genera ons Center opera ons.  Measure C Reserves will support funding for community projects already approved by Council at the Goal Se ng Mee ngs in the amount of $474,135.

Measure C—Essen al City Services

Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Posi on:




Administra ve Assistant I/II




Facility Supervisor




Office Assistant I/II




Parks and Recrea on Superintendent




Total Full Time Equivalents




San Joaquin County Posi ons:




Deputy Sheriff for Com Impact Team




Deputy Sheriff for School Resource Officer




Sergeant to Serve as Supervisor




Total San Joaquin County Posi ons




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$33,158.38 $0.00 $3,377.52 $4,465.52 $1,236.68 $5,154.93 $435.99 $87.17 $97.54 $692.02 $81.52 $501.74 $767.20 $0.00 $0.00 $50,056.21

$85,223.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,895.00 $1,385.00 $27,040.00 $761.00 $258.00 $170.00 $3,150.00 $320.00 $1,236.00 $1,188.00 $0.00 $0.00 $129,626.00

$176,166.00 $4,816.00 $0.00 $10,987.00 $4,239.00 $54,249.00 $761.00 $524.00 $131.00 $8,164.00 $299.00 $2,650.00 $1,601.00 $834.00 $0.00 $265,421.00

$176,166.00 $4,816.00 $0.00 $10,987.00 $4,239.00 $54,249.00 $761.00 $524.00 $131.00 $8,164.00 $299.00 $2,650.00 $1,601.00 $834.00 $0.00 $265,421.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$12,300.00 $7,420.00 $25,280.00 $6,000.00 $21,700.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $11,300.00 $86,000.00

$1,440.00 $7,500.00 $19,400.00 $7,000.00 $21,700.00 $33,400.00 $2,000.00 $32,800.00 $11,300.00 $136,540.00

$1,440.00 $7,500.00 $19,400.00 $7,000.00 $21,700.00 $33,400.00 $2,000.00 $32,800.00 $11,300.00 $136,540.00

Description 1060

Measure C

19 10

Measure C Essential City Services

Personnel Services 410‐11‐00 Regular Salaries 410‐12‐00 Part‐time Salaries 410‐14‐00 Vacation/Sick Leave 410‐20‐00 Retirement ‐ Employer 410‐21‐00 Retirement ‐ Employee 410‐40‐00 Health Insurance 410‐41‐00 Dental Insurance 410‐42‐00 Life Insurance 410‐43‐00 Vision Insurance 410‐44‐00 Workers Compensation 410‐46‐00 FICA 410‐46‐01 Medicare 410‐47‐00 SUI 410‐49‐00 SDI 410‐99‐00 Expense Variance Total: Personnel Services Contractual Services 420‐16‐00 Contracts ‐ Other 420‐18‐00 Alarm Service 420‐25‐00 Building & Ground 420‐27‐00 Street Trees & Landscaping 420‐32‐00 Park Maintenance 420‐55‐00 Youth/Adult Activity 420‐67‐00 Equipment Rental 420‐70‐00 Auto/Heavy Equipment 420‐75‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair Total: Contractual Services

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$458,667.78 $458,667.78

$799,075.00 $799,075.00

$940,021.00 $940,021.00

$940,021.00 $940,021.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$3,000.00 $1,400.00 $1,300.00 $3,900.00 $600.00 $28,000.00 $38,500.00 $76,700.00

$3,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $600.00 $35,000.00 $33,000.00 $79,400.00

$3,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 $600.00 $35,000.00 $33,000.00 $79,400.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$10,350.00 $0.00 $10,350.00

$9,300.00 $1,730.00 $11,030.00

$9,300.00 $1,730.00 $11,030.00

$67,482.38 $0.00 $67,482.38

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$70,000.00 $61,500.00 $131,500.00

$70,000.00 $61,500.00 $131,500.00

$0.00 $0.00

$290,249.00 $290,249.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $576,206.37

$0.00 $0.00 $1,392,000.00

$1,594,135.00 $1,594,135.00 $3,158,047.00

$1,594,135.00 $1,594,135.00 $3,158,047.00

Description 1060

Measure C

19 10

Measure C Essential City Services

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐16‐00 Measure C Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Custodial Supplies 430‐17‐00 Materials and Supplies 430‐20‐00 Building Maintenance ‐ 430‐21‐00 430‐26‐00 Other Maintenance & Repair 430‐30‐00 Chemicals Utilities ‐ Gas and Electric 430‐49‐00 Water 430‐50‐00 Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Fixed Charges Special Fees 440‐40‐00 440‐90‐00 Compensated Absences Total: Fixed Charges Fixed Assets 450‐30‐00 Vehicles 450‐38‐00 Improvements ‐ Nonstructure Total: Fixed Assets Depreciation and Amortization 470‐03‐00 Capital Replacement Total: Depreciation and Amortization Transfers Transfers Out 990‐90‐10 Total: Transfers Division Total: Essential City Services

Measure C—Lathrop Manteca Fire District

Descrip on of Division In September 2011, the City Council directed staff to evaluate a local revenue measure for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing essen al City services, such as police and fire protec on, and youth and senior services within the City. In July 2012, Council approved placing a 1% sales tax measure on the November ballot for voter considera on. On November 6, 2012, over 77% of the City of Lathrop’s registered voters passed Measure C (Public Safety/Essen al City Services).

On November 19, 2012, the City Council approved an agreement with Lathrop Manteca Fire District alloca ng 40% of Measure C funds to the District. The Measure C funds will be used to augment and enhance fire protec on ac vi es within the City.

All Measure C expenditures will be reviewed by the Measure C Community Oversight Commi ee. Measure C went into effect on April 1, 2013. The City and the Lathrop Manteca Fire District began receiving revenue from Measure C in September 2013.

Accomplishments 2014/2015  Funded six (6) Firefighter Engineer posi ons no longer funded through the Safer Grant as this funding source sunset at the end of June 2014. The six (6) firefighters were hired in an a empt to comply with the number of firefighters required by NFPA 1710. This staffing level is required in order to enhance the preserva on of life, property, and the environment within the City of Lathrop.  Funded 66% of three (3) Line Ba alion Chiefs posi ons. The Line Ba alion Chiefs help maintaining the span and control of supervisory responsibili es of the large incidents that bring chaos and unrest in our community. The Ba alion Chiefs are an integral part of the administra on assis ng with community programs, events and the day‐to‐day opera ons.  Funded over me costs in the amount of $100,000 needed to provide around‐the‐clock staffing for six (6) firefighters.  Funded a new staff vehicle for the new Ba alion Chiefs posi on.

Work Plan 2015/2016  Maintain funding for six (6) Firefighter Engineer posi ons.  Maintain funding for 66% of three (3) Line Ba alion Chiefs.  Maintain funding for over me costs in the amount of $100,000 needed to provide around‐the‐clock staffing for six (6) firefighters.

Measure C—Lathrop Manteca Fire District Capital Requests  None

Significant Opera ng Changes  The staffing levels in the City of Lathrop prior to the Measure C funding would have been at two (2) firefighters per sta on which is significantly below the na onal standards for City Fire Departments. Lathrop City fire service emergency response me has decreased well below the required 5‐minute response me. Staffing FY 2015/2016 (in alphabe cal order) Staffing Summary Lathrop Manteca Fire District Posi ons:








Ba alion Chiefs




Lathrop Manteca Fire District Posi ons




Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,076,286.39 $1,076,286.39

$928,000.00 $928,000.00

$1,120,000.00 $1,120,000.00

$1,120,000.00 $1,120,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $1,076,286.39

$0.00 $0.00 $928,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $1,120,000.00

$0.00 $0.00 $1,120,000.00

2014 Actual

Description 2010

LMFD Measure C

19 20

Measure C Lathrop Manteca Fire District

Contractual Services (Intergovernmental) 425‐16‐00 Measure C Total: Contractual Services Fixed Assets 450‐20‐00 Machines and Equipment Total: Fixed Assets Division Total: Lathrop Manteca Fire District


Developer Projects—Saybrook CLSP LLC

DescripƟon of Developer Project The project consists of approximately 1,525 acres located north of Mossdale Village on the west side of I‐5. The property was annexed into the City of Lathrop in 2005. The project land uses include 468 acres of low‐density residen al, 305 acres of medium density residen al, and 49 acres of high density residen al. Other uses include extensive commercial development, a High School site for Lathrop, K‐8 schools, community and neighborhood parks, a site for a future civic center, levees and open space. A tenta ve map is approved for 1,040 single‐family lots within 10 villages. The City also approved a second small lot tenta ve map for 430 single family lots on the 940acre site adjacent to the Genera ons Center. The City is working collabora vely with the City of Manteca, RD‐17, developers and other stakeholders regarding the implica ons and implementa on measures needed for SB‐5 for 200‐year flood protec on. The City is reviewing a restructuring of CFD 2006‐01 and 02.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project. Professional Services — $100,000 Specialized Legal Services


General Fund Salaries — $75,000 Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Capital/Projects — $5,85,000 Capital Improvement Projects


Debt Service — $389,500 2003 Water Supply Bond Payment (94% of Future)


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$106,439.32 $66,264.08 $172,703.40

$100,000.00 $50,000.00 $150,000.00

$100,000.00 $75,000.00 $175,000.00

$100,000.00 $75,000.00 $175,000.00

$421.65 $421.65

$472.00 $472.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $566,687.75 $566,687.75

$175,000.00 $398,528.00 $573,528.00

$0.00 $389,500.00 $389,500.00

$0.00 $389,500.00 $389,500.00

$1,697,676.96 $1,697,676.96 $2,437,489.76

$1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,724,000.00

$5,885,000.00 $5,885,000.00 $6,449,500.00

$5,885,000.00 $5,885,000.00 $6,449,500.00

Description 4010

Saybrook CLSP LLC

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Debt Service 480‐01‐00 Principal 480‐02‐00 Interest Total: Debt Service Capital Projects 450‐40‐00 Capacity Fee Total: Capital Projects Division Total: Developer Project

Developer Projects—Gateway Business Park

DescripƟon of Developer Project This approved project, located in the City’s Sphere of Influence, is south of the exis ng city limits adjoining McKinley Avenue and North of State Route 120. The approved specific plan includes office, retail and industrial use on 213.5 acres. On January 23, 2012 the City Council approved par al Annexa on of the specific plan area which was approved by LAFCO on June 1, 2012. On February 11, 2015, the Planning Commission approved a Ves ng Parcel Map. The developer is ac vely pursuing commercial and industrial builders.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project. Professional Services — $40,000



General Fund Salaries — $10,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 4020


89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services General Fund Salary Changes 420‐90‐00 Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$90.00 $5,334.17 $5,424.17 $5,424.17

$40,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

$40,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

$40,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

Developer Projects—Wa (Lathrop Marketplace II)

DescripƟon of Developer Project Lathrop Marketplace II consists of 51 acres commercial property located at the northeast corner of Golden Valley Parkway and River Islands Parkway. Total building area, when the shopping center is completed, will be approximately 702,835 square feet consis ng of nine (9) buildings. Golden Valley Parkway is completed for commercial access to this property. Although, there is no commercial development ac vity at this me, interest does appear to be picking up. However, this project is within CLSP and is subject to the liens from CFD 2006‐01. Restructuring of this CFD is delaying construc on on this site. DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project.

Professional Services — $2,500 Specialized Legal Services


General Fund Salaries — $2,500 Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Capital/Projects — $5,036 Annual SSJID Fixed O & M


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 4030

Watt Lathrop II

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $262.08 $262.08 $262.08

$2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

$2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

$2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Developer Projects—South Lathrop Richland

DescripƟon of Developer Project This proposed project, located in the City’s Sphere of Influence, is south of State Route 120, connected to the City by the undercrossing at Guthmiller. The proposed specific plan will include office, retail and industrial use on 300 acres. This project includes a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan, Zoning Amendment, Development Agreement, and Annexa on. In April 2015, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the project and received tes mony from the public and agencies on the EIR and project en tlements. The public hearing was con nued to allow addi onal me for the City and Richland to finalize the Development Agreement.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project.

Billable Staff Time for work on Project — $20,000

General Fund Salaries


Professional Services — $10,000

Professional Services


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$8,913.34 $4,073.70 $12,987.04 $12,987.04

$20,000.00 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

$20,000.00 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

$20,000.00 $10,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Description 4060

South Lathrop Richland

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services General Fund Salary Changes 420‐90‐00 Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project

Developer Projects—Crossroads Richland

DescripƟon of Developer Project Located on a site south of Louise Avenue between Howland and Harlan Roads, Crossroads is an industrial/commercial area comprised of 450 acres of industrial property, zoned Limited Industrial (IL) and 48 acres of Highway Commercial (HC) zoned land. The commercial area contains the 138,000 square foot Lathrop Business Park. Adjoining the Lathrop Business Park are several restaurants and a hotel. The Industrial area includes several leading manufacturing and distribu on facili es. The City, Richland Planned Communi es, and business owners are exploring op ons for a sewer plant consolida on to lower sewer rates and promote growth.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project.

Professional Services — $5,000 Specialized Legal Services


General Fund Salaries — $15,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Capital/Projects — $879,500

Water CFF Credit Reimbursements


Storm Drain CFF Credit Reimbursements


Local Transporta on Credit Reimburse-


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 4080

Xroads Richland

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Capital Projects 450‐41‐00 Capacity Reimbursement Total: Capital Projects Division Total: Developer Project

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$0.00 $3,917.74 $3,917.74

$5,000.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00

$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00

$5,000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00

$5,326.61 $5,326.61 $9,244.35

$100,000.00 $100,000.00 $107,500.00

$879,500.00 $879,500.00 $899,500.00

$879,500.00 $879,500.00 $899,500.00

Developer Projects—Pacific Union Homes

DescripƟon of Developer Project The project is being developed as a mixed‐use master planned development located on the west side of Interstate 5, east of the San Joaquin River, north and south of River Islands Parkway. The site consists of approximately 316 acres within the Mossdale Village por on of the West Lathrop Specific Plan area. The property is located within the Mossdale Landing Urban Design Concept. The project land uses include 929 low‐density lots, 179 medium density lots, one K‐8 elementary school site, a 20‐acre community park, four neighborhood parks, bike trails and bike paths, the River Linear Park, and a fire sta on site. Woodside Homes has purchased and is comple ng the construc on of residen al homes on the remaining infill lots that were not previously constructed.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project.

General Fund Salaries — $1,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 4100

Pacific Union Homes

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$128.47 $128.47 $128.47

$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Developer Projects—River Islands

DescripƟon of Developer Project The River Islands at Lathrop project will be developed as a mixed‐use residen al/commercial development on 4,995 acres on Stewart Tract, west of Interstate 5 and the San Joaquin River. The project includes, among other uses, 11,000 residen al units, an approximately 325‐acre employment center; a 45‐acre town center; schools, various single‐boat and mul ‐boat docks; golf courses; more than 260 acres of parkland; more than 600 acres of lakes, waterways, and canals; over 600 acres of open space; and necessary public facili es and infrastructure to support the project. A current tenta ve map of 4,284 units in Phase 1 of the plan is approved. Bradshaw Crossing Bridge has been completed. The Charter School opened in August 2013. Four merchant homebuilders have started construc on of model homes and produc on homes. Over 200 building permits have been issued for single family residences. A second Charter School is under construc on.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project. Professional Services — $50,000



Plan Check & Inspec ons


Pond E


MBR #1—Wastewater Standby Charge

$ 233,072

Annual SSJID Fixed O & M

$ 338,326


General Fund Salaries — $390,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Billable Police Services


Debt Service — $159,854 2000 COP Water Bond Payment (32.69%)


Capital/Projects — $5,885,000

Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$186,001.44 $299.60 $367,354.94 ($273,719.11) $279,936.87

$200,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $240,000.00 $490,000.00

$50,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $240,000.00 $440,000.00

$50,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $240,000.00 $440,000.00

$19.33 $19.33

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$519.40 $519.40

$146.00 $146.00

$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$92,577.89 $67,276.21 $159,854.10 $440,329.70

$92,578.00 $67,276.00 $159,854.00 $650,000.00

$92,578.00 $67,276.00 $159,854.00 $599,854.00

$92,578.00 $67,276.00 $159,854.00 $599,854.00

Description 4150

River Islands

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐60‐00 Advertising 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes 420‐91‐00 Police Services Total: Contractual Services Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 430‐11‐00 Postage Total: Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel 435‐20‐00 Training and Travel Total: Dues, Meetings, Training and Travel Fixed Charges 440‐40‐00 Special Fees Total: Fixed Charges Debt Service 480‐01‐00 Principal 480‐02‐00 Interest Total: Debt Service Division Total: Developer Project

Developer Projects—Wa (Lathrop Marketplace I)

DescripƟon of Developer Project The Wa ‐McKee property is a por on of the Mossdale Landing East Project. Wa ‐McKee controls the 27 acres of Highway Commercial property located at the southwest corner of Louise Avenue/ River Islands Parkway and I‐5. Lathrop Market Place is anchored by Target and plans for an addi onal anchor and several freestanding commercial and retail businesses totaling 300,000 square feet are approved. No commercial development ac vity is currently occurring, although Wa is ac vely pursuing development opportuni es.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project. Professional Services — $2,500

Specialized Legal Services


General Fund Salaries — $4,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Capital/Projects — $3,252

Annual SSJID Fixed O & M


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

Description 4180

Watt Lathrop I

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$455.00 $145.60 $600.60 $600.60

$2,500.00 $4,000.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00

$2,500.00 $4,000.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00

$2,500.00 $4,000.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00

Developer Projects—Pegasus

DescripƟon of Developer Project The Developer is looking at several loca ons to develop in the Mossdale Village area:

 Tract 3626: Pegasus has submi ed a pre‐applica on for a revision to Tract 3626 proposing a 48 lot subdivision.  208 Unit Apartments: Pegasus submi ed minor modifica ons to the previously approved apartment site for review and approval.

 Towne Centre, east of City Hall: Pegasus is processing a retail/residen al mixed use project.  Sprayfield on Golden Valley Pkwy (GVP) at Towne Centre Drive: Pegasus is pursuing a retail use if they can relocate the sprayfield.

DescripƟon of Developer Project Funds This fund accounts for revenue and expenditure ac vi es related to the development project. Professional Services — $7,000



General Fund Salaries — $3,000

Billable Staff Time for work on Project


Budget For Fiscal Year 2015‐2016 Account Number Fund Expenses Department Division

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

$1,323.58 $17,503.06 $18,826.64 $18,826.64

$5,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

$7,000.00 $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

$7,000.00 $3,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Description 4200

Pegasus Development

89 99

Developer Project Developer Project

Contractual Services 420‐01‐00 Professional Services 420‐90‐00 General Fund Salary Changes Total: Contractual Services Division Total: Developer Project


Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2015-16 through 2019-20 Prior & New Funding Request Current Year Carry Forward Actuals FY 15-16 FY 15-16

Project Description

Planned FY 2016-17

Planned FY 2018-19

Planned FY 2017-18

Planned FY 2019-20

Total Project Needs

General Government and Public Safety GG 10-17 GG 11-09 GG 12-14 GG 13-06 GG 15-18

Retaining Wall and Landscaping at Towne Centre Dr & Village Ave (Tract 3410) Financial Management System Solar Energy Project Capital Facility Fee Study Update City Hall Reorganization

General Government and Public Safety Subtotal:

$ $ $ $ $ $

9,618 538,400 18,734 29,437 596,189

$ $ $ $ $ $

290,382 62,525 35,766 140,563 265,000 794,236

$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $

300,000 600,925 54,500 170,000 265,000 1,390,425

Parks & Recreation Improvements PK 15-11 River Park South Restroom Installation




60,500 $












PK 15-14 7th Street Skate Park Renovation and Site Cleanup




95,000 $












PK 16-07 City Park Equipment and Rubberized Surface Improvements$ Parks & Recreation Subtotal: $


$ $

$ 155,500 $

369,635 $ 369,635 $


$ $


$ $


$ $


$ $

369,635 525,135

PS 97-02 Lathrop Road Westerly Grade Separation PS 02-04 Regional Pedestrian Bikeway PS 02-24 Lathrop Road Widening Rehabilitation

$ 15,927,677 $

3,727,501 $

975,121 $








$ 20,630,299


100,000 $























Street Improvements $

17,980 $

61,035 $


57,144 $

2,138,813 $

PS 09-04 River Island Pkwy/Bradshaw Crossing Bridge PS 12-04 Manthey Road Bridge Replacement


1,424,426 $

141,920 $


677,991 $

3,485,909 $

PS 12-15 PS 14-04 PS 15-04 PS 15-15

Harlan Road Improvements Harlan Road Precise Plan Line

$ $

135,838 $ $

197,623 $ 802,229 $


$ $

Sidewalk Repair Program Thomsen Road Sidewalk Improvements

$ $

1,080 $ $

172,982 $ 43,270 $


PS 15-19 5th Street Sidewalk Improvement PS 16-01 City-wide Road Maintenance & Repair Program PS 16-02 Traffic Calming Measures

Street Subtotal:


193,731 $




2,265,324 $ 37,234,674 $


$ 44,524,148

3,400,000 $ 500,000 $

$ 2,100,000 $


$ $

3,733,461 3,402,229

$ $

80,000 $ $

80,000 $ $

80,000 $ $

494,062 43,270

75,000 $

300,000 $

340,000 $

$ $ 493,522 $ $ $ 22,154 $ $ 18,242,136 $ 11,361,958 $

811,531 $ 25,000 $ 2,993,583 $

975,000 $ $ 5,567,050 $






688,200 $

172,050 $




$ $

80,000 $ $ -


500,000 $ 500,000 $ $ $ 4,945,324 $ 37,814,674 $




500,000 $ 3,780,053 $ 47,154 580,000 $ 81,504,725

Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2015-16 through 2019-20 Prior & New Funding Request Current Year Carry Forward Actuals FY 15-16 FY 15-16

Project Description

Planned FY 2016-17

Planned FY 2018-19

Planned FY 2017-18

Planned FY 2019-20

Total Project Needs

Water Improvements PW 08-09 Well 21 Improvements


331,246 $

1,966,823 $









PW 10-10 UWMP and Water Master Plan Updates PW 12-08 Citywide Water System Repairs


149,157 $

48,098 $

225,000 $







150,000 $



1,440 $

133,560 $











PW 13-08 Water Meter Improvements PW 14-08 Modifications for Wells 7, 8 and 9 PW 15-05 Well 10 Emergency Power


396,718 $

100,449 $

245,000 $

270,000 $

270,000 $







343,388 $

96,612 $













214 $

339,786 $












PW 16-04 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Compliance

$ $

$ 1,222,163 $

$ 2,685,328 $

100,000 $ 570,000 $

$ 270,000 $

$ 270,000 $


$ $

$ 150,000 $

100,000 5,167,491

$ $

949,590 $ 949,590 $

1,047,092 $ 1,047,092 $

1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $


$ $



$ $


3,496,682 3,496,682

WW 10-15 Lathrop Consolidated Treatment Facility Expansion


7,041,507 $

1,154,172 $

250,000 $










WW 11-06 Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements


515,085 $

39,913 $



1,050,000 $








WW 12-07 Sewer Plant Upgrades and Maintenance WW 13-02 East Side Wastewater Collection System WW 13-09 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements


134,449 $

397,251 $



160,000 $

80,000 $

65,000 $



8,390 $

91,610 $







235,000 $

1,200,000 $



29,459 $

245,541 $











WW 14-14 LCTF Expansion fr 1.0 mgd to 2.0 mgd


276,746 $

4,194,360 $ 18,162,792 $ 18,675,000 $ 14,600,000 $




$ 55,908,898

WW 15-08 Wastewater Master Plan Update






Water Subtotal:





Drainage Improvements SD 14-13 Urban Level Flood Protection 200-Year Floodplains

Drainage Subtotal:

$ $

$ $

Wastewater Improvements

WW 15-20 Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Plant Decommissioning $ Wastewater Subtotal: $

Grand Total CIP:



$ 8,005,636 $

$ 29,015,714

500,000 $





32,000 $



$ 300,000 $ $ $ 6,622,847 $ 18,712,792 $ 19,885,000 $ 14,632,000 $

$ 22,666,961

$ 24,146,010

$ 25,722,050

$ 19,847,324

$ 315,000 $

$ 38,129,674




$ 300,000 1,265,000 $ 69,438,275 1,995,000

$ 161,522,733

Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2015-16 through 2019-20

Project Description

Prior & New Funding Request Current Year Carry Forward Actuals FY 15-16 FY 15-16

Planned FY 2016-17

Planned FY 2018-19

Planned FY 2017-18

Planned FY 2019-20

Total Project Needs

Future Capital Improvement Projects GG 08-05 Animal Shelter













5,055,000 $

GG 15-10 Historic Center Feasability Study








20,000 $








PK 14-01 City Wide Park Master Plan








175,000 $

50,000 $






PK 14-03 Soccer Complex




50,000 $



100,000 $








PS 06-06 Louise Avenue and I-5 Improvements


1,854,755 $

272,442 $











PS 06-16 Lathrop Road and I-5 Improvements


143,975 $





150,000 $








PS 15-02 Louise Avenue & Mckinley Avenue Signal Improvements









450,000 $






PS 16-03 Louise Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation








1,000,000 $








SD 08-07 Shilling Storm Water Pump Station & Force Main




282,000 $








1,350,000 $


RW 16-06 Recycled Water Program Implementation

$ $

$ 1,998,730 $

$ 604,442 $


$ $

100,000 $ 1,545,000 $

$ 500,000 $


$ $

$ 100,000 6,405,000 $ 11,053,172



104,000 $

7,500 $

45,000 $

45,000 $

45,000 $

479,200 $

76,463 $

169,285 $

86,000 $

53,799 $

56,500 $

59,325 $

62,325 $



40,000 $

50,000 $

50,000 $


$ 273,285 $

56,666 $ 190,166 $

56,666 $ 205,465 $

56,666 $ 208,166 $

56,666 $ 160,991 $

Future Capital Improvement Projects Subtotal:


$ $ $


Regulatory Compliance Programs GG 15-07 ADA Transition Plan Implementation


PW 10-09 Urban Water Management Plan Implementation SD 14-10 Storm Water Management Plan


WW 11-08 Sewer System Management Plan

$ $

Regulatory Permitting Requirements Total:




$ 76,463 $



725,700 563,697



56,666 $ 598,191 $

283,330 1,712,727


by Project Type 5 Current Projects


2 Future Projects


0 New Projects

Prior & Current Year Actuals 596,189

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20

794,236 20,000



7 Totals





425,073 18,660

62,525 23,340


487,598 42,000 20,000 265,000 814,598


265,000 350,865


F5600-Water Cap Repl GG12-14 Subtotal:

12,500 12,500

73 73

12,427 12,427


56,663 56,663

56,663 56,663


56,664 56,664

56,664 56,664


























by Funding Sources General Fund Financial Mgmt Sys Solar Energy Project Historic Center City Hall

F1010-General GG11-09 GG12-14 GG15-10 GG15-18


Enterprise Funds Solar Energy Project

Financial Mgmt Sys

Financial Mgmt Sys

F5620-Water GG11-09 F6010-Sewer GG11-09


by Project Type

Prior & Current Year Actuals

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20

by Funding Sources Continued

Animal Shelter

CFF Study Update

Retaining Wall & CFF Study Update

F2270-City Services GG08-05 Subtotal:

5,055,000 5,055,000

F2290-Administration GG13-06 Subtotal: F2710-Developer Contribution GG10-17 GG13-06 Subtotal: Total:

5,055,000 5,055,000







70,000 70,000

12,069 12,069

57,931 57,931






300,000 100,000 400,000

9,618 17,369 26,987

290,382 82,631 373,013















by Project Type

Prior & Current Year Actuals

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

2 Current Projects



2 Future Projects



1 New Projects


5 Totals



General Fund F1010-General Fund City Wide Master PK14-01 Subtotal:

225,000 225,000


Special Revenue Funds F1060-Measure C Linear Park PK15-11 7th St Skate Park PK15-14 City Park Equip & PK16-07 Subtotal:

60,500 95,000 308,635 464,135

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20







175,000 175,000

50,000 50,000















369,635 205,500


by Funding Sources



60,500 95,000 -


308,635 308,635


F2260-CFF Culture & Leisure Soccer Complex


150,000 Subtotal:

City Park Equip &

F2650-CDBG Fund PK16-07 Subtotal: Total:











100,000 -


61,000 205,500

61,000 369,635



by Project Type 10 Current Projects


4 Future Projects


2 New Projects


16 Totals

Prior & Current Year Actuals 18,242,136 1,998,730

Carry Forward FY 15-16 10,846,282

New Funding Request FY 15-16 2,157,052


Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18





Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20















50,000 67,629












4,292,401 4,173

1,108,599 601,342 3,827


5,401,000 601,342 8,000 50,000 320,516 43,270 75,000 22,907 22,154 6,544,189


50,000 43,270 75,000 22,907 22,154 1,927,099

F2110-Measure K Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 Pedestrian Bikeway PS02-04 Subtotal:

10,855,000 64,217 10,919,217

8,236,098 15,615 8,251,713

2,618,902 48,602 2,667,504

by Funding Sources Special Revenue Funds F2030-Gas Tax Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 Lathrop Widening Reh PS02-24 Manthey Bridge Repl PS12-04 Louise/Mckinley Signl PS15-02 Sidewalk Repair PS15-04 Thomsen Rd Sidewalk PS15-15 5th St Sidewalk PS15-19 CityWide Rd Maint PS16-01 Traffic Calming Meas PS16-02





CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group - Street Improvements by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued F2140-TDA Funds Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 Pedestrian Bikeway PS02-04 Lathrop Widening Reh PS02-24 Sidewalk Repair PS15-04 CityWide Rd Maint PS16-01 Traffic Calming Meas PS16-02 Subtotal:

Prior & Current Year Actuals

Carry Forward FY 15-16

200,000 114,798 13,731 173,546 3,216,590 25,000 3,743,665

200,000 2,365






39,469,350 640,000 40,109,350


2,700,042 2,700,042

2,700,042 2,700,042

F2150-Federal Manthey Bridge Repl PS12-04 5th St Sidewalk PS15-19 F2160-STIP Lathrop West Grade PS97-02

CityWide Rd Maint

Total Est. Cost

F2180-Xroads Street Improvements PS16-01 65,556 Subtotal: 65,556

F2230-CFF-Regional Transportation Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 136 Lathrop Widening Reh PS02-24 483,645 Subtotal: 483,781 F2250-CFF Local Transportation Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 499,000 Lathrop Widening Reh PS02-24 1,110,970 Harlan Rd Imprvmnts PS12-15 126,195 Subtotal: 1,736,165 F2280-CFF Storm Drain Lathrop Widening Reh PS02-24 Harlan Rd Imprvmnts PS12-15 Subtotal:

180,000 174,266 354,266

New Funding Request FY 15-16


Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20

100,000 13,731



122,982 405,059


811,531 25,000 850,262 516,150 300,000 816,150

12,371 500,000

12,371 500,000

12,371 500,000

12,371 500,000





34,969,350 340,000 340,000










65,556 65,556







483,645 483,645






499,000 57,144 51,240 607,384

1,053,826 74,955 1,128,781






51,598 51,598

122,668 122,668






180,000 180,000

CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group - Street Improvements by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued

Total Est. Cost

Prior & Current Year Actuals

F2320- CFF W/C Lathrop Transportation Louise/I-5 Imprvmnts PS06-06 1,904,489 Manthey Bridge Repl PS12-04 1,682,266 Roth Rd/I-5 Imprvmnts PS14-04 2,229 Subtotal: 3,588,984 F2330- WLSP Regional Transportation Lathrop/I-5 Imprvmnts PS06-16 29,396 Manthey Bridge Repl PS12-04 1,682,266



Carry Forward FY 15-16

272,442 57,350 2,229 332,021

New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19























F2360- RTIF Lathrop Local West Transportation Manthey Bridge Repl PS12-04 1,682,266 Roth Rd/I-5 Imprvmnts PS14-04 517,000 Subtotal: 2,199,266






57,350 517,000 574,350





F2420- North Lathrop Impact Fee Roth Rd/I-5 Imprvmnts PS14-04 500,000 Subtotal: 500,000




500,000 500,000

33,000 33,000




F2340- RTIF Lathrop Local East Transportation Roth Rd/I-5 Imprvmnts PS14-04 283,000 Subtotal:

F6030- Sewer CFF Harlan Rd Imprvmnts PS12-15 Subtotal:


33,000 33,000


29,396 29,396


Planned FY 19-20














CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group - Street Improvements by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued Other Sources F2710-Developer Contribution Louise/I-5 Imprvmnts PS06-06 Lathrop/I-5 Imprvmnts PS06-16 RI Pkwy Bradshaw Xing PS09-04 Harlan Rd Imprvmnts PS12-15 Subtotal: Railroad Lathrop West Grade PS97-02 Subtotal:

Total Est. Cost

Prior & Current Year Actuals

222,708 264,579 1,566,346 3,400,000 5,453,633 975,121 975,121

Carry Forward FY 15-16

222,708 114,579 1,424,426




New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20








975,121 975,121

3,400,000 3,550,000



Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Louise/Mckinley Signl PS15-02 400,000 Subtotal: 400,000





400,000 400,000



City of Manteca - Center Point (RTIP) Roth Rd/I-5 Imprvmnts PS14-04 2,100,000 Subtotal: 2,100,000





2,100,000 2,100,000



To be determined Louise Ave Pavement PS16-03 Subtotal:

1,000,000 1,000,000




1,000,000 1,000,000




475,000 475,000




475,000 475,000




CityWide Rd Maint

RSTP PS16-01 Subtotal: Total:











by Project Type 5 Current Projects


Prior & Current Year Actuals 1,298,626

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16



Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20









- Future Projects 1 New Projects


6 Totals






F560-Water Cap Repl WMP Update PW10-10 Water Sys Repair PW12-08 Water Meter Rep PW13-08 Well 7 8 & 9 Mod PW14-08 Well 10 Power PW15-05 Sustainable GW PW16-04 Subtotal:

572,255 135,000 1,184,667 440,000 340,000 100,000 2,771,922

149,157 1,440 299,218 343,388 214

48,098 133,560 100,449 96,612 339,786




F561-Water Expansion Well 21 Post Con PW08-09 Subtotal:

171,041 171,041

171,041 171,041

563,697 97,500 661,197

76,463 97,500 173,963

by Funding Sources Enterprise Funds

F562-Water UWMP - Reg Com PW10-09 Water Meter Rep PW13-08 Subtotal:






100,000 570,000






















CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group PW - Water Improvements by Project Type F541 - CFD 2003-01 Well 21 Post Con PW08-09 Subtotal:

Total Est. Cost

Prior & Current Year Actuals

1,531,471 1,531,471

145,867 145,867

F271-Developer Contribution Well 21 Post Con PW08-09 Subtotal:

14,338 14,338

14,338 14,338

Project Buy In Fund 562 & 541 Well 21 Post Con PW08-09 Subtotal:

581,219 581,219


Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

1,385,604 1,385,604

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20
















Other Sources




581,219 581,219 2,854,613







by Project Type 1 Current Projects


1 Future Projects


Prior & Current Year Actuals 949,590

Carry Forward FY 15-16 1,047,092

New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20




0 New Projects 2 Totals
















F234-CFF Regional Trans SD08-07 Subtotal:

1,500,000 1,500,000

F271-Developer Contribution SD08-07 SD14-13 Subtotal:

132,000 2,650,541 2,782,541

460,215 460,215

132,000 690,326 822,326




















150,000 150,000





1,500,000 1,500,000








by Funding Sources Special Revenue Funds

ULFP Protection

F101-General Fund SD14-13 Subtotal:

F105-Economic Development ULFP Protection SD14-13

Shilling SWPS

Shilling SWPS ULFP Protection



1,350,000 1,350,000


CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group - Wastewater Improvements by Project Type 7 Current Projects

Total Est. Cost 69,138,275

Prior & Current Year Actuals 8,005,636

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16



Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20









- Future Projects 1 New Projects

8 Totals





9,192 9,192

9,192 9,192

1,535,000 150,000 187,500 1,872,500

8,390 16,029



by Funding Sources F605-Crossroads Xrds WWTP Expan WW11-06 Subtotal: F606-Capital Replacement East Side WW Col WW13-02 WWPS Imprvmnts WW13-09 WWMP Update WW15-08 Subtotal:

F607-Crossroads Capital Replacement Xrds WWTP Expan WW11-06 22,116 Sewer Plant Upgd WW12-07 211,000 LCTF Phase 2 WW14-14 33,898 WWMP Update WW15-08 44,500 Xrds WWTP WW15-20 300,000 Subtotal: 611,514 F611-WW Capital Replacement LCTF Expansion WW10-15 Sewer Plant Upgd WW12-07 WWPS Imprvmnts WW13-09 WWMP Update WW15-08 Subtotal:

83,991 657,700 125,000 268,000 1,134,691

24,419 22,116 43,728 32,300

91,610 133,971 187,500 413,081
























167,272 1,598 44,500



69,089 90,721 13,430

14,902 229,979 111,570 268,000 624,451



300,000 300,000


CITY OF LATHROP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FIVE YEAR PLAN FY 15-16 THROUGH FY 19-20 CIP SUMMARY Group - Wastewater Improvements by Project Type by Funding Sources Continued

Total Est. Cost

Prior & Current Year Actuals

F271-Developer Contribution LCTF Expansion WW10-15 Xrds WWTP Expan WW11-06 LCTF Phase 2 WW14-14 Subtotal:

8,244,618 1,573,690 55,875,000 65,693,308

6,855,348 483,777 244,446 7,583,571

F105-Economic Development LCTF Expansion WW10-15 Subtotal:

117,070 117,070

117,070 117,070




Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

1,139,270 39,913 4,192,762 5,371,945


Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

1,050,000 18,675,000 19,725,000

14,600,000 14,600,000

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20

250,000 18,162,792 18,412,792











by Project Type

Prior & Current Year Actuals

Carry Forward FY 15-16

New Funding Request FY 15-16

Planned FY 16-17

Planned FY 17-18

Planned FY 18-19

Planned FY 19-20

- Current Projects - Future Projects 1 New Projects



1 Totals









F608-WW Recycling Plant -#1 MBR RW16-06 100,000 Subtotal: 100,000




100,000 100,000











by Funding Sources RW Program



CIP by Project Category FY 2015-2016 New Funding Request General Government & Public Safety, $7,500 , 0% Parks & Recreation Improvements, $369,635 , 2%

Drainage Improvements, $1,500,000 , 6% Street Improvements, $2,993,583 , 12%

Recycled Water Improvements, $- , 0% Water Improvements, $656,000 , 3%

Wastewater Improvements, $18,712,792 , 77%

CIP by Project Category 5-Year Funding Program FYs 2016-2020 General Government & Public Safety, $6,465,425 , 4% Parks & Recreation Improvements, $900,135 , 1%

Drainage Improvements, $5,128,682 , 3%

Recycled Water Improvements, $100,000 , 0% Street Improvements, $85,375,897 , 49%

Wastewater Improvements, $69,438,275 , 40%

Water Improvements, $5,731,188 , 3%


Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016

EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE BALANCES BY DEPARTMENT General Fund 1010 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 159,742 0 (53,000) $ 106,742

Measure C 1050 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 60,000 30,000 (55,000) $ 35,000

Traffic Safety 2070 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 28,723 0 0 $ 28,723

Streets 2080 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 11,028 0 (11,028) $ ‐

Crossroads Storm Drain 2500 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 4,535 0 (4,535) $ ‐

Storm Drain 2510 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 13,791 0 (6,000) $ 7,791

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016

EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE BALANCES BY DEPARTMENT Stonebridge Drainage/Lighting District 2560 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 67,994 0 (3,200) $ 64,794

Sewer 6010 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 36,091 0 0 $ 36,091

Sewer West I‐5 6080 Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 12,919 0 0 $ 12,919

Grand Total Beginning Balance 15/16 15/16 Reserves 15/16 Expenses Ending Balance 15/16

$ 334,823 30,000 (132,763) $ 232,060

Budget for Fiscal Year 2014‐2015

EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE BALANCES BY DEPARTMENT Water 5620 Beginning Balance 14/15 14/15 Reserves 14/15 Expenses Ending Balance 14/15

$ 25,973 0 (25,973) $ ‐

Sewer 6010 Beginning Balance 14/15 14/15 Reserves 14/15 Expenses Ending Balance 14/15

$ 53,591 0 0 $ 53,591

Sewer West I‐5 6080 Beginning Balance 14/15 14/15 Reserves 14/15 Expenses Ending Balance 14/15

$ 30,419 0 0 $ 30,419

Grand Total Beginning Balance 14/15 14/15 Reserves 14/15 Expenses Ending Balance 14/15

$ 662,379 200,000 (102,556) $ 759,823

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016

INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS ‐ OPERATING TRANSFERS BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014 General Fund 1010 Operating Transfers In Measure C 1060 City Services 2270 Administration CFF 2290 Scholarship Fund 2700 Historic CFD 2630 Total Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers Out Public Nuisance 2090 Subsidy Xroad Storm Drain 2500 General Benefit Steet Lights 2520 Subsidy Woodfield Park 2530 General Benefit Stonebridge Landscaping 2550 General Benefit Stonebridge Drain/Lighting 2560 General CIP 3010 Streets CIP 3310 Total Operating Transfers Out Economic Development 1050 Operating Transfers Out Storm Drain CIP Fund 3910 Measure C Essential City Services 1060 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010 LMFD Measure C Fund 2010 General CIP 3010

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

0 626,250 0 3,331 1,500 631,081

0 626,250 0 6,500 1,500 634,250

10,000 686,250 100,000 6,500 1,500 804,250

(11,766) (38,812) (17,095) (9,013) (3,326) (3,326) 0 0 (83,338)

(25,000) (14,379) (17,566) (11,170) (3,492) (3,492) 0 0 (75,099)

(24,000) (9,860) (18,059) (26,819) (3,667) (3,667) 0 0 (86,072)




0 (800,000) 0 (800,000)

0 (928,000) 0 (928,000)

(10,000) (1,120,000) (464,135) (1,594,135)

Measure C LMFD 2010 Operating Transfers In General Fund 1010




Gas Tax Fund 2030 Operating Transfers Out Streets Fund 2080




Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


Gas Tax Fund 2030 (Continued) Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Total Operating Transfers Out Streets Fund 2080 Operating Transfers In Gas Tax 2105 Fund 2030 Measure "K" Fund 2110 Total Operating Transfers In Public Nuisance 2090 Operating Transfers In General Fund 1010

BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

(5,033,000) (5,233,000)

(3,928,526) (4,228,526)

(1,035,419) (1,335,419)

200,000 200,000 400,000

300,000 300,000 600,000

300,000 300,000 600,000




Measure "K" Fund 2110 Operating Transfers Out Streets Fund 20800 Streets & Roads CIP Funds 3310 Total Operating Transfers Out

(200,000) (10,909,217) (11,109,217)

(300,000) (7,740,784) (8,040,784)

(300,000) (2,667,504) (2,967,504)

LTF ‐ Streets & Roads Fund 2140 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Storm Drain CIP Fund 3910 Total Operating Transfers Out

(29,148) (1,448,613) 0 (1,477,761)

0 (1,093,246) 0 (1,093,246)

0 (1,390,736) 0 (1,390,736)

Federal Grant 2150 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310

0 (1,250,000)

0 (3,951,604)

0 (4,126,182)

STIP Augmentation 2160 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310

(4,394,176) (1,317,325)

(1,301,123) (531,959)

0 0

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016

INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS ‐ OPERATING TRANSFERS BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014 Regional Traffic Mitigation Fund 2230 Operating Transfers Out Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Traffic Mitigation Fund 2250 Operating Transfers Out Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Culture & Leisure 2260 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 City Services 2270 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010 Water Improvement CIP Fund 569 Total Operating Transfers Out




(626,250) 0 (626,250)

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015




(626,250) 0 (626,250)

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016




(686,250) 0 (686,250)

Storm Drain CFF 2280 Operating Transfers Out Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310




Administration CFF 2290 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010




W/C Lathrop Local Trans CFF 2320 Operating Transfers Out Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310




WLSP Regional Trans CFF 2330 Operating Transfers Out Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310




RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local West 2360 Operating Transfers Out

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016









Woodfield Park 2530 Operating Transfers In Subsidy General Fund 1010




Stonebridge Landscaping 2550 Operating Transfers In General Benefit 1010




Stonebridge Drainage/Lighting 2560 Operating Transfers In General Benefit 1010







RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local West 2360 (Continued) Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Xroad Storm Drain 2500 Operating Transfers In Subsidy General Fund 1010 Street Lights 2520 Operating Transfers In General Benefit & Subsidy 1010 Operating Transfers Out

Mossdale CFD 2570 Operating Transfers In Mossdale CFD Cap Replace 2590 Operating Transfers Out Mossdale CFD Cap Replace 2590 Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Total Operating Transfers Out Mossdale Landscape & Lighting 2580 Operating Transfers In Mossdale L & L Cap. Replace 2610 Operating Transfers Out


(5,000) (90,000) (95,000)


(5,000) 0 (5,000)


(5,000) 0 (5,000)


Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


Mossdale Landscape & Lighting 2580 (Continued) Mossdale L & L Cap. Replace 2610 Mossdale CFD Capital Replace 2590 Operating Transfers In Mossdale CFD 2570 Operating Transfers Out Mossdale CFD 2570 Mossdale L & L Cap. Replace 2610 Operating Transfers In Mossdale Landscape & Lighting 2580 Operating Transfers Out Mossdale Landscape & Lighting 2580 Historical CFD 2005‐1 2630 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010 CDBG 2650 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Standby District 2660 Operating Transfers Out MBR Recycled Plant Fund 6080 Scholarship Fund 2700 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010 Developer Projects Fund 2710 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Storm Drain CIP Fund 3910

BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016




























(100,000) (100,000) 0

(73,616) 0 0

(68,024) (975,121) (1,500,000)

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


Developer Projects Fund 2710 (Continued) WasteWater CIP Fund 6090 Total Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Operating Transfers In Measure C Fund 1060 LTF‐Streets & Roads Fund 2140 STIP Augmentation Fund 2160 Culture & Leisure Fund 2260 CDBG Fund 2650 Developer Projects Fund 2710 Total Operating Transfers In Streets & Roads CIP Fund 3310 Operating Transfers In Gas Tax 2105 Fund 2030 Measure "K" Fund 2110 LTF‐Streets & Roads Fund 2140 Federal Grant Fund 2150 STIP Augmentation Fund 2160 Regional Traffic Impact Fund 2230 Traffic Mitigation Fund 2250 Storm Drain Fund 2280 W/C Lathrop Local Trans CFF 2320 WLSP Regional Trans CFF 2330 RTIF ‐ Lathrop Local West 2360 Mossdale CFD 04‐1 Fund 2570 Developer Projects Fund 2710 Total Operating Transfers In Storm Drain CIP 3910 Operating Transfers In Storm Drain CIP Fund 3910 Developer Projects Fund 2710 Total Operating Transfers In

BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

(4,668,781) (4,868,781)

(3,205,044) (3,278,660)

(21,760,952) (24,304,097)

0 29,148 4,394,176 50,000 0 100,000 4,573,324

0 0 1,301,123 0 0 73,616 1,374,739

464,135 0 0 0 68,500 68,024 600,659

5,033,000 10,909,217 1,448,613 1,250,000 1,317,325 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 100,000 20,151,855

3,928,526 7,740,784 1,093,246 3,951,604 531,959 0 499,000 0 207,350 57,350 57,350 0 0 18,067,169

1,035,419 2,667,504 1,390,736 4,126,182 0 0 0 180,000 57,350 57,350 57,350 0 975,121 10,547,012

0 0 0

50,000 0 50,000

1,500,000 0 1,500,000

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

Surface Water Supply CSLP 5400 Operating Transfers Out Water Fund 5620




Mossdale Village CFD 2003‐1 5410 Operating Transfers Out Water Fund 5620 Water CIP Fund 5690 Total Operating Transfers Out

(617,478) (1,481,077) (2,098,555)

(789,329) (1,414,100) (2,203,429)

0 (1,385,604) (1,385,604)

Water System Capital Replacement 5600 Operating Transfers In Water Fund 5620 Operating Transfers Out Water Fund 5620 Water CIP Fund 5690 Water Fund 5620 Operating Transfers In Surface Water Supply CSLP Fund 5400 Mossdale CFD 2003‐1 Fund 5410 Water Capital Replacement Fund 5600 Surface Water Supply CFF Fund 5640 Total Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers Out Water System Capital Replacement Fund 5600 Water CIP Fund 5690 Total Operating Transfers Out Surface Water Supply CFF Fund 5640 Operating Transfers Out Water 5620 Water CIP Fund 5690 Operating Transfers In Mossdale Village CFD 2003‐1 Fund 5410

0 (83,170) (658,000) (741,170)

1,213,945 617,478 83,170 0 1,914,593 0 (627,682) (627,682)



(85,200) (340,000) (425,200)

(97,000) (570,000) (667,000)

576,128 789,329 85,200 253,435 1,704,092

391,940 0 97,000 10,000 498,940

(390,431) (630,008) (1,020,439)

(701,428) (667,219) (1,368,647)







Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


Water CIP Fund 5690 (Continued) Water Capital Replacement Fund 5600 Water Fund 5620 SRF Loan Fund 5650 Total Operating Transfers In

BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

658,000 627,682 0 2,766,759

340,000 630,008 0 2,384,108

570,000 667,219 0 2,622,823

Wastewater Fund 6010 Operating Transfers Out General CIP Fund 3010 Wastewater Capital Replacement Fund 6060

0 (398,840)

0 (408,066)

0 (451,150)

Water Recycling Plant #1 6050 Operating Transfers Out Water Recycle Plant #1 Cap Replace Fund 6070




Wastewater Capital Replacement 6060 Operating Transfers In Wastewater Fund 6010 Operating Transfers Out Wastewater CIP Fund 6090






Water Recycling Plant #1 Cap Replace 6070 Operating Transfers In Water Recycling Plant #1 Fund 6050 Operating Transfers Out Wastewater CIP Fund 6090





WW Recycled Water 6080 Operating Transfers In Standby District Fund 2660 Operating Transfers Out Recycled Water Capital Replacement Fund 6110









Wastewater CIP Fund 6090 Operating Transfers In Developer Projects Fund 2710


150,486 0


Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


Wastewater CIP Fund 6090 (Continued) Wastewater Connection Fees Fund 6030 Wastewater Capital Replacement Fund 6060 Xroad Capital Replacement Fund 6070 Wastewater CIP Fund 6100 MBR Capital Replacement Fund 6110 Total Operating Transfers In Recycled Water Capital Replacement 6110 Operating Transfers In Recycled Water Fund 6080 Operating Transfers Out Wastewater CIP Fund 6090

BUDGETED FY 2013‐2014

BUDGETED FY 2014‐2015

BUDGETED FY 2015‐2016

0 75,000 73,500 0 335,700 5,152,981

0 187,500 122,000 0 318,000 3,832,544

0 0 0 0 0 21,760,952






Compensated Absences Fund 8010 Operating Transfers Out General Fund 1010

Net Operating Transfers





Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016

INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS ‐ INDIRECT COST REIMBURSEMENTS FUND NAME General 1010 Gas Tax 2105 2030 Traffic Safety 2070 Streets 2080 Public Nuisance 2090 Asset Forefeiture 2100 Measure "K" 2110 Transit 2120 LTF ‐ Streets & Roads 2140 Universal Hiring Grant 2190 CLSP 2006‐2 2390 Recycling AB 939 2400 Crossroads Storm Drain 2500 Storm Drain 2510 Street Lighting 2520 Woodfield 2530 Stonebridge Landscaping 2550 Stonebridge Drainage & Lighting 2560 Mossdale CFD 2570 Mossdale Landscape/Lighting 2580 Historical Lathrop CFD 2630 Standy District 2005‐1 2660 Developer Projects 2710 General Government CIP 3010 Streets CIP 3310 Storm Drain CIP 3910 Mossdale Village CFD 2003‐1 5410 Water System Capital Replacement 5600 Water 5620 Surface Water Supply CFF 5640 Water CIP 5690 Wastewater 6010 Wastewater Connection Fees 6030 Water Recycling Plant #1 6050 Wastewater Capital Replacement 6060 Water Recycling Plant #1 Cap Repl 6070

BUDGET FY 2013‐2014 3,030,438 (1,006) (7,386) (100,074) (1,766) 0 0 (5,986) (562) (10) (48,783) (6,267) (38,399) (49,108) (20,897) (16,242) (31,152) (56,270) (288,187) (75,786) (5,259) (36) (571) (40,206) (4,655) (369) (2,314) (2,041) (1,021,161) 0 (1,687) (625,536) (972) (185,724) (2,417) (416)

BUDGET FY 2014‐2015 2,918,731 (921) (4,554) (106,512) (1,270) (97) (395) (407) (762) 0 (42,117) (7,578) (36,049) (41,767) (17,295) (13,237) (29,802) (45,237) (313,219) (51,721) (3,113) (37) (522) (53,000) (5,004) 0 (2,782) (2,017) (987,325) 0 (1,792) (586,476) (532) (181,889) (2,540) (463)

BUDGET FY 2015‐2016 2,865,985 (632) (7,181) (117,146) (959) (36) 0 0 0 (65) (40,305) (9,916) (35,590) (44,232) (16,983) (14,821) (30,391) (46,728) (276,842) (56,326) (3,271) (58) (644) (50,000) (4,225) (58) (2,749) (1,970) (969,808) 0 (1,314) (649,904) 0 (110,176) (2,672) (555)

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


BUDGET FY 2013‐2014 (385,816) (2,161) (1,216) 0

BUDGET FY 2014‐2015 (375,608) (1,520) (1,171) 0

BUDGET FY 2015‐2016 (363,310) (6,175) (943) 0

All of the City's General Government programs are initially accounted and budgeted for in the General Fund. However, these support service programs also benefit the City's special revenue and agency funds, and accordingly, transfers are made from these funds to reimburse the General Fund for these services. These transfers are based on a Cost Allocation Plan prepared for this purpose which distributes these shared costs in a uniform consistent manner in with generally accepted accounting principles. Copies of the most current Cost Allocation Plan are available for review in the Finance Department.


RESOLUTION NO. 15-3934 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LATHROP ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016, ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF POSITIONS IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY AND ALSO ADOPTING THE PROVISIONAL GANN LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lathrop has duly considered the financial needs of the City of Lathrop for fiscal year 2015-16; and WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a budget to be prepared which incorporates those General Fund anticipated expenditures, which total $17,326,457 and estimated revenues which total $171346,457; and WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a budget to be prepared which incorporates those Special Funds anticipated expenditures, which total $53,855,634 and estimated revenues which total $59,882,897; and WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a budget to be prepared which incorporates those Capital Improvement Program anticipated expenditures, which total $18 888,229 and estimated revenues which total $12,647,671; and 1

WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a budget to be prepared which incorporates those Enterprise Funds anticipated expenditures, which total $45,203,026 and estimated revenues which total $40,137,851; and WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a budget to be prepared which establishes the total number of Authorized Regular Positions by Department (Exhibit "A") which includes 115.08 funded positions; and WHEREAS, the budget document and itemized details are filed with the City Clerk of the City of Lathrop; and WHEREAS, Under California Law, the City of Lathrop annually calculates the Final Gann Appropriation Limit; and WHEREAS, the Final Gann Limit has been calculated for fiscal year 2015-2016 to be $108,061,888 (see Exhibit "B"); and


WHEREAS, the Certification of Assessment and Special Assessment Charge Agreement are required by San Joaquin County and are to be signed by the City each year (see Exhibit "C"); and WHEREAS, the above appropriations are approved as the budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 and the City Manager is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations within the department budgets provided no change is made in the amount provided for any one department; and WHEREAS, due to a potential conflict of interest of two Council members, the Woodfield Landscape Maintenance District Budget will be considered and adopted separately by Council; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby exclude the Woodfield Landscape Maintenance District Budget and adopts the remaining City of Lathrop 2015-16 budget and approves the thereon listed appropriations and general fund subsidy; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the authorized regular positions by department as listed in the budget and approves the Final Gann Limit for 2015-16 as identified above.


Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


CITY MANAGER City Clerk City Engineer City Manager Executive Assistant to City Manager Senior Administrative Assistant

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.50 2.50

1.00 0.50 1.50

1.00 0.20 1.20

0.50 0.50 1.00

0.50 0.50 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 13.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 14.00

0.00 1.00 2.00 0.70 0.00

0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10

1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.10

CITY CLERK City Clerk Senior Administrative Assistant

CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Legal Assistant Legal Secretary

FINANCE Accountant I/II Accounting Manager Accounting Specialist I/II/Technician Budget Analyst I/II Budget Manager Director of Finance Executive Assistant GIS Specialist I/II Information Technology Manager Information Technology Technician Programmer Analyst Senior Accounting Technician

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Assistant I/II Animal Services Assistant Animal Services Officer Director of Administrative Services Executive Assistant

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Continued) Management Analyst I/II Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Animal Services Officer

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administrative Assistant I/II Building Inspector I/II/III Chief Building Official Code Compliance Officer I/II/III Code Compliance Supervisor Director of Community Development Permit Technician/Admin Assistant I/II Principal Planner Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Planner

CULTURE & RECREATION Director of Administrative Services Director of Parks and Recreation Executive Assistant Facility Supervisor Management Analyst I/II Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Administrator Projects and Programs Manager Recreation Coordinator Recreation Leaders Recreation Supervisor Senior Center Manager Senior Recreation Leaders

PUBLIC SAFETY Administrative Assistant I/II Criminal Research Analyst Management Analyst I/II

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

0.20 0.50 0.00 4.40

0.00 0.80 0.00 3.80

0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

0.00 0.00 1.00 4.10

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 7.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

0.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 1.00 9.67

0.30 1.00 0.00 0.66 0.80 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.75 16.21

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.66 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 3.70 1.00 1.00 3.50 15.36

0.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

0.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 5.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 17.80

1.00 1.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

1.00 0.00 1.00

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued) Police Office Manager Contractual Services Chief of Police Deputy Sheriff II for Community Resource Officer Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Deputy Sheriff II for Investigations Deputy Sheriff II for Patrol Lieutenant to serve as Supervisor Sergeant to serve as Supervisor

PUBLIC WORKS Administrative Assistant I/II Assistant Engineer City Engineer Director of Public Works Junior Engineer Maintenance Services Supervisor Maintenance Worker I/II Meter Reader Principal Engineer Projects and Programs Manager Public Works Superintendent Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Civil Engineer Senior Construction Inspector I/II Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Management Analyst Utility Operator I/II/III

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

1.00 4.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 3.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 2.00 22.00

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 21.83

1.33 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 22.33

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 23.83

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

0.00 1.20 1.00 0.00 2.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

1.00 1.20 0.00 1.00 3.20

MEASURE C * * * *

Essential City Services Administrative Assistant I/II Facility Supervisor Office Assistant I/II Parks and Recreation Superintendent

Budget for Fiscal Year 2015‐2016


MEASURE C (Continued) Contractual Services Deputy Sheriff II for Community Impact Team Deputy Sheriff II for School Resource Officer Sergeant to serve as Supervisor

Lathrop Manteca Fire District Firefighters/Engineers Battalion Chiefs

Total City Staff positions Total Contractual positions TOTAL FUNDED POSITIONS * In Culture and Recreation Department

2014 Actual

2015 Adopted Budget

2016 City Manager Recommended

2016 City Council Adopted

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00

2.00 0.00 2.00

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98

6.00 1.98 7.98

75.31 28.00 103.31

74.06 33.98 108.04

81.10 33.98 115.08

81.10 33.98 115.08


........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... .........................................................................

12,215,015 13,253,291 14,010,054 17,745,134 22,910,743 30,292,149 34,068,671 41,338,925 46,340,935 49,037,977 51,774,296 61,109,202 71,980,529 80,085,537 82,111,701 81,627,242 87,006,477 91,800,534 98,612,134 101,077,437 108,061,888

2014‐15 FINAL CALCULATION The City will use the percentage change in per capita income to calculate the Final Gann Limit. ADJUST FOR CHANGE IN POPULATION Based on California Department of Finance Information Increase 2.97% Adjust for Change in California Per Capita Income Per Capita Income Change: 3.82% Adjust by the Above Factors: Population 1.0297 x Per Capita 1.0382=1.0691 $101,077,437 x 1.0691 = $108,061,888 If you have any questions, contact Cari James in the Finance Department.


The City of Lathrop (the “City”) hereby certifies that the special assessment(s), fee(s) or charge(s) listed below to be placed on the 2015-2016 Secured Property Tax bill by the City meets the requirements of Proposition 218 that added Articles XIIIC and XIIID to the California State Constitution.

2015-2016 Special Assessments and/or Fixed Charges District Name

SJ County Tax Code

A.D. 1 Sanitary Sewer District


Zone 1 Storm Drain


Industrial LMD


Residential LMD


Zone 1A Storm Drain


Woodfield LLMD 93-1


Crossroads A.D. Series 2001A


Louise Ave A.D. Series 1993


District Name

SJ County Tax Code

Stonebridge Drain & Light


Stonebridge Landscape


Mossdale LLMD


Standby Charge District No. 2005-01


N Harlan 99-1


Mossdale A.D. Series 2005 Reassessment District No. 2013-1 (Mossdale Village) Lathrop - CFD 2003-1

82483 82482

Lathrop - CFD 2003-2


Lathrop - CFD 2004-1


CFD No. 2005-1


CFD No. 2006-1


CFD No. 2006-2




CFD No. 2005-1 Annexation 1, Zone 2


Lathrop DLQ Code Compliance


Lathrop – CFD 2013-1




City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016


Budget Basis of Accounting The City’s budget is prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting for all funds, including proprietary funds. Capital outlays and debt service principal payments are budgeted as expenditures. Debt proceeds, capital grants, inter‐fund transfers and inter‐fund loans are budgeted as revenues. For accounting purposes, however, these transactions are reported at year‐end on the full accrual basis of accounting in proprietary funds in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Upon approval of the City Manager, encumbrances may be carried forward to the next fiscal year. Appropriations are adopted for the general, special revenue and capital project funds. Annually appropriations are adopted separately for each project as shown in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) schedules. Funding sources are shown on the schedules as well. Budget Level of Control The budget level of control is at the detail expenditure level. Once the budget is adopted, the City Council by affirmative vote of a majority of the Council, upon the recommendation of the City Manager, may by resolution make additional or supplementary appropriations from unexpended and unencumbered funds set aside in the reserves in the City budget. The City Manager is authorized to approve transfers of appropriations between expenditure accounts in the operating budget within the same department and within the same fund. Budget Process The annual City budget process is as follows: The City Council approves the budget calendar December Departments estimate revenues and expenditures January for FY 2014‐2015 through June 30th


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016


Indirect Cost Plan


City Manager reviews Non‐218 Assessment District Budgets


Finance prepares beginning estimated fund balances


Departments prepare Capital Improvement Program With funding sources


City Council adopts Landscape and Lighting Non‐218 Assessment District Resolution of Intent


City Manager reviews Capital Improvement


Departments prepare estimated revenues


City Council reviews Capital Improvement Program


Departments prepare estimated appropriations



City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016


Parks & Recreation Commission reviews Recreation budget




Preliminary Budget Delivered to City Council


City Council reviews Preliminary Budget and Capital Improvement Program


City Council adopts Final Budget


City Council adopts Final Gann Limit


Planning Commission reviews Capital Improvement Program for conformity with General Plan City Council holds public hearing for Non‐218 Assessment Districts


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS General Fund 1010 The general fund accounts for the financial resources not required to be accounted for in another fund. This fund consists primarily of general government type activities. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special revenue funds account for the financial activity of specific revenues that are legally restricted to expenditure for particular purposes. Economic Development Fund 1050 To account for revenues and expenditures for the City’s economic development division. Measure C Essential City Services 1060 To account for revenue and expenditures for the City’s Measure C Essential City Services portion. Measure C LMFD Fund 2010 To account for revenues and expenditures for the City’s Measure C LMFD portion. Gas Tax Fund 2030 To account for revenues apportioned to the City under the Streets and Highway Code, Sections 2105, 2106, 2107, and 2107.5 of the State of California, which are legally restricted for the acquisition, construction, improvement and maintenance of public streets.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Traffic Safety Fund 2070 To account for the fines and forfeitures received under Section 1463 of the Penal Code, which are restricted for the use of official traffic control devices and for some street construction purposes. Local Street Fund 2080 To account for revenues and expenditures for the City’s street division. Public Nuisance Fund 2090 To account for revenues and expenditures for code compliance activities. Asset Forfeiture Fund 2100 To account for revenues obtained from the sale of forfeited property in drug related cases. These funds can only be used by the police department for police‐related equipment. Measure “K” Fund 2110 To account for revenues generated from a ½ cent sales tax for local street repairs. These funds are restricted for maintenance and construction on street‐related projects. Public Transit Fund 2120 To account for local transportation funds received for transit purposes from San Joaquin County Council of Governments.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Streets & Roads Local Transportation Funds 2140 To account for the local transportation funds received for street and road purposes from the San Joaquin County Council of Governments. Federal Grant Fund 2150 To account for federal grant revenues and expenditures. STIP Augmentation Fund 2160 To account for revenues and expenditures for transportation projects included in the State Transportation Improvement Program. Universal Hiring Grant Fund 2190 To account for the State of California Office of Traffic Safety “Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)” Grant. State COPS Fund 2220 To account for California State Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) grants. Funds received in fiscal year 2012‐13 must be spent by June 30, 2013. Historic Lathrop Loan Program (HLLP) Fund 2240 To account for loan activity for the Historic Lathrop Loan Program. Traffic Mitigation Fund 2250 To account for the financial resources collected from traffic mitigation capital facility fees.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Culture & Leisure Fund 2260 To account for the financial resources associated with the capital facility fees for the Library, Cultural Center, Park Improvements to Community Center and Neighborhood Parks. City Service Fund 2270 To account for the financial resources associated with the capital facility fees for City Hall, Corporate Yard, Animal Services Facility and the Police Station. Storm Drain Capital Facility Fee Fund 2280 To account for capital facility fees collected from storm drains. Administration Fund 2290 To account for a percentage of all capital facility fees collected for the staff to manage/administer capital facility fees. Environmental Mitigation CFF Fund 2310 To account for capital facility fees collected for the brush rabbit habitat mitigation. W / C Lathrop Transportation CFF Fund 2320 To account for capital facility fees collected for local and regional road and freeway projects in West Central Lathrop. WLSP Regional Transportation CFF Fund 2330 To account for capital facility fees collected for regional road and freeway projects in the West Lathrop Specific Plan area.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) Funds 2340‐2370 To account for capital facility fees collected for regional projects in San Joaquin County. A portion of the fees collected are payable to San Joaquin County & San Joaquin County of Governments. Central Lathrop Specific Plan (CLSP) Services CFD Fund 2390 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the CLSP Community Facilities District 2006‐2. AB939 Recycling Fund 2400 To account for the financial resources associated with the preparation, implementation and administration of the City’s Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan in accordance with AB939. North Lathrop Transportation CFF Fund 2420 To account for capital facility fees collected for North Lathrop area. Stewart Economic Development 80% CFF Fund 2430 To account for capital facility fees collected to support development both on and off the Stewart Tract that will provide to the City and its citizens. Citywide Economic Development 20% CFF Fund 2440 To account for capital facility fees collected to support development both on and off the Stewart Tract that will provide to the City and its citizens.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Crossroads Storm Drain Capital Replacement Fund 2490 To account for revenues and expenditures related to capital replacement expenditures within the Crossroads Subdivision. Crossroads Storm Drain Fund 2500 To account for revenues and expenditures related to the maintenance and operations of the storm drains and improvements within the Crossroads Subdivision. Storm Drain Benefit Assessment District Fund 2510 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the maintenance and operations of storm drains for residential, commercial and industrial areas within Historic Lathrop. Street Light Fund 2520 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the maintenance and operations of street lighting for residential, commercial and industrial areas within Historic Lathrop. Woodfield Landscape Maintenance Fund 2530 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with specific park maintenance and operations within the Woodfield Landscape District. Stonebridge Landscape Maintenance Fund 2550 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with specific park maintenance and operations within the Stonebridge Landscape District.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Stonebridge Drainage and Lighting Fund 2560 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the storm drainage and lighting activities within the Stonebridge District. Mossdale CFD Fund 2570 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the Mossdale Community Facilities District 04‐1. Mossdale Landscape and Lighting District Fund 2580 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the lighting and landscaping activities within the Mossdale District. Mossdale CFD Capital Replacement Fund 2590 To account for revenues and expenditures related to capital replacement expenditures within the Mossdale Community Facilities District 04‐1. Mossdale Landscape & Lighting Capital Replacement Fund 2610 To account for revenues and expenditures related to capital replacement expenditures within the Mossdale Landscape & Lighting District. Historic Lathrop CFD Fund 2630 To account for revenues and expenditures associated with the Historic Lathrop Community Facilities District 2005‐1. River Islands CFD Fund 2640 To account for revenue and expenditures associated with the River Islands Community Facilities District 2013‐1


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund 2650 To account for the annual federal grant that provides for development of a viable urban community. Mossdale Standby 2005‐1 Fund 2660 To account for standby charges related to the Operation and Maintenance of the Wastewater Recycling Plant‐1 MBR. Scholarship Fund 2700 To account for the revenues provided by businesses/organizations to provide assistance with tuition of qualified parks and recreation participants. CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital project funds account for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major facilities other than those financed by proprietary funds. General Fund 3010 To account for the expenditure of funds for projects funded from the General Fund. Streets and Roads Fund 3310 To account for capital project expenditures related to streets and roads occurring over more than one Fiscal Year. There is more than one fund used to fund this account.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Park In‐Lieu Fund 3410 To account for revenues and expenditures that can legally be made under the Quimby Act. The revenue is collected from residential developers to offset the impact on parks and can only be used for new park development. Storm Drain Fund 3910 To account for capital project expenditures related to storm drain improvements occurring over more than one Fiscal Year. DEVELOPER PROJECT FUNDS Developer project funds account for revenues and expenditures related to capital projects funded by developers. Developer Project Fund 2710 To account for the deposits held for multiple developers in accordance with agreements with the City. Saybrook CLSP Fund 4010 To account for the deposits held for Saybrook CLSP in accordance with agreements with the City. Gateway Business Park Fund 4020 To account for the deposits held for South Lathrop LLC Gateway Business Park in accordance with agreements with the City. Watt / Lathrop Marketplace II Fund 4030 To account for the deposits held for Watt / Lathrop Marketplace II in accordance with agreements with the City.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS South Lathrop Richland Fund 4050 To account for the deposits held for South Lathrop Richland in accordance with agreements with the City. Crossroads Richland Fund 4080 To account for the deposits held for Crossroads Richland in accordance with agreements with the City. Pacific Union Homes Fund 4100 To account for the deposits held for Pacific Union Homes in accordance with agreements with the City. Pulte Homes Fund 4130 To account for the deposits held for Pulte Homes in accordance with agreements with the City. River Islands Fund 4150 To account for the deposits held for River Islands in accordance with agreements with the City. Robinson Property Fund 4160 To account for the deposits held for Robinson Property in accordance with agreements with the City. TCN Properties Fund 4170 To account for the deposits held for TCN Properties in accordance with agreements with the City.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Watt / Lathrop Marketplace I (Mossdale) Fund 4180 To account for the deposits held for Watt / Lathrop Marketplace I (Mossdale) in accordance with agreements with the City. Pegasus Development Fund 4200 To account for the deposits held for Pegasus Development in accordance with agreements with the City. ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise funds account for the financial activity related to services provided to those living within the city limit. The primary source of revenue is collections for the services provided. Surface Water Supply – CLSP Fund 5400 To account for capital facility fees collected for Central Lathrop’s share of the debt service payment for the 2003 COPs. Mossdale Village CFD 2003‐1 Fund 5410 To account for the Community Facilities District share of the debt service payment for the 2003 COPs Water System Capital Replacement Fund 5600 To account for revenues and expenditures for capital replacement improvements to the water system. Water Connection Fee Fund 5610 To account for capital facility fee revenues and expenditures related to the expansion of the water system.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Water Fund 5620 To account for the activities associated with the production and distribution of potable water by the City to its’ residents and businesses. Surface Water Supply CFF Fund 5640 To account for capital facility fee revenue and expenditures related to the surface water projects. Water Capital Improvement Program Fund 5690 To account for capital project expenditures related to water system improvements occurring over more than one fiscal year. MRWQCF Collection System Fund 6010 To account for the activities associated with operating and maintaining the City’s wastewater collection system, and the treatment and disposal of wastewater at the Manteca Regional Water Quality Control Facility. Wastewater Connection Fee Fund 6030 To account for capital facility fee revenues and expenditures related to the expansion of the wastewater system. Crossroads Recycling Plant Fund 6050 To account for the activities associated with operating and maintaining the City’s wastewater collection system, and the treatment and disposal of wastewater at the Water Recycling Plant #1 Schreiber. Wastewater System Capital Fund 6060 To account for revenues and expenditures for capital replacement improvements to the wastewater facilities related to the MRWQCF.


City of Lathrop Adopted Budget FY 2015‐2016

FUND DESCRIPTIONS Crossroads Recycling Plant #1 Capital Replacement Fund 6070

To account for revenues and expenditures for capital replacement improvements to the wastewater facilities related to the Water Recyling Plant #1 Schreiber.

MBR #1 – Wastewater Recycling Plant Fund 6080 To account for the activities associated with operating and maintaining the City’s wastewater collection system, and the treatment and disposal of wastewater at the Water Recycling Plant #1 – MBR.

Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects Fund 6090

To account for capital project expenditures related to wastewater system improvements occurring over more than one fiscal year.

Phase III Manteca RWQCF Expansion Fund 6100

To account for proceeds received from the issuance of bonds for the installation of a sewer collection system in the City for Phase III Capacity from the City of Manteca Regional Water Quality Control Facility.

Wastewater Recycling Plant #1‐MBR Capital Replacement Fund 6110

To account for revenues and expenditures for capital replacement improvements to the wastewater facilities related to the Water Recycling Plant #1‐MBR.


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