Pet Pal

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Get yourself a
you have a plan in place for your pets and animals in the event of an emergency? PET PAL
03 6323 3000

Evacuating your pets and animals early to a safe place offers both them and you, the best chance of protection.

A PET PAL is a friend or relative where you can take your pet(s) during an emergency situation. Talk to your PET PAL about your evacuation plans - will you stay or go? Show them where you keep your Pet Emergency Kit. Identify specific locations away from your immediate area where you can meet in an emergency, and display your PET PAL details somewhere the whole family can see them!

Don’t leave it until it’s too late, otherwise it may not be possible for you to get your animals to a safe location!

For more information please visit and search ‘Animals in Emergencies’.

Pet Emergency Kit

Items your kit could contain include:

Food and clean water

First Aid Kit

Required medication

Waste bags and litter

Disinfectant and paper towel

Vet and microchipping details

Collars and leads

Muzzle (if required)

Toys and treats


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