As the elected body of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, we are collectively in pursuit of; a culturally rich communtiy with diverse economic sectors to create a prosperous and dynamic community in perpetuity.
Table of Contents Message to Residents.............4 Performance Audit Recommendations................6 Mayor & City Council Goal Update.............7-8 Elected Officials & Management Team.............9 Accolades.............10 Community Connections.........11 Public Safety...............12 Community & Economic Development.........12 Infrastructure..............14 Activities & Recreation..............17 Administration & Workforce..............18 Fiscal Sustainability..............19 2015 Department & Division Highlights & Future Programs........21-27
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Message to Residents There has been impressive growth and progress in Lee’s Summit over the years allowing us to develop from the small town encompassing less than a dozen blocks to over 65 square miles and more than 93,000 residents. During 2015, the City celebrated 150 years as a community. The year 1865 was the beginning of a very special journey. The progress over the years has been based upon leadership of our elected officials and professional staff. Over time, we look ahead into the future and ask “what is possible.” This attitude has helped our community and City organization become one of the best places to live in the Midwest and highly ranked on a national level. Our organization is embracing constructive change and working together to make bold decisions. We are looking ahead to what can be instead of dreaming of what could be ensuring Lee’s Summit’s “Tomorrow Starts Now.” Our forefathers held this belief more than 150 years ago and we wholeheartedly embrace it today. Throughout the pages of this 2015 Annual Report is evidence of how our forward thinking leads to outstanding achievements for Lee’s Summit. Here’s how: • We’re managing a strong, fiscally responsible City, maintaining safety and security, and enhancing quality of life. • We’re continuing to put resources into in our neighborhoods by repurposing and reinvesting in parks, trails and recreation centers. Doing so is creating capital improvement in the City, developing bonds and social infrastructure in the neighborhoods and creating a true sense of community. • We’re exploring ways to improve what we have to make us stronger and better for future generations of Lee’s Summit residents, such as the historic downtown, single and multi-family offerings, and infrastructure above and below ground. • We’re including an economic development perspective in all that we do – coordinating efforts efficiently and effectively across departments and partnerships using economic incentives in careful ways that are based on policy and strategy. • We’re building and preserving strong bonds with residents and community partners at the Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street, and the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council. All of us are committed to keeping Lee’s Summit at the forefront of progress in key areas in public safety, neighborhoods, infrastructure and recreational activities. All of these activities are built upon sustainable and diverse economic growth, public safety, neighborhoods, infrastructure and recreational activities. This is how we will keep Lee’s Summit strong for those of us who call this community home right now and for those yet to call this vibrant, close-knit City home in the future. For we know in Lee’s Summit, “Tomorrow Starts Now!” Enjoy the 2015 Annual Report!
Mayor Randy Rhoads
City Manager Stephen Arbo
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A culturally rich community with diverse economic sectors to create a prosperous and dynamic community in perpetuity.
Our mission is to create positive community relationships and a progressive organization delivering valued programs and services.
Accountability • Communication • Trustworthiness • Engaged Professional • Innovative • Customer Focus-Driven • Collaborative
Performance Audit Recommendations Pursuant to Article IX, Section 2.552 of the City Code of Ordinances, the City Manager is required to prepare and submit to the City Council a written recommendation of any matter relative to the City government or any City operation or program he deems appropriate for a management or performance review for consideration by the Council for possible funding during the next fiscal year budget. To this end, City Manager Stephen Arbo has recommended two separate performance audits: 1. Pay and Benefit Analysis for All City Employees, and 2. Phase 2 Records Management Audit. Pay and Benefit Analysis for All City Employees There have been significant changes in the pay classification system since the last analysis conducted in 20102011. Beginning in 2012, the City of Lee’s Summit approved three separate agreements; a) International Association of Firefighters, b) Fraternal Order of Police, and c) International Association of Machinists. Each of these agreements has provisions for compensation and benefit modifications. In total these three groups represent approximately 40 percent of our municipal employees. It is important that we have good information for our negotiating processes with these employee
groups. In addition, our other employees also need to be treated in an equitable manner to assure we attract and retain the best qualified individuals to serve our citizens. The City of Lee’s Summit lacks a comprehensive pay and compensation policy, approved by the City Council, that can serve as a guide in our business decision relating to our employee base. The early steps to creating this policy is through an open and direct dialogue with our elected body and the City Management team. To begin the dialogue, it is important that we gather information that accurately presents our current conditions and potential costs for future policy goals as it relates to pay and benefits systems. We will request funding to begin work in developing and framing our policy discussions with the City Council. Our employees make daily investments in our community and provide a level of service that goes beyond their job description. A well-trained, dedicated employee is very valuable to the quality of life for our community, we need to show interest of making renewable and fair investments in this valuable resource. Phase 2: Records Management Audit Records Management is a fundamental function of all government entities. Government records are both an
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important business asset and the cornerstone of truly accountable government. Establishing and maintaining an effective records management framework represents a significant business challenge. This task is made more difficult by the multitude of legal requirements and rapidly changing technology. During the 2015 performance year, the City of Lee’s Summit conducted the first phase of the records management audit. This phase served as a “snapshot” of our current conditions and provided recommendations for system enhancements. The Phase 2 records management audit will work with the city clerk, deputy city clerk, and other key staff members engaged in records management to develop policies, processes, practices, services and tools used by the City to create, manage, retrieve and discard information. The audit will not only help ensure the City is meeting legal requirements, but also support business needs and wise use of resources. A strong records management program maintains information so that it is timely, accurate, complete, cost-effective, accessible and usable.
Mayor & City Council Goals Update The work of the Lee’s Summit City Council involves making critical decisions to bring about favorable results now and in the future of Lee’s Summit. Mayor Randy Rhoads and the members of the Lee’s Summit City Council established goals during strategic planning session held in 2013 and 2014. These goals are the basis for the City’s decision-making, which ultimately live up to the premise, “Tomorrow Starts Now.”
• Approved the expansion of the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA) to create key economic development corridors in order to attract and retain businesses and employers. This economic development tool has been important regarding retention of existing “small-employers” that are not able to meet the high threshold related to Chapter 100, Chapter 353, and Tax Increment Financing. • Supported the reorganization efforts for Development Services - which consolidates the development related services into one department.
Below are among the tremendous accomplishments celebrated in 2015 as a result of the leadership of Mayor Rhoads and the Lee’s Summit City Council. Embrace a culture that promotes aggressive and bold decision making
Attract and retain knowledge-based employers • In December 2015, the Lee’s Summit City Council approved a significant investment allowing the Cerner Corporation to purchase the North Building located at Summit Technology Center. Over the course of the next 10 years, the Cerner Corporation intends to invest more than $400 million of data equipment at that location through a Chapter 100 incentive program. This investment will create a sizable benefit to all taxing jurisdictions over the 10-year period. Related to this outcome will be the retention and creation of technology-based jobs. Cerner has indicated less than 10 new jobs will be added initially with a potential growth of 75 new jobs over the next five to seven years.
• Played a leadership role in garnering regional support for the purchase of the inactive Rock Island Railroad Corridor during the last 10 years. • Led by the direction of the City Council, the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Committee, and staff leadership, together we were able to prepare an economic development strategy that includes the identification of key target areas and an economic development policy. This policy and identification of target areas helped to garner new investment interest in our City.
Improve the development and maintenance of infrastructure
The following is a list of street, bridge, sewer, runway and water projects that were in design and under construction in 2015. The list illustrates the complexity of work that is performed throughout the City. The S291 and Blackwell Road interchanges are managed by the Missouri Department of Transportation, but would not have been possible without the funding concepts developed and supported by the City: • • • • • • • • • • • •
South M-291 Interchange with US Hwy 50 Bailey Road, M-291 to Hamblen Road Blackwell Road Interchange with US Hwy 50 Independence Avenue and Town Centre Blvd. intersection improvements Colbern Road and Town Centre Blvd intersection improvements & signal Chipman Road and Commerce Drive signal 2nd & Main Street signal Tudor Road Phase 2 improvements Jefferson Street, Persels Road to Stuart Road Lee’s Summit Road, Colbern Road to city limits Longview Road & Pryor Road traffic signal Orchard Street, Douglas Street to Independence Avenue
• Second Street corridor improvements • Strother Road, Lee’s Summit Road to Independence Ave • Ward Road, M150 to Raintree Parkway • Earthwork 18-36 & west parallel taxiway extension • Continuation of stormwater infrastructure improvements (2007 Bond Issue) • Cedar Creek Interceptor improvements • Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation – relining, manhole rehab, tap repairs • South Prairie Lee/Scruggs Road Pump Station EFHB • Water rehabilitation projects throughout the community
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• City Staff in conjunction with the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council (LSEDC) took proactive steps to prevent the relocation of a significant Lee’s Summit based employer from moving to Kansas. The city manager and LSEDC quickly responded to this matter and provided a comprehensive incentive program for the City Council’s consideration. Although the final decision has not been made regarding this important industry and employer, the City’s swift action and creative offering has allowed Lee’s Summit to remain under consideration. • The City has also played an instrumental role in the attraction of an international headquarters. This company has purchased more than 30 acres in Lee’s Summit with the intention to relocate from a nearby community. The ultimate goal is to build a facility of approximately 415,000 square feet which would keep 500 jobs within the region/state of Missouri, with a potential growth of an additional 100 jobs paying an average wage of $36 hour. • Although we have had some challenges in getting started with the City’s Market Center of Ideas, the City Manager’s Office has assigned staff and resources to continue our work together on this concept. We are looking forward to the final recommendations of the citizen task force and adoption of a plan by the City Council. • The City also took innovative steps in 2013 through the annexation of Unity Village territory and developing a creative agreement between the Village of Unity, Unity School of Christianity, and the City of Lee’s Summit to create new development sites. During the last year, the Blue Parkway and Colbern Road realignment has been completed and the new area is being actively marketed. In conjunction with this project is the available property due west of Saint Luke’s East Hospital. City staff has been engaged in conversations with potential development interests that could either strengthen the presence of an existing “knowledge-based”
employer (Saint Luke’s System) and/or create a new investment by a different employer. • Approved the JCI Industries Inc. expansion, which will more than double the size of the production facility for the supplier of industrial pumps. The expansion, when completed in 2016, will represent an investment of $3.1 million and is the direct result of collaboration among the company, the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council, the City and the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA). Preserve and enhance residential development • Completion of improvements to Orchard Street, from NE Douglas St. to NE Independence Ave., which includes sidewalks on both sides of the street, curbs and gutters on both sides of the street, and an enclosed drainage system. This project is an outstanding symbol of how a progressive growing suburb can continue to invest in older neighborhoods. • Continued support of our partners to further strengthen the community, including the work of Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street, the Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce and the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council. • Early steps in 2015 regarding multi-family housing has helped create potential investments currently underway such as the following: • Residences at New Longview, • Strother Lofts proposed in downtown, and the • Summit Square Apartments proposed near the Summit Technology campus.
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Elected Officials
First row: Mayor Randall Rhoads; Councilmember Robert Binney; Mayor Pro Tempore Diane Forte; Councilmember Trish Carlyle; Councilmember Allan Gray II. Second row: Councilmember Derek Holland; Councilmember Diane Seif; Councilmember Bob Johnson; Councilmember Dave Mosby.
Management Team
City Manager Stephen Arbo; City Attorney Brian Head; Assistant City Manager/Operations Christal Kliewer Weber; Assistant City Manager Development Services/Communications Mark Dunning; Director of Administration Nick Edwards; Police Chief Travis Forbes; Fire Chief Rick Poeschl; Finance Director Conrad Lamb; Water Utilities Director Mark Schaufler; Parks & Recreation Administrator Tom Lovell; Public Works Director Dena Mezger; Planning & Neighborhood Services Director Robert McKay; Chief Technology Officer Steve Marsh; Human Resources Director Denise Kelly; and Public Communications Coordinator Melissa Fears Page 9
Accolades City of Lee’s Summit programs, services and quality of life amenities were recognized throughout 2015. The following are among those honors celebrated by staff and the community: • Green City Award from the Missouri Recycling Association • Silver Designation as a Walk Friendly Community by the National Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center • Sustainable Practices award presented to Lee’s Summit Parks & Recreation’s Legacy Park by Mid-America Regional Council • Sustainable Practices Award in recognition of electronics and carpet recycling facilities from the Kansas City Metro Chapter of the American Public Works Association • Missouri Municipal League (MML) elected Mayor Randy Rhoads as president City’s staff was recognized for their tremendous accomplishments organizationally and professionally. The following are among the honorees in 2015: • City of Lee’s Summit Employee of the Year awarded to Jackie McCormick Heanue • Firefighter of the Year awarded to Specialist/Paramedic Jim Childers • Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation Employee of the Year Dana Thurber • Police Officer of the Year awarded to Master Police Officer Will Bushmeyer • Public Works Department Employee of the Year awarded to Sarah Shore • Emergency Vehicle Technician of the Year awarded to Julian Dziurawiec during the Heartland Emergency Vehicle fall conference • Professional Manager of the Year awarded to Chris Bussen by the American Public Works Association • Professional Manager of the Year – Solid Waste award presented to Chris Bussen by the American Public Works Association Kansas City Metro Chapter • Professional Manager of the Year – Transportation award presented to Michael Park by the American Public Works Association Kansas City Metro Chapter • Community Involvement award presented to Kara Taylor by the American Public Works Association Kansas City Metro Chapter
Time capsule titled “Emergence” was unveiled during the Founder’s Day event.
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS A group of citizens, known as the “Truly 150 Committee” kept the community engaged and excited with a year-long birthday celebration! Celebrations included live music, dancing, fireworks and much more: • Truly 150 Tree Planting: Several volunteers gathered at various parks throughout Lee’s Summit and commemorated our birthday by planting 150 trees to be seen in years to come. • Opening of the Centennial Time Capsule: The event was held during the City’s Equipment show and drew a huge crowd to help uncover the contents of the time capsule. Artifacts are now on display at the Lee’s Summit History Museum. • A Fair to Remember: An old-fashioned County Fair held at Paradise Park. • Founder’s Day...Party on the Patio: The new “Emergence” time capsule/sculpture was unveiled during a celebration of our history. • Celebrate 150! Parade & Evening Event: The community engaged in a historically-themed parade in downtown Lee’s Summit, followed by an evening of fireworks and fun at Lee’s Summit High School. During the year, the Truly 150 Committee accepted nominees of individuals for their distinguished contribution to the progress, culture, and general welfare of the Lee’s Summit community. Those awarded received Truly 150 medallions recognizing their contributions. A complete list of honorees will be unveiled in 2065 during the opening of the Sesquicentennial time capsule. These events were possible because of the many community volunteers and the dedication of our City staff.
Volunteers planting trees at Osage Trails Park.
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Celebrate 150! Parade
PUBLIC SAFETY The Lee’s Summit Fire Department delivers its core programs with PRIDE to the citizens of Lee’s Summit, Greenwood, and Unity Village. With a tradition of providing excellence, under new leadership the department focus has been directed toward continuous improvement and providing the best services possible now, while planning for the future. The department continues to look at ways to get more involved with the community through our outreach programs and programs with other City departments, such as CPR training and Neighborhood
Watch. Community safety is dependent upon regional and local cooperation, and the lee’s summit Fire Department works closely with our mutual aid partners and the Lee’s Summit Police Department on planning and training for potential threats such as an active shooter incident. As an “all hazards” response agency, the members of the Lee’s Summit Fire Department are committed to making our City a safe place to live. The men and women of the Lee’s Summit Police Department take great pride in providing excellent service to citizens. It is important to maintain strong partnerships with the members
of our community so that trust and confidence are built and information can be shared. Those partnerships help us to reduce and prevent crime. In 2015, the department worked to expand our presence on social media so citizens would be able to communicate with us on issues affecting their neighborhoods. We also expanded our community events and outreach programs, such as our annual “Boos, Barks and Badges” Halloween event. Each year, it gives our citizens a chance to interact with different units within the Lee’s Summit Police Department and get to know our officers.
2015 Development Projects
COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT With more than $1 billion in economic development investment pending or completed in 2015, the City of Lee’s Summit experienced a renaissance in residential, business, infrastructure and mixed-use projects. In 2015, the City Council passed Lee’s Summit’s first comprehensive incentive policy and continued to make process and organizational improvements within Development Services. The improvements result in an alignment of the significant development related disciplines (Planning, Public Works, & Codes Administration) into one department.
New technology related projects announced in 2015 included Cerner’s more than $500 million investment in a new data center at Summit Technology Campus and the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District’s new $40 million Missouri Innovation Campus slated to open in 2017. On the housing front, North Point Development is in the process of investing $20 million in the Residences at New Longview project, and John Knox Village is in the middle of a $90 million expansion project that includes new apartments and villas. Downtown Lee’s Summit saw an uptick in development and redevelopment projects with the addition of new dining and entertainment options such as Llywellyn’s Pub and The Exit Room. In 2015, the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council commissioned a comprehensive Downtown housing study that demonstrated the need for more housing options. The study Page 12
provides much-needed statistical support for additional investment in multifamily housing projects Downtown. In 2015, the $200 million Paragon Star development at I-470 and View High Drive began advancing through the City’s approval process. The 100acre project will be anchored by a soccer village and will include retail, restaurants multifamily housing, office and recreational amenities. Additional spending is committed for City programs, parks projects and road and highway improvements, all of which are expected to enhance future additional economic development activity in the community.
Officer Jason Irr enjoys our annual Boos, Barks and Badges event in downtown Lee’s Summit.
Scruggs Road Pumping Station and Excess Flow Holding Basin Improvements
INFRASTRUCTURE The following are highlights of major projects allowing us to remain successful as a choice to start and grow a business, live and play. Construction continued in 2015 for the Bailey Road project, which includes the connection of M-291 Highway to Hamblen Road and construction of a bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad. The project experienced unexpected delays when a discrepancy in bridge girder elevations was discovered. After a successful reduction of camber in the bridge beams in June 2015, construction of the bridge continued. The project will be open to traffic in March 2016. A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Lee’s Summit Road Improvements project in late July 2015. Improvements will take place in both Lee’s Summit and Kansas City along the 2 ¼-mile-section between Colbern and Gregory, and will consist of building a three-lane road with turn lanes, paved shoulders, multi-use path, street lighting and utility relocation. Lee’s Summit Road is expected to remain closed until spring 2016. The overall project is still anticipated for completion by the end of 2016. The Orchard Street Improvements project, which included new sidewalks on both sides of the street, curbs and gutters on both sides of the street, and an enclosed drainage system, started in March 2015, and was completed in Dec. 2015. The project was the City’s first design-build project, a construction
method in which both the design and construction services are contracted by the same company which helps to expedite the project. Not far below the surface of Lee’s Summit sits more than 1,000 miles of infrastructure vital to the health and safety of our community. The more than 600 miles of water mains and 480 miles of sanitary sewer mains not only require daily maintenance for our daily water and sewer needs, but years of planning to ensure the systems operate reliably and efficiently for years to come. In 2015, Lee’s Summit Water Utilities began the Phase 2 Improvements to the Cedar Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, replaced emergency generators on the Tudor Pumps station, upgraded the Scruggs Road Excess Flow Holding Basin, rehabbed several miles of sanitary sewer lines and replaced several more miles of water mains throughout the City. Cedar Creek The Cedar Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor improvements will increase capacity for future development and convey wastewater from the entire watershed, reducing the risks of overflows that could discharge into the environment. The nearly $3 million project included the installation of approximately 9,500 feet of sewer pipe in the proximity of Cedar Creek from the Winterset neighborhood on the northern end of the project area, through Hartman Park, to the southern end east of the SW Longview Road and Pryor Road intersection.
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Scruggs Road Pumping Station and Excess Flow Holding Basin Upgrades Improvements to the Scruggs Road pump station were completed in late 2015 to increase the storage capacity of the basin. This allows for greater relief on the sanitary sewer system during wet weather events and reduces the risk of overflows. Total cost for these improvements was $786,563. Community Sewer Line Rehabilitation Program The Community Sewer Line Rehabilitation Program targeted another 18,000 feet of sewer lines for repair this year. The project rehabilitates sewer mains through a relining process specifically designed for minimal impact and disruption to neighborhoods and customers called Cured In Place Pipe. In 2015, $500,000 was spent on sewer lining. We have seen a reduction in “sewer blockages & back-ups” in homes and businesses since starting this program. Neighborhood Water Main Replacement Program The 2014-2015 Neighborhood Water Main Replacement Project replaced several more miles of water mains in neighborhoods throughout the City this year. Areas included Industrial Drive, Daney Drive, Windemere Drive, Sampson Road and Market Street. This has reduced costs for maintenance and repair of the aging water infrastructure and diminished the occurrence of unplanned interruptions in water services for our customers due to main breaks in the affected areas.
Maintaining and preserving the City’s infrastructure above and below ground is critical to the community’s continued success, whether it is attracting businesses or individuals who choose to establish residency here.
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ACTIVITIES & RECREATION The City of Lee’s Summit Public Works and Water Utilities departments were Diggin’ Up the Past at the Big Truck & Equipment Show as they partnered with the Truly 150 Steering Committee to unearth the Centennial Time Capsule in May 2015. The Centennial Time Capsule was buried in a planter box in front of City Hall. During the popular event, a boom truck was used to unearth the 50-year-old milk jug that served as the time capsule. After pulling the milk jug from the ground, it was wheeled onto the stage where members of the original Centennial Committee carefully removed items from the container for the crowd to see. One of the most fascinating items included was beard hair clippings from the Centennial Committee Chairman Edward Lentz. After the ceremony, some of the items were taken inside City Hall and displayed as part of the Lee’s Summit Historic Preservation Commission’s Art and Artifacts Fair. RecycleFEST is a fun, family event offered twice a year as a way to celebrate Earth Day in the spring and America Recycles Day in the fall. The event allows residents to recycle a variety of usual and unusual items, which are repurposed or reused. New in fall 2015, the RecycleFEST event partnered with the StoneLion Puppet Theatre which performed “Little Red Hen’s Garden” and featured a variety of other art and interactive fun. In 2015, both the spring and fall events combined helped to recycle the following items: • 11 tons of shredded paper • 177 pairs of eyeglasses • 48 bikes • 1,100 pill bottles • 174 pairs of shoes • 24 keys • 1,500+ wine corks • 1.5 gallons of crayons • 53 license plates
• • • •
4 dozen rechargeable batteries 60 cell phones 72 tennis balls 2,400+ golf balls
The golf balls collected were shipped to Bunkers in Baghdad, a national, non-profit organization which collects and sends new and used golf galls, clubs and equipment to U.S. troops in 31 countries around the world, with a focus on the brave men and women currently serving in combat zones. 2015 was an exciting year in local park development. LSPR began construction on the Legacy Park Amphitheater, 901 NE Bluestem Drive, in 2015 with plans to host the first amphitheater event in May 2016. The scope of the project consists of a new covered stage structure to serve musical and theatrical performances, concession building, restrooms and an additional 150 parking spaces adjacent to the Legacy Park Community Center. The project cost $1.8 million. The new playground equipment and shelter at Upper Banner Park, 520 NE Noeleen, were installed and have been well used and enjoyed by the surrounding neighborhood and others throughout the community. Sylvia Bailey Farm Park, 1800 SE Ranson Road, opened in September 2015 featuring several “fun on the farm” activities including a corn maze celebrating Lee’s Summit’s 150th birthday! Also, for the second season 50 Lee’s Summit gardeners cared for vegetables and flowers planted at the Community Garden, which opened in 2014 at the park site.
The Splashpad at Miller J. Fields Park, 1301 SE 3rd Terrace, opened to the public in the late summer with brand new shelters and new playground equipment being installed over the winter.
ADMINISTRATION & WORKFORCE Sharing our knowledge, best practices and leadership skills with professionals locally, regionally and nationally is an important part of who we are as an organization. Equally important is broadening our view of the world by learning from individuals of different cultures and broadening views of the world. In 2015, the City was given a rare opportunity to share our expertise as well as to learn from individuals who live outside of the country by hosting international fellows from Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, and Cambodia. The fellows were participants in the U.S. Department of State-sponsored Professional Fellows program. Lee’s Summit was selected for participation in the program on two separate occasions, which made it possible for the City to host fellows for a month beginning in May and again in October. The International City/County Management Association (ICMA), which
International Fellows Farrah Inihao and Sokgech Heng.
develops and advances professional, local government management worldwide, was responsible for the exchange arrangements. During the fellows’ stay in Lee’s Summit, they focused on engagement, transparency, and economic development practices. To glean better insight into these areas, the fellows met with City officials, staff and partners of the City located in Lee’s Summit and the greater Kansas City area. Their stay was also filled with enjoying attractions, such as the festivals and programs unique to Lee’s Summit, including the Lee’s Summit Symphony and the events surrounding Lee’s Summit’s 150th Birthday Celebration. The City is honored to have been selected to host the international fellows and looks forward to similar hosting opportunities in the future. In 2015, the Human Resources Department began revamping processes and participating in community events to attract talent, and to strengthen the City’s connection with
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the community and other municipalities. In doing so, this is the first year the City participated in the Core4 Youth Career Expo in Bartle Hall. This event featured more than 50 exhibitors from local governments, representatives from colleges and universities, employment resource agencies and area students. Participation in Core4 was an invaluable experience for the City’s human resources, communications and development staff to inspire youth to pursue a rewarding career in public service. More than 2,398 students, 169 teachers and 520 volunteers attended the event, which was hosted by leaders of the Kansas City metro’s four core local governments — the City of Kansas City, Missouri; Jackson County, Missouri; Johnson County, Kansas; and the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas. In addition to Core4, the City had a booth at the Longview Community College Automotive Experience Showcase. Approximately 250 students participated in this event designed to encourage students to seek careers in technology and automotive education.
FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY The City’s financial condition is showing signs of improvement following the most recent recession. Typically, local governments often lag behind the private business community in terms of recovery and we are just now starting to see positive improvements in our finances. It is a strength of our organization that we have a trusted group of directors and staff who seek to maximize the resources given to us by the taxpayer and limit unnecessary expenses. This practice of thoughtful spending and avoidance of unnecessary expenditures has resulted in an annual savings each year of $1 million of our budget, on average. The outcome for the City has resulted in a growth of our reserve balance to approximately $19 million, or 32% of our annual expenditures. While we have responsibly managed our finances through the recession, a new challenge is on the horizon. Lee’s Summit, and many other Missouri communities, is needing to plan and identify new sources of revenues that will be used to fund the services provided to our residents like public safety, codes, and parks. Recent and proposed legislation will create a strain on municipal finances by redirecting or exempting revenue from collection. Our challenge as a community will be to identify sustainable revenue sources that can be counted on to support the level of service provided to the citizens of Lee’s Summit.
Fiscal Year Projected
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The Historical Society of Lee’s Summit Museum Opening
Administration The City’s Administration staff provided support to staff in a variety of capacities from serving as a sounding board to providing strategic direction on key issues impacting Lee’s Summit. Among those topics of discussion in 2015 was the future of solid waste services and meeting with developers interested in expanding companies and bringing new ventures to our welcoming community. Besides working on these focus areas, there was an interest in identifying opportunities for improvement within the organization. To this end, the work of the City’s communications audit got underway as recommended by City Manager Steve Arbo in the City of Lee’s Summit 2013 Annual Report. Springfield, Mo.-based company 2Balance was hired to conduct the audit with the following objectives in mind: • Review and assess the overall effectiveness of existing communications methods, • Assess the communications process/delivery methods, • Determine the best way to communicate with diverse external audiences, and • Assess current staffing to ensure current and new plans can be implemented successfully. Among the recommendations as a result of their audit of communications practices at the City were the creation of a Communications Division and the addition of staff to help better facilitate communications services on behalf of the City. After discussions of these recommendations within the Finance & Budget Committee, Mayor Randy Rhoads and the Lee’s Summit City Council eventually adopted a budget
reflecting a reorganization effort for the Communications Division and directed City Manager Arbo to refine the overall Communications strategy before implementation. The new division is expected to get underway in 2016. Staff within the department also worked with both internal staff and external partners to ensure the completion of projects that will have a lasting impact on the community. One of those projects was celebrated in mid-April – the grand opening of the Historical Society of Lee’s Summit Museum in the former post office/city hall located at 220 SW Main St. in downtown Lee’s Summit. More than 100 people attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The project was made possible as a result of the voter-approved 2013 no-tax increase general obligation bond election. Hollis + Miller was the architect and the Wilson Group was responsible for the renovations, which began in August 2014. Airport The Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport hosted another successful Open House event in June of this year. The event provides fun, family, aviation-related activities and celebrates everything the airport has to offer the community. In October, the airport kicked-off its runway improvements project with a groundbreaking ceremony. The project includes water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer relocations, stream improvements, and the completion of earthwork to support 1,286 feet of improvements to the south section of runway 18/36. This portion of the project is anticipated to be completed in summer 2016, with runway paving beginning in fall 2016 pending grant approval.
TOMORROW STARTS NOW Airport Runway Improvements Project Groundbreaking Ceremony.
Animal Control The Animal Control Division is dedicated to providing excellent customer service to the citizens and animals of Lee’s Summit. Our partnership with several rescue groups continues to grow. The staff at Heart of America Humane Society takes approximately 20 of our shelter pets to two separate adoption events every Saturday in an attempt to find them their forever homes. As a result, the Animal Shelter continues to maintain a high adoption rate. Starting in 2016, The Federal Bureau of Investigation will start tracking certain animal crimes in the United States on a national level. These will include four different types of abuse and neglect crimes. The crimes will be reported to the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). This will be the first time that animal crimes have had their own category in NIBRS. This will be instrumental in our attempts to find out how much crime against animals is being committed and where the crimes are happening.
Central Building Services In 2015, staff worked on a variety of projects related to the Truly 150 Sesquicentennial event, including design, construction and oversight of the renovated Historic Society Museum project, opening of the time capsule and dedication of the new time capsule sculpture. Coordination between City staff, Truly 150 Committee, Historic Society team, contractors, vendors and sculpture artist required careful planning and implementation methods. The overall effort met all expectations for results and budget control.
City Clerk’s Office This year has been extremely busy for the City Clerk’s Office. In addition to attending 36 City Council meetings, staff also prepared and distributed packets for all Council committee meetings. The city clerk was an integral part of the City’s Sesquicentennial celebration, attending meetings of the Truly 150 committees, assisting in planning and working at the events and co-authoring the book, “A History of Lee’s Summit, Missouri 1865 to 2015.” The history book, which was sponsored by the Historical Society of Lee’s Summit, sold out by the end of the year. Additionally, the city clerk served as project manager for the records management
audit, which was recommended by the city manager in 2014. The purpose of the audit was to review the policies, processes, practices, services and tools used by the City to create, manage, retrieve, and discard information. The project consultant, MCCi, identified opportunities for improvement, which will be addressed during the next phase of the audit in 2016. During 2015, an upgrade was required to the outdated method employed by staff in preparing information for the City Council and Council Committee packets. The task of updating the process is the work of the deputy city clerk and staff from Information Technology and Granicus. Expect the new online system to roll-out in 2016. Also, in 2016, the Charter Review Commission will begin meeting to review and update the City’s Charter.
Development Center The City’s economic development focus received new leadership with the promotion of Mark Dunning to the position of assistant city manager of the Development Services and Communications Division. Dunning had served as the Development Center’s director for the last two years. During the FY15/16 budget process, there was discussion regarding the need for additional changes within the development services area. The first phase focused on creating a single point of customer contact, which is known as the Development Center. In 2015, the organization also took steps to better align the City’s internal working groups that deal with development matters. This next critical stage signaled another positive stride for the business and development community while allowing for better alignment of our internal work processes and procedures. Although virtually seamless to those conducting business with the City, these organizational changes will enhance the quality of services provided to customers as well as current and future residents. Employees primarily impacted by this decision are staff currently working within the Development Center, Planning and Codes Administration Department and the Public Works Department’s Engineering and Inspection employees. The work of these individuals is directly connected to the City’s private development and redevelopment activities. In 2016, the department will begin an employment Page 22
search to fill the roles of Development Center director and assistant director and field services manager. The director of Planning/Community Development Block Grant/Special Projects/Long Range Planning will be filled by Bob McKay, the director of Planning and Neighborhood Services. Among the advantages of this better alignment of development resources is the ability for staff to work in different team environments which foster opportunities for collaboration and professional growth. All of these changes are based on recommendations in the 2011 Springsted study of the City’s development review process titled, “Reflections for Continuous Improvement – A Focus on the Business Development Review Process.” These changes are also supported by the Lee’s Summit City Council and the members of the Lee’s Summit 360° Economic Development Key Performance Area.
Finance In 2015, the Finance Department completed plans to upgrade the cashiering system, which will enhance payment processing data and integrate it with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The department facilitated the sale of $4.2 million in General Obligation debt. Moody’s Investor Services reaffirmed the City’s AA1 credit rating enabling the bonds to be sold at an average interest rate of .88 percent. This debt will go toward financing $1.5 million in storm water improvements, $1.2 million to complete the Strother Road realignment and $1.5 million for design of the South M-291 & 50 Highway interchange. The emergency medical billing and payroll functions together with the respective specialists were moved to the department enabling better coordination of the reporting. The City received the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting for the 37th consecutive year.
Fire “Tomorrow starts now” couldn’t be more fitting for the Lee’s Summit Fire Department in 2015. Vacancies created by retirements in 2014 were filled, including the appointment of Assistant Chief Rick Poeschl as the new fire chief. Changes in staff have provided a new perspective on how the department delivers services. From enhancing
Residential Development
Llywelyn’s Pub Development
Wing Plow Development Services
Dorothy Wanager listens closely to Battalion Chief T J Schurder as she performs chest compressions during the Health Education Advisory Board’s free Hands-OnlyTM CPR class.
firefighting tactics, improving medical care, shortening response times, implementing new technology, and continuing staff development, “continuous improvement” has become the guiding principle of the department. The department emphasis in 2015 has been working towards accreditation as it compares itself to industry standards and best practices. The department has already implemented many of the initiatives identified in the Strategic Plan and several of the immediate recommendations made by the Standards of Cover (SOC) document. It is anticipated the department will go before the Commission for accreditation in August 2016.
Fleet In 2015, the Fleet Division in collaboration with manufacturing dealers added a new diagnostic scan tool, the Integrated Diagnostic System, known as “IDS.” This tool is primarily used by dealerships to access the on-board computers of vehicles. This gadget enables staff to now diagnosis, repair and perform reprogramming of two thirds of our fleet. As a result, we have saved money and staff time by eliminating needless trips back and forth to the dealership for repairs and component functions reprogramming. The division is undertaking a strategic planning process with all participating departments to identify needs, locations and functions for fleet vehicle refueling demands.
Human Resources An extended effort was made to provide the Management Team with tools to enhance their leadership in areas of Human Resources compliance. The training topics listed below was presented during Supervisor’s Meeting and is meant to assist management with essential skills as they lead the organization. • Successful completion of the Transaction Form • Comp Time Review and Worker’s Compensation • Cyber Security and Benefits • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) • Identifying Essential Functions • The Hiring Process and Interview Skills for Managers There were meetings with the Employee Health Insurance Task Force for several months renegotiating the insurance rates
for the City. The 2015 health rate was lower than anticipated due to a favorable claim experience in 2014. The City will continue working to control health costs by encouraging employees to take advantage of services offered through Wellness Programs, which was redesigned and expanded in 2015. The department celebrated another successful Safety & Wellness Fair, an event to ensure safety, disease prevention, and risk management training is completed annually by staff. The event is possible because of the months of preparation by the Safety Committee and the willingness of staff to participate. During open enrollment, local bankers came to City Hall by invitation to talk to employees about their products and services adding opportunity for the City to partner with the community. In 2015, the City had 64 job openings which resulted in receiving and processing more than 2,500 applications. To improve the overall applicant experience, the department began revamping the City’s recruitment and application processes. This has been a busy year for special projects within the department including coordinating three Employee Recognition Luncheons, the monthly Distinguished Service Awards program, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act compliance requirements and working with a cross departmental team on the special attendance and records management project.
Information Technology The year 2015 was an active year in Information Technology Services. Our activities were focused in three primary areas; infrastructure improvement, website upgrades, and process improvement. It was the first of two years of significant infrastructure improvements. A new backup system was acquired and implemented. This new system creates duplicate data backups at two separate locations for added ability to recover if there were an event. We also upgraded the City’s Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system, which was a significant undertaking. There was also activity in reinventing Lee’s Summit’s web presence. The first step was creating a new website for Parks and Recreation. That effort will be followed with a completely Page 25
new citywide website. The department is also spending time reviewing several important processes. Working with the City IT Steering Committee, proposed changes for the hardware replacement program Management Equipment Replacement Program (MERP) and the project selection process have been developed, and will be implemented in the upcoming year.
Law City Attorney Brian Head completed his efforts in role expansion and reorganization of the Law Department in 2015. A complete departmental reorganization was undertaken to maximize the use of existing talents and resources within the Law Department, as well as to develop areas of expertise for specific organizational needs, including litigation, human resources, labor relations/collective bargaining, civil rights and economic development. In addition, the support staff has been re-assigned to roles which better serve the needs of the department and the organization, focusing primarily on providing support and assistance to the attorneys in the Department. The Law Department also focused significantly on cost saving alternatives to current methods of operation, including minimizing the use of outside counsel for issues which can be handled in-house, as well as more active and up-front participation by Law Department staff in matters at all levels of the organization to minimize risk and seek positive outcomes. Upcoming major initiatives in 2016 which the Law Department will play a major role include the Charter Review Commission, continued collective bargaining with two labor groups, and a direct focus on the major development initiatives pending before the City.
Municipal Court Two thousand and fifteen was a year of change for Municipal Courts throughout Missouri and for Lee’s Summit it was no different. Early in 2015, the Municipal Court was watching proposed legislation and then the eventual passage of legislation referred to statewide as Senate Bill 5. The end of August marked the largest one-time legislative change to the municipal court system. Senate Bill 5 modified the allowable percentage of revenue the City retains from
certain court costs, fines, or surcharges on minor traffic violations, defined minor traffic violations and set apart the fine and court costs of those violations, eliminated the failure to appear suspension for minor traffic, provided for alternate collection methods of fine and costs due to Court, and established certain criteria with regard to incarcerated defendants. These additions and modifications resulted in many court policy and procedure revisions; the Court’s participation in the statewide court automation system, the Justice Information System, did make the transition less burdensome and taxing. In 2016, the Court plans to complete the Regional Justice Information Service mobile ticketing to Court electronic citation transfer, enroll in the Debt Collection Program provided by the Office of State Court Administrator and upgrade the Justice Information System connection from a virtual to a direct connection.
Parks & Recreation Annually, between facility, park, event, and program attendance, LSPR is serving more than one million patrons. Park
Operations and Construction, Recreation and Administration activities are the responsibility of 42 fulltime employees, more than 400 part-time employees, and numerous contractors all made possible by a 16 cent property tax levy that has been in place since 1970. LSPR had 2,478 volunteers in 2015 volunteering more than 140,000 hours bringing over $3 million in value to the community. Today, the property tax levy generates $3.1 million annually, with a majority of the operating funding coming from our patrons through their program fees and donations. In 2015, Lee’s Summit families had several opportunities sponsored by Lee’s Summit Parks & Recreation including the popular Father/Daughter Dance, Summer Concert Series, Movies in the Parks, 5K Runs, Bike Rides and more. The 34th Annual “Night Flight 5K” with 351 participants of all ages ran (or walked) from Harris Park through downtown Lee’s Summit and back in June. Also, in June was the 14th Annual Tour de Lakes Bike Ride hosting 716 cyclists from all over the Midwest. The Friends of the Parks (FOP) program continues to grow, reaching 5,500 in 2015. This year “Friends”
were invited to three private and free FOP events, which took place in LSPR facilities or parks.
Planning & Neighborhood Services There were continued major development and re-development reviews, including St. Michael the Archangel High School, Summit Innovation Center, New Price Chopper and center development, Autumn Leaves Alzheimer’s Facility, the Village Cooperative age restricted dwelling units, three new churches, John Knox Village Meadows Senior Living, numerous plats, and final development plans. The department put forward several Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) amendments to stay current with new advances in the planning and development world. A major initiative also included the department reorganization and establishing new job titles as well as new responsibilities. Long-Range Planning continued efforts to update the existing Comprehensive Plan, working jointly with the Public Works Department on the Transportation Plan Update. Progress was also made on select development corridor conceptual plans.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programming falls under this division as well requiring updates to the HUD five year plan, producing the annual Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), and working to distribute funding as approved through the Lee’s Summit City Council for grant recipients and administering the First-Time Homebuyer and Minor Home Repair Programs. Neighborhood services provided much needed property maintenance enforcement through educating the public about codes and ordinances in place. Information is provided as to the direct impact these codes provide for public safety, maintaining property values and enhancing the quality of life in the community.
Two thousand and fifteen was an exciting year of change and growth for the Lee’s Summit Police Department (LSPD). In addition to new staff, the LSPD completed the construction of our new indoor firing range facility that was made possible through a public safety bond initiative. The range opened in 2015 and will allow officers to train more often and under realistic conditions.
maintain or restore paved road surfaces throughout the community. In 2015, the program completed 122 lane miles of crack seal, 51 lane miles of surface seal, and 39 lane miles of overlay. After being resurfaced as part of the overlay program, Chipman Road west of Pryor Road was also put on a “road diet” which means it was reduced from four-lanes to three-lanes to improve safety and operations. The PMP also replaced 13.7 miles of curb, and updated 89 sidewalk ramps to current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. In 2015, the Public Works Operations division continued to enhance its snow & ice control program by adding two additional wing plows to its fleet, bringing the total number of trucks with wing plows to three. The wing plows increase the path cleared during plowing without adding additional trucks or manpower; fewer trucks are needed per street and the overall time to plow all streets is reduced. Construction of a new salt dome conveyor system and salt brine production facility also started in 2015 and should be completed by the end of 2016. These enhancements will make the loading of the salt domes and production of salt brine more efficient.
In 2015, the LSPD expanded our presence in social media forums in an effort to attract a diverse and qualified applicant pool for job openings within the department. The use of social media allows for a more interactive application process and allows us to showcase the many exciting jobs available within our department. As a result of our efforts, we processed over 600 applications for job vacancies and hired several new employees in 2015.
Solid Waste/Environment
Our Crime Reduction Team continued their hard work in 2015 and focused on reducing crime in targeted areas of the community. Officers with the team use data from our crime analysts to focus their efforts on areas with existing crime problems. This year, the unit targeted shoplifting in our two main shopping districts during the holiday shopping season. As a result of their efforts, 27 shoplifters were taken into custody and just over $11,000 worth of property was recovered.
The landfill saw near record waste tonnage intakes in 2015, and the City continued discussions about the future of its solid waste services after the landfill reaches its permitted capacity in late 2017 or early 2018. At the end of 2015, the City was negotiating with Colorado-based company Heartland Environmental Services (HES) to take over landfill operations in spring 2016 and operate a transfer station after the landfill is full.
In 2015, the Environmental Programs won Best Use of Theme in the Emerald Isle Parade, and partnered with the StoneLion Puppet Theatre to win Best Float in the Truly 150 parade. Participation in these events helps bring awareness to recycling and waste diversion, and portions of the floats made from recycled materials are re-purposed at the City’s Outdoor EcoClassroom.
Water Utilities
Procurement Procurement and Contract Services undertook the process of drafting a new Procurement Policy with the help of the Procurement Policy Revision Committee made up of representatives from the following City departments: Administration, Finance, Procurement, Police, Fire, Public Works, Law, Water Utilities, Parks and IT. This project was undertaken to replace an outdated policy with a new policy that will better identify the rules of City procurement and empower City staff to carry out the organization’s procurement mission of providing innovation, value and cost effective solutions with integrity while preserving the public trust. Several meetings were held throughout the year and continue to be held to finalize a draft policy that will be presented to City Council for adoption.
In 2015, Lee’s Summit Water Utilities made tremendous strides to increase total water supply to 32.5 million gallons a day that is projected to meet the community’s needs until approximately 2040. In April, the Lee’s Summit City Council approved the $4.7 million purchase of an additional 5 million gallons of water per day from the City of Kansas City. The water will be delivered through the existing connection to the Jackson/Cass transmission main at the South Terminal Pump Station. In 2016, the department will replace 23,000 feet of additional water mains in the core of the City, and rehabilitate another 5,000 feet of sewer lines.
Public Works – Engineering & Operations The City’s annual Pavement Management Program (PMP) is managed by the Public Works Engineering division and is used to
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