Spring 2012
Mayor’s Memo Happy spring! I may be a bit late in saying this because to some of us spring really started in March. This feeling is connected to the unseasonably warm winter and the country’s earlier than anticipated bout with severe weather, including severe thunderstorms and tornados. Because of the unpredictable nature of severe weather, it is important for all of us to be prepared.
Mayor's Memo
Take Steps Now to Prepare 2-3
Resources for Helpful Emergency Preparedness Tips!
City News Highlights
What’s Being Built: 2012-13 City Construction Projects
Lea McKeighan Park to Receive Makeover
Mayor and City Council
Congratulations Graduates!
Environmental News
Community of Character
Bike and Walk Month
Mark Your Calendar for Legacy Blast! July 3rd
This issue of the City Scope newsletter has a section with details about important emergency preparedness tips and is derived from a variety of sources, including the Lee’s Summit Fire Department, PrepareMetroKC.org, and the ready. gov campaign sites. Please take the time to read, “Take Steps Now to Prepare” on pages 2 and 3 of this edition of the City Scope newsletter. I would like to also take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted in the April 3 election. Our citizens elected two new members of the Lee’s Summit City Council, Councilmember Robert Binney of District 1 and Councilmember Derek Holland of District 3. I welcome Councilmember Binney and Councilmember Holland to the City Council and I look forward to working with them. I extend a very special thank you to outgoing Councilmember Joe Spallo of District 3 and Councilmember Jim Hallam of District 1 for their years of dedication and superior public service to residents of our community. It has truly been an honor to serve with them on the City Council. I would also like to congratulate Councilmember Allan Gray of District 2 and Councilmember Bob Johnson of District 4 on their re-election to the City Council. I look forward to their continued service to the citizens of our fine community. Mayor Randy Rhoads
Knowing what to do during natural and manmade emergencies can help keep you and your family safe. That is why the lead story of this issue of the City Scope is focused on the essentials of emergency preparation. The hope is that residents will use this information as a step-by-step guide to become informed about emergency preparedness. Remember: We don’t know when or where an emergency will happen, but we can be prepared.
Create a Plan: Planning in advance for what you will do during an emergency will keep you calm and, more importantly, safe. The plan should include what actions to take during each emergency. For example, the plan for a chemical spill is different than the plan for a flood. The plan should include information about how family members will contact each other if they are in different locations during an emergency whether you are at home or somewhere else. You should also do the following: • Make sure everyone knows the address and phone number of your meeting places during an emergency.
Among the items to place in your kit: • Water – one gallon per person, per day for drinking and sanitation • Food – at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food, including baby food and pet food. Remember to pack a manual can opener. • Battery powered radio and extra batteries • Flashlight and extra batteries • First aid kit • Whistle to signal for help • Cellular phones and batteries • Filter masks • Moist wipes for sanitation • Wrench or pliers • Plastic sheeting and duct tape • Garbage bags and plastic ties • Blankets, clothing and shoes • Unique family needs – prescription medications, diapers, formula and important family documents sealed in a waterproof bag. • Include any other items you might need for family members who are seniors, children or have
• Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to be your family contact. During an emergency it may be easier to contact someone out-of-town and they will be able to inform others about your whereabouts if you are not able to do so.
Build a Supply Kit:
The supply kit is comprised of items you will need to survive for at least three days until help arrives or services are restored. Consider creating two versions of the supply kit. One kit would be used for sheltering in place and the other would be the one you would take with you if you have to evacuate. Remember to keep the supplies in these kits up-to-date by replacing items before the expiration date.
Assembling a supply kit for use during emergencies is an important part of being prepared. Keep supplies in an air-tight, easy-to-carry container. Rethink your family needs and refresh your kits at least once a year, replacing items such as batteries and updating clothing and other supplies. Food may need to be replaced sooner.
Take Steps Now to Prepare (continued) special needs. Remember: You should be ready to meet special needs for at least seven days after a disaster. The usual means of support and All-Hazards Weather Radio assistance may not be available for some time.
Become Informed: Educating yourself about what to do during an emergency is essential to keep you and your family safe. You can find information on emergency preparedness at the sites listed in the box below. Participating in Severe Weather Awareness Week in March and Emergency Preparedness Month in September are other opportunities to become informed. It is also important to be aware of potentially life threatening situations from severe weather or other types of disasters. For that reason, it is recommended you have more than one source of emergency notification and information. The best way to receive severe weather information day or night is with a NOAA All- Hazards Weather Radio. All-Hazards Weather Radios can be programmed to receive an alarm tone from the National Weather Service (NWS) when severe weather and other types of emergencies are in the immediate area. These radios can be purchased anywhere in the nation and programmed
Resources for More Helpful Emergency Preparedness Tips! • LSfire.net and LSTV (Comcast, channel 7; Time Warner, channel 2; and AT&T U-verse, channel 99) See new series that uses characters called, “Disaster and Preparedness,” to provide critical information in a fun way about preparing for an emergency. The videos were produced by the Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee (MEMC). • Preparemetrokc.org • Ready.gov • Stormawaremo.gov
by the owner to their specific area (programming codes are available from the NWS and MARC websites, or from the fire department). Unlike OUTDOOR warning sirens that were not intended to be heard indoors, the All-Hazards Weather Radios can be heard indoors and provide 24 hour a day notification. The Lee’s Summit Fire Department will provide assistance in programming the radio for citizens who need help. In addition to the All-Hazards Radios, other notification systems include outdoor warning sirens, cable and media broadcasts, and a number of text and e-mail notification services such as NIXLE.com.
Get Involved: There are several programs to participate in to help with preparation in Lee’s Summit. The Lee’s Summit Fire Department offers the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to train citizens, community organizations or workplaces in basic response skills. Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Medical Operations, Disaster Psychology, Disaster Fire Suppression, Light Search and Rescue, Terrorism Overview, CERT Team Organization and Disaster Support Operations are covered during the classes. If an emergency occurs, you will be equipped with knowledge to help yourself and those around you even better. If you would like to participate in CERT training, contact the Fire Department at (816) 969-1300 or visit cityofls.net | Main Site | About the City | Get Involved.
Remember: Sign-up for Nixle.com to receive emergency notifications for our community. Disaster & Preparedness Characters
Here are some of the headlines at the City. Stay informed about the latest news and events at cityofls.net, by following us on Facebook and Twitter and watching LSTV on Comcast, channel 7; Time Warner, channel 2; and AT&T U-verse, channel 99. Arnold Hall
The LS360 Branding Committee continues to work with North Star Consulting to create a new brand strategy for the community. The new brand message that captures Lee’s Summit’s small town neighborliness and wonderfully active and engaged citizenry is in the process of being brought alive through creative elements and implementation strategies currently under design. Watch for more details in the next issue of City Scope. The Lee’s Summit neighborhood Morningside Acres Ranch House District is now officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places – making it one of the first ranch house districts in the state of Missouri to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Morningside Acres Ranch House District, located east of SE Independence Avenue between southeast Third Terrace and Fifth Street, is the final of five districts and one single property to be listed as part of the 2009 Old Town East National Register grant. These areas are now listed among a total of 16 National Register Historic Districts and Landmarks within Lee’s Summit.
The potential of cultural development in Lee’s Summit was outlined in a Cultural Facilities Master Plan presented by representatives of Webb Management Services Inc., the consultants hired to complete the plan. The plan evaluates space needs of the arts and cultural community in Lee’s Summit, provides a preliminary space plan and capital budget for recommended facilities and offers recommendations for the operations and sustainability of those facilities. A Cultural Arts Facility Task Force was recently appointed by Mayor Rhoads and approved by the City Council to continue the progress of this project. The City recently created regulations for mobile food vendors operating in our community. Those regulations allow for hours of operation, location on public and private property and health and safety guidelines. The details are located in Article 11 Special Events and Mobile Food Vending in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). There are also regulations for food carts, such as hot dog vendors, in the amendment. Visit lsplanning.net for details or call the Planning & Development Department at(816) 969-1600
The City's 2011 Annual Report is available for download. Visit cityofls.net| Main Site. Learn about the City's exciting accomplishments of 2011 and initiatives for 2012.
Morningside Acres Ranch Historic District is one of the newest of several existing historic districts in Lee's Summit.
Want to be informed about City construction projects? You can stay up-to-date on the progress of the 2012-13 projects and beyond by visiting cityofls.net| Public Works| Capital Improvement Projects.
Lea McKeighan Park to Receive Makeover
Project Description
Construction/ Completion Year
2010 Bond Projects
Curb Replacement
2012 Construction/2013 Completion
Tudor Road - Ward to Douglas
2012 Start/2013 Completion
Emergency Services Radio upgrade
2012 Installation
Strother Road Improvements Independence to Lee's Summit Road
2012 Start/2013 Completion
Sidewalk Rehabilitation
2012 Continued Construction
Police Facility upgrade Downtown Planter Bed Renovation
2012-13 Projected Construction 2012 Construction/Completion
Legacy Park - Adding practice space Legacy Lake - Adding fishing dock & adjacent shoreline improvements, including wooden swings and a walking path.
2012 Construction/Completion 2012 Construction/Completion
Lea McKeighan Park, 120 NE Chipman Road In the planning stages for redevelopment.
2012-13 Projected Construction
Stormwater Improvements
2012 Continued Construction
Street Lighting Projects
Persels – Ward Road to M-291
2012 Construction
Ward Road - Oldham Pkwy to Persels
2012 Construction
Bailey Road – M-291 to Hamblen Signal Replacement – 2nd & Douglas
2012 Continued Construction/2013 Completion 2012 Construction
Arbores Pump Station Removal
2012 Construction/2013 Completion
Lee’s Summit Road Lift Station Basin
2012 Construction
Sanitary Sewer Main Rehabilitation (citywide)
2012 Construction
Todd George Road Pump Station
2012 Construction
Westview Sanitary Sewer Realignment
2012 Construction
Water Main Rehabilitation (citywide)
2012 Construction/2013 Completion
Parks & Recreation Projects
Road Improvements
Construction is scheduled to begin later this year on renovations to the south side of Lea McKeighan Park Water Utilities located at the intersection of Douglas Street and Chipman Road. For more than 40 years, the 11-acre park site has been the location for baseball leagues in Lee’s Summit until recently when these programs relocated to Legacy Park. The baseball field fencing, light poles, and buildings have been removed from the South park site to begin constructing new walking trails, open play field space, parking, water features, restrooms, park shelter, landscaping, and a new up-scale adventure playground. The pre-design cost estimates for the south side of the park are approximately $1.8 million and there is an additional $100,000 for the demolition of
the previous structures on the site. A $60,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) helped to offset demolition costs. If you would like to provide feedback about future park programming or participate in the planning process, contact LSPR at 969-1500.
A rendering of Lea McKeighan Park renovation. The renovation will include new walking trails, open play field space, parking, water features, restrooms, park shelter, landscaping, and a new up-scale adventure playground.
Mayor Randy Rhoads 1060 NW High Point Dr. (64081) (816) 524-8245 Randy.Rhoads@cityofls.net
District 1 Rob Binney 503 NW O’Brien (64063) (816) 289-1929 Rob.Binney@me.com
District 1 Kathy Hofmann 1011 SW Orrington Pl. (64081) (816) 536-3393 hofmannk@kc.rr.com
District 2 Brian Whitley 4544 SW Gull Point Dr. (64082) (816) 213-9366 Brian.Whitley@me.com
District 2 Allan S. Gray II 612 SW Walden Lane (64081) (816) 695-8845 agrayd2@gmail.com
District 3 Derek M. Holland 4716 NE Howser Lane (64064) (816) 309-8008 Derek.Holland@me.com
District 3 Forrest “Ed” Cockrell 4000 Cimarron (64064) (816) 350-2523 cockrelled@yahoo.com
District 4 Bob Johnson 1000 NE Remington Ct. (64086) (816) 225-6126 BJohnsond4@gmail.com
District 4 Dave Mosby 352 SE Williamsburg Ct. (64063) (816) 246-1315 DaveMosbyD4@me.com
Mayor & City Council
Some of the councilmembers have new e-mail addresses. As additional changes occur, the updates will be available at cityofls.net| Main site| City Officials.
The second class of participants in the Citizens Leadership Academy graduated in May. The participants learned about the operations of City government during the interactive program taught by City staff. If you are interested in participating in the Citizens Leadership Academy, download the application from the City’s website, cityofls.net by clicking the “Main” site, “About the City” and “Get Involved”. The next class will begin in January 2013.
Participants in the 2012 class of the Citizens Leadership Academy work on group projects.
Groups from subdivisions and Homeowners Associations can volunteer to clean-up the banks of streams flowing through their subdivision by participating in the Adopt-A-Stream program. Participating groups that commit to pick up litter in and around the stream in their neighborhood at least twice a year will receive recognition on two AdoptA-Stream signs posted by the stream. Trash bags will be provided by and picked up by the City. For an application and more information, visit lspw.net.
Paper Shredding Events will be from 9 to 11 a.m. on June 9 and Sept. 8 at Lee’s Summit City Hall, 220 SE Green Street. Bring up to four, paper grocery bags of documents to shred. Remove all binders and covers in advance.
Documents about to be emptied
For the first time, you in cart for recycling. can bring your unwanted and old trikes and bikes to the City’s new Bicycle Recycling event during the June 9 and September 8 Paper Shredding Events from 9 – 11 a.m. at City Hall.
Volunteers picking up litter from a Lee’s Summit waterway.
Call (816) 969-1804 for information about these community-wide “green” events.
The City of Lee’s Summit is designated as a Community of Character. Each month, a character trait is highlighted. Join us in celebrating the following traits:
May – Appreciation June – Sportsmanship July – Citizenship The month of May is Bike & Walk Month in Lee’s Summit. Individuals are encouraged to experience the joys of bicycling and walking to work, to a friend’s house, to take care of errands or to just bike and walk for the fun of it. Bike & Walk Month is promoted by the Livable Streets Advisory Board. Visit Livablestreetsls.com for Bike & Walk Month activities.
City Hall................................................(816) 969-1000 Chamber of Commerce.......................(816) 524-2424 Downtown Main St., Inc.................... (816) 246-6598 Economic Dev. Council.......................(816) 525-6617 Gamber Center.....................................(816) 969-1580 LS Social Services................................(816) 525-4357 OATS Bus.............................................. (816) 380-7433 Metroflex Downtown Bus.................. (816) 346-0802
Important Community Phone Numbers
RESIDENT/BUSINESS ECRWSS Permit No. 79 Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Phone Numbers
The City’s annual Fourth of July celebration, “Legacy Blast,” is July 3rd at Legacy Park on NE Legacy Park Drive. The south entrance of the park opens at 6 p.m. and closes at 9 p.m. Food vendors and entertainers will be at the venue before the start of the free, fireworks extravaganza choreographed to music. The rain date is set for Thursday, July 5. More details about this exciting communitywide event will be released in the coming months by LSPR. For more information, call (816) 9691500 or follow #legacyblast on Twitter.
General Information ..................... 969-1000 Animal Control........................... 969-1640 Administration.............................969-1010 Mayor.........................................969-1030 City Council...............................969-1010 City Manager.............................969-1013 Codes Administration Inspect. & Plans Review...........969-1200 Neighborhood Services............969-1200 Fire Department Business Office..........................969-1300 Emergency Calls..................... 911 Municipal Court...........................969-1150 Parks & Recreation......................969-1500 Planning & Development...........969-1600 Police Department Business Office..........................969-1700 Emergency Calls..................... 911 Public Works Airport........................................969-1182 Engineering...............................969-1800 Operations (Streets)..................969-1870 Resource Recovery Park..........969-1980 Recycling...................................969-1804 Treasury Dept.(tax info.).............969-1139 Water Utilities Operations..........969-1940 Customer Service (billing)......969-1900