Lynchburg Water Resources Beyond 2020 Strategic Plan

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"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water." -Benjamin Franklin

Table of Contents Director’s Message.................................................1 Our Mission and Vision...........................................3 Our Values.............................................................5 Our Objectives.......................................................7 Customer Satisfaction.............................................9 Employee Engagement and Development................13 Infrastructure Management.....................................15 Environmental Stewardship.....................................17 Fiscal Responsibility ................................................21 Resiliency...............................................................23

Director's Message “Why are we here?” “What do we aspire to be?” These questions inspired Lynchburg Water Resources’ strategic planning process and helped us define our role in providing clean and safe water to our community. We recognize that water utilities are on the verge of a new era. Pipes that were installed over a century ago are in critical need of replacement. The current regulatory and legislative environment is becoming more complicated. Changing weather patterns result in more complex threats to our infrastructure. Technology improvements have changed the way we manage data and address customers’ needs and expectations. Education and outreach programs are vital in teaching our citizens and youth about the importance of protecting our environment. A highly trained and motivated workforce is essential. We must meet these needs in a fiscally responsible manner, with rates that reflect the true cost of service but are also sensitive to the economic conditions in our community. This requires careful and thoughtful planning to ensure that our resources are used effectively and efficiently. Beyond 2020 creates a clear strategy for addressing these challenges. This plan reflects several years of hard work and planning by many Water Resources employees. We began by rebranding the department and creating a new logo with the tagline “Our Job is Clear!” Employee-led committees developed goals and initiatives for specific strategic objectives. We also developed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis and utilized its results to enhance our plan. Finally, we brought in a facilitator to help ensure consistency across the plan. Our Mission and Vision statements provide the foundation for the entire plan and demonstrate our commitment to clean water and our community. Our Mission is clear: Promote the life, health, and prosperity of our community. Our Vision is simple: Clean Water, Clear Streams, Thriving Community. Our values support our mission and vision. Instead of the more traditional approach of defining our values, we used them in statements to emphasize what is important to us. We are committed to the health and safety of our citizens. We are passionate about 1

the environment. We embrace a collaborative spirit. We respect each other and our community. We make a difference. This connects our values and vision and will help each member of our team visualize his or her role in our success. We developed strategic objectives with the needs of our community in mind. Our six key focus areas embody what we do: Customer Satisfaction, Employee Engagement and Development, Infrastructure Management, Environmental Stewardship, Fiscal Responsibility, and Resiliency. Each strategic objective has several corresponding goals and a series of specific initiatives that will help drive our success. To hold ourselves accountable, each initiative will be assigned to a leader or committee with a target date to complete objectives. In the broader sense, we will identify a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be regularly monitored and tracked for transparency to ensure that we are meeting not only our expectations but also the expectations of the community. This document reflects our vital role in providing exceptional water, wastewater, and stormwater services that are crucial to the overall success of our community. We will develop partnerships and work as a team to meet these common goals and ensure the long term sustainability of our water systems and our natural resources. This plan will guide us to fulfill our mission to promote the life, health, and prosperity of our community.

Timothy A. Mitchell, PE Director, Lynchburg Water Resources 2

Our Mission Promote the life, health, and prosperity of our community.

Our Job is Clear!

Our Vision Clean Water. Clear Streams. Thriving Community.

Our Values We are

COMMITTED to the health and safety

We are

PASSIONATE about the environment.

We embrace a


We RESPECT each other and our community. We make a


of our citizens.

Our Objectives Customer Satisfaction (CS): Increase consumer satisfaction and confidence through quality customer service and communication. Employee Engagement and Development (EE): Recruit, develop, and retain a highly qualified, diverse, and high-performing workforce.


Infrastructure Management (IM): Effectively and sustainably manage our utility assets to meet and exceed current and future customer needs and regulatory requirements.

Environmental Stewardship (ES): Establish Lynchburg Water Resources as the community leader in environmental education and stewardship.


Fiscal Responsibility (FR): Promote sustainable and responsible fiscal practices.

Resiliency (R): Create a resilient utility through excellent planning and preparedness. 8

Customer Satisfaction GOAL

Increase consumer satisfaction and confidence through quality customer service and communication.

We will strive to provide exceptional customer-focused service with a goal of continuous improvement. Services will be reliable, responsive, affordable, and of exceptional quality. This starts with robust and consistent training for all Lynchburg Water Resources employees and includes a comprehensive communication approach that utilizes a variety of methods and technologies. We will be responsive to customer needs and expectations, providing timely communications including during emergencies. Communications will be tailored to the audience and to the event to achieve the most effective outcome. Additionally, we must understand and engage all stakeholders. Stakeholders include anyone who can be impacted by or who can impact our services. Their input and support are crucial to our ability to provide the best and right services. Further, we must promote and raise awareness of the true value of water and water services and their role in public health and safety, environmental protection and restoration, and our community’s success and resiliency.

CS-1: Create a customer centered culture.


1. Develop and formalize customer service protocols and procedures that ensure a timely and appropriate response. 2. Develop and implement customer service training for all new hires and existing employees.

CS-2: Continuously improve our service delivery and responsiveness.


1. Respond to all emergencies within one hour of notification. 2. Develop and implement a comprehensive customer service program including logging all customer phone calls into the work management system. 3. Create a customer feedback system that enables customers to comment on services and provide suggestions for improvement. 4. Conduct satisfaction surveys with the community to identify opportunities for improvement.

CS-3: Establish a customer friendly bill paying process.


1. Select a phone system option to optimize large call volumes. 2. Implement additional utility bill payment options. 3. Adjust billing cycles to equalize cut-offs.


CS-4: Utilize technology to enhance customer service.


1. Enhance and utilize the work management system to implement processes to track customer interactions. 2. Develop and implement a comprehensive public communication strategy focused on the customer benefits and options associated with the installation of cellular read meters. 3. Develop and implement an on-line customer portal where customers can pay bills and obtain information about their water, sewer, and stormwater accounts. 4. Increase transparency through the use of technology to better inform the public about our operations.

CS-5: Improve public understanding and awareness of Lynchburg Water Resources.


1. Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy focused on education and raising community awareness about the importance of our water resources. 2. Annually complete and publish the Lynchburg Water Resources Annual Report. 3. Improve communications strategy to provide real-time information to customers regarding service interruptions and community impacts. 4. Create and implement a public awareness and outreach plan for all major projects.


Employee Engagement and Development GOAL

Recruit, develop, and retain a highly qualified, diverse, and high performing workforce.

Our most important resource is our employees. We will recruit, develop, and retain a highly competent, motivated, and safety-oriented workforce. Our organization will be collaborative and supportive with a focus on continuous learning, improvement, and innovation. We must capture our institutional knowledge while adapting to a changing workforce and preparing our future leaders.

EE-1: Improve employee satisfaction and engagement.


1. Develop and conduct an annual employee engagement survey. 2. Develop and implement an employee appreciation program.

EE-2: Increase opportunities for employee learning and development.


1. Develop and implement a technology-based educational program that incorporates information from employees’ development plans and performance reviews. 2. Develop and implement a core training program for all employees. 3. Assess and determine the current succession needs for key positions. 4. Review and modify existing progression plans to ensure that they enhance professional development. 5. Evaluate and develop new progression plans for work groups.

EE-3: Develop a comprehensive approach for recruitment and retention.


1. Implement competency-based job descriptions based on actual tasks and performance criteria for all positions. 2. Conduct departmental exit interviews and evaluate feedback. 3. Develop strategies for increasing employee retention such as stay interviews, employee development, etc. 4. Develop and adopt a community-focused recruitment program. Interface with high schools, community colleges, and universities. 5. Evaluate staffing levels for adequacy to achieve our goals and objectives.


Infrastructure Management GOAL

Effectively and sustainably manage our utility assets to meet and exceed current and future customer needs and regulatory requirements.

Effectively maintaining and operating our assets is one of the most challenging roles we have. We must understand the condition and true cost of adequately and sustainably managing our critical infrastructure. This includes accounting for future needs, growth, and changing weather patterns. We must understand community needs in order to provide the appropriate level of service. We should strive for the lowest life-cycle costs while improving the condition of our assets. Adequate funding and resources are crucial in meeting current and future needs. Efficient operation of our assets enhances performance. By effectively managing our assets we can ensure water quality, minimize service disruptions, and lower overall life-cycle costs.

IM-1: Improve service reliability and capacity of buried infrastructure.


1. Implement the sewer system Capacity, Maintenance, Operations, and Management (CMOM) Program. 2. Repair, renew, or replace sanitary sewer lines and manholes with a Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) and Manhole Assessment Certification Program (MACP) rating of 4 or higher. 3. Complete an update of the Water System Master Plan and implement the recommendations. 4. Develop a uni-directional flushing and valve maintenance program. 5. Fully implement the fire hydrant maintenance and color coding program. 6. Renew or replace 1% of the buried infrastructure annually. 7. Evaluate the use of internal crews versus contractors for repairs, replacement, and installation of infrastructure. Develop a budget and timeline for any changes. 8. Evaluate the use of alternative technologies to reduce critical failures and increase focus on preventative maintenance. 9. Implement cellular meter reading technology. 10. Develop a long range condition assessment and maintenance strategy for both green and grey stormwater infrastructure.

IM-2: Maintain and operate Lynchburg Water Resources facilities in a highly efficient, cost effective, and environmentally friendly manner.


1. Complete the CSO Long Term Control Plan. 2. Restore the capacity of the Abert Water Filtration Plant lagoon. 3. Maintain facility equipment according to operations and maintenance manual recommendations and plan for capital replacement of equipment as needed. 4. Continue maintenance of water tanks with 5 year inspection and 15 to 20 year maintenance/paint schedules. 5. Develop and implement a comprehensive building maintenance program for all facilities. 6. Monitor regulatory actions for potential future impacts to facilities. 16

Environmental Stewardship GOAL

Establish Lynchburg Water Resources as the community leader in environmental education and stewardship.

We are a recognized leader in community and water resource sustainability. Water resource planning and management must be integrated with other critical infrastructure as well as social and economic development efforts. It is critical that we collaborate with stakeholders to enhance community sustainability and livability. We also strive to understand and optimize the impacts of our total water cycle - source water, stormwater runoff, and wastewater treatment - to meet our future community and ecological needs. We can enhance these efforts through minimized waste and improved efficiency.

ES-1: Evaluate and implement environmentally responsible operations at each of our facilities and in our operations through increased energy efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling programs.


1. Evaluate and sustainably optimize equipment operating procedures and replacement programs. 2. Develop and implement a green facilities program. 3. Develop and implement a sustainable construction materials management program. 4. Incorporate green design and process optimization in project designs and department programs when possible. 5. Develop and implement an environmentally sustainable purchasing program. 6. Enhance the department’s standard operating procedures to be more environmentally focused.

ES-2: Raise community awareness of the importance of environmental stewardship and conservation.


1. Increase both internal and external partnership opportunities to foster positive environmental impacts in the community. 2. Create consistent environmental awareness campaigns to raise awareness about water, wastewater, and stormwater related issues. 3. Develop an internal environmental education program. 4. Effectively utilize the department website and social media as a resource to promote our environmental programs. 5. Develop and offer K-12 program curriculum correlated to Virginia Standards of Learning.


ES-3: Environmental programs meet and exceed state and federal environmental regulations.


1. Develop and implement strategic Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) action plans that meet and/or exceed water quality goals. 2. Under the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program, achieve Environmental Enterprise (E2) status at the Lynchburg Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. 3. Evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of control measures identified in the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit. 4. Develop watershed master plans that optimally address water quality and infrastructure needs with available capital resources. 5. Incorporate green infrastructure in capital projects for building and buried infrastructure when possible 6. Develop nutrient based credit program for City projects.



Fiscal Responsibility


Promote sustainable and responsible fiscal practices.

Fiscal responsibility encompasses a multitude of factors and variables. We must balance the need for adequate revenues to appropriately maintain and renew our water assets with efforts to minimize costs and maximize performance of those same assets. We should especially seek funding opportunities from sources outside of the City. Budgets should be fiscally responsible and reflect the true costs of providing services, while rates and rate increases should be sensitive to their effects on our community. Long range financial planning is crucial to making wise operational and investment decisions.

FR-1: Create and maintain budgets that support operational needs and adequately invest in infrastructure and water quality.


1. Provide statistical data in a timely manner that allows stakeholders to make informed and timely operational decisions to increase efficiency and minimize costs. 2. Develop budgets that meet or exceed regulatory obligations, city council fiscal policies, and our current and future needs. 3. Complete a 20 year financial forecast that reflects the actual capital needs and the overall true cost of providing sustainable water, sewer, and stormwater services.

FR-2: Generate adequate revenues to support operational and capital needs.


1. Develop opportunities and foster partnerships to generate new revenue streams. 2. Seek and support efforts to secure state and federal grant opportunities. 3. Develop an accurate and reliable system to identify and track actual cost of providing services. 4. Implement rates that place the cost of the service with the service provided while being sensitive to needs and affordability issues of our low income households.

FR-3: Operate in a cost effective and efficient manner.


1. Evaluate and consider life cycle cost and performance of major assets during project development. 2. Continuously evaluate options to determine the most cost effective means of service delivery. 3. Renew or replace assets at the optimal time to minimize overall life cycle costs. 22

Resiliency GOAL

Create a resilient utility through excellent planning and preparedness.

A resilient utility is essential to a thriving community. We face a growing number of threats and risks that need to be mitigated and addressed. It is crucial that we work with external partners to identify the full range of risks and develop robust strategies to improve and protect our processes, staff, and community as a whole. Adequate planning and preparation is the key to business continuity and resiliency.

R-1: Proactively identify, assess, and take steps to effectively manage and mitigate risks.


1. Conduct a risk assessment and update our Emergency Response Plan in accordance with the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). 2. Implement the long-range needs identified in the AWIA risk assessment. 3. Ensure operational staffing/power redundancy for maintaining departmental operations during significant environmental events. 4. Develop policies and procedures for departmental response during significant environmental events. 5. Evaluate the impacts that climate change may have on utility operations and emergency preparedness. 6. Foster partnerships with other City departments (collaborative) and agencies (CVPDC, VDEM, LEPC) on local and regional planning initiatives. 7. Collaborate with the Information Technology Department to enhance our cyber security programs to protect our data, systems, and digital assets. 8. Develop and implement an Emergency Communications Plan for scalable and integrated communications during emergencies.

R-2: Adequately train and prepare our workforce for emergency response, continuity of operations, and to protect against workplace hazards.


1. Evaluate and update operational practices to reflect new or changing safety regulations. 2. Conduct annual training and exercises on our Emergency Response Plans and Dam Safety Emergency Action Plans. 3. Develop a continuity of operations plan (COOP) for maintaining operations should a facility or system be compromised.


525 Taylor Street Lynchburg, VA 24501 434-455-4250


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