O C TO B E R - N OV E M B E R 2 01 4
06 THE PEOPLE’S PANEL 10 year financial plan
07 FUTURE DIRECTIONS Library at The Dock technology
MUSIC WEEK Sights, sounds and home spun grooves
A KNOWLEDGE CITY Directions for our smart city
LORD MAYOR’S MESSAGE YOUR SAY Letters, tweets and a little love from our friends
CITY NEWS Sustainable pathways out of homelessness
YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Kensington Town Hall renovations
MELBOURNE LOVE Meet Marina and her innovative organisation Powerhousehq
YOUR OFFER Waite Intersearch
Information and events in this publication are current at the time of printing. Subsequent changes may occur. The City of Melbourne does not guarantee that this publication is without flaw or wholly appropriate for your purposes. It and its employees expressly disclaim any liability, for any loss or damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered by any person as the result of or arising from reliance on any information contained in the publication. © All applicable copyrights reserved for the City of Melbourne. Except for any uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or in any medium (whether electronic or otherwise) without the express permission of the City of Melbourne.
(left to right) Chris Woodruff, Melbourne Airport CEO with Lord Mayor Robert Doyle at the launch of the new illuminated Melbourne sign at Melbourne Airport. (image courtesy of Melbourne Airport).
Melbourne is a knowledge city that prides itself on cultivating and supporting great minds, ideas and innovative industries. We are a premier location for business and knowledge sectors to expand and thrive. Did you know that the City of Melbourne accounts for six per cent of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product? And for Victoria, the figure is 27 per cent? In the past six years our economy has grown by $17 billion to $87 billion. In that time we have seen a growth of 34,000 new jobs in the municipality. 40 per cent of our workers are categorised as professionals. This hasn’t happened by accident. It’s part of the City of Melbourne’s vision to work collaboratively with education providers, business and community groups and emergent sectors such as cleantech and biotechnology to support a vibrant economy and create opportunities for our future. A specific example is the Carlton Connect Initiative. The Melbourne University-led sustainability research hub is centred around the former Royal Women’s Hospital site in Carlton. It brings together students and experts from a number of University of Melbourne faculties as well as government departments, industry and community organisations to collaborate on new ideas and technologies to tackle local and global sustainability and social resilience challenges. It is a cluster of expertise.
urban futures, as well as climate change and adaptation. It aims to foster a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, which in turn drives practical responses that will help secure Australia’s long-term prosperity. Recently, Council decided to enter a commercial lease with the University of Melbourne to establish an art studio and office within Carlton Connect as part of our Creative Spaces program. The City of Melbourne will invite artists whose practices address one or more challenges identified by the Carlton Connect Initiative to operate as artists-in-residency in this creative space. The successful artists will pay no rent but will be obliged to undertake their research in the studio with a public outcome at their own cost. The Carlton Connect Initiative is a huge boost to Melbourne’s knowledge economy and an important mechanism for securing Melbourne’s sustainability. It not only benefits our students in terms of learning, but also provides new and enhanced employment opportunities and immeasurable practical benefits for the wider economy. I congratulate everyone involved.
Robert Doyle, Lord Mayor
Carlton Connect has a strong focus on collaboration, connection and innovation. It tackles the challenges posed by issues such as water productivity, our food, energy and
Cover: Steph Hughes in Boomgates performing opening night at the 2013 Melbourne Music Week.
COMMENDATIONS 2014 Small businesses with their commitment, longevity and diversity are a vital part of Melbourne’s thriving economic community. The Lord Mayor’s Commendations acknowledge and celebrate these important contributions through an annual program. Established in 2005, the program covers five categories, a Bronze Commendation for businesses that have operated for 10+ years, Silver for 25+ years, Gold for 40+ years and Platinum for 50+ years. There is also a Generational Family Business Commendation for businesses which have been in the same family for more than three generations.
This year, almost every area within the municipality is represented, including butchers in North Melbourne, a florist in Melbourne, an optical dispenser in Southbank and a communications business in Victoria Market.
Since it started, 380 small business proprietors and 13 generational family businesses have received commendations. In 2014, a record number of 74 small businesses will receive commendations, which includes two generational commendations. This year, almost every area within the municipality is represented, including butchers in North Melbourne, a florist in Melbourne, an optical dispenser in Southbank and a communications business in Victoria Market. Greek precinct institution Stalactites Restaurant, which has been owned by the Konstandakopoulos family for 36 years, is one of two generational recipients. The other is well-known funeral director Tobin Brothers, which has operated as a Melbourne family business since 1934. Each business has helped shape Melbourne. Some have contributed to the city’s ethnic flavour, others have created beautiful Melbourne made wares and several have been a familiar stalwart across the decades. This year’s record number of recipients is testimony to the fact that with the city’s support, small businesses can thrive and grow in the municipality. This year’s recipients of the Lord Mayor’s Commendations were honoured at a ceremony at the Town Hall on Wednesday 1 October. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Clive Scott, Chairman of Judges and General Manager of Sofitel Melbourne.
CELEBRATING INSPIRATIONAL MELBURNIANS The Melbourne Awards celebrate the inspirational individuals and organisations who are dedicated to making Melbourne a truly unique place to live, visit and do business. On Saturday 15 November the winners of the 2014 Melbourne Awards program will be announced at a Gala Awards Ceremony in Melbourne Town Hall. The Awards honour significant contributions to Melbourne’s sustainability, community and profile, and recognise one outstanding individual as the Melburnian of the Year. ‘Through the Awards, Melburnians get to hear what some very dedicated citizens are doing to help others and to add value to our city. Many of these individuals and organisations would struggle to get recognition for the great work they are doing if these Awards did not exist,’ said Clive Scott, Chairman of Judges and General Manager of Sofitel Melbourne on Collins. Winners are selected through a robust and independent judging process that connects entrants with business leaders from a range of industry sectors, many of whom often become ambassadors for the achievements they witness. ‘As a judge you meet a selection of amazing people who in their daily lives are adding tremendous value to Melbourne. They expect nothing from it and are doing it out of a sense of invention and innovation, or just a desire to help those who aren’t as well off as themselves,’ said Clive. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Kay Craddock AM, (Chair, Lord Mayor’s Commendations Advisory Group) announcing recipients during the 2013 presentation.
How do I arrange a Spring Clean collection?
The City of Melbourne is offering ratepayers, residents and businesses additional services in spring including hard and green waste collections, an e-waste recycling day and bin clean vouchers for businesses.
Recently I was visiting Melbourne and using your visitor shuttle. I found your shuttle driver Paul to be exceptionally friendly and very helpful. Thanks so much for the great service.
On Saturday 25 October, 9am to 3pm at City Square or the Waste and Recycling Centre at 437 Dynon Road – you can drop off the following items for recycling free of charge:
Mr Bob Viran, Sydney
We feature letters from our readers, so please share with us at melbournenews@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Electronic and electrical items (like TVs, computers and mobile phones), household batteries, compact fluorescent light globes and tins of paint.
Can’t get much more Melbourne than this. Giant street art overlooking food trucks. #melbourne #streetart http:// instagram.com/p/rWGmcyrv8r/
Hats off to all the accommodating truck drivers looking out for cyclists on the road today. Thanks for helping me #RideSafe in #Melbourne!
In November book a free hard waste or garden organics collection for the following dates:
Almost time to re-name Exhibition St as Art Exhibition St! #streetart #melbourne @cityofmelbourne pic.twitter.com/FIKElyQy4E
Thanks to @cityofmelbourne for their action on Street Light Broken/Smashed in Hoddle Street East Melbourne
The rain can’t keep the crowd away @cityofmelbourne @SouthbankFM this morning #freshfood #crumpets pic.twitter. com/6XFTmuLAO4
Hosier Lane. Can’t get enough of seeing the real thing. #obey #pasteup #graffiti #melbourne @ Hosier… http://instagram.com/p/ rgRdcmASHT/
• Saturday 8 November: Kensington, North Melbourne, West Melbourne, Port Melbourne • Saturday 15 November: East Melbourne, Jolimont, Southbank, South Yarra, Docklands and Melbourne central city. • Saturday 22 November: Carlton and Parkville Call 9658 9658 to book your free hard waste or garden organics collection. Be sure to call before 12 noon on the day before your collection date. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
CONNECT WITH US www.facebook.com/cityofmelbourne
NEW PARK AT BOYD We’re creating more open space in Southbank and planning a new park next to the Boyd Community Hub, formally the JH Boyd Girls’ High School. This is part of our long-term improvement strategy to make the Southbank precinct a better place to live and work. We would like to hear your ideas. What do you think? What would you like to see included in the new park design? Have your say at Participate Melbourne. Boyd Community Hub
PATHWAYS OUT OF HOMELESSNESS The City of Melbourne aims to contribute to developing sustainable pathways out of homelessness, but we cannot do it alone. It requires a whole of community response. The City of Melbourne recently implemented an ambitious plan to tackle homelessness over the next three years by working with key partners to provide services and assistance for some of the city’s most vulnerable people. A key initiative of the Pathways: Homelessness Strategy 2014-17 is for Council to continue to work collaboratively with service providers and the community to provide long-term, affordable housing options. In recent years, Council has worked closely with partners to deliver a range of innovative services. We have worked with organisations such as Home Ground to enable 161 apartments for homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless; and established the Central City Community Health Service at Drill Hall providing a range of services for people experiencing homelessness, as well as a safe place for women.
‘If people want to help, the best way to do that is to get in touch with service providers, such as the Salvation Army, Melbourne City Mission, Front Yard and Youth Projects.’ Lord Mayor Robert Doyle said the strategy aims to build and strengthen pathways out of homelessness. ‘On any given night, there are up to 140 people sleeping rough in Melbourne,’ the Lord Mayor said. ‘Victorians are generous people and we see many trying to help the homeless by giving out food and supplies. ‘However these kind-spirited gestures may actually contribute to entrenching homelessness, they certainly don’t help people to find a way out of homelessness.
Salvation Army partner street teams
‘Creating sustainable pathways out of homelessness and providing the necessary support services is where we should focus. ‘If people want to help, the best way to do that is to get in touch with service providers, such as the Salvation Army, Melbourne City Mission, Front Yard and Youth Projects.
‘They are the experts, they are on the streets every night, helping the homeless to find pathways out. They know what they need, when they need it and how to get it to them.’ The new Homelessness Strategy has been developed in consultation with key partners and the community. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
CITY SAFETY TIPS Melbourne is a place many call home and host to a variety of year-round activities and experiences for those who work, visit, play and live in the city. Here are some top tips from Victoria Police to help us all enjoy the city safely day and night.
City residents • If you live in an apartment, only open the door for yourself or someone who you know lives in the building. • Basement storage cages can be easy targets. Make sure when you enter your storage area either by car or on foot, that the main door is locked behind you. • If you live in an apartment don’t forget to lock all external doors regardless of what level you live on.
City workers and visitors • It’s good practice to put an emergency phone contact into your mobile phone in case of accidents. Renee Hill, new People’s Panel member
When Renee Hill recently bought a Kensington property, she was surprised to receive one of 7,500 random invitations from the Lord Mayor to be on the People’s Panel. When she realised it was an invitation to influence the advice Council receives before delivering its spending and revenue priorities, she jumped at the chance.
‘There is so much diversity amongst the people who were selected...’ ‘It’s never been done before, it’s a fairly ground-breaking approach and I guess that’s why I was keen to get involved. It’s a pretty unique opportunity,’ Renee says. For the first time, a People’s Panel of everyday Melburnians will make recommendations to Council on its financial priorities over the next decade. Panel members come from a wide range of backgrounds from hospitality through to law, with half the panel made up of business and the other residents.
initiative. ‘The People’s Panel is a select group of community members from all walks of life who are making informed decisions on how Council spends ratepayers’ money. Our city is changing at a rapid pace and our funding is finite. The People’s Panel will advise us on what’s important to them and we are committed to listening and responding to their recommendations as we develop our 10 Year Financial Plan.’ Renee, who is passionate about environmental issues, says she is looking forward to learning more about the work the City of Melbourne does to build a more sustainable city.
• Look after your friends when you go out, don’t leave people behind. • Make sure devices such as laptops or iPads are safely in bags. • When walking pay attention to securing your bag, make sure the straps are not hanging off the shoulder and all zips are closed. • In food courts keep your bag on your lap. • When approaching your car, make sure you have your keys ready and only unlock the door you need. • When using ATMs be aware of who is around you.
She says the prospect of helping shape the first 10 Year Financial Plan is both challenging and exciting.
Being mindful of personal safety ensures that Melbourne is a place for all to enjoy.
‘There is so much diversity amongst the people who were selected,’ Renee says. ‘The challenge will be focusing that and having the group come to an agreement on what the priorities are. I think we can do it but I think it’s going to be a bit of work.’
‘The onus is on me to go and do a bit more research so I can come back and make a more educated and more informed recommendation down the track,’ said Renee.
Future Melbourne (Finance and Governance) Committee Chair, Councillor Stephen Mayne, sees having a People’s Panel as an innovative transparency
• At night choose a well-lit route to your destination.
You will be asked whether your query is for police, fire or emergency.
Remember that if you are calling from an office you may be required to dial 0 to gain an external line.
1300 333 000
This month Melbourne will again host the PAX convention from 31 October to 2 November, an international gameplay, comic and anime event, the largest in North America.
FUTURE DIRECTIONS Since opening in May, Library at The Dock has held more than 50 technology workshops, ranging from 3D printing and electronics to music production and digital skills, with more to come.
software, and a huge variety of printed, audio and eBooks found through touchscreen catalogue computers. There are also six high end game play PCs loaded with a wide variety of games. Three huge touchscreens are in the cafe area for browsing online newspapers and magazines.
It’s the library of the 21st century, and what makes Library at The Dock impressive goes beyond its latest events programming and sustainable design – it also offers technologically advanced spaces to support a variety of interests, skill development and innovation for the Docklands community.
Below is a snapshot of some of its features.
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES For the young and young-at-heart, Penguin Publishing has made available a ‘diala-story’ telephone booth full of spoken stories. The children’s library also features an interactive floor and wall mounted touch-screens where games such as Where’s Wally and Memory are huge hits.
STUDENTS Those wanting to keep up-to-date on their courses have access to free Wi-Fi that extends into Buluk Park next door. There’s an iPad vending machine that’s free to use and great for those who don’t own their own device. There’s also a Mac Lab containing six Macs loaded with creative
Melbourne is internationally recognised as a world-class host for top conference events such as AIDS 2014 (held earlier this year) and continues to attract some of the biggest conferences and business events from across the globe.
In addition to the Mac Labs, Library at The Dock offers creatives a recording studio, editing suite, rehearsal rooms, and a performance space for hire. There’s also a gallery space for indulging one’s artistic side.
For apartment-dwelling professionals, there are plenty of IT and business resources, including free and unlimited access to Lynda.com, a comprehensive learning suite also offered in the four other City of Melbourne libraries. There’s also brand new DVDs, music CDs, games and graphic novels. Whether you’re a student, performing artist, game-play enthusiast or a parent with a young child, Library at The Dock has the technology and events to support and cultivate great ideas, so come along and experience it for yourself. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
In 2013 Melbourne was chosen as the first international city to host PAX due to its enthusiastic support for emerging technology industries and facilities. This has now become an annual event with organisers expecting tens of thousands of visitors through the turnstiles for the three-day event. Melbourne has an active games development sector and the event provides opportunities for local gameplay developers to connect with a worldwide market. This is part of our vision to create a robust and flexible knowledge sector, ensuring a prosperous future for our city.
Did you know? Start-ups and meet-ups The City of Melbourne’s libraries are supporting a growing community of tech start-ups and entrepreneurial meet-up groups, as well as working on an education-focused program for teachers in conjunction with Apple Distinguished Educators.
MUSIC WEEK A colourful, all-embracing mashup of music, art, multimedia, film, design and everything in-between, Melbourne Music Week (MMW), produced and owned by the City of Melbourne, takes over the city from 14 to 23 November. Now in its fifth year, Melbourne Music Week is a carefully curated program of imaginative and eclectic events that string together a vast array of creative industries. Industry veterans perform alongside new talent, and Melbourne’s celebrated venues step into the light alongside the city’s hidden gems as MMW celebrates and supports Melbourne’s thriving, world-class music scene. With 75 per cent of artists hailing from Victoria, MMW is developed in close collaboration with Melbourne’s music
community. A staggering number of events, artists and partners come together to create a diverse program, staged in iconic and unconventional spaces across the city. More than a celebration of Melbourne’s standing as Australia’s undisputed music capital; MMW supports the industry through a unique partnership model that creates revenue for local artists, labels, promoters and venues. Councillor Beverley Pinder-Mortimer, Chair of Council’s Marketing Melbourne portfolio, said MMW provides exciting opportunities for the community to experience music in the city. ‘MMW is an event unlike any other. Each November, MMW showcases the city and Melbourne’s fantastic musical talent while hosting unique interstate and international acts,’ Cr Pinder-Mortimer said. Arts and Culture portfolio Chair, Councillor
Rohan Leppert said MMW is the only event of its type in Australia, with many of the events exclusive to Melbourne and all having a unique connection to our music city. ‘Unique spaces, amazing bands, great artists and with the city as a stage – MMW has well and truly made its mark on Melbourne’s events calendar,’ Cr Leppert said. ‘MMW is a testament to the boundless imagination of Melbourne’s musicians and music industry.’ Last month, MMW announced its opening weekend of shows and Face The Music for presale.
HIGHLIGHTS FACE THE MUSIC FRIDAY 14 TO SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER Victoria’s biggest contemporary music conference, Face The Music, provides Melbourne’s music community with a platform for professional and creative development. Following on from last year’s sell-out event, Face The Music returns to the Arts Centre for two days of presentations, discussions, networking, music-making workshops and insider tips and tools to aid your music career. Working in close collaboration with Face The Music, MMW is proud to present a series of insightful panel sessions and keynotes.
‘Unique spaces, amazing bands, great artists and with the city as a stage – MMW has well and truly made its mark on Melbourne’s events calendar.’
A Winged Victory for the Sullen otherworldly soundscapes will become the soundtrack of your dreams. The bell-like tones of a grand piano, sweeping guitars, strings and electronics combine to spine-tingling effect as Adam Wiltzie and Dustin O’Halloran meet to create ambient musical magic. Classical but contemporary, downbeat but ultimately uplifting; A Winged Victory for the Sullen’s music is a mass of beautiful contradictions. Experience this powerfully enveloping music in the sonic and visual splendour that is the Melbourne Recital Centre’s Elisabeth Murdoch Hall.
TANGERINE DREAM PLAY THE GRAND ORGAN 7PM SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER Founded in 1967, Tangerine Dream may have undergone many changed line-ups but their distinctive and immersive sound remains incredibly potent and enormously influential. Edgar Froese and his collaborators have been central in the development of krautrock, psychedelia, electronic dance and new age music. In keeping with MMW’s commitment to activating our city’s most iconic instruments, Tangerine Dream will feature the ten thousand pipes of the Melbourne Town Hall Grand Organ; their deep, synth-laden tracks re-imagined for the acoustic phenomenon behind the impressive facade. Supported by Melbourne’s own kraut-inspired rockers, Black Cab, in association with Goethe-Institut. VISIT WWW.BIT.LY/MELBMMW FOR TICKETS AND TO SIGN UP FOR MMW’S NEWSLETTER. FOR INSIDER INFORMATION, FOLLOW MELBOURNE MUSIC WEEK ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM.
‘The City of Melbourne also plays a crucial role in fostering the right environment for a knowledge city, using various initiatives and strategies...’
A KNOWLEDGE CITY Cafes have long been at the centre of intellectual activity, so it is little wonder that one of Melbourne’s most recent inventions was catalysed by the cafe culture and the desire to find a convenient and reusable coffee cup. The KeepCup was the brainchild of a local Melbourne cafe owner and came to life with a little seed money from a City of Melbourne business grant, and a lot of effort and experimentation with industrial designers and manufacturers. But this is just one example of the innovative ideas that have emerged, and will continue to emerge, from a knowledge city like Melbourne. A city that takes pride in its capacity to cultivate and support ideas and innovative industries.
cent of the city’s gross regional product. Around 300,000 people are employed in the knowledge sector, in industries including tertiary education and research, international education, the creative and design sectors, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and information and communication technology.1 The KeepCup is a recent example, but the black box flight recorder, the Cochlear implant, the flu treatment Relenza and the HPV vaccine Gardasil were all developed in Melbourne too. How did these ground breaking inventions come about? Future Melbourne Chair, Councillor Jackie Watts said innovative ideas usually come from urban areas that foster the creation and exchanges of new ideas.
Smart thinking in Melbourne: Dr Jeanne Tie (pictured) and colleagues from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and The Royal Melbourne Hospital are combining innovative research and clinical know-how to develop the test which will help doctors use ‘personalised medicine’ to choose the best treatments for their patients. A simple blood test could be used in the future to predict how bowel cancer patients will respond to treatment, based on their cancer DNA.
Credit: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Recent estimates put an economic value of $28 billion on Melbourne’s knowledge sector, or 52 per
Recently the City of Melbourne partnered with all levels of government, to convene a weekend ‘hackathon’ called GovHack. The objective of the event was to encourage ‘hackers’ (a term which these days is more about an ability to build, rather than break) to tap into raw data to unlock the potential hidden inside. The outcomes of GovHack were clever, playful and creative, ranging from interactive data maps, to online games and virtual reality-style city tours. ‘We can’t know what the ideas or inventions of tomorrow will be, but with the right data, the right people, the right infrastructure and the right support, we can continue to position Melbourne as the Boston, or the Silicon Valley, of the southern hemisphere, and continue to drive economic growth in the city’, said Cr Watts. International Student Welcome
‘Knowledge-based organisations, knowledge infrastructure and knowledge workers tend to cluster together and create conditions where innovative ideas can grow,’ said Cr Watts. ‘Melbourne has the crucial mix of established, pre-eminent knowledge-based organisations which, when taken with our reputation for liveability, enables us to attract new talent as well as adapt to structural changes in the economy,’ said Cr Watts. While talent is attracted to first class infrastructure and institutions, researchers and academics with high-level skills and technical qualifications are only part of the equation if innovation and creativity is to flourish. You also need the input of people with an appetite for taking risks and thinking entrepreneurially, plus ready access to finance or venture capital. This mix makes proximity to a vibrant city centre, with abundant networking opportunities, highly advantageous. A city like Melbourne, with nine universities, a world renowned biomedical research cluster, six public libraries, a UNESCO Office of Literature, numerous museums, world class public galleries, music, art, dance talent, and a CBD peppered with multinational corporations including a myriad of small to medium enterprises is an excellent candidate for a knowledge city. Beyond supporting the basic building blocks of the knowledge economy, the City of Melbourne also plays a crucial role in fostering the right environment for a knowledge city to grow, using various initiatives and strategies. A comprehensive International Student Strategy helps attract students from across the world to study in Melbourne and creates a friendly and welcoming atmosphere during their stay.
When students have a positive experience during their student life in Melbourne, there is a considerable flow-on economic benefit produced in the long-term, due to increased visitation and potential contributions to the economy as a result of their studies.
‘The City of Melbourne has created an online platform to make municipal data ‘open’ and accessible ...’ At the local level, the City of Melbourne’s Melbourne Knowledge Week, now in its fifth year, not only popularises the concept of innovation, but provides the community with access to the really big ideas driving our economy. Through Knowledge Week, Melbourne also reinforces its position as the region’s premier knowledge city to national and international audiences. In response to recent advances in information and communications technology (which have transformed the way people live, learn and do business), the City of Melbourne has partnered with the State Government and the private sector to provide free Wi-Fi access in Melbourne’s central city. The project seeks to create optimum conditions for information flow and connectivity, to increase interaction and maximise opportunities. Allied to this is the City of Melbourne’s response to ‘disruptive innovation’ – the latest buzz term in commerce. The City of Melbourne has created an online platform to make municipal data ‘open’ and accessible, not only to innovators across the knowledge sector, but also the public.
ACIL Tasman report commissioned by the City of Melbourne in 2012.
‘Our international reputation is already very strong, as evidenced by the city’s role as host to the 20th international AIDS conference in July this year’, said Cr Watts. ‘Attracting a conference of that size, 14,000 people from 200 countries, would not have happened without our strong intellectual reputation in the field of biomedical research’.
RMIT - University games and experimental entertainment lab (GEELab) as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week
The City of Melbourne’s Knowledge City goal has been a common thread in one form or another in Council plans stretching back more than a decade. However, the need to recognise the value of our diverse knowledge sector, to our city and to our economy, is crucial if Melbourne is to continue as a premier location for knowledge sector organisations and related businesses to expand and thrive. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Polish Festival at Federation Square
15 OCT TO 19 OCT
Various locations around Melbourne
Imagination and wonder take centre stage in PRIMO, an underwater spectacle created especially for two to five year olds. Presented by Melbourne Festival and ArtPlay.
Good Food Month is a celebration of Melbourne’s vibrant food scene with over 300 events across the city and regional Victoria including the hugely popular Night Noodle Markets from November, 14 to 30 at Birrarung Marr.
Various locations at Docklands Come along to a combination of free and ticketed events including a World Class Comedy Gala, Circus Cabaret, Burlesque, Art Exhibitions and Australian and International Blues. The event builds to a massive free Blues Music Festival on Sunday 5 October.
8 OCT BACH’S BACK SENIORS FESTIVAL ORGAN CONCERT Melbourne Town Hall Bon vivant Martin Setchell appears as Master Baroque Organist and composer Johann Sebastian Bach in an entertaining and educational theatrical performance. Organ: Martin Setchell (NZ)
12 OCTOBER MEYERS PLACE LATIN FIESTA Meyers Place, Melbourne Meyers Place will transform into a fiesta with the buzz of Latin food, drinks and culture bringing you a laneway party like no other.
15 OCT OKTOBERFEST IN THE GARDENS Birrarung Marr Featuring a large big top beer hall, two stages, sideshow alley, roving entertainers, style food stalls and entertainment.
29 OCT DOCKLANDS COMMUNITY FORUM Library at the Dock The forum welcomes community input into the development of Docklands. Anyone with an interest in the future growth of Docklands is invited.
31 OCT HALLOWEEN FRIGHT NIGHT: DIS-ORGAN-EYESD7 Melbourne Town Hall Prepare to be disturbed as The Night Terrors launch Pavor Nocturnus, a vinyl release that combines Grand Organ with theremin, drums and synthesisers.
1 NOV TO 8 NOV EMIRATES MELBOURNE CUP CARNIVAL AND PARADE Flemington Racecourse The Melbourne Cup Carnival is an unequalled world-class event that encompasses the finest racing, entertainment, fashion, culture, food and wine all in one place - Flemington. It’s the social occasion of the year.
19 OCT
16 NOV
Errol and Victoria Streets, North Melbourne
Federation Square
Enjoy a day of local music, cultural entertainment, delicious food and the Spring Fling Dog Show.
The Polish Festival @ Federation Square is celebrating 10 years of bringing a taste of Poland to Melbourne.
27 NOV TO 29 NOV COUCH GUERILLAS Artplay This workshop explores the way we all use the family couch. With dance and design experts, kids will learn how to make a dance sequence, and design the ideal family couch.
A Tale of Two Organs
30 NOV A TALE OF TWO ORGANS Melbourne Town Hall and the Regent Theatre A remarkable event that showcases two outstanding pipe organs played by two of the world’s most revered and versatile performers. Organ: Richard Hills (UK) and Tony Fenelon with special guests.
Discover all that’s happening in Melbourne at melbourne.vic.gov.au/whatson
The Crack Up: transmedia dance performance
MELBOURNE KNOWLEDGE WEEK 2014 MONDAY 27 OCTOBER TO SUNDAY 2 NOVEMBER Learn about virtual reality, meet inspiring entrepreneurs, look into the future of education, or get wired for sound during Melbourne Knowledge Week. Here’s a taste of the wide variety of activities on offer.
BRAIN CENTRE -Biomedical precinct discovery
BIOMEDICAL PRECINCT DISCOVERY 27 OCT Parkville is one of the top five biomedical precincts in the world. Discover remarkable research, education and the delivery of clinical care and health through a selection of tours, exhibitions, workshops and lectures.
SOUND OF DRAWING KNOWLEDGE TO SCALE 27 OCT From multi-storey residential towers to major public building refurbishments or laneway shops – this forum reveals how Melbourne architects work and the knowledge and processes involved when balancing considerations for planning and designing new spaces and buildings for our city.
THE CRACK UP: TRANSMEDIA DANCE PERFORMANCE 31 OCT AND 1 NOV The Crack Up, inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story, integrates live dancers with virtual ‘performers’, placing the action within massive 3D projected stereoscopic landscapes and interactive visualisation systems.
EXPLORING THE POTENTIALS OF VIRTUAL REALITY 29 OCT This workshop provides information about the background to virtual reality. Join the GEElab for a workshop that takes you through the latest virtual reality technologies specifically for entertainment and learning.
BIOMIMICRY EMULATION WORKSHOP 30 OCT How would nature solve sustainable design challenges in the City of Melbourne? Through a series of design exercises participants will work collaboratively to explore strategies from nature that can inspire solutions to challenges faced in Melbourne.
31 OCT AND 1 NOV Experienced artists from Polyglot Theatre will guide children through drawing with a table that has been wired for sound. The physical action of drawing, combined with sound in a live soundscape will result in an interactive community artwork.
THE COLLABORATIVE SCHOOL DAY 31 OCT Launch into The Knowledge Grid, a huge diversity of workshops on the top youth trending topics. Work with ‘The CoLearners’, in a day where everything is decided by you.
STARTUP WEEKEND EDUCATION MELBOURNE 31 OCT AND 1 NOV Join us for a weekend long event where creative thinkers will form teams, prototype and present ideas with the aim of redesigning education models.
KNOWLEDGE IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 31 OCT Country Fire Authority along with Emergency Management Victoria share their knowledge. Topics include: fire behaviour, public information, intelligence, Bureau of Meteorology and mapping. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT Sound of Drawing
Image from Overcoat publication
David Ryding, new director of Melbourne’s UNESCO City of Literature Office
EXPECTATIONS In 2008 Melbourne became the world’s second UNESCO City of Literature and one of only eight cities across the globe. This prestigious UNESCO award recognised the extraordinary literary diversity and depth of our literary culture. From small writing and book groups to events such as the Rare Book Week, attended by over 3,000 people this year and the Writer’s Festival, a perennial favourite. Future Melbourne (Knowledge City), Committee Chair, Councillor Jackie Watts is looking forward to the benefits the office will bring to the city since it was launched in June, ‘this office will be a focal point for the Melbourne literary scene dedicated to enabling, supporting, highlighting, and building on existing literary activities. Our hopes are high in the expectation that the UNESCO City of Literature Office will enhance the literary and intellectual life of Melbourne and Melbourne’s international reputation as a knowledge city.’ Melbourne spoke to two city booksellers, Reader’s Feast’s Mary Dalmau and Antiquarian Bookseller Kay Craddock about their thoughts on the significance of Melbourne’s first UNESCO City of Literature Office. Mary is a renowned literary figure in the industry, based in the classic Georges Building on Collins Street. With over 20 years’ experience as Manager and in the past three years, owner of Reader’s Feast Bookstore, Mary understands why people love the ‘written word’.
‘I am excited to see the UNESCO City of Literature Office starting to support all aspects of the literary community as well as our exceptional bookstores. Receiving this UNESCO honour is a real opportunity to promote Melbourne’s literary ‘heart’ to visitors and residents alike.’ ‘A bookstore is more than just a commercial enterprise. Every bookshop has a character that is unique.’ Walking into Kay Craddock’s Antiquarian Bookstore nearby in Collins Street is like stepping into a well-loved library from the Victorian era. With nearly 50 years’ experience, Kay is keen for our UNESCO City of Literature mantle to be promoted. ‘I would like to see the UNESCO City of Literature Office help create opportunities for greater connections from all parts of our literary scene and work on event crosspromotion. ‘I love Melbourne, it really is the cultural heart of Australia and I am looking forward to seeing our UNESCO City of Literature office becoming a cultural centre for our literary community.’ UNESCO’s City of Literature program is part of its Creative Cities Network. The Network was born out of UNESCO’s Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity Initiative which aims promote social, economic and cultural development of cities. In August David Ryding a local writer, director, dramaturge and arts manager was appointed the inaugural director of the UNESCO City of Literature Office.
GRANTS SUPPORTING EMERGING ARTISTS Receiving a City of Melbourne arts grant has been one of the highlights of Pete Saunders’ year. Pete is the founder of website Undercoat, showcasing the work of young and emerging artists and writers from art and design institutions around the world. ‘Our aim is to increase access to, and participation in the arts, focusing on the importance of creative education.’ ‘Running Undercoat exposes me to a huge amount of creative talent. Each day I receive new contributions and to be able to share these is quite special.’ Undercoat has been operating since December 2011, sharing over 500 student works from 140 institutes internationally. During that time seven issues of their quarterly magazine, Overcoat, and five podcasts have been produced. It has resulted in students receiving industry work, contributors leveraging media placements and prizes and commissions awarded to artists. This year’s project Overcoat will feature four printed magazines centred around the seasons. All will be launched at a curated event presenting art works and live music performances. ‘Getting this grant means that we don’t have to seek financial sponsorship to produce the magazine, but it’s the endorsement of the City of Melbourne which will give us the credibility to approach artists worldwide.’ FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT www.bit.ly/MELBarts
Melbourne Conversations is a series of free, dynamic panel discussions, debates and audience participation sessions covering the fabric and life of urban Melbourne. Future Melbourne Committee Chair, (Knowledge City) Councillor Jackie Watts said, ‘Melbourne Conversations explores our city’s intellectual, creative, liveable, sustainable culture and delves into some tough social issues that are part of our complex world.’ Melbourne Conversations began in early in 2001 and was part of the City of Melbourne’s commitment to play a larger civil and civic community role.
Melbourne Conversations began in early in 2001 and was part of the City of Melbourne’s commitment to play a larger civil and civic community role. Seasoned panellist and journalist Peter Mares has hosted many Melbourne Conversations, ‘some of the most memorable and lively have been around issues of direct concern to residents where everyone has an opinion and wants to have their say – issues like urban planning, public transport, the environment and climate change. ‘I’ve found Melburnians become deeply engaged with conversations that look at city future prosperity. Usually these conversations focus on the central role of knowledge, education and research in improving both economic outcomes and quality of life,’ said Peter. ABC’s Q&A guest presenter and ethicist Dr Leslie Cannold is another popular panellist and views Melbourne Conversations as an
(Left to right) Matt Sharp, Panellist Dr Leslie Cannold and Prof Salim S Abdool at Melbourne Conversations.
Since then there have been 300 Melbourne Conversations with 700 local, national and international speakers. A diverse range of topics have been covered including: Your Brain: How it can change, develop and improve (2008), Abolishing Poverty: the human rights priority (2010), The Making of King Kong the Musical: conversations with the creators (2013), and High Line Park NYC (2013).
Panellist Peter Mares
opportunity for people to learn, ‘it’s a fun way to stay informed, and get a deeper understanding of issues, than what’s available in the news, because you’re getting longer contributions from experts. Not just any experts but those with a gift for communicating complex ideas. Both panellists believe Melburnians are passionate supporters of Melbourne Conversations. ‘On a cold and rainy night, or in the middle of a summer heat wave, hundreds of people will turn out for 90 minutes of serious discussion,’ said Peter. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
80,000 OVER
KENSINGTON TOWN HALL OPENING SOON The Kensington Town Hall is being restored to its former glory and will reopen its doors later this month with a range of new and upgraded community spaces. Future Melbourne (People City) Committee Chair, Councillor Richard Foster said the refurbished hall will provide a welcome space for the community, ‘the Kensington Town Hall is an iconic, historical building and an integral part of community life since 1901. Renovations such as this one ensure that our heritage buildings continue
to be maintained and restored for future generations to enjoy.’ Since it was built, Kensington Town Hall has had several alterations including the extension of the main hall and southern supper room and the demolition of the caretaker’s cottage. This latest renovation includes developing both new and improved facilities and features a main hall, a training space with hot desks, meeting rooms and a supper room. The hall will be available for individuals, community groups and businesses to hire for cultural, social and business events. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
Kensington Town Hall
PAGE NOT FOUND EXHIBITION City Gallery’s latest exhibition: Page Not Found is an intriguing exploration of Sands & McDougall’s famous Melbourne Directories (1857 – 1974). The directories recorded and published annually the names, businesses and addresses of all Melbourne’s residents. The information was collected on foot by doorknockers known as ‘walkers’ that covered every street. It was an important way for people to find each other.
‘At Page Not Found we have four editions from various years that people can actually flick through to get a sense of what beautiful publications they were – and how big they were!’ Future Melbourne (Arts and Culture) Councillor Rohan Leppert said each directory is a step back in time, ‘the Sands & McDougall Melbourne directory was the most reliable source of local information about people and places. This exhibition unveils a very different Melbourne and shows how much the city has transformed over the last 150 years.’
Sands & McDougall Melbourne Directories
A substantial set of Sands & McDougall’s Melbourne and Victorian directories are held in the City of Melbourne’s Art and Heritage Collection. Age Writer Andrew Stephens, who has a strong interest in Melbourne city history was asked to curate the exhibition and work with illustrator Oslo Davis on the project. ‘When the staff at City of Melbourne approached me, they thought the directories and I would make a happy marriage. Those instincts were right: I love them and have spent many hours poring over the enormous books. With illustrator Olso I encouraged him to imagine the sorts of characters who might have been involved in using and compiling the directories. He’s done a fantastic, witty job
of turning what are listings of names and addresses into beautifully pictured worlds.’ ‘At Page Not Found we have four editions from various years that people can actually flick through to get a sense of what beautiful publications they were – and how big they were! At the time if you didn’t know what to do with a directory, they were useful as doorsteps, footstools or to stand on to fetch something down from shelf,’ said Andrew. Page Not Found is on now at the City Gallery, Melbourne Town Hall until 20 December FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT
CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY Ready set… it’s nearly Christmas time in the city. With so many wonderful events to see and take part in don’t miss out on your very own Christmas city experience.
CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL LAUNCH 28 NOV - FREE Come to City Square for the 2014 Christmas Festival. Renamed Christmas Square for December, the Square comes alive for an evening of family entertainment. Enjoy a free concert, cheer Santa, and see the city’s Christmas tree lights being turned on. Make your way to the Melbourne Town Hall to view a spectacular Christmas projection.
Melbourne Town Hall
CHRISTMAS SQUARE 29 NOV TO 24 DEC - FREE Christmas Square will be transformed into a magical Christmas experience fun for all ages. Discover nutcracker soldiers, giant presents, a traditional Nativity scene and an interactive story book, plus visit Santa in his house. Light shows at 9.30pm and 11.30pm.
Santa in the city
Join us for music, dancing and delicacies inside the Melbourne Town Hall at 2pm. This free event is for people aged 60 years and over who live or meet in the City of Melbourne. Tickets are limited and bookings are essential.
29 NOV TO 24 DEC - Christmas Square Meet Santa in the the Christmas Square from 29 November to 24 December, daily between 10am to noon and 1pm to 3pm. This is a free activity.
Christmas decorations
12 DEC TO 14 DEC - NewQuay Promenade, Harbour Esplanade, Victoria Harbour Promenade
28 NOV TO 25 DEC See the new light projection on the Melbourne Town Hall, discover giant decorations along Swanston Street, kiss under the mistletoe at Southbank pedestrian bridge, see the 12 days of Christmas in laneway decorations and the story of Christmas comes to life in a traditional Nativity scene at Christmas Square.
Destination Docklands presents ‘Jubilation’ – supported by City of Melbourne, MAB Corporation and Lend Lease. Jubilation is a family-friendly Christmas event on Docklands’ waterfront raising funds for the Country Fire Authority (CFA). FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT Christmas Square
Ride to Work Day
RIDE TO WORK DAY On Wednesday 15 October, why not join your fellow cycling commuters and ride your bike to work on one of our new and improved bike routes? The City of Melbourne is committed to providing a safe and easy bicycle network for cyclists of all ages and abilities.
INNOVATION With Melbourne Knowledge Week kicking off from Monday 27 October, many innovative startup organisations are about to open their doors and welcome the community. One such organisation is Powerhousehq, founded 18 months ago by Marina Paronetto. ‘Powerhousehq is an innovative organisation whose mission is to create conditions that nurture team learning, entrepreneurship and design thinking to solve complex problems and drive positive change. We organise events and activities that focus on learning by doing. We encourage teamwork developing ideas that make a positive impacts,’ said Marina. During Melbourne Knowledge Week, Marina is running two events: Startup Weekend Melbourne (SWMelb) and Team Academy. ‘Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement that invites entrepreneurs to work together in teams and test new business ideas. These events are organised at co-working spaces with coaches and sponsors to help create conditions so that teams can test ideas that they might continue to pursue after the event.’ ‘InnovaCity powered byTeam Academy is a one day bootcamp that invites undergrad students to collaborate and test new ideas with City of Melbourne in which Powerhousehq facilitates innovative collaboration,’ Marina said.
www.bit.ly/MELBcycling Powerhousehq founder Marina Paronetto
Marina sees Melbourne Knowledge Week as an opportunity for organisations, students, companies and startups to open up to new opportunities with better outcomes as a community – ‘we will get the chance to discover many interesting projects, have great conversations and expand our spectrum of possibilities. I’m excited to be part of it as an organiser and as a participant. ‘City of Melbourne is a great supporter of our initiatives, we are constantly discussing how we can make them better. It’s because of their support and enthusiasm that Melbourne Knowledge Week will be a first class festival.’ When asked what she loves about Melbourne as a Knowledge City, Marina says, ‘a Knowledge City is a beautiful city, encouraging communication to flow over different areas, inviting companies, schools and organisations to co-create with the higher purpose of making life better for all.’
REUSE AND RECYCLE AT THE GARAGE SALE TRAIL On Saturday 25 October join in Australia’s biggest Garage Sale Trail, which encourages everyone to set up a garage sale or join their neighbour’s or local community’s sale. No matter where you live, you won’t be far from a great find. Garage Sale Trail is a fantastic opportunity to redistribute pre-loved goods to save them from landfill, share new upcycling, fundraise locally and get involved in your community. All participating garage sale events in your area – which will include garage sales at Boyd Community Hub in Southbank and The Dock in Docklands will be listed on the Garage Sale Trail interactive website map. Join in the fun and rummage through a range of great second-hand delights. www.bit.ly/MELBgaragetrail
‘I also see Melbourne as a person with a beautiful welcoming smile that shares interesting conversations on a variety of subjects. Someone that cares, respects different backgrounds and will always be remembered,’ said Marina.
No matter what your swimming ability, the 24 Hour MS Mega Swim is an event for everyone. Held on 14 February 2015, participants can form teams with family or friends, someone just needs to be swimming throughout the 24 hours period.
Melbourne Knowledge Week runs from Monday 27 October to Sunday 2 November
There will be entertainment on the day with player appearances from North Melbourne Football Club, drive-in movies, DJ by the pool and much more.
YOUR COUNCIL The Right Honourable Lord Mayor Robert Doyle
Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley
Future Melbourne (Major Projects) Committee Chair
Future Melbourne (Marketing Melbourne) Committee Deputy Chair
9658 9658 lordmayor@melbourne.vic.gov.au
9658 9043 susan.riley@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Cr Richard Foster
Cr Ken Ong
Future Melbourne (People City) Committee Chair
Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Chair
9658 9056 richard.foster@melbourne.vic.gov.au
9658 9704 ken.ong@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Cr Rohan Leppert
Cr Beverley Pinder-Mortimer
Future Melbourne (Arts and Culture) Committee Chair
Future Melbourne (Marketing Melbourne) Committee Chair
9658 9051 rohan.leppert@melbourne.vic.gov.au
9658 9038 beverley.pinder-mortimer@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Cr Kevin Louey
Cr Jackie Watts
Future Melbourne (Economic Development) Committee Chair, Docklands Coordination Committee Co-Chair
Future Melbourne (Knowledge City) Committee Chair 9658 8580 jackie.watts@melbourne.vic.gov.au
9658 9170 or mobile 0413 960 811 kevin.louey@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Cr Stephen Mayne
Cr Arron Wood
Future Melbourne (Finance and Governance) Committee Chair
Future Melbourne (Environment) Committee Chair
9658 9636 or mobile 0412 106 241 stephen.mayne@melbourne.vic.gov.au
9658 9630 arron.wood@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Cr Cathy Oke
Postal address for all councillors
Future Melbourne (Transport) Committee Chair
City of Melbourne, GPO Box 1603, Melbourne VIC 3001
9658 9086 cathy.oke@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Fax for all councillors 03 9658 9613
COUNCIL MEETINGS All committee meetings are held in: Council Meeting Room, Level 2 Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne, except the Docklands Coordination Committee, which is held at: Goods Shed, 710 Collins Street, Docklands, Melbourne. All council meetings are held in: Council Chamber, (Public Gallery, Level 3) Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston Street, Melbourne. On occasion, council meetings are rescheduled or special meetings of the committees and council are called. For upcoming council and committee meeting dates and times, visit melbourne.vic.gov.au Changes to the meeting schedule are published at melbourne.vic.gov.au and on the notice board at the front of the Melbourne Town Hall administration building.
OCTOBER 2014 Future Melbourne Committee Tuesday 7 Oct
Future Melbourne Committee Tuesday 14 Oct
Tuesday 28 Oct
NOVEMBER 2014 Future Melbourne Committee Tuesday 11 Nov
Future Melbourne Committee Tuesday 18 Nov
Tuesday 25 Nov
WAITE INTERSEARCH Waite Intersearch Executive Chairman, Peter Waite was recently honoured to be recognised with a Lord Mayor’s Commendation in the Silver Category, for more than 25 years of service in Melbourne. The commendations recognise the longterm commitment and contribution to the City of Melbourne by Melbourne’s small business proprietors and familyrun businesses. Established by Peter’s parents in 1959, the firm operated as a small recruitment business in South Yarra. Over the following 55 years the company pioneered executive search and selection in Australia. After joining the global brand InterSearch Worldwide in 2001, the company took on a global focus, specialising in recruiting nonexecutive directors and mid to senior level executives for multinational clients around the world. InterSearch operates in over 50 countries, using specialised local recruiters who are experts in their market. This worldwide owner-operated network sources the very best candidates in each region. Peter was appointed Chairman of the global organisation last March for a three-year term. For over 30 years Peter’s work has taken him all around the world but he says
there’s no city like Melbourne, ‘we are blessed with a vibrant multicultural city culture, an excellent array of cuisine, superb sporting venues on our doorstep and wonderful parks, gardens, theatres, galleries and museums. Being a part of the local community is important to me, I enjoy chatting to clients and acquaintances in the street and sharing ideas. I particularly enjoy having our office in the Reserve Bank building up at the Paris end of Collins Street.’
Being a part of the local community is important to me, I enjoy chatting to clients and acquaintances in the street and sharing ideas Peter Waite
Of his win Peter says ‘the Lord Mayor’s Commendations are an excellent recognition of small to medium businesses in the City of Melbourne. The Lord Mayor and Council should be commended for making this opportunity possible.’ Waite InterSearch is located at Level 13, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne.
Waite Intersearch is offering you a chance to win a $100 Myer voucher. For your chance to win, tell us: How many countries and how many offices does InterSearch Worldwide represent? Send your most creative answer to pw@waite.com.au by 15 October. Only the winner will be notified.
The businesses featured on this page are all recipients of the Lord Mayor’s commendations. The commendations recognise the long-term commitment and contribution to the City of Melbourne by Melbourne’s small business proprietors and family-run businesses.
03 9658 9658 (7.30am to 6pm) melbourne.vic.gov.au melbourne.vic.gov.au/contactus
City of Melbourne GPO Box 1603 Melbourne VIC 3000
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Melbourne Town Hall Administration Building 120 Swanston Street, Melbourne 7.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
To receive a copy, contact john.rojas@visionaustralia.org at Vision Australia or phone 03 8378 1252.
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