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Park Rangers hired 5 additional staff midway through the year for a total of 12 rangers and implemented a new dispatch system to receive direct calls for service, both of which increased their ability to better serve our community. The Park Rangers also implemented new digital daily patrol logs to increase efficiency and save time collecting important data. The Park Rangers do more than enforce the rules and regulations of Mesa parks, they also serve an important role in connecting with community members and educating residents on how to enjoy nature. This year, they were able to reinstitute outdoor and nature based educational programs, including seasonal campouts, nature play events, aquatic habitat structure building workshops and scorpion hikes.
The Mesa Park Rangers recorded 24,120 park visits. They issued 733 total citations, cleared 218 warrants and took a leading role with the City’s homelessness outreach efforts. They made 34,719 homeless contacts resulting in 3,325 homeless resource assists and 299 community court referrals. They partnered with the Mesa Police Department 13 times to conduct high enforcement co-operative events in parks.
In FY 21/22, Merry Main Street’s Winter Wonderland Ice Skating Rink was moved to its new, permanent location at The Plaza at Mesa City Center. This year’s attendance exceeded prior years with overall participation at 15,850 during the 38 days of operation.
In the spring, City Council approved the creation of a citywide Special Events Office. This office will centralize efforts to collaborate, produce and coordinate the City’s major events, such as AZ Celebration of Freedom, Celebrate Mesa, Veteran’s Day Parade and MLK Parade, as well as commercial events produced by outside organizations.