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Police Bulletins
Police Department Briefs www.ofallon.mo.us/PD
O’Fallon Safety Town teaches young children how to stay and play safe
O’Fallon Safety Town is a nationally-accredited program to teach children ages 4½ through 6½ how to play safe and stay safe. The course is presented in a kid-sized, simulated city layout and classroom and includes an off-campus field trip. Under the guidance of police officers, a certified teacher, paramedics, firefighters, railroad police and trained volunteer staff, children can experience “real life” situations and they will be taught to evaluate “safe from unsafe” and how to react safely. O’Fallon’s Safety Town course is devoted exclusively to teaching safety.
Adopt-a-Siren Program
The O’Fallon Police Department needs your help! Citizens throughout the community are invited to volunteer in the Adopt-a-Siren program. For each local siren location, we request up to five citizen volunteers who live within .25 miles of each siren to go outside for monthly siren testing. Volunteers provide accurate observations and may be contacted by the Emergency Management team if there is a question, concern or if additional information is needed for specific sirens. Participation in this program is completely voluntary and no legal obligations are expected of the volunteer observers. To view the list of siren locations or to register as a volunteer, visit www.ofallon.mo.us/adopt-a-siren.
Severe Weather Awareness Week in Missouri is March 2-6. Learn more at https://www.weather.gov/dvn/Awareness_Weeks#Top
Registration for the program opens Monday, April 6, when parents or legal guardians can register in person at the Renaud Center or online at www.ofallon.mo.us/safety-town.
Space is limited, so early enrollment is encouraged. The cost for the two-week session is $60 per child; each additional child from the same family is $40. Fees must be paid in full when children are enrolled.
Morning (9–11:30 a.m.) and afternoon (12:30–3 p.m.) Saftey Town classes will be offered during the following 2-week sessions at Progress South Elementary School: • June 15–26 • June 29 – July 10 • July 13–24
Socializing with your O’Fallon Police Department
Did you know you can connect with the O’Fallon Police Department on social media? Follow us on one of the platforms below, and you’ll get a taste of the police work that goes on throughout our community. You might laugh a little; you will learn a lot. More importantly, it can keep you informed about important situations in real time and provide reminders for general safety.
Facebook: @ofallonpolice Instagram: @ofallon_police Twitter: @ofallonpolice LinkedIn: O’Fallon Police Department Nextdoor: O’Fallon Police Department
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