Best Practices Review
5 A best practices review was conducted to gather inspiring ideas from other communities across BC and around the world. These best practices demonstrated different ways of addressing challenges related to food security in specific contexts. Refer Section 2.2 for a description of mapped content and to view food security assets in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2. Section 2.2.3 provides a summary of the policy gap analysis and best practices review.
1.3.2 Engagement The community engagement process provided important local and experiential context. The information gathered from the engagement activities were analysed for key trends, gaps, and insights. Engagement included ongoing liaison with a working group, key stakeholder workshops, and a community survey. Appendix B provides a full description of activities and community survey results.
Working Group
The Strategy was created through collaboration with a working group. The Working Group helped to provide valuable background information on key food security issues and provide local context. The working group provided invaluable feedback and helped direct the process through regular check-ins.
Engagement Activities: ✓ Working Group ✓ Stakeholder workshops ✓ Community survey
Key Stakeholder Workshops
The stakeholder workshops took place through the summer of 2021. There were three focus group workshops conducted virtually with a total of 18 participants. Participants represented various charitable organizations within the community, local food producers and important community organizations.
Community Survey
A community survey was disseminated virtually and received 472 responses. The goal of the survey was to get a sense of how people access their food, community foodrelated priorities, and where there may be opportunities to address current challenges. The survey yielded a variety of interesting opportunities, challenges, and local initiatives, particularly in the longform answers.