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3 Preferred Options
The preferred routes and facilities in each of the four sections in the Lake-to-Lake bicycle route are illustrated in Figure 3 and are identified below.
Figure 3: Preferred Lake-to-Lake route
The preferred options were identified based on criteria that reflect cyclists’ experience (protection from traffic, appeal of the facility, directness of routing, access to key destinations) and criteria that reflect the interests of residents, businesses, the City and other agencies (parking impacts, transit operations, cost implications and other considerations). Although detailed cost estimates have not yet been prepared for the preferred route, the cost implications of the route options were compared.
The preferred options in each section are: •
Option 1D – South Main Street, protected bicycle lanes (both sides).
Option 2D – Atkinson Street, protected bicycle lanes (both sides), connecting to pathways north of
Duncan Avenue.
Section 3 – Fairview Road, a 2-way cycle track (east side).
Option 4C – Martin Street, a 2-way cycle track (west side).