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General Purchasing Information

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Bidding Parameters

Bidding Parameters

Departments shall make purchases using a Purchase Order (PO) or utilizing a Purchase Card (P-card) Departments, except for the Finance Department’s Purchasing Division (Finance), shall only purchase Capital Assets with a PO due to additional approval requirements The Department shall make all purchases according to the City’s Purchasing Playbook regardless of the payment method used

The PO process begins with the Department Purchasing Liaison (PL) completing a requisition (see Appendix— Munis) Requisition approvals adhere to the following:


Who Approves At What Level

Department Approvers as Determined by Director All Requisitions Purchasing Assistant $3,000 to $24,999 Purchasing Manager $25,000 and more Accounting Manager Capital Assets (59XXXX and Project Funds) City Manager or Designee $5,000 and more

Sales Tax

As a municipality, the City is exempt from paying sales taxes on all purchases The only exception would be for travel related expenses. The City’s tax exemption certificate is available on the City’s external purchasing web page.

Freight and Shipping

The preferred method for shipping items to the City is FOB (Free on Board) Destination, which makes the vendor responsible for the shipment until the City inspects and accepts it The vendor selects the shipper and is responsible for the risk of transportation, including filing for losses or damages.

Recycled Materials

Preference shall be given in purchasing of products made of recycled materials if the product meet applicable specifications as to quantity and quality and the average price of the product is not more than 10% greater than the price of comparable nonrecycled products Preferences will be applied in accordance with state procurement statutes and rules

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