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Travel Policy

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City of Southlake Travel Policy

Policy: Source: Travel Policy City Council



Finance Administration Effective Date: September 15, 2020 City Council Approval Date: September 15, 2020


The purpose of this Travel Policy is to establish a policy for the allowances of travel expenses related to overnight City business Authorized travelers should neither gain nor lose personal funds as a result of Cityrelated business expenses incurred on behalf of the City of Southlake (City)


This policy applies to all City employees, volunteers, board appointees and City Council elected officials acting within an official City capacity (traveler).

For prospective employees, any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in accordance with this policy may be reimbursed with the approval of the City Manager or designee

Responsibility and Authority

In accordance with Section 2 05 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Southlake, City Council elected officials are entitled to reimbursement for expenses in the performance of their specific duties when approved by City Council

Department Directors shall ensure their department’s adherence to this policy Department Directors shall determine and assign the appropriate approvers within their department Approvers are responsible for ensuring the travel is necessary for City business, authorization of the travel, ensuring budgetary requirements are met, and expenses adhere to this policy


Funds provided to a traveler prior to travel, typically via Travel Card

Fiduciary Responsibility

The responsibility of every City representative to safeguard the public trust and the use of taxpayer dollars

Itemized Receipt

Receipts must include business name, date, items purchased, price of each item and total Credit card receipts that do not list the items purchased is not an acceptable receipt

Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE)

Includes the allowable cost of meals and incidental expenses based upon the rate set by the US General Services Administration (GSA)

Privately-Owned Vehicle

Vehicle not owned or leased by the City

Purchase Card (P-card)

City-issued bankcard to a specific person used for payment of authorized City Business expenses.

Travel Card

A temporary purchase card only used for travel-related purchases

Travel Expense

Ordinary and necessary expenses for traveling away from home on City Business, including expenses for conferences, seminars, training courses and other business activities related to the administration of municipal government that includes an overnight stay

A traveler has a fiduciary responsibility to safeguard the public trust and the use of taxpayer dollars when making travel arrangements Under the Texas Public Information Act, all expenses, including travel expenses, are open to public inspection and must be able to sustain the test of public review Therefore, travelers and approvers are expected to complete travel documentation while recognizing they are subject to public scrutiny and the use of public funds should be transparent It is the traveler’s responsibility to read and comply with the provisions of this policy Violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for City employees, and as to all travelers, curtailment of travel advances and reimbursements

All travel expenses must be approved and adhere to this policy The City Manager or designee must approve all exceptions to this policy Travel outside the continental United States is considered an exception to this policy and therefore, requires prior approval by the City Manager or designee


Other applicable administrative practices and policies, including the reporting of injuries, accidents or illness, are in force during travel. While on travel, if clarification of, and/or assistance with, existing policies and procedures is needed, the traveler should contact their supervisor


If the traveler has been issued a Purchase Card (P-card), the traveler shall use it for all City business related expenses while on travel If the traveler has not been issued a P-card, the department’s Purchasing Liaison (PL) shall issue a Travel Card

Use of the P-card or Travel Card shall comply with the Purchasing Policy and the Travel Policy The traveler shall reimburse the City within five business days from the travel return date for any non-reimbursable expenses charged to a P-card, including any M&IE over the daily maximum GSA allowance

City Vehicle

The City provides vehicles that are available for City-related travel The use of a City vehicle is encouraged, if available Gasoline, parking, tolls, and emergency repairs to City vehicles are allowable expenses by the City When possible, the traveler shall obtain gasoline from City facilities

Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV)

The City shall reimburse the traveler for POV mileage at the current Internal Revenue Service mileage rate, for miles traveled on official City business, plus parking and toll fees with itemized receipts. If the traveler receives a car allowance and chooses to use a POV, mileage reimbursement is not permitted If a POV is used, only one traveler per POV, may claim reimbursement for mileage

Rental Vehicles

Rental vehicles are an allowable expense, when necessary, on City business When making travel arrangements, the traveler shall utilize the most economical manner, which may include the Texas State Travel contract The traveler shall choose the most reasonable vehicle type available, based on the use of the vehicle While traveling together, travelers shall share vehicles to minimize costs The City shall not pay for the use of a rental vehicle to accommodate family members or non-business associates while on travel with the authorized traveler

The City’s auto insurance includes rental car coverage, therefore the City shall not reimburse for collision and comprehensive coverage from the rental car company. Certificates of Coverage can be obtained from Finance prior to travel Parking and toll fees of a rental vehicle are allowable expenses while on City business with itemized receipts

Public Transportation

The City encourages the use of public transportation when it is the most economical option, including shuttle services, buses, taxicabs, ride share services, and ferries The cost of public transportation is an allowable expense, including any applicable tips, with an itemized receipt

Air Travel

The traveler shall purchase the most economical available seat at the time of purchase, which may be through the Texas State Travel contract. If a traveler misses a flight due to unrelated City business, any expenses incurred shall be at the traveler’s expense Business class for international air travel is an allowable expense for City Council elected officials while traveling to a Sister City and conducting City business.

If an airline charges check baggage fees, the City shall allow for the cost of one piece of baggage, with an itemized receipt The traveler is responsible for any additional baggage fees charged by the airline, including additional bag fees for over-weight or oversize baggage fees

Commercial lodging is an allowable expense, when necessary, on City Business When making travel arrangements, the traveler shall utilize the most economical manner, which may include the Texas State Travel contract The City permits separate rooms for each authorized traveler Hotel taxes during travel are an allowable expense

If reserved accommodations are no longer needed, it is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure the room is canceled in accordance with the cancelation policy of the lodging entity

The daily maximum allowable M&IE includes the cost of meals and incidental expenses calculated using the rates set and periodically updated by the US General Services Administration (GSA)



For the City to pay for or reimburse, the travel expenses shall relate to City business The following expenses, but not limited to, shall not be paid or reimbursed by the City: • Alcoholic beverages or tobacco products; • Passports; • Loss of funds or loss/damage to personal belongings; • Childcare, eldercare, or pet care; • Personal entertainment not related to the conference; • Parking or moving violation fines; • ATM or banking service fees; • Expenses of accompanying spouses, dependents or others; or • Expenses related to vacations or personal trips in conjunction with travel, which are not related to City Business


Attimes,travelersmayhaveexpensesincurredasanofficer,boardmemberorpresenterforaprofessionalorganization. The City shall pay allowable expenses However, an effort to have the requesting organization reimburse a portion or all of the expenses incurred is encouraged The Third-Party Organization shall reimburse the City directly Until the refund is received, the City shall record the travel expenses against the requesting department’s operating budget

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