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General District Court
The General District Court is responsible for the trial of misdemeanor cases, traffic infractions, preliminary hearings in felony matters, and civil cases and suits up to $15,000. The General District Court has three divisions (criminal, traffic, and civil) and is responsible for maintaining the records and accounts of each of these divisions.
Number of Criminal Cases Criminal Case Continuance Rate Number of Traffic Cases Traffic Case Continuance Rate Number of Civil Cases Civil Case Continuance Rate
CY 19 Actual CY 20 Actual
CY 21 Actual
Account Number: 100-21200-
53100 Professional Services 53100.10 Court Appointed Attorney Fees 53300 Repair & Maintenance 55230 Telecommunications 55410 Lease/Rent of Equipment 55810 Dues and Association Memberships 56001 Office Supplies 56011 Uniforms & Wearing Apparel 56012 Books and Subscriptions 56017 Copier 58200 Capital Outlay
Total Operating Expenditures 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %
Actual Actual Budget Requested Change Adopted Change
$ 1,020 $ 1,700 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 0% $ 5,000 0% 42,134 39,971 45,000 45,000 0% 45,000 0%
- -
1,382 3,990 3,051 856 877 2,500 10,000 3,051 0% 2,500 0%
- 3,051 0% 2,500 0%
645 60 1,500 4,889 3,562 5,000 - 594 5,000 233% 1,500 0% 10,000 100% 5,000 0% - - - -
3,663 5,457 7,000 5,781 3,983 9,534 - 1,476 15,000 10,000 43% 7,000 0% 9,534 0% 9,534 0% 20,000 33% 20,000 33%
$ 60,369 $ 61,670 $ 93,585 $ 120,085 28% $ 98,585 5%