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Route 17 Special Taxing District Fund



The Route 17 Special Taxing District is a special fund created by the City to foster economic development in a specific geographic region of northern Suffolk. An additional real estate tax levy is assessed on properties in the Route 17 Special Taxing District to provide for more complete governmental services including the construction and maintenance of roads, water and sewer infrastructure, beautification and landscaping, shoreline management and restoration, sponsorship and promotion of recreational and cultural activities, open space, public parks, and park amenities, and firefighting facilities and equipment. The adopted FY 2022-2023 real estate tax is $.24 per $100 of assessed value for the Route 17 Special Taxing District. Funding generated from the additional real estate tax levy is used for debt service associated with previously completed infrastructure improvements in the taxing district as well as a capital/debt reserve for future improvement projects.

Real Property Taxes Penalties and Interest Fund Balance

Total Revenue

Expenditure Summary

Route 17 Special Taxing District

Total Expenditures

2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng

$ 1,812,539 $ 2,042,083 $ 1,989,160 $ 2,346,701 18% $ 2,346,701 18% 45,354 4,520 - - - - - 2,180,011 - 2,180,011 -

$ 1,857,893 $ 2,046,604 $ 1,989,160 $ 4,526,712 128% $ 4,526,712 128%

2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng

$ 328,170 $ 410,624 $ 1,989,160 $ 4,526,712 128% $ 4,526,712 128%

$ 328,170 $ 410,624 $ 1,989,160 $ 4,526,712 128% $ 4,526,712 128%

Account Number: 216-815002019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng

93000-50000.310 Transfer to Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ 4,139,443 - $ 4,139,443 93000-50000.401 Transfer to Debt Service Fund 328,170 410,624 398,460 387,269 -3% 387,269 -3% Reserve for Capital/Debt - - 1,590,700 - -100% - -100%

Total Operating Expenses

$ 328,170 $ 410,624 $ 1,989,160 $ 4,526,712 128% $ 4,526,712 128%

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Enterprise Funds

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