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Downtown Business Overlay Taxing District Fund
The Downtown Business Overlay Taxing District (DBOD) is a special fund created by the City to foster economic development in downtown Suffolk. A specific additional real estate tax levy is assessed on properties in the DBOD. Revenues provide funding for enhanced beautification, refuse, sidewalk, and street maintenance services. The adopted FY 2022-2023 real estate tax rate is $.105 per $100 of assessed value for the DBOD.
Real Property Taxes Penalties and Interest Interest on Investments
Total Revenue
Expenditure Summary
Total Expenditures
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %
Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng
$ 192,248 $ 188,880 $ 174,091 $ 174,000 0% $ 190,421 9% (110) 3,753 (47) 518
$ 195,891 $ 189,352 $ 174,091 $ 174,000 0% $ 190,421 9%
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %
Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng
$ 158,254 $ 165,941 $ 174,091 $ 174,000 0% $ 190,421 9%
$ 158,254 $ 165,941 $ 174,091 $ 174,000 0% $ 190,421 9%
Account Number: 2092019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %
Actual Actual Budget Requested Chng Adopted Chng
41310-53000.02 Purchased Service - RM (Maintenance, Sweeping)$ 57,497 $ 57,493 $ 57,500 $ 57,500 0% $ 64,500 12% 41310-53000.46 Purchased Service - RM Banners 10,168 7,781 6,000 5,000 -17% 7,000 17% 41310-53100 Professional Services 31,813 41,572 51,091 52,000 2% 52,000 2% 41310-55100 Utilities 777 1,095 1,500 1,500 0% 1,921 28% 42310-53000.16 Purchased Service - Refuse Fund 57,998 58,000 58,000 58,000 0% 65,000 12%
Total Operating Expenditures
$ 158,254 $ 165,941 $ 174,091 $ 174,000 0% $ 190,421 9%
53100 - Professional Services: Provides for beautification and landscape services.