Sidewalk Program Expands Beginning this year, the City will repair or replace deficient sidewalk panels at no direct cost to property owners. Sidewalks are important assets in Westerville neighborhoods and roadways. This network of more than 240 miles of paved concrete connects residents to parks, businesses and each other.
List of deficiencies
Sidewalk is broken or uneven grade
Severe spalling (pitting) or surface deterioration
Sidewalk has a negative (slopes away from street)
Tourville notes the City’s decision is a benefit to property owners and not an adoption of liability. Ohio Revised Code Chapter 729.01 describes Ohio property owner responsibilities relating to sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Read the language at
Sidewalk sections project above walk grade (one inch or more)
Joint or crack offset one inch or greater
The City’s sidewalk maintenance program is built into the annual Street Rehabilitation program to identify deteriorated and misaligned sidewalks for repair or replacement.
Excessive cracks – pieces less than two feet any direction
Sidewalk with excessive slope, exceeding four inches in four feet
Evaluations of deficient panels reported to the City are based on approved sidewalk safety guidelines. To request or make an appointment for your walks to be inspected please contact the Sidewalk Hotline (614) 901-6757 or e-mail
Joint failure is evident
Other condition causing an unsafe surface in the opinion of the City Engineer or other authorized Planning & Development Department personnel
“Mobility is a huge point of focus in Westerville. Keeping the City’s sidewalks in good working order is important to providing non-vehicular transportation opportunities to residents and visitors,” said City Engineer Scott Tourville.
Read more about this program at www.westerville. org/sidewalks.