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Utility Rates Now in Effect
The City of Westerville is among the few municipalities in the state of Ohio to own and maintain its own utilities, including water and electric service and distribution. Doing so allows the City to provide both technical and service support for 40,000 residents and more than 2,000 businesses while maintaining quality and cost control that has historically been among the most competitive in Central Ohio. The following rates and adjustments have been established for 2022, effective January 1.
While the Power Supply Cost Adjustment (PSCA)* reduces by $0.005 for January, it is combined with a slight increase in energy charges representing an average increase of 1.55% in electric rates for residential customers. Specifically, the 2021 Residential Energy Charge of $0.08842 will increase to $0.09430 for all bills due after January 1, 2022. Additionally, the Winter Discounted Energy Charge will increase to $0.06706. The customer charge of $14 remains unchanged. Rate increases reflect increased cost of goods and rapidly rising transmission and capacity costs. Westerville’s electric rates are typically 5% below that of residential customers elsewhere in Central Ohio.
*PSCA is calculated and adjusted monthly based on variable Transmission and Capacity costs.
Rumpke Waste, Inc. provides contractual solid waste collection and disposal services to the City of Westerville. The collection and disposal of solid waste for an owner, occupant or tenant of a residential premise is $24.50 —or an increase of $3 —to the previous monthly service charge for non-senior residential customers. Qualifying senior residents are billed at $22.21, or an increase of $2.50 to the monthly service charge.
The refuse rate is a result of recent competitive bidding of this contract with the service provider. Westerville participates in a refuse consortium including Dublin, New Albany, Gahanna, Bexley, Reynoldsburg, Blendon, Mifflin, Plain and Washington Townships.
The City of Westerville contracts nearly all wastewater treatment with the City of Columbus. In January, the City of Columbus will increase the sewage treatment rate by 5%. This increase is passed on to Westerville customers. There will also be an additional 0.5% increase for Westerville operating and capital expenses, for a total of a 5.5% sewer rate increase. Residential customers in Westerville are billed on a monthly basis for sanitary sewer services based upon the metered consumption of water.
The average residential customer (at 7 ccf*) will experience a 2% increase resulting in a monthly water bill increase of approximately $0.70. Water rates are based on consumption to reflect the true cost of service. The City is among the most affordable water providers in Franklin County.
*ccf = 1 billing unit or 100 cubic ft. Rates are per ccf.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, customers will receive a termination warning and a 1.5% penalty fee for utility payments not received within 38 days. Full payment, including the added fees, will be due within 53 days. Senior residents 60 years of age or older can apply for a monthly refuse collection discount. Contact the Utility Billing Department for more information.
Visit www.westerville.org/utilitybilling for more information. Questions? Please call Utility Billing at (614) 901-6430.