WESTERVILLE COMMUNITY RECREATIONWWW.WESTERVILLE.ORGGUIDESEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 Registration information See page 35 COPS AND KIDS DAY RETURNS Page 4 S M T W R F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DATESREGISTRATIONPROGRAM SEPTEMBER The Great Westerville Special event guide Page 39-42 PUMPKIN GLOW

Last, but certainly not least, The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow returns to Heritage Park Oct. 19-23 and will be bigger and better than ever. In addition to the cherished trail of carved pumpkin scenes, the event will take on a festival feel with new sites to see, professional games and food trucks. You can find a special event guide on pages 39-42 that includes all the information needed to plan your night.
MISSION STATEMENT The City of Westerville is dedicated to providing exemplary municipal services to our community and fostering prosperity while embracing our unique heritage and character. CITY VALUES AccountabilityExcellenceStewardshipInnovation Integrity and Trust Public EmployeeCommunitySafetyEngagementEnrichment Westerville Community Recreation Guide Editor: Toni toni.schorling@westerville.orgSchorlingNOTESTOTHEEDITOR
Cooler weather is on its way and we couldn’t be more excited for the return of all things fall. Get ready for Cops & Kids Day, returning for the first time since 2019. The Westerville Division of Police (WPD) has an exciting afternoon planned that will include fun activities with law enforcement agencies from all over the state, inflatables and food trucks (page 4). Meet your new WPD Assistant Chief, Brian Spoon on page 7 and learn how he will impact the City in his new Safetyrole.first!
Senior Center Program Pass Holder Registration Thursday, Sept. 8 at 12 p.m. (In person at the Community Center and online)
Front Row: Michael Heyeck, Chair; Diane Conley, Mayor; Craig Treneff, Vice Chair
The Community Recreation Guide is delivered to resident homes six times per year. This publication is available for pickup at the Westerville Community Center, City Hall and the Westerville Public Library.
Online Resident Registration Friday, Sept. 9 at 12 p.m.
Did you know that you can schedule a car seat check with a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) from the Westerville Divisions of Fire (WFD) or Police (WPD), free of charge? See page 4 for information on how to schedule.
Speaking of the WFD, they’re adding thermal imaging cameras to their vehicles enhancing their rescue efforts during a fire. Information can be found on page 8.
If planting a new tree is in your future, visit page 16 for an indepth Q&A with the City Arborist to learn about how Westerville chooses the perfect tree type that will flourish in the City. Plan to attend Arborfest (page 27) where tree-related vendors will be available to answer questions and activities that will teach your child to love trees.
We look forward to seeing you at these and other activities this autumn.
In-Person Open Registration Monday, Sept. 12 at 8 a.m. at the Community Center YOUR CALENDARS
In-Person Resident Registration Saturday, Sept. 10 at 8 a.m. at the Community Center Online Open Registration Sunday, Sept. 11 at 12 p.m.
Back Row: Coutanya Coombs, Ph.D.; Kenneth L. Wright, Vice Mayor; Dennis Blair; Megan Reamsnyder

Schedule a Free Car Seat Check Attention All Units: Cops & Kids Day is Back City Taking Comprehensive Look at Potential Customer Service, City Hall Redesigns Gale, McPeak join City Manager’s Office Divisions Meet Westerville Division of Police Assistant Chief Brian Spoon WFD Adding Tech Tools for Smarter Responses Fire Won’t Wait, Plan Your Escape Q&A Engine/Rescue Company with Deputy Fire Chief George Sorge Attend the Westerville Electric Division Open House Leaf Collection Set for Oct. 17 - Dec. 23 Safely Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste SWACO Research Shows Community in Support of Waste Reduction and Recycling DHL Supply Chain Setting an Example in Environmental GOING,SustainabilityGOING, GONE! Demolition Makes Way for New Dunkin’ Community Spotlight: Cynthia DeVese City Recognized for Excellence in Communication Tactics Growing “A City Within a Park”. A Conversation with the City Arborist The Story Behind: The Heritage Tree Program Local Artists Add Major “POP” of Color to New Veterans “EdgeMemorialAdventure Park” Receives State Grant Westerville Community Center Conduct Reminders Otterbein First-Years “Plunge” Into Westerville Sweet WestervilleSummertime!FlagFootball Looking to Build in its Second Year Westerville Park Hop: Hannah Mayne Park Westerville Veterans Memorial - A rare opportunity: the RelivingProposal4thof July 2022 - Food, Festivities and Fireworks Special Event Guide: The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 39-42 AROUND THE CITY Community Events Westerville Bimonthly Calendar Community Center Everal Barn and Shelter Rental Information Highlands Park Aquatic Center Programs and Classes WestervilleIndex Recreation Trail 25-32 33 34-38 43 44 45-72 73 74-75 COMMUNITY ANDWESTERVILLEACTIVITIESPARKSRECREATION 3 Cover image: The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow returns to its original walk-through programming with new and exciting activities and pumpkin scenes. Information can be found on a convenient pull-out spread on pages 39-42. Above image: Many activities are scheduled this fall for families to enjoy including 4th Fridays. Visit the Community Events section (pages 25-32) for information. CONTENTS TABLE OF

Book your appointment today at www.westerville.org/carseat.
The Westerville Division of Police (WPD) Cops & Kids Day Festival triumphantly returns on Sunday, Sept. 18 from 12-4 p.m. at the Westerville Sports Complex (325 N. Cleveland Ave.).
WPD’s marquee event has been on hold for two years because of pandemic-related concerns. Chief Charles Chandler says his team is anxious to reconnect with the community in this event format.
Schedule a Free Car Seat Check with a Certified Technician
Child Passenger Safety Week is Sept. 18-24 4
“Westerville officers are involved in every major City event from a security standpoint,” said Chief Chandler. “Cops & Kids Day is our opportunity to focus on connecting with the community and strengthening our relationships with the people we proudly serve 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.”
As much fun as the event is for families in attendance, Chief Chandler says it’s good for the hearts of WPD’s officers as well.
For the latest event plans, visit www.westerville.org/copskids
“Our officers are here because they love this community and care about the safety of every individual. It’s a privilege to serve,” said Chief Chandler.
Cops & Kids Day IS
A well-meaning forearm across the chest, held by a sibling, a “whim and a prayer,” family dinner tables are full of humorous— sometimes surprising—, tales of child restraint methods of yore. Thankfully, the science of child seat safety has evolved considerably over the years. Information and resources are also more readily available to help keep our most vulnerable passengers safe.
In fact, Westerville’s Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) from the Divisions of Fire and Police provide free child car seat inspections and installation assistance by appointment. During these sessions, CPSTs provide hands-on training on how to safely secure a child and the child restraint Appointmentssystem.with the Westerville Division of Police CPSTs are available 8 a.m.-12 p.m. on Mondays and the third Saturday of each month. Those needing another time may call the Westerville Division of Fire at (614) 901-6605.
The event brings law enforcement (and some military) agencies from across the state to Westerville. Attendees will meet and learn from agency representatives, explore equipment, play games and enjoy food trucks and inflatables.

The Westerville Division of Police is planning a grand opening and community celebration of the Justice Center next spring. Staff is moving in beginning this month. Look for updates via social media and the website, or subscribe to the City’s weekly e-newsletter at www.westerville.org
As the Westerville Division of Police (WPD) takes occupancy of its new Huber Village Boulevard headquarters and City staff at 64 E. Walnut St. prepare to move to South State Street, the City is embracing the opportunity to evaluate and update its approach to customer service.
“Bringing the Income Tax, Utility Billing and Planning & Development teams from Walnut Street to City Hall allows us to create a true campus and customer service hub,” said City Manager Monica Irelan. “This is the right time to look at our current customer service model and identify what processes are working well and what can be improved to provide even better service to our residents and visitors.”
“I was encouraged by the feedback we received during these sessions. Westerville’s passion for providing exemplary customer service is sewn into the fabric of who we are, and essential to that is the commitment to continuous improvement,” said Irelan.
The group agreed that setting common standards, focusing on “people skills,” internal communication and accountability, job competency, staff empowerment and establishing an efficient contact tree were all core to preserving and evolving the City’s outstanding customer service standards.
In the meantime, residents can be assured that the City’s commitment to providing fast, friendly customer service won’t be set aside as the project progresses. Updates about the initiative and its direct impacts on public-facing operations will be posted to www.westerville.org
City taking Comprehensive Look at potentiaL Customer serviCe, City Hall Redesigns
Irelan is empowering the City’s front-line customer service providers, as the subject matter experts, to help shape these efforts. Over the summer, 33 front desk staff members from across the City participated in “Centralized Customer Service Process” workshops to discuss processes, principles and spatial needs. A panel of community residents and stakeholders also joined.
Where feasible, frontline staff have been empowered to implement the customer service improvement ideas without delay. Columbus-based TENFOLD has been hired to help facilitate the design concepts for the physical transformation of the City Hall campus.
“As with every City initiative, we are being thoughtful in our approach and execution of these improvements in the interest of making the best use of public dollars and staff resources,” said Irelan.
For spatial principles, the group aligned on the importance of safety, accessibility, speed of service, clear signage, atmosphere, greeting systems, technology integration, options for privacy, comfort and amenities.

Born and raised in Westerville, Gale is the third member of the Westerville Economic Development team. He came aboard as a specialist in June. His focus is building contacts and relationships with the business community and supporting retention and attraction efforts of the office. Gale has worked in Westerville for several years, including serving the Westerville Area Resource Ministry (WARM) in its community development office where he helped facilitate charitable giving and corporate/ business sponsorships. In his role with the City, Gale helps the team develop leads and has early conversations with businesses looking to discuss land or development options in Westerville. He also collaborates with Community Affairs on businesscentric marketing and promotion efforts.
Derrick McPeak Special Events and Project Manager 6
McPeak joined the Community Affairs team earlier this year in the new role of Special Events and Project Manager. McPeak, an Otterbein University Alumnus, is not new to the City; he most recently served as a Program Supervisor at Westerville Parks and Recreation. In that role, McPeak was instrumental in Westerville’s arts, music and theater initiatives, including The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow and Westerville Civic Theatre.
The Community Affairs and Economic Development divisions of the City Manager’s Office have grown by two positions. Stephen Gale and Derrick McPeak have recently joined these teams to enhance community engagement and business relationships, respectively.
The position was created for special event production and management, generating more opportunities for community engagement with residents and increased visibility in the region for visitors. Courtyard programming at Westerville City Hall, holiday events and enhancements and community partnerships are central to McPeak’s position.
“Residents should appreciate just how much interest there is in Westerville opportunities,” said Gale. “We follow a thoughtful and intentional strategic plan to attract business that helps balance the tax burden for residents while building upon the amenities in the region. It’s very exciting to be part of the process.”
Gale, McPeak join City Manager’s Office Divisions
Visit the City’s website for updates about the City Manager’s Office, www.westerville.org.
Stephen Gale Economic Development Specialist
“Westerville has such a strong sense of community, so I really appreciate that I get to have a direct impact on creating and expanding opportunities for entertainment and engagement,” said McPeak. “We want to produce more programming in Uptown and new ways to interact with our residents through events on a more regular basis.”

I was lucky to get into a small police department as a non-sworn member. That was the ticket you needed at that time to get into the Police Academy. So, I worked in Ontario, Ohio for four years, and then realized I wanted to do more than what was available there. I wanted a chance for a greater impact; to work for an agency with a greater diversity of operations, ideas and community. I was fortunate again to be chosen by WPD and came in with seven people hired at once in September 2002.
Meet Westerville Division of Police Assistant Chief Brian Spoon
For one, the School Resource Officer program is a priority for me. I believe keeping kids safe is our utmost priority, so making sure our SROs are prepared, supported and well trained, and ensuring WPD continues to maintain good, productive relationships with the schools is important to me. I want to maintain the high standards we’ve already put into place with the SRO program and look for opportunities to grow. And the fun pieces are our community-directed programs like National Night Out and Cops and Kids Day. I want to be out and approachable and talk to people so they know us.
Brian Spoon thought that he wanted to be an attorney when he enrolled at the University of Dayton, mostly because he appreciated the detail involved in law and order. Twenty years later, that attention to detail and commitment to public safety has earned him the title of Assistant Chief in the Westerville Division of Police (WPD).
Chief Spoon holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Dayton. He is a former adjunct instructor at Ohio University and currently instructs at the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy. He lives in Mt. Gilead with his wife and two sons ages 16 and 13.
Ron RetiredMcMillinAssistant
Steve Fridley Retired Assistant Chief Westerville Police Division
There are a lot of things I want to do in this role. First of all, I recognize the community expects us to uphold the trust they place in us, and I believe very strongly in earning that trust. Communities like ours have banded together and created a common social contract: a force to protect and serve them. This partnership is the only way this works - if we’re not earning trust in this partnership we cannot be successful in doing what they ask of us. If we’re not listening and taking the opportunity to explore new ideas and ways to reach people, we fall behind on those expectations. I also believe in being just as committed to the men and women of WPD and earning their trust and respect. They are our first customers and it is important they feel safe, protected and supported.
Chief Westerville Police Division
Brian WestervilleAssistantSpoonChiefPolice Division
Assistant Chief Ron McMillin retired from WPD after 22 years of service in August. He had served in the Assistant Chief’s role for two years, and as Lieutenant for six years prior to that in all three sections (Patrol, Investigations and Community Services) of the agency.
WPD recently added Spoon to its command staff, promoting him from Lieutenant. He has served in most officer and supervisory roles at WPD, most recently as lead of the Professional Standards Bureau, working closely on the campaign for WPD to receive its first-ever national accreditation last year (see police.westerville.org/publictrust).
Chief Spoon oversees two internal sections in his new role: Professional Standards and Community Services. In addition to policy formulation, internal affairs, facilitating the national accreditation process and directing training, he helps manage the School Resource Officer (SRO) program and community events.
Assistant Chief Steve Fridley was appointed to his position in 2021 after serving as Lieutenant. Following his retirement from the WPD after 33 years, he will return with the Reserve Unit later this year.
“Brian has devoted nearly his entire career to the people of Westerville,” said Chief of Police Charles Chandler. “He focuses on how law enforcement partners with its community and is committed to strengthening those relationships. He also keeps pace with technology in law enforcement, and has spearheaded many of our initiatives like the recent integration of Coplogic mobile reporting.”
Thank You, Chiefs

Brian MillerChief Westerville Division of Fire 8
The Westerville Division of Fire (WFD) is adding more thermal imaging cameras to firetrucks to help keep the community and firefighters safe. Thermal imaging cameras detect heat signatures (infrared energy) from people, pets and objects and reflect that information using colors representing temperature ranges. In low visibility situations, they help locate people and pets in dense smoke, the traveling direction of a fire, find fire that is hidden behind walls and more. Deputy Chief George Sorge is helping to lead the procurement efforts for the technology.
WFD Adding Tech Tools for Smarter Responses
If there’s one thing Chief Miller knows, it’s the importance of establishing and practicing a plan for emergencies. Under his leadership, Westerville firefighters pursue training opportunities year-round. He says this practice ensures his team is up on the most innovative response tactics and, most importantly, helps make certain best practices become muscle memory during an emergency. The same principle applies to anyone and everyone.
*According Fire Research Institute
Fire Won’t Wait, Plan Your Escape
“We think of fire drills as activities for the schools or workplace. But it’s important to have a fire escape plan that includes everyone in the household. Set a designated meeting spot and then practice escaping,” said Chief Miller. “It might feel a little silly at first, but that dry run could be the difference between a family member freezing or fleeing from a dangerous situation.”
“Westerville firefighters are using thermal imaging technology today. Adding more cameras to trucks can help us ensure each responder has access to the best intelligence during emergencies,” said Deputy Chief Sorge. This summer, the City accepted a $4,202 grant from the Aladdin Shriners to help purchase the technology. WFD Chief Brian Miller says pursuing grants and donations allows the Division to invest in cutting-edge tools while conserving public dollars.
A demonstration at the Aladdin Shriner’s check presentation shows how an older model thermal camera reflects heat signatures Forty years ago, the average person had 17 minutes* to escape a burning home. Today, fire experts agree that people have about two minutes— that’s 120 seconds— to exit a home that has caught fire.
“We’re extremely grateful to the Aladdin Shriners for their generosity and for helping us in our continuing goal of developing innovative and costeffective safety response protocols that best serve our growing community.
To learn more about WFD’s approach to keeping the community safe, visit www.westerville.org/fire
NFPA recommends families practice their plans at least twice a year, once in the daytime and once at night. For links to planning materials, free smoke alarm installation and more, visit www.westerville.org/fpw
Westerville Division of Fire (WFD) Chief Brian Miller is emphasizing the importance of planning and practicing a home fire escape route in support of the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) theme: “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.™”
I also want to thank Lt. Wes Lewis for his dedication to and research for this project,” said Chief Miller.
to Underwriters Laboratories
Why are homes burning faster? Houses today contain far more synthetic materials (from structural materials to furniture) than ever before, leading fires to burn hotter and spread faster. Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 9-15

Q. In which station does the rescue team reside?
• Utility control (turn off gas, electric)
Participants will receive an overview from City staff of the new online permitting portal (see list to right), launched this year to provide a convenient online resource to submit permit applications. Additionally, City staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the residential/commercial permitting process. Visit www.westerville.org/forms to access the portal. Workshop registration is being held through the Library’s website, www.westervillelibrary.org /AC Replacement Replacement Right Right Chief
Q. What are these teams called on to do?
Q. Does a rescue company have its own vehicle?
OCT. 3-9 9
OPEN HOUSE Get to know your electric utility at www.westerville.org/electric
A: An engine/rescue company may be directed to perform any of the following tasks, in tandem, at a fire scene:
Workshops from the City this summer will help guide residents and commercial property owners through the permitting process required for building and
Q. What is technical rescue?
• Search and rescue
Q. What does the engine/rescue company do at a fire?
A: Westerville does not have a specific rescue vehicle but utilizes its engine/rescue vehicle for this purpose.
The first workshop is tailored to residents and is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 8 at 7-7:30 p.m. The second, for commercial stakeholders, will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18 from 2:30-3 p.m. Both presentations will be held at the Westerville Public Library, Meeting Room A. (126 S. State St.).
A: The engine/rescue company is a dual-role firefighting/rescue vehicle. Westerville’s engine/rescue carries 750 gallons of water, a 1,500 gpm (gallons per minute) pump and various sizes and lengths of fire hose. Also, technical rescue equipment for extrication (jaws of life), rope rescue, water/ice rescue and structural/stabilization.
• Water supply (connecting to a fire hydrant)
A: Westerville has two members that are on the FEMA Ohio Task Force-1 team (both federal and international) and 14 members on the Central Ohio Strike Team (regional).
• Work to remove occupants in the greatest danger or most severely injured Q. What is an engine/rescue company?
A: A variety of equipment is used depending on the situation. This includes: Extrication (jaws of life) stabilization and shoring (struts and lumber), ropes and harnesses, Stokes basket (for movement of a victim), water/ice (dry/ cold water suits, helmets, ice picks), ladders, axes, prybars, fire extinguishers, fire hose (various sizes), EMS heart monitor, medications, oxygen, in-line breathing air system, air monitors
• Overhaul (looking for hidden fire in walls and ceilings)
George Sorge Deputy ofWestervilleChiefDivisionFireDivision WEEK
A: Firefighters that are assigned to Station 111 are cross-trained on equipment and techniques used in technical rescue.
Q. What equipment is used on the engine/rescue?
Water Heater
of Way POD/Dumpster
George Sorge
A:A technical rescue is different from a fire rescue in that the department will: • Review the scene • Stabilize the situation
• Salvage (protecting contents inside a building)
A:Technical rescue Includes specific disciplines dependent on the type of rescue. These include auto/machinery (no ropes), confined space (underground with limited entry or exit), trench/cave-in (land-based cave-in, may use ropes), rope rescue (high or low angle rescue and elevated rescue), structural collapse (includes cars in buildings, building collapse), elevator and water/Ice (moving or still water).
Q. What happens during a technical rescue?
of Way Small Cell Right of Way DrivewayFencesPatiosShedsExtensionsPODS/Dumpsters ACCEPTABLE PERMIT TYPES: Engine/Rescue Company with Deputy Fire
Q. How many Westerville firefighters are on specialized federal and state rescue teams?
• Fire attack (extinguishing flames)
Westerville Electric Division lineworkers and arborists are welcoming residents to a Public Power Week open house event on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 4-7 p.m. at 139 E. Broadway Ave. Attendees will get the chance to experience a “lineman’seye view” from a bucket truck, watch demonstrations, learn about the City’s innovative electric vehicle charging programs and more. Staff will serve hot dogs and beverages as well.
A: FEMA Ohio Task Force-1 - A team deployed by FEMA to a disaster area to provide assistance in structural collapse rescue, or they may be prepositioned when a major disaster threatens a Centralcommunity.Ohio Strike Team - A team of firefighters from every department in Franklin County who train on technical rescue issues, including structural collapse, confined space rescue, trench rescue, rope rescues and auto/ machinery extrication.

before sending off the participants to enjoy their weekend. Shredding services are not available.
A Well-oiled Machine: Household Hazardous Waste Collection staff remove bottles from a vehicle during the 2021 fall collection.
Hosted in partnership with the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), these drive-thru collections help protect residents, sanitation workers and the environment by ensuring potentially dangerous materials are disposed of Moreproperly.than
q Keep leaves free of large sticks, twigs and any trash or debris that can cause damage to leaf collection equipment
Latex/water-based paints are accepted for a $1 per gallon/ quart and $5 per five-gallon bucket disposal fee. Besides that, there is no charge to participate in this collection.
For more information and to see a video on how the Leaf Collection Program benefits our City and its residents, visit www.westerville.org/leafcollection
Safely Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
Westerville’s program is a zone-based system and not managed by scheduled dates. Westerville’s Public Service Department (WSD) plan for five collections during the program, generally two to three weeks apart during times when leaf totals are at their highest.
As part of the program, the WSD updates the City’s website with routing information showing the street collection routes, updated daily to show streets completed. Residents can see where their street falls along the route and where crews start each morning.
800 vehicles drove through the spring 2022 collection, bringing in 20,705 lbs of electronics, 41,240 units of household hazardous waste and 3,640 lbs of tires. These popular events often see as many as 1,000-plus vehicles pass through. Participants are asked to enter from Schrock Road and proceed forward toward the Public Service building. Event staff will direct drivers to the correct location. Once at the drop-off location, staff will wheel carts to each vehicle and collect the materials
q Keep vehicles from being parked in front of, or close to, leaves during collection weeks
As fall approaches and residents begin eyeing up their rakes and blowers, residents can count on the City’s curbside leaf collection program as a helpful supplement to weekly yard waste collection services.
As program speeds vary based on leaf volumes and compliance with the above best practices, residents can help ensure their leaves are removed promptly by bagging them and placing them for yard waste collection on Mondays.
The program’s pace is dictated greatly by the volume of leaves and ease of collection.
[Tip: Save the money, latex/water-based paints can be placed in curbside trash collection if it’s dry!]
Residents can soon safely part with their collections of unneeded household chemicals, electronics and more at the fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Westerville Public Service Department, 350 Park Meadow Rd.
Leaf Collection Set for Oct. 17-Dec. 23
q Rake leaves to the tree lawn (in between the sidewalk and the street), but not on the street
q Any obstructions, such as basketball hoops, should be removed from the right-of-way as they present a safety issue and can hinder collection
For a full list of acceptable materials and to learn more about what to expect from this collection visit www.westerville.org/hhw Scan to get a behind-the-scenes look at how your Road Warriors are tackling leaf collection 10
q All yard waste will continue to be collected each Monday as part of the Yard Waste Collection program

SWACO Research Shows Community in Support of Waste Reduction and Recycling 310 W. Main St. 469 Westdale Ave. 370 Park Meadow Rd. 362 Huber Village Blvd.
Visit www.westerville.org/composting more information.
Recycling and waste reduction are a top priority in Westerville and Franklin County. According to research from the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), central Ohioans continue to have a strong desire to keep items out of landfills and “Recycle Right.”
According to the SWACO 2022 public opinion poll, 92% of residents stated that recycling and composting should be promoted in their areas while 82% believe doing so can help reduce the impacts of climate change on their community.
. Additional information on recycling and composting can be found at www.westerville.org/publicservice
80% of residents agree that recycling and reducing waste can help reduce the impacts of climate change. of residents are motivated to recycle more in order to support local jobs and other economic reasons. of residents compostingreportfoodor yard waste at home or at a drop off program.
of residents report being motivated to recycle more because of the environmental benefit.
Westerville is implementing its Zero Waste Plan which will help reduce the amount of materials sent to the landfill by expanding efforts to conserve raw materials and limit waste,” said Director of Public Service, Kevin Weaver. “The 248,000 lbs of material composted by residents in the last two years along with more than 65,000 lbs of hazardous material collected during the Household Hazardous Waste collection (see page 10) event is a great Weaverstart.”said that Westerville residents recycled 3,144 tons of material through the curbside program with Rumpke in 2021 as Youwell.can find information on Westerville’s Zero Waste Plan at www.westerville.org/zerowaste
82 % 79 %
“Franklin County’s recycling rate continues to exceed the national average, yet the survey identified several opportunities for improvement if we want to reach our waste diversion goals in the next 10 years,” said SWACO’s Communications Manager, Hanna Greer-Brown. “SWACO is pleased to be working with central Ohio communities, including the City of Westerville, to implement new diversion programs and infrastructure to improve recycling and composting in order to reach those goals.”
q Use smart plugs, which can schedule and monitor energy usage. For example, all equipment in the kitchens turn off at night and over the weekend to conserve energy.
q All lights in the building are LED. They’re all in different zones meaning different parts of each floor can be controlled separately.
“Through this project, DHL Supply Chain was able to incorporate LED interior and exterior lighting and interior occupancy sensors with multi-level dimming to achieve a 36% reduction compared to the industry standard,” said Trigg. “The exterior lighting achieved an 83% reduction compared to the industry standard and the energy efficient HVAC systems incorporated substantially exceeded industry standards. In all, we achieved estimated savings of more than 277,500 kWh per year and demand savings of 46.4 kW per year.”
One of Westerville’s top employers continues to make a positive impact on the community as a leader in sustainability efforts.
For more information on economic development in Westerville, visit business.westerville.org.
The headquarters’ Green Team has taken steps to educate associates on what should be recycled or composted, instituted plastic bag recycling to support a local Westerville initiative, hosted a spring clean-out donation event and helped build a community garden right outside the building. The team also helped put together the process for employees to check out a DHL bike from the bike room to travel to lunch or get in a quick midday workout.
“This really is a group effort,” said Sarah Jilbert, DHL Supply, Chain’s sustainability program manager. “The Westerville headquarters’ Green Team is a 20-person group that is committed to making DHL a better place to work. They bring their own ideas to the table and our associates really benefit from and are proud of our initiatives.”
q Annually purchases renewable energy certificates for 100% of the electricity the building consumes. With 100% renewable electricity and no other energy sources being utilized, the building is carbon neutral.
q Westerville headquarters has eliminated coffee cups and all employees must bring their own reusable thermos or Throughcup. all of these steps, DHL hopes to remain a strong example of sustainability for businesses both locally and beyond. But that’s just a drop in the bucket of what DHL has and continues to do as a global leader in “Theresustainability.istheobvious cost savings when it comes to lights, plugs and how we run our HVAC,” said Jilbert. “We focus our efforts around where we can save energy in the building along with how to limit our water and waste consumptions. As the North American headquarters of our company, it’s important to us that we’re showing our commitment to sustainability and we want to show off that this is what we believe in. We want to instill that belief in our other facilities around North America and, hopefully, other businesses in Westerville.”
DHL’s headquarters, which serves as a test environment for the rest of its facilities, is ENERGY STAR certified, meeting strict energy performance standards set by the EPA to help save energy and money and protect the environment. To do this, the company has taken several steps to stay at the forefront of sustainability at the headquarters:
q Eliminated large trash cans from each cubicle, replacing with recycling containers to help limit plastic waste.
As for the building, the company leveraged the City’s BusinessWISE (Westerville Incentive Savings for Efficiency) program to complete an efficiency project in 2020. Westerville Electric Division Business Manager Tara Trigg helps manage the program.
DHL Supply Chain has had a presence in the City since 1991 and opened the doors to its North American headquarters at Westar Place in November 2019. When the Germanybased Deutsche Post DHL Group team designed its 145,000-square-foot North American headquarters on 10.1 acres of land in Westar, they did so with the intent of making Westerville, and the world, a better place.
q Utilize robots, which can perform tasks such as vacuuming overnight.

Planning and permitting is underway for Dunkin’, a subsidiary of Inspire Brands, to bring its famous donuts and coffee to Westerville. The State Street location plans include a drivethru, parking and indoor seating. A second location may be added on County Line Road and Sunbury Road in the future.
Updates may be found at www.westerville.org/business
GOING, GOING, GONE! Demolition Makes Way for New Dunkin’ 13
The City is releasing never-before-seen aerial photos of crews clearing the way for the new Dunkin’ restaurant on South State Street. You may have noticed the construction fencing on the west side of the road, just south of Cherrington Road. The three buildings that occupied the property, which included two sandwich shops and a video-to-digital conversion business, were demolished this summer.
All numbers are (614) area code unless otherwise noted. Fire/Medical/Police Emergency 9-1-1 Gas/Carbon Monoxide Leaks 9-1-1 Mental Health Resources 2-1-1 Non-life threatening emergency (Fire) 882-2213 Non-life threatening emergency (Police) 882-7444 Animal Control 901-6863 Animal Removal (Dead on roadside) 901-6740 Cemeteries 901-6740 City Manager’s Office 901-6400 Clerk of Council 901-6410 Community Affairs 901-6400 Digging (Ohio Utilities Protection Service)800-362-2764 Economic Development 901-6409 Electric Division 901-6700 (outages, street lights, tree trimming near electric lines) Finance Department 901-6440 Fire Division Headquarters 901-6600 CPR/First Aid Training 901-6600 Non-Emergencies 882-2213 Human Resources 901-6406 Income Tax 901-6420 Leaf Collection 901-6740 Mayor’s Court 901-6419 Parks and Recreation Department 901-6500 Inclement Weather Hotline 901-6888 Administration 901-6530 Community Center 901-6500 Everal Barn and Homestead 901-6515 Parks Maintenance 901-6591 Highlands Park Aquatic Center 901-7665 Recreation Program Center 901-6531 Senior Center 901-6560 Shelter Information 901-6513 Urban Forestry 901-6598 Permits Building 901-6650 Burning 901-6600 Parade/Block Party 901-6410 Security Alarm 901-6482 Zoning 901-6650 Planning and Development 901-6650 Planning,Engineering, Zoning 901-6650 Traffic Engineering 901-6670 Zoning Enforcement 901-6660 Police Division 901-6450 Administration 901-6470 Community Services 901-6860 Investigations 901-6475 Recorded Information Line 901-6879 Records 901-6450 Non-Emergencies 882-7444 Service Department 901-6740 Sewer Emergencies 901-6740 Sewer Line Maintenance 901-6740 Stormwater Hotline 901-6740 Street Emergencies 901-6740 Street Maintenance Repairs 901-6740 Trash/Recycling Collection 901-6740 Water Emergencies 901-6740 Water Line Maintenance 901-6740 Traffic Violations 901-6419 Tree/Storm Damage (in right of way) 901-6591 After Hours 901-6790 Tree Trimming (in right of way) 901-6598 Utility Billing 901-6430 Water Plant 901-6770

While she sees DEI efforts gaining traction in Westerville, she says the work is not over.
“First you have to start with a goal and examine the cultural mindset of your organization,” said DeVese. “Who are we as people and how do we show up?”
Cynthia DeVese
A Westerville resident for 15 years, DeVese has been involved in the community for more than 20. Her husband, Larry DeVese, owns a local dental practice in Commerce Park and both of their children graduated from Westerville South High School.
Second, she advocates a focus on student-centered teaching and learning by centering student voices, acknowledging funds of knowledge and exploring how people engage.
Lastly, DeVese encourages putting careful thought into policies and procedures. She says it is important to assess how organizations function and take a hard look at inequities and disparities in daily practices.
“This community is open and welcoming but should always be open to change. We have to continue to embrace the changing community and make space for everyone,” said DeVese.
Cynthia DeVese’s journey into diversity, equity and inclusion (also known as “DEI”) in Westerville began with a chance meeting with Westerville City School District (WCSD) superintendent John Kellogg.
“People are layered. They are living and learning together. We have to be conscious of how people are treated because of their layered identities. We have to help people do that work. The more you know, the more you grow,” said DeVese.
The two met on their way to the same parent meeting and struck up a conversation about access to education. A conversation with Kellogg’s team followed and DeVese was soon hired as the school district’s Educational Equity Coordinator. She focused her efforts on creating college and career readiness programs for students of color. She also created parent organizations to engage with district administration, a Westerville-based mentoring program for female middle school students and a minority scholars initiative that grew into the “Lead Higher” program. Her work has created opportunities for student success and well-being, student access to rigorous academic programs, intentional diverse hiring practices, as well as representation in curriculum and advocacy groups.
Today, DeVese is a published author and full-time DEI practitioner, speaker and consultant. She also serves on the board of directors for the Westerville Public Library where she is taking a deep dive into community engagement and access to library resources.
Community Spotlight:
Now that she has transitioned from the school district to full-time entrepreneurship, DeVese says she is excited to see WCSD take the reins and grow equity initiatives even further. As she sees it, there are three key tenets to building frameworks for DEI programs.
To learn more about her work in equity, access and education, visit www.cynthiadevese.com ,

Westerville Assistant City Manager Jason Bechtold applauded the recognitions, noting that many cities are strengthened by their commitment to professional communication.
Westerville submitted these 2021 communication campaigns for consideration. Entries are always judged by a PRSA Chapter elsewhere in the nation. This year, public relations professionals from the Arkansas Chapter of PRSA judged central Ohio entries.
The Community Affairs division is the communication arm of the City, responsible for public relations, social media, digital media, publications, public information and more. This is the first year the division has submitted campaigns for honorable recognition.
“There’s a blend of strategy, creativity, persistence and humor in any municipal Community Affairs office,” said Bechtold. “This group performs really smart and thoughtful work, and I’m pleased to see this level of recognition for it. It speaks to the caliber of professionals serving this community.”
“We had to be intentional this year about stopping and taking a beat to talk about and submit our own work for consideration,” said Community Affairs Director Christa Dickey. “I’m extremely proud of this team, and how the collaborative work really expresses a day-to-day commitment to the residents and businesses of Westerville.”
The City of Westerville was honored with three awards at the Central Ohio Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) PRism Awards in July. The awards recognized campaigns for the City’s 20th Anniversary 9/11 Immersive Memorial Observance at First Responders Park, the State of Emergency supporting the Medical Mile and Annual Report & Resident Guide.
City Recognized for Excellence in Communication Tactics
15 ABOUT PRSA: The Central Ohio Public Relations Society of America (COPRSA) is the local chapter of PRSA, the national professional association for communication professionals. Central Ohio PRSA was founded in 1950 and serves hundreds of professionals in the midOhio region who specialize in agency, corporate, government and non-profit strategic communication. The PRism Awards is the Chapter’s most prestigious recognition. In 2019, Community Affairs Director Christa Dickey received the Chapter’s Practitioner of the Year award.
In addition to Christa Dickey, the Westerville Community Affairs team includes Erica Charles, Community Affairs Manager; Steve Olszewski, Digital Media Specialist; Derrick McPeak, Special Events and Projects Specialist; and Toni Schorling and Brett Rybak, Public Relations Specialists.

Q. Westerville has some very large trees. Are there ways to track these, as well?
Q. How many Heritage Trees are in the City and how do they get nominated?
A. We average 300 new ball and burlapped trees of two inch diameter planted annually and approximately 3,000 saplings. Approximately 1.5% of our inventory, or 250-300 trees, are replacement trees.
A. Yes. We offer a Heritage Tree program. A Heritage Tree is the largest tree of its species within the City of Westerville limits. The tree must be a species native to the United States or introduced to this country more than 100 years ago. The objective of the Heritage Tree program is to identify and assist in the preservation of these trees.
• Tree City Growth Award - Growth awards are earned by adding new programs, educating the community, enhancing operations and keeping a tree inventory, or significantly changing the current ones.
• Tree Cities of the World - Criteria are the same as Tree City USA but include the creation of a tree inventory that can be utilized to help manage the urban forest resource.
A. Currently, we have 62 Heritage trees. Residents are encouraged to nominate a tree for the Heritage Tree program at www.westerville.org/urbanforestry
Q. On average, how many new trees are planted each year?
A. • Tree City USA- A community must meet four criteria that include having both a board or department that oversees the forestry operations and a community tree ordinance, spending $2 per capita on urban forestry and by celebrating Arbor Day.
A. SMA Accreditation is the highest honor for municipal urban forestry programs. To obtain this honor takes a professional and compassionate approach to tree care. SMA accredited programs must have an ISA Certified Arborist on staff, an approved Local Forest Master Plan, a Tree City USA growth award certification, show private contract preference for TCIA accredited tree care companies, adhere to ANSI standards for safety and performance, and follow SMA’s Code of Ethics.
Q. How many trees do we have in Westerville?
Q. How are Cities chosen for these awards?
Q. City Urban Forestry has been accredited by The Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA) since 2015. What are the requirements to receive this honor?
A bird’s-eye view of Westerville reveals a thriving City nestled in a blanket of trees. It’s one of the many reasons the community is referred to as “a City within a Park.” This isn’t some stump speech, Westerville has deep roots when it comes to protecting our tree Westervillecanopy.isone of only 16 communities in the country to be recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a “Tree City USA” for 46 consecutive years. The City is also a “Tree Line USA” (24 years), has received Tree City Growth Awards (12 years) and has been named to the list of “Tree Cities of the World” (three years).
• Tree Line USA - A community must provide quality tree care and annual worker training, conduct tree planting and public education, have a tree-based energy conservation program and have an Arbor Day celebration/tree planting.
Q. It seems that tracking trees in the City is a requirement for many awards and recognitions. How does Westerville track its A.trees? We can track all trees that are maintained by the City. These include street, public and park trees. A map is available at www. westerville.org/urbanforesty that allows you to view information about these trees including species, condition, trunk diameter and mature tree height. Quantities of our top ten species are reported every month to ensure we stay within the 10-20-30 rule which suggests an urban tree population should include no more than 10% of any one species, 20% of any one genus or 30% of any one family.
Adam Williams City Arborist and Parks ManagerAcomplete list of City-owned trees is available at www.westerville.org/trees and includes information on each tree including tree type, size and when it was planted (if available).
For more information about the Arbor Day Foundation or the Tree City USA awards, visit www.arborday.org
“Trees have always been important to Westerville and that has helped to shape the community,” said City Arborist and Parks Manager Adam Williams. Williams’ team maintains every tree park and street tree in this City. He’s sharing what it takes to maintain an award-winning tree canopy in a thriving community.
A. We currently have 5,000 parks and facilities trees and 15,000 street trees inventoried. With many more trees in our woodlands and green spaces that are not currently tracked.
“A City Within a Park”
AGrowingConversation with the City Arborist

“Westerville has been a City since the 1800s so we would expect to have some very large trees,” said Williams. “There are approximately 62 trees ranging in age from 60 to 350 years currently being tracked.”
the program is to identify and assist in the preservation of Westerville’s largest trees while educating the community on the importance of protecting our old and historic trees.
The program, conducted by the Westerville Parks and Recreation Department under the Division of Urban Forestry, began in 1976 in conjunction with the American Forests National Register of Big Trees*, an organization that documents large trees across the United States. Trees across the City are tracked in support of the City’s 46-yearlong recognition as a Tree City USA. Westerville Parks and Recreation Arborist Adam Williams says that the object of TREE PROGRAM S tory the Behind
*American Forests is a conservation organization that develops tools and conducts scientific research to create partnerships in cities and forest landscapes and build movements that inspire change related to climate change and social equity.
Big trees and lush greenery are plentiful in Westerville. But, have you seen a tree that was so big that you couldn’t get your arms around it and stood so tall that it seemed to touch the sky? That could be a Heritage Tree and may very well be documented for size and height as part of Westerville’s Heritage Tree Program.
Residents are encouraged to nominate a tree for the Heritage Tree program by visiting www.westerville.org/urbanforestry
To be considered for the program, the tree must be the largest of its species within the City limits and must be a species native to the United States or introduced to this country more than 100 years ago. The largest individual tree of each species will be identified as a Heritage Tree.

Hernandez says this was his first time collaborating with another artist in this way. He called the experience a “very rewarding challenge.”
“I was absolutely amazed; Adam did such a fabulous job,” said Hagovsky. “He just really got the painting perfectly.”
Above: Watercolor artist Katrinka Hagovsky holds her original painting, “Poppin’ Poppies” in front of the mural it inspired at the Westerville Sports Complex. Artist Adam Hernandez uses a ladder to paint the 16-ft. mural inside the rotunda at the Westerville Sports Complex. Artists Add Major of Color to New Veterans Memorial
The metamorphosis of the Westerville Sports Complex (325 N. Cleveland Ave.) into a community destination of note is now further enhanced by “Poppin’ Poppies,” a colorful 16-foot mural adjacent to the new Veterans Memorial (opening soon, see page 23).
Columbus artist Katrinka Sue Hagovsky says she was walking in her neighborhood when she stumbled upon a patch of beautiful red poppies, which inspired her to recreate the scene in her signature cubist watercolor style. Soon after, the painting was up for sale at an art show attended by Westerville Parks and Facilities Development Administrator Laura Ball. It was then the idea for the mural was planted.
“The Veterans Memorial project team thought ‘Poppin’ Poppies’ would make the perfect complement to the new memorial space because of the flower’s symbolic representation for those who made the ultimate sacrifice in battle,” said Ball. Ball asked Hagovsky how she’d feel about seeing her watercolors transformed into a mural. “To tell you the truth, I actually cried. I was so delighted,” said Hagovsky. “It is such an honor.”
Experience all of the public art Westerville has to offer. Visit www.westerville.org/arts to access a map and enjoy a tour of the City’s murals, monuments and sculptures.
He documented the process of creating the mural via a video and photos on his Instagram page, @ahernandezart.
“This was an awesome learning experience, collaborating with another artist, learning new techniques and helping benefit the community,” said Hernandez.
“POP” Local
Ball handed the responsibility of scaling the work to Columbus-based muralist Adam Hernandez. For five evenings in June, Hernandez and assistant Anna Van Walsen set to work projecting the painting onto a wall, then carefully tracing Hagovsky’s lines with construction crayon. Next, the artists used spray paint and brush strokes to recreate the mural.

Receives State Grant
The City of Westerville was recently awarded a $300,000 grant from the state of Ohio to develop the “Edge Adventure Park” on the northwest side of the City near Westar. The “Edge Adventure Park” is proposed for a 10.5-acre wooded ravine between Vesper Way and Cleveland Avenue, and is expected to be in development in 2024.
The fitness area is open to all patrons ages 14+. Please refrain from congregating around equipment you are not using. When you are finished with a piece of equipment, remember to wipe it down and leave it ready for the next fitness-goer.
Mary Lightbody for championing this grant opportunity and helping us protect and activate more green space.”
“Westerville’s excellence in parks is widely known, and the Edge Adventure Park is attractive to the state for that reason,” said Bechtold. “With our investment and the state’s trust, this park can benefit regional tourism, bringing visitors to the park who will likely spend money at local shops and restaurants, including in the Polaris area of southern Delaware County and historic Uptown Westerville, just a short drive away in northern Franklin County. We’re appreciative of State Representative As fall and winter approach, indoor attendance and participation at the Community Center increase. It is a good time of year to be reminded of the following rules and expectations to ensure a quality experience for all patrons. The City is asking each patron, parent, guardian and caregiver to remember the following:
FRIENDLY REMINDERS about Westerville Community Center Conduct
SHARING OTHER SPACES | Located in the south hall of the building, eSports is the newest attraction at the Center. Participants are expected to treat this public property (computers, gaming chairs, equipment, etc.) appropriately. Information on scheduled activities can be found on page 52.
For more information, visit www.westerville.org/parks. For updates early next year on the park development timeline, subscribe to the City’s e-newsletter (distributed weekly on Wednesdays) at www.westerville.org.
19 “Edge Adventure Park”
Because Alum Creek is the source of drinking water, the site was a named project in the Westerville 9 Element Implementation Strategy plan and is part of the City’s Source Water Protection Plan, enabling the City to seek funding from other sources to restore and protect the ravines.
Westerville Assistant City Manager Jason Bechtold says the funding recognizes the park will have a regional impact.
CONDUCT | Westerville Community Center staff (and fellow patrons) expect safe and courteous behavior at all times. Physical or verbal altercations of any kind are prohibited. With respect to the enjoyment and safety of everyone who attends, the City employs a zero-tolerance policy for disruptive behavior and misconduct.
Inspired by the blend of recreation, nature and adventure-style activities, the park will serve a dual purpose for workforce recruitment, worksite wellness pursuits and corporate fitness and team-building opportunities based on its location in Westar. As conceived in the voter-approved Westerville Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) master plan, park planners are exploring adventure pursuits, potentially including climbing walls, a ground-level obstacle course, aerial training course, zipline, tree houses, trails and water features.
PERSONAL BELONGINGS | While many efforts are taken, like any public space, the Community Center can experience crimes of opportunity. It’s important to keep valuables safe - including in the parking lot. The Westerville Division of Police advises that patrons keep valuables out of sight in vehicles and locked up (no laptops, wallets or purses on the seat). Inside the facility, keep your valuables in sight or use a secured locker.
“Our goal is to refine the concepts and complete construction documents in the next year,” said Randy Auler, Westerville Parks & Recreation Director. “The park will be designed as an all-ages active recreation site to facilitate individual challenges and family fun. Plus, it’s an added amenity to employees of Westerville’s business community.”
BE A GOOD SPORT, SHARE THE COURTS | Pick-up and planned sports are some of the most popular uses of the facility. There are three main courts for open play, however, the gymnasium schedule also includes special times for leagues and program reservations, like basketball, pickleball and volleyball. Notifications of scheduled play are posted on the gymnasium entry doors and at the front desk. Find more information on page 36. Use of the climbing wall is available during open times unless it is reserved for a special event.
Westerville Parks & Recreation works each day to keep the Center a safe space for all to enjoy. If you have a concern, please see a staff member at the front desk or call (614) 901-6500. Staff appreciates your support and feedback.
Because it is situated along the western bank of Alum Creek in Delaware County, the locale creates an opportunity to activate the longest Central Ohio Greenways (COG) trail and one of the planned mid-Ohio Rapid 5 corridor (www.rapid5.org), a plan to connect Columbus waterways to its surrounding communities.
Activating the parkland for public use is in the works, with a $2 million commitment from the City for the project. The wooded ravine site includes three unnamed tributaries to Alum Creek.
“The Plunge is part of what we call ‘First Flight’ for our new Cardinals when first-years come early before everyone else to campus,” said Dr. Gilbert. “Otterbein intentionally hosts them for three days for workshops, social events and an opportunity to meet their first-year seminar professor and more. The Plunge is always the culminating event of First Flight.”
“I really want these students to embrace Westerville as their home during their time at Otterbein, and to engage with our community,” said Vice Mayor Wright. “The University, being so purposeful to emphasize community service, is good for Westerville, so we want Westerville to be good to these young adults and enrich the experience of leaving home for school for the first time.”
Westerville Vice Mayor Kenneth L. Wright welcomed the freshmen to the 2022 Plunge on August 20, before they set out on their morning projects.
Thank you, Otterbein. These freshmen wear their “I Love Westerville” tees during the 2021 kickoff of the Service Plunge for community-service projects.
“We want to set the stage of four years of service on their part,” said Dr. Gilbert. “Otterbein is an institution grounded in the notion that we’re here to serve the common good. We would like our students to understand the responsibilities they have to the world around them. For our first-year students, they are in a new city; this is an opportunity to make new friends, get connected locally and do something important.”
Dr. Gilbert says the plunge is centered on service opportunities in the local community that usually address an environmental or social issue. In the past, students have removed invasive honeysuckle and performed other parkland restorations. To enhance a sense of place, students have partnered with nonprofits, charitable organizations and government agencies to assist with programming essentials.
“Plunge” Into Westerville Otterbein First-Years
It’s called the annual “Community Service Plunge,” a program sponsored by Otterbein University’s Center for Community Engagement and managed by the department’s director and Otterbein associate dean, Dr. Melissa Gilbert.
Keep up with all things Otterbein, visit www.otterbein.edu
More than 300 freshmen, or “first-years” as Otterbein refers to them, arrived in Westerville last month to start their college journey. Their introduction is formalized with a University-led event to initiate an early give-back to the community that will serve as their home for the next four years.

Westerville Parks & Recreation welcomed more than 1,000 guests and pass holders per day to Highlands Park Aquatic Center (HPAC) between opening day in May and the first week of August of this year.
Summertime! Sweet 21
“HPAC was well attended this summer,” said Westerville Parks and Recreation Aquatics Manager Bill Plessinger. “It is great to see families out enjoying the facility daily.”
To learn more, visit www.westerville.org/HPAC
The summer fun continues through Sept. 5 when HPAC closes for the season. Passes for 2023 are available for purchase at the park through the last day and at Westerville Community Center (350 N. Cleveland Ave.) after.

Westerville Flag Football Looking to Build in its Second Year
As the leaves turn this fall, Hannah Mayne Park (55 Glenwood Dr.) is the perfect spot to highlight in our latest Westerville Park Hop feature. Located between Glenwood Drive and Summit Street, Hannah Mayne is a quiet neighborhood park that provides a glimpse into the natural beauty the City has to offer.
Developed in 1979, Hannah Mayne Park sits on 3.33 acres along the City’s recreation path system. The park has a woodland stream, nature area, playground with swings (installed in 2010), picnic area with a charcoal grill, tables and benches and a bridge over a stream.
To plan your visit to Hannah Mayne Park, visit www.westerville.org/parks Westerville Park Hop:
A year ago, the league was composed of 86 athletes divided between a division for first and second graders and another for third and fourth graders. In 2022, the City is extending sign-ups to athletes through the eighth grade. Leagues will run on Sundays from Sept. 11 through Oct. 30.
Visit www.westerville.org/football
Westerville Parks and Recreation hopes to expand its coed flag football offerings when its second season opens in the fall.
Hannah Mayne Park
Looking for more information on Flag Football in Westerville or how to support these growing leagues?
Participation is a one-day commitment each week with practices 45 minutes before each game. Athletes receive NFL-affiliated jerseys along and the option to purchase additional branded items such as mouthpieces, shorts, socks and more.

23 RecognizeEmail:Phone:Address,Business/Organization:Name:City,State,Zip:meas: (Name/s to be placed on the donor wall, i.e. John and Mary Smith, The Smith Family) WESTERVILLE VETERANS MEMORIAL A rare opportunity; the PROPOSAL Make your mark on the new ClevelandComplexWestervilleconstructioncurrentlyVeteransWestervilleMemorial,underattheSports(325N.Ave.). Donation levels starting at $250 ensure your name (or the name of your loved one) is included on the donation wall at the park. Set to open in November 2022, this new park space will honor those who have served while blending history, culture, art and recreation with the existing environment Bravery Donation Level $250 - $999 Listed on donor wall at Veterans Memorial Print recognition in park dedication brochure Find the full list of donation levels at www.westerville.org/vetsmemorial Please make checks payable to the Westerville Parks Foundation, and return with this completed form to 350 N. Cleveland Ave., Westerville, Ohio 43082. Check and cash donations can also be made in-person at the Westerville Community Center. Scan the QR code to donate via the Westerville Parks Foundation www.westerville.org/vetsmemorialwebsite.

Reliving 4th of July 2022
Westerville’s 4th of July festivities are the envy of many central Ohio communities. This year’s patriotic events were bigger than ever after two years of COVID-related delays and adjustments.
Food, Festivities and Fireworks
Thanks to the Rotary Club of Westerville for leading the efforts to plan these festivities for 60 years and counting.
With the theme “Star Spangled and Strong,” the day started with the annual parade in Uptown Westerville and ended at the Westerville Sports Complex (325 N. Cleveland Ave.) with live music, food trucks, Citysponsored inflatables and, of course, the professional fireworks display.

Pancake Breakfast Bring your family and friends to this monthly breakfast and enjoy pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and co ee. WEDNESDAYS • 7:30 - 10 a.m. WESTERVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER SENIOR (SOUTH) ENTRANCE 350 N. Cleveland Ave. (614) 901-6560 Sept. 7 • Oct. 5 Nov. 2 • Dec. 7 d a y 2 1 y e a r s a g o W W W W E S T E R V I L L E O R G / N E V E R F O R G E T S a t u rd ay, S e p t . 1 0 • 8 a . m . - 2 p . m . We ste r v i l l e S e r v i ce Co m p l ex • 35 0 Pa r k M e a d ow Rd P L E AS E E N T E R F R O M S C H R O C K R OA D F R E E E V E N T * *LATEX PAINT MAY BE DISPOSED OF FOR A FEE (TYPICALLY $1 PER GALLON) H O U S E H O L D H A Z A R D O U S WA ST E CO L L E C T I O N Bring your pooch to the pool for a special swim time for dogs. Dogs are required to have proof of license and immunizations. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. HIGHLANDS PARK AQUATIC CENTER 245 S. SPRING RD. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. small dogs (under 25 lbs) 12 - 2 p.m. all dogs $5 PER DOG 25 EVENTS

26 cards can be purchased at the front desk of the Community Center. Cards are $15 for six visits. EVENTS 26

This class, taught by Debbie Leach, is for the conditioned adult who has good balance and muscle function. Participants will enjoy cardio exercises followed by muscle toning exercises, balance work and stretching. SILVER SPLASH AQUA, CARDIO & TONE SILVER SNEAKERS Drop-in • Free (Silver Sneakers Membership Required) Sept. 19 - Nov. 18 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:05 - 11:55 a.m. • 12 - 12:55 p.m. Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Senior Thursday, Sept. 29 • 12 - 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Get a start on your holiday shopping at this craft fair full of fall, holiday and OSU crafted items. Cash, check and now credit card accepted. Proceeds to benefit Westerville Senior Association. Westerville Community Center • South Entrance 350 N. Cleveland Ave. 27 EVENTS

Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Thursday, Oct. 20 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. $7 Traditional ham and bean dinner with coleslaw, cornbread and dessert. Cash, check and now credit card accepted. We will have sit down and carry out available. Call (614) 901-6560 for details. Proceeds benefit the Westerville Senior Association. teen night Friday, Oct. 7 • Activity #502130-01 Friday, Nov. 4 • Activity #502130-02 6 - 8 p.m. • $5 Westerville Community Center • 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Teen Night will be the highlight of your weekend! Teens will have access to the gynamsium, climbing wall, pool, eSports and adventure fitness. Pizza, snacks and drinks along with music and games will be provided. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. There is a limit of three boxes per household with no charge for the service. No plastic bags or tubs and boxes should not be taped shut. Please note, shredding services will not take place on-site. Please stay in you vehicle. Enter Ho Woods Park from Westdale Avenue. SATURDAY, OCT. 8 • 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. HOFF WOODS PARK 556 McCorkle Blvd. SHREDDING DAY EVENTS 28

Sunday, Oct. 30 • 5:30 - 7 p.m. Activity# 505324-01 $5 • Parents are Free Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
Mom and Me for Tea
Westerville Community Center • 350 N. Cleveland Ave.
zombie Halloween Pool PartyP l Party
Saturday, Nov. 12 • 10-11:30 a.m. Ages 3-8 with Parent $15 • Discounted Resident Rate $10 Per Person Activity #501601-01 Attend a semiformal tea and fashion show with mom or other favorite adult. Wear your favorite party attire or school (preschool) outfit and get ready for an enjoyable morning filled with games, special party favors and a tea party with mini finger foods and sweets. The morning will be topped o with a fashion show featuring all of our party guests. Parents/adults will be asked to write a description of their child's outfit upon arrival.
Zombie lifeguards will be on hand for a haunted trick-or-treat trail through the Community Center. The party then moves to the pool for games, candy and family swim. Children 6 and under must have a parent in the water with them.

Reservation Dates and Times
Residents: Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 12 p.m. Open: Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 10 a.m. Limit of six tickets per household. All participants must present a receipt to obtain entrance.
Monday, Nov. 28 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5 9 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3 9 a.m. 4 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10 a.m. 5 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 6 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 7:30p.m.p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 2 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 3 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28 - Monday, Dec. 5 Everal Homestead and Barn 60 N. Cleveland Ave. $15 per child includes toy & photo with Santa & Mrs. Claus Ages 10 and under suggested Stop by Santa’s Workshop and visit with his elves at the annual Snowflake Castle. Work with an elf and make your very own wooden toy to paint and take home. Stroll through the Homestead and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus (picture included). Don’t forget to check out the trains, Santa’s sleigh and the gift shop. Registration Register at www.westerville.org/registration.
TICKETS REQUIRED for each child who would like a toy. Adults do not need a ticket to attend.
Limitoftwoadultsperticketedchild. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Visit the holiday craft area in the barn at the entrance to the Castle. No need to have a ticket to Snowflake to attend this portion of the event. Cash, check and now credit card accepted.
Interested in volunteering for Snowflake Castle? See the next page for details.

EVENTS E ective December 31, 2022, the City of Westerville will have vacancies on the following Board and Commissions: Planning Commission 4 year term – 2 Vacancies Board of Zoning Appeals 4 year term – 1 Vacancy Uptown Review Board 3 year term – 2 Vacancies Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 3 Year term - 2 Vacancies Personnel Review Board 3 year term – 1 Vacancy Income Tax Review Board 3 year term- 3 Vacancies Visitors and Convention Bureau 3 year term - 1 Vacancy Volunteer Peace O cer Dependents Fund Board 1 year term - 2 Vacancies Volunteer DependentsFirefightersFundBoard 1 year term – 2 Vacancies Visit www.westerville.org for additional information WWW.WESTERVILLE.ORG/REGISTRATION$10PerFamilyZoomTimeSlot(OneToyIncluded) Santa has set time aside to meet with families via Zoom. Each 10-minute, password protected, time slot will allow your family to see and talk with Santa and includes one toy. Additional toys are available for $8. Monday, Dec. 12 4-7:30 p.m. Activity #504330-01 through -15 Tuesday, Dec. 13 9-11:30 a.m. Activity #504331-01 through -12 Zoom! With Santa and his Elves at 31 Snow ake Castle Volunteers Needed Help spread holiday cheer at the annual Snow ake Castle! Santa is looking for helpers to volunteer for the following positions: • Toy Builder • Paint Helper • Toy Wrapper • Santa's Helper Call (614) 901-6560 to volunteer. Snow ake Castle is scheduled Nov. 28 - Dec. 5. Everal Barn 60 N. Cleveland Ave. Enjoy a walk followingJohnston-McVaythroughParkwhilealongwithadierentbookeveryfourmonths.AvailableinSeptemberandOctoberthroughapartnershipwiththeWestervillePublicLibraryis: "The King of Kindergarten" by Derrick VanessaIllustratedBarnesbyBrantley-Newton


Westerville 8/20 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m City Hall Courtyard 8/21 Sounds of Summer 6:30 p.m. Alum Creek Park N. Amphitheater Concert Series 221 W. Main St. 8/22-28 Annual Maintenance at Westerville Community Center WCC Facility Closed 8/24 Planning Commission Meeting 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 8/26 4th Friday 6-9 p.m. Uptown Westerville 8/27 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m. City Hall Courtyard 9/1 Uptown Review Board 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 9/3 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m. City Hall Courtyard 9/5 Labor Day City Offices Closed 9/5 Westerville Community Center - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. WCC Special Holiday Hours HPAC closes for season - 6 p.m. HPAC Yard Waste Delayed Citywide 9/6 Refuse and Recycling Delayed Citywide Yard Waste Pickup Citywide City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 9/7 Refuse and Recycling Pickup Citywide Pancake Breakfast 7:30-10 a.m. WCC Senior Center Program 12 p.m. WCC and Online Pass Holder Class Registration - Online and In-Person 9/8 Class Registration (Residents) - Online 12 p.m. Online Board of Zoning Appeals 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 9/9 Class Registration (Residents) - In-Person 8 a.m. WCC 9/10 Doggie Paddle 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. HPAC Household Hazardous 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Public Service Complex Waste Collection 350 Park Meadow Rd. Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m. City Hall Courtyard 9/11 Class Registration (Open) - Online 12 p.m. Online 9/12 Class Registration (Open) - In-Person 8 a.m. WCC Patriots Day 9/17 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m. City Hall Courtyard 9/18 Cops and Kids Day 12 - 4 p.m. 9/18-24 National Child Passenger Safety Week 9/20 City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 9/23 4th Friday 6-9 p.m. Uptown Westerville 9/24 Autumn Arborfest 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Alum Creek Park North 221 W. Main St. 9/24 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m. City Hall Courtyard 9/24 Skate Late 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Alum Creek Park North 535 Park Meadow Rd. 9/28 Planning Commission Meeting 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 9/29 Senior Craft Fair 12-4 p.m. WCC 9/30 Senior Craft Fair 10 a.m.-3 p.m. WCC 10/1 Uptown Saturday Nights 7 p.m City Hall Courtyard 10/3-9 Public Power Week 10/4 City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 10/5 Pancake Breakfast 7:30-10 a.m. WCC 10/6 Uptown Review Board 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 10/7 Teen Night * 6-8 p.m. WCC 10/8 Shredding Day 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Hoff Woods Park 556 McCorkle Blvd. 10/9-15 Special Needs Swim* 5:30-7 p.m.. WCC 10/9-15 Fire Prevention Week 10/13 Board of Zoning Appeals 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 10/18 City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 10/19-23 The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow 7-11 p.m. Heritage Park 60 N. Cleveland Ave. 10/20 Ham and Bean Dinner 4:30-6:30 p.m. WCC 10/22 Make a Difference Day 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Boyer Nature Preserve 452 E. Park St. 10/17 Curbside Leaf Collection (Week One) Citywide 10/24 Curbside Leaf Collection (Week Two) Citywide 10/26 Planning Commission Meeting 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 10/28 National First Responders Day 10/28 4th Friday 6-9 p.m. Uptown Westerville 10/30 Zombie Halloween Pool Party* 5:30-7 p.m. WCC 10/31 Beggers Night 6-8 p.m. Citywide 10/31 Curbside Leaf Collection (Week Three) Citywide 11/1 City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 11/1 Snowflake Castle Resident Registration 12 p.m. Online 11/2 Snowflake Castle Resident Registration 10 a.m. Online Pancake Breakfast 7:30-10 a.m. WCC 11/3 Uptown Review Board 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers Senior Center Program 12 p.m. WCC and Online Pass Holder Class Registration - Online and In-Person 11/4 Class Registration (Residents) - Online 12 p.m. Online Teen Night * 6-8 p.m. WCC 11/5 Class Registration (Residents) - In-Person 8 a.m. WCC 11/6 Class Registration (Open) - Online 12 p.m. Online 11/7 Class Registration (Open) - In-Person 8 a.m. WCC 11/7 Curbside Leaf Collection (Week Four) Citywide 11/10 Board of Zoning Appeals 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 11/11 Veterans Day and Veterans Memorial Dedication Veterans Day Breakfast* 8:30-10:30 a.m. WCC 11/12 Mom and Me for Tea* 10-11:30 a.m. WCC 11/14 Curbside Leaf Collection (Week Five) Citywide 11/15 City Council Meeting 7 p.m. Council Chambers 11/21 Planning Commission Meeting 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers 11/24 Thanksgiving AUGUST * Registration Required BIMONTHLY OCT. NOV. SEPT. WEEKLY MONDAYS Yard Waste Pickup Citywide TUESDAYS Refuse and Recycling Pickup Citywide MON-FRI DORA 4-10 p.m. Uptown Westerville SAT-SUN DORA 11 a.m. -10 p.m. Uptown Westerville 33

COMMUNITYWESTERVILLE CENTER *Ages 14 and up Annual Rate: Available upon request ^ Proof of Residency Proof of residency is required for each household member ages 6 and older. Types of proof may include a state issued ID, pay stub, utility bill or report card/school registration. Proof of residing is required each time a new person is added to the household. Military Pass The City of Westerville cares for and appreciates its military personnel. All active and retired military will receive a 15% discount on a Community Center pass. Military ID required. PASS TYPE RATE DISCOUNTEDRESIDENTRATE RATE DISCOUNTEDRESIDENTRATE YOUTH (Ages 3-15) $35 $20 $9 $5 ADULT (Ages 16-64) $45 $26 $12 $7 SENIOR (Ages 65+) $42 $24 $11 $6 HOUSEHOLD^ (three or more) $120 $70 NA NA MONTHLY RATES DAILY RATES HOURS Monday - Friday 5:45 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. For your safety, the City of Westerville follows the U.S. Center for Disease Control and the state of Ohio regarding wearing of masks or facial coverings. Visit www.westerville.org for additional information. SPECIAL HOURS ( 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Day before Thanksgiving Christmas Eve New Year’s Eve (Center closes at 5 p.m.) Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS INFORMATION Westerville Senior Center program passes are available to adults 55 or older. Join us and experience the benefits of improved health, lower stress, new skills, greater independence and lasting friends and memories. COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS CLOSED AugustEasterNewChristmasThanksgivingYear’sDay22-28 Rate: Discounted$42 Resident Rate: $24 Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Additional information is available in the Older Adult section or online at www.westerville.org/seniorcenter Call the Senior Center at (614) 901-6560 for questions. YEARLY PASS RATES 34

FITNESS WING & TRACK HOURS FITNESS WING & TRACK HOURS Mon–Fri 5:45 a.m.–9 p.m. Sat 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m. The north fitness wing offers two levels that include squat racks, Smith machines, Olympic benches, plate-loaded equipment, dumbbells and more than 70 pieces of cardiovascular equipment, The agility/ stretching area includes a multi-functional trainer, tank and tire flip along with AirDyne bikes and rowers. The track is 1/7 of a mile long and can be utilized by those ages 14 and older. PERSONAL TRAINING AVAILABLE TO PASS HOLDERS Our certified health and fitness professionals can coach you to achieve optimum fitness results. Information can be located at the Community Center front desk or fitness desk. AUDIO ACCESS AVAILABLE You can now access audio in the fitness area. Scan this code or download AppAudio from your app store. Fitness Wing & Track Thursday, Sept. 8 • 12 p.m. Senior Center Program Pass Holder registration only (In person at the Community Center only and online) Friday, Sept. 9 • 12 p.m. Online Early Registration (Residents Only) Saturday, Sept. 10 • 8 a.m. In-person Registration (Residents Only) Sunday, Sept. 11 • 12 p.m. Online Open Registration (Residents and Non-Residents) Monday, Sept. 12 • 8 a.m. In-person Open Registration (Residents and Non-Residents) REGISTRATION DATES Classes included in this registration period run throughONLINENovember.INPERSON Registration Information HOW TO UPDATE YOUR RESIDENCY STATUS: Contact Utility Billing at (614) 901-6430 or askutilitybilling@westerville.org to confirm your current phone number is on file. Contact Parks and Recreation at (614) 901-6500 or parksandrec@westerville.org to confirm the phone number associated with the account matches the number on file with Utility Billing. Once the phone numbers tied to both accounts match you will no longer need to provide proof of residency. www.westerville.org/registrationWestervilleCommunityCenter350N.ClevelandAve.Westerville,OH43081 35

AREA SPECIFIC HOURS CHILDCARE ROOM Mon–Sat 8:45 a.m.–1 p.m. Mon–Thu 4–8 p.m. Sun Closed RATES $3 per hour for active Community Center Pass holders $5 per hour for all non-pass holders There is no discount for siblings. Punch cards are no longer available. Gymnasium, MAC Gym & Adventure Fitness Course THE GYMNASIUM CONSISTS OF: • Two regulation-size or four smaller basketball courts or four regulation-size volleyball courts. Basketballs and volleyballs are available for your convenience. • Bleachers and easy access to free lockers THE MAC GYM CONSISTS OF: • Adventure fitness course • Regulation-size basketball court or two quarter basketball courts, three pickleball courts, two volleyball courts or one futsal court • Bleachers and easy access to free lockers The gymnasium and MAC gym can be accessed through the north (fitness wing) entrance and main hallway. Parent/guardian may observe children 9 and under at no charge. Hours are subject to change due to special events. Gymnasium hours Mon-Fri 5:45 a.m. 8:30 p.m.** Sat 8 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Sun 10 a.m - 5:30 p.m. adventure fitness course HOURS Mon/Wed/Fri CLOSED Tue/Thu 5:30 8:30 p.m.** Sat 3 7:30 p.m.** Sun 2 - 5 p.m.** CommunityMaintenanceCenterIndoorPoolMaintenanceREMINDER Mon - Fri 3:45-8:15 p.m. * Mon - Fri 4-8:30 p.m. ** Sat/Sun 11:45 a.m.- 4:15 p.m.** Sat/Sun 12 - 4:30 p.m.** eSPORTS ROOM HOURS Mon/Wed/Fri 5:30-8:30 p.m. ** Tue/Thu CLOSED Sat 3-7:30 p.m.** Sun 2-5 p.m.** ZENITH CLIMBING WALL HOURS Closed Aug. 1-Sept. 5 Pass holders may utilize Highlands Park Aquatic Center during this time. Entire Facility closed Aug. 22 - 28. 36

The indoor pool complex at the Community Center is home to new and exciting updates. Adding to the eight-lane competition pool and diving boards is the leisure pool that includes dueling activity slides, shallow play area with a water playground, a lazy river, whirlpool, fountains and deep water lap lanes. The warm water pool is open for classes and activities. See below for open swim hours. Manager at (614) 901-6510 Hole Park Aquatic Center
rental information. Please visit www.westerville.org/wateringhole for up-to-date Lap Lane schedules. SWIMMING UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS
Community Center Maintenance - Indoor Pool
Tue / Thu
Mon /Wed/Fri
Contact the Aquatics
and Highlands
for information regarding Watering
Register for a time slot at www.westerville.org/registration LAP LANE HOURS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Parents of children ages 6 and under must have a swimsuit on and be in the water within arms distance of their child. Please limit time in the hot tub to 15 minutes. Extended Hot Tub use may result in dizziness, nausea and unconsciousness. REMINDER! You are allowed to check in up to 20 minutes prior to the start of your aqua fitness program. POOLLEISUREHOURS ADULT SWIM HOURS ADULT SWIM HOURSfamily SWIM HOURS family SWIM HOURS may be affected due to staff shortage. please visit www.westerville.org/aquatics for updates. there will be an adult swim for 15 minutes at the bottom of every hour during any family swim scheduled for more than two hours. Warm Water Pool HoursHOLIDAY HOURS BUILDING OPEN 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Labor Day, Sept. 5diving boards Watering Hole 37
MON - FRI MON/WED/FRI MON/WED MON/WED/FRI 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. TUE/THU TUES/THU/FRI TUE/THU 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. SAT SAT 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1 - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1 - 5 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1 - 5 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1 - 5 p.m. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. 5:45 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Aug. 1-Sept. 5 Pass holders may utilize Highlands Park Aquatic Center during this time. Facility closed Aug. 22 - 28.

MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Rental Information GENERAL INFORMATION • Rentals must be booked a minimum of two weeks in advance • A 12% fee applies to all caterers • Caterers must be City-approved • Approved nonprofit organizations receive a 25% discount on multipurpose room rentals on a limited basis • Weekend reservations may be made up to 12-months prior to event • A no-alcohol policy applies. • Linens are not included with rental • Projector and podium available for additional fee For additional information, visit www.westerville.org/rentals. The Community Center offers many options for room rentals. The multipurpose rooms located at the south end of the building host numerous classes and special events and are popular rental spaces. They can be reserved as one 3,515 square foot room or be separated into three smaller rooms and rented individually. The flexibility of the space can accommodate any event, from wedding receptions to graduation parties. Rental Opportunities Choose from a variety of all-inclusive options for your child’s unforgettable day. All party packages include a private room (partial), party specialist and themed paper products. Party pricing is based on 13 children or less with a maximum of 25 people including adults. A $4 charge will be added for each additional child. A minimum of three adults must be in Visitattendance.www.westerville.org/parks for additional information. PARTY HAVE YOUR BIRTHDAY AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER Please call (614) 901-6500 for information. BIRTHDAY PARTY RESERVATION WEEKEND RATES FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Rental Hours: 5-hour minimum ONE ROOM Rate: $105 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $70 per hour TWO ROOMS Rate: $135 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $90 per hour THREE ROOMS Rate: $165 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $110 per hour ROOM AVAILABILITIES MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Fri 5–10 p.m. Sat 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Please contact the Facilities Specialist at kim.sipe@westerville.org. RENTAL RESERVATION CONTACT$45Discounted Resident Rate $30 AVAILABLE WITH MULTIPURPOSE ROOM RENTAL ONLY KITCHEN • The same for residents and non-residents • Will be used for any damages/cleaning • May not be used toward rental fees SECURITY DEPOSIT Friday - Sunday and Holidays $250 CLIMBING WALL RENTAL Need some hang time? The Zenith Climbing Wall is available for private rentals. Perfect for youth, scout or any kind of group. Additional charges apply for more climbers or time. Call the Program Supervisor at (614) 901-6563. Rentals not available during open climbing sessions or lessons and based on staff availability. Rental Reservations must be made three weeks in advance. Rentals are not available on holidays. TWO HOUR RENTAL FOR 20 CLIMBERS Rate: Discounted$150 Resident Rate: $100 WATERING HOLE RENTAL The Watering Hole is available for rentals when not in use for Westerville Parks and Recreation Department programs or scheduled open swim and lap swim times. Rental fees vary based on time of day. Approved nonprofit organizations will receive a 25% discount on a limited basis. Please visit www.westerville.org/rentals for more information or call the Aquatics Manager at (614) 901-6510 to schedule a rental for your group. 38

From commissioning artist-designed displays and sculptures, ordering more than 1,500 fresh pumpkins, and setting up infrastructure along the walking trail, The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow takes months to plan and execute. City departments including Parks and Recreation, Community Affairs, Police, Fire and Electric all collaborate to bring this one of a kind event to Westerville.
The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow is returning to its original, festival style format for 2022! The emergence and spread of COVID-19 has shaken not only individuals, but events as well. After reformatting the event in 2020 to a drive through and in 2021 as a parks tour, we are excited to bring this event back to life as a family friendly fall festival.
“This event has a special staying power in the community. No matter the format, residents and visitors alike love this event. The appeal to adults and children alike is what makes this event so successful,” said Special Events and Program Manager, Derrick McPeak. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever, with improved jack-o-lantern and pumpkin themed displays, food trucks, and fall themed entertainment and attractions that will include axe throwing, glow in the dark mini golf, inflatables and much more! Visit www.westerville.org/pumpkinglow more

STARTTRAIL MazeStraw Shuttle Drop O Event EntranceTicketingTent Food TrucksFood Court Tent PuttLED Putt ThrowingAxeMechanicalPumpkinRide BowlingPumpkin A LUM CREEK PiePumpkinToss Parking and shuttles to and from Pumpkin Glow are available at the following locations: CrossPointe Church (no Wednesday parking) 119 N. Cleveland Ave. Westerville Community Center 350 N. Cleveland Ave The Point at Otterbein 60 Collegeview Rd. COTA Westerville Park and Ride 310 W. Main St. 40

TRAILEND RestroomsandBouncePumpkinHouseInflatables For event updates and tickets, please WWW.WESTERVILLE.ORG/PUMPKINGLOWvisit 41

Murray’s favorite part of being a food artist is the way people react when they see his art. He says he loves hearing “WOW! Is that really food?” or “Is that a real pumpkin?” when working on projects.
Dean Murray is back for his third season of The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow as part of the team from the local company Rock on Ice. He is one of the top pumpkin carvers in the nation and his attention to detail and whimsical style have landed him on numerous TV competition shows. Murray has been featured on the Food Network four times and recently appeared on the Disney+ series Foodtastic where he was the winner of two episodes. He has even carved Pumpkins at the White House!
From concept to install, I learn along the way to create something that is new and different.”
Tony Ball is back for his third season of The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow. Ball, the owner of Tork Collaborative Arts, has been creating unique artistic and sculptural installations and functional works for commercial and individual clients for more than 25
Ball’s other works can be seen at Towers Park in Westerville (Nature’s First Green shelter), Easton Town Center, Friendship Village of Dublin, Franklin Park Conservatory, and many other locations locally and nationally.
Working on Westerville’s event is so special for him because of the team’s ability to “innovate and push to be even better when it’s already one of the best shows he’s been involved with.”
Locally and nationally known artists design pumpkins and scenery for The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow.
TONY BALL Sculptor and Artist • Columbus, Ohio DEAN MURRAY Food Carver and Pumpkin Artist • Tillamook, Oregon
“The Westerville Pumpkin Glow is filled with so many one of a kind artworks from start to finish,” said Murray. “And I am proud to be a part of it.”
Arts was integral in bringing the very first Pumpkin Glow to life in 2019, designing and building nearly all of the displays and sculptures for the event. Ball has even developed a method for molding and casting custom foam pumpkins for this event. As a student of Columbus College of Art and Design, his dream was to create 3-D illustrations and create monsters and props, so this event is an annual nod to his beginnings as an artist.
Thriving under pressure is one of his strong suits.
Ball’s favorite spooky themed art piece to date is the “Pumpkin Tree” (pictured above) featured in the Sleepy Hollow display at Pumpkin Glow. “I really enjoy the personality of that piece.”
“I try to emulate nature with a twist of whimsy in most things I make while taking the longevity of the fabrication and finish into account,” said Ball.
Gourdgeous Works of Art
“It was so fun working with great friends and great artists.” said Murray, recalling his time on Disney+ Foodtastic. “I think working under a time limit and in front of a camera often brings out some of my best work. There are so many cameras that they don’t miss anything. The time limit does not allow you to second guess your choices; you just have to keep pushing to finish the whole piece.”
On being involved in Pumpkin Glow he says, “My favorite part of this process is allowing my creative side to shine to create the best possible displays.

Planning a picnic or get-together? There are a variety of shelters located in various parks throughout the City of Westerville that can be rented for a $25 refundable deposit. A full list of rentable shelter locations is available at www.westerville.org/shelterrentals SHELTERRENTALS Shelter rentals are now scheduled online www.westerville.org/registration RENT ONLINE! EVERAL HOUSE EVERAL BARN (UPPER & LOWER LEVELS) EVERAL BARN (LOWER ROOM ONLY) ENTIRE FACILITY (HOUSE AND BARN) ROOMS/RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES EVERAL BARN AND HOMESTEAD AT HERITAGE PARK MONDAY – THURSDAY Minimum Rental Hours: 3 Rate: $120 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $80 per hour FRIDAY – SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Minimum Rental Hours: 5 Rate: $260 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $150 per hour MONDAY – THURSDAY Minimum Rental Hours: 3 Rate: $95 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $60 per hour FRIDAY – SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Minimum Rental Hours: 5 Rate: $200 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $115 per hour MONDAY – THURSDAY Minimum Rental Hours: 3 Rate: $150 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $100 per hour FRIDAY – SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Minimum Rental Hours: 5 Rate: $350 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $200 per hour MONDAY – THURSDAY Minimum Rental Hours: 3 Rate: $80 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $55 per hour FRIDAY – SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Minimum Rental Hours: 5 Rate: $175 per hour Discounted Resident Rate: $100 per hour 60 N. Cleveland Ave., Westerville, Ohio 43081 www.westerville.org/parks Security Deposits are: • The same for residents and non-residents • Will be used for any damages/cleaning • May not be used toward rental fees SECURITY DEPOSITS Monday - Thursday $150 Friday - Sunday and Holidays $250 PLEASE NOTE Beer and wine are permitted inside the Everal Barn and Homestead during rentals through an approved caterer only. Please contact the facilities specialist for additional information. GENERAL INFORMATION Rentals must be booked a minimum of two weeks in advance A 12% fee applies to all food and beverage provided by a caterer Caterers must be City-approved Approved nonprofit organizations receive a 25% discount on a limited basis Additional fee for wedding rehearsals Limited beer and wine permitted by an approved caterer only Linens and decor not included with rental Projector and podium available for an additional fee Lower level of Barn accommodates up to 50 people Upper and lower levels of Barn accommodates up to 120 people (pending table and chair configuration.) Everal Barn and Homestead reservations may be made up to 12 months prior to event Reservations begin on the first business day of the month (example June 1 of current year for June of following year rental) EVERAL OFFICE HOURS Tuesday 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. APPOINTMENTS are recommended. Please call ahead. Please contact the Facilities Specialist at (614) 901-6515, (614) 901-6578 or kim.sipe@westerville.org for more information. 43

In an effort to ensure safety and security, all participants in morning swim lessons, adult swim and toddler swim should gather their belongings and exit the facility BEFORE the facility reopens for regular hours of operation.
Visit www.westerville.org/aquatics or the HPAC front desk for details.
Any participant that has paid a daily admission in the morning session that wishes to return may reenter through the pass holder line.
Capacity: Days in which we experience larger than normal crowds, we will shut down access to daily admission guests to help ensure enough room for our season pass holders. If our facility reaches full capacity, we will restrict all access and assess our capacity levels after each rest period.
Daily Waiver: Before arriving at HPAC, visit www.westerville.org/parks to fill out the Parks and Recreation Facility Waiver form required for each daily admission. Once the form is filled out and signed by an adult it is good for one full year. Pass holders do not need to fill out the daily waiver.
JOIN OUR TEAM Westerville Parks & Recreation is looking for part-time lifeguards to help keep swimmers safe. Interested in serving the community poolside? Apply at
245 S. Spring Rd., Westerville, Ohio 43081 (614) 901-POOL (7665) For weather related information regarding programs, please call (614) 901-SWIM (7946). SEASON PASS PRICES Single Adult $140/ $80 Single Youth $140/ $80 Seniors $78 / $45 Family of Two $225 / $130 Family of Three $277 / $160 Family of Four $312 / $180 Family of Five $330/ $190 Family of Six $347/ $200 Family of Seven + $365/ $210 Family Guest Pass $124/ $70 (limit two) SEASON PASS SALES Passes are available for purchase at the Westerville Community Center and HPAC (after opening day). Rate / Discounted Resident Rate * Purchase your daily pass at DAILYwww.westerville.org/registrationRATES* Daily Rate: $15 Discounted Resident Daily Rate: $7 HOURS OF OPERATION LATE SEASON HOURS (Aug. 11 - Sept. 5) Visit www.westerville.org/hours for updates. ADULT SWIMS There will be a 15-minute adult swim at the bottom of every hour, weather permitting. WEATHER AquaticCenterHIGHLANDSPARK The Highlands Park Aquatic Center has something for everyone and features a leisure pool, speed and body slide tower, a zero-entry toddler pool with a slide, a spray playground, lazy river and eight-lane, 25-meter pool with diving well. Also available are patio and cabana rentals, a concession stand and family restrooms.

AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED
INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED AQUAFLEX INSTRUCTOR(S): Leslie DebbieWarthman^Leach^^ AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 This water class focuses on balance, flexibility and joint movement while building muscle. This class is taught by a certified Arthritis Foundation instructor and is great for those with arthritis, fibromyalagia and/or joint problems. Meets in the warm water pool.
HYDRORIDER Dupont RESIDENT RATE: $75 Wake-up your workout with this higher intensity version of HydroRider. Get ready climb hills, sprint, cruise and incorporate intervals of power moves to strengthen the upper/lower body. feel the water move around increasing the workload on core stabilizer muscles and feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. Fitness shoes are required. # Date Time Day(s) 505306-01 20 -Nov.
17 12 -12:45 p.m. Tue/Thu Oct. 30 5:30 - 7 p.m. Activity#$5505324-01 ZOMBIE HALLOWEEN POOL PARTY
Sept. 20- Nov. 17 7:15-8 a.m. Tue/Thu AEROBICS / FITNESS / LESSONS INTERMEDIATE WATER TONING INSTRUCTOR(S): Paula Hamilton AGE(S): 16 and up The class incorporates the use of upper/ lower body muscles. The warm-up includes basic aerobic exercises, followed by a moving river segment, ending with a toning segment using resistance equipment to add useful intensity. The cool down segment stresses flexibility and relaxation. RATE: $125 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $110 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505303-01 Sept.19-Nov.18 8:55-9:55 a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri INTERMEDIATE COMBO WATER WORKOUT INSTRUCTOR(S): Paula DebbieHamiltonLeach^^ AGE(S): 16 and up A shallow water, total body workout that combines weight resistance, aerobic activity and flexibility. Emphasizes aerobic activity and is great a cross-training routine. RATE: $125 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $110 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505304-01^ Sept.19-Nov. 18 10 -11a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505304-02^^ Sept. 20 -Nov. 17 12 -1p.m. Tue/Thu WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org INTERMEDIATE DEEP WATER CONDITIONING INSTRUCTOR(S): Sylvia Robinson ^ Jeanne Smith ^^ AGE(S): 16 and up This class uses the deep area of the lap pool for cardiovascular, strength and tone workouts. Participants will enhance their flexibility, aerobic capacity and overall fitness. Participants must be comfortable in deep water. RATE: $125 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $110 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505308-01^ Sept. 19-Nov. 18 9:30-10:30 a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505308-02^^ Sept. 20-Nov. 17 9:30 -10:30 a.m. Tue/Thu BEGINNER WATER YOGA INSTRUCTOR(S): Karen Dawson AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Let the peaceful music create a pleasant environment for you to practice yoga. In the calming effect of water you will practice deep breathing techniques, increase your flexibility and balance, and develop a stronger body core through yoga poses. Research shows that the deep breathing exercises and relaxation/meditation techniques used lowers blood pressure. Meets in the warm water pool. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505302-01 Sept.
INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED ADULT FITNESS SWIM INSTRUCTOR(S): Jeanne Smith AGE(S): 16 and up Gain the benefit of an organized group practice while increasing your knowledge and skills with fitness swimming. This onehour class has individual workouts ranging from 800-2500 yards. Not for beginners. $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Activity # Date Time Day(s) Sept. 20-Nov. 17 5:50 - 6:50 a.m. Tue/Thu 505309-02 Sept. 20-Nov. 17 8:15 - 9:15 a.m. Tue/Thu ALL LEVELS
Activity # Date Time Day(s) ^ Sept. 20-Nov. 17 9:45 -10:45 a.m. Tue/Thu 505301-02^^ Sept. 20-Nov. 17 10:45 -11:45 a.m. Tue/Thu

ALL LEVELS SILVER SPLASH: AQUA, CARDIO & TONE INSTRUCTOR(S): Debbie StephanieLeachBellflower^^ AGE(S): 50 and up with Silver Sneakers membership FREE: (Silver Sneakers membership required) This class is for the conditioned adult who has good balance and good muscle function. There will be 35 minutes of cardio exercise followed by muscle toning exercises, balance work and stretching. Schedule subject to change. Please see front desk for updates. Date Time Day(s) Sept.13-Dec. 15^^ 8 - 8:45 a.m. Tue/Thu Sept.19 -Nov. 18 ^ 11:15 - 11:55 a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri Sept.19 -Nov. 18^ 12:05-12:50 p.m. Mon/Wed/Fri WCCINTERMEDIATE WATER FITNESS INSTRUCTOR(S): Leslie Warthman AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 This class combines the benefits of aerobic conditioning with resistance training to boost energy levels and increase strength and flexibility through the use of noodles, handbells and balls. With an emphasis on utilizing the natural properties of water, this workout can be as challenging as you wish to make it! Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505305-01 Sept. 19-Nov. 16 6-7 p.m. Mon/Wed INTERMEDIATE SPECIAL NEEDS SWIM AGE(S): 2-15 RATE: $5 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $5 Join us this fall for a fun and exciting special needs swim session where families can swim without the addition of crowds and enjoy a discounted rate. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505323-01 Oct. 9 5:30-7 p.m. Sun INTERMEDIATE INDOOR TRIATHLON INSTRUCTOR(S): Recreation Staff AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $25 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $20 Westerville’s first indoor triathlon! Timed events including swimming, stationary bike and track running will take place within the Westerville Community Center. It will be a non-traditional format, where all participants compete for one hour (20 minutes per discipline). Participants will have their own swim lane and bike but share the indoor track. Times will be combined to determine your total distance. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505322-01 Oct. 2 7-8 a.m. Sun 505322-02 Oct. 2 8-9 a.m. Sun 505322-03 Oct. 2 9-10 a.m. Sun INTERMEDIATEINTERMEDIATE SHALLOW WATER FITNESS INSTRUCTOR(S): Dupont^/Dawson^^ AGE(S): 16 and up Shallow water class is designed to work your entire body. Class includes cardiovascular training as well as strength, toning and flexibility segments. Splash your way into a new level of fitness. RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505307-01 Sept. 20-Nov. 17 8:15-9:15 a.m. Tue/Thu RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505307-02 Sept. 23-Nov. 18 7:55-8:55 a.m. Fri Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration AQUATICS INTERMEDIATE WATERCIZE INSTRUCTOR(S): Lori Robinson AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Formerly Aquacize. An aerobic workout that includes toning and stretching using buoyant and resistive equipment. Meets in the warm water pool. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505300-01 Sept. 20-Nov. 17 8:45 -9:45 a.m. Tue/Thu INTERMEDIATE DEEP WATER LAP & SWIM INSTRUCTOR(S): Jeanne Smith AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 This class is one part aqua fitness in the lap pool and one part lap swim. Participants should be comfortable in deeper water. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505311-01 Sept.19-Nov.16 10:30-11:30a.m. Mon/Wed ALL LEVELS FREESTYLE CLINIC INSTRUCTOR(S): Jeanne Smith AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $60 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $50 Through drills and guided practice you can master a more efficient freestyle stroke. The class is about perfecting form, not logging laps. Must be able to swim at least one length of the pool. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505310-01 Sept. 19-Oct. 26 6:30-7:30 p.m. Mon/Wed Swim lessons are designed to teach swimmers how to be comfortable in the water. Lessons run from toddler-age through adult. For information org/aquatics.www.westerville.visitActivity#505320 SWIM LESSONS 46
up RATE: $53 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $43 This class fuses several moves to strength and tone the core. A great complement
Date Time Day(s) 505250-01 Oct. 10 - Dec. 19 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Mon WEIGHTS
INSTRUCTOR(S): Katie Stolte-Carroll AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Twenty minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of strength and 20 minutes of coreconditioning. A variety of formats and styles including (Tabata, HIIT, boot camp, kickboxing, bands, kettlebells, etc.) will be implemented to keep class fun! #
505230-01 Oct.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 This is a weight-training class that uses resistance tools to train specific muscles in order to improve muscular tone, strength and endurance. You will burn more fat while gaining lean muscle. # Date Time Day(s) 505228-01 Oct. 9 - Dec. 18 10:15-11:15 a.m. Richard AGE(S): and to Date Time Day(s) Oct. 11 - Dec. 22 4:50 - 5:20 p.m. Tue/Thu Day(s) 11- Dec. 10 :15 11:15 a
ALL LEVELS COURT SPORT FITNESS INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Pickleball or tennis anyone? The class will include a warm-up and selected strength exercises for upper and lower body. The focus is on injury prevention through muscle conditioning and body control. Suitable for all abilities with modifications. Activity # Date Time
INSTRUCTOR(S): Gena Richard AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $85 Improve cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength with this interval class alternating a high/low impact cardio segment with a strength training segment followed by stretching movements and core work set to upbeat music. # Date Time Day(s) 505202-01* Oct.11-Dec. 22 5:30 -6:30 p.m. Tue /Thu 20-20-20
m. Tue FITNESS & WELLNESS INTERMEDIATE CYCLE FUSION INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $15 per class DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $10 per class A great combination of indoor cycling, strength and core. You never know what you are going to get! Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505297-01* Oct.10-Dec.23 9:15-10:15a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri AEROBICS / FITNESS / YOGA FIT & FABULOUS INSTRUCTOR(S): Terri Hurtt AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 Train your heart and muscles at the same time with a “high reps/low weight/no-rest” format. Fast-paced program made for maximum muscular endurance and strength. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505240-01* Oct. 8-Dec. 17 9:30 -10:30 a.m. Sat GREAT SHAPES LOW IMPACT INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $85 Join this super-supportive class to add steps to the day and improve cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility. Ideal for the beginner, overweight and older exercisers but designed for multiple ability levels. Steps are easy to learn and can be adjusted for high/low format. Hand-weight exercises for upper body, floor work and stretching complete each workout. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505203-01* Oct. 11 - Dec. 22 6:30-7:45 p.m. Tue/Thu 505203-02** Oct.10 - Dec.21 1:15-2:15p.m. Mon/Wed ALL LEVELS GLUTES & ABS INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman AGE(S): 14 and up Strengthening the core and glutes will make a difference in your other workouts and your overall fitness. As the class progresses, you will feel yourself gaining confidence. RATE: $27 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $22 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505234-01 Oct. 10 - Dec. 19 7:50 - 8:20 p.m. Mon RATE: $25 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $20 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505234-02* Oct. 8 - Dec. 17 10:15-10:45 a.m. Sat Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 27 INTERMEDIATE * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED * NO CLASS: Nov. 23, 25 INTERMEDIATE * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 ALL LEVELS NO CLASS: * Nov. 24 ** Nov. 23 47
a regular strength training exercise program. Activity #

work when you can get your desired results in the middle of your work-day? This workout focuses on complete body and core conditioning. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505251-01* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 11:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Wed HIP HOP CARDIO INSTRUCTOR(S): Marietta Weaver AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 This energetic, high/low intensity class will get your heart pumping while you express your inner rhythm. Get ready for a full-body workout, simple-to-follow choreography and fresh dance combos. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505221-01* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 6:35-7:35 p.m. Wed ALL LEVELS HIP HOP STRENGTH INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 What better mix for your fit than a weights class choreographed to your favorite hip hop and pop music? We will push your muscles as we blast the beats. Be ready to sweat! Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505292-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 6:45-7:45 p.m. Mon WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS NO CLASS: * Nov. 23 ** Nov. 25 ALL LEVELS NO CLASS: * Nov. 24 ** Nov. 25 FITNESS WELLNESS& 48
Activity # Date Time Day(s) * Oct. 12-Dec. 21 9:15 -10:15 a.m. Wed
INSTRUCTOR(S): Trish Redd / Sandra McCann AGE(S): 14 and up Join Trish and Sandee for a class that offers a total body workout with a fun mixture of great and motivating music that includes cardio, strength training and stretching. is created so you can keep your workout level low, medium or high.
LIFT & HIIT Beth Henman AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RATE: $40 This strength class will take your fit to the next level using weights, kettlebells, steps and discs for a muscle-building, metabolism-boosting, core-rocking workout that changes each week. You will tone and strengthen all large muscle groups plus work in cardio with modifications.
Activity Date Time Day(s) $55 $45 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 8 -9a.m. Mon Oct. 12-Dec. 21 8 -9a.m. Wed Oct. 14-Dec. 23 8 -9a.m. Fri
INSTRUCTOR(S): Trish Redd AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $35 $30 Why wait until after
Activity # Date Time Day(s) Oct.12-Dec. 21 7:45- 8:45 p.m. Wed
INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 This cardio class includes Zumba, Hip Hop and LaBlast® Dance Fitness songs for a fun and varied workout. Modifications for all steps/moves are provided. Class finishes with a stretch and cool down session.
LOW IMPACT AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Ellen Blaha AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 Gain endurance, strength and flexibility with less stress on your joints. Steps are easy to learn and can be adjusted for high/low format. Hand-weight exercises for upper body, floor work and stretching complete each workout. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505205-01* Oct. 8-Dec. 17 9:15 -10:15 a.m. Sat ALL LEVELS MUSCLES IN MOTION INSTRUCTOR(S): Trish Redd AGE(S): 14 and up This is a weight-training class that uses resistance tools to train specific muscles in order to improve muscular tone, strength and endurance. You will burn more fat while gaining lean muscle. Activity # Date Time Day(s) RATE: $35 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $30 505207-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 12:15-1p.m. Mon RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 505207-02 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 7:45 -8:45p.m. Tue RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 505207-03* Oct. 13-Dec. 24 7:45 -8:45p.m. Thu 505207-04** Oct. 14-Dec. 23 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Fri TOTAL BODY STRENGTH INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Amici AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 Designed to build strength, endurance and muscle mass to speed metabolism. Participants will benefit from weightbearing exercises, core training and stretching for a complete workout. Simply bring water-weights and mat are provided. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505224-01* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 5:30 -6:30 p.m. Wed ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS L a BLAST ® DANCE FITNESS AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $35 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $30 A life-changing dance fitness program that inspires the mind and transforms the body while teaching the true skill of dance. Inspired by Dancing with the Stars, this energizing class blends ballroom dancing with calorie-blasting interval training. INSTRUCTOR(S): Linda Scovern Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505210-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 11:30a.m. -12:15 p.m. Mon INSTRUCTOR(S): Katy Tombaugh Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505260-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 5:15-6 p.m. Mon
LEVEL 1 - HATHA LEVEL 2 - HATHA YOGA FOR HEALTH INSTRUCTOR(S): Gwen Surratt AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 Students need to be able to get up and down from the floor. It is appropriate for beginners and anyone who wants to refresh their yoga practice. We do standing, balancing, sun salutations, seated and reclining poses, breath (Pranayama) practice and meditations. Bring two blocks, a strap and a mat. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505220-01* Oct. 13-Dec. 22 6:15 -7:15 p.m. Thu This practice is a level II Hatha. Students need to be able to move through Sun Salutations and go a little deeper in the foundational poses. We will continue with breath practice and meditation. Please bring two blocks, a strap and a mat. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505220-02* Oct. 13-Dec. 22 7:30 -8:30 p.m. Thu DYNAMIC PILATES INSTRUCTOR(S): Lara Uher AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 Get invigorated and relax by integrating basic and intermediate Pilates exercises using small Pilates equipment, yoga poses and mindfulness-based stress reduction. Integrating disciplines will promote a stronger, leaner, more flexible body while supporting core strength, spinal alignment, overall concentration and connection with the body as a whole. Familiarity with Pilates is recommended. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505209-01* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 5:30 -6:30 p.m. Wed STEP & SCULPT INSTRUCTOR(S): Terri Hurtt AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $85 A high-intensity step workout using basic step patterns to strengthen the cardiovascular system while having fun. Using weights, bands and/or bars, this class will sculpt and tone from head to toe. General step proficiency is recommended. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505206-01* Oct. 11-Dec. 22 6:35 - 7:35 p.m. Tue/Thu BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE WELLNESS STRETCHING INSTRUCTOR(S): April Merryman AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 Participants will learn how to stretch their muscles to promote relief from day to day aches and pains, as well as boost their range of motion. Proper use of a foam roller and therapy ball will be included. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505252-01* Oct. 14-Dec. 23 10-11a.m. Fri INTERMEDIATE VINYASA YOGA INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 In this class you will link several poses together to create strength, flexibility, endurance and balance working all parts of the body. Leave feeling refreshed, elongated and strong. Please bring a yoga mat. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505237-01* Oct. 13-Dec. 22 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Thu ALL LEVELS BAND STRENGTH AND SCULPT INSTRUCTOR(S): Sarah Crittenden AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Utilizing exercise bands and other equipment, this class will help you tone muscles and gain strength in a new and exciting way. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505296-01 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 9:15-10:15a.m. Tue INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR(S): Beth Henman AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 A dance fitness class that is fun, high-energy and makes you feel amazing! We’ll take the “work” out of your workout by mixing lowintensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance party. With its great music this class will feel like exercise in disguise. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505222-01 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 6:15-7:15 p.m. Tue Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration STRENGTH & MORE INSTRUCTOR(S): Robin Andes AGE(S): 14 and up Tone up and sculpt a strong, lean, fit body. Research suggests that lifting weights can reduce your risk of osteoporosis and increase your metabolic rate. If you’ve never lifted weights before, or simply want to build on your established routine, you’ll find this class motivating and helpful. Activity # Date Time Day(s) RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 505233-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Mon RATE: $50 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $40 505233-02* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Wed INTERMEDIATE * NO CLASS: Nov. 22 BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE * NO CLASS: Nov. 25 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 INTERMEDIATE * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 * NO CLASS: Nov. 24 INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 CYCLE AND CORE INSTRUCTOR(S): Trish Redd AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $15 per class DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $10 per class A fun, heart-pumping workout set to great music! You control the resistance and pedal speed creating just the right intensity for you. Suitable for all abilities with modifications. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505223-01 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 9:30-10:30a.m. Tue 505223-02* Oct. 8-Dec. 17 8:30-9:30a.m. Sat ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 49 FITNESS WELLNESS&
TAI CHI FOR HEALTH INSTRUCTOR(S): Tony Palumbo AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $95 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 Tai Chi is practiced using a series of slow movements and focused breathing techniques that build balance and strength. Participants will relax while enjoying many health benefits including memory improvement, low-impact exercise and risk of fall reduction. This session allows people of all ages and fitness levels to start easily and continue to practice safely to improve overall health. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505293-04* Oct. 9-Dec. 18 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun ALL LEVELS WARRIOR POWER YOGA INSTRUCTOR(S): Nicole Dodds AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $120 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $105 You will be guided through powerful Asana sequences with a dynamic mix of postures. Expect to sweat and tone as we challenge our muscles with pulsing, balancing poses and flows. This class will provide a full body workout. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505225-01 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 7:30-8:30p.m. Tue ALL LEVELS DEEP RELEASE INSTRUCTOR(S): Emma O’Keefe AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $95 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 This class is gently offers a deep release for the muscles in the entire body. The slower pace allows you to sink into a beautiful state of calm. No previous yoga experience required. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505299-01 Oct. 11-Dec. 20 8:15-9 a.m. Tue ALL LEVELS POWER PILATES INSTRUCTOR(S): Katy Tombaugh AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $120 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $105 A low-impact format combining a slightly quicker essential Mat Pilates (done with creative modifications/variations) and traditional fitness intervals. A blend of floor work, standing drills and balance challenges allows for a wide variety of skills to be developed aspiring to provide a fun, upbeat and engaging experience for body and mind. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505257-01 Oct. 10-Dec. 19 4-5 p.m. Mon WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org Anyone under the age of 16 must have an adult enroll and accompany them to class. PARTICIPANTSUNDERTHEAGEOF1616 Are you interested in getting back into fitness and are over the age of 55? Visit the Older Adults section for a full array of classes specifically designed for those ages 55 and up. FITNESS FOR THE OVER 5555 ALL LEVELS YOGA FLOW INSTRUCTOR(S): Lara Uher AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 Focuses on pairing breath with movement to build a strong and stable core. We will flow through a series of poses to not only strengthen the abdominals, but the entire body, improving posture, spinal health, balance and increase flexibility. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505208-01* Oct. 12-Dec. 21 6:45-7:45 p.m. Wed HATHA YOGA INSTRUCTOR(S): Prasant Joshii AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 Learn age-old, time-tested techniques with an emphasis on core strength, flexibility and balance; as well as concentration and breath control in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. This class is based on physical postures (Asanas), deep breathing techniques (Pranayamas), Hasya Yoga (Laughter Yoga), guided muscle relaxation, mindfulness and listening to the body. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505298-01* Oct. 9-Dec. 18 10:15-11:15 a.m. Sun ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 27 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 23 ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 27 VINYASA FUNKY FLOW INSTRUCTOR(S): Melissa Hoyt AGE(S): 14 and up RATE: $110 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $95 For all of you yoga lovers out there craving a bit of creativity and unpredictability! You will be guided through a vibrant, fluid practice with unexpected transitions and a funky twist on traditional movement. Get ready to think and move outside the box in this fun class. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 505238-01* Oct. 8-Dec. 17 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Sat ALL LEVELS * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 FITNESS WELLNESS& 50
AGE(S): 8.5 - 10 4TH GRADE BOYS # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-01 Jan. 7 - Mar. 11 8 - 6:30 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 9 - 11 5TH GRADE BOYS # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-02 Jan. 7 - Mar. 11 8 - 6:30 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 10.5 - 12 6TH GRADE BOYS Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-03 Jan. 7 - Mar. 11 8 - 6:30 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 11 - 14 7TH/8TH GRADE BOYS Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-04 Jan. 7 - Mar. 11 8 - 6:30 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 8.5 - 11 4TH/5TH GRADE - - p.m.-Activity # Dates Day(s) -01 Nov. 7-Dec. 12 5:30-6:30 p.m. Mon AGE(S): 6 - 7 Activity # Dates Time Day(s) Nov. 7-Dec. 12 6:30-7:30 p.m. Mon Creek South Park 535 Park Meadow Rd.ACS
Sat AGE(S): 10.5
13 7TH/8TH GRADE GIRLS Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-06 Jan. 7
RESIDENT RATE: $45 Participants will learn the fundamentals of indoor rock climbing, build self esteem and improve their physical fitness while taking part in fun and educational climbing games. At the end of the session the climber’s can invite their favorite adult to join in the fun by climbing along with the class. Participants must wear closed-toe rubber-soled shoes, all other equipment is provided.
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff RATE: $75 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $60 Join the fun and participate in our upcoming street hockey league. The league is designed for all skill levels even if you have never played before. All equipment will be provided. Tennis shoes and mouthguards are required. Teams will practice once a week prior to Saturday games. Volunteer coaches needed.
GIRLS Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 406104-05 Jan. 7
INSTRUCTOR: Jaclyn Davis AGE(S): 8-12 RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Learn the basics of indoor rock climbing with experienced staff through fun climbing games and skill challenges. Emphasis will be on safety, techniques and practical skills; including bouldering and beginning belay training. Participants must wear closed-toe rubber-soled shoes, all other equipment is provided. Time Day(s) Sept. 27-Oct. 25 6:45-7:45 p.m. Tue Paraprofessional Instructor - Michael London A variety of sports will be available for play. $5 per participant / Aides are free
Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. $5 per participant
AGE(S): 6-8 Activity # Dates Time Day(s)
Mar. 11 8
This drop-in program is for all ages to enjoy the game of futsal. Players under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Hone your skills, meet new friends and enjoy some friendly competition. Goals and limited balls are provided.
6:30 p.m. Sat LITTLE BALLERS BASKETBALL INSTRUCTOR: Bally Sports Group RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $85 Players are taught the fundamentals of dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding, defense and the concept of game play in an easy-to-understand atmosphere utilizing fun terminology and engaging activities. Each week players participate in developmentally appropriate instruction and recreational, non competitive game play. AGE(S): 4-5
INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff RATE: $125 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $110 Youth basketball league focusing on the fundamentals of basketball and sportsmanship. All teams will practice once a week and game play will occur on Saturdays. Everyone plays! All players will receive an NBA or WNBA reversible uniform. All players must complete an online skills evaluation, which will be sent out in early November. Roster spots fill quickly. A waitlist will be created for those unable to be placed in league. Participants will be required to register in person after Nov. 17.
Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 509101-01 Sept. 27-Oct. 25 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tue CLIMBING KIDS
Mar. 11 8
Every Friday night from 6-7:30 p.m. DR INP ALL INCLUSIVE OPEN GYM
506160-01 Oct. 1-Nov. 12 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 9-12 Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 506160-02 Oct. 1-Nov. 12 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sat ACS
Activity # Dates

INSTRUCTOR(S): Recreation Staff AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $3 This weekly drop-in program will provide please contact our sports division at sports@westerville.org. 6 - 8.5 1ST/ 2ND GRADE Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 306190-01 Oct. 8 - Nov. 12 8:15 - 10:15 a.m. Sat AGE(S): 8 - 9.5 3RD/ 4TH GRADE Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 306190-02 Oct. 8 - Nov. 12 9:15 - 11:30 a.m. Sat/Sun AGE(S): 9 - 10.5 5TH/ 6TH GRADE Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 306190-03 Oct. 8 - Nov. 12 10:15 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Sat AGE(S): 10 - 12.5 7TH/ 8TH GRADE Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 306190-04 Oct. 8 - Nov. 12 11:15 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Sat
MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff RATE: $465 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $450 This competitive league is for teams that have experience playing in a competitive environment such as high school or college. Interested teams may pick up a league packet from the Westerville Community Center, 350 N. Cleveland Ave. Activity # Dates Time Day(s) 506204-01* Sept. 28-Dec. 7 6-9 p.m. Wed * NO CLASS: Nov. 26 karatekiDsin L’IL KIK INSTRUCTOR(S): Free Spirit AGE(S): 3-6 RATE: $95 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 406101-02 Sept. 6 - Oct. 4 6:15-6:45 p.m. Tue KIDS IN KARATE AND ADULTS, TOO INSTRUCTOR(S): Free Spirit AGE(S): 6 and up RATE: $130 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $110 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 406101-02 Sept. 6 - Nov. 8 7 - 8:15 p.m. Tue This program, designed for all ages, is under the direction Grand Master Jon Stephens of the Free Spirit, LLC Karate Clubs. Karate will improve your child’s sports, school and social activities. ADULT COED VOLLEYBALL INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff RATE: $275 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $260 If you’re looking for a fun night with friends on Wednesday evenings, or a competitive game with a power-like league on Tuesday, this league is just for you! Leagues fill quickly. COMPETITIVEActivity#Dates Time Day(s) 506219-01 Sept. 27-Nov. 29 6-9 p.m. Tue COMPETITIVEActivity#Dates Time Day(s) 506219-02 Sept. 28-Nov. 30 6-9 p.m. Wed Join us for weekly drop-in themed game nights! Smash Mondays (Smash Brothers) Rocket Wednesdays (Rocket League) Fortnite Fridays (Fortnite) Age(s) 8 & up Weekly 4-8 p.m. Daily admission fee or Community Center pass required. (No class Nov. 23-25) 52
PICKLEBALL LADDER LEAGUE 2.5+ (FALL) INSTRUCTOR(S): Pickleball Staff AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 This ladder league is designed for players to play with others of similar skill levels. Your ranking on a ladder is based upon your winning percentage (the ratio of points won to total points possible). Each week, players will be placed in groups determined by their total score from the previous weeks. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 506802-01 Oct. 3-Nov. 14 6-9 p.m. Mon FALL PICKLEBALL INSTRUCTOR(S): Recreation Staff AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $60 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $50 In this open play offering, pickleball players will increase skills, strategy and consistency while playing with a variety of partners and competitors. Please be sure to register for your proper skill ActivityCOMPETITIVE/ADVANCEDlevel!#DateTime Day(s) 506112-01 Oct. 3-Nov. 30 12:30-3 p.m. Mon/Wed 506112-02 Oct. 4-Dec. 1 7-9:30 a.m. Tue/Thu ActivityINTERMEDIATE#Date Time Day(s) 506112-03 Oct. 3-Nov. 30 7-9:30 a.m. Mon/Wed 506112-04 Oct. 4-Dec. 1 12:30-3 p.m. Tue/Thu NON-COMPETITIVEActivity#Date Time Day(s) 506112-05 Oct. 3-Nov. 30 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Mon/Wed 506112-06 Oct. 4-Dec.1 12:30-3 p.m. Tue/Thu
dedicated courts for all levels of pickleballers. Date Time Day(s) Weekly 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Sun SPORTS YOUTH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE INSTRUCTOR: Recreation Staff RATE: $95 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 This new volleyball league is for boys and girls in grades 1-8. We will focus on learning the fundamentals of volleyball in the first three weeks of clinics, followed by four weeks of game play. Both a volleyball and t-shirt are included. Open to all levels. If you have interest in volunteering as a coach,

Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501007-04 Nov. 5-Dec. 17 9:30-10 a.m. Sat AGE(S): 3-4 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501007-05 Nov. 5-Dec. 17 10-10:45 a.m. Sat AGE(S): Activity5-6# Date Time Day(s) 501007-06 Nov. 5-Dec. 17 11:15a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sat KIDS IN ACTION
INSTRUCTOR(S): Jump Bunch RATE: $80 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $65 Each week will begin with kid-friendly warm ups and exercises, an introduction to individual skills and equipment and simple rules of a different sports. Games, obstacle courses and a cool down will take place in each class to keep kids engaged and moving throughout the session. Parents are asked to remain outside of the classroom during this program.
Thu Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR(S): Cultured Kids RATE: $160 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $145 A great opportunity to engage and learn to speak a new language with your child. A new conversation topic such as pets, clothing, foods or family members will be featured each week. Students learn the topic words and phrases through fun and engaging age-appropriate songs, games, play-based activities and craft projects. AGE(S): 18 months - 3 with parent or guardian FRENCHActivity#
AGE(S): 4-6 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501001-01 Sept. 27-Oct. 25 1:15-2:30 p.m. Tue AGE(S): 5-7 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501001-02 Sept. 27-Oct. 25 6:30-7:45 p.m. Tue
PRESCHOOLA B C 1 2 3 MUSIC TOGETHER © MINI INSTRUCTOR(S): Wholey Sisters AGE(S): birth-6 with parent RATE: $85 per participant/ $65 per sibling DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $70 per participant/$50 per sibling Make merry music together in this family class through singing, dancing and instrument play; all with holiday flair! Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501613-06 Nov. 29-Dec. 13 9:30-10:15 a.m. Tue 501613-07 Nov. 29-Dec. 13 10:30-11:15am Tue 501613-08 Nov. 30-Dec. 14 9:30-10:15am Wed 501613-09 Nov. 30-Dec. 14 10:30-11:15am Wed PARKOUR INSTRUCTOR(S): 614 Parkour Coach Theo AGE(S): 3-5 RATE: $129 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $109 Improve the fundamentals of your skills in a safe and inclusive environment following three goals: be safe, have fun and learn. Throughout the session, participants will be running, jumping, climbing and rolling in order to travel from one point to another in the quickest and most efficient way. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502107-01 Sept. 28-Nov. 2 4-4:45p.m. Wed CRAZY ART ADVENTURES INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak RATE: $65 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $50 We will make exciting art projects that are open-ended and allow your child to create freely. Classes will include an activity that compliments the art project for the day, through games, stories and music. We will be a bit messy so bring an old shirt/art smock. All materials included.
Date Time Day(s) 502112-01 Sept. 12-Oct. 3 9-10a.m. Mon 502112-02 Oct. 10-Oct. 31 9-10a.m. Mon 502112-03 Nov. 7-Nov. 28 9-10a.m. Mon Through songs, rhymes, stories, games and hands on activities, children are exposed to a new language! Instructor uses visuals, actions, props and storybooks to help children understand in an all new language, culture environment.
Amy Scheidler AGE(S): 3.5-6 with parent or guardian RATE: $55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Bond with your child through art, without making a mess at home! We will do a wide range of stimulating art activities where your child will explore and discover, develop handeye coordination and enjoy creating art. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501700-02
AGE(S): 18-36 months with parent or guardian
Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501016-01 Sept. 20-Oct. 18 11:30a.m.-12:15p.m. Tue
INSTRUCTOR(S): Nov. 3-Nov. 10-11a.m.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak AGE(S): 3-4 RATE: $65 DISCOUNTED $50 Children will use and expand their cognitive and large motor skills when they dance, sing and play games together in this fun class. Together we will be silly as we exercise our brains and bodies. Each session will bring new and exciting activities.
Date Time Day(s) 502113-01 Sept. 13-Oct. 4 9-10a.m. Tue 502113-02 Oct. 11-Nov. 1 9-10a.m. Tue 502113-03 Nov. 8-Nov. 29 9-10a.m. Tue
CHINESEActivity# Date Time Day(s) 502114-01 Sept. 14-Oct. 5 9-10a.m. Wed 502114-02 Oct. 12-Nov. 2 9-10a.m. Wed 502114-03 Nov. 9-Nov. 30 9-10a.m. Wed
AGE(S): 3-6
Date Time Day(s) 502113-04 Sept. 13-Oct. 4 10:15-11:45a.m. Tue 502113-05 Oct. 11-Nov. 1 10:15-11:45a.m. Tue 502113-06 Nov. 8-Nov. 29 10:15-11:45a.m. Tue
ActivityCHINESE# Date Time Day(s) 502114-04 Sept. 14-Oct. 5 10:15-11:45a.m. Wed 502114-05 Oct. 12-Nov. 2 10:15-11:45a.m. Wed 502114-06 Nov. 9-Nov. 30 10:15-11:45a.m. Wed
SPANISHActivity# Date Time Day(s) 502112-04 Sept. 12-Oct. 3 10:15-11:45a.m. Mon 502112-05 Oct. 10-Oct. 31 10:15-11:45a.m. Mon 502112-06 Nov. 7-Nov. 28 10:15-11:45a.m. Mon 53

INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak AGE(S): 3-8 with parent or guardian RATE: $15 per person DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $10 per person Attend a semi-formal tea and fashion show with mom or other favorite adult. Wear your favorite party attire or school (preschool) outfit and get ready for an enjoyable morning filled with games, special party favors and a tea party with mini finger foods and sweets. The morning will be topped off with a fashion show featuring all of our party guests. Parents/adults will be asked to write a description of their child’s outfit upon arrival. The fee is per person. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501601-01 Nov. 12 10-11:30a.m. Sat
AGE(S): 4-6 (no parents) Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501604-05 Oct. 27 1-2 p.m. Thu Date Time
FABULOUS FALL FUN INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak RATE: $15 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $10 Fall is full of fabulous fun. We will create, sing and explore all things fall. Children will make projects to take home, hear a fun fall story and dance to a silly squirrel song. One parent/guardian per child required for most sessions.
AGE(S): 18-36 months with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501604-01 Oct. 27 9:15-10 a.m. Thu 501604-06 Oct. 28 9:30-10:15 a.m. Fri AGE(S): 2-4 with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501604-02 Oct. 27 10:15-11 a.m. Thu 501604-07 Oct. 28 10:30-11:15 a.m. Fri AGE(S): 3-5 with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501604-03 Oct. 27 11:30a.m.-12:15 p.m. Thu 501604-08 Oct. 28 11:30a.m.-12:15 p.m. Fri
BOO TO YOU INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak RATE: $15 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $10 Have a fun and safe time celebrating Halloween. We will sing spooktacular songs, play games, create Halloween art, explore some very silly sensory activities and more. All are welcome to wear a simple costume or Halloween gear but must be able to move freely and get messy. One parent/guardian per child required for most sessions.
AGE(S): 3-6 with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501604-04 Oct. 27 6:30-7:15 p.m. Thu 501604-09 Oct. 28 6:30-7:15 p.m. Fri
Day(s) 501602-01 Sept. 20-Oct. 18 9-9:30a.m. Tue AGE(S): 18 -30 months with parent Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501602-02 Sept. 20-Oct. 18 9:45-10:15 a.m. Tue AGE(S): 24 -36 months with parent Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501602-03 Sept. 20-Oct. 18 10:30-11a.m. Tue PEE WEE PLAY GYM Monday, Sept. 12 - Nov. 14 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Ages 3 and under with parent $3 TODDLER TIME Friday, Sept. 16 - Nov. 18 9:30 - 11:30 activities.Drop-inandKindergartena.m.ageunderwithparent$3tothesefunpreschoolSeepage26fordetails DR INP 54
Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501603-01 Sept. 23 9-9:45a.m. Fri AGE(S): 2-4 with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501603-02 Sept. 23 10-10:45a.m. Fri AGE(S): 3-5 with parent or guardian Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501603-03 Sept. 23 11-11:45a.m. Fri 501603-05 Sept. 23 6:30-7:15p.m. Fri AGE(S): 4-6 (no parents) Activity # Date Time Day(s) 501603-04 Sept. 23 1-2p.m. Fri MOM AND ME FOR TEA
AGE(S): 18-36 months with parent or guardian
A B C 1 2 3PRESCHOOL WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org TODDLER TIME ROUND UP INSTRUCTOR(S): Cathi Staysniak RATE: $65 per participant DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $50 Bring your little ones out for some fun with friends as we sing, dance and move. Children will have fun using large motor skills and singing after we read a fun action story. Activities will incorporate age-appropriate cognitive skills like ABCs, numbers, shapes and colors. One parent/ guardian per child required. AGE(S): 15 -24 months with parent Activity #

YOUTH/TEEN AMERICAN RED CROSS BABYSITTING INSTRUCTOR(S): Amy Rudawsky AGE(S): 10 and up RATE: $75 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $60 Ideal for current and future baby-sitters, this course will teach the best ways to keep the children in your care safe. Certification cards are awarded to all successful candidates. Students should bring paper, pencils and a packed lunch. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502101-01 Sept. 10 9 a.m.-1p.m. Sat 502101-02 Sept. 24 9 a.m.-1p.m. Sat 502101-03 Oct. 22 9 a.m.-1p.m. Sat ARCHERY INSTRUCTOR(S): Sunbury Archery AGE(S): 8-15 RATE: $135 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $120 Classes focus on the introduction of archery. Participants will learn form, safety, stance, aiming and scoring. All equipment provided. ActivityBEGINNER# Date Time Day(s) 502108-01 Sept. 26-Oct. 24 4:30-5:30pm Mon 502108-02 Sept. 26-Oct. 24 5:45-6:45pm Mon PARKOUR INSTRUCTOR(S): 614 Parkour Coach Theo AGE(S): 6-11 RATE: $140 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $125 Improve the fundamentals of your skills in a safe and inclusive environment following three goals: be safe, have fun and learn. Throughout the session, participants will be running, jumping, climbing and rolling in order to travel from one point to another in the quickest and most efficient way. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502107-02 Sept. 28-Nov. 2 5-6 p.m. Wed CHESS INSTRUCTOR(S): Kyle Jones, The Jones Chess Academy AGE(S): 5-12 RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 Candidate Master Instructor Kyle Jones will provide students with the opportunity to learn chess history, world champion openings, solve middle game puzzles, practice endgame patterns and utilize the necessary tools for tournament play. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502111-01 Sept. 28-Oct. 19 5:15-6 p.m. Wed 502111-02 Oct. 26-Nov. 23 5:15-6 p.m. Wed ROBOTICS ENGINEERING INSTRUCTOR(S): Robothink AGE(S): 6-13 RATE: $175 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $150 Participants will build various robots that explore sensors, gears, servos and other various robotic engineering concepts. We will also learn how to CODE our robots to do what we want them to do. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502109-02 Sept. 27-Oct. 25 5-6:30pm Tue ANIMAL SAFARI Create animal robots based on the animotronics used in theme parks and movies. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502109-01 Sept. 12-Oct. 12 5-6:30pm Wed COOKING CARAVAN
$55 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $45 Cooking Caravan will lead participants in a step-by-step presentation on how to cook new recipes they can make at home for their family and friends. Class takes place in the state of the art Community Center demonstration kitchen. All supplies included. MAC AND CHEESE Activity # Date Time
CHILI ActivityTIME# Date
PIZZA ActivityPARTY#Date Time Day(s) 502115-02 Oct. 15 3:30-5 p.m. Sat SPOOKY TREATS Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502115-03 Oct. 22 3:30-5 p.m. Sat Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration YOUTH CERAMICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Chris Powell ^^ Audrey McCutchen ^ RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $80 Participants will learn various hand-building techniques as they work on individual projects. Students will work independently and with instruction. The potter’s wheel will be introduced. AGE(S): 10-13 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507131-02^* Sept. 21-Nov. 9 5-6 p.m. Wed AGE(S): 14-17 Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507131-01^^ Sept. 19-Nov. 14 5-6 p.m. Mon * NO CLASS: Oct. 31 55
INSTRUCTOR(S): Cooking Caravan AGE(S): 6-17 RATE: Day(s) Sept. 24 3:30-5 p.m. Sat Time Day(s) Oct. 8 3:30-5 p.m. Sat

GET MOVING IN NATURE INSTRUCTOR(S): Deborah Ketner, RunningCat Creative Services, LLC AGE(S): 7-12 RATE: $70 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $55 This program is designed to guide participants in both nature observation and low-intensity physical fitness movements. Participants will observe and journal our natural surroundings while incorporating physical fitness activities and learning the benefits of combining the two. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502110-01 Sept. 22-Oct. 13 4:30-5:15p.m. Thu CREATIVE WRITING FUN INSTRUCTOR(S): Andra Gullum AGE(S): 6-12 RATE: $40 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $30 Wouldn’t it be fun to write your own drama series about your life? We will do fun activities to get the ideas flowing then plan and begin your story. Classes are filled with writing, drawing, games, creativity and fun! Activity # Date Time Day(s) 502115-01 Oct. 1-Oct.22 12-2 p.m. Sat Join us for weekly drop-in themed game nights! Smash Mondays (Smash Brothers) Rocket Wednesdays (Rocket League) Fortnite Fridays (Fortnite) Age(s) 8 & up Weekly 4-8 p.m. Daily admission fee or Community Center pass required. (No class Nov. 23-25) Westerville Parks and Recreation offers all its fitness and Seeclasseswellnesstoage14andup?thefitnesssectionfordetails. 56
Date Time Day(s) Sept. 14-Oct. 5 6-7:30 p.m. Wed 502114-08 Oct. 12-Nov. 2 6-7:30 p.m. Wed 502114-09 Nov. 9-Nov. 30 6-7:30 p.m. Wed Date Time Day(s) Sept. 13-Oct. 4 6-7:30 p.m. Tue 502113-08 Oct. 11-Nov. 1 6-7:30 p.m. Tue 502113-09 Nov. 8-Nov. 29 6-7:30 p.m. Tue
Date Time Day(s) 502112-07 Sept. 12-Oct. 3 6-7:30 p.m. Mon 502112-08 Oct. 10-Oct. 31 6-7:30 p.m. Mon 502112-09 Nov. 7-Nov. 28 6-7:30 p.m. Mon
Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration 56WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org YOUTH / TEEN LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR(S): Cultured Kids AGE(S): 6-12 RATE: $160 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $145 This program is for those who are just beginning their language journey. In this class you will learn to ask, answer, read and write everyday sentences; study the cultures of different native speaking countries; and gain foundational skills to achieve bilingual proficiency. The program will integrate playbased activities, theatrical performances, action games, creative poetry and modern native music with our curriculum. CHINESEActivity#

Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507230-01 Sept. 22-Oct. 27 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Thu Chris Powell AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $200 RATE: $185 Students will work at their leisure on the potter’s wheel to develop their throwing skills and honing various hand-building skills with individual guidance and technical advice from the instructor. There is a fee for additional 31 **Nov. 23 Date Time Day(s) Sept. 19-Nov. 28 6:30-9p.m. Sept. 21-Nov. 30 6:30-9p.m. 31 23 Day(s) 19-Nov. 28 6:30-9p.m. Sept. 21-Nov. 23 6:30-9p.m. Nov. 1-Dec. 11a.m.-1p.m. Day(s) Nov. 3-Dec.
ARTS / DANCING / COOKING ADULTA FUNDAMENTALS OF DRAWING INSTRUCTOR(S): Arta Noor AGE(S): 16 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 This beginners class is designed to teach basic principles of drawing and sketching. We’ll cover techniques such as position, lighting, shape, texture and spacing and advance to drawing landscape, objects, animals and portraits. Demonstration and handouts are provided to help you embark on your own journey. Individual assistance and feedback will be provided. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507221-01* Sept. 13-Oct. 25 10a.m.-12p.m. Tue 507221-02** Sept. 15-Oct. 27 1-3 p.m. Thu WATERCOLOR FOR BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE AND BEYOND INSTRUCTOR(S): John Cameron AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Numerous teaching aides, examples and handouts will be shared do students can begin their own watercolor resource notebook. Individual assistance will be provided along with various lessons and demonstrations highlighting important principles of watercolor painting. This class is designed for all experience levels. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507226-01 Sept. 21-Nov. 2 10a.m.-12 p.m. Wed 507226-02 Sept. 21-Nov. 2 1-3 p.m. Wed OPEN STUDIO CERAMICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Chris Powell AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $85 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $70 Open to students who are currently enrolled in an adult ceramics class. This is your time to complete a project independently. No instruction is given. All projects should be finished and glazed during the last class. There is an extra fee for clay usage. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 507232-01 Sept. 24-Nov. 19 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sat SUNDAY DINNER SERIES EASY DINNER PARTY MENU INSTRUCTOR(S): Cindy Ramsey AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $85 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Hosting a dinner party shouldn’t be a nightmare! Learn how to make delicious menu items you and your guest will enjoy that are as delicious as they are easy. Menu items include; crispy-edged cheese quesadilla appetizer, lemony chicken with potatoes and herbs, roasted mixed vegetables with creamy aioli and makeahead mini chocolate cakes.
Mon 507231-03 **
507231-02* Sept.
Mon 507231-04**
Tue INTERMEDIATEActivity#Date Time
15 11a.m.-1p.m. Thu SOCIAL DANCE BASICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Fred Astaire Dance Studios of Westerville AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $100 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $85 This is an introduction to social and partnership dancing. Gain the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of dance. Meet new friends while learning fun and easy instruction by a Fred Astaire Dance instructor. No partner necessary. This class is a great refresher for anyone who has taken dance lessons. ActivityBASICS # Date Time Day(s) 507202-01 Sept. 19 - Nov. 7 6-7 p.m. Mon ActivityINTERMEDIATE#Date Time Day(s) 507202-02 Sept. 19 - Nov. 7 7-8 p.m. Mon Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration NO CLASS: *Oct. 4 **Oct. 6 57
Activity #
Wed COLORED PENCIL INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Young AGE(S): 18 and up RATE: $90 DISCOUNTED RESIDENT RATE: $75 Beginning instruction in the basic principle and techniques used to create a realistic colored pencil painting. This is not a drawing class. No art experience is required. Step-by-step instructions, demonstrations and examples are provided. Each student will complete a color chart and four colored pencil projects. INTROActivity # Date Time Day(s) 507242-01
Activity # Date Time
Activity Date Time Day(s) 507208-01 Oct. 16 1- 3 p.m. Sun WATERCOLOR Heston AGE(S): and up RATE: $80 will work on more detailed aspects of painting and delve deeper into this medium. Critiques at the beginning and end of each class will be a big part of the learning process.

for this service, you
Park and enter through the south entrance for Senior Center programs and some fitness classes. You may enter through the main or north entrances for the gymnasium, indoor pools and fitness area. CENTER CLOSED SEPT. 5 FITNESS / CREATIVE ARTS / TRAVEL / SUPPORT GROUPS / GAMES OLDER ADULTOA MON/WED/FRI 8:45 - 11:30 a.m. 1 - 2:30 p.m. 8:45 - 11:30 a.m. SERVICES DAYS OF THE WEEK ROUTING TIME BEGINS SHOPPINGESTIMATEDTIME ROUND-TRIPPUNCHES TO SENIOR/COMMUNITY CTR. MON-FRI 8:30 a.m. 2 FROM SENIOR/COMMUNITYCTR. MON/WED/FRI 11 a.m., 12 p.m. 1 p.m., 3 p.m. 2 TUE/THU Times Vary 2 KROGER (Schrock Road), WALMART, MARC’S and KOHL’S, ALDI TUE 1 p.m. 1.5 hours 2 POLARIS MEIJER, KROGER, GIANT EAGLE, HOME DEPOT THU 1 p.m. 1.5 hours 3 W.A.R.M. TUE/THU 9 - 11 a.m. 3 MEDICAL APPTS. DURING LISTED TIMES ONLY. LAST TAKE HOME IS 3:30 p.m. TUE & THU Reminder: Be ready one half-hour prior to appointment time. 3 58
PLEASENOTE REGISTRATION DATES Senior Center Program Pass Holder Registration (In person at the Community Center only and online) Thursday, Sept. 8 | 12 p.m. Online Resident Registration Friday, Sept. 9 | 12 p.m. In-Person Resident Registration Saturday, Sept. 10 | 8 a.m. at the Community Center Online Open Registration Sunday, Sept. 11 | 12 p.m. In-Person Open Registration Monday, Sept. 1 2 | 8 a.m. at the Community Center Older Adult Visit us
Transportation is available to Senior Center Program Pass holders residing in the corporate limits of the City of Westerville for programs at the Senior Center, the Community Center (as available), medical appointments within the Westerville School District, trips to other destinations which are planned by the Senior Center Staff and shopping trips to grocery stores. Call the Transportation line at (614) 901-6567 for additional information. must be made by 1 p.m. one business day prior to pickup. the Westerville City Schools close due to inclement weather, transportation to a doctor’s appointment or to the grocery store will be a decision made by Senior Center Staff. If have signed up will receive a phone call from us. within the Westerville Community Center N. Cleveland Ave. Westerville, OH 43082 - Thu: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (614) 901-6560

DR INP CHAIR VOLLEYBALL INSTRUCTOR(S): Senior Center Staff AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Similar to volleyball but modified for everyone. We will play with a beach ball and be able to spike, bump and set to a fun time.
Activity # Date Time Day(s) Sept. 12 -Oct. 31 10 - 10: 45 a.m. Mon Sept. 14 -Nov. 2 10 - 10: 45 a.m. Wed 504907-03 Sept. 16 -Nov. 4 10-10:45 a.m. Fri S.E.L.F. CARE CHAIR INSTRUCTOR(S): Valarie Wright AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Fitness is not optional. Exercise is necessary for quality of life. While sitting, improve balance and circulation, increase range-ofmotion and functional strength, prevent injury and promote overall health. Beginners are encouraged to attend.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Valarie Wright AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 You need balance for everything, from walking to getting out of a chair to tying your shoes. Boost your balance by building strong muscles in the arms, core and legs to keep you steady and upright. Beginners are encouraged to attend.
Activity # Date Time Day(s) Sept. 12 -Oct. 31 11- 11: 45 a.m. Mon 504905-02 Sept. 14 -Nov. 2 11- 11: 45 a.m. Wed 504905-03 Sept. 16 -Nov. 4 11- 11: 45 a.m. Fri Time Day(s) Sept. 12 -Oct. 31 9 - 9:45 a.m. Mon Sept. 14 -Nov. 2 9 - 9:45 a.m. Wed Sept. 16 -Nov. 4 9-9:45 a.m. Fri
BANDS AND BELLS INSTRUCTOR(S): Valarie Wright AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Strengthen your muscles and improve bone density using resistance bands and barbells during this complete body workout. You’ll be guided through exercises at your own pace in a supportive atmosphere. Beginners are encouraged to attend. Activity # Date
Date Time Day(s) / Oct. / Nov. 10-11 a.m. Thu Time Day(s) Sept. 12 -Oct. 31 5:15- 6 p.m. Mon Sept. 14 -Nov. 2 5:15- 6p.m. Wed
Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration For information on fitness classes, email the fitness manager at michael.herron@westerville.org. CLASSESFITNESS 59 FITNESS OLDER ADULTSOA
SENIOR POUND INSTRUCTOR(S): Alejandra Rollins AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 This class is a full body cardio jam-session inspired by the infectious, energizing and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. Activity # Date
SENIOR ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR(S): Alejandra Rollins AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 This is Zumba modified to suit the needs of the active adult. Dance to zesty Latin music with salsa, meringue and reggae in an exhilarating east to follow party-like atmosphere. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504912-01 Sept. 13 - Nov. 1 5:15- 6 p.m. Tue 504912-02 Sept. 15 - Nov. 3 5:15- 6p.m. Thu DELAY THE DISEASE INSTRUCTOR(S): Megan Arnold AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $55 RESIDENT RATE: $45 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $35 Designed specifically for those with Parkinson’s disease. This fitness class will optimize physical function and help to delay the progression of the disease. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504902-01 Sept. 13 - Nov. 1 1:15- 2:15 p.m. Tue 504902-02 Sept. 15 - Nov. 3 1:15- 2:15 p.m. Thu FOOT CARE INSTRUCTOR(S): Anchor Foot Care AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $65 RESIDENT RATE: $55 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Services include nail trimming, thinning, filing, foot assessment, corn and callus reduction. Payment for each session due at registration. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 304918-01 through -16 Sept. 20 8:30a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue 504920-01 through -16 Oct. 18 8:30a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue 504921-01 through -16 Nov. 15 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue DR INP SENIOR MANICURES INSTRUCTOR(S): April, Brookdale Hospice AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Join Brookdale Hospice for a relaxing manicure and nail painting. A variety of colors will be available for your choosing. Have your hands beautified for your next outing! Date Time Day(s) Sept. 22, Oct. 27 1-3pm Thu DR INP BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Stop by and get your blood pressure and vitals checked. Date Time Day(s) Uptown Pharmacy Sept. 12 10 - 11a.m. Mon Oct. 10 10 - 11a.m. Mon Nov. 14 10 - 11a.m. Mon SENIOR STRENGTH INSTRUCTOR(S): Billie McRill AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Tone up and sculpt a strong, lean, fit body. Research suggests that lifting weights can reduce your risk of osteoporosis and increase your metabolic rate. If you’ve never lifted weights before, or simply want to build on your established routine, you’ll find this class motivating and helpful. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504904-01 Sept. 13 - Nov. 1 9 -10 a.m. Tue 504904-02 Sept. 15 - Nov. 3 9 -10 a.m. Thu WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org OLDER ADULTS OA FITNESS 60
Mon Oct. 10
Mon Nov. 14
504903-01 Sept.
Sept. 12
Mon HATHA YOGA INSTRUCTOR(S): Valarie Wright AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 The union of body and mind designed to prevent physical problems, heal existing ones, improve mobility and maintain overall health. Balance, fluidity and strength equals mobility. Must be able to sit and stand from the floor. Activity# Date
BEGINNER * NO CLASS: Nov. 25, Nov. 26 IMPROVER * NO CLASS: Nov. 25, Nov. 26 * NO CLASS: Nov. 25, Nov. 26 LOW IMPACT AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Croucher AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 This fun, energetic aerobics class will burn calories and improve your health and is choreographed and performed to music. Large muscle groups are used in continuous, rhythmic activity. Must be able to get to and from the floor. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504901-01 Sept.13-Nov. 1 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Tue 504901-02 Sept.15-Nov. 3 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Thu AEROBICS & MORE INSTRUCTOR(S): Billie McRill AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Lose weight, increase endurance and improve flexibility as we combine aerobics, a few dance moves and even occasional weights to great music. We’ll end each class by moving to the floor/chair to relax and stretch. Experienced and new participants are encouraged to attend. Bring a water bottle. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504914-01 Sept.12-Oct. 31 6:15 -7:15 p.m. Mon 504914-02 Sept.14-Nov. 2 6:15 -7:15 p.m. Wed SENIOR TENNIS AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $20 Our moderated senior tennis is generated for those looking to continue their love of the sport while getting exercise and socialize with friends. You must be a Senior Center Program Pass holder to play. Activity # Date Time Day(s) 504301-01* Oct. 3-Jan. 6 8:30 - 9:30a.m. Mon/Wed/Fri HOF Hoff Woods Park 556 McCorkle Blvd.HOF LINE DANCE INSTRUCTOR(S): Anita Ebbert^ Robin Poses^^ AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Get up and get down on the dance floor! This class is filled with fun and exercise while learning steps to all of the latest line dances. No partner needed. You will increase your coordination, flexibility and endurance while having fun and making new friends. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504909-01^ Sept. 13-Nov. 1 10 -11a.m. Tue 504909-02 ^^ Sept. 14-Nov. 2 1-2 p.m. Wed Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504909-03^^ Sept. 15-Nov. 3 2:30 -3:30 p.m. Thu DR INP MINDFUL BREATHING INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Learn simple, mindul breathing exercises that will help you develop a sense of calm and focus.
Date Time Day(s) 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Time Day(s) 13-Nov. 1 11a.m. -12p.m. Tue Sept. 15-Nov. 3 11a.m. -12p.m.
* NO CLASS: Nov. 27 As part of your Senior Center Program Pass you can walk your way around the Community Center track. Please remember to scan your card at the front desk. Senior Center Program Pass Holders Only Everyday FITNESS WALKING GROUP SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam CarrieCroucher^^Rose^^^ FREE: to Silver Sneaker pass holders Seated and standing exercises to increase muscular strength, range of motion and daily living. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a ball are offered for resistance and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Get fit, have fun, make friends. Limited to the first 25 participants. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 7 - Dec. 14^^ 12-12:45 p.m. Wed Sept. 8 - Dec. 15^^^ * 3:45-4:30 p.m. Thu HEARING EVALUATIONS / HEARING AID INSTRUCTOR(S): Columbus Speech and Hearing and Franklin County Senior Options AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings, maintenance and follow up hearing aid services. Seniors who need a hearing aid may qualify with only a co-pay through the Older Adult Outreach Program. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (614) 261-5422. Appointment required. Date Time Day(s) Oct. 12 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wed Nov. 9 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wed Dec. 14 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wed DR INP FLU SHOTS INSTRUCTOR(S): Uptown Pharmacy AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Stop by and get your Flu shot provided by Uptown Pharmacy. Please bring your insurance card and id card. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 28 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wed Oct. 19 10-11 a.m. Wed FITNESS MUSICAL CHAIRS INSTRUCTOR(S): Pam Croucher AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 This is not your grandma’s chair class. Join us for a fun, energetic exercise program that includes cardio, strength and core conditioning set to up-tempo music. Improve flexibility, coordination and endurance while seated. Must be able to freely move arms and legs. Beginners encouraged. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 505908-01 Sept. 13 - Nov. 1 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tue 505908-02 Sept. 15 - Nov. 3 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thu FEARLESS FALLING INSTRUCTOR(S): Mike Grigsby AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 The fear of falling is one of the biggest phobias. Did you know there is a correct way to fall for safety? Proper fall techniques will be taught to promote health and safety. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504915-01 Sept. 14 - Nov. 2 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wed WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org NEW OLDER ADULTS OA FITNESS 62
Date Time Day(s) Sept. 19 1:30-2:30 p.m. Mon Oct. 17 1:30-2:30 p.m. Mon Nov. 21 1:30-2:30 p.m. Mon TO ZENTANGLE ® Arlene Roeder AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $70 RESIDENT RATE: $60 CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 This class will provide the beginner with a background in the history of the art form and an introduction to the basic steps of the method. You will create actual Zentangle® tiles using several patterns called tangles. No prior art experience is necessary. Basic Zentangle® kit included. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504305-01 Sept. 21 - Oct. 12 2 - 4 p.m. Wed
ZENTANGLE ®: BEYOND THE BASICS Arlene Roeder AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $70 RESIDENT RATE: $60 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Are you ready to take what you’ve learned and created in the Introduction to Zentangle® class and expand your Oct. 19 - Nov. 9 2 - 4
tangling practice? Classes are designed to give you a deeper understanding of the Zentangle® method of drawing. You will learn new tangle patterns and techniques that will enhance your experience and art. Please bring your basic Zentangle® kit. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504305-02
p.m. Wed DR INP CRAFTS AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE This group creates items that will be sold throughout the year and at Snowflake Castle. Work individually or as a group on items that include knitting and crocheting, sewing, paper crafting, holiday themes, OSU or whatever sparks your creativity. Make new friends and have a great time. Date Time Day(s) Sept. / Oct. /Nov. 1-3 p.m. Mon Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration QUILTING AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE Join this group of quilters as they continue to work on beautiful heirloom quilts. New and experienced quilters are always welcome. Date Time Day(s) Sept. / Oct. /Nov. 1-3 p.m. Mon Sept. / Oct. /Nov. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Thu FALL MAGIC PAINTING INSTRUCTOR(S): Carlie Juresich AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $65 RESIDENT RATE: $55 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $45 Paint fall scenes with acrylic paints. All supplies are included. Please bring an apron or smock. Beginners and seasoned artists welcome. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504337-01 Sept. 22 - Oct. 13 2-3 p.m. Thu MAKE IT TAKE IT INSTRUCTOR(S): Trilogy Senior Care AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE We will complete a new craft in each session. All skill levels are encouraged to attend. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504320-01 Oct. 18 1-2 p.m. Tue 63 CREATIVE ARTS OLDER ADULTSOA
DR INP CREATIVE WRITING INSTRUCTOR(S): Julie WestervilleKerns,Public Library AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Share and encourage participants to develop writing skills through life experiences. Led by a Westerville Public Library Librarian.
Wed DR INP COLOR ME CALM AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt FREE This relaxing and stress-relieving class is a great way to spend an hour relaxing. We will listen to calming music and color away. Led by a Westerville Public Library Librarian. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 2 1-2 p.m. Fri Oct. 7 1-2 p.m. Fri Nov. 4 1-2 p.m. Fri DR INP STONE CARVING AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Learn how to transform stone into a piece of art ranging from a simple piece to something more detailed and complex. This is a very informal group with carvers participating as their schedules permit. Each carver works on a project of their choosing and at their own pace. Stone and tools are provided. Meet at the 310 W. Main St. parking lot by the bus garage. Date Time Day(s) Sept./Oct. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Mon/Thu WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org OLDER ADULTS OA CREATIVE ARTS 64
WREATH MAKING WITH PROMEDICA AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE Football, changing leaves, and the smell of autumn air means fall is arriving! A variety of seasonal decorations will be supplied so that you can make your own fall festive wreath. All you need to bring is your imagination! Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504302-01 Sept. 15 1 - 2 p.m. Thu CERAMICS AND POTTERY INSTRUCTOR(S): Diana Iles AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $85 RESIDENT RATE: $75 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $65 Join us for an introduction to making your own pottery from clay. Hand building techniques will be covered as well as an introduction to the potter’s wheel. Flex your creative muscle and make your own pottery in this fun, hands-on class. BEGINNERSActivity#Date Time Day(s) 507340-01 Sept. 27-Nov. 22 10:30a.m.-12:30p.m. Tue 507340-02 Sept. 27-Nov. 22 1p.m.-3p.m. Tue This class is for those students who have completed at least two sessions of the introductory level class. Intermediate techniques and projects will be explored. IActivity#NTERMEDIATEDate Time Day(s) 507340-03 Sept. 27-Nov. 22 8:30-10:30 a.m. Tue CARDMAKING FOR STOCKPILING INSTRUCTOR(S): Sue Freund AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $70 RESIDENT RATE: $65 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $55 Create cards for all occasions. Each week, participants will make four to five similar cards. Cardmaking tools will be a topic of discussion and include a paper cutter, scissors, ruler, glue appropriate for scrapbooking and repositionable tape. Activity#
Date Time Day(s) Sept. 12 - Nov. 2 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.
SILVERTONES INSTRUCTOR(S): Larry Leffort and Lyndsay Smith AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $80 Silvertones choir members sing in a professional atmosphere with amazing harmonies and professional instructions. Call the Senior Center at (614) 901-6560 for more information or if you are new to the group. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 804301-01 Sept./Oct./Nov.10:30-11:30 a.m. Wed CRAFTY CONNECTIONS INSTRUCTOR(S): Kim SeniorRoberts,Transitions experts AGE(S): Senior Program Pass FREE Meet new friends and connect with others! A new and exciting craft will be offered each month. Sign up for one or all. PAINTING WITH SPOON Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504336-01 Sept. 21 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wed FESTIVE FALL CRAFTS Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504336-02 Oct. 13 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tue NEW CRAFT SHOW Get a start on your holiday shopping. Cash, check or charge accepted. Proceeds benefit the Westerville Senior10Association.Sept.2912-4p.m.Sept.30a.m.-3p.m. SENIOR PINTEREST CLUB INSTRUCTOR(S): Africa WesleyThomas,Communities AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Complete a new project each month from the popular Pinterest site. No experience necessary. All projects will be completed the same day, materials will be provided. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504304-01 Oct. 13 3-4 p.m. Thu 504304-02 Nov. 10 3-4 p.m. Thu GREAT DECISIONS INSTRUCTOR(S): Marie Corbitt AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Created by the Foreign Policy Association, this class is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The class goal is to promote greater understanding and respect on a wide variety of topics. Led by a Westerville Public Library Librarian. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 26 Drug Policy in Latin America 1-3 p.m. Mon Oct. 24 Industrial Policy 1-3 p.m. Mon Nov. 28 Biden’s Agenda 1-3 p.m. Mon GET THE SCOOP ON MEDICARE INSTRUCTOR(S): Carla Poston AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass RATE: FREE Join the discussion about the varying parts of Medicare and your options for 2023. There will be time for questions and answers. Ice cream will be provided. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504335-01 Oct. 11 1-2 p.m. Tue 504335-02 Nov. 9 10 - 11a.m. Wed Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration 65 CREATIVE ARTS / SPECIAL INTEREST OLDER ADULTSOA
DOWNSIZING CAN BE UPLIFTING INSTRUCTOR(S): Rob DownsizingRankin, with a Heart AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE Thinking of downsizing your home? Moving or aging in place? Get tips from the pros on how to plan, organize and sort your possessions. If moving, learn about selling, donating or disposing items, then packing and unpacking. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 404327-01 Sept. 20 1:30 - 3 p.m. Tue OLDER ADULTS OA SPECIAL INTEREST COOKING DEMO BY THE FORUM INSTRUCTOR(S): Chef Linda Meoak, The Forum at Knightsbridge AGE(S): Senior Program Pass FREE Join Chef Linda for a healthy cooking demonstration. You will get a recipe card to take home to recreate the meal for yourself. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504321-01 Oct. 6 2-3 p.m. Thu NEW COMPUTER CONNECTORS INSTRUCTOR(S): Jim Holden AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Bring your computer questions to this group-sharing and problem-solving class. Online demonstrations will be used to aid the discussions. These meetings will include presentations on free software from Microsoft, Google and others. Date Time Day(s) Sept.19 1-3 p.m. Mon Oct. 3 & 17 1-3 p.m. Mon Nov. 7 & 21 1-3 p.m. Mon DISCUSSION GROUP INSTRUCTOR(S): Lisa ConcordClark,Counseling AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Engage with others in different topics each week. Call Lisa at (614) 882-9338, ext. 230 for a Zoom link. IN DatePERSON Time Day(s) Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tue DateZOOM Time Day(s) Sept. /Oct. / Nov. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tue WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org HOW TO USE YOUR i PHONE AND i PAD INSTRUCTOR(S): Gregg Montgomery AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $40 RESIDENT RATE: $30 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $20 Learn the basics on how to use your iOs, App Store, Safari browser, cameras and phone app in these easy to follow classes. Each class will be dedicated to a different area of your iPhone or iPad. Sign up for one or all depending on your needs. Activity# Date Time Day(s) MAI L 504307-01 Sept. 22 2-3 p.m. Tue SETTINGS 504307-02 Oct. 6 2-3 p.m. Thu PODCASTS 504307-03 Nov. 10 2-3 p.m. Thu DR INP DIABETES EDUCATION/SUPPORT GROUP INSTRUCTOR(S): Uptown Pharmacy FREE Learn about a new diabetic topic each month including nutrition, self-care and possible complications in this open, safe learning environment. Attendees can learn from other’s experiences and offer support to each other. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 15 2-3 p.m. Thu Oct. 20 2-3 p.m. Thu Nov. 17 2-3 p.m. Thu 66
the group on a quarterly schedule. Discussion is usually lively and always educational. For more information, contact
The Ride of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts Oct. 10 2:30-3:30 p.m. Mon
INSTRUCTOR(S): Mindy Bilyeu AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
INSTRUCTOR(S): Barb Pryor AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE
Sept. 12 2:30-3:30 p.m. Mon
This group enjoys lively discussion led by Westerville Public Library librarian Mindy Bilyeu. Contact Mindy at (614) 882-7277 extension 2186 to pick up a book and enjoy the fun.
Thu COOKING CARAVAN INSTRUCTOR(S): Cooking Caravan AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $55 RESIDENT RATE: $45 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $40 Participants will be led in step-by-step presentations on how to cook new recipes or make an old one exciting again. Samples and supplies are provided. Sign up for one or all! Activity# Date Time Day(s) COOKING WITH HONEY 404318-03 Sept. 12 10-11a.m. Mon PUMPKIN DESSERTS 504318-01 Oct. 3 10-11a.m. Mon THANKSGIVING IDEAS 504318-02 Nov. 7 10-11a.m. Mon COOKING WITH HONEY SENIOR NOTARY SERVICES INSTRUCTOR(S): Shirley Bernard, The James Notary Solutions, LLC AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $5.00 per document needing signed Needing items notarized? Bring your documents (unsigned) to this dropin event. Must provide a valid form of identification. Additional requirements apply. Call (614) 515-3220 for details. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 9 10-11 a.m. Fri Oct. 14 10-11 a.m. Fri Nov. 11 10-11 a.m. Fri Dec. 9 10-11 a.m. FriSPECIAL INTEREST OLDER ADULTSOA 67
Date Time Day(s)
This club is a legal partnership of senior investors who maintain an active portfolio of common stocks and take responsibility for learning, listening and helping to make an investment in common stock. Each member is assigned the responsibility to follow one of the stocks in the the Club’s portfolio, studying and reporting back to Barb Pryor at barbpryor@wowway.com.
Date Day(s) Sept. 8 1-3 p.m. Oct. 13 1-3 p.m. Nov. 10 1-3 p.m.
The Kitchen Front by Jennifer Ryan Nov. 14 2:30-3:30 p.m. Mon
Miss Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce
The Westerville Senior Association is a non-profit organization that assists with funding for the Parks and Recreation Senior Center. Through fundraising, the Association helps pay for Senior Center memberships and bus passes for seniors in financial need. They also purchase equipment and conduct events such as Ham and Bean Dinner and Snowflake Castle. For more information or to become an member, call (614) 901-6560.

Enjoy a fun-filled trip down memory lane, complete with old photos and great cartoons. Flash back to the time of your youth, with reminders about the ridiculousness and ingenuity of parents and grandparents. Travel the world as you visit places from afar and meet some of the strangest people and inventions from a time long ago. There will be plenty of trivia questions, as well.
Date Time Day(s) Oct.19 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wed WWII THE VOYAGE OF THE MAYFLOWER
FREE Learn about exciting 2022-2023 travel opportunities: OSU Buckeye road trips to Chicago, Illinois (Northwestern) and Washington, D.C. (Maryland); New York featuring The Rockettes Christmas or Memphis Blue Christmas at Graceland; Discover the Ohio Country Pioneers in historic Marietta, Ohio; or escape Ohio in February of 2023 with a scenic and relaxing Costa Rica guided adventure. Other trips for 2023 include Colorado by Railroad, Ohio Wine and Wineries, The Ark and Cincinnati, Ohio and a fall New England cruise.
Date Time Day(s)
Sept. 12 4 p.m. Mon Oct. 11 4 p.m. Tue Nov. 15 4 p.m. Tue
Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504319-02 Nov. 21 2 -4 p.m. Mon
INSTRUCTOR(S): Kevin Thuman, Lisa Busch AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass holder
The story of the Mayflower voyage is really about the beginning of America and how the Pilgrims came to our continent. Hardship and adversity were constant. The talk tells the story behind this remarkable trip and how the heart and soul of our forefathers led to not only their survival, but the model of future settlements in the new world.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Van Young AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass
INSTRUCTOR(S): Sandy Dillon AGE(S):
Senior Center Program Pass holder FREE Learn about upcoming exciting getaways around the world and in our own backyard that you can travel to with friends. Trips include, Bavarian Christmas in Frankenmuth, Tuscan Winter Escape, Finger Lakes of New York, Mediterranean Interlude and Rockies to Red Rock. Date Time Day(s) Sept. 19 10 a.m. Mon Oct. 11 10 a.m. Mon Nov. 15 10 a.m. Mon GET MOVING INTO NATURE INSTRUCTOR(S): Deborah Ketner AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $70 RESIDENT RATE: $65 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $55 Designed to guide you in both nature observations and low-intensity physical fitness moves while observing and journaling our natural surroundings. Meet at Highlands Park Wetlands each week. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504322-01 Sept. 22-Oct. 13 3-4 p.m. Thu HPW Highlands Park Wetlands 245 S. Spring Rd.HPW ICE CREAM SOCIAL Thursday, Sept. 1 | 4-6 p.m. Free | Open to Senior Program Pass holders only. Sponsored by Westerville Senior Association 68
514311-01 Oct. 18 3:15-7:30 p.m. Tue
Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514314-01 Oct. 3 9:45-1 p.m. Time Sept. 29 10-11a.m. Tue DINNER Thursday, Oct. 20 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. | $7 dinner 901-6560
Traditional ham and bean
with coleslaw, cornbread and dessert. We will have sit down and carry out available. Call (614)
WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org GLASS AXIS INSTRUCTOR(S): Senior Staff AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $65 RESIDENT RATE: $60 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $50 We will travel to Glass Axis in downtown Columbus to learn about glass blowing, and then work with them to create our own pumpkins. We will stop for lunch after (on your own). Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514310-01 Sept. 22 12:30-4:30 p.m. Thu WONDERLIGHTS INSTRUCTOR(S): Senior Staff AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $20 RESIDENT RATE: $15 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Get on the bus for a great light show! This spectacular show is great to get you into the holiday season mood. We will go to dinner (on your own) before the lights show. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514306-01 Nov. 21 5-10 p.m. Mon 69 SPECIAL INTEREST / TRAVEL OLDER ADULTSOA HISTORIC BUXTON INN AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $25 RESIDENT RATE: $20 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $15 Enjoy dinner (on your own) at the Historic Buxton Inn built in 1812. The Inn is the oldest continually operating inn and tavern in the state of Ohio. Given the long history, the Inn has its share of paranormal activity (called spiritually active rather than haunted,) that we will learn about.
Activity# Date Time Day(s)
Mon INTRODUCTION TO FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY WITH ANCESTORY.COM INSTRUCTOR(S): Brent Morgan, Right at HomeFree AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass FREE Family history is the documenting of life stories, important events and lessons learned. The benefits include passing on a legacy, strengthening your family and posterity and discovering rich history. Learn examples of how to tell your story; collect, copy and share pictures; document your medical history; research ancestors and best websites. Activity# Date
Join a certified Westerville Public Library Nature and Forest Therapy Guide for a walk through nature. Time and connection with nature have been proven to improve immunity, lower blood pressure and heart rate and create a sense of overall wellness. We will travel by Senior Center bus to Sharon Woods Metro Park for a relaxing walk. You must be able to walk for 1.5 hours and be able to get up and down off the ground. A tea ceremony and snack will be provided. We will enjoy lunch (on your own) as a group.
Day(s) 504312-01
for details. Now accepting cash, check and charge. Proceeds benefit the Westerville Senior Association.
Activity# Date Time Day(s) Nov. 17 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thu 514305-01 Veterans (Free) 514305-02 Non-Veterans (See above for rates)
LA COMEDIA WHITE CHRISTMAS AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $65 RESIDENT RATE: $60 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $50 Enjoy the Broadway-style show, White Christmas at LaComedia Dinner Theater in Springboro, Ohio. The show takes place in rural Vermont where the guys are trying to help save a quaint country inn from failing. Before the show we will enjoy a delicious buffet that includes dishes to represent the “flavor” of the current production.
Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514312-01 Nov. 10 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Thu PRIME TIME DINERS AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $20 RESIDENT RATE:
The National Veterans Memorial Museum bridges historical and current events to strengthen understanding and respect between veterans and civilians. This cultural institution stands as a place of inspiration for all visitors to come together as one people with a common bond and a shared pride in our veterans. We go for a late lunch (on your own) after the tour.
$15 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Take the road each month and visit some of central Ohio’s finest restaurants enjoying great meals, great conversation and great friends. Transportation needs will be provided by the Westerville Senior Center leaving promptly at the printed time. (Dinner is on your own). Locations TBD. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514303-01 Sept. 27 4:30-9 p.m. Tue 514303-02 Oct. 25 4:30-9 p.m. Tue SCIOTO DOWNS AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $20 RESIDENT RATE: $15 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Join your friends for a fun day at Eldorado Gaming Scioto Downs, a total entertainment destination! Try your luck in the casino. Ohio’s first racino with the addition of video lottery terminals. Enjoy dinner (on your own) at one of the restaurants in the Casino. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514313-01 Oct. 10 4 - 8 p.m. Thu OLDER ADULTS OA TRAVEL Additional class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration LUNCH BUNCH AGE(S): 55 and up RATE: $20 RESIDENT RATE: $15 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $10 Travel on the Senior Center bus for lunch to a variety of restaurants, (on your own). Lunch destinations TBA. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 514315-01 Sept. 19 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mon 514315-02 Oct. 10 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mon 70
BIRTHDAY LUNCH AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass RATE: $3 Join us the first Wednesday of the month for our lunch celebrations of the month’s birthdays. Let us know ahead of time when it is your birthday month to receive a party bag and free lunch.
Date Time Day(s) Sept. 7 12-12:30 p.m. Wed Oct. 5 12-12:30 p.m. Wed Nov. 2 12-12:30 p.m. Wed AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $5 a and delicious meal served to with new Registration is Activity#required. Date
themed, hot
old and
in the company of others. Pick up the monthly menu or visit www.westerville.org/seniorcenterDateTimeDay(s)
Time Day(s) 404326-02 Sept. 16 12-1 p.m. Fri 504306-01 Oct. 21 12-1 p.m. Fri 504306-02 Nov. 18 12-1 p.m. Fri HALLOWEEN PARTY AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: $5 Grab your costume and join the party! We will have a spooktacular lunch followed by a costume contest with prizes. Please register to reserve a seat. Activity# Date Time Day(s) 504303-01 Oct. 28 12-1 p.m. Fri VETERANS DAY BREAKFAST AGE(S): All Enjoy a pancake breakfast honoring all veterans. Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. with a 9 a.m. presentation. Activity# Date Time Day(s) Nov. 11 8:30 - 10 a.m. Fri 504331-01 Veterans: Free 504331-02 Non-Veterans: $5 WESTERVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • (614) 901-6500 • www.westerville.org MEALS OLDER ADULTSOA 71
DR INP PANCAKE BREAKFAST RATE / RESIDENT RATE: $4 Bring family and friends to our monthly breakfast and enjoy pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee.
Date Time Day(s) Sept. 7 7:30-10 a.m. Wed Oct. 5 7:30-10 a.m. Wed Nov. 2 7:30-10 a.m. Wed MEAL PROGRAM AGE(S): Senior Center Program Pass CENTER PROGRAM PASS RATE: meal Sept./Oct./Nov. 12-12:30 p.m. Wed/Fri
$3 Enjoy a delicious
BINGO This favorite game allows you to meet new friends and share a few laughs while enjoying the fun of winning. See chart for dates and times.
Have FUN, while learning to play Bridge. You will learn in a non-competitive, relaxed and fun environment. This is for beginners only. Meets from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesday.
Instructor: Reed Sleven NEW!
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BILLIARDS 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. BILLIARDS 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. BILLIARDS 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. BILLIARDS 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. BILLIARDS 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CORN HOLE 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. at 310 W. Main St. PINOCHLE1-3p.m. TABLE TENNIS 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1EUCHRE-3p.m. ADVANCED MAH JONGG 1 - 3 p.m. HAND AND CANASTAFOOT/1-3p.m. CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 - 3 p.m. ADVANCED MAH JONGG 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 - 3 p.m. PINOCHLE1-3p.m. BEGINNER BRIDGE 1-3 p.m. 1EUCHRE-3p.m. TRAIN DOMINOS 1 - 3 p.m. SCRABBLE1-3p.m. 1SPADES-3p.m. CHAIR10VOLLEYBALL-11a.m. GAMES All games are available to Senior Center Program Pass holders only and are free with your pass. * *** Meeting Every Week MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BINGO1p.m. BINGO1p.m. BINGO6p.m. DUPLICATE BRIDGE 12:30-4 p.m. BINGO1p.m. EUCHRE3-5CHALLENGEp.m. AFTERNOON EUCHRE PARTY 1 p.m. SEPT.26 OCT.24 NOV.28 SEPT.13 OCT.11 NOV.8 SEPT.21 OCT.19 NOV.16 SEPT.9 OCT.14 NOV.118SEPT.&22 13OCT.&27 10NOV.&24 SEPT.1 OCT.6 NOV.3 SEPT.16 OCT.21 NOV.18
INSTRUCTOR(S): Carla Poston ProCore Health Brokers Enjoy an afternoon of Euchre with prizes. Meets from 3-5 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month.
INSTRUCTOR(S): Richard Sloan Play is geared toward experienced players with fast, exciting games. Meets at 1 p.m. on the third Friday of the month.
While the play is serious, the atmosphere is friendly and social. Players are asked to come with a partner. Meets from 12:30-4 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month.
CONTRACT BRIDGE Play is geared toward experienced players with fast exciting games. New and experienced players welcome. See chart for dates and times. Dates class opportunities and information available at www.westerville.org/registration
A 20-20-20 47 4th Friday in Uptown Westerville 32 9*11 25 Adult Advanced Watercolor 57 Adult Coed Volleyball 52 Adult Fitness Swim 45 Aerobics & More 61 All Inclusive Open Gym 51 All Weights 47 American Red Cross Babysitting 55 Aquaflex 45 Archery 55 Autumn Arborfest 27 B Balance Boost 59 Band Strength and Sculpt 49 Bands and Bells 59 Bantam Basketball 51 Birthday Lunch 71 Blood Pressure Check 60 Boards and Commissions 31 Body Fit 47 Boo to You 54 Book Discussion Group 67 C Cardmaking for Stockpiling 64 Centered Seniors Investment Club 67 Ceramics 57 Ceramics and Pottery 64 Chair Volleyball 59 Chess 55 Climbing Kids 51 Color Me Calm 64 Colored Pencil 57 Combo Water Workout 45 Computer Connectors 66 Cooking Caravan Adult 55 Cooking Caravan Older Adult 67 Cooking Demo by the Forum 66 Cops & Kids Day 26 Core Fusion 47 Court Sport Fitness 47 Crafts 63 Crafty Connections 65 Crazy Art Adventures 53 Creative Writing 63 Creative Writing Fun 56 Cycle and Core 49 Cycle Fusion 47 D Deep Release 50 Deep Water Conditioning 45 Deep Water Lap & Swim 46 Delay the Disease 60 Diabetes Education / Support Group 66 Discussion Group 66 Doggie Paddle 25 Downsizing Can Be Uplifting 66 Drop-In Futsal 51 Drop-In Pickleball 52 Dynamic Pilates 49 E eSports Theme Nights 52 F Fabulous Fall Fun 54 Fall Magic Painting 63 Fall Pickleball 52 Fearless Falling 62 Fit & Fabulous 47 Fitness Musical Chairs 62 Fitness Walking Group 62 Flu Shots 62 Foot Care 60 Freestyle Clinic 46 Friday Feast 71 Fundamentals of Drawing 57 G Games 72 Get Moving in Nature 56 Get Moving into Nature 68 Get the Scoop on Medicare 65 Glass Axis 69 Glutes & Abs 47 Great Decisions 65 Great Shapes - Low Impact 47 H Halloween Party 71 Ham & Bean Dinner 28 Hatha Yoga Adult 50 Hatha Yoga Older Adult 61 Hearing Evaluations / Hearing Aids 62 HIp Hop Cardio 48 Hip Hop Strength 48 Historic Buxton Inn 69 Household Hazardous Waste Collection 25 How to Use your iPhone and iPad 66 Hydrorider Aquabikes 45 I Ice Cream Social 68 Indoor Triathlon 46 Interactive Lecture Series 68 Intro to Zentangle 63 Introduction to Family History and Genealogy with Ancestry.com 69 J Join our Team 32 K Kids in Karate and Adults, Too 46 Kids in Action 53 Kids in Karate and Adults, Too 52 L L’il Kik 52 La Comedia - White Christmas 70 LaBlast Dance Fitness 48 Learn a New Language Preschool 53 Learn a New Language Youth 56 Let’s Dance 48 Lift & HIIT 48 Lil’ Climbers 51 Line Dance 61 Little Ballers Basketball 51 Low Impact Aerobics Adult 48 Low Impact Aerobics Older Adult 61 Low Impact Intervals 48 Lunch Bunch 70 M Make a Difference Day 29 Make It Take It 63 Men’s Basketball League 52 Mindful Breathing 61 Mom and Me for Tea 29 Muscles in Motion 48 Music Together Mini 53 N National Veterans Memorial Museum 70 Nature and Forest Therapy Walk 69 O Open Studio Ceramics 57 P Pancake Breakfast 25 Parkour Preschool 53 Parkour Youth 55 Pee Wee Play Gym 26 Pickleball Ladder League 2.5+ (Fall) 52 Pinterest Club 65 Power Pilates 50 Prime Time Diners 70 Prime Tours 68 Process Art with Preschoolers 53 Q Quilting 63 R Robotics Engineering 55 S S.E.L.F. Care Chair 59 Scioto Downs 70 Senior Craft Show 27 Senior Manicures 60 Senior Meal Program 71 Senior Notary Services 67 Senior Pound 59 Senior Strength 60 Senior Tennis 61 Senior Zumba 60 Shallow Water Fitness 46 Shredding Day 28 Silver Sneakers Classic 62 Silver Splash Aqua, Cardio & Tone 27 Silvertones 65 Skate Late 27 Snowflake Castle 30 Snowflake Castle Volunteers Needed 31 Social Dance Basics 57 Special Needs Swim 28 Sporties for Shorties 53 Step & Sculpt 49 Stone Carving 64 Story Trail 31 Street Hockey Youth League 51 Strength & More 49 Summer Concert Series 26 Sunday Dinner Series 57 Swim Lessons 46 T Tai Chi for Health 50 Teen Night 28 The Great Westerville Pumpkin Glow 39-42 Time “Crunch” Toner 48 Toddler Time 26 Toddler Time Round Up 54 Total Body Stretch 48 U/V Veterans Day Breakfast 29 Vinyasa Funky Flow 50 Vinyasa Yoga 49 W Warrior Power Yoga 50 Water Fitness 46 Water Toning 45 Water Yoga 45 Watercize 46 Watercolor for Beginners, Intermediate and Beyond 57 Wellness Stretching 49 Westerville Community Center Passes 32 Wonderlights 69 World of Travel 68 Wreath Making with Promedica 64 YX Yoga Flow 50 Yoga For Health 49 Youth Ceramics 55 Youth Volleyball League 52 Z Zentangle: Beyond the Basics 63 Zombie Halloween Pool Party 29 Zoom! with Santa and his Elves at Snowflake Castle 31 Zumba 4 PROGRAMS and EVENTS 73

350 N. Cleveland Avenue Westerville, Ohio www.westerville.org43082-9105 Cops & Kids Day is back See page 4 for details.