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Alessandro Tricarico / Bob France / Clovis Alexandre Desvarieux / Christopher Bevacqua / Craig Wherlock / JesĂşs Pastor / Jorge Sato /Maggie Osama / Mario Tellez / Michele Lapini / MT Sullivan / Nelson Arancibia / Nelson Pereira / Ontoshiki / Surian Soosay / Tatiana Cardeal / Thorsten Strasas / VC Ferry


ACTV ISTI ARTISTS Alessandro Tricarico / Bob France / Clovis Alexandre Desvarieux / Christopher Bevacqua / Craig Wherlock / JesĂşs Pastor / Maggie Osama / Mario Tellez / Michele Lapini / MT Sullivan / Nelson Arancibia / Nelson Pereira / Ontoshiki / Surian Soosay / Tatiana Cardeal / Thorsten Strasas / VC Ferry

Design by Constanza Jobet + epix Curated by George Lever Intro by Ann Marie Simard Front cover image by Nelson Arancibia Back cover image by Jorge Sato Todos los derechos sobre las obras pertenecen a sus respectivos autores / All the rights in the works belong to the artists Citypulse Inbook

Activista as in activism, but also as in vista; view. The feminine form of the term representing the minority at large, because minority voices, such as here, sometimes sing in major keys. Here they do so powerfully, but also with emotion and with an eye for the tender moments. This global vista from Montreal to Wisconsin and Chile and many other places opens to alternative views around the globe around human rights, voices that get muffled and those that, if not heard, can be felt and seen. This issue does not only document. It also treats the reality of demonstration in the way it is experienced, in a manner that is full of empathy and creative energy. There is love and tenderness and amidst the fight; experimental takes on global issues. The full spectrum of human thoughts and emotions in images that document several fights for rights in a sensitive manner. The banners, the cries, the police. But also checking cell phones, cuddles, playing the guitar and dancing amidst the masks, the smoke, the fire, the threat of oppression. A collection of images with a strong visual impact that speaks both to the sense of justice and aims for the heart; a beautifully curated and coherent sequence which, while representing very real threats to human rights also experiments and touches and finds calm at the heart of the storm. Ann Marie Simard

revolutoin clovis alexandre desvarieux occupy montreal

voc ie Let your voice be heard

Christopher Bevacqua Christopher Bevacqua Protest Against Police Brutality

Friday July 31st was the beginning of the Police and Fire Games. To honor this occasion the Anti-Poverty Coalition organized a march from Victory Square to GM Place where the opening ceremonies were taking place. The purpose of this march was to shed light on the many issues involving police brutality in Vancouver, Canada and in particular the Downtown East side. Once the group arrived at GM place they were met with strong police resistance and were told to keep behind an imaginary line. I was quite surprised at how aggressive some of the police were as I was threatened with arrest on two separate occasions just for taking photos. Protestors stand before police holding a polish flag bearing the name of Robert Dziekanski, a polish citizen who was tased and killed at Vancouver International Airport by RCMP officers. As we approached GM place a giant banner that read “RIOT 2010” unfurled from the bridge above. With the exception of one arrest, the protest ended without incident. This action, put on by the APC and attended by the Olympic Resistance Network, as well as by many concerned citizens and independent media, will become more frequent as 2010 approaches. Hopefully, those who want to voice their dissent of the 2010 games will be able to without fear or harassment but as the security budget grows and “free speech” zones are introduced, that idea seems to be fading more and more everyday.

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hristoher Bevcqua The Face of Protest

2010 Heart Attack was an Anti-Olympic march that wound its way through Vancouver’s downtown eastside to downtown. Protesters blocked off intersections with newspaper boxes and other found objects, as well as smashed windows of Olympic sponsors such as the Hudson Bay Company. Riot police were eventually called to the march where police and activists clashed. Many people were arrested and injured, including media.

vcferry VC Ferry

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is an ongoing series of demonstrations initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters which began September 17, 2011 in Zuccotti Park of New York City’s Wall Street financial district. The protests are against social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, as well as corruption, and the undue influence of corporations—particularly that of the financial services sector—on government. The protesters’ slogan “We are the 99%” refers to the growing difference in wealth in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. The Wall Street protests have led the wider Occupy movement of leaderless protests in other American cities and internationally.

Source: Wikipedia, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.



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Tear Down This Wall wall street stole my dreams


ear own TEAR DOWN THIS WALL (Street)!





Tear Down This Wall HOPE



mv tu sa lin MT Sullivan On February 11th, 2011, newly elected governor Scott Walker announced a bill that would eliminate collective bargaining in the state of Wisconsin. What ensued were a series of protests against this bill and other injustices proposed by a republican controlled state senate. This series of images was made over several months, using a documentary approach with a Leica M8 and several prime lenses.

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CARDEAL activism in BRAZIL 2000 - 2011


landles landless workers movement

This Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST) was the first protest I shot in my life. I shot them as document for myself. It was the year of 2000, there were political crimes happening, committed by the large estates and agribusiness. The death of Antônio Tavares (2000), killed near Curitiba in a violent response by the police during a pacific protest became emblematic. There were families, rural workers, protesting against his death and for the Agrarian Reform (that still didn’t happen).


“Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Portuguese, is a mass social movement, formed by rural workers and by all those who want to fight for land reform and against injustice and social inequality in rural areas. The MST was born through a process of occupying latifundios (large landed estates) and become a national movement in 1984. Over more than two decades, the movement has led more than 2,500 land occupations, with about 370,000 families - families that today settled on 7.5 million hectares of land that they won as a result of the occupations. Through their movement, these families continue to push for schools, credit for agricultural production and cooperatives, and access to health care. Currently, there are approximately 900 encampments holding 150,000 landless families in Brazil. Those camped, as well as those already settled, remain mobilized, ready to exercise their full citizenship, by fighting for the realization of their political, social, economic, environmental and cultural rights.”

From MST website


anti-bush brazilian protest When he went to Brazil in 2005, thousands of people marched against Bush and his policies on war, Iraqi and Afghanistan invasions,

and his attempts to impose the Alca’s rules to the hemisphere. Protests happens at the most important Brazilian cities, including Sao Paulo.

PRESTES MAIA OCUPATION protests 2006 Prestes Maia, was considered the largest vertical occupation in Latin America. The building was an old textile factory abandoned more than 20 years ago, and the owners owe millions in taxes to the municipal government. Some 2,000 people were living there, members of the Downtown Homeless Movement. The people were affected by injunctions for the repossession of the property; artists joined the people protesting to pressure the judges, asking the suspension of the Prestes Maia Occupation’s forced eviction. As one said:

“What supports this building it’s not the building itself, but this people”.


Women’s Day

Landless worker’s women, during the protests at the World March of Women and Anti-Bush protest.

“Cry of the Excluded” Protest (Grito dos Excluídos) Women supporting the right to abortion and it’s legalization. The Cry of the Excluded is a set of popular demonstrations that took place in Brazil during the national celebrations, culminating with the Independence Day of Brazil, on September 7. These events aim to give visibility to the outcasts of society, to denounce the social mechanisms of exclusion and signal / propose alternative ways for a more inclusive society.

Sao Paulo 2007

Sao Paulo 2008

VIII World Social Forum A decentralized edition of the World Social Forum, was named Global Call for Action. The Call was generated inside the World Social Forum and launched in June 2007 in Berlin by many international networks. This decentralized version of the WSForum spread its words in protests, marches, lectures, debates and workshops organized around the globe.

World Women’s March More women organized and protesting during the World March of Women (Marcha Mundial das Mulheres) . The World March of Women (MMM) is an international feminist social movement. The movement fights against poverty, the violence against women, the “commodification� of the female body, and the legalization of abortion among others.

WO Sao Paulo 2010


Belo Monte and New Forest Code One of the first protests in Sao Paulo against the construction of Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon Forest, at Xingu River, that environmentalists and indigenous activists claim will displace indigenous tribes and further damage the Amazon basin. Also protest against to approve destructive changes to the laws governing forest protection – called the Forest Code - that would open up the Amazon rainforest to rampant destruction

Sao Paulo 2011

STUDENT MOVEMENT IN CHILE The 2011 Chilean protests, Chilean Winter or Chilean Education Conflict, are a series of ongoing student-led protests across the country, demanding a new framework for education in Chile, including more direct state participation in secondary education and an end to the existence of profit in higher education. Beyond the specific demands regarding education, there is a feeling that the protests reflect a “deep discontent” among some parts of society with Chile’s high level of inequality. Protests have included massive non-violent marches, but also a considerable amount of violence on the part of a side of protestors as well as riot police. Student mobilizations continue to date, with periodic marches, occupations of high schools and universities, and general strikes.

v olen ic a i Source: excerpts from Wikipedia, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Mario Tellez

Tea CAMILA VALLEJO, one of the leaders of the Chilean Student Movement.

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MOVIMIENTO ESTUDIANTIL EN CHILE La movilización estudiantil de 2011 en Chile se ha desarrollado desde el mes de abril a través de una serie de manifestaciones realizadas a nivel nacional por estudiantes universitarios y de secundaria. Estas movilizaciones han surgido de parte de estudiantes que rechazan el sistema educacional chileno, que provee una amplia participación del sector privado respecto a la del Estado. Las primeras movilizaciones fueron convocadas por la Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile (Confech), organismo que agrupa a las federaciones de estudiantes de las universidades que integran el Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas —conocidas como “tradicionales”— en reclamo por el financiamiento, retrasos en la entrega de becas y problemas con la Tarjeta Nacional Estudiantil (TNE). Paulatinamente, estudiantes secundarios se sumaron a las movilizaciones y comenzaron a realizar tomas en sus colegios, repitiendo las acciones de la “Revolución pingüina”. A medida que la movilización fue creciendo, se han incorporado por primera vez estudiantes de colegios particulares pagados, Centros de Formación Técnica (CFT), Institutos Profesionales (IP) y universidades privadas, es decir, los miembros de casi todo el sistema educacional chileno. El movimiento ha sido considerado como uno de los más fuertes desde el retorno a la democracia y han sido interpretadas como parte de un movimiento social mayor que demanda reformas sustanciales al modelo económico y político, con el fin de reducir la fuerte desigualdad de ingreso existente en el país.

arwn his all Fuente: extractos de Wikipedia bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0

Nelson Arancibia



london lothing

The 2011 England Riots, also often referred to as 2011 London Riots and 2011 Tottenham Riots, took place from 6 to 10 August 2011, originally beginning in Tottenham, North London, before spreading to other areas of London, and then to other major cities and towns across England. Widespread rioting, arson and looting occurred, along with injuries to the public and police, and the death of five members of the public. The first night of rioting took place on 6 August 2011 after a peaceful protest in Tottenham, following the death of Mark Duggan, a local man from the area, who was shot dead by police on 4 August 2011. Youths from the nearby Broadwater Farm estate arrived at the scene a few hours after, which led to the violence beginning. Several clashes with police, along with the damage of police vehicles, a double-decker bus, homes and businesses, began gaining attention from the media. Overnight, looting took place in Tottenham Hale Retail Park and nearby Wood Green. The following days saw similar scenes in other parts of London with the worst violence taking place in Hackney, Brixton, Chingford, Peckham, Enfield, Croydon, Ealing and East Ham. The city centre in Oxford Circus was also attacked. From 8 till 10 August, other cities in England including Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, along with several towns, saw what was described by the media as ‘copycat violence’.

Source: Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

Nelson Pereira Nelson Pereira CRUDE AWAKENING UK

Hundreds of demonstrators have stopped 375,000 gallons of fuel from leaving a depot after blockading the road to an oil refinery. Police were forced to close the road after 100’s of protesters created several blockades along the only road route to the refinary. One block of 12 women handcuffed themselves to lorries parked to deliberately block the main road leading to the Coryton refinery in Essex. Demonstrators stopped traffic getting to and from the site, exacerbating climate change.

Switching off the oil On Saturday, 16th October, 500 people successfully blockaded the UK’s busiest oil refinery for over 7 hours, disrupting the flow of oil to central London. A diversity of tactics, amazing creative energy, some serious preparation, amazing weather and a cunning plan to outfox the police came together in an inspiring and empowering day of mass direct action that effectively disrupted a critical piece of infrastructure in the UK oil machine. We gave the oil industry a Crude Awakening: and we’ll be back! Action Report Crude but effective Shutting down Coryton oil refinery, 16 October 2010


DAY X DAY X was a demonstration by hundred of students against education cuts and tuition fees rise in the UK in 2010. This was the first protest where “kettling� -a tactic that consists in the formation or large cordons of policemen that contain a crowd within a limited area- was used on a large scale by the police, which led to violence occuring throughout the protest. DAY X was what really kicked the protest movement off in the UK.



The Libyan community living in Manchester made several protests against Colonel Gaddafi’s regime during 2011. Manchester has the largest expatriate Libyan community in the UK. A large number came to the city in search of political asylum. The Libyan civil war (also referred to as the Libyan Revolution and the Libyan Uprising), was an armed conflict in the North African state of Libya, fought between forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and those seeking to oust his government. The war was preceded by protests in Benghazi beginning on 15 February 2011, which led to clashes with security forces that fired on the crowd. The protests escalated into a rebellion that spread across the country, with the forces opposing Gaddafi establishing an interim governing body, the National Transitional Council. On September 2011, the National Transitional Council was recognized by the United Nations as the legal representative of Libya, replacing the Gaddafi government. On 20 October 2011 he was captured and killed attempting to escape from Sirte. The National Transitional Council declared the liberation of Libya and the official end of the war on October 23 2011.

Source: public news souces and excerpts from Wikipedia, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

T h o r s t e n Straas Thorsten


Thousands protested against visit of pope Benedict XVI in Berlin. The people critizied his sexual morality and remembered cases of sexual abuse of thousands of children in catholic schools and children’s homes. They also disadreed with Benedikts position about homosexuality, divorces and usage of condoms and the contraceptive pill. Especially his speech in front of the members of parliament at German Bundestag was called wrong because of separation of religion and state which is written down in Germany’s basic law.




While Arab Spring raises and ends dictatorships like the one of Hosni Mubarak, Arab people in Berlin showed solidarity with the opposition in their home countries like Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain. High emotional, full of hope and pride, but also filled with fear and sadness, they cried out their anger against those who suppressed them for decades.


In fall 2010 German government under leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel decides to let nuclear power plants run for several years longer than the exit-strategy by former red-green administration under Gerhard Schroeder allowed. From this point on the anti nuclear power movement which seemed to be dead, buried and outdated by reality raised again and had a newly peak when more than 100,000 people marched through Berlin and squatted for hours the place in front of German parliament.

YMADAY May Day protests in Berlin are not only violent at the end in the district of Kreuzberg, but mostly they are a creeative mix of different demonstrations through the whole May Day. They ranges from high emotional and political protests by far left groups to those who are more like a party for peace, love and social justice with techno music and dancing people.

The annual Christopher Street Day march through Berlin is the main event at the end of a week full of homosexual protest and - mostly - party. Ten thousands of gays, lesbians, transgenders or even heterosexuals marched for equal rights for all people, no matter which sexual orientation they have. While homosexual life became more and more accepted by society Christopher Street Day changes a lot over the years into a big party with loud music and dancing people. But groups like Amnesty International or members of the Iranian opposition still remember the repressions homosexuals have to suffer all over the world.

As Berlin is a city full of young people from all over the world, it’s no wonder that the Democracia Real Ya! movement from Spain took over. On it’s peak thousands of mostly Spaniards supported the movement with a rally at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate.

The annual “Freedom not fear� demonstration is a manifestation for more data privacy and against access on private data by state authorities or companies like Google or social networks. Also against growing video surveillance of public spaces.

JP J e s u s a t o Straa Jesus G. PASTOR


El Movimiento 15-M, también llamado movimiento de los indignados, es un movimiento ciudadano formado a partir de una serie de protestas pacíficas en España con la intención de promover una democracia más participativa, alejada del bipartidismo PSOE-PP y del dominio de bancos y corporaciones, así como una “auténtica división de poderes” y otras medidas con la intención de mejorar el sistema democrático. Ha aglutinado a diversos colectivos ciudadanos con distintos lemas, como el de la manifestación del 15 de mayo: «No somos marionetas en manos de políticos y banqueros» o «Democracia real ¡YA!». El movimiento comenzó a organizarse tras el establecimiento de centenares de acampadas en las plazas de la mayoría de las ciudades españolas, así como otras creadas por expatriados españoles en ciudades de todo el mundo. Entre las bases del Movimiento 15-M están las de ser una iniciativa apartidista (sin afiliación a ningún partido ni sindicato), pacífico, horizontal y transparente, es decir, sin estar sujeto a ningún tipo de registro. En la actualidad, el movimiento se organiza a través de asambleas populares abiertas celebradas generalmente en plazas o parques y está estructurado en diversas comisiones y grupos de trabajo. Fuente: extractos de Wikipedia bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0

15-M MOVEMENT The 2011 Spanish protests, also referred to as the 15-M Movement and the Indignants movement, are a series of ongoing demonstrations in Spain whose origin can be traced to social networks and Real Democracy NOW, among other civilian digital platforms and 200 other small associations. The protests started on 15 May with an initial call in 58 Spanish cities. The series of protests demands a radical change in Spanish politics, as protesters do not consider themselves to be represented by any traditional party nor favored by the measures approved by politicians. Spanish media have related the protests to the economic crisis, and protests in the Middle East and North Africa, Greece, Portugal as well as the Icelandic protest and riots in back in 2009. The movement drew inspiration from 2011 revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and uprisings in 1968 France, and Greece in 2008. Even though protesters form a heterogeneous and ambiguous group, they share a strong rejection of unemployment, welfare cuts, Spanish politicians, the current two-party system in Spain between the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party and the People’s Party, as well as the current political system, capitalism, banks and bankers, political corruption and firmly support what they call basic rights: home, work, culture, health and education. According to statistics published by local media, between 6.5 and 8 million Spaniards have participated in these protests. Source: excerpts from Wikipedia, under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.




Social Movements around the world are playing an important role in a world dominated by a global crisis and strong social inequality. When human and social rights are under pressure and social justice is disappearing, the voice of the people comes back. From the student and workers protest to the global social claim, world population asks to put people first than profit. Our life is more important than economic issues and global interests. We can’t build a peaceful world without social justice. “I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides. Those who really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy are parasitism, perversion, not life. That is why I hate the indifferent.� (Antonio Gramsci)

I movimenti sociali mondiali stanno giocando un importante ruolo in uno scenario dominato crisi globali e forti disuguaglianze sociali. Quando i diritti umani e sociali sono sotto pressione e la giustizia sociale sta scomparendo, il popolo torna a farsi sentire. Dalle proteste dei lavoratori e degli studenti, alle richieste sociali globali, la popolazione chiede a gran voce che le persone vengano prima dei profitti. Le nostre vite sono molto piu’ importanti degli aspetti economici e degli interessi globali. Non possiamo construire un mondo di pace senza giustizia sociale. “Odio gli indifferenti. Credo che vivere voglia dire essere partigiani. Chi vive veramente non può non essere cittadino e partigiano. L’indifferenza è abulia, è parassitismo, è vigliaccheria, non è vita. Perciò odio gli indifferenti.” (Antonio Gramsci)

JP J e s u a t Stra







“C’est une rèvolte?” “Non, Sire, c’est une rèvolution!” Dialogue between Louis XVI and the Duke of Liancourt during the taking of the Bastille.

Ja J c r i g w h erl craig WHERLOCK greece

I think that many people across the world have been shocked by the scale of violence witnessed in Greece. Scenes of intense confrontations with the police and a level of destruction that people normally wouldn’t associate with a country famed for its natural beauty and long history. However, away from the beaches and the museums there are has been a growing sense of despair amongst people, especially those under 25 that the country they live in has no place for them. A feeling that those in charge politically and economically lead lives cocooned by wealth and family connections which leave them indifferent to the problems faced by the rest of the population. Cronyism, corruption and lack of accountability have eaten away at people’s respect for institutions at the heart of Greek life. A toxic mix of unemployment, disillusionment and frustration has driven young people onto the streets time and time again; it has led them to occupy 600 schools nationwide and hundreds of university departments. As of yet there has been no concerted demands for a political program, however, this simply reflects the fact that there are so many disparate groups and organizations involved in the protests. The speed and scale of the reaction has been such that there is no one group of people or organization that can truthfully say that represent the demonstrator’s will.

Maggie OSAMA egypt

MUBARAK trial Public trial to Egypt’s former president, Hosni Mubarak, his two sons, Alaa & Gamal, and the former interior ministry, Al-Adly with six of his police officers has been taking place in police academy formerly known as “Mubarak’s Security Academy” in New Cairo the same place where Mubarak and Adly addressed senior security leaders two days before the revolution, celebrating Police Day. Numbers of pro and anti Mubarak were standing outside. Pro Mubarak supporters were wearing unified T-shirts reading “I’m Egyptian and I refuse to Insult the Leader of the Nation” holding banners expressing sympathy to Mubarak and denouncing his trial. While Anti-Mubarak were calling for the execution of Mubarak. Clashes took place between pro and anti by throwing rocks before trial starts. Some were saying that numbers of anti-Mubarak were more than the pro ones. CSF troops were beating some protesters outside the court but as soon as the trial started, silence has just flowed. People were watching the trial with complete concentration through a big screen staged outside the academy. At the end of the trial, only anti-Mubarak protesters continued chanting against the toppled president demanding retribution.

Friday of Correcting the Path Thousands of Egyptians marched from different cities to Tahrir square in Cairo in what was dubbed the Friday of ‘Correcting the Path.’ Demonstrators reiterated some of the revolution’s fundamental demands. They called for an independent judiciary, and an end to military trials for civilians. Others protesting at Ministry of Interior called for an end police brutality.





Anti-SCAF march More than 20,000 protesters joined an Anti-SCAF march. The march left Tahrir via Abdel Moneim Riyadh Square, and continued down Emtidad Ramses Street, into Ghamra till we reached Al-Nour mosque in Abbassiya. The military police and army have blocked the road by Al-Nour with vehicles and barbed wires. As soon as we reached, chants started against Tantawi and SCAF. After few minutes suddenly an attack started. Thugs carrying swords and knives flocked to the right, while others were throwing stones toward us from the side streets. The army kept firing their machine guns into the air. After few hours, tear gas bombs were thrown towards us. We were trapped and didn’t find a way out. It was a war I have to say..




The China Syndrome is a term invented to describe one possible result of a severe nuclear meltdown in which molten reactor core components penetrate their containment vessel and building. The term is misleading, since molten material from such an event could not melt through the crust of the Earth nor reach China from USA.involved in the protests. The speed and scale of the reaction has been such that there is no one group of people or organization that can truthfully say that represent the demonstrator’s will.


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