26 August 2021
STAKEHOLDERS 21 CLG members and guests IN ATTENDANCE Jonathan Hill, Eva Brosius, Nina Topina, Michael Coup, Johanna McIntosh, Simon Mitchell, STAFF
Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Iain Billington Karangahape Station update
Purpose To provide information regarding: •
Share progress made from the past year and key milestones for Mercury Lane and Beresford Square design.
Agenda 1. Brief welcome – Simon Mitchell, Community Manager 2. Station update and highlights - Jonathan Hill, Project Manager 3. Mercury Lane - Eva Brosius, Project Engineer 4. Tunnels – Nina Tropina, Tunnels Engineer 5. Beresford Square – Michael Coup, Senior Project Engineer 6. Discussion and questions Subject matter experts will be available to answer questions Meeting notes Welcome •
Provided and update on First Thursday event and our involvement and sponsorship
Highlights • •
Site security – CCTV cameras 24/7 monitoring, daily on-site site security walk throughs Excavation has been continuing at both Mercury Lane and Beresford Square.
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In Mercury Lane we hit a major milestone with the breakthrough from the station box to the mined pilot tunnel. The southbound tunnel (MC30) profile is complete, and work is now directed to the northbound tunnel (MC20). It is expected to be completed year end. Key milestones for Beresford Square were the two concrete pours for B2 and the commencement of excavation from B2 to B3.
Mercury Lane • •
Key milestone for Mercury Lane was the breakthrough We have completed L0, B1 and B2 and are now excavating, rockbolting and shotcreting to B7
Mined tunnels • •
Excavation work is now complete on the southbound tunnel closest to Mercury Lane Adit 5 with excavation complete to beneath Beresford Square Adit 3 beginning of excavation of MC20
Beresford Square
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Key milestone - first two concrete pours for the B2 level and the excavation from B2 to B3 starts Excavation has now begun from B2 to B3 It is now too deep for the long reach excavator, so all the spoil is coming out via a crane with a bucket that is lowered into and out of the cavern.
Q and As 1. The alleyways in Beresford Square are often filthy especially after Friday and Saturday nights. What is your response to keeping the area clean? a. We did have the rubbish bins removed as they were being used as general dumping, but we can reintroduce if preferred. We look for your feedback on this. Also, we do monitor the area for rubbish and our crew do pick up when possible, but this is the job of council to clean up. We recommend that you call council if you see an issue or you can go online and log a job. 2. A huge windstorm blew down some fences and we reported it to Karangahape. What is your plan to address this sort of thing moving forward? a. We responded immediately to the 0800 call and had the fences put right. Our plan is to respond to issues immediately when we can or within 24 hours. This issue was addressed immediately. 3. A nice comment to remind us that the site is also people’s homes a. This is always front of mind for all of us and I am happy to say that we do take this very seriously and know we must be good neighbours. 3:30 PM meeting ends
ACTIONS 1. Johanna - Provide CLG members a copy of the TEAMS meeting recording