TIME 5:30-6:30pm
LOCATION The Methodist Church, Pitt Street, Auckland
TE 19 March 2025
Stakeholders included: Alexandra Bonham, Richard Northey, Roberta Hammond, Rev Metuisela Tafuna, Tim Harvey, Sally Logan, Mike Bennett, Paul Neveldsen, Siobhan
O’Donovan, Suresh Patel, Valerie Isted, Jane Small, one unknown attendee.
Link Alliance staff: Simon Mitchell, Joe Bowles, Michael Coup, Simon Lough, Rachel Blundell.
Guest speaker: Manoj Nathoo (Auckland Transport).
5:30 – Testing and Commissioning – Simon Mitchell, Community Manager
5:35 – Station Entrances and Urban Realm – Michael Coup, Construction Manager
5:50 – Station Design Elements – Simon Lough, Service and Design Manager
6:00 – Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct neighbourhood integration project – Manoj Nathoo, Auckland Transport
6:10 – Questions
6:20 – End
Meeting notes
Testing and Commissioning – Simon Mitchell
Simon shared the milestones achieved this year, including the first test train (and the video of the train’s journey through the tunnels), the subsequent train tests, and the upcoming tests that will be conducted within the tunnels
Station Entrances and Urban Realm – Michael Coup
Michael provided an update on site progress since December’s CLG, including completion of the Mercury Lane roof, TVS and HVAC works and testing, paving progression at Beresford Square, as well as the removal of the noise shed at Mercury Lane
Station Design Elements – Simon Lough
Simon talked about the station design elements and the materials that will comprise the sun and moon elements and the vent pou at Beresford Square, as well as the Pupurangi snail shells at Mercury Lane.
Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct integration project – Manoj Nathoo
Manoj gave an update on the latest works progress for Auckland Transport’s neighbourhood project on Mercury Lane and Pitt Street, as well as a security assessment carried out by the team.
Questions and Answers
Is testing and commissioning on schedule?
Yes, it is.
Do you know what is going on in the area south of the station entrance when the noise shed has been removed?
We are not aware of the landowners’ intention after we return the land to them.
Will there be advertising space in the platform tunnels?
There will be screen and poster cabinets in certain areas for advertising
What is happening to the ‘land’ above the Mercury Lane entrance?
As far as we are aware, Eke Panuku are not currently planning to utilize that space above the entrance currently, but the structure has been futureproofed for potential oversite development.
On the back (western) wall of the Mercury Lane entrance, what provisions are being made for potential graffiti, or has there been any discussion around commissioning a mural to be produced?
The entire building has an anti-graffiti coating. We are currently going through the process of how we will block that area off to avoid access from the public.
Auckland Transport will manage the area when we hand the station over to them and any decision regarding the commission of a mural will sit with Auckland Council.
Auckland Transport update-related questions
The security recommendations you just shared with us, who will these be sent to for consideration?
We will send the relevant recommendations to Auckland Council, Link Alliance and within Auckland Transport.
Can the recommendations be sent to the Waitematā Local Board to consider please?
Absolutely, we would love to share these with you.
I believe Mercury Theatre is putting up lighting for their façade. Have you been in touch with them regarding lighting on Mercury Lane?
We have not discussed this topic with the Theatre previously, but we will raise this when we next meet with them.
Regarding CCTV on Mercury Lane, will that be on the station or around the neighbourhood?
There is a minimum number of CCTV measures being deployed and there will be lighting interventions on both Mercury Lane and Cross Street.
You talked about lighting along the Mercury Theatre side-lane, what will happen regarding lighting along the laneway at the southern end of the station entrance on Mercury Lane?
The laneway will be a shared path and have lighting along the laneway, as well as bollards to prevent cars being driven along there.