Aotea CLG Presentation March 2022

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Aotea Station Community Liaison Group meeting 29 March 2022 4pm-5pm, Microsoft Teams Live

Contact us: 0800 CRL TALK (select option 3)

Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction (Shaun Sutton, Community Manager)

Aotea Station progress and upcoming milestones (Matt Sinclair, Station Manager) Community interface (Shaun Sutton, Community Manager) Environmental monitoring and mitigations - noise, vibration, dust, and archaeological controls (Jason Haggerty, Environmental Advisor)

5. Te Hā Noa Victoria Street Linear Park and Wellesley Street Bus Improvements update (Oliver Smith – Auckland Council; Andrew Taylor – Auckland Transport)

6. Feedback and Q&A


Aotea Station Progress and New Milestone Tracker Matt Sinclair Station Manager


Aotea Station To BTM Station North




To KRD Station 5

Aotea North – Wyndham to Victoria

Wyndham St

Victoria St


Looking North at Wyndham; interface with C2 running tunnel Looking North below ground from Victoria St 7

Looking South below ground from Wyndham

Crowne Plaza airbridge 8

Victoria St Roof construction–


Victoria / Albert St intersection


Central Zone Roof, Concourse and Platform construction


South – Wellesley St entrance structure

L4 L3 L2 L1 L0 18m

B1 B2 B3


Central Zone looking south from Victoria St to Wellesley St.

Wellesley St. entrance building


South Mayoral Dr. 14

B3 level Entrance Building

Below ground Mayoral Dr

Track level below Wellesley St


Mayoral Dr TBM breakthrough area


Community interface Shaun Sutton Community Manager



Supporting safety/security in the area Supporting the recovery of the midtown area, as office workers / visitors return following Covid restrictions Walkways, hoardings, and community placemaking – wayfinding audit complete

Current focus areas

Direct business support and launch of Support Local & Win Campaign

Noise, vibration, and dust mitigations – deep dive for this CLG Social Impact and Business Disruption independent audit Evaluation of Small Business Support Programme Interface with other construction & development projects Sharing the underground story

We’ve heard you value local support and want more of it

Support Local & Win competition

Informed by and designed with businesses, the campaign aims to support local spend and for businesses to feel more of a sense of community

Encourage visitation to the area by promoting local businesses and incentivising spend – in conjunction with other campaigns/partners


Other upcoming initiatives

Environmental monitoring and mitigations Jason Haggerty Environmental Advisor


Environmental Focus Areas

Erosion and Sediment Control • Ensure that: • Soil/sediment and dirty water from exposed work areas is contained • All dirty water is treated onsite prior to discharge • Mud is not tracked onto the road on vehicle tyres

Manage Noise and Vibration Levels • • • • • • •

Plan works and get advice from Env Team​ Notify resident/business about works – Comms team​ Work within permitted or agreed hours Before work, put in place required noise mitigation measures (e.g. noise mats)​ Do noisy activities in the day (limits lower before 7am and after 10pm)​ Scheduling of activities Monitor noise and vibration regularly

Air Quality Dust is the main air quality issue - Mitigation measures include: • Control stockpile dust – limit height/slope, dampen or stabilise • Limit vehicles speed to 20 km/hr • Limit area of exposed surface and exposed excavation​ • Keep sealed surfaces clean and/or damp • Monitoring – Perimeter dust monitors installed

Other issues:​ • Exhaust emissions from vehicles/plant on site • Odour from excavation or disturbance of contaminated soil

Archaeological Discoveries • Suspected archaeological remains? (pre-1900 or early 20th century)​ • STOP works immediately​ and notify Project Archaeologist • Stand down works in the area until the archaeologist investigation and recording has been completed

Albert Street Fire Bell Tower • Batter cut along Albert Street

Bell tower foundations


Regenerating midtown

Consultation and Awareness Raising From 6 October to 9 November 2021, AT and AC sought feedback on stage one of: • Wellesley Street Bus Improvements •

Te Hā Noa Victoria Street linear park

143 submissions were received for both projects with 73% supportive of the preliminary designs Awareness Raising •

Brochure, presentations, over 4000 letters within project area

AK Have Your Say project page

Promotional campaigns - social, project video, AT and AC channels

Presentations and meetings

QR coded Posters

City Rail Link/Link Alliance network outreach

Te Hā Noa Victoria Street Linear Park


Te Hā Noa Victoria Street Linear Park The updates below arise from feedback and will be addressed through the next stages of design: • •

• • •

Cycling and active mode facilities o Space for cycling and active mode parking will be provided at key points along the street. o Access will be provided onto and off the cycleway for all users. Parking and loading requirements o Four loading zones will be provided. o Further parking, loading and servicing requirements for the midtown area are being developed as part of a midtown network loading and servicing assessment currently underway. Places to rest o The steep grades on Victoria Street can be challenging for many people, the design now incorporates more places for rest into the updated furniture zones. Pedestrian amenity o Water fountains will be included in key locations in the new development. o Raised intersection at High Street and Lorne is being investigated. Planting plans o Plans will continue to develop to extend the ngahere in the current project area. The planting plan will be predominantly native species of trees and understory planting which will be developed with Mana Whenua and Auckland Council through the detailed design phase. This will increase the canopy cover significantly in the pedestrian areas, adding to the current trees which are intended to be largely retained. o Tree pits will be designed to help manage storm water flow and for passive irrigation in some areas of Te Hā Noa. Street furniture o A range of street furniture will be available throughout the scheme that will be suitable for different spaces and user requirements including armrests and seat backs.

Te Hā Noa – exploratory works April to May To help in the design and planning for 2023 construction of stage one of Te Hā Noa: • Location of underground services between Albert Street and Kitchener Street - early April through to May 2022 • Will involve some excavation in the road and the footpath and will be undertaken in four stages. • Traffic management and wayfinding for pedestrians will be in place. • Access to properties will be maintained. • These works help to reduce the risk of unexpected delays during future construction. • Dedicated stakeholder manager for duration

Wellesley Street Bus Improvements The updates below arise from feedback and will be addressed through the next stages of design Bus Stop Shelters

Shelters will be glazed for visual permeability, safety, light penetration and visibility of the businesses behind.

Shelters will have advertising panels to ends only

Seating under the shelters will be maximised

Feasibility of creating flat areas under the shelters for people waiting in wheelchairs or with prams etc will be assessed in the next design stage.

Cycling and Active Mode Facilities •

Space for cycle and active mode parking will be available at key locations on the street.

Drinking Fountain •

Feasibility of introducing drinking fountains will be assessed during the next stage of design.

Street Furniture •

New seating under existing street trees will be maximised, whilst maintaining the required clear pedestrian movement zones.

Midtown Servicing and Loading strategy •

Parking, servicing and loading was a frequent topic of feedback from businesses.

A midtown loading and servicing plan is being prepared to develop options for the precinct area.

To date, several conversations have been held with key loading and servicing users and stakeholders in the central city.

Ongoing engagement with key stakeholder groups on the plan.

Next Steps •

The feedback from public engagement is being incorporated into the detailed design for both projects

The community engagement report was recently published on AT and Auckland Council project websites (AK Have Your Say)

Engagement will continue with key stakeholders through the detailed design stages during 2022

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