Attachment O AC Recommended Conditions

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City Rail Link: Proposed Draft Notice of Requirement Conditions Auckland Council Revised Conditions 11 June 2013

Explanation of Proposed Draft Notice of Requirement Conditions Introduction The serving of the Notices of Requirement (NoR) to designate land for the City Rail Link (CRL) project is the first step in the statutory planning process for securing the necessary planning approvals required to construct, operate and maintain the CRL. Resource consent approvals for those matters covered under sections 9, 14 and 15 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) will need to be obtained in the future once further site investigation and detailed design is completed. This document is intended to assist in the reading and understanding of the draft conditions proposed to be attached to the designation (if confirmed). It provides an explanation of how the proposed designations and related conditions provide the framework within which the CRL project will be delivered 1. The structure of the conditions shows how the adverse effects and the project will be managed when it is constructed and when it is operating.

The City Rail Link Designations For the CRL six NoR have been served by Auckland Transport (corresponding to six designations). Five of the NoR (NoR 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) propose designations that authorise physical works (construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL). The sixth NoR (NoR 3) proposes a designation for protection purposes only, making the use of the land subject to the agreement of the Requiring Authority to protect the subterranean works below but not requiring the land for works or authorising any activity. It protects the infrastructure to be constructed, operated and maintained under NoR 2, a wholly sub-strata designation. Conditions will be imposed on each proposed designation and therefore draft conditions have been prepared for each of the NoR. Some of the conditions are applicable to all proposed designations, while some of the conditions are applicable to only some or one NoR. Also, there are draft conditions which are only applicable to the proposed protection designation (NoR 3). The CRL has been separated out into six proposed designations in order to: Aid administration; Reflect the different nature of the restrictions the designations (if confirmed) will impose on affected parties, including subsurface restrictions; Provide flexibility in the construction of the Project recognising that parts of the Project may be constructed at different times; and Enable specific or localised effects to be addressed by conditions that are only appropriate to a particular NoR. A diagram showing how the proposed designation conditions for the CRL fit into the anticipated delivery 2 of the project is shown on the next page. Pages 4 and 5 contain information on the structure of the proposed draft designation conditions.


The anticipated delivery of the CRL project can been seen in Figure 2.1 of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) which supports the CRL NoR (Volume 2 of CRL NoR suite of documents). 2

See footnote 1 above.

Diagram 1: CRL designation conditions in relation to anticipated project delivery

Current Project Phase

CRL designation conditions confirmed.

Focus of designation conditions in this phase is to put in place a process which provides a framework or envelope within which the adverse environmental effects of the project can be managed.

Future Project Phase

Future design takes into account (as applicable) requirements set out in the CRL designation conditions. Necessary resource consents are sought with further conditions to manage the adverse environmental effects of the project.

Future Project Phase

Future Project Phase

Prior to construction of the CRL an Outline Plan is prepared (providing the detail of the works to be constructed) and submitted to Auckland Council for its review in accordance with section 176A of the RMA.

CRL designation and resource consent conditions are implemented and monitored throughout construction phase.

The designation conditions set out information to be provided as part of the Outline Plan process, including a Communication and Consultation Plan, a Construction Environmental Management Plan, an Urban Design and Landscape Plan, a Station Plan, and a Social Impact Management Plan

CRL designation and resource consent conditions associated with the operational phase of the project are implemented and monitored on-going.

Structure of Proposed Draft Designation Conditions for the City Rail Link The designation conditions for the CRL acknowledge that: 1) The anticipated delivery of the CRL project may be phased or undertaken in parts; 2) Resource consents (for matters under sections 9, 14 and 15 of the RMA, not covered by the designation) are to be applied for in the future, once detailed site investigations and design have been completed; 3) The detailed design is yet to occur and the final form of construction has yet to be determined. The diagram on the following page shows the structure for the draft proposed designation conditions for the CRL. The draft proposed designation conditions reflect firstly those conditions associated with the construction of the CRL, and then secondly those conditions that are associated with the operation and maintenance of the CRL (following its construction). This distinction has been made as predominantly any adverse effects will be temporary and will generally occur only during the construction of the CRL. Auckland Transport’s Environmental Management Framework Auckland Transport submitted as part of the CRL NoR documentation an Environmental Framework. This Framework has been developed by Auckland Transport for it to use to deliver the CRL project through design, construction and operational delivery. It is a management system which will be used predominantly internally by Auckland Transport to set out its intent and requirements for managing the project phases and the actual and potential adverse effects which will result from construction and operation of the CRL. Those plans under this Framework which directly relate to the external management of adverse effects resulting from the CRL project, such as the Communication and Consultation Plan and the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), are proposed to be included in the designation conditions. It is anticipated that these two plans will also be included as conditions on the future resource consents (if granted). The RMA Outline Plan Process The RMA provides the Outline Plan process for any works proposed under a designation. This mechanism provides for Council to review the detail of the proposed works and certify that it is in accordance with the designation conditions through providing a recommendation to confirm or modify the Outline Plan. It is more appropriate to prepare and submit an Outline Plan at the time construction is confirmed and when further detailed design has been undertaken. For the Outline Plan(s) associated with the CRL, the information required to satisfy section 176A (3)(a) to (f) of the RMA will generally be contained in the proposed Communication and Consultation Plan, the proposed CEMP, the proposed Urban Design and Landscape Management Plan, the proposed Station Plan, and the proposed Social Impact Management Plan. Proposed Condition Hierarchy The structure of the draft proposed designation conditions are shown in Diagram 2 on the next page. In words the structure hierarchy is: General Administration Conditions Conditions Associated with the Construction of the City Rail Link o Information to be provided as part of the Outline Plan o Monitoring of construction conditions o Construction Communication and Consultation Conditions  Communication and Consultation Plan  Other communication and consultation conditions o Construction Environmental Management Plan o Urban Design and Landscape Plan o Station Plan o Social Impact Management Plan o Other construction conditions o Advice Notes relating to the construction of the City Rail Link Conditions associated with the operation of the City Rail Link Advice Notes relating to the on-going operation of the City Rail Link

Diagram 2: Structure of the proposed draft designation conditions for the City Rail Link

Conditions associated with the construction of the CRL


Outline Plan Information Monitoring condition

Construction Communication and Consultation conditions

(to be applied as applicable to the six designations)

Notice of Requirement (1 to 6) and Accompanying Draft Proposed Designation Conditions

General Administration Conditions

Strong linkages

Communication and Consultation Plan condition Other Communication and Consultation Conditions

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) conditions to manage adverse effects on or from: the transport network, noise, vibration, built heritage, archaeology, contamination, air quality, vegetation removal, utilities

Urban Design and Landscape Plan conditions Station Plan conditions Social Impact Management Plan condition Other construction conditions

Advice Notes

Conditions for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the CRL

Conditions Advice Notes

Diagram Key Context information Draft Proposed Conditions

Proposed Draft Notice of Requirement Conditions – NoR 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

General Administration Conditions Except as modified by the conditions below, the City Rail Link Project shall be undertaken in general accordance with the information provided by the Requiring Authority in the Notice of Requirement dated 23 August 2012 and supporting documents being: Assessment of Environmental Effects report (contained in Volume 2 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 15 August 2012 Rev B); 1 2 1

Supporting environmental assessment reports (contained in Volume 3 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated August 2012);


The Concept Design Report (contained in Volume 2 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 13 August 2012 Rev 3);


Plan sets:


Works to be undertaken in accordance with the scope of the designation i.e. the documentation submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement Process.

(a) Land requirement plans (contained in Volume 1 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 15 August 2012); (b) Plans contained in the Concept Design Report Appendices (contained in Volume 3 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 13 August 2012 Rev 3). Where there is inconsistency between the documents listed above and these conditions, these conditions shall prevail. 1 2 2


In accordance with section 184(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA), this designation shall lapse if not given effect to within XXX years from the date on which it is confirmed.

Sets out extended lapse period for the designations.

Following the commissioning of any part or parts of the City Rail Link the Requiring Authority shall as soon as reasonably practicable:

Commitment by Requiring Authority to review and draw back designation to operational requirements.

5 6



(a) Review the area designated for the City Rail Link;


(b) Identify any areas of designated land that are either still required for construction (if the City Rail Link has been constructed in parts), or no longer necessary for the on-going operation and maintenance of the City Rail Link, or for on-going mitigation measures; and

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(c) Give notice to the Auckland Council in accordance with Section 182 of the RMA for the removal of those parts of the designation identified in (b) above. Conditions Associated with the Construction of the City Rail Link

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The Requiring Authority shall submit an Outline Plan to the Auckland Council for the construction of the City Rail Link in accordance with section 176A of the RMA. The Outline Plan shall include the Communication and Consultation Plan (Condition 8), the Construction Environmental Management Plan CEMP (Conditions 13 to 28), the Urban Design and Landscape Plan (Conditions 29 to 35), and the Station Plan (Condition 36), and any other information required by the conditions of this designation associated with the construction of the City Rail Link.

Reflects that an Outline Plan is required prior to construction. States the information to be provided as part of the Outline Process to assist in satisfying the requirements of section 176A 3(a) to 3(f) RMA. Also provides for progressing parts of the construction

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

The Requiring Authority may choose to give effect to the designation conditions associated with the construction of the City Rail Link either at the same time or in parts. Similarly the Requiring Authority may choose to submit one or more Outline Plan(s), Communication and Consultation Plan(s), CEMP(s), Urban Design and Landscape Plan(s), or Station Plan(s) reflecting construction undertaken at different times or works in a particular area. If these plans are submitted in parts they should clearly show the integration with adjacent City Rail Link construction works and interrelated activities.

1 4A

Intent of Condition works in advance of others and the ability therefore to provide one or more Outline Plans and required information.

Prior to submitting the CEMP to Auckland Council for the construction of the City Rail Link in accordance with section 176A of the RMA, the Requiring Authority shall engage a suitably qualified independent specialist(s) to undertake a peer review of the following specific management plans (referred to in Condition 14a) that shall be included as part of the CEMP:


(a) Road network and transportation management plan;


(b) Construction noise and vibration management plan;


(c) Historic heritage management plan;


(d) Air quality management plan; and (e) Contamination management plan. The CEMP submitted to Auckland Council shall demonstrate how the recommendations from the independent suitably qualified specialist(s) have been incorporated, and, where they have not, the reasons why. Monitoring of Construction Conditions The Requiring Authority, its contractor team, and the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer(s) shall implement a collaborative working process for dealing with day to day construction processes including monitoring the implementation of the designation conditions associated with construction of the City Rail Link. This collaborative working process shall:

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(a) Operate for the duration of the construction works, including the period following completion of construction works where monitoring of designation conditions is still required, unless a different timeframe is mutually agreed between the Requiring Authority and the Auckland Council; (b) Have a “key contact” person representing the Requiring Authority and a “key contact” person representing the contractor team to work with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer(s); (c) The “key contacts” shall be identified in the CEMP and shall meet at least monthly with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer, unless a different timeframe is agreed with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer. The purpose and function of the collaborative working process is to: (a) Assist as necessary the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer(s) to confirm that: The works authorised under this designation are being implemented in accordance with the designation conditions associated with the construction of the City Rail Link, i.e. that the works are being undertaken in accordance with the confirmed Outline Plan (including

Auckland Council has a role under the RMA to undertake compliance monitoring of the implementation of the designation conditions throughout the construction period. The intent of this condition is to set out the intent of the Requiring Authority and its contract to work collaboratively with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer(s) to assist Auckland Council in its compliance monitoring role. Reflects that practically when construction is underway a collaborative working process is required to efficiency and effectively deal with compliance monitoring.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

the Communication and Consultation Plan, the CEMP, the Urban Design and Landscape Plan, and the Station Plan); The Requiring Authority and its contractor are undertaking appropriate monitoring and recording of monitoring results, of the implementation of the CEMP, the Urban Design and Landscape Plan, the Station Plan, and other construction designation condition which require mitigation of an adverse effect; (b) Subsequent to a confirmed Outline Plan, provide a mechanism through which any changes to the design, CEMP, Urban Design and Landscape Plan, and Station Plan, which are not material changes triggering the requirement for a new Outline Plan, can be reviewed and confirmed; (c) Advise where changes to construction works following a confirmed Outline Plan require a new Outline Plan, CEMP, Urban Design and Landscape Plan, and / or Station Plan; (d) Review and identify any actions two weekly bi-monthly (unless a different timeframe is mutually agreed with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer) any concerns or complaints received alleging adverse effects from, or related to, the construction works. Construction Communications and Consultation



1 2 4 5 6

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The Requiring Authority shall make a contact person available 24 hours seven days a week for the duration of construction for public enquiries on the construction works.

Within three months of the confirmation of the designations the Requiring Authority shall appoint a Communication and Consultation Manager with responsibility for implementing the Pre-construction Communication and Consultation Plan. The Communication and Consultation Manager shall be the main and readily accessible point of contact for persons affected by the Project until the commencement of the construction phase of the Project. This person and their contact details shall be listed in the Pre-construction Communication and Consultation Plan (Condition 6B). The person’s name and contact details shall listed the Auckland Transport and Auckland Council City Rail Link Websites. The Requiring Authority shall prepare a Pre-construction Communication and Consultation Plan which shall be implemented and complied with from the confirmation of the designations until the commencement of the construction of the City Rail Link.


1 2 4 5 6

Requirement for the Requiring Authority to have a contact person available 24 hours / 7 days a week.

The purpose of the Pre-construction Communication and Consultation Plan is to provide a framework to: (a)

Inform the community of Project progress and likely commencement of construction works;


Obtain feedback and inputs from Stakeholders and directly affected parties regarding the development of relevant management plans;


Provide updates on property acquisition and management.

The Pre-construction Communication and Consultation Plan shall as a minimum include: (a) A communications framework that details the Requiring Authority’s communication strategies, the accountabilities, frequency of

Requirement for the Requiring Authority to have a Communication and Consultation Manager as a main point of contact for the Council and the public.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

communications and consultation, the range of communication and consultation tools to be used (including any modern and relevant communication methods, newsletters or similar, advertising etc.), and any other relevant communication matters; (b) The Communication and Consultation Manager for the Project including their contact details (phone, email and postal address); (c) The methods for consulting with persons affected by the project in respect of the development of the: i. All management plans listed in Condition 14a; ii. Urban Design and Landscape Plan; and iii. Station Plans; (d) Methods for communicating and consulting with owners and occupiers within the designation footprint to provide updates on the implementation and effectiveness of the: i. Property Acquisition and Management Strategy; ii. Blight Management Strategy. (e) Methods for communicating and consulting with the Community Liaison Group(s). (f) A list of Stakeholders and directly affected parties who will be communicated with; and (g) How communication and consultation activity will be recorded. The Requiring Authority shall prepare a Communication and Consultation Plan which shall be implemented and complied with for the duration of the construction of the City Rail Link. The purpose of the Communication and Consultation Plan is to provide a framework to:


1 2 4 5 6


Inform the community of construction progress and future activities and constraints that could affect them;


Obtain feedback and inputs from the community;


Engage with the community in order to foster good relationships and to provide opportunities for learning about the Project;


Provide early information on key Project milestones; and


Respond to queries and complaints

The Communication and Consultation Plan shall as a minimum include: (a) A communications framework that details the Requiring Authority’s communication strategies, the accountabilities, frequency of communications and consultation, the range of communication and consultation tools to be used (including any modern and relevant communication methods, newsletters or similar, advertising etc), and any other relevant communication matters; (b) The Communication and Consultation Manager for the Project including their contact details (phone, email and postal address); (c) Methods for communicating and consulting with mana whenua for the duration of construction including for: Construction works and programme; Listed sites of mana whenua significance; Built heritage works; Archaeological works and discoveries; and

Sets out the requirement to prepare, implement and comply with a Communications and Consultation Plan for the duration of construction. Sets out what is required to be addressed in the Communications and Consultation Plan. Sets out time period for when the Communications and Consultation Plan should be reviewed (to keep current for the duration of construction) and who it should be provided to once reviewed.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition Monitoring of the management of adverse effects; and Implementation of mana whenua principles for the project. Mana whenua for the purposes of this designation are considered to be the following (in no particular order), who at the time of Notice of Requirement expressed a desire to be involved in the City Rail Link Project: Ngati Maru Ngati Paoa Ngai Tai ki Tamaki Ngati Te Ata Ngati Whatua o Orakei Te Akitai Te Kawerau o maki Ngati Tamaoho (d) Methods for communicating with the Auckland Council Heritage Department and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust regarding works to be undertaken to directly affected built heritage buildings and structures, scheduled trees, and archaeological remains; and for providing the results of monitoring and other related works undertaken prior to, during, and following construction on built heritage buildings and structures, scheduled trees, and archaeological remains; (e) Methods that will be used to work with all Utility infrastructure providers network utility operators who have existing network utilities that are directly affected by, or located in close proximity to construction works to confirm and agree works to be undertaken to relocate, as required, utilities within the designation footprint; (f) Methods for communicating with the Auckland Council Parks Department regarding works to be undertaken to directly affected trees in public land (streets, squares, etc.), and for providing results of monitoring undertaken during construction in the vicinity of trees adjacent construction works; (g) Methods for communicating and consulting in advance of construction works with emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance) on the location, timing and duration of construction works, and particularly in relation to temporary road lane reductions and / or closures and the alternative routes or detours to be used, with specific detail around the management of the Fire and Ambulance from their central stations on Pitt Street; (h) Methods for communicating and consulting with other owners and occupiers in the immediate vicinity of construction areas to provide notice of the commencement of construction activities and works, the expected duration of the activities and works, and who to contact for any queries, concerns and complaints; (i) Methods for communicating and consulting in advance temporary traffic management measures and permanent changes to road networks and layouts to directly affected parties, bus (public and private) operators, taxi operators, bus users, and the general public; (j) Methods for communicating and consulting in advance to surrounding communities, including in particular any sensitive noise and vibration receivers (see condition 21), construction works (including blasting),

Intent of Condition

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition which may be noisy or cause vibration which is perceptible to humans; (k) Methods to consult on and to communicate the proposed hours of construction activities outside of normal working hours and on weekends and public holidays, to surrounding communities, and methods to record and deal with concerns raised about such hours; (l) Methods for communicating and consulting throughout the construction works, particularly traffic management, access to properties, noise and vibration, with owners and occupiers in the immediate vicinity of construction areas; (m) A list of Stakeholders and directly affected parties to the construction works who will be communicated with; and (n) How communication and consultation activity relating to key construction activities and monitoring requirements will be recorded. For the purposes of this designation “consult”, “consulting”, or “consultation” is defined as a process to provide information on the construction works, and to receive, for consideration, information from stakeholders and directly affected parties on the management and mitigation of effects from the construction works. The Communication and Consultation Plan shall also include (as relevant) linkages and cross-references to the CEMP (Conditions 13 to 28), the Urban Design and Landscape Plan (Conditions 29 to 35), and the Station Plan (Condition 36). The Communication and Consultation Plan shall be reviewed six monthly for the duration of construction and updated if required. Any updated Communication and Consultation Plan shall be provided to the “key contacts” (see condition 5) and the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer for review and agreement on any further action to be undertaken. Any further action required as a result of this review shall be undertaken by the Communication and Consultation Manager for the City Rail Link and confirmation of completion provided back to the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer. Community Liaison Groups Within three months of the confirmation of the designations the Requiring Authority shall, in consultation with the Auckland Council XXX, establish at least four Community Liaison Groups in each of the following key construction areas:



Britomart and Albert Street (NoR 1)


Karangahape Road (NoR 4)

(c) Newton Station (NoR 5) (d)

Main Construction site (NoR 6)

The number of Groups shall be confirmed in consultation with the Auckland Council XXXX. The Groups shall continue for the duration of the construction phase of the Project and for 12 months following completion of the Project. The Requiring Authority will in consultation with the Auckland Council XXX,

Intent of Condition

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

appoint one or more persons appropriately qualified in community consultation and social assessment as Community Consultation Advisor(s) to: (a)

provide advice to the Groups as or if required;


ensure the Groups are working effectively (including the development of a Code of Conduct) and appropriate procedures for each Group; and


act as a community consultation advisor to the Group.

The purpose of the Groups shall be to: (a)

provide a means for receiving regular updates on Project progress;


monitor the effects of constructing the Project on the community by providing a regular forum through which information about the Project can be provided to the community.


enable opportunities for concerns and issues to be reported to and responded by the Requiring Authority.

(d) Provide input into the development of i.

All management plans listed in Condition 14a


Urban Design and Landscape Plan; and


Station Plans

The Requiring Authority will use its best endeavours to ensure that the Groups will meet at least annually until the commencement of construction and then at least once every three months once construction commences. In addition to representative(s) of the Requiring Authority, membership of the Community Liaison Group shall be open to all affected parties within the Project area including, but not limited to the following: (a)

Affected property owners and occupiers;

(b) The Karangahape Road Business Association; (c)

New Zealand Historic Places Trust;

(d) Eden Terrace Business Association (e) Heart of the City (f)


The Requiring Authority will consult with the Groups in respect of the development of the:

Group membership to be confirmed through the Hearing process

i. All management plans listed in Condition 14a; ii. Urban Design and Landscape Plan; and iii. Station Plans. The Requiring Authority shall provide reasonable administrative support for the Groups including organising meetings at a local venue, inviting all members of the Groups, the taking and dissemination of meeting minutes. 1 2 9

4 5 6

Concerns and Complaints Management At all times during construction work, the Requiring Authority shall maintain a record of any concerns or complaints received alleging adverse effects from, or related to, the construction works. This shall include: (a) The actions to deal with concerns raised about adverse effects from construction works;

Requirement to keep a record of concerns and complaints for the duration of construction. Sets out time period to be provided to the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

(b) The name and address (unless they elect not to provide this) of the person(s) who raised the concern or complaint; (c) Identification of the nature of the concern or complaint; and (d) The location, date and time of the concern or complaint and of the alleged event; (e) The outcome of the Requiring Authority’s investigation into the concern or complaint; (f) Measures taken to respond to the concern or complaint; and (g) Any remedial actions undertaken. The record may also include: (h) Where practicable weather conditions at the time of the concern or complaint, including wind direction and cloud cover if the complaint relates to noise or air quality; (i) Known City Rail Link construction activities at the time and in the vicinity of the concern or complaint; (j) Any other activities in the area unrelated to the City Rail Link construction that may have contributed to the concern or compliant, such as non-City Rail Link construction, fires, traffic accidents or unusually dusty conditions generally. This record shall be maintained on site and shall be provided two weekly monthly, or as otherwise agreed with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer, for review and identification of any further actions to the “key contacts” (see condition 5) and the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer. Mana Whenua Consultation The Requiring Authority shall establish a kaitiaki or mana Whenua forum to provide for an on-going role in the design and construction of the CRL Project. Such a mana whenua forum may include: (a) Scope for development of the practical measures to give effect to the principles in the UDF; (b) Input into the preparation of the CEMP; (c) Working collaboratively with the Requiring Authority around built heritage and archaeological matters; 1 2 10

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(d) Undertaking kaitiakitanga responsibilities associated with the City Rail Link Project, including monitoring, assisting with discovery procedures, and providing mātauranga Māori input in the relevant stages of the Project; (e) Provide a forum for consultation with mana whenua regarding the names for the City Rail Link stations, noting that there may be formal statutory processes outside the project (such as the New Zealand Geographic Board) which may be involved in any decision making on station names. The frequency that the forum meets and the matters to be addressed through the forum shall be agreed between the Requiring Authority and mana whenua. Mana whenua for the purposes of this designation are considered to be the following (in no particular order), who at the time of Notice of Requirement expressed a desire to be involved in the City Rail Link Project: Ngati Maru

Addresses recommendations in the Cultural Values Assessment submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Ngati Paoa Ngai Tai ki Tamaki Ngati Te Ata Ngati Whatua o Orakei Te Akitai Te Kawerau o maki Ngati Tamaoho Communications – Notable Noise and Vibration Receivers Notable noise and vibration receivers are defined for the purpose of this designation as the following: Public Performance Theatres; In relation to sensitive equipment - Recording Studios, both sound and television; and In relation to sensitive equipment - Medical Facilities and Scientific Laboratories.

1 11

4 5 6

The Requiring Authority shall undertake communication and consultation as soon as reasonably practicable, and at least once certainty on construction timing is confirmed and construction methodology, timing and duration are known, with any notable noise and vibration receivers located within X metres of the surface designation footprint for blasting, and within X metres of the surface designation footprint for other construction activities. Communication and consultation with these parties should focus on a collaborative approach to manage the adverse effects from construction noise and vibration while works are undertaken in the vicinity.

Listed Notable Noise and Vibration Receivers are recognised as being at a more elevated level to other “sensitive receivers” (i.e. hotels and residential activities) which are covered under the Communication and Consultation Plan and as such a specific Communication and Consultation condition is suggested. Distances are still to be confirmed.

A summary of the communication and consultation undertaken between the Requiring Authority and any notable noise and vibration receivers prior to construction commencing shall be provided as part of the Outline Plan. The Requiring Authority shall undertake on-going communication and consultation with notable noise and vibration receivers throughout the duration of construction occurring in the vicinity. This communication shall be reported back to the “key contacts” (see condition 5) and the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer for their review and confirmation of any further action to be undertaken.



“One Network” Liaison


[Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency are currently drafting a condition to address the matters raised in its submission]

5 6

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)


1 2 4 5 6

A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be prepared, complied with and monitored by the Requiring Authority throughout the duration of construction of the City Rail Link. The CEMP shall manage and monitor any adverse effects (including cumulative effects) which result from the City Rail Link during its construction, including effects resulting from or on: the transport network, construction noise and vibration, built heritage, scheduled trees and archaeology, mana whenua (see condition 8) values, vegetation, human health (contamination, air quality, amenity, construction lighting, social), other social and land use effects, access to property and business.

Requirement to prepare and implement a CEMP and that it will be implemented and complied with throughout the construction period. CEMP is the main mechanism for managing adverse effects during the construction period.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition The CEMP shall include details of: (a) The site or Project Manager and the Communication and Consultation Manager (who will implement and monitor the Communication and Consultation Plan), including their contact details (phone, email and physical address);

Intent of Condition Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP.

(b) Document management and review requirements, including review and approval requirements; (c) The location of notice boards that clearly identify the Requiring Authority and the Project name, together with the name, telephone number and email address of the site or Project Manager and the Communication and Consultation Manager; (d) Training requirements for employees, sub-contractors and visitors on construction procedures, environmental management and monitoring;


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(e) Environmental incident and emergency management procedures; (f) Environmental complaint's management procedures (see also condition 9); (g) An outline of the construction programme of the work, including construction hours of operation, indicating linkages to those parts of the CEMP which address the management of adverse effects during construction (i.e. traffic management, noise and vibration management, air and contamination management, construction lighting, archaeological and built heritage management); (h) Specific details on demolition to be undertaken during the construction period; (i) Procedures for monitoring of construction vehicle maintenance to mitigate adverse noise, vibration and dust effects; (j) Means of ensuring the safety of the general public; and (k) Monitoring and reporting procedures associated with the management of the adverse effects during construction, including procedures for reporting to the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer and the “key contacts� (see condition 5); (l) Methods to assess and monitor potential cumulative adverse effects. The management of key environmental effects associated with the construction phase of the City Rail Link shall be detailed in the specific environmental management plans that are included as part of the CEMP. This suite of management plans includes:


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(a) Road network, transportation and access management plan (Conditions 16 to 20); (b) Construction noise and vibration management plan (Condition 21) (c) Historic heritage management plan (Conditions 22 and 23); (d) Trees and vegetation management plan (Condition 24); (e) Contamination management plan (Condition 25); (f) Air quality management plan (Condition 26); (g) Network utility management plan (Condition 27); (h) Public art management plan (Condition 28); and (i) Social impact management plan (Condition 36a).


1 2 4

The CEMP shall include the following details in relation to all areas within the surface designation footprint where construction works are to occur, and / or

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the construction areas to

Condition Number

NoR Applies to 5 6

Proposed Draft Condition where materials and construction machinery are to be used or stored: (a) Where access points are to be located and procedures for managing construction vehicle ingress and egress to construction support and storage areas; (b) Methods for managing the control of silt, sediment and dust within the construction area; (c) Measures to adopt to keep the construction area in a tidy condition in terms of disposal / storage of rubbish and storage and unloading of construction materials; (d) The location of any noisy construction activities and the measures to be taken to mitigate any adverse effects from these; (e) The location and specification of any temporary acoustic fences and visual barriers, and where practicable, opportunities for mana whenua (see condition 8) and community art or other decorative measures along with viewing screens to be incorporated into these without compromising the purpose for which these are erected; (f) How the construction areas are to be fenced and kept secure from the public, and where practicable and without compromising the purpose for which these are erected, opportunities for public access and interpretation of archaeological works, and for mana whenua (see condition 8) and community art or other decorative measures along with viewing screens that can be incorporated to enhance public amenity and connection to the project; and (g) The location of any temporary buildings (including workers offices and portaloos) and vehicle parking (which where practicable should be located within the construction area and not on adjacent streets); and (h) Details of how the storage of materials and equipment associated with the construction works shall take place within the boundaries of the designation.


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A copy of the CEMP shall be held on each construction site at all times and be available for inspection on request by the Auckland Council.

The CEMP shall be reviewed at least annually or as a result of a material change to the City Rail Link project. The review shall take into consideration: (a)

Compliance with designation conditions;

(b) Any changes to construction methods;


1 2 4 5 6


Key changes to roles and responsibilities within the City Rail Link project;

(d) Changes in industry best practice standards; (e) (f) (g)

Changes in legal or other requirements; Results of monitoring and reporting procedures associated with the management of adverse effects during construction; and Public complaints.

A summary of the review process shall be kept by the Requiring Authority, provided annually to the Auckland Council, and made available to the Auckland Council upon request. 15c

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Following the CEMP review process described in Condition 15b, the CEMP may require updating. Any material change proposed to the CEMP (including management plans) shall be submitted for approval to the Major

Intent of Condition mitigate adverse effects.

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Proposed Draft Condition

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Infrastructure Team Manager [Ian Smallburns role], Auckland Council, at least 10 working days prior to the proposed changes taking effect.

Intent of Condition

Any material change proposed to the CEMP shall not be subject to an independent peer review as required by Condition 4a. Advice Note: Material change will include amendment to any base information informing the CEMP or any process, procedure or method of the CEMP (such as compliance monitoring process, complaints procedure or mitigation / remedial methods identified) which has the potential to increase adverse effects on a particular value. For clarity changes to personnel and contact schedules do not constitute a material change. Transport Network and Access Note: All conditions relating to the transport network and access need to be updated following the provision of further information from AT. To manage the adverse effects on the transport network during the construction of the City Rail Link, the following shall be included in the CEMP as a road network, transportation and access management plan: (a) The road routes which are to be used by construction related vehicles, particularly trucks to transport construction related materials, equipment, spoil, including how the use of these routes by these vehicles will be managed to mitigate congestion;

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on the transport network.

(b) Proposed temporary road lane reductions and / or closures, alternative routes and temporary detours, including how these have been selected and will be managed to where possible mitigate congestion; (c) How disruption to the use of private property located adjacent the designation will be mitigated through:


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Providing pedestrian and cycle access to private property at all times; and Providing vehicle access to private property as practicably possible at all times, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; (d) How the disruption to the use of the road network will be mitigated for emergency services, public transport, bus users, taxi operators, freight and other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists through: Prioritising, where practicable, pedestrian and public transport at intersections where construction works are occurring; Relocating bus stops and taxi stands to locations which, where practicable. minimise disruption; and Identifying where required alternate heavy haul routes where these are affected by construction works; and (e) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how emergency services, landowners, occupiers, public transport users, bus and taxi operators, and the general public are to be communicated, consulted and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects on the transport network.



For this designation the CEMP shall also include the following in relation to managing the adverse effects on the transport network during the construction of the City Rail Link as a road network, transportation and access

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition management plan: (a) How construction works can be undertaken to mitigate congestion on Albert Street, Wellesley Street, Victoria Street, Customs Street, and Quay Street including retaining east-west traffic movements across Albert Street on Customs Street, Victoria Street and Wellesley Streets noting that: Customs Street intersection with Albert Street cannot be fully closed while either the intersections of Victoria or Wellesley Streets with Albert Street are fully closed; and Victoria and Wellesley Street intersections with Albert Street cannot be fully closed at the same time; (b) The timing and sequencing of temporary road lane reductions and / or closures, and the alternative routes and temporary detours to be used, including how these have been selected and will be managed to where practicable mitigate congestion on the surrounding road network; (c) How disruption to the use of private property located immediately adjacent the designation with access onto Galway Street, Tyler Street, Queen Elizabeth Square, Customs Street, Albert Street, Victoria Street and Wellesley Street, will be mitigated through: Providing pedestrian and cycle access to private property at all times; Providing vehicle access to private property as practicably possible at all times, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; Retaining local vehicle access to properties located along Albert Street (which may include only left in, left out access ), except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; and Retaining access for loading and unloading of goods located along the service lane on the eastern side of Albert Street between Victoria Street and Wellesley Street, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; (d) How disruption to the use of the local road network will be mitigated for private bus users, pedestrians and cyclists through: Providing, where practicable, for the continued operation of private bus operators from hotels and other pick / up drop off locations in the city centre area (cross references to the Communication and Consultation Plan for liaising with private bus operators shall be included in the CEMP); and Retaining pedestrian and cycle access through Lower Queen Street and / or Queen Elizabeth Square to provide access to and from the Ferry terminal and Customs Street; (e) How disruption to pedestrians and cyclists requiring the ability to cross from east to west (and vice versa) across Albert Street between Victoria Street and Customs Street can be mitigated through: Providing, where practicable, safe pedestrian and cyclist passageways across the construction works in Albert Street; At a minimum one safe crossing passageway between Victoria Street

Intent of Condition effects on the transport network – specific to NoR 1.

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Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

and Customs Street needs to be provided throughout the construction works in this area of Albert Street. For this designation the CEMP shall also include the following in relation to managing the adverse effects on the transport network during the construction of the City Rail Link as a road network, transportation and access management plan: (a) How construction of the shafts providing access to the Station can be undertaken to mitigate congestion on Pitt Street, Karangahape Road, and Mercury Lane including retaining one lane of traffic in each direction on Pitt Street (unless otherwise agreed with the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer);



Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on the transport network – specific to NoR 4.

(b) The timing and sequencing of temporary road lane reductions and / or closures on Pitt Street, Mercury Lane, and the western end of Beresford Street, and the alternative routes and temporary detours to be used, including how these have been selected and will be managed to where practicable mitigate congestion on the surrounding road network; (c) How disruption to the use of private property located immediately adjacent the surface designation with access onto Beresford Street, Pitt Street, Mercury Lane, and East Street will be mitigated through: Providing pedestrian and cycle access to private property at all times, particularly those businesses located at the eastern end of Beresford Street and the northern end of Mercury Lane; Providing vehicle access to private property, which may include only a turn in and a turn out in the same direction), as practicably possible at all times, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; Providing local vehicle access to properties located along Beresford Street and Samoa House Lane (which may include only a turn in and a turn out in the same direction). For this designation the CEMP shall include the following in relation to managing the adverse effects on the transport network during the construction of the City Rail Link as a road network, transportation and access management plan: (a) How construction of the shafts providing access to the Station, although constructed wholly on private land, can be undertaken to mitigate congestion on Symonds St, the Symonds Street / Mt Eden Road / New North Road intersection, Dundonald Street, and the western end of Basque Road; 19


(b) The timing and sequencing of temporary road lane reductions and / or closures on Symonds St, the Symonds Street / Mt Eden Road / New North Road intersection, Dundonald Street, and the western end of Basque Road, and the alternative routes and temporary detours to be used, including how these have been selected and will be managed to where practicable mitigate congestion on the surrounding road network; (c) How disruption to the use of private property located immediately adjacent the surface designation with access onto Symonds Street, Dundonald Street, and the western end of Basque Road will be mitigated through: Providing pedestrian and cycle access to private property at all

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on the transport network – specific to NoR 5.

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Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

times, particularly for those businesses and residences located along Symonds Street and Dundonald Street; Providing vehicle access to private property, which may include only a turn in and a turn out in the same direction), as practicably possible at all times, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure. For this designation the CEMP shall include the following in relation to managing the adverse effects on the transport network during the construction of the City Rail Link as a road network, transportation and access management plan: (a) How construction works can be undertaken to mitigate congestion on New North Road , Ruru Street, Korari Street, Flower Street, Nikau Street, Ngahura Street, Porters Avenue, Mt Eden Road, Normanby Road, Boston Road, Nugent Street, and the road network in general in this area including: Which routes are to be used by construction trucks to remove spoil from the construction yard including how the use of these routes by these vehicles will be managed to mitigate congestion; Which routes are to be used by construction related traffic (especially trucks) to deliver construction materials and other related goods and services to the construction yard including how the use of these routes by these vehicles will be managed to mitigate congestion; Providing for traffic to turn right out of Ruru Street to reduce any congestion (particularly at peak times) resulting from not being able to travel via Nikau Street to the traffic lights at Flower Street and New North Road; 20


The retention of at least two traffic lanes (one in either direction) on Mt Eden Road during the construction of the replacement Mt Eden Road Bridge; Providing accessibility along Mt Eden and Normanby Roads as a priority for, where practicable: public transport (buses), emergency services, access to properties for pedestrians, and cyclists; The grade separation of Porters Ave so that it is undertaken at a time when vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists can be managed and accommodated on Dominion Road, Mt Eden Road and Normanby Road to an extent which mitigates where possible and practicable delays to travel journeys from congestion on these roads resulting from City Rail Link construction works; The grade separation of Normanby Road so that it is undertaken at a time when vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists can be managed and accommodated either on a temporary level railway crossing located within the designation footprint, or on Dominion Road, Mt Eden Road and Porters Avenue, to an extent which mitigates where possible and practicable delays to travel journeys from congestion on these roads resulting from City Rail Link construction works; The timing and sequencing of temporary road lane reductions and / or closures along Symonds Street, New North Road , Ruru Street, Korari Street, Flower Street, Nikau Street, Ngahura Street, Porters Avenue, Mt Eden Road, Normanby Road, Boston Road, Nugent Street, and the alternative routes and temporary detours to be

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on the transport network – specific to NoR 6.

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Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

used, including how these have been selected and will be managed to where practicable mitigate congestion on the surrounding road network; (b) How disruption to the use of private property located immediately adjacent to the surface designation with access onto New North Road, Ruru Street, Korari Street, Flower Street, Nikau Street, Ngahura Street, Porters Avenue, Mt Eden Road, Normanby Road, Boston Road, Nugent Street will be mitigated through: Providing pedestrian and cycle access to private property at all times; Providing local vehicle access and pedestrian access at all times to properties located along Flower Street (between Nikau Street and Shaddock Street), and Shaddock Street (between Flower Street and its dead end to the east), which are not located within the designation footprint, except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; Retaining local vehicle and pedestrian access to properties located outside the designation footprint along Haultain Street, Fenton Street, Porters Avenue, Ngahura Street, Ruru Street, Korari Street, Flower Street, Nikau Street, Mt Eden Road, Boston Road, Nugent Street, and Normanby Road at all times except for temporary closures where landowners and occupiers have been communicated and consulted with in reasonable advance of the closure; and Full accessibility to those parts of Porters Avenue not affected by, but in the vicinity of, the construction works; and (c) How disruption to the use of the use of Mt Eden Rail Station will be mitigated through providing, where practicable, access during construction works associated with the replacement of Mt Eden Road Bridge. (d) Methods to ensure works associated with the grade separation of Porters Avenue are not undertaken at the same time as works associated with the grade separation of Normanby Road or the replacement of Mt Eden bridge. Noise and Vibration

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4 5 6

To manage the adverse effects from noise and vibration during the construction of the City Rail Link, and using the noise and vibration project criteria for construction (conditions 38 and 39) and the draft construction noise and vibration management plan provided as part of the assessment of the Notice of Requirement, the following shall be included in the CEMP as a construction noise and vibration management plan: (a) The roles and responsibilities of the noise and vibration personnel in the contractor team with regard to managing and monitoring adverse noise and vibration effects; (b) Construction machinery and equipment to be used and their operating noise and vibration levels; (c) What construction activities are likely to create adverse noise and vibration effects and the location of these in the construction site areas; (d) The duration of construction activities that are likely to create an adverse noise and vibration effect; (e) The location of sensitive noise and vibration receivers (including but not

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse noise and vibration effects.

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NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

limited to childcare facilities, churches, hotels, residential uses), including Notable receivers (refer condition 11); (f) Specific training procedures for construction personnel including: Awareness of the project noise and vibration criteria; Information about noise and vibration sources within the construction area and the locations of sensitive noise and vibration receivers; and Construction machinery operation instructions relating to mitigating noise and vibration; (g) Where mitigation options (including but not limited to: structural mitigation such as barriers and enclosures; the scheduling of high noise and vibration construction, use of low noise and vibration machinery, temporary relocation of affected receivers) are proposed to mitigate adverse noise and vibration effects; (h) The proposed methods for monitoring construction noise and vibration to be undertaken by a suitably qualified person for the duration of construction works including: Identifying critical construction works where exceedances of the project noise and vibration criteria are anticipated with cross references to the Communication and Consultation Plan for communication and consultation with those parties in the vicinity of these works; The procedures for addressing construction work exceedances of the project noise and vibration criteria, including building condition surveys survey of all properties identified on the vibration contour maps that form Appendices A and B to the Structural Engineer Technical Report prepared by Aurecon in support of the NoRs (refer condition 41). Note that the flow charts contained in appendices B and C of Appendix J of the technical noise and vibration report provided as part of the Notice of Requirement should be used as a guide; Identifying appropriate monitoring locations for receivers of construction noise and vibration; Procedures for working with the Communication and Consultation Manager to respond to complaints received on construction noise and vibration, including methods to monitor and identify sound and vibration sources; and Procedures for monitoring construction noise and vibration and the reporting to the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer; (i) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how landowners and occupiers are to be communicated with around noise and vibration effects.

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Construction noise shall be monitored to comply with the criteria in condition (38). For any construction activities that have the potential to breach the noise criteria, a noise assessment shall be undertaken by an appropriately qualified acoustic expert. Where noise levels are predicted to exceed the noise criteria set out in condition (38) by less than 5dBA, all practicable measures shall be implemented as per the requirements of the CNVMP prepared under condition (21), with the aim of achieving compliance with the construction noise criteria. Monitoring of these activities shall be undertaken

Identifies a trigger for additional modelling of potentially noisy works, and subsequently, triggers the need for a site specific noise management plan where anticipated noise levels are predicted to exceed the

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition to confirm compliance.

Intent of Condition noise criteria by 5dBA or more.

Where modelled or monitored noise levels are predicted to exceed the noise criteria by 5dBA or more, a Site Specific Construction Noise Management Plan(SSCNMP) shall be prepared prior to works commencing, and shall be submitted to the approval of Auckland Council’s Compliance Monitoring Manager. The works shall then be undertaken in compliance with the approved SSCNMP. Construction vibration shall be monitored to comply with the criteria in condition (39). 1 2 21B

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For any construction activities that have the potential to breach the project vibration criteria by more than 50%, a Site Specific Construction Vibration Management Plan (SSCVMP) shall be prepared (in accordance with the requirements of condition (40) prior to the work commencing, and shall be submitted to the approval of Auckland Council’s Compliance Monitoring Manager. The works shall then be undertaken in compliance with the approved SSCVMP. Built Heritage To manage the adverse effects on built heritage that may result from associated works prior to, during, and after the construction of the City Rail Link, the following shall, as a minimum, be included in the CEMP as part of a historic heritage management plan (in consultation with the Council’s Heritage Unit): (a) Confirmation of where and when building condition surveys (see also condition 41) will be undertaken. At a minimum building condition surveys will be undertaken on all buildings identified in Appendix A to the Built Heritage Report prepared by Salmond Reed Architects Ltd, including:

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All Heritage Buildings and Structures scheduled under the Historic Places Act 1993 or the Auckland Council District / Unitary Plan within the designation footprint (including above sub-strata designation) which are not being removed as a result of the construction works; Where these still exist at the time of construction, those built heritage buildings and structures identified within the assessment included with the Notice of Requirement listed as being of “heritage significance” or “character supporting”; (b) Identification and methodology for recording of Built Heritage directly affected by the construction, or associated pre- and post-construction works (i.e. within the surface designation footprint), which cannot be retained and / or adaptively re-used; (c) Identification and methodology for recording of Built Heritage directly affected by the construction, or associated pre- and post-construction, which are to be adaptively reused or partial retention has been included in design and construction, or the ability for integration of built heritage elements into other elements of the City Rail Link has been included. In particular, the Requiring Authority shall explore the adaptive re-use of the buildings at 51-53 Victoria Street West (known as Martha’s Corner building), and 42 Wellesley Street (known as the Griffiths Holdings building), with complete demolition only considered as a last resort.

Identifies the need for the preparation and implementation of a site specific vibration management plan where vibration criteria are to be exceeded.

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on built heritage.

Condition Number

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Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

As guidance, an appropriate level of adaptive re-use shall include retention of the street façade in three dimensions (meaning on all street frontages where the building sits on a corner). Floor levels in any new building should align with the original floor levels of the building. Where possible, fabric behind the façade should be retained; (d) How Built Heritage Buildings and Structures (scheduled or identified within the assessment included with the Notice of Requirement listed as being of “heritage significance” or “character supporting”(refer Appendix A to the Built Heritage report) which still exist at the time of construction) will be protected during construction through use of screening or other protective measures to mitigate adverse construction effects; (e) How mitigation of damage to Built Heritage Buildings and Structures (scheduled or identified within the assessment included with the Notice of Requirement listed as being of “heritage significance” or “character supporting” (refer Appendix A to the Built Heritage report) which still exist at the time of construction) will be undertaken where a building condition survey (see condition 41) identifies that damage is likely to result from the City Rail Link construction works, or where damage is recorded through the building condition surveys; and (f) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how the Auckland Council Heritage Department, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, mana whenua (see condition 8), and the general public are to be communicated and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects relating to Built Heritage. Archaeology To manage the adverse effects on archaeology that may result from associated works prior to, during, or after the construction of the City Rail Link the CEMP shall include the following matters as part of a historic heritage management plan (in consultation with the Council’s Heritage Unit): (a) Roles and responsibilities, stand-down periods and reporting requirements to be clearly identified;

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(b) How procedures for archaeological investigations and monitoring of preliminary earthworks are to be implemented in areas where there is potential for archaeological remains to be discovered. As far as practicable, the archaeological investigations shall occur as deemed necessary prior to detailed project and construction design in order to identify opportunities for avoidance, remediation or mitigation of adverse effects. Methodology shall be determined through the preparation of the HHMP and may include archaeological trial investigations (e.g. archaeological excavation of geotechnical testpits; archaeological monitoring of boreholes; archaeological investigation of building footprints following demolition and site clearance) in appropriate locations; (c) Procedures for the discovery of, including accidental discovery of archaeological remains including: The ceasing of all physical construction works in the immediate vicinity of the discovery; Training procedures for all contractors regarding the possible presence of cultural or archaeological sites or material, what these sites or material may look like, and the relevant provisions of the

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse archaeological effects.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Historic Places Act 1993 if any sites or material are discovered; Practices for dealing with the uncovering of cultural or archaeological remains and the parties to be notified (including but not limited to appropriate iwi authorities, the Auckland Council Consents Monitoring officer, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, and the New Zealand Police (if koiwi (human skeletal remains) are discovered); Procedures to be undertaken before physical works in the area of discovery can start again, including any iwi protocols, recording of sites and material, recovery of any artefacts, and consultation to be undertaken with iwi, Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer and Heritage Unit Department, and with the New Zealand Historic Places Trust; and Procedures for recording any archaeological remains or evidence before it is modified or destroyed, including opportunities for the conservation and preservation of artefacts and ecofacts (biological material) that are discovered. Consideration shall be given to the incorporation of in-situ material or artefacts into the design of stations and / or public places associated with the City Rail Link project and provision for ‘post-excavation’ assessment analysis and publication of material within 24 months of completion of construction. (d) Training procedures for all contractors to be undertaken in advance of construction, regarding the possible presence of cultural or archaeological sites or material, what these sites or material may look like, and the relevant provisions of the Historic Places Act 1993 if any sites or material are discovered; (e) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how the Auckland Council Heritage Department, the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, mana whenua (see condition 8), and the general public are to be communicated and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects relating to archaeology. Trees and Vegetation To manage the adverse effects from the removal of trees and vegetation during the construction of the City Rail Link the CEMP shall include the following matters as a trees and vegetation management plan:

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(a) Confirmation of the trees to be removed due to surface construction works. Priority shall be given to the retention of existing trees in-situ (in particular, the scheduled Tulip trees on Mayoral Drive), and where this is not possible, consideration of and whether it is appropriate and feasible to relocate or store these trees for replanting; (b) A list of trees, which due to being located in proximity to construction works, have root systems and / or foliage within and / or overhanging the surface designation footprint, and the methods to be used, where practicable, to protect these trees from construction works; (c) Cross references to the Urban Design and Landscape Plan and the proposed mitigation of any tree / vegetation removal through replanting, re-instatement of the area, and other methods (condition 30 addresses maintenance and monitoring of any replacement planting). In preparing the Urban Design and Landscape Plan, the Requiring Authority shall seek input from the Auckland Council Parks Department with regard to tree species / vegetation selection, tree pit construction

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects from the removal of trees / vegetation.

Condition Number

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Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

where deemed necessary, and the positioning of replacement trees; (d) Other methods to be used to monitor and report on the management of the adverse effects from tree / vegetation removal; and (e) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how the Auckland Council Parks Department, mana whenua (see condition 8), and the general public are to be communicated and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects relating to the removal of trees and vegetation. Contaminated Land To manage the adverse effects relating to contaminated land during the construction of the City Rail Link, the following shall be included in the CEMP as a contamination management plan: (a) A health and safety plan that addresses:

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects in relation to contaminated land.

Worker safety in relation to hazardous substances; and Worker training with regard to handling hazardous substances, identifying potentially contaminated soil / material, and notification procedures for discovery of contamination; (b) Procedures for how erosion and sediment control, storm water, dust, and odour control measures will manage the removal of contaminated soil / material; (c) Procedures for contaminated soil classification, management and disposal of contaminated soil / material; 1 25

4 5 6

(d) Where any trenches/excavations during civil works are to be sealed as a result of contamination and how this is to be recorded; (e) How and which work areas are to be restricted to authorised personnel only and procedures to limit the presence of ignition sources in these areas (e.g. no smoking within or adjacent to construction area, no welding or open flames near areas with high concentrations of hydrocarbon contamination); (f) Procedures for the monitoring and management of the removal of contaminated soil / material by a suitably qualified environmental specialist; (g) How the placement of re-used contaminated soil / material will be recorded and tracked; (h) Where areas for stockpiling and storing contaminated soil / material will be established on the construction site and the procedures for managing the containment of the contaminated soil / material in these areas; (i) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how the general public are to be communicated and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects relating to the removal of contaminated soil / material. Air Quality

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To manage the adverse effects on air quality during the construction of the City Rail Link, the following shall be included in the CEMP as an air quality management plan: (a) The procedures to be implemented for the continuous monitoring of Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) concentrations and meteorology; (b) Identification of the sensitive locations where dust monitoring is proposed, and the specific method for that monitoring, including trigger

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on air quality.

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Intent of Condition

limits to determine whether further action is required; (c) Procedures for responding to malfunctions with construction machinery or works causing accidental dust discharges; (d) Procedures for monitoring weather conditions and determining when water spray is required on soil stockpiles and any non-paved construction areas where dust may disperse beyond the site; (e) Procedures for determining when hard surfaced areas in construction yards and active construction areas should be cleaned; (f) Procedures for responding to discharges of odour (including in the event of excavation of contaminated sites); (g) Procedures for equipment inspection, maintenance, monitoring and recording, including baghouses, pressure relief valves and high level alarms to mitigate dust emissions; (h) Procedures for, where practicable, limiting dust and odour nuisance and the methods for monitoring these procedures; and (i) Cross references to the specific sections in the Communication and Consultation Plan which detail how the communities in the vicinity of construction works are to be communicated and liaised with on the management of the adverse effects relating to air quality. Network Utilities To manage the adverse effects on network utilities during the construction of the City Rail Link, the following shall be included in the CEMP: i)

Cross references to the Communication and Consultation Plan for the methods that will be used to liaise with all Utility infrastructure providers who have existing network utilities that are directly affected by, or located in close proximity to construction works;


Measures to be used to accurately identify the location of existing network utilities, and the measures for the protection, support, relocation and/or reinstatement of existing network utilities;


The methods that may be used to seek to ensure that all construction personnel, including contractors, are aware of the presence and location of the various existing network utilities which traverse, or are in close proximity to, the designation footprint, and the restrictions in place in relation to those existing network utilities. This shall include plans identifying the locations of the existing network utilities and appropriate physical indicators on the ground showing specific surveyed locations;


Earthworks management (including depth and extent of earthworks), for earthworks in close proximity to existing network utility;


Vibration management for works in close proximity to existing network utility;


Emergency management procedures in the event of any emergency involving existing network utilities; and

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vii) The process for providing as-built drawings showing the relationship of the relocated utility to the City Rail Link to utility owners and the timing for providing these drawings the Requiring Authority shall prepare and implement a Network Utilities Management Plan (NUMP) that shall be included in the CEMP. The purpose of the NUMP shall be to set out the methodologies and measures to be adopted to maintain the safe, efficient and effective operation of existing network utilities that traverse, or are in close proximity to, the designation during the construction of the City Rail

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on Utilities.

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Intent of Condition

Link. The NUMP shall be prepared in consultation with network utility operators who have existing network utilities that traverse, or are in close proximity to, the designation and shall be adhered to and implemented during the construction of the City Rail Link. The NUMP shall include as a minimum: i)

Cross references to the Communication and Consultation Plan for the methods that will be used to liaise with all Utility infrastructure providers who have existing network utilities that are directly affected by, or located in close proximity to construction works network utility operators who have existing network utilities that traverse, or are in close proximity to, the designation;


Measures to be used to accurately identify the location of existing network utilities, and the measures for the protection, support, relocation and/or reinstatement of existing network utilities;


Methods that may to be used to seek to ensure that all construction personnel, including contractors, are aware of the presence and location of the various existing network utilities which traverse, or are in close proximity to, the designation footprint, and the restrictions in place in relation to those existing network utilities. This shall include:


measures to provide for the safe operation of plant and equipment, and the safety of workers, in proximity to live existing network utilities;


plans identifying the locations of the existing network utilities and appropriate physical indicators on the ground showing specific surveyed locations;


Measures to be used to ensure the continued operation of network utilities and the supply of services;

vii) Measures to be used to enable network utility operators to access existing network utilities for maintenance at all reasonable times, and to access existing network utilities for emergency works at all times during the construction of the City Rail Link. viii) Contingency management plans for reasonably foreseeable circumstances in respect of the relocation and rebuild of network utilities during the construction of the City Rail Link. ix)

A risk analysis for the relocation and rebuild of network utilities during the construction of the City Rail Link.


Earthworks management (including depth and extent of earthworks), for earthworks in close proximity to existing network utility;


Vibration management for works in close proximity to existing network utility;

xii) Emergency management procedures in the event of any emergency involving existing network utilities; and xiii) The process for providing as-built drawings showing the relationship of the relocated utility to the City Rail Link to utility owners network utility operators and the timing for providing these drawings.; and A summary of the consultation (including any methods or measures in dispute) undertaken between the Requiring Authority and any network utility operators during the preparation of the NUMP. Public Art 28


To manage the adverse effects on public art located within or in close proximity to the designation footprint, the CEMP shall include the following

Sets out what is to be addressed in the CEMP for the management of adverse effects on public art.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

as a public art management plan: (a) The process that will be undertaken to remove the public art work known as "Enduring Fires" (at the time of the Notice of Requirement process located within Queen Elizabeth Square), including the consultation and liaison undertaken with the Auckland Council and [Ngati Whatua ki Tamaki or Ngati Whatua o Orakei] as to its removal, storage, re-establishment or relocation and / or replacement (as part of the restoration works associated with the City Rail Link construction); (b) The process that will be undertaken to protect or remove the public art work known as "Maori Warrior" (at the time of the Notice of Requirement process located on the pavement of Quay Street adjacent to 1 Queen Street), including the consultation and liaison undertaken with the Auckland Council as to its protection during construction or whether it should be removed, stored, relocation and / or replaced (as part of the restoration works associated with the City Rail Link construction); (c) The process to protect the public art known as "Matahorua Anchor and Tainui Anchor" (at the time of the Notice of Requirement process located at the northern end of the Bledisloe Building on Wellesley Street) from construction works to the west, including the consultation and liaison undertaken with the Auckland Council as to its protection. Should the above public art works be removed from these sites prior and separate to the City Rail Link project, this condition will not need to be complied with. Urban Design and Landscape Plan An Urban Design and Landscape Plan (report and design plans as required) shall be developed to show how those areas within the designation footprint used during the construction of the City Rail Link are to be restored. The following Principles from the Urban Design Framework submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement documents will be used to inform the Urban Design and Landscape Plan: Mana Whenua Principles – see condition 31 below; Movement and Connections –

1 29

4 5 6

o Existing Networks - Structures of the CRL should not interrupt or adversely change the function of existing public open space, street networks and infrastructure  Structures associated with grade separation crossings need to be carefully and sensitively designed to ensure adequate pedestrian amenity and safety is maintained and that structures do not adversely compromise the ability of adjacent buildings to interact with the street. o Entrance Location - Station entrances should be clearly identifiable and conveniently located in relation to existing and anticipated main pedestrian routes and destinations.  The presence of a station entrance at the corner of Wellesley Street and Albert Street in close proximity to the high trip generating functions around Aotea Square will create a stronger desire line between these two points that could be recognised by an improved pedestrian connection. Currently this route is open to the public, but consists of a controlled route across a public car park and alongside the vehicle access ramp to the underground

Sets out what is to be addressed in the Urban Design and Landscape Plan, particularly the principles developed within the Urban Design Framework submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition Aotea Square car park. o Intuitive Orientation - The location and nature of structures resulting from the CRL (station entrances in particular) should facilitate intuitive orientation and support a legible street network. o Way Finding - Coherent signage should be utilised to aid intuitive orientation and way finding. o Mode Integration - Spatial integration with bus stops as well as kiss and ride should be facilitated where possible without imposing on the quality of public realm. o Bicycle Parking – Appropriate numbers of safe bicycle storage or parking should be provided in each station environment. o Street Crossings - Safe pedestrian street crossings should be facilitated in the immediate vicinity of station entrances. The provision of level street crossings is preferable over any grade separated solutions.  The CRL should facilitate improving the conditions for pedestrians crossing at the New North Road/Symonds Street / Mt Eden Road intersection to a satisfactory level to allow users to reach their desired bus stop conveniently. Public Realm and Landscape – o Existing Streetscape – Structures of the CRL should be designed to respect and contribute positively to the form and function of existing public open space. o Universal Access – Station environments should promote universal access (e.g. footpath ramps and smooth ground surfaces). o Safe Environments – Structures resulting from the CRL should promote safe environments. The station entrances should release patrons into safe public spaces that are well lit at night, overlooked by other users (e.g. residents or workers) and have sufficiently wide and unobstructed footpaths o Reinstated Surfaces - The design and construction of reinstated streetscapes should be coherent with the wider area and/or recent public realm upgrades in the area. o Station Plazas - The design and construction of station plazas should be coherent with the wider area and/or recent public realm upgrades in the area. o Public Art - Integration of art and design should foster local identity and character and reflect and/or interpret local characteristics like natural heritage and Mana Whenua cultural narratives, history, art and particular traits of the local community. o Landscape Planting – Plant species used in station environments and/or as part of landscape plantings should consider the opportunity to acknowledge the area’s pre-human ecology as and where appropriate. This may include species which connect strongly with Mana Whenua cultural narratives. o Entrances within the Road Reserve - Designs for station entrances within the road reserve should be designed to consider the impacts upon other modes of traffic, including the expected pedestrian patronage. o Utility Structures - Above ground utility structures (e.g. vents, access services) should be designed to minimise any negative effect on public realm. Where possible these structures should be integrated with

Intent of Condition

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

other buildings The Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall show how these principles have been used to guide and influence the design, and how the design has responded or otherwise to these principles and initiatives. The work to restore those areas within the designation footprint used during construction of the City Rail Link will occur as part of construction or within six (6) months of the City Rail Link being operational. 1 29A

4 5

The requiring authority shall request the Auckland Urban Design Panel to review all Urban Design and Landscape Plans (reports and design plans as required) prior to the completion and submission of an Outline Plan.

6 The Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include any replacement planting proposed to mitigate the adverse effects of tree and vegetation removal from within the designation footprint. 1 30

4 5 6

Any landscaping included under the Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall be implemented in accordance with this plan within the first planting season following the City Rail Link being operational. If the weather in that planting season is unsuitable for planting, as determined by the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer (in consultation with the Auckland Council Parks Department), the landscaping shall instead be implemented at the first practicable opportunity thereafter. The next practicable opportunity shall be agreed by the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer.

Sets out what is required for landscaping proposed under the Urban Design and Landscape Plan in terms of mitigation planting, the timeframes for implementing this planting, and the duration it is to be maintained by the Requiring Authority under this designation.

The landscaping will be maintained by the Requiring Authority for a period of 5 years for specimen trees and 3 years for all other landscape planting The Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include: (a) How mana whenua (see condition 8) have been engaged with during its development in relation to the implementation and interpretation of the Principles set out under condition 29 , and particularly in relation to the mana whenua principles set out below:

1 31

4 5

Mana / Rangatiratanga – As the original local authorities of Tamaki Makaurau, Iwi require high level Treaty based relationships with all key stakeholders including Auckland Transport and Auckland Council which recognise their Tangata Whenua status in order to fulfil their roles as kaitiaki. Such partnership relationships can then inform engagement with AT / Council at all levels including direct involvement with design consortia. Relationships are required at governance and senior management levels. Such relationships are a precursor to actualising the other 6 principles.

6 Whakapapa – Names and genealogical connections– reviving names revives mana through Iwi connections to specific ancestors and events / narratives associated with them. An Iwi inventory of names associated with a given site can be developed so that the most appropriate names are identified to develop design, interpretation and artistic responses. Tohu – Acknowledging the wider significant Iwi cultural land marks associated with the CRL route and their ability to inform the design of the station precincts, entrances and exits. In particular exploring opportunities to maximise view shafts to such tohu / landmarks as a way of both enhancing cultural landscape connections and as way

Sets out requirement to engage with mana whenua on the development of the Urban Design and Landscape Plan.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

finding / location devices. Taiao – Exploring opportunities to bring natural landscape elements back into urban /modified areas e.g. specific native trees, water / puna wai (springs) – promoting bird, insect and aquatic life to create meaningful urban eco systems which connect with former habitats, mahinga kai (food gathering areas) and living sites. Mauri tu – Ensuring emphasis on maintaining or enhancing environmental health / life essence of the wider site – in particular focusing on the quality of wai / water (puna / springs), whenua / soil and air. In particular any puna or underground waterways encountered should be carefully treated with Mana Whenua assistance to ensure their mauri is respected and enhanced where possible. It is also important to minimise the disturbance to Papatuanuku through carefully planned ground works. Mahi toi – Harnessing the Creative dimension through drawing on names and local tohu to develop strategies to creatively re-inscribe iwi narratives into architecture, interior design, landscape, urban design and public art. Ahi kaa – need to explore opportunities to facilitate living presences for iwi / hapu to resume ahi-kaa and kaitiaki roles in and around the CRL route and new station precincts; and (b) A summary of the engagement with mana whenua (see condition 8) and identification of where design has incorporated the mana whenua principles and other mana whenua aspirations. For this designation the Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include how the following are to be restored following completion of the City Rail Link construction works: (a) Queen Elizabeth Square and lower Queen Street between Quay Street and Customs Street; (b) Albert Street between Quay Street and Victoria Street; and



(c) Albert Street between Victoria Street and Mayoral Drive including those part of Victoria and Wellesley Streets, the Council owned land on the southeast corner of Albert and Wellesley Streets which is to be used as a construction area, affected by surface construction works . The restoration plan for this designation shall demonstrate how street upgrades and public realm improvements have been considered when Albert Street and Mayoral Drive are reinstated. This should include as a minimum: a)


How the design and construction utilises material palettes, planting schedules and street furniture that is coherent with recent streetscape upgrades (such as Britomart, the lower City Centre area, Darby and Elliot Streets) as relevant.

The above may be provided in one complete plan or in parts. Where in parts, plans should clearly show how the parts are holistically integrated.



For this designation the Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include restoration plans (showing how the following are to be restored following completion of the City Rail Link construction works): (a) Beresford Square and Street including where surface works have occurred within Pitt Street; and (b) Mercury Lane.

Sets out specific areas which need to be addressed by the Urban Design and Landscape Plan for NoR 4.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

The restoration plan for this designation shall demonstrate how street upgrades and public realm improvements have been considered when Beresford Street, Pitt Street and Mercury Lane are reinstated. This should include as a minimum: a) Methods of street upgrades and public realm improvements such as rationalising on-street parking, introduction of street trees, narrowing of carriageways and widening of footpaths. b) How the design and construction utilises material palettes, planting schedules and street furniture that is coherent with recent streetscape upgrades (e.g. Karangahape Road). The above may be provided in one complete plan or in parts. Where in parts, plans should clearly show how the parts are holistically integrated. For this designation the Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include restoration plans (showing how the following are to be restored following completion of the City Rail Link construction works): 34


(a) Those areas used for surface construction works within the designation footprint including the construction yard located on the northeast corner of Mt Eden Road and Symonds Street.

Sets out specific areas which need to be addressed by the Urban Design and Landscape Plan for NoR 5.

The above may be provided in one complete plan or in parts. Where in parts, plans should clearly show how the parts are holistically integrated. For this designation the Urban Design and Landscape Plan shall include restoration plans (showing how the following are to be restored following completion of the City Rail Link construction works): 35


(a) The replacement of Mt Eden Road Bridge;

Sets out specific areas which need to be addressed by the Urban Design and Landscape Plan for NoR 6.

(b) The area used for the grade separation of Porters Avenue; and (c) The area used for the grade separation of Normanby Road. The above may be provided in one complete plan or in parts. Where in parts, plans should clearly show how the parts are holistically integrated. Station Plan

1 36

4 5 6

A Station Plan (report and design plans as required) shall include the following: (a) The design details showing both the above ground and below ground elements of the station; (b) How the above ground and below ground design of the above ground and below ground has taken into account the following principles: Overarching - stations should achieve a successful and memorable transport experience. Function - stations will provide safe, functional and clear transport solutions. Performance - stations will provide a credible, sustainable design outcome that responds to climate, site and social economics. Personality - stations will provide an expression that contributes to their context and local identity and will respond to an appropriate network wide identity. Existing and New Building Structures: Built Heritage: o Where built heritage is required for City Rail Link station requirements, adaptive reuse strategies should be considered to preserve the building’s role in establishing the

Sets out what is to be addressed in the Station Plan, particularly the principles developed within the Concept Design Report and Urban Design Framework submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition streetscape and urban character. o The development of new buildings and structures should minimise impact on and disturbance of identified and potential heritage character buildings that play a significant role in establishing the streetscape and urban character of the local area. Bulk, Scale and Massing Bulk, scale and massing of structures resulting from the City Rail Link (station buildings in particular) should be sympathetic with the surrounding built urban form. o Aotea Station building frontages should correspond with the road reserve boundary unless a specific station plaza area is intended. o Karangahape Road station building(s) should be sensitively designed so as to contribute positively and to complement the good public realm and urban form qualities that currently exist in this area of Karangahape Road, Pitt Street and the upper end of Beresford Street. o The redevelopment of land acquired for the Newton Station provides the opportunity to reinstate a continuous adaptive building frontage along the road reserve. An active frontage should be presented to the street. Other Uses Structures resulting from the City Rail Link should promote mixed use environments. Station buildings may accommodate other uses, where practical and aligned with governing planning rules. Active Frontage Structures resulting from the City Rail Link should present an active frontage towards public spaces like streets, squares, pedestrian walkways, etc. Weather Protection Where practicable, station entrances should provide some weather protection along their frontage (e.g. verandahs, awnings, canopies etc.) and these should be considered as part of the design. Adaptability The design of structures resulting from the City Rail Link should be able to adapt to change over time (e.g. change of uses, innovations in technology etc.) where reasonably practicable and anticipate opportunities (e.g. additional entrances) that may become possible in the future. The station design should not inhibit wider development opportunities (e.g. above or around station entrances). Identity The design of the station entrances should provide an expression that reflects their respective context and local cultural identity. They could reflect, respond and/or interpret local characteristics like natural or Mana Whenua heritage, history, art, particular traits of the local community and unique architectural and urban forms of the area. Construction Quality The design and construction of structures resulting from the City Rail Link (station buildings in particular) should be of a quality that lasts over time. Materials should be selected that are highly durable, elegant and vandal resistant where they come into contact with patrons. Mana Whenua Principles – see condition 31. (c) The Station Plan shall show how these principles have been used to guide and influence the design, and how the design has responded or

Intent of Condition

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition otherwise to these principles and initiatives. (d) A summary of the engagement with mana whenua (see condition 8) and identification of where design has incorporated the mana whenua principles and other mana whenua aspirations into station design; and (e) The integration of the above ground elements with the Urban Design and Landscape Plan set out in conditions 29 to 35.

1 36A

4 5

The requiring authority shall request the Auckland Urban Design Panel to review all Station Plans (reports and design plans as required) prior to the completion and submission of an Outline Plan.

6 Social Impact Management Plans The Requiring Authority shall prepare Social Impact Management Plans (SIMP) in address the following specific issues: (a) Disruption to access during construction to businesses and residences, particularly those businesses and services on Albert Street, Mercury Lane, Beresford Square, Symonds Street, Mt Eden Road and New North Road that rely on passing traffic (pedestrian and vehicle) for operation; (b) Disruption to access during construction for community facilities/services e.g. Hopetoun Alpha, Pitt Street Methodist Church and Wesley Bi-Centenary Hall Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph; and (c) The loss/relocation of community facilities as a result of the property acquisition process particularly to the Chinese Community Centre, Life Centre Church and Hopetoun Alpha. The SIMPs shall be implemented and complied with for the duration of the construction of the City Rail Link and for 12 months following the completion of the Project.


The Purpose of the SIMPs is to provide a framework to identify, assess, and mitigate significant adverse social effects of the construction of the City Rail Link on the community, particularly residents and businesses and including effects associated with the loss of community facilities. SIMPs shall be prepared in consultation the local community to: (a) assess access (pedestrian and vehicle) requirements and operational requirements of businesses and community facilities; (b) assess the access (pedestrian and vehicle) requirements of residents (c) assess the feasibility of relocation options for community facilities and to determine requirements and assistance for relocation. SIMPs required to be prepared to address disruption to access during construction shall as a minimum include: (a) Findings and recommendations of the social impact assessment, including consideration of the results of engagement with stakeholders; (b) Record of consultation undertaken with the community including specific access and operational requirements of individual businesses and residents. (c) Details of on-going consultation with the local community to provide updates and information relating to the timing for project works, relocation and acquisition; (d) Methods for confirming suitable access during construction, including aspects such as the quality of access for pedestrians, requirements for

Intent of Condition

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

additional signage, establishment of set hours of access for deliveries etc. (e) The process for re-establishment and promotion of normal business operation following construction; SIMPs required to be prepared to address the closure/relocation of community facilities shall as a minimum include: (a) Social impact assessment of the loss of the catchments of these social facilities including identification of alternative facilities within the wider City; (b) Record of consultation undertaken with facility owners, operators and users including feedback and information on the feasibility of relocation options and requirements and assistance for relocation; (c) The process for re-establishment and promotion of community facilities on new sites. A suitably qualified independent social impact assessment specialist (whose appointment shall be agreed by the Council) shall peer review the SIMPs. The Requiring Authority shall prepare an annual report on the identification, monitoring, evaluation and management of the effects outlined in the SIMPs, together with a summary of matters raised by the community, and how these have been responded to. The report shall be presented to the Community Liaison Groups. 36C

Property Acquisition Plan

AT to provide condition


Property Management Strategy

AT to provide condition

Construction Management All temporary boundary / security fences associated with the construction of the City Rail Link shall be maintained in good order with any graffiti removed as soon as possible. All storage of materials and equipment associated with the construction works shall take place within the boundaries of the designation.

Mitigation of adverse construction effects.

Construction Noise Construction noise shall be measured (see condition 21 ) and assessed in accordance with the following Project Criteria:

Construction Noise criteria to be applied to this designation.

1 37

4 5 6

1 38

Receiver Type


Monday to Saturday 0700 – 2200

5 6

Commercial and industrial buildings

LAeq 75dBA

Noise sensitive activity where windows need not be open for ventilation (e.g. dwelling)

LAeq 75dBA

Sundays and Public Holidays 0700 – 2200


LAeq 75dBA



LAeq 60dBA


At all other times 2200 - 0700 2

LAeq 80dBA

2, 3

LAeq 60dBA

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition Noise sensitive activity where windows are required to be open for ventilation


LAeq 75dBA

LAeq 60dBA

Intent of Condition



LAeq 50dBA


Noise limits applying between 0700 and 2200 may be relaxed by 5 dB for 1 period of up to 2 consecutive weeks in any 2 months 2

Noise limits applying between 2200 and 0700 may be relaxed by 5 dB for 1 period of up to 2 consecutive nights in any 10 days 3

Noise limits applying to bedrooms between 2200 and 0700 are a proxy for an internal limit of LAeq 35dB. Early Childhood Education Centres (whilst occupied during normal opening hours)

LAeq 55dB in outdoor play areas LAeq 35dB in sleeping / rest areas

These criteria shall be varied only by a Site Specific Construction Noise Management Plan that has been approved under condition (21a).

Building Damage from Construction Vibration Construction vibration (resulting from construction works including blasting – see condition 21)) received by any building, which may result in building damage, shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the project construction vibration criteria established at the time of the Notice of Requirement - German Standard DIN 4150-3:1999 as follows: Type of Structure

PPV at the foundation at a frequency of

1 2 39

Short-term vibration

Long-term 1 vibration

PPV at horizontal plane of highest floor (mm/s)

PPV at horizontal plane of highest floor (mm/s)

110Hz (mm/ s)

10-50 Hz (mm/s )

50-100 Hz (mm/s)

Commerci al/ Industrial


20 – 40

40 – 50



Residentia l/ School


5 – 15

15 – 20



Historic or sensitive structures



8 – 10



4 5 6

Construction Vibration criteria to be applied to this designation to assess building damage from construction vibration.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Note: 1. Standard DIN 4150-3:1999 defines short-term vibration as “vibration which does not occur often enough to cause structural fatigue and which does not produce resonance in the structure being evaluated�. Long-term vibration is defined as all other vibration types not covered by the short-term vibration definition. 2. Building damage in relation to blasting shall be measured and assessed using the short term vibration criteria above.


1 2 40

4 5 6

1 2 41

4 5 6

Vibration generated by construction activities shall not exceed a level peak Particle Velocity (PPV) of 0.3mm/s when measured at any part of the floor of any bedroom between the hours of 10pm and 7am.

Protection of building occupants from night-time disruption from construction vibration

Construction Vibration Construction vibration shall be monitored (see condition 21) to comply with the criteria in condition 39 above. If the predicted or measured vibration levels exceed these criteria at any building, monitoring of vibration levels and building condition shall be undertaken by suitably qualified experts to determine whether vibrationinduced building damage has occurred. The limits in condition 39 may be varied by a SSCVMP (under condition 21b) but only for buildings, structures or infrastructure that have / has been assessed by a suitably qualified and experienced structural engineer and where the building, structure or infrastructure has been deemed to be capable of withstanding vibration levels higher than those set out in condition 39 without sustaining structural damage, and where appropriate vibration and condition monitoring regimes are in place.

Construction Vibration criteria to be applied to this designation to assess building damage from construction vibration.

Building Condition Survey's in relation to construction vibration effects, and effects on built heritage Where it is identified under conditions 21 and 22 that a Building Condition Survey is required: (a) The Requiring Authority shall employ a suitably qualified person to undertake the building condition surveys and that person shall be identified in the CEMP; (b) The Requiring Authority shall provide the building condition survey report to the relevant property owner within 15 working days of the survey being undertaken, and additionally it shall notify and provide the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer a copy of the completed survey report; (c) The Requiring Authority shall contact owners of those buildings and structures where a Building Condition Survey is to be undertaken to confirm the timing and methodology for undertaking a pre-construction condition assessment; (d) The Requiring Authority shall record all contact, correspondence and communication with owners and this shall be available on request for the Certification and Monitoring Group; (e) Should agreement from owners to enter property and undertake a condition assessment not be obtained within X months from first contact, then the Requiring Authority shall not be required under these designation conditions to undertake these assessments; (f) The Requiring Authority shall undertake a visual inspection during "active construction" in areas where a pre-construction condition assessment has been undertaken (at least X monthly or times). Any

Sets out requirements of Building Condition Survey process. Condition wording still being refined by AT.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

damage shall be recorded and provided on request to the relevant property owner and the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer. (g) The Requiring Authority shall, within 12 months of the commencement of operation of the City Rail Link, contact owners of those building and structures where a Building Condition Survey is to be undertaken to confirm the timing and methodology for undertaking a postconstruction condition assessment. (h) Where a building’s condition has deteriorated as the result of construction or operation works relating to the City Rail Link, the Requiring Authority shall, at its own cost, undertake all associated repairs necessary to deliver the building back to its pre-construction condition. Contamination 1 42

4 5 6


At the completion of construction works a validation report will be prepared in accordance with any Ministry for the Environment guidelines and submitted to the Auckland Council Consent Monitoring officer documenting the management of soil and evidence of appropriate disposal. The validation report shall include a record of all analytical results, volumes, tip dockets, and any incidents or complaints and how these were addressed. The validation report shall also identify any areas which need on-going monitoring and management by the Requiring Authority.


Light Spill and Glare during Construction


The Requiring Authority shall control the intensity, location and direction of artificial construction lighting so as to avoid or mitigate any significant light spill and glare onto sites adjacent to the designation boundary.

5 6

Advice Notes relating to the construction of the City Rail Link 1 AN 1

4 5

The Requiring Authority will require approval under the Historic Places Trust Act 1993 to destroy, damage or modify any building or structure scheduled under the Historic Places Act 1993.


1 AN 2

4 5 6

1 2 AN 3

4 5 6

The Requiring Authority will require approval under the Historic Places Trust Act 1993 to destroy, damage or modify any archaeological site. This approval is required in advance of earthworks commencing in the area where the archaeological site is located. It is expected that there will be staged Section 12 Authority applied for to cover the earthworks programme. In the event of unanticipated archaeological sites or koiwi being uncovered the Requiring Authority shall cease activity in the vicinity until it has the relevant approvals, and consulted with the Historic Places Trust and relevant iwi interests. The Requiring Authority will need to acquire the relevant property interests in land subject to the designation before it undertakes any works on that land pursuant to the designation. That may include a formal Public Works Act 1981 land acquisition process. It is acknowledged that property rights issues are separate from resource management effects issues and that the resolution of property issues may be subject to confidentiality agreements between the Requiring Authority and the relevant landowners. Operational Designation Conditions


Operational Rail Vibration

Mitigation of adverse

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

As part of construction design the Requiring Authority shall confirm that operational rail vibration and reradiated noise levels comply with the following Project Criteria at any vibration sensitive receiver: Building Type

Vibration Criteria

Reradiated Noise Criteria (LAmax) (dB re: 20 Pa)

(dB re: 1 nm/s)

PPV (mm/s)

Commercial and Industrial Buildings












TV/Recording Studios




operational rail vibration and reradiated noise. Other mitigation options still being investigated.

If levels are predicted to exceed these Project Criteria, the Requiring Authority shall mitigate these effects. Mitigation options could include (but are not limited to): floating track slab; resilient rail fasteners; continuously welded rail; other technologies available at the time of operation. The mitigation shall be implemented at construction time and shall remain in place and be maintained by the Requiring Authority for the operational life of the City Rail Link. Operational Noise Operational noise from mechanical ventilation plant servicing the underground rail sections of the City Rail Link shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the following Project Criteria, measured as the “incident” level 1m from the facade of any occupied building: Location


Auckland Central Area All areas North of SH1

7.00am to 11:00pm


11:00pm to 7:00am

60 70 @ 63 Hz 65 @ 125 Hz

Auckland Isthmus Area All areas South of SH1*

7.00am to 10:00pm


10:00pm to 7:00am



dB LAeq

dB LAFmax



*For all areas South of SH1 only, and no earlier than 1 year prior to the commencement of construction, the Requiring Authority shall undertake ambient noise measurements around each station, and using the methodology outlined the Styles Group review of the Operational Noise and Vibration Effects of the project, determine appropriate limits based on ‘up-todate’ ambient noise measurements. If this methodology results in limits that are higher than those specified in the Table above, then the limits in the Table above shall be applied.

Mitigation of adverse effects from operational mechanical ventilation plant once rail link operating. The intention of the ‘review’ clause is to account for possible changes in ambient noise levels around the City Rail Link stations that may result from a possible 20 year lapse date on the designation.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Measurements shall be undertaken in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound” and assessed in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 “Acoustics - Environmental Noise”.


1 45


To manage the adverse effects from the operation of the City Rail Link, the Requiring Authority shall, prior to the operation of the CRL, prepare an Operational Noise Management Plan, (ONMP) to the satisfaction of Auckland Council’s Compliance Monitoring Manager. The objective of the ONMP shall be to ensure that the tracks, rolling stock and associated infrastructure (including ventilation and other mechanical plant) are maintained and operated so that noise levels are at all times reasonable. The ONMP shall set out procedures for: a. The maintenance of rolling stock to minimise noise and vibration emissions, including (but not limited to) management of wheel roughness and flats, braking systems, cooling systems, suspension systems and any other significant source associated with the operation of locomotives; b. The maintenance of tracks to minimise noise and vibration emissions, including (but not limited to) management of curve squeal, rail roughness, joint constructions and any other significant source associated with the use of the tracks; c. The management of noise from the operation of the line, including (but not limited to) the use of audible warning devices and acceleration / deceleration controls (where relevant); and d. The management of noise and maintenance of noise-generating equipment from stations and associated ventilation and mechanical plant infrastructure, including (but not limited to) PA systems, fans and ventilation noise and audible warning devices. The ONMP shall be adhered to at all times. It may be updated or amended at any time with the approval of Auckland Council’s Compliance Monitoring Manager.

The ONMP is required to ensure that the tracks, rolling stock and associated infrastructure (including ventilation and other mechanical plant) are maintained and operated so that noise levels are at all times reasonable

Management of Property Acquired for the City Rail Link Project within the surface designation areas

Mitigation of potential effects from property and community “blighting”.

5 6

[Condition to be developed by AT] Advice Notes relating to the Designation

1 2 AN 4


Under s176 of the RMA no person may do anything in relation to the land subject to the designation that would prevent or hinder the Rail Link without the written approval of the Requiring Authority

4 5 6 1

AN 5

2 4 5

Some of the land is subject to existing designations and the provisions of s177 of the RMA apply accordingly to this land.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

6 AN 6


Modifications to Britomart Transport Centre to connect the City Rail Link tracks into the rail network are separate to this designation and are covered under the Britomart Transport designation

AN 7


Works required to connect the City Rail Link to the North Auckland Rail Line occurring within the North Auckland Rail Line designation are separate to this designation and are covered under the North Auckland Line Rail designation.

Intent of Condition

Proposed Draft Notice of Requirement Conditions – NoR 3 Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Except as modified by the conditions below, the City Rail Link Project shall be undertaken in general accordance with the information provided by the Requiring Authority in the Notice of Requirement dated 23 August 2012 and supporting documents being:

Works to be undertaken in accordance with the scope of the designation i.e. the documentation submitted as part of the Notice of Requirement Process. This still applies to NoR 3 (protection designation) as the NoR documentation sets out purpose and intent of this designation plus the effects which may result from it.

Assessment of Environmental Effects report (contained in Volume 2 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 15 August 2012 Rev B); Supporting environmental assessment reports (contained in Volume 3 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated August 2012); 1


The Concept Design Report (contained in Volume 2 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 13 August 2012 Rev 3); Plan sets: (c) Land requirement plans (contained in Volume 1 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 15 August 2012); (d) Plans contained in the Concept Design Report Appendices (contained in Volume 3 of the Notice of Requirement suite of documents, dated 13 August 2012 Rev 3). Where there is inconsistency between the documents listed above and these conditions, these conditions shall prevail. This designation is deemed to have been given effect to on the date which is it is included in the operative and any proposed district plan the District (Unitary) Plan under Section 175 of the RMA.



This designation shall be removed under s182 in the event that the other City Rail Link designations lapse without an extension being sought or new NoRs for the Project being issued.

Following the commissioning of any part or parts of the City Rail Link the Requiring Authority shall as soon as reasonably practicable: (a) Review the area designated for the City Rail Link;



(b) Identify any areas of designated land that are still required for construction (if the City Rail Link has been constructed in parts), or no longer necessary for the on-going operation, or maintenance of the City Rail Link, or for on-going mitigation measures; and (c) Give notice to the Auckland Council in accordance with Section 182 of the RMA for the removal of those parts of the designation identified in (b) above.

The other CRL designations (NoR 1,2, 4,5 & 6) have a lapsing period of 20 years in which to give effect to the designation (i.e. construct the works). There is no physical works associated with this designation and therefore nothing to "give effect to" under section 184. Transfers the interim protection (in place from when NoR served to when confirmed) to the protection under the designation. Commitment by Requiring Authority to review and draw back designation to operational requirements.

Condition Number

NoR Applies to

Proposed Draft Condition

Intent of Condition

Advice Notes relating to the Designation

AN 1


This is a designation for protection purposes only. It protects the City Rail Link infrastructure to be constructed, operated and maintained in a separate designation located beneath this designation. The use of the land within this designation is subject to the agreement of the Requiring Authority to protect the subterranean works below. Any persons proposing to undertake physical works within this designation is required to contact the Requiring Authority and obtain its approval in accordance with provisions set out in section 176(1)(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Clear instructions for people whose property is directly affected by this designation or for people who wish to undertake works within this designation area.

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