City Rail Link (CRL) – Waitematā Station (Britomart) Community Liaison Group Meeting

Rā: 12 July 2023
Wā: 4.30pm – 5:30pm
Wāhi: Chief Post Office (CPO)
Project representative Title
Alex Vaineritua (AV) CRL Senior Advisor Stakeholder and Communications
Lily Boyask (LB) CRL Stakeholder and Communications Advisor
Aruna Mylvaganam (AM) Link Alliance Construction Manager
Nigel Lambourne (NLB) Martinus Project Manager
Jonathan Dudman (JD) CRL Project Engineer and C9 Lead
Evonne Geluk (EG) Martinus NZ Communications and Engagement Manager
Alan Hough (AH) Martinus Construction Manager
Maria Hernandez-Curry (MH) Link Alliance Communications Manager
Mycenae Watana (MW) Link Alliance Communications Advisor
Other project representatives Title
CLG members
Shelley Noel
Richard Anehera
Stephenie Michael
Ian Joan
Angela Ran
Ivan Mac
1 Welcome – Alex Vaineritua (AV)
• AV welcomes attendees, introduced the meeting agenda

• CRL project progress update.

• The Western Line has been running on a single track through Maungawhau Station since 2020, but as of the beginning of this week (10/7/23) it has returned to dual track running which means faster journeys
• Huge benchmark for CRL project of completion of mined tunnelling
• Fit out phase beginning
• ISC sustainability highest possible rating reached, importance of our partnership with mana whenua
Presents the below slide:
• Attendee: The attendee has been experiencing vibrations in their residential building, but their body corporate has denied the offer to install a vibration monitor.
o MH: Will check to see if there are vibration monitors nearby to determine if the vibration levels were safely below consent condition levels and will contact the resident directly with the outcome.
• Attendee: Now that all tunnel boring is done, where did the machine go?
o AV: The machine has been dissembled and sent back to Germany. Parts of it will be recycled and reused.
NL covered milestones achieved in the last 3 months, and what is coming up over the next 3 months.

• Attendee: When will the access around Scene One be reinstated? There are still some hoardings remaining.
o NL: The remaining hoardings will last all year as that is the access point into the tunnels.

• Attendee: When will the hoardings be removed around the glass box?
o AM: The hoardings around the glass box have been brought back as far as possible. This is still going to be an access point for the systems teams.
• Attendee: Concern around the small size of the central island, as cars coming out of Scene Lane are able to u-turn around it, when they would only be able to turn left if the central island was longer (extended further into the painted hatched area on the road).
o MH/AV: Advised the attendee that this is something to take up with Auckland Transport.
AM covers construction progress at the western and eastern end of the station by presenting the below slides.

• The western end of the station has been completed, as can be seen in the image in the bottom left above. Passenger facilities (stairs, escalators) have been installed in preparation for 9 car trains.

• Refurbished the lift for the public and it is now in use.
• Link Alliance has fitted out all systems room and installed most of the gear needed in this side of the station. None of it is visible.
• Work remains in needing to raise the platform edges. However, there are still some ongoing design discussions. This is currently scheduled to be completed end August/September.
• Mechanical, architectural, electrical, civil, construction activities are nearing completion. Approximately 98% finished.

• Now CRL is preparing for the testing and commissioning phase.
• This means there will be fewer workers, less movement, and fewer material deliveries over time.
• We are expecting to have the eastern end tested and fully commissioned for systems fit out by the middle of September 2023.

• From then onwards or even prior to that we are trying to give access to KR from 1 September 2023 to start installing their signalling equipment.
• Our LA systems teams will follow with the traction gear, and this will start in September 2023.
• Overhead lines installation completed in both tunnels.
• Cable trays completed.
• Systems works are progressing well. Installation of cabling and signalling cabling is already happening.
• Shoulder concreting began 8/7/23, going to continue this and looking to complete by mid August/end August.
• Attendee: On the eastern side of the station, what is planned for the opening? Originally there was talk about additional lifts, more escalators and wider stairways.
o JD: There are ongoing discussions about this. When start using 9 car trains, this part of the station won’t be able to accommodate the number of passengers. To prepare for this, there is a plan to widen stairways etc. There are discussions now to see if we can fit some of these works into the current CRL works up to B1. B1 to the surface is different and will be separated into post day 1 works.
o AV: Advised that as we get more information about this, it will be communicated.
• Attendee: Will disability groups be included in these discussions? This end of the station is difficult for people with accessibility needs.
o JD: Advised that disability groups will be involved.