Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Communication and Consultation Plan - Addendum
Revision: A01
Date: 16 December 2021
Karangahape Station and Public Realm Reinstatement
Communication and Consultation Plan - Addendum
Revision Status
Approval Status
1. Introduction
The City Rail Link (CRL) project comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a 3.4 km underground passenger railway, running between Britomart Station and the North Auckland Rail Line (NAL) in the vicinity of Mt Eden Station. The CRL also involves the construction of two new underground stations at Aotea and Karangahape and the redevelopment of the station at Mt Eden (refer to Figure 1.1). The design and construction of the CRL infrastructure between the Aotea and Mt Eden Stations is being delivered by the Link Alliance.

This addendum to the Karangahape Station Main Works Communication and Consultation (CCP)1 has been prepared to provide a framework for communications and consultation with stakeholders and the general public during the construction of the station superstructure2 and public realm reinstatement (PRR) phase of the construction works. The same general processes outlined in the Main Works apply to the superstructure and PRR phase of construction. Accordingly, this addendum should be read in conjunction with the Karangahape Station Main Works CCP. Where project details, protocols and frameworks are directly applicable to the PRR works, reference is made to the appropriate section of the Karangahape Station Main Works CCP.
1 Karangahape Station Main Works Communication and Consultation Plan, prepared by the Link Alliance, Rev 001, dated 18 November 2020, reference CRL-KRD-RME-LKA-PLAN-800016
2 2The Karangahape Station superstructure refers to any permanent, above ground components of the Karangahape Station.
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Figure 1.1 CRL Route and Location
2. Karangahape Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Works
2.1 Overview of works
The construction works include the above ground components of the Karangahape Station (superstructure) and public realm reinstatement (PRR) works.
The construction of the above ground buildings includes above ground station entrances at Beresford Square and Mercury Lane, as well as the services and retail building and ventilation structures at Beresford Square.
The extent of the Karangahape Station public realm works includes Beresford Square, Pitt Street, Mercury Lane, the western end of Cross Street, the southern lane connecting Mercury Lane with East Street, and tie-ins to Karangahape Road as shown in Figure 2.1 below.
Generally, the works will consist of:
• Construction of the station above ground and other buildings at Beresford Square and Mercury Lane (including service building, intake ventilation structure) including structural fitout and MEFH installation
• Construction of new stormwater
• Installation of utilities
• Construction of tree pits
• Installation of new road pavement
• Installation of new footpath pavements
• Landscaping works
Figure 2 1: Plan showing approximate extent of PRR works (red hatched line), above ground station buildings and construction support areas (highlighted blue)
• Installation of street furniture
The Construction Support Areas located at Mercury Lane and Beresford Square (refer Figure 2.1) will service the superstructure and PRR works, with the area of the CSA reducing as the PRR works proceed until operation of the CSAs is no longer required.
The works will be undertaken in a staged manner, commencing as the current construction works are progressively completed (refer Table 2.1). The total duration of works is approximately three years, commencing in March 2022.
Stage 0 - Buildings - Construct the station superstructure
Stage 1 – Mercury Lane - Remove retaining wall
- Temporary road pavement
- Utility installation
Stage 2 – Mercury Lane and Cross Street
Stage 3 – Mercury Lane
2022 Q4 2023
2023 Q4 2023
- Reinstate road profile of Mercury Lane and Cross Street
- Utility installation
- Reinstate road profile
- Reinstate footpath
- Utility installation
- Streetscape
- Cross Street footpath
Stage 4 – Mercury Lane - Reinstate road profile and footpath
- Utility installation - Streetscape
Stage 5 – Mercury Lane - Reinstate road profile and footpath Q3 2024 Q4 2024
Stage 6 – Lane Way and CSA
Stage 7 – Final streetscape
Beresford Square
- Backfill temporary shaft and extract sheet piles
- Dismantle tower crane/gantry crane/noise enclosure/site office etc
- Construct laneway between Mercury Lane and East St
- Reinstate CSA
- Final landscaping
- Final streetscape
- Complete mill topper
Stage 0 - Buildings - Construct the station superstructure
- Construct the service building
- Construct the ventilation structure Q3 2022 Q4 2022
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Table 2.1: Overview of Construction Works and Staging
Mercury Lane
Stage 1 – Pitt Street (west) - Reinstate road profile - Utility installation
Stage 2 – Pitt Street (east) - Reinstate road profile - Utility installation
Stage 3 – Pitt Street (west) - Reinstate road profile - Utility installation - Streetscape
Stage 4 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Utility installation - Streetscape
Stage 5 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Streetscape
Stage 6 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Streetscape - Tree grove
Stage 7 – CSA - Utility installation - Reinstate the CSA - Remove site office
Stage 8 – Final streetscape
- Final landscaping - Final streetscape - Complete mill topper
A detailed description of the PRR works is provided in the Karangahape Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Addendum. Detail on the PRR design is provided in the Karangahape Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan (Urban Design DWP).
3. Overarching Strategies and Methodologies
There is no change to the overarching strategies and methodologies outlined in Section 3 of the Main Works CCP.
4. Consultation and Communication Strategy
There is no change to the consultation and communication strategy outlined in Section 4 of the Main Works CCP.
Key project messages relating to the PRR works will be developed closer to works implementation.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
There is no change to the roles and responsibilities outlined in Section 5 of the CCP.
6. Communication Approach
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There is no change to the communication approach outlined in Section 6 of the CCP.
7. Protocols, Processes and Contact Details
There is no change to the protocols and processes as outlined in Section 7 of the CCP.