Recommendation on an Outline Plan of Works under s176A of the Resource Management Act 1991
Application number(s):
Applicant: Link Alliance
Requiring authority's name: City Rail Link Limited
Owner of site: Various
Site address:

Beresford Square, Pitt Street, Karangahape Road, and Mercury Lane
Legal descriptions: Beresford Square
Road reserve, Lots 1 and 2 DP 523853 (834656 and 834657)
Pitt Street and Karangahape Road
Road reserve
Mercury Lane
Road reserve, Part Allot 8 Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland (NA129A/195), Lots 3 & 4 DP 51945 (NA67C/819), Lot 1 DP 71575 (NA43B/35), Part Lot 1 DP 82089 (NA38D/205), Lot 1 Deeds 1082 (NA541/140), Allot 62 Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland (NA75C/630)
Operative plan(s):
Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part (AUP-OP)
Designation 2500-4: City Rail Link Limited –Karangahape Road Station
Underlying Zoning: Business – City Centre Zone Road
Proposed work / project:
This Outline Plan (OPW) is submitted by Link Alliance on behalf of City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) for the construction and architectural design elements of the Karangahape Station and public realm reinstatement (PRR) works within the surrounding Karangahape Station Precinct.
Karangahape Station is proposed as an underground station comprising two separate passenger platforms and associated entrance and service buildings. The proposed works include:
1. The construction and architectural design elements of two independent underground passenger platforms and associated station entrance buildings located at Mercury Lane and Beresford Square;
2. The construction and architectural design elements of the Beresford Square service block and ventilation structures; and
3. Permanent reinstatement of the Karangahape Station Precinct public realm following construction, involving road and footpath realignment and reinstatement, construction and installation of street amenities, paving, and landscaping.
As a result of the public realm reinstatement works, a new public plaza will be constructed at Beresford Square and a new laneway will be constructed from Mercury Lane, providing pedestrian thoroughfare between the Mercury Lane station entrance building and East Street.
I have read the outline plan of works (OPW), supporting documents, and the report and recommendations on the OPW. I am satisfied that I have sufficient information to consider the matters required by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and make a recommendation under delegated authority.
Acting under delegated authority, under section 176A, Auckland Council confirms the outline plan, with the following recommendations:
Changes requested to demonstrate compliance with conditions of Designation 2500-4:
Built Heritage
1. That the Requiring Authority, in consultation with mana whenua and Council’s Urban Design specialists, review how the bulk, mass and dominance of the Beresford Square entrance building structure, particularly the roof and canopy, could be reduced to better compliment, and positively contribute to, the built form and streetscape character of the Karangahape Road Precinct and Beresford Square.
2. That prior to implementation, further discussion be undertaken with Council with regard to species selection and the management of these plantings in order to ensure the best chance of survival.
3. That the Requiring Authority liaises with Council’s Parks Department and Urban Ngahere team regarding the detailed engineering design, construction, drainage, and planting of the Beresford Square tree grove planter pit.
Noise and Vibration
4. That a finalised Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (SSCNVMP) for the Karangahape Station Public Realm Reinstatement Works be submitted to Auckland Council for certification at least six (6) weeks prior to the commencement of construction of works detailed in the Outline Plan. The final SSCNVMP must address all relevant requirements set out within CRL Designation
2500-4, particularly Conditions 37 and 38, and detail how the Best Practicable Option has been identified for implementation.
Communication and Consultation
5. That the Karangahape Road Main Works Communication and Consultation Plan (CCP), and/or the CCP addendum, be revised and updated in accordance with Conditions 15.3, 15.4 and 15.5 of Designation 2500-4, respectively:
a) Prior to the Public Realm Reinstatement (PRR) works commencing, and allowing time for specific communication and consultation material to be prepared or updated, the Key Messages are updated to reflect the PRR works as distinct from the Main Works, specifically in relation to works on footpaths and directly abutting buildings and accesses;
b) Prior to the PRR works commencing, affected parties, property owners and occupiers who will be directly affected by the works must be reconfirmed. The list of identified affected parties, property owners and occupiers must be provided with the Karangahape Road Main Works CCP and/or the CCP addendum, and Appendix B from the Main Works PRR must be updated accordingly;
c) Prior to the PRR works commencing, an analysis of the latest Social Impact & Business Disruption (SIBD) monitoring results, and any other relevant information, must be used for the purpose of confirming or modifying the CCP methods and tools for communication and consultation with relevant affected parties, property owners and occupiers and other parties listed in CRL Designation Condition15(4)(c).
d) The Requiring Authority advises Auckland Council of the outcomes of the above three actions via a revised/updated Karangahape Road Main Works CCP and/or CCP addendum no later than four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of construction of public realm reinstatement works; and
e) The Requiring Authority advises Auckland Council of how these actions will influence use of the Communication Channels in Section 6.3 of the revised/updated Karangahape Main Works CCP.
Urban Design
6. That the design width of the Mercury Lane – East Street laneway is reinstated to a minimum of 5.1m as proposed in the lodged Outline Plan documents.
Advice Note: Whilst the use of chain link fencing is accepted as a temporary treatment for the laneway, the fencing materials and any softening treatments should be selected with consideration of the physical and visual impacts to this new public space. Refer to the Urban Design memo dated 27.04.2022 for further recommendations relating to the use of chain link fencing.
Changes suggested to better achieve outcomes under the Design Principles:
1. That the Requiring Authority continues to engage with mana whenua in any further decisions regarding the station architecture and public realm design to ensure the design has incorporated the mana whenua principles and other mana whenua aspirations.
2. Signage/wayfinding is provided to make mobility impaired users aware of the steeper gradient of Mercury Lane.
Advice note: It is acknowledged that while both stations are being designed to be accessible, Mercury Lane does have steeper gradients.
Advice notes
1. This recommendation on the outline plan of works recognises the scope of works enabled under the designation. This authorisation covers only any activity that would otherwise infringe a rule in a district plan under the RMA. The requiring authority is responsible for identifying and obtaining all other necessary consents and permits. These may include:
• Any relevant resource consents both under any relevant national environmental standard (e.g. NES for assessing and managing contaminants in soil to protect human health), and any relevant regional rules under the operative and proposed regional plan(s) and regional coastal plan(s), and/or any variations to existing regional consents obtained for the CRL project
• the Building Act 2004
• any relevant Auckland Council bylaws
• Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.
2. That any retail use of the Station Buildings is undertaken in accordance with the purpose of the Designation and the supporting Notice of Requirement documentation.
Approved for release
Recommendation approved for release to the Requiring Authority for determination.

Karyn Kurzeja Duty Commissioner
Date: 30/05/2022
Schedule 1
The proposed works / project has been confirmed as falling within the scope of the designation and satisfying s176A RMA on the basis of the recommended changes and being undertaken in accordance with the plans and all information submitted with the outline plan of works, detailed below, and all referenced by the Council as consent number(s) OPW60394545.
• Outline Plan of Works and accompanying documentation, prepared by Link Alliance and lodged 22 December 2021
Report title and reference
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Outline Plan
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Construction Environmental Management Plan – Addendum
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan: Appendix C – Station Plan Drawings
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan: Appendix D – Public Realm Drawings
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Construction Environmental Management Plan – Addendum
Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Reinstatement Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan – Addendum
Karangahape Station Public Realm Reinstatement Draft Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Karangahape Station Public Realm Reinstatement Communication and Consultation Plan –Addendum
Updated General Arrangement – Mercury Lane Drawings
CRL-KRD-URB-LKA-DRG-140002 & 142006142008
Updated Universal Design Drawings
Author Rev Dated
9 February 2022
Additional information re potential closure of Pitt Street closure Link Alliance 1 March 2022
Additional information re trees and laneway Link Alliance 13 April 2022
• Communication and technical memos provided during application processing
Correspondence and reference Author Dated
CEMP review comments (ESCP only) Sian Farrell 10 February 2022
CEMP review comments Tim O’Grady 27 April 2022
Final urban design review comments, including Link Alliance response Sheerin Samsudeen / Link Alliance 27 April 2022 / 1 April 2022
Final urban design review comments re ventilation shaft and laneway Sheerin Samsudeen 18 May 2022
Initial universal access review comments, including Link Alliance response Elise Copeland / Link Alliance 9 February 2022 / 1 April 2022
Final universal access review comments Elise Copeland 28 April 2022
Link Alliance final response re universal access Link Alliance 28 April 2022
Initial landscape architecture review comments, including Link Alliance response Ainsley Verstraeten / Link Alliance 22 February 2022 / 1 April 2022
Final landscape architecture comments Ainsley Verstraeten 28 April 2022
Final traffic, access, and parking review comments Chloe Davison, Gary Black 8 March 2022 Monitoring response to Pitt Street closure Tim O’Grady 3 March 2022
Final construction noise and vibration review comments Jon Styles 11 March 2022
Final Communication and Consultation Plan –Addendum review comments