Recommendation on an Outline Plan of Works under s176A of the Resource Management Act 1991
Application number(s): OPW60389911
Applicant: Link Alliance
Requiring authority's name: City Rail Link Limited
Owner of site: Various
Site address:

2 Mayoral Drive, 32-42 Wellesley Street West, 410 Mayoral Drive, 128 Albert Street.
Wyndham Street, Victoria Street, Albert Street, Wellesley Street, Kingston Street, Durham Lane and Mayoral Drive.
Legal descriptions: Lot 19 DP 21520, Lot 15 DP 21520, Lot 18 DP 21520, Part Lot 21 DP 21520, Lot 23 DP 21520, Lot 24 DP 21520, Lot 25 DP 21520, Allotment 26-27 Sec 31 City of Auckland, Section 1 SO Plan 54203, Lot 1 DP 110543.
Road reserve
Operative plan(s):
Underlying Zoning:
Proposed work / project:
Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part (AUP)
Designation 2500-1: City Rail Link – City Rail Link Limited
Business – City Centre Zone
Construction of the Aotea Station and streetscape reinstatement of the surrounding Aotea Station Precinct. Aotea Station comprises the main entrance building on Wellesley Street, two additional entrance buildings on Victoria Street, a ventilation structure/plenum on Kingston Street, and internal infrastructure such as platforms, lifts, escalators and rooms for services and equipment.
The works in the surrounding Aotea Station Precinct will extend along Albert Street from Wyndham Street to the southern end of Designation 2500-1 adjacent to 10 Mayoral Drive. This area includes sections of the intersecting roads at Victoria Street, Wellesley Street, Kingston Street and Durham Street. Within the streetscape, reinstatement will include paving and surfacing, lighting, signage and street furniture such as seating, bicycle parking and bins. Landscaping and tree planting in select locations is also included.
I have read the outline plan of works (OPW), supporting documents, and the report and recommendations on the OPW. I am satisfied that I have sufficient information to
consider the matters required by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and make a recommendation under delegated authority.
While I have adopted and endorsed many of the recommendations of the Council reporting planner and various specialists, I have conducted my own assessment of this outline plan of works.
Acting under delegated authority, under section 176A, Auckland Council confirms the outline plan, with the following recommendations:
Changes requested to demonstrate compliance with conditions of Designation 2500:
Urban Design and Landscape
1. That the final patterning / cultural referencing on the external metal skin of the Kingston Street ventilation structure is submitted to Auckland Council’s Urban Design Office for comment on the consistency of the design with that presented in the Outline Plan documentation prior to construction.
2. That further discussion with Council occurs in regard to the selection of tree fern species and the management of these plantings prior to implementation in order to ensure the best chance of survival for the ferns.
3. That the Requiring Authority liaises with Council’s Parks Department and Urban Ngahere team regarding the construction, drainage and planting of tree pits.
Built Heritage
4. Any physical barriers (including bollards) in close proximity to the historic bluestone wall in Albert Street be spaced at the furthest points possible to reduce their number to the minimum necessary and be to the lowest possible height. The decision- making process regarding justification for and agreement upon treatments around the bluestone wall must be documented and reported in accordance with requirements of Condition 45 of City Rail Link (CRL) Designation 2500-1.
5. That any further interventions to or around the bluestone wall be carefully justified against alternatives and be presented to the Heritage Advisory Group in accordance with the requirements of Condition 45 of CRL Designation 2500-1.
Noise and Vibration
6. That a finalised Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (SSCNVMP) for the Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement Works be submitted to Auckland Council for certification between six (6) and four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of construction of works detailed in the Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement Outline Plan of Works (OPW). The final SSCNVMP must address all relevant requirements under the conditions of CRL Designation
2500-1, particularly Conditions 37 and 38.
Communication and Consultation
7. That the Aotea Main Works Communication and Consultation Plan (CCP) and/or the CCP addendum be revised and updated to fully address requirements for the finalised SSCNVMP and the implementation of the Social Impact and Business Disruption (SIBD) Delivery Work Plan (DWP), in accordance with Conditions 15.3, 15.4 and 15.5 of CRL Designation 2500-1, respectively:
a. Prior to the Public Realm Reinstatement (PRR) works commencing and in time to inform specific communication and consultation material, the Key Messages are updated to reflect the PRR works as distinct from the Main Works, specifically in relation to works on footpaths and directly abutting buildings and accesses;
b. Prior to the PRR works commencing, affected parties, property owners and occupiers who will be directly affected by the works, particularly those works that may disrupt business activities, must be reconfirmed. The list of identified affected parties, property owners and occupiers must be provided with the Aotea Main Works CCP and/or the CCP addendum, and Appendix B from the Aotea Main Works CCP updated accordingly;
c. Prior to the PRR works commencing, an analysis of the latest SIBD monitoring results and any other relevant information must be used for the purpose of confirming or modifying the CCP methods and tools for communication and consultation with affected parties, property owners and occupiers and other relevant parties listed in Condition 15(4)(i-xiii);
d. The Requiring Authority advises Auckland Council of the outcomes of the above three actions via a revised/updated Aotea Main Works CCP and/or CCP addendum no later than four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of construction of public realm reinstatement works; and
e. The Requiring Authority advises Auckland Council of how these actions will influence use of the Communication Channels in Section 6.3 of the revised/updated Aotea Main Works CCP.
Traffic, Access and Parking
8. That the Requiring Authority provide a copy of the Transport, Access and Parking (TAP) DWP Addendum to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) for comment in respect to potential effects on the State Highway network during construction within 20 working days of this OPW being confirmed. A copy of any feedback provided by Waka Kotahi, including any outcomes, must be submitted to Auckland Council within five (5) working days of completion of consultation carried out in accordance
with Condition 18.1 of CRL Designation 2500-1.
Changes suggested to better achieve outcomes under the Design Principles:
1. That the panelling on the sky element façade incorporate photovoltaics to strengthen the expression of the narrative and make use of sustainable design techniques that consider the whole of life and energy efficiency implications of the building.
2. That sufficient space is provided for the threshold element artwork to enable it to “stand clear” and “breathe” as a significant cultural expression, including:
a. That the canopy between the sky and earth elements be altered to prevent the bisecting of the threshold element from outside the station. Note that this could be achieved through raising/lowering or removal of the canopy and would be particularly desirable around the Wellesley/Mayoral Drive corner of the building entrance. The offset Mayoral Drive access point needs to be reconsidered to enable the function of the threshold element as opposed to it being simply an artwork.
b. That the glazed canopy over the Bledisloe Plaza entrance is modified to avoid the experience of the threshold element being significantly obscured on approach from the east/Queen Street.
3. That further expression of the Mauri Tū, Whakapapa and Ahi Kā principles are enabled through the ratification of the station name, Wai o Horotiu, gifted to this station by mana whenua, and appropriate indication of the pathway forwards and mana whenua roles in that pathway. The gifted name must be given appropriate mana and prominence in the signage and identification of the station entrance, including through inscription of the name on the earth element on the Wellesley Street frontage.
4. That Auckland Council is given the opportunity to attend the CRL Mana Whenua Forum to hear the voices of mana whenua on the station and public realm design.
5. That further engagement with Auckland Council must be undertaken if any subsequent changes to the public realm reinstatement design are required to achieve better integration of the CRL and Te Ha Noa projects at the intersection of Albert and Victoria Streets, provision of bus stops, station plaza edges and the interfaces with the over site development.
6. That CRLL continue to engage with mana whenua in any further decisions regarding the station architecture and public realm design to ensure the design has incorporated the mana whenua principles and other mana whenua aspirations.
7. That Council has oversight of the contract growing for large grade specimen trees and low-level plants proposed for final plantings.
It is confirmed that:
• The proposed works are within the scope of the designation and generally compliant with the relevant designation conditions, subject to the changes requested above;
• The OPW report and accompanying information contain sufficient detail to describe the proposed works and any proposed measures to manage adverse effects under s176A(3) of the RMA;
• The proposed works include measures to adequately avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects, within the context of the existing environment, the programme for the works, and the operational and maintenance constraints associated with an underground rail transport system; and
• There is adequate scope within the requested changes and the relevant designation conditions to ensure that future consultation and communications requirements and subsequent updates/revisions to management plans will be made at appropriate stages prior to the commencement of the public realm reinstatement works.
Advice notes
1. This recommendation on the outline plan of works recognises the scope of works enabled under the designation. This covers only any activity that would otherwise infringe a rule in a district plan under the RMA. The requiring authority is responsible for identifying and obtaining all other necessary consents and permits. These may include:
• Any relevant resource consents both under any relevant national environmental standard (e.g. NES for assessing and managing contaminants in soil to protect human health), and any relevant regional rules under the operative and proposed regional plan(s) and regional coastal plan(s), and/or any variations to existing regional consents obtained for the CRL project;
• the Building Act 2004;
• any relevant Auckland Council bylaws; and
• Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.
Approved for release

Recommendation approved for release to the Requiring Authority for determination.
Robert Scott Duty Commissioner
Date 16 February 2022
Schedule 1
The proposed works / project has been confirmed as falling within the scope of the designation and satisfying s176A RMA on the basis of the recommended change to manage adverse historic heritage effects and being undertaken in accordance with the plans and all information submitted with the outline plan of works, detailed below, and all referenced by the Council as consent number(s) OPW60389911
• Outline Plan of Works and accompanying documentation, prepared by Link Alliance and lodged 29 October 2021
Report title and reference
Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Outline Plan CRL-AOT-RME-LKA-RPT-800013
Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan CRL-AOT-RME-LKA-RPT800014
Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Construction Environmental Management Plan –Addendum CRL-AOT-RME-LKA-RPT-800015
Aotea Main Works Communication and Consultation Plan CRL-AOT-RME-LKA-PLN-800027
Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan: Appendix C – Station Plan Drawings
Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan: Appendix D – Public Realm Drawings
Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement Draft Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan CRL-AOT-RMA-LKA-PRT-800017
Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement Communication and Consultation Plan – Addendum CRLAOT-RME-LKA-PLN-800039
Drawing CRL-AOT-ARC-LKA_DRG-141104
Drawing CRL-AOT-ARC-LKA_DRG-161011
Drawing CRL-AOT-ARC-LKA_DRG-161012
Author Rev Dated
Link Alliance A01 29 October 2021
Link Alliance A04 29 October 2021
Link Alliance A01 29 October 2021
Link Alliance 002 27 October 2021
Link Alliance Various
Link Alliance Various
Link Alliance A03 17 December 2021
Link Alliance A01 13 December 2021
Link Alliance C00 06/09/2021
Link Alliance C00 06/09/2021
Link Alliance C00 06/09/2021
• Communication and technical memos provided during application processing
Correspondence and reference
Author Dated
Initial clarifications regarding urban design Stephanie Kane 19 November 2021
Initial comments regarding built heritage Dan Windwood 23 November 2021
Link Alliance email response: built heritage Alex Scouller 26 November 2021
Built Heritage Specialist memo Dan Windwood 7 December 2021
Correspondence and reference
Author Dated
Comments regarding CEMP Addendum Tim O’Grady 22 November 2021
Initial comments regarding construction noise and vibration Jon Styles 22 November 2021
Initial comments regarding traffic, access and parking Gary Black 18 November 2021
Link Alliance email response: traffic, access and parking Alex Scouller 30 November 2021
Final comments regarding traffic, access and parking Gary Black 6 December 2021
Initial Aotea Station Urban Design Review Sheerin Samsudeen 26 November 2021
Initial comments regarding trees and vegetation Howell Davies 25 November 2021
Revised Aotea Station Urban Design Review Sheerin Samsudeen 26 November 2021
Aotea Station – Universal Access review Elise Copeland 24 November 2021
Link Alliance email response: trees and vegetation Alex Scouller 2 December 2021
Link Alliance email response: urban design, landscape and accessibility Alex Scouller 10 December 2021
Link Alliance response to Urban Design comments and recommendations Link Alliance 10 December 2021
Link Alliance response to Landscape Architect comments and recommendations Link Alliance 10 December 2021
Link Alliance response to Accessibility comments and recommendations Link Alliance 10 December 2021
Initial comments on the Communication and Consultation Plan Blair Masefield 19 November 2021
Link Alliance email response: CCP Addendum Alex Scouller 13 December 2021
Final comments on the Communication and Consultation Plan Blair Masefield 24 January 2022
Final Aotea Station Urban Design Review Sheerin Samsudeen 16 December 2021
Email communication requesting clarification on minor matters Warwick Pascoe 22 December 2021
Link Alliance email response to minor matters Alex Scouller 23 December 2021
Final comments regarding the draft SSCNVMP Jon Styles 14 January 2022
Further final comments on the Communication and Consultation Plan Blair Masefield 11 February 2022