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Summary of Construction Works

2. Karanga-a-Hape Station

Once completed, the Karanga-a-Hape Station will include two entrances, one at Beresford Square and the other at Mercury Lane, linked together by platforms with two mined tunnels approximately 32m below Pitt Street. The Karanga-a-Hape Station will also comprise equipment rooms, ventilation systems and emergency egress at both Mercury Lane and Beresford Square / Pitt Street. Given the nature and scale of the Karanga-a-Hape Station construction, works will be undertaken in a staged manner3. These construction works have been authorised by three separate Outline Plan Packages, with construction works expected to continue until the completion of the Project in 2024. The Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works have been staged as follows:

Table 1: Staging of the Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works

Construction Works Description

Demolition works (authorised by OPW60339200) And

Early works (authorised by OPW60347591)

Demolition of buildings in Mercury Plaza, including foundations and the removal; and disposal of demolished material. Demolition Works. Utility relocations, establishment of Beresford Square and Mercury Plaza Construction Support Areas (CSAs), removal of street trees and street furniture, undertaken between October 2019 through to early 2020.

Main Works (authorised by OPW60352495)

Excavation of a temporary access shaft, mining of platform tunnels, excavation and construction of the two station entrance boxes at Mercury Lane and Beresford Square, and the operation of CSAs at Beresford Square, Pitt Street and Mercury Lane, starting in February 2020 and taking approximately 3 years.

Date Approved Status

21 June 2019 Completed.

11 November 2019

26 February 2020 Completed –Works were undertaken approx. between October 2019 to early 2020. The work commenced on approx. February 2020 and is scheduled to continue through to 2024.

Summary of Construction Works

The following outlines key construction activities occurring during the various stages of the Karangaa-Hape Construction Works. A detailed account of the Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works is provided in the Construction Environmental Management Plan. It is noted that the Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works (described in Table 1), is predominantly concentrated along Mercury Lane and Beresford Square, where large CSAs are set up to undertake major construction works and will be utilised through to completion of the Project in 2024. The neighbouring roads of Cross Street, Canada Street, East Street, Karanga-a-Hape Road and Pitt Street are also affected.

The demolition and early works listed below have been undertaken.

3 Demolition works authorised by OPW60339200, Early works authorised by OPW60347591 and Main Works authorised by

OPW60352495. Page 7 | 2019-2020 SIBD Annual Report - Karanga-a-Hape Station

Demolition works

• Demolition of the Mercury Plaza building.

Karanga-a-Hape early works

• Trenching works along Beresford Square and Pitt Street to relocate utilities. Removal of street trees and the café and toilets within Beresford Square. • Establishment of the worksite in Beresford Square requiring the permanent closure of Beresford Square to vehicle traffic. • Removal of all street furniture within Beresford Square. • Utility relocation works and CSA establishment works within Mercury Lane.

Karanga-a-Hape Main Works

The Karanga-a-Hape Main Works were authorised on 26 February 2020. These works have commenced and will be ongoing until the completion of the Project in 2024. They involve: • Installation of hoardings and temporary traffic management around active construction zones. • A number of piling, mining and excavation activities within Beresford Square and Mercury Lane. • Offsite disposal of excavated materials. • Operation of CSAs within Beresford Square, Mercury Lane and Pitt Street.

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