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Noise and Vibration

7. Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community

This section outlines the type of complaint received and summarises the mitigation measures the Link Alliance used in response to the complaint. It should be noted that the Link Alliance undertakes proactive engagement as part of its development response, however this section discusses the reactive mitigation measures that are implemented following the receipt of a complaint.

Noise and Vibration

The complaint register recorded 51 complaints in relation to noise and vibration impacts from the Karanga-a-Hape Construction Works. This was the most common complaint received. Noise and vibration complaints were mostly in relation to disruptive impacts from noisy construction activities impacting amenity and business, the timing of these works (i.e. early morning and/or late evening) and impacts of vibration upon buildings. The range of mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 8 below.

Table 8: Link Alliance response to noise and vibration complaints.

Nature of complaint

• Excessive noise and vibration causing disruption

Summary of mitigation methods used

− Stopped noisy works upon receipt of complaint. − Noise levels monitored to confirm compliance with levels outlined in the Project CNVDWP12 . − Implemented further mitigation measures (mechanical ventilation, different cutting head) to lessen impact. − The stakeholder was contacted and advised about the mitigation measures deployed − Link Alliance met face-to-face with the impacted stakeholder to understand how impacts can be sufficiently (and practicably) mitigated. − Ensured noisy works will be communicated to stakeholder in future.

• Noisy works being undertaken outside normal hours e.g. after 10pm and on weekends including concrete pours, excavation and concrete cutting − Met with construction team to understand nature of works and reason for complaint. − Communicated to impacted stakeholder about reason for works and types of mitigation measures proposed to lessen impacts. − Briefed contractors and advised them of Link Alliance’s obligations regarding work hours. − Sunday works avoided unless necessary e.g. emergency resource issue. If Sunday works happened, there would be no

Saturday works to ensure stakeholders have one day of respite. − Following from the number of complaints from works that followed a 3am concrete pour, the Station Manager advised that in the future no concrete pours would occur that early.

12 A Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNVDWP) is required to be prepared for each stage of the

Project works. Designation condition 31 and 33 outlines ‘Project Standards’ for construction noise and vibration that must be complied with. Site Specific plans are required where noise levels are anticipated to exceed Project Standards. Page 24 | 2019-2020 SIBD Annual Report - Karanga-a-Hape Station

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