Pitt Street traffic switch and trenching works
Dear neighbours,

To ensure the neighbourhood is futureproofed for potential development, Link Alliance will be installing a mixture of high (22kV) and low (11kV) voltage cables within the road in Pitt Street.
From 9 September for 10 to 12 weeks, our area of works on Pitt Street will switch from the western side to the eastern side of the road. Traffic management will be installed on the evening of 8 September. The traffic flow will switch from the eastern side to the western side of Pitt Street, with flow in both directions maintained Our works area on Beresford Square will remain up to the western edge of Pitt Street.
Works will be broken up into four areas to enable vehicle access to Poynton Terrace (managed by traffic controllers during our working hours and traffic lights overnight), the Pitt Street Methodist Church and behind the shops on Karangahape Road.
Please see the map below indicating our areas of work (in green) and the new traffic flow along the western side of Pitt Street Pedestrian access along the eastern side of Pitt Street will be maintained throughout the works. We will liaise directly with local businesses regarding loading zones and any other potential impacts.

Hours of work
Our normal hours of work are 7am to 10pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 7pm Saturday. From time-to-time setup will begin before 7am and work may continue after normal hours.
On Sunday 8th of September, we will have traffic management installed starting at 10pm to enable the traffic switch to occur. An additional notification will be sent to neighbours regarding this work.
How will these activities affect me?
The image above shows the new traffic layout on Pitt Street and local access points for vehicles.
Aspects of this work will create noise, dust and vibration We will liaise directly with impacted stakeholders to coordinate timings where possible. At times we will be using a hydrovac machine, rock breaking attachments, and saw cutting equipment. The team will use noise mats to minimise disruption and we will undertake additional noise and vibration monitoring to ensure our activities are within consent guidelines
Where can I go for more information?
You can find a list of frequently asked questions about these works by scanning the following QR code:

If you have any questions or concerns about these works, please email the Link Alliance Karanga-aHape Station team at karangahape@linkalliance.co.nz or phone 0800 CRL TALK and press option 4 for Karanga-a-Hape.