Mercury Lane Closure for Futureproofing Works – Revised
Timeframe and detour
Dear neighbours,
We are contacting you to provide an update on our initial Mercury Lane Closure Works Notification (distributed on 27 March). The works will now commence on 29 April, instead of the original date of 15 April 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience.
The works will now be carried out across two stages:
• Stage one (three weeks/four weeks) beginning 29 April: The southern corner of the Mercury Lane/Cross Street junction to the entry/exit point of Wilson Parking on Mercury Lane.
• Stage two (four/five weeks) beginning after completion of stage one: Top of Mercury Lane to the northern corner of the Mercury Lane/Cross Street junction.
During stage one, traffic controllers will be in place to manage vehicular access for residents and businesses at the bottom of Mercury Lane. Pedestrian access through Mercury Lane, to apartments and businesses will be maintained, with additional signage installed when required.
Wilson Parking will remain open throughout the works and will be accessible via their respective entrances on Cross Street and Mercury Lane.
The diversion routes for stage one can be seen in the diagram below, with the area of works in red. Please note that the right-hand turn from Upper Queen Street into Canada Street will not be viable so please adhere to the diversions in place during these works.
We will notify you of stage two works closer to the start date, currently scheduled for early May.
What is the purpose of these works?
To ensure the neighbourhood is futureproofed for potential development, Link Alliance will be installing a mixture of high (22kV) and low (11kV) voltage cables within the road in Mercury Lane. We will also be installing pipework to connect the station to the local Watercare network during the same work window
These works require temporary closures of sections of the lane to vehicles. The closure will allow us to dig a 150-metre-long trench that will be used by Vector to futureproof power supplies. The trench is 1.2 metres deep and 1.2 metres wide.
Hours of work
Our normal hours of work are 7am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday. From time to time set up will begin before 7am and work may continue after normal hours.
How will these activities affect me?
Diversions for vehicles (shown above) will be in place for traffic accessing the lower section of Mercury Lane, or Canada Street via Mercury Lane.
Aspects of this work will create noise, dust and vibration. We will liaise directly with impacted stakeholders to coordinate timings where possible. At times we will be using a hydrovac machine, rock breaking attachments, and saw cutting equipment. The team will use noise mats to minimise disruption and we will undertake additional noise and vibration monitoring to ensure our activities are within consent guidelines
We are engaging local businesses regarding their potential impacts from works. If you have questions, please reach out to us (contact details below)
Where can I go for more information?
You can find a list of frequently asked questions about these works by scanning the following QR code:
If you have any questions or concerns about these works, please email the Link Alliance Karanga-aHape Station team at or phone 0800 CRL TALK and press option 4 for Karanga-a-Hape.