Maungawhau CLG September 2024

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Maungawhau Station Community Liaison Group (CLG) Minutes

Meeting Maungawhau Station CLG

Date Wednesday 25 September 2024

Time 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Location City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre at Te Manawa, 1 New North Road, Eden Terrace

Presenters Link Alliance: Helga Sonier, Thibaut L’Hopital, Tom Renhart, Laurent Illoz

CRLL: Rachel Blundell, Simon Lough

AECOM: Kate Symington

CLG Members 11 CLG members attended in person: Tim Harding, Jeff, Richard Northey (WLB), Kathleen Eagle, Diana Rutherford, Brian MacCormack, Steve Wilson, Graeme Scott

1 CLG member attended online – Liv Roe (AELB) also online – Marty Jones, Eke Panuku:

1. Welcome and overview:

• Helga Sonier, the Community Manager welcomed attendees to the meeting and opened with the Link Alliance Karakia. Helga introduced the agenda and the presenters for the evening.

o In particular – Kate Symington / Social Impact & Business Disruption (SIBD) Report.

• Welcome extended to members joining online, invited online participants to ask questions in the chat and suggested two Q&A sessions for all, one after Kate’s presentation and one after the rest of the reports.

2. Communications and Engagement (C&E) update:

• Helga shared recent activity and highlights from the C&E team,

• Places & Spaces brochure, the main site edition, has been recently released.

• Streets info-sessions have taken place, including

o Talking to commuters, focusing on street developments

o Breakfast, lunch and evening info hub sessions

o Evening info hub session focused on tech used on site

Other projects and activities noted on slide presentation.

Helga noted special events coming up for Maungawhau Station:

• Branch Out Spring Festival- looking forward to another great festival.

• Urban realm pop-ups-

• New monthly info sessions-

• 3 upcoming Blocks of Line (BOL) - trains stop running, giving us opportunity to work 24/7

• Special notice of Xmas CLG on 4th December, invites to follow.

3. Social Impact and Business Disruption (SIBD) update: Kate Symington from AECOM provided an update on the preparation of the annual Social Impact & Business Disruption report.

• Report covers period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024.

• Relates to designation condition 61.8 which outlines obligations to measure and management business and social disruption and to produce a plan to help minimise this.

• Information for report gathered from -

o Communication with representatives of community team

o Relationships with UBA

o Results of initiatives such as Mr. Whippy ice cream days etc

o Info gathered from CLG minutes during the year is also used to measure disruption

• She noted there was a 54% decrease in complaints between 22/23 and 23/24 year.

Kate provided and overview of the information gathered in the report, which includes complaint statistics, details of complaints and examples of how these complaints were received and the way in which LA responded.

- TIm Harding questioned timing of the SIBD report, and its relevance and effectiveness, given most disruptive work has concluded, and project is ending soon.

LA – reiterated issues Kate mentioned and highlighted our “Good Neighbours” program as an example of a meaningful initiative, that records and encourages our team to go above and beyond in their day-to-day work.

4. Maungawhau Station construction update: Thibaut L’Hopital, Maungawhau Station Project Manager

Preparing streetscape for future development.

• Streets- reinstating, defining boundaries, accessway to station, recycled basalt elements.

o Explained how they use hoardings around work areas to minimize disruption to public.

• Amenities- Bike racks, tree pits, basalt rocks reclaimed and being installed.

• Bridges-Fenton St bridge glass, railing, gates – bridge is almost complete.

• Station front – street work continues, bridges, decorative barrier above CRL platform

5. Maungawhau Station architecture update: Tom Renhart, Maungawhau Station Fit-Out Manager

• Provided an update on works within and immediately surrounding the Station Building, including the NAL and CRL platforms.

• 250km cable, Lots of electrical work throughout the interior of the station.

• Fit out of ticketing and retail spaces underway.

• Waterwall almost finished, awaiting plumbing

• Work still to do on main threshold ceiling

Special MILESTONES noted including tunnel ventilation fans tested (low speed but first of CRL stations), backup power systems (9 hours) tested and ready

• Western Line platform and overpass- electrification work continues, installation of CCTV and lights etc. – a lot of this work will happen during the BOL schedule due to the proximity of the platform to the existing overhead lines operating this Western Line.

• CRL platform- coping stones and tactiles, floor pour to follow, lifts tested and running. When train testing commences, we will need to treat this platform as ‘live’ so work swiftly to get as much done before this occurs.

6. Systems and track building update: Laurent Illoz, Systems - Linear Asset Installation Manager

• Successful Matariki Block of Line (BOL)- signaling commissioning

• Upcoming BOL’s (28/29 Sept 05/06 Oct + Labour weekend BOL)

• Noted that rail grinding inside tunnels scheduled for mid-October, official notifications to follow.

• Upcoming work includes communications and systems installation- commissioning all radio and 5g systems, pulling of cables has been done, now it is connection and testing ahead of first trains. Then more testing, empty tunnel vs tunnels with trains can create the need to adjust.

• Managing noisy work – preference to undertake this work in tunnels at nighttime.

• Careful integration with Kiwi Rail and their work schedules.

• Explained how they identify earthing points and use of cross passages to store and manage cabling during the installation project to achieve greater efficiency.

• Noted that handrail installation and other safety precautions have taken place inside the tunnel to ensure tunnels can be accessed safely in emergency situations (when trains are operating).

7. City Rail Link Limited update: Rachel Blundell, Senior Communications & Stakeholder Manager and Simon Lough, CRL Design Interface


• Provided an update on the additional urban realm work which will follow Link Alliance construction, but precede the first trains running through the CRL in 2026

• Indicated areas of CRL focus including proposed green space and new walking and cycling link.

• Feedback following the special CLG held in July has been collated and reviewed.

• Simon Lough shared key themes of the community feedback which will be reflected and responded to in the package of planning documents to be lodged with Auckland Council by the end of October 2024.

• This feedback focused on:

o Overall support for the design and traffic-free nature of the cycling and walking link.

o Wayfinding signage – examples of AT-prescribed wayfinding designs were shared, including destination signs and signage panels known as a Local Area Map to help inform passengers at key decision-making points.

• James Wickham from Auckland Transport was invited to provide an update on feedback received regarding station entrances.

o This feedback reflected a desire to have more than one station entrance. James reiterated the complexities that needed to be factored into this

o James advised this specific feedback was already under discussion within Auckland Transport.

8. Questions and Answers:

1. How was the survey shared? I didn’t get the survey?

CRL & LA clarified channels and process through which the survey had been shared. Quarterly survey via monthly newsletter and sent separately. Special CLG info and feedback request to attendees of the Special CLG meeting in August and via August monthly newsletter.

2. Any decisions about how the trains run - which trains go where?

LA explained that plans at this stage were for 2/ 3 of the trains to be travelling on the CRL into the CBD from west and 1/ 3 will go to Newmarket. Final timetabling is determined by Auckland Transport as part of their operation of the passenger rail network.

3. When the Link Alliance goes – what will happen to the open land? Will future constructors consider mitigations for dust and vibration.

CRL reiterated the areas CRL will complete and to what level – mulch, planted, grassed areas etc.

LA clarified that the areas coloured grey on the map would be left as compacted gravel and suggested that it will be best practice for future constructors to mitigate construction impacts.

Eke Panuku will be responsible for the management and interim use of the compacted gravel areas until construction occurs as part of development.

Marty Jones, Eke Panuku (online attendee) indicated he would be happy to take any questions about the development sites at

4. How will the new plantings be looked after?

CRL contract maintenance staff to help maintain and weed gardens for the first two years.

5. Black lines on Fenton – when will it be finished?

LA explained that these have been completed... (this was questioned by stakeholder) so LA undertook to confirm directly with stakeholder.

6. Parking permits on neighbouring streets for residents of Fenton?

AT representative invited community to feed requests to his email direct.

LA suggested working with the local board, in particular Cr Julie Fairey who had expressed interest in championing this.

7. What about the Canopy at Station R Apartments?

AT pointed out it was not permitted, and LA explained that this had been discussed with the building representatives along with other issues of concern.

8. Post CRL what’s happening with the Level crossings at other locations?

KiwiRail and AT are working together on a programme for level crossing removals. Seven pedestrian-only level crossings will be removed before CRL opens. More information is available on the AT website at

9. Why are there so many potholes and patches on Mt Eden Rd?

LA explained sequencing of works – switching traffic had impact. Temporary fixes are being made and these will ultimately be fixed permanently once all stages of work have been completed.

10. When will Mt Eden roadworks be completed?

LA expected to be completed mid-November

11. When will the CRL open to the public?

CRL noted station will open sometime in 2026. It will be dependent on Kiwi Rail and AT teams who take over in November 2025.

12. Is there a section in the SIBD report that mentions if the designation conditions were met?

AECOM: Yes, there is a section that mentions the above in the report.

13. Can you please reflect back on the questions we have asked in this meeting?

CRL and LA advised that the CLG minutes will be available on the CRL website along with the presentation 2 weeks after the meeting.

The accompanying CLG PowerPoint presentation to these minutes is available on the CRL website with all the other Maungawhau CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is confirmed for 4 December 2024.

Additional Notes/ Actions:

- Send Tim Harding Eke Panuku’s Marty Jones’ contact details and CLG meeting minutes.

- Send Kathleen Eagle AT’s James Wickham and Councillor Julie-Fairey’s contact details.

- Include AT James Wickham email address (in response to Parking Permit question).

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Maungawhau CLG September 2024 by City Rail Link Ltd - Issuu