Maungawhau Station
Community Liaison Group (CLG)
Meeting Maungawhau Station Community Liaison Group (CLG)
Date Wednesday 10 May 2023
Time 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Location The City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre- Te Manawa at 1 New North Road
Presenters Link Alliance: Helga Sonier, Lorena Vigoya, Jayden Tabani, Richard Taylor, Nicholas Powell, Nick Adams and Laurent Illoz

Eke Panuku Development Auckland: Kate Cumberpatch
CLG Members 11 CLG members attended this meeting in person Agenda:
1. Welcome and overview:
• Helga Sonier, the Maungawhau Community Manager welcomed attendees to the meeting and invited construction and architecture members to share an update on the Link Alliance's Maungawhau Station construction progress Eke Panuku Development Auckland were also invited to share insights about development in the neighbourhood after the CRL project is complete
2. Communications and Engagement (C&E) update:
• Helga shared a range of highlights from the communications and engagement team.
• Link Alliance have collaborated with the Uptown Business Association (UBA) to produce the pocket guide to eating and socialising and have distributed 40,000 copies around the area, which was indicative that many members of the community have been reached and informed.
• Link Alliance has installed new art on scrim and hoardings around the site to beautify the site boundary.
• An overview of the events for 2023 that the Link Alliance and UBA are working on together was shared with attendees, showcasing how supporting a vibrant local community and neighbourhood is a key aspect of the project.
• Communications from the Maungawhau Station continues at great volume, upcoming content includes a range of videos featuring tunnels, waterwall and ventilation building A timelapse of the Porters Avenue Bridge and Boston roundabout will also be released soon and these will help showcase the construction progress.
3. Eke Panuku Development Auckland:
• Kate Cumberpatch from Eke Panuku shared that Eke Panuku Development Auckland is an Auckland Council-controlled organisation (CCO)and will lead the development of the site once the City Rail Link construction is complete.
Commented [MS1]: Could add a sentence summarising new upcoming vids and new art around site?
• Current planning for the site includes 10 development blocks, with a mixture of homes (some being delivered in partnership with Kainga Ora) shops, eateries, offices and public space.
• Timelines of the development staging process would start with Phase 1 from 2027-2029; and Phase 2 from 2030 onwards.
• After the CRL project is complete and depending on the street network layout, development will be a staged process and Eke Panuku Development Auckland will work with the UBA to enhance the area and the possibility of additional connections to the station.
• In Phase 2, development will be in collaboration with Iwi and Phase 3 will be progressed after market interest is gauged.
4. Maungawhau Station Environment update:
• Jayden Tabani from the Environmental Team presented an overview of the Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (DWP) to CLG members. This document outlines processes to manage impacts generated by construction activity, specify what equipment is to be used, how to minimise impacts and achieve better outcomes for community.
• The DWP also outlines the project's standards for noise and vibration, and how these are to be monitored and reported against.
• Lorena Vigoya from the Environment team shared information on erosion and sediment control, and that works are managed according to the project's Construction Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. This plan is reviewed against current controls to ensure it is fit for purpose.
• There is an onsite Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in place to process water from site, and a range of other mitigation measures are used to manage erosion and sediment control. These include catch pits, asphalt bunds, and wheel washing
• Environmental factors are inspected by Auckland Council on a monthly basis.
5. Maungawhau Station main site & mined tunnels construction update:
• Richard Taylor, the Maungawhau Station Construction Manager updated CLG members on construction progress from the main station site.
• Construction of the cut and cover tunnels is expected to be completed by late 2023, followed by backfilling of the area by mid next year.
• Construction of the ventilation building structure is now complete and has been handed to the systems and architecture teams to progress their works.
• Escalators, stairs, and lifts have been installed in the future Maungawhau Station building Six escalators have been installed in total, connecting the NAL platform, CRL platform and main station entrance. Fit out works for the building will follow.
• The roof and canopies are next to be installed on the CRL platform and NAL overpass structure Once installed, mechanical fit out will take place.
• By the end of June, the walls and roof for the MC30 tunnel (first western tunnel) is expected to be constructed and then focus will be on completing the MC20 (second western line tunnel).
• Waterproofing is close to completion for MC50 with Mined Tunnelling activity to be completed in late May 2023.
Commented [MS2]: Date is mid next year
6. Maungawhau Station Architecture update:
• Nicholas Powell, Maungawhau Station Architecture Project Manager provided an update on the Ventilation Building The internal walls are now complete, and mechanical installations will follow.
• The scaffolding has recently been removed from the exterior of the Ventilation Building, showcasing the architectural design of the building and the louvres.
• Glass panels will be installed on the CRL overpass mid this year, and framing for the Station Building's back of house internal walls is now in place.
• Surveying and installation is now underway for the canopy bullnose on the Western Line platform
7. North Auckland Line (NAL) & tunnels fit-out works update:
• Nick Adams Construction Manager for the North Auckland Line (NAL) & Tunnels, provided an update on civils works completed in the rail corridor, and how the focus was now turning towards streetscape works.
• Current progress was shared, such as the removal of the Temporary Services Bridge (TSB) during the Easter BOL, and installation of the Porters Avenue footbridge lift was complete and made open to the public on 1st May.
• Streetscapes on Porters Avenue are almost complete, and streetscapes on Haultain and Fenton Streets have now commenced. Basalt removed from site earlier in the project will now be reused as part of the Fenton Street streetscapes.
• Urban realm work on Boston Road West is nearing completion, with activity on Boston Road East continuing until mid 2023.
• Fit out taking place in the tunnels, is not only for the NAL but all the way through to Waitemata. The fit-out for the CRL platform looking west has commenced and fit out teams are creating walkways to prepare for future emergencies if a train needed to stop in the tunnels.
8. Systems and Track building update:
• Laurent Illoz, Systems Manager – NAL & Tunnels, shared a few milestones such as the exciting milestone of trains switching to the newly built section of the Western Line track during the Easter BOL.
• Dual track operations will be able to recommence from July 2023.
• Track building will continue in the first CRL tunnel and the first eastern tunnel. Focus will then shift to installing cables in the tunnels.
9. Questions and Answers:
• What happens to the water treatment plant and water management once the project is completed?
Commented [MS3]: This didn't happen during BOL. Make this a separate point, and add that it open to public on May 1
Commented [MS4]: Move this section up to Nick's fit out sentence
o The Water Treatment Plant will be decommissioned when construction is complete. At that point the area will have stabilised surfaces (no open ground) and any water runoff can go directly to stormwater.
• Will there be any plastic screens in the stations like they have abroad in big cities?
o Not at Maungawhau Station, but the two new stations- Karanga-a-Hape and Te Waihorotiu have the provision for it. It is quite useful to manage passenger flow, but we do not have the commuter capacity for it in Auckland as of now.
• Is there a plan in place to connect the steps from Fenton Street to the CRL platform, and is there a provision to give feedback on this?
o Auckland Transport have previously stated In CLG they will look into making the emergency stairs from Fenton Street bridge to the North Auckland Line platform available for public use While this has been noted, that intention is currently unfunded and will not be in place at the time the new station opens. It is a separate project to be undertaken by Auckland Transport once the Link Alliance works are complete.
o The best way for stakeholders to lobby for change to public transport options is through local elected members.
• Fenton Street has become narrow, making it difficult for street access. Are we able to have permanent clear signage?
o Link Alliance's Development Response Manager is investigating interim signage while the desire expressed here of a more permanent option will be conveyed to Auckland Transport.
• When will the stairs will be installed for Fenton St Footbridge on the Ngahura Street side, since there is no direct link from Mount Eden Road.
o Access to Ngahura Street via the bridge will be available when the bridge opens with the new station.
• Can we see what Fenton Street looks like when it is finished?
o Our team will work to show more renders at future CLG meetings. Existing renders can be found on the City Rail Link website.
• What is the completion date of the CRL Project?
o Link Alliance construction completion is November 2025.
• Will section H outlined in the Eke Panuku Development Auckland map be developed into apartments?
o This is a possibility; however, it is still being assessed.
Commented [AA5]: similar. Don't know if we can merge this
Commented [MS6]: This question refers to when the stairs will be installed for Fenton St Footbridge on Ngahura Street
Commented [MS7]: This question refers to when the stairs will be installed for Fenton St Footbridge on Ngahura Street
Commented [MS8]: This question refers to when the stairs will be installed for Fenton St Footbridge on Ngahura Street
Commented [MS9]: This question refers to when the stairs will be installed for Fenton St Footbridge on Ngahura Street
Commented [AA10]: Need clarity
• Will there be community consultation for a community space surrounding the station or what retail stores will be included?
o The design of the space considers the value added; however the retail stores are dependent on what the market will bring. Eke Panuku Development are the agency who will be taking this development forward in the future.
• Can we ensure that there are unique retail spaces surrounding the station?
o The surrounding area is not designed for large retail spaces, there will be a focus on small businesses.
• Is there any progress in having a school built surrounding the new Station?
o The Ministry of Education have advised there is no need for a school.
• When will Fenton Street Bridge open?
o The Fenton Street Bridge will open when Maungawhau Station opens.
• Can you please explain what the Ventilation Building does?
o Equipment within the building will work with the ventilation equipment at Karanga a Hape Station to keep air moving through the tunnels once trains are running.
• How will parking be impacted by the streetscape works on Fenton Street? Will Link Alliance have two trucks parking in the street towed?
o The works are staged Concrete pavement underlies basalt pavers, so crews will have to manage the installation of these by staging the work Link Alliance cannot tow vehicles and if required this will be raised with Auckland Transport for towing Local boards can help with resident complaints with regards to towing
• Does Porters Avenue Bridge need sign off?
o Auckland Council has inspected the bridge and provided an interim certificate to make the bridge available for public use.
This CLG Presentation is available on the CRL website with all the other Maungawhau CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is to be confirmed for August 2023.
Commented [AA11]: tbc?
Commented [AA12]: TBC
Commented [MS13R12]: Check with Annie but likely to be August