Social Impact and Business Disruption Delivery Work Plan
2023 - 2024 Annual Report
Revision: 0.1
Date: August 2024
Page 1 | 2023-2024 SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station
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Approval Status
Prepared by: James Gibson Principal Planner
Prepared by: Kate Symington Principal Planner
Verified by: Kim Hardy Social Impact Specialist
Approved by: Jason Haggerty Environmental Manager
James Gibson, Kate Symington
1. Introduction
The City Rail Link (CRL) project (the Project) comprises the construction of a 3.4km twin-tunnel underground passenger railway up to 42m below Auckland’s city centre. It will transform the downtown Waitematā Station (Britomart) into a two-way through-station that better connects Auckland’s rail network, allowing it to double in capacity. Two new stations1 will be constructed (Te Waihorotiu Station and Karanga-a-Hape Station) and Maungawhau Station will be redeveloped.
Each stage of the Construction Works for Maungawhau Station (referred to collectively as the ‘Construction Works2’) are authorised and provided for by CRL Designation 2500-1 in the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in Part (AUP), for which City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) is the requiring authority.
Social Impact and Business Disruption Delivery Work Plans (SIBDDWPs) have been prepared to identify the measures that will be implemented to mitigate and manage potential adverse effects on businesses, residents and community services/facilities during the Construction Works. In accordance with CRL designation Condition 61.1, the objective of the SIBDDWP is:
“to avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects arising from disruption to businesses, residents and community services/facilities so far as reasonably practicable.”
In order to comply with designation conditions, SIBDDWPs have been prepared The 2023/2024 Maungawhau SIBD Annual Report (Annual Report) provides an overview of the changes that have occurred to the SIBD environment since the commencement of the Maungawhau Construction Works and analyses matters raised by the community and how these have been responded to.
1.1 Structure of the Annual Report
This Annual Report, prepared for the Maungawhau Construction Works will outline the following:
Section 1: Introduction: Provides an overview of the Project and Maungawhau Construction Works.
Section 2: Maungawhau Station: Provides a brief overview of Construction Works to date and summarises their impacts.
Section 3: Annual Report Methodology: Provides an overview of the methodology used to inform this Annual Report as well as the SIBD mitigation measures implemented.
Section 4: Community and Business Profiles: Reviews information relating to the Community Profile and Demographic Profile.
Section 5: Overview of Link Alliance development response initiatives.
Section 6: Overview of Matters Raised by the Community: Provides statistics on matters raised by the community.
1 Official use of gifted station names, including Maungawhau Station, has been approved by New Zealand Geographic Board in March 2024
2 Works required to construct the Maungawhau Station. Includes Enabling Works (authorised by OPW60350039), Normanby Road Early Works (authorised by OPW60351423) and Main Works (authorised by OPW60359489).Outline Plan documentation (refer Table 1).
Section 7: Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community: Considers the matters raised by the community and provides examples of Link Alliances response to those matters.
Section 8: Feedback Received: provides an overview of the feedback received during the 2023/2024 construction period.
Section 9: Recommendations: outlines areas where Link Alliance can improve during the 2024/2025 construction period.
Section 10: Conclusion
2. Maungawhau Station
Once completed, the redeveloped Maungawhau Station will connect new CRL lines to the North Auckland (NAL) Line to provide a continuous rail service.
Given the nature and scale of the Maungawhau Station construction, works will be undertaken in a staged manner. These Construction Works have been authorised by three separate Outline Plan Packages, with Construction Works expected to continue until the completion of the Project in 2025
The Maungawhau Construction Works have been staged as follows:
Table 1: Staging of the Maungawhau Construction Works
Construction Works Description
Date Approved Status Enabling Works (authorised by OPW60350039)
Involve the utility relocation works, the construction of two bridges for Mt Eden Road and Ruru Street, local mined tunnelling and bulk excavations facilitate the tunnel boring machine (TBM) launch ramp and portal and the establishment of a Construction Support Area (CSA).
Normanby Road Early Works (authorised by OPW60351423)
Building demolition at 11 Water Street, establishment of a CSA, utility diversions and connections, retaining wall construction, construction of temporary pedestrian bridge and tree removals.
23 December 2019 Large parts complete –Works undertaken between February 2020 and August 2021.
21 February 2020 Complete. Main Works (authorised by OPW60359489)
Several active work zones. Involves ground improvement works, excavations and retaining walls for the rail trenches and new tracks, rock-breaking, blasting and sheet piling works, construction of the eastern and western crossover structures to tie-in to the North Auckland Line (NAL), construction of the Porters Avenue and Fenton Street pedestrian and cyclist bridges, construction of the Normanby Road grade separation bridge and road regrading works, redevelopment of the existing NAL platform, construction of the CRL platform and the Maungawhau Station and ventilation buildings, operation and maintenance of the TBM.
4 August 2020 Ongoing –work commenced mid-2020 and will continue through to 2025.
2.1 Summary of Key Construction Works
The following outlines key construction activities occurring during the various stages of the Maungawhau Construction Works. A detailed account of the Maungawhau Construction Works is provided in the Construction Environmental Management Plan.
It is noted that the Maungawhau Construction Works (described in Table 1), occupies an expansive area with several active work zones operating simultaneously. The Maungawhau Main Works construction zone is approximately 10.5 ha in area. These works will be undertaken near and within the existing Maungawhau Station area and along the NAL, in an existing urban environment generally bounded by the NAL (south), State Highway 1 (east), Dominion Road (west), and Nikau Street (north). The Main Works also include construction activity in Basque Park in 2021 and along a number of streets within the 10.5 ha construction zone3 Some of the works listed below have already been undertaken. Some will be undertaken later in the Project.
Enabling works
These works are predominantly located within CSA 4 (Shown in Appendix B of the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)). There will also be temporary and permanent utility diversions within the road reserve along Fenton Street, Porters Avenue, Haultain Street and Wynyard Road. The main activities resulting in social and business disruption include:
Continuation of the demolition and clearance of the Maungawhau CSA.
Piling and excavation associated with the preparation of the portal.
Bulk excavation to form the rail trenches/cut and cover tunnels, and mined tunnelling to facilitate the TBM launch.
Basalt blasting, rock breaking and sheet piling works.
Construction of the Maungawhau Road bridge and Ruru Street bridge.
A number of utility diversion works.
Normanby Early Works
These works are undertaken in the vicinity of Normanby Road within the road reserves of Normanby Road, Boston Road and Water Street.
Demolition of the building at 11 Water Street.
Establishment of the CSA
Excavation of utility trench.
Construction of piling platforms and piling for the temporary bridge Utility diversions.
Concrete cutting, hydro excavation, and use of mechanical excavators and compactors.
Main Works
The Maungawhau Main Works are located generally between State Highway 1 (east) and Dominion Road (west) and include multiple active construction zones across an approximately 10.5 ha area This is an expansive area and involves multiple construction activities occurring simultaneously up to
3 This includes Nikau Street, Ruru Street, Porters Avenue, Fenton Street, Haultain Street, Ngahura Street, Flower Street, Shaddock Street, Mt Eden Road, Normanby Road, Boston Road and Nugent Street
the completion of the Project in 2025 These activities are detailed and best described in the Maungawhau Main Works CEMP (CRL-MTE-RME-LKA-PLN-800032).
The Maungawhau Main Works will result in a range of social and business disruption impacts on the affected community and public, as identified in the Maungawhau SIBD DWP (CRL – MTE -RME- LKAPLN- 800034).
Public Realm Reinstatement (PRR) works
Around Maungawhau Station, streetscaping will include new footpaths and paving, planting, lighting, seating, road surfacing, and safety measures like pedestrian crossings and speed tables.
In some areas, roads may be changed to better suit the redeveloped area, including narrowed roads, shared spaces for vehicles and pedestrians, and changes to carparking.
Streetscaping will take place on some streets in direct proximity to the station as well as those around the Western Line that have been reinstated around bridges, roundabouts, and post utilities work.
Urban realm work started in 2023 and is being undertaken in a staged manner with streetscapes around the Western Line completed first, and the streets within the station bounds undertaken as structures and site backfill are completed. The urban realm works are due to be completed in 2025.
3. Annual Report Methodology
City Rail Link designation condition 61.8 requires an annual report to be prepared to report on changes to the SIBD environment, as well as analyse complaints received and how these have been responded to. This condition reads as follows:
“The Requiring Authority shall prepare an annual report on the identification, monitoring, evaluation and management of the effects outlined in the Social Impact and Business Disruption DWP together with a summary of matters raised by the community, and how these have been responded to. The report shall be presented to the Community Liaison Groups.”
Review of information, as outlined in Section 3.1 Information Reviewed, has been undertaken for the SIBDDWPs prepared for each stage of the Maungawhau Construction Works. This report covers the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024
3.1 Information Reviewed
A range of information has been reviewed to identify changes in the baseline SIBD environment, as is described in Section 4 to 7 of the SIBDDWPs for the Maungawhau Construction Works. Table 2 outlines the steps undertaken in this Annual Report to identify changes in the SIBD environment. The complaints register has been analysed to understand how mitigation measures (described in Table 3) have been implemented to manage SIBD impacts Statistics have also been analysed in relation to the number, type and location of these complaints.
Table 2: Annual report information
Monitoring of any changes to the Community Profile.
Monitoring of any changes to the Demographic and Business profile of the SIBD environment.
Summary of Development Response.
Overview of Matters Raised by the Community.
Analysis of the complaints received.
Summary of the Link Alliance’s response.
Overview of feedback received through CLG, information hubs, interview with community and development response managers, and through community events.
Section of Report
Section 4
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Recommendations for improvement based on feedback received. Section 9
3.2 The Mitigation and Implementation Plan
A range of SIBD mitigation measures were included in Section 8 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP. These seek to mitigate SIBD impacts from the Maungawhau Construction Works and respond to the requirements of the CRL designation conditions (Condition 61) A full list of measures, along with a brief description of how they mitigate potential impacts to businesses and residents within the affected community, are outlined below.
Table 3: SIBD Mitigation Measures
Mitigation Measure Description
Continuous up to date Engagement
Construction Team Briefings
Frequent email updates, check ins, progress meetings, advanced notice of construction activities using a range of engagement tools and materials.
Brief all construction staff prior to their arrival on site. Outline staff protocol, how to interact with the distressed members of the public and vulnerable groups, how to be ‘good construction neighbours’.
Collaboration Work with a range of organisations to understand planned events, impacts of concern, and measures to be implemented to reduce construction impacts.
Noise and Vibration Disruption
Transport, Access and Parking Disruption
Utility Disruption
Dust and odour disruption
Visual Amenity and Landscape
Community Safety
Vulnerable Groups
Implementation of measures outlined in the CNVDWP. Site Specific mitigation measures implemented for sites which exceed criteria. Updates and engagement to allow businesses to plan ahead when noisy activities are scheduled.
Implementation of measures outlined in the TAPDWP. Includes implementation of traffic management plans, and measures to reduce impacts on pedestrians, cyclists, parking and loading and public transport Mitigation measures in relation to works at rail crossings are also analysed.
Engagement with businesses and residents in the affected community prior to disrupting utilities being relocated.
Implementation of measures outlined in the AQDWP to reduce impacts on people and property sensitive to dust (and sometimes, odour) nuisance.
Engagement with the public and implementation of development response measures to reduce amenity impacts associated with loss of vegetation and community areas. Implementing activation opportunities along the corridor to enhance amenity where this value has been lost.
Implementation of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) measures to improve safety and perceived safety for residents, business owners and the public utilising the project site. Measures include security services, enhanced lighting, working with various organisations to implement targeted measures.
Assist any homeless people displaced by construction works through contractor briefings on how to handle issues/situations.
Section 8.4 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.5 –
Main Works
Section 8.6 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.7 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.8 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.9 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.10 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.11 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.12 –Maungawhau
Main Works
Section 8.13 –
Health and Wellbeing
Development Response Plan (DRP)
Business Disruption mitigation
Provision of information to support mental health which may have been impacted from construction activities. Multiple channels used (pamphlets, information on CRL website, project information centres, proactive communication, regular meetings).
A range of measures to be implemented to mitigate impacts on adjacent businesses. Includes artwork on hoardings, livening of spaces and auditing of sites to ensure compliance with mitigation measures.
A range of measures are detailed in the SIBDDWP. This includes communication, development response measures and implementation of the Transport and Parking Delivery Work Plan measures.
Contamination Contamination works, including asbestos removal from buildings (as required), will be undertaken in accordance with the Contamination DWP for the Maungawhau Main Works. The Maungawhau Communications and Engagement team will provide information and updates to the affected community in relation to any works involving contaminated materials.
Maungawhau Main Works
Section 8.14 –Maungawhau Main Works
Section 8.15 –Maungawhau Main Works
Section 8.16 –Maungawhau Main Works
Section 8.17 –Maungawhau Main Works
4. Community and Business Profiles
Information contained within the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP relating to the affected community’s profile (Section 4.1) has been reviewed to ensure it is generally consistent with the current characteristics of the area. The sections below confirm that the community profile remains relevant. The range of feedback received has also been analysed, including CLG, information hub, survey and development response feedback, outlined in Section 8.
4.1 Community Profile
The demographic profile outlined in Section 4.1 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP utilises statistics obtained from the 2018 census on population, age and ethnicity using the Statistical Area 2 (SA2) data sets. Since the writing of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP, datasets for Statistical Area 1s (SA1s) have become available; SA1s provide more detailed information about population characteristics than is available at the SA2 level.
The 2023 census is now the most up to date census data available. Figure 1 below outlines the SA1 datasets relevant to the area occupied by the Maungawhau Construction Works. Table 4 below outlines the 2023 census data for population, age, ethnicity and households relating to the SA1 boundaries (as localised to the Maungawhau Construction Works area). It is not possible to provide comparisons between the 2018 and 2023 census years as the SA1 areas have changed as part of the 2023 census
Key facts derived from the 2023 census4 data is outlined in Table 4 and below:
There is a total population of 3,414 persons in 2023.
The median age of people living in and within the vicinity of the Project area is 32.9
There is a total of 1,323 occupied households. However, it should be noted that one area there is no data provided for households but with population data.
Europeans are the most common ethnicity within the Project area, followed by Asian ethnicities5
The vast majority of residents living within the Project area have lived there for less than 5 years.
It is acknowledged the community and demographic profile within the Project area experienced change due to the COVID-19 restrictions and the subsequent lifting of restrictions.
5 The following ethnicities, as outlined in the 2023 census statistics, are recorded in Table 4 for the purposes of this annual report; European, Asian, Maori and Other (Pacific peoples, Middle Eastern / Latin American / African, and Other Ethnicity).
2023-2024 SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station
Figure 1: 2023 Statistical Area 1 Boundaries within the Mt Eden Construction Area
7005152 – bordered by Ian McKinnon Drive, western
7005382 –
7005383 – Small block
7005384 – Small block
7031304 – Large block
Total (123/100%)
European (96/78%)
Asian (18/15%)
Māori (15/12%)
Total (591/100%)
Māori (330/56%)
European (213/36%)
Pacific peoples (150/25%)
European (144/50%) Asian (135/47%)
Total (123/100%)
years (69/56%)
years (12/10%)
years + (42/34%)
Total (591/100%) 0-5 years (393/66%) 5-9 years (57/10%) 10 years + (93/16%)
Māori (27/9%) Total (288/100%)
Total (192/100%)
European (114/59%)
Asian (63/33%)
Other (18/9%)
Total (222/100%)
Asian (120/54%)
European (90/41%)
Other (24/11%)
Total (381/100%)
European (246/65%)
Asian (126/33%)
Other (24/6%)
years (258/90%)
years (21/7%) 10 years + (0/0%)
Total (192/100%)
0-5 years (141/73%) 5-9 years (30/16%) 10 years + (21/11%)
Total (222/100%)
0-5 years (186/84%)
5-9 years (15/7%)
10 years + (24/11%)
Total (381/100%)
0-5 years (330/87%)
5-9 years (30/8%) 10 years + (15/4%) 6 There are no households in this location due to this area being occupied by Mt Eden Prison
7031308 – Large block
7031309 – Small block
Total (249/100%)
European (120/48%)
Asian (120/48%)
Other (18/7%)
Total (84/100%)
(39/46%) European (33/39%) Other (18/10%)
Total (90/100%)
Asian (57/63%)
Total (249/100%) 0-5 years (216/87%) 5-9 years (24/10%)
years + (3/1%)
Total (84/100%)
years (66/79%)
years (15/18%)
years + (6/7%)
European (27/30%) Other (15/17%) Total (90/100%)
European (81/71%)
years (78/87%)
years (9/10%)
years + (3/3%)
Other (12/11%) Total (114/100%)
Total (90/100%)
European (48/53%)
Asian (42/47%)
Other (9/10%)
Total (126/100%)
European (63/50%)
Asian (48/38%)
Other (21/17%)
Total (195/100%)
Asian (99/51%)
European (78/40%)
Māori (21/11%)
years (78/68%)
years (21/18%)
years + (15/13%)
Total (90/100%) 0-5 years (60/67%) 5-9 years (15/17%) 10 years + (18/20%)
Total (126/100%)
0-5 years (108/86%) 5-9 years (6/5%) 10 years + (9/7%)
Total (195/100%)
0-5 years (159/82%) 5-9 years (30/15%) 10 years + (6/3%)
7031314 – Small block bounded by Edwin St, Mount Eden Road, Kohekohe St, Harold St and Enfield St
7031315 – Large block
7005386 – Bound by Akiraho St, Maungawhau St, Sylvan Ave East and Wynyard Rd
Total (69/100%)
European (36/52%)
Asian (27/39%)
Other (12/17%)
Total (450/100%)
European (312/69%)
Asian (129/29%)
Other (36/8%)
Total (150/100%)
European (96/64%)
Asian (33/22%)
Total (69/100%)
0-5 years (57/83%)
5-9 years (12/17%) 10 years + (6/9%)
Total (450/100%)
0-5 years (384/85%)
5-9 years (45/10%) 10 years + (18/4%)
Other (24/16%) Total (150/100%) 0-5 years (69/46%) 5-9 years (33/22%) 10 years + (42/28%)
Site walkover
A site walkover was undertaken on 13 August 2024. This involved walking the perimeter of the site to observe ground floor premises adjacent to the Maungawhau Construction Zones, wayfinding and signage and evidence of development response measures.
Photographs from the site visit are included in Appendix B
The site walkover identified that recommendations detailed in the accessibility review had been largely implemented. This included displaying a clear alternate route map available for the accessible route, upgrades to handrails, and changes to ramps and surfacing to make these easier to navigate.
5. Development Response
Development response is the planning and implementation of tools to mitigate the impacts of largescale development, and cumulative impacts of construction activity on people. Put simply, it’s about supporting the community whilst also making it easier for teams to deliver projects.
5.1 Site Audits
Weekly Site Audit
The Maungawhau Communications & Engagement team undertakes at least weekly audits of the Maungawhau Construction area. These audits involve a site walkover by a team representative to assess the quality of the environment adjacent to construction and ensure it is kept to a high standard. Issues raised by the affected community can be investigated and subsequently responded to.
Issues identified and addressed by site audits include:
• Ensuring any wayfinding or business promoting signage taken down for construction purposes is put back in the correct position.
• Removing and replacing scrim on hoardings that is no longer relevant in the locality.
• Maintaining a quality and clean viewing platform and any walls or surfaces that have been dirtied by dust and graffiti
• Taking down of unused equipment, including poorly placed & unused signage & cones.
• Sweeping of pedestrian areas, removal of rubbish/debris, and removal/covering of trip hazards including sealing of potholes.
• Informing contractors about when contractor vehicles are parked incorrectly (i.e. occupying public carpark spaces).
• Putting in place temporary lighting.
5.2 Proactive Development Response Measures
The Link Alliance has implemented a range of development response measures to mitigate impacts on the affected community. This has been informed by communication and engagement with stakeholders and the affected community over the course of the Maungawhau Construction Works7 . Some examples include:
Supporting events such as:
o A programme of events8 held by businesses and creative spaces around the Maungawhau Station.
o Branch Out - Uptown Spring Festival9 Second edition of the Uptown Food and Dining Guide; a guide to eating and socialising around Uptown
7 The mitigation measures outlined in the range of technical reports required to address designation conditions, will continue to be implemented to manage construction impacts.
In addition to early notification, providing updates via social media, flyers and meetings with specific apartment buildings, fridge magnets have been provided to stakeholders with a QR code which links to the real time construction timetable so stakeholders can keep up to date.
Installing additional signage along residential streets used as detour paths to assist stakeholders in finding their way.
New QR codes around the site to make accessing information easier
The CRL Visitor Centre at Te Manawa was open monthly, this changed in 2023 to be open quarterly with a specific topic and supported by additional advertising and publicity to encourage people to attend. This model of engagement has improved attendance.
The team increased the number of perimeter tours available and now provide a monthly tour on Saturdays alongside the monthly Tuesday tour.
A new neighbour pack was distributed to all residential premises within 50m of the site including new developments such as 1 Enfield Street.
Hoarding artwork has been commissioned from local artists including: ‘Look See Splice’ by Deborah Crowe, ‘Birds of Uptown: Which bird are you?’ by Nathalie Drujon, and ‘Maungawhau’ by Amiria Puia-Taylor and Bobby MacDonald.
Other initiatives such as Mr Whippy providing free ice creams and coffee cart Fridays continued to provide a goodwill gesture and support engagement with local community through disruptive Blocks of Line
Reuse of ‘Birds of Uptown’ designs for use for placemaking within the Uptown area.
Bespoke scrim, corflute and ground decal signage was created to support specific impacted businesses.
5.3 Quarterly Survey
Link Alliance conducts a quarterly stakeholder satisfaction survey via Survey Monkey. The online survey is sent to all stakeholders registered on each station’s database and is open for two weeks. Link Alliance encourages stakeholders to respond via its regular communication channels including email, CLG meetings and station newsletters.
The survey seeks feedback on recent experiences engaging with Link Alliance and how effective the Link Alliance is at communicating and responding to complaints and feedback. The survey specifically asks if stakeholders have enough information about the project and its potential effects. The survey also asks about the stakeholder’s ability to contact the Link Alliance if they have a question or issue and how satisfied they are with the ability of the team to respond.
Link Alliance reviews the survey responses and reports the results in the monthly newsletters for each station. Based on the feedback, Link Alliance identifies specific actions to be undertaken and those actions are reported back to stakeholders via the monthly newsletter. The Community Manager is responsible for ensuring those actions are implemented, ideally before the next quarterly survey.
Examples of actions undertaken by Link Alliance in 2023/24 for Maungawhau Station include:
Continuing to build on improved results about communicating future benefits with a new station brochure and an urban realm info hub
Responding to concerns more effectively – such as where construction can’t change – the team will work hard to explain the reasons why.
Provide more focus on local benefits. This has resulted in regular weekly pop-up sessions in the community and project videos to showcase the progress and benefits of the future station.
Improvements to communication with the intention to be more specific with more regular updates on programme changes.
Additional effort put into newsletters has resulted in positive feedback. Survey results indicate that 85% of survey participants believe engagement is genuine and overall satisfaction is over 80%.
A new question was introduced to the survey asking respondents about what they value in the events and activations delivered, or supported, in the community.
Continuing to build on the upskilling of the 0800 number responders over the course of the year
Improved the formatting of notifications by simplifying them.
More videos were and will continue to be created in response to the feedback on the communication outputs people enjoy and want within the monthly newsletter.
6. Overview of Matters Raised by the Community
In accordance with Section 9.2 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP (and CRL designation condition 17) the Maungawhau Communications & Engagement (C&E) Team has kept a record of all complaints received within a ‘complaint register’ This section analyses the content of the complaint register in order to provide information on the most common complaints, where they were received and who made the complaint. Section 7 provides a summary of the matters raised by the community and how the Link Alliance has responded to alleviate those concerns.
Link Alliance defines a complaint as: An expression of dissatisfaction about an issue that requires corrective action that is within the scope of the Link Alliance.
6.1 Summary
For the current reporting period 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2024 there were a total of 111 complaints. Of the 111 complaints 109 were identified as being adequately resolved or not and 2 did not include a response from the stakeholder. Of the 109 where a final outcome was reported, 96% of these were reported as being adequately resolved.
The average time taken to resolve a complaint was approximately 0.6 days, however, the complaints varied in complexity and mitigation required. For example, the Development Response Manager in one case had to organise for intersection road markings to be correctly and clearly repainted and the production of new street signs.
6.2 Complaints
Between 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2024 there were a total of 111 complaints. These have been reported by themes. Some complaints represented multiple themes so the total complaints for each theme will not equal the total number of complaints.
• 26 complaints were received in relation to noise and vibration impacts from the Project.
• 51 complaints were received in relation to impacts to access and parking from the Project.
• 2 complaints were received in relation to servicing and deliveries impacts from the Project.
• 15 complaints were received in relation to business disruption impacts from the Project.
• 30 complaints expressed concerns over safety impacts from the Project.
• 2 complaint was received in relation to air quality impacts from the Project.
• 2 complaints of issues with on-site behaviour with potential damages because of the Project.
• 2 complaints about inadequate consultation on the design of a wall on Haultain Street and how construction timings were communicated to affected parties
• A complaint was received in relation to lighting impacts from the Project.
• 19 complaints were received in relation to impacts to amenity from the Project.
• 8 complaints were received in relation to after-hours works from the Project.
A comparison has been made in Figure 2 between complaints received 2023/24, 2022/23, 2021/22 and 2019/20 to identify changes in those impacts reported over time. As these reports cover different timeframes these have been reported as a percentage of complaints recorded.
It should however be noted that the number of complaints has significantly reduced with 371 complaints in 2021/22 and 239 complaints in 2022/23 compared to 111 in 2023/24.
The comparison below shows that noise and vibration and access and parking continue to be the most reported complaints. There has also been an increase in the percentage of complaints related to safety since last year. There has been a reduction in complaints by proportion, in areas of business disruption, servicing and delivery, visibility and wayfinding, air quality and amenity.
6.2.2 Method of complaint
The majority of complaints were received from businesses, which was similar to the previous year (52.3% of complaints in 2023/24 compared to 55.6 % of complaints in 2022/23). There was a marginal increase in complaints received from residents (43.2% in 2023/24 compared to 37.7% in 2022/23).
Table 5: Type of stakeholder raising the complaint
In 2023 the majority of complaints were provided by email (59 5%) and phone (38.7%) The remainder were by informal meeting (0.90%) or other (0.90%).
Table 6: Method of communication for raising the complaint
Figure 2: Maungawhau Construction Works – Complaint by Impact
7. Link Alliance Response to Matters Raised by the Community
This section outlines the type of complaint received and summarises the mitigation measures the Link Alliance utilised in response to the complaint.
7.1 Noise and Vibration including ‘after hours’ works
The complaints register recorded 26 complaints in relation to noise and vibration impacts from the Maungawhau Construction Works. This was the third most common complaint received.
Noise and vibration complaints were mostly in relation to disruptive impacts from construction activities impacting amenity and business and the timing of these works (i.e. early morning and/or late evening). There were also a small number of complaints regarding the lack of noise mats and loud music being played. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 7 below.
Table 7: Link Alliance response to noise and vibration complaints.
Nature of complaint
Summary of mitigation methods used Vibration felt in nearby building.
Investigated the source of the vibrations, stopped the works and rescheduled to a non-disruptive time.
Vibration levels were monitored to confirm compliance with CNVDWP.
Link Alliance met face to face with the impacted stakeholder to understand how impacts can be sufficiently (and practicably) mitigated.
Agreed sensitive times for works and minimised vibration effects during these times where practicable.
Continue to provide timely updates with stakeholder about the activities on site until the works were complete.
Noisy music on-site
Work being undertaken outside of normal hours including early in the morning (before 7am), at night (after 10pm) and on weekends
Apologised to stakeholder for the disruptions
The guard was contacted by radio and told to turn his music down or off. Alongside this a reminder was sent to the security guard’s communication group about being a good neighbour.
Stakeholder updated on the outcome.
Contacted the stakeholder to identify the cause of the disruptive noise and understand how they considered noise could be mitigated.
The affected stakeholder was contacted and informed about the type of construction occurring, why it was needed and expected duration.
Explained the working hours are compliant with CNVDWP.
Apologised to stakeholder for not being notified of potential disruption.
Briefed contractors and advised them of Link Alliance’s obligations. No noisy activities to occur prior to 7am.
Excessive and extended disruptive noise and vibration impacts.
Stakeholder added to regular mailing list to ensure future updates are received.
Followed up with stakeholder to ensure response is satisfactory.
Stakeholder provided with a 24/7 communication line to contact during noisy works.
Advance notice given at least 10 working days prior to noisy and/or after hours work to enable residents and businesses to plan ahead. Noise and vibration levels monitored to confirm compliance with levels outlined in the Project CNVDWP10
The stakeholder was contacted and advised of action taken and assured advance notice would continue to be provided for noisy works.
7.2 Access and Parking
The complaints register recorded 51 complaints in relation to impacts to access and parking as a result of the Maungawhau Construction Works. This was the most common complaint received.
These complaints were predominantly in relation to contractor vehicles occupying private parking and illegal parking, temporary traffic lights and wayfinding causing congestion and access issues and closing of streets impacting access to businesses and residents. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 8 below.
Table 8: Link Alliance response to access and parking complaints.
Nature of complaint
Construction vehicles occupying business car parking
Summary of mitigation methods used
Contacted stakeholder and apologised for inconvenience caused.
Contractors reminded of their obligations and to not park in business parking.
Designed and printed signs to deter staff and contractors from parking in private carparks.
Information for AT enforcement provided and towing of vehicles parked in business parking encouraged.
Investigated and implemented incentives to encourage workers to take alternative transport and to provide additional parking.
Traffic layout changes and wayfinding impacting access to businesses.
Visited the impacted stakeholder and explained the reasoning for the traffic layout.
Reviewed the implemented wayfinding.
Construction team created a pedestrian route to allow for access.
Raised with Link Alliance traffic team who resolved the issue.
10 A Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNVDWP) is required to be prepared for each stage of the Project works. Designation condition 31 and 33 outlines ‘Project Standards’ for construction noise and vibration that must be complied with. Site Specific plans are required where noise levels are anticipated to exceed Project Standards.
Trucks using incorrect routes, trucks stopped in temporary zones or on the road waiting to enter the site
7.3 Business Disruption
Advised impacted stakeholder of changes made to resolve issue.
Provided contact details if future problems arise, and information package about future scheduled Construction Works.
Informed site supervisor and undertook site visit to understand the issue.
Reminded construction team / contractors of responsibilities.
Reissued contact details to stakeholder and encouraged them to get in contact if there were further issues.
The complaint register recorded 15 complaints received in relation to business disruption impacts.
According to complaints received business disruption impacts arise for various reasons. These are mostly associated with the effects of construction on the ability to access the businesses, noise and vibration affects and utilities being shut off.
Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 9 below. The measures identified in Table 7 (noise) and Table 8 (access and parking) are also relevant.
Table 9: Link Alliance response to amenity and customer / business disruption complaints.
Nature of complaint
Construction cones, bin and traffic management layouts restricting access to businesses
Wayfinding signage moved and fallen over
Summary of mitigation methods used
Contacted stakeholder and apologised for inconvenience caused.
Investigated the issue on site to determine best course of action.
Rectified the issue and traffic controller was reminded to be mindful of businesses in the area
Contacted impacted stakeholders to inform them of the course of action.
Provided phone number to call with any other complaints.
Sign was reinstated back to its correct location.
Additional sand weights were added to prevent further movement.
Contacted impacted stakeholder to inform them that the issue had been rectified.
Construction works disrupting business utilities
Advised the estimated timeframe for Watercare to repair the water main.
Provided further updates once the repair was complete.
7.4 Safety
The complaint register recorded 30 complaints which expressed concerns over safety due to the Maungawhau Construction Works.
| 2023-2024 SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station
Complaints were predominately in relation to road safety and general traffic management. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 10 below.
Table 10: Link Alliance response safety complaints.
Nature of complaint
Road safety concerns with watermain lids coming loose and chances of damaging cars or could create an incident with a cyclists
Lack of traffic management with trucks blocking routes and potential issues of access for fire trucks
7.5 Air Quality
Summary of mitigation methods used
Advisor contacted the Project Engineer who raised the concern with the construction team
Construction team inspected the area and resolved the issue
Stakeholder was informed of the outcome and was pleased with speedy resolution
Reminded contractors of correct vehicle routes.
Organised additional traffic controllers.
Moved fencing and signage around entrances and exits to improve visibility.
Removed temporary parking to improve visibility.
The complaint register recorded 2 complaints in relation to air quality impacts from the Maungawhau Construction Works. These complaints were in relation to dust nuisance impacts resulting from construction activities and trucks engines being left on. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 11 below.
Table 11: Link Alliance response to air quality complaints.
Nature of complaint
Dust nuisance from streetscape works
Trucks being left on with engines running unnecessarily
Summary of mitigation methods used
Construction crew cleaned the garage doors.
Better temporary protection to be placed on building’s surfaces to mitigate issues in the future.
Informed stakeholder of action taken.
Investigation by advisors to understand the situation from the construction team.
Contact made with truck drivers to stop idling in the area.
Construction team informed not to travel via the street in question and signage was placed to ensure no heavy through traffic went along the street.
Informed stakeholder of action taken.
7.6 Lighting
The complaint register recorded 1 complaint related to obtrusive lighting from the construction site Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 12 below.
| 2023-2024 SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station
Table 12: Link Alliance response to complaints about stress and financial concerns due to the Project.
Nature of complaint
Light coming from the Water Street site at 6am in the morning, waking them up
Summary of mitigation methods used
Apologised to stakeholder for inconvenience caused.
Coordinator contacted the team on site to find out what works took place at this time.
Reminded site personnel that no works can take place outside agreed working hours without prior stakeholder notification.
Informed stakeholder of action taken.
7.8 Communication
The complaint register recorded 2 complaints in relation to communication about the Project.
Complaints were received in relation to the design of a wall on Haultain Street and lack of information in respect to construction timings. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 13 below.
Table 13: Link Alliance response to complaints in relation to communication about the project.
Nature of complaint
Not being made aware of exact dates of construction and entering property without notification.
Summary of mitigation methods used
Apologised to stakeholder for lack of accurate information.
Spoke with construction supervisor to understand what works are required on the property
Reminder to all team members to gain permission from property owners prior to entering properties
Ensured stakeholder that more effective communication would be undertaken in future.
7.9 Amenity
The complaint register recorded 19 complaints in relation to impacts to amenity (although it is noted that complaints recorded under other the headings, e.g. Noise and Vibration etc, may also impact on amenity).
According to the complaints received, amenity impacts arise for various reasons. These are mostly associated with the disruptive effects from the presence of construction equipment which led to noise and vibration and access and parking impacts. There were some more specific issues around construction design that were also raised. Mitigation measures Link Alliance utilised to resolve / respond to complaints are provided in Table 14 below.
Table 14: Link Alliance response to amenity and customer / business disruption complaints.
Nature of complaint
Summary of mitigation methods used Vibration from construction next door was disrupting businesses
Contacted relevant specialists to identify cause of disruption. Discussed cause and potential solutions with construction team.
Communicated to stakeholder reason for disruption and when this would be expected to stop.
Overgrown shrubs and rats seen on Link Alliance property adjacent to their property
Concerns regarding the power box located in front of their apartments would be damaged now the garden had been removed
Offered the stakeholder some quiet times to assist with reducing the disturbance on the business.
A reminder was given at the next toolbox meeting about good neighbour behaviour and good neighbour awards.
Meeting with development response and construction manager was held to determine a plan of action.
Plan of action put into place
Stakeholder was provided with a date that the work would be completed by.
Invited to call again if the situation did not improve
Reminded contractors of responsibilities and good neighbour practice
The Advisor met with a member of the Body Corporate to discuss all concerns raised by the apartment block residents
Advisor sent a follow up email to all members that had expressed the same concern and provided a summary of what was discussed and outlined the follow up actions agreed
Design team was liaised with to determine the design rationale for the power box.
The stakeholders were advised of the outcomes as each action was completed
8. Feedback Received
This section provides an overview of the feedback received for the 2023/2024 construction period received from:
• Interviews with the Maungawhau Station Community Manager and Development Response Manager.
• Feedback received from the Uptown Business Association.
• Feedback received during the most recent CLG event.
• Feedback on this draft Annual Report.
8.1 Feedback from Community and Development Response Managers
An interview and site walkover took place with the Maungawhau Development Response Manager, Piet Ubels on 13 August 2024. The purpose of this interview was to understand the predominant issues raised by the community, how the Link Alliance has responded to those issues (using various measures outlined in the SIBDDWP), and the effectiveness of those responses. The following outlines the key items raised during the interview:
• Access has been disrupted for people as the project carried out the streetscape works. Additional engagement was undertaken with property owners and occupiers to manage the disruption.
• The issues with parking and access are acknowledged, there are a number of complaints related to parking and access, however these are expected to reduce going forward as streetscape works are completed
• Early engagement prior to any disruptive works including streetscape works continues to be undertaken. Particularly with businesses on Mt Eden Road where works and disruption continues.
• Link Alliance are looking for opportunities to stage works around peak periods for stakeholders and maintain access and parking for these stakeholders.
• Link Alliance use local businesses wherever possible. This includes utilisation of a local sign printing company for hoarding banners and using local businesses to cater for Link Alliance events
• Link Alliance C&E Team actively involve the community with the Project through event days, site tours and other activities such as coffee carts and Mr Whippy – activations that provide face to face opportunity to speak with a member of the team.
The interview was followed by a site visit. During this time, Piet Ubels pointed out the key stakeholders who have been disrupted by Construction Works. Mitigation measures incorporated throughout the public realm bordering the construction site were also identified, including permanent hoardings with a Perspex window (viewing platform), local artwork on hoardings and silos, the use of noise mats, wayfinding and visibility measures such as marking of accessible routes and business signage. Photos are outlined in Appendix B.
8.2 The Uptown Business Association
As indicated in Section 4.4.1 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP, the Uptown Business Association area (bounded by Mt Eden Road, Khyber Pass Road, Symonds Street, Newton Road and New North Road) represents over 700 businesses including retailers, goods and service providers, restaurants, breweries, bars and cafés.
The Uptown Business Association Annual Report noted that it is clear that the City Rail Link development at Maungawhau Station is a significant driver for the future of the neighbourhood and (they) want it to be completed as soon as possible.
The Uptown Business Association has encouraged community engagement around the possibilities that the development at Maungawhau Station offers. The Uptown Business Association Annual report noted that the Uptown Futures Festival showcased the work of 500 university architecture students conceptualising places and facilities that could be realised by the developmentsee The Annual Report also stated that to date there has been very little engagement from Eke Panuku with the community. This feedback has been shared with Eke Panuku, as it falls outside the scope of this annual audit for Link Alliance’s delivering of City Rail Link works.
Uptown Business Association has a range of communication tools including the Uptown magazine, social media, website and digital billboards to promote local businesses in the area
Given the market conditions, the focus of the Uptown Business Association is to bring people to Uptown and promote what makes the place special, as this work may be out of reach of individual businesses
This has included partnering with Link Alliance on the neighbourhood Branch Out spring festival Link Alliance also assisted in the funding of the popular Uptown Dining Guide, which was distributed to over 40,000 homes around central Auckland.
This has included partnering with City Rail Link on the neighbourhood “Branch Out” spring event. City Rail Link also assisted in the funding of the popular Uptown Dining Guide, which was distributed to over 40,000 homes around central Auckland.
8.3 Information hubs and community event feedback
Four information sessions were held in 2023/24 Information sessions were advertised on social media and via the regular Maungawhau Station newsletter distributed to over 1000 members, and open to the public.
Information sessions were held on quarterly basis. Public interest in the Project from those who attended the information sessions was predominantly related to the works being undertaken at the time.
Free guided perimeter tours of Uptown and the Maungawhau Station site happen on a monthly basis and are also open to the public.
CLG Feedback
There was a total of four CLG events relating to the Maungawhau Construction Works. CLG presentations and minutes are publicly released and available on the CRL website11 Key issues raised by attendees of the CLG were in relation to a range of issues including:
• Completion/opening dates for various stages of work including Fenton Street, Fenton Street Bridge and the station.
• Traffic management and access improvements – specifically Fenton Street and connections to the CRL platforms.
• Drainage issues on Porters Avenue and Ngahura Street
• Urban realm including the potential for future development and community space.
• The lighting of the elevators on Porters Avenue Bridge shine into nearby apartment building
• Will there be retail spaces at the station
• The ventilation building and its operation.
• Drop off zones near the station and bike parking
• Access and parking arrangements for the station and surrounding area
8.4 CLG Feedback for the Annual Report
The results of the information gathering exercise were presented at the CLG on 25 September 2024 and the opportunity was provided for feedback, questions or concerns. During the meeting the CLG raised the following issues:
• Concerns were raised about the point of providing feedback on a report which concluded 6 months ago and wanted to understand more fully what the point of the report was and what it achieved.
• Air quality and depositional dust is considered to be an ongoing issue, and the regular sweeping of the site does not reduce impacts to residents in adjacent buildings. Residents
wanted to understand whether the areas left would be grassed or left to dirt/gravel and what mitigation is in place following Eke Panuku taking over.
• There was a concern about who was responsible for the maintenance of the garden areas.
• A question was raised around the potholes on Mt Eden Road and when this road would be completed.
• Further discussion was held on the opportunity to have stepped access from Fenton Street to the station using the current exit route.
• Concerns were raised about parking and whether there was an opportunity to obtain parking permits for surrounding streets.
• Questions were raised around the around a lack of information on the opening date of the station, the train configuration on the tracks and whether freight trains were using CRL.
The draft report will be made available for comment following the CLG meeting.
9. Recommendations
Based on the matters raised by the community (as outlined in Sections 6 and 8.3) the following recommendations are made:
• To address noise effects:
Continue to educate workers on good neighbour behaviour including minimising noise and vibration through toolbox talks and at construction meetings.
Ensure construction works are undertaken in accordance with the designation conditions and as set out in the Construction Noise Vibration Management Plan Condition. This should include a review of noise complaints by the CNVMP authors to ensure that construction noise is being effectively mitigated.
Link Alliance continue to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications at the earliest opportunity. The information about potential noise and vibration impacts from the proposed construction activities should be disseminated using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters).
• To address uncertainty about what is happening at the station in terms of timescales for works to be completed and opening of the station:
Continue to provide the affected community with detailed localised works notifications including regularly updating a timeline of construction activities and completions of specific stages of works and opening of streets. The updates should also include information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities.
Link Alliance to continue to develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the Communication and Consultation Plans (CCPs) to assist in the dissemination of information and be on the pulse of what information would be helpful to keep the community informed
AT to continue to provide a regular update at CLG meetings to provide information on issues in preparation for the handover of assets. This will also help to continue to build
a positive relationship between AT and the community in advance of station handover by Link Alliance.
• To address access and parking concerns, in particular unauthorised parking:
Ensure contractors are parking in line with the Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan prepared for the Maungawhau Main works. Frequently notify all contractors that parking in loading zones and private car parking spaces is off limits.
Continue to implement a consistent signage strategy to assist with wayfinding and loss of visibility when traffic layouts or wayfinding is being altered.
Proactively notify businesses early and seek feedback on the proposed changes being made to wayfinding to enable business access issues to be resolved before the works begin.
• To address safety, business disruption and amenity effects: Weekly site audits continue to be undertaken to address concerns such as hazards on site or traffic management issues.
10. Conclusion
This Annual Report confirms that the range of mitigation measures (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Maungawhau Construction Works) have been implemented to manage construction impacts upon the public and affected community.
Information collected including complaints received, accessibility and way finding audits, concerns raised during interviews and CLG meetings have been used to review the effectiveness of a range of mitigation measures (as outlined in the SIBDDWPs prepared for the Maungawhau Construction Works) that have been implemented to manage construction impacts for the affected community including businesses and residents within the Maungawhau Station area.
Key findings identified that:
• Site audits are undertaken on a minimum weekly basis to manage minor issues around the site.
• A range of proactive development response actions have been undertaken including:
o Proactive engagement with stakeholders e.g. around scheduling of noisy or disruptive works
o Sponsored events, public realm works and activation programs to attract visitors to the area
o Business support through promotion of local businesses and use of local procurement and activation events such as the Uptown Dining Guide
• The majority of complaints received were in relation to disruptive impacts from access and parking. These have been managed by reminding contractors not to park in business parking, providing details for enforcement, and implementing incentives to encourage workers to take alternative transport and/or to provide additional parking.
There has also been progress on recommendations from the 2022/23 report, namely:
• Link Alliance continues to engage with the community and develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs.
• Reminding site contractors of the impact of noise on residents adjacent to the construction site, particularly those in apartments.
• Engaging with the community and developing relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs.
• Link Alliance continues to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities such as noisy or disruptive works.
• Weekly site audits continue to be undertaken to proactively address issues such as litter and dust.
Recommendations for Link Alliance have been made in this 2023/24 report include:
• Continue to provide the affected community with detailed localised works notifications including regularly updating a timeline of construction activities and completions of specific stages of works and opening of streets.
• Continue to implement a consistent signage strategy to assist with wayfinding and loss of visibility when traffic layouts or wayfinding is being altered.
• Early engagement prior to any noisy or disruptive works continues to be undertaken.
• Continue to educate workers on good neighbour behaviour including minimising noise and vibration through toolbox talks and at construction meetings.
• Weekly site audits continue to be undertaken to proactively address issues such as business disruption, safety concerns and amenity affects.
It is noted that it is not always possible to satisfy all of the community’s concerns relating to the construction activities associated with the Project, given the limits of what is reasonably practicable to mitigate the construction effects of a major infrastructure project. Link Alliance will, however, ensure that scale, time and likely extent of impacts is communicated to affected parties alongside the implementation of the DWPs and monitoring of these and the Designation conditions.
Appendix A: Previous Recommendations
• To address noise effects:
Link Alliance continues to provide the affected community with detailed work notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters).
Continue to implement the range of mitigation measures, as outlined in the DWPs and Management Plans prepared for the construction works, and in consultation with affected stakeholders.
• Provide additional reminders to site contractors of the impact of noise on residents adjacent to the construction site, particularly those in apartments.
• To address air quality effects:
• Continue to undertake weekly site audits to identify and address minor issues like litter and dust and update the community on any mitigation measures implemented e.g. additional cleaning.
• To address uncertainty in the future operation of the station, the Western Line/North Auckland platform:
Link Alliance continues to engage with the community and develop relationships with key stakeholders through the various engagement tools outlined in the CCPs.
• AT to provide a regular update at CLG meetings to provide information on issues in preparation for the handover of assets and the considerations for Western Line services. This will also help build
• Link Alliance continues to use multi-channel communication to deliver updates regarding upcoming works and closures through monthly newsletters, flyers/posters, social media, emails and CLG meetings.
• Link Alliance continues to implement the mitigation measures outlined in the SIBDDWP. The site is well managed, and this can be evidenced by the significant reduction in complaints for this site compared to previous years.
• Link Alliance continues to monitor noise complaints and respond to complaints when they are received. The number of noise complaints has reduced by over half from 69 complaints last year to 26 this year.
• Weekly site audits continue to be undertaken to combat concerns and on the recent site visit it was demonstrated that the team is proactively dealing with potential issues such as dust by cleaning the roads.
• CLG meetings continue on a quarterly basis with attendance of local representatives including Local Board, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. Auckland Transport provides updates at these meetings of the future of the station and questions get asked of AT representatives. This has enabled positive communication channels to be opened and two way information sharing to the benefits of all parties. Eke Panuku are also invited to CLG meetings to present and/or answer questions related to post construction development.
a relationship between AT and the community in advance of station handover by Link Alliance.
• Link Alliance has continued to use a range of engagement measures to build relationships with the Community. Continuing to work alongside Uptown Businesses Association to develop the community relationship and greater understanding on the future operations of the station.
Maungawhau Station
Appendix B: Site Walkover Photos
Figure 1: Examples of wayfinding and information signage
Figure 2: Example of dust suppression and cleaning of roads
Figure 3: Examples of Business signage
Figure 4: Examples of artwork from local artists on hoarding and power terminal
Figure 5: Progress on site
Figure 6: Examples of completed works
Appendix C: Infrastructure Sustainability Rating
The City Rail Link Infrastructure Sustainability Technical Manual has been developed by the Link Alliance based on the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) tool to evaluate the sustainability of infrastructure across design, construction, and operational phases. To support the self-assessment submission the SIBD Annual Report will be included as evidence for Sta-3 and Sta-4.
Sta-3 Effective Communication
Credit Benchmark
Level 1
The community has been provided with information that: was provided in a timely manner supported community participation was meaningful and relevant was accessible AND This has been verified by: internal management/ reviews/ audits OR community feedback with 65-80% support
Section 8.4 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the Link Alliance’s commitment to providing continuous up to date engagement throughout the course of the Construction Works.
Section 8.4 and Section 5 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the range of engagement tools utilised by the Link Alliance to supply information to, and receive feedback from, affected members of the community. Use of a variety of engagement to supply information to the public ensures information is made accessible and ensures effective participation in the feedback process.
Section 8.4 of the Maungawhau Main Works SIBDDWP includes:
• Courtesy visits and / or email updates to businesses
• Project progress meetings undertaken with businesses, to confirm project programme and when scheduled works will take place
• Provision of advance notice to businesses on the scope of works on a regular basis in line with the Communication and Consultation Plan
• Engagement with the affected community, via:
• Works notification and works updates
• Local drop-in sessions
• Monthly email newsletters
• On-site signage for key traffic shifts
• Project update information sheets
• Digital communications including website updates and social media updates
• Advertising and campaigns for major traffic shifts. Timely information has been provided to the public and affected community through a range of engagement tools as outlined above to ensure all members of the community have access to useful
information about the Project and could provide feedback should they experience disruption. It is important to recognise that engagement will be ongoing.
Engagement method Implementation Example
One to one meetings Courtesy visits, complaint discussions/updates and project progress meetings are undertaken with businesses where requested, to provide an update to works or to address concerns or complaints.
A stakeholder emailed to ask about Normanby Road Bridge completion dates. A follow up complaint email expressed dissatisfaction with pushed out construction completion timelines, vague communications and business impact. The Community Manager invited a meeting with construction and impacted businesses to help with understanding about delays and the revised programme.
A business owner emailed to express frustration about lack of communication in regard to work delays and timings which were having an impact on business. A face to face meeting was arranged with all the business owners in the area to provide clarity around updated work schedules.
Works notification and works updates
Notifications about upcoming works (e.g. noisy works) or changes (e.g. access changes) are distributed (targeted to be 10 days in advance of commencement) to enable adequate time for community members to prepare. Notifications are also provided in the newsletter distributed to an extensive contact list and made available online.
Examples of work notifications include:
Local drop-in sessions
Monthly email newsletters
Information sessions and site tours are advertised via the monthly Maungawhau Station newsletter distributed to all members and open to the public.
Information sessions and site tours are held within the Project area on a regular basis.
Te Manawa provides information and a contact point for the community at 1 New north Road.
Monthly email newsletters are distributed to all stakeholders on the mailing list maintained by Link Alliance. Newsletters are also made available online.
Tours occur on the first Tuesday of each month
Examples of sessions are shown below:
Monthly newsletters include updates on station progress, events and activation occurring and promotion of local businesses. Example of the monthly newsletter:
On-site signage for key traffic shifts
The key traffic shifts included the closure of the Normanby Road level crossing and a new pedestrian bridge. The signage included an alternative accessible route. This was clearly visible on site during the site walkover.
Example of traffic shift signage:
New pedestrian bridge crossing:
Project update information sheets
Digital communications including website updates and social media updates
Project information sheets and posters are available on the Link Alliance website. These sheets provide updates of large upcoming works and closures. An example includes the Block of Line from 28th –29th October.
There is also a Maungawhau Station construction activity calendar on the website which details scheduled works.
Example of a project information sheet:
Example of the construction calendar:
The Link Alliance website is updated regularly, examples of updates include Road Closures, progress updates and Block of Line Works
Digital communication has included flyovers and works at Maungawhau Station
Examples of digital communications include:
Examples of the Block of Line Works notification:
Advertising and campaigns for major traffic shifts.
Advertising for major traffic shifts has been undertaken using multi-channel communication which included posters, updates, newsletters and on-site signage.
Example of advertising and campaigns include:
In addition to the CRL website, email notifications, and newsletters the Link Alliance provides information via an 0800 number, information centre, Community Liaison Group and quarterly stakeholder surveys.
Community Liaison Group meetings have been held on a quarterly basis and will continue to be held on a regular basis throughout the period of Construction Works. The purpose of these meetings was
to provide meaningful information to affected parties. In 2023/24 the Community Liaison Group discussed a range of topics including upcoming works, proposed designs and mitigation measures.
The benchmark has been verified through internal management and reviews. This Annual Report has been written by a Social Impact Specialist and reviewed by the Link Alliance’s Sustainability Team.
Sta-4 Addressing community concerns
Credit Benchmark
Level 1
The community believe their concerns have been considered and addressed. AND
This has been verified by: internal management/ reviews/ audits OR community feedback with 65-80% support
Section 8.4 of the Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the Link Alliance’s commitment to providing continuous up to date engagement throughout the course of the Construction Works.
Section 8.4 and Section 5 of the Main Works SIBDDWP indicates the range of engagement tools utilised by the Link Alliance to supply information to, and receive feedback from, affected members of the community. Use of a variety of engagement tools to supply information to the public ensures information is made accessible and ensures effective participation in the feedback process.
Section 6.2 of this Annual Report has provided an analysis of the complaints register. Complaints have been analysed and categorised in order to understand the most common complaints, where they were received and who made the complaint. The register outlines how each complaint has been responded to, Section 7 of this annual report captures the variety of complaints received and Link Alliances response.
A review of the matters raised by the community indicates that Link Alliance have responded promptly to concerns, and that the majority of impacted stakeholders are satisfied with this response. However, there were stakeholders who remained concerned about the ongoing disruption to their business.
The benchmark has been verified through internal management and reviews. This Annual Report has been written by a Social Impact Specialist and reviewed by the Link Alliance’s Sustainability Team.