Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station
Community Liaison Group (CLG)
Meeting Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station Community Liaison Group (CLG)
Date Wednesday 01 March 2023
Time 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Location The City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre at Te Manawa, 1 New North Road
Presenters On behalf of the Link Alliance: Helga Sonier, Thibaut L’Hopital, Nicholas Powell, Nick Adams and Laurent Illoz

Edward Newbigin & James Wickham (AT) and Kate Cumberpatch (Eke Panuku) were also in attendance
CLG Members 9 CLG members attended this meeting in person
No. Agenda Item Presenter
1 Meeting open Helga Sonier
2 Welcome and overview Helga Sonier
3 Communications and Engagement team update Helga Sonier
4 Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station update Thibaut L’Hopital
5 Mined tunnels update
6 Maungawhau/Mount Eden architecture update
7 North Auckland Line construction update
8 Fit-out works update
9 Systems and track building update
10 Q&A session
11 Meeting close
1. Welcome and overview:
• Helga Sonier, the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Community Manager welcomed attendees to the meeting with a karakia noting the removal of the Shot Tower and the disruption to our neighbours from the cyclone. She then invited construction and architecture members to share an update on the Link Alliance Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station construction progress and respond to questions or feedback from CLG members.
2. Communications and Engagement (C&E) team update:
• Helga shared results of the previous quarterly stakeholder survey, feedback included that people were interested in receiving more information on the technical aspect of the works and ideas the team have for providing more technical comments.
• Perimeter tours remain popular and will continue to take place at 4:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month at the CRL Visitor Centre, Te Manawa. Info Hubs will now take place on a quarterly basis and will include new and exciting topics of discussion with our team experts. The first Info Hub session for 2023 will be on Monday, 30th March from 5:00pm –7:00pm, the topic will focus on architecture at Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station.
• Upcoming video content will include the installation of the station building waterwall and Western Line platform escalators, as well as monthly drone footage.
• Successful Christmas Block of Line (BOL) initiatives include kawhe (coffee) carts, Mr. Whippy trucks, and Movies in Te Manawa to thank the community for their support through significant construction outcomes.
• The Aroha in Uptown festival in partnership with the Uptown Business Association received a great response from the public. Both parties are continuing to work together towards producing the 2023 Eating and Social guide.
3. Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station update:
• Thibaut L’Hopital, the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station Project Manager celebrated the successful installation of the Fenton Street Bridge span. The span was brought to site in 5 pieces, assembled and lifted during the Christmas BOL
• All precast concrete wall panels for the Station building are installed for the 'front of house' and 'back of house ' The team are now focusing on installing the roofing structure over the next few months.
• The roof structure for the Ventilation building is being installed, which will include fitting and assembling the gutters and metal roofing sheets.
• The first set of escalators for the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station were installed on the Western Line platform.
• Crews have installed the stairs and lift shaft structure for the CRL platform and will begin installing the overpass structure.
• Concreting work continues in the MC50 cut and cover tunnel.
4. Mined tunnels update:
• Concreting and formwork continues in the MC20/50 cavern tunnel The base slab is expected to be completed next week, with the walls expected to be completed over the next month. Formwork will then take place on the crown, which will be followed by wall lining and concreting.
• The Mined tunnelling team have completed work in the MC30 tunnel, with all mined tunnelling activity expected to be completed in May 2023.
5. Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station architecture update:
• Nicholas Powell, Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station Architecture Project Manager introduced the architecture scope for the station.
• The scope includes Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station building, the Ventilation building, as well as the Western Line and CRL platforms.
• The Station building will have a basalt facade which has been recycled and will depict a sky element
• The glass façade panels on the Western Line platform canopy are installed.
• The team have commenced installing the waterwall feature in the Station building
• All 53 lava coloured glass triangles have been created and will be placed into the waterwall feature at the end of this year.
6. North Auckland Line update:
• Nick Adams, the Construction Manager for the North Auckland Line (NAL) and Tunnels provided an update on the Porters Avenue Bridge elevators which have been installed The opening date is yet to be confirmed.
• Porters Avenue streetscapes are progressing including work on new footpaths, curbing, and road resurfacing. Streetscapes on Fenton Street and Haultain Street are delayed due to other roadworks taking place in these areas.
• Normanby Road Bridge is complete and opened to the public at the end of December 2022 which was a big milestone for the project. The Temporary Services Bridge (TSB) will be removed during the Easter BOL.
• Street works and tree pits work starting with Normanby Road and Boston Road West will progress southward. These works are expected to be completed in May 2023. Drainage installation is ongoing on Mount Eden Road.
7. Tunnels fit-out update:
• Tunnels fit-out works consist of 3 activities: Pouring the concrete base for the tracks, installing cable support brackets for the tunnels, and installing emergency walkways.
• The MC20/30 tunnel and the eastern end of the MC60 cut and cover tunnel have both been handed over to the track team
• Fit-out works are progressing well, with the team pouring concrete, and installing brackets in preparation for track installation inside of the MC30 tunnel.
8. Systems and track building update:
• Laurent Illoz, Systems Manager – NAL and Tunnels shared that over the Christmas BOL, work has been completed on the overhead lines and tracks for MC40.
• Once signal installation and repair works are complete, MC40 track will be commissioned in Easter BOL.
• The team is working on MC20/30 towards Karanga-Hape Road and will then make its way back and work on MC50.
• Track building is underway in the MC60 tunnel towards MC30, including deliveries of rail and blocks.
• Upcoming BOLs are planned to take place between 1st – 3rd April and on Easter weekend from 6th – 11th April.
9. Questions & Answers:
• Will the Shot Tower be rebuilt, or will parts of it be preserved by the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT)? In addition, is the shed complete and has it been lifted off safely?
o Local Board Member Alexandra Bonham spoke to this question. The Shot Tower was not taken down in a way where it could be rebuilt; it is difficult to rebuild it in such a way that it would be structurally sound. The shed is completed and has been lifted off safely. MOTAT have not confirmed if they will be preserving any parts.
• When is the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station going to open?
o The current timeframe is the end of 2024, CRL are still assessing costs and impacts. We expect to have an update soon.
• Are you able to explain why there are holes near the drainage on Mount Eden Road?
o These holes are for electric pathways and ducts, this is a temporary state.
• There is currently a drainage issue outside of North Eden Apartments on Porters Avenue and Ngahura Street. The gradient of the road is collecting dirt, is there a way the water can be collected on site rather than outside the apartment entrances?
o As part of our resource consent conditions with Auckland Council, we are unable to let water flow into site. However, we will arrange for the dirt to be cleaned regularly outside of the apartment building.
• What are the drinking water fountain and toilet arrangements in the Station building or surrounding areas?
o We will find out more information on this and will provide an update at the next CLG meeting.
• The traffic management on Fenton Street needs to improve line marking and signage, this will improve visibility for drivers to be able to see oncoming vehicles.
o Line markings can be arranged, and the traffic management team will update signage as well.
• The lighting of the elevators on Porters Avenue Bridge on the north side has a bright and direct reflection in the evening. This shines through the apartment building, which is disturbing for some. Is there a way to dim the lights?
o We will look to mitigate this issue and reduce the brightness of the LEDs in the interior glass
• When will the Porters Avenue Bridge elevators be functional?
o We are working hard on this and have yet to confirm a date.
• Will the façade appearance of the Station building have a grey concrete finish?
o Yes, however the treatment of the wall is underway and may change the tone slightly
This CLG Presentation is available on the CRL website with all the other Maungawhau/Mount Eden CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is to be confirmed for May 2023.