Mt Eden CLG Minutes February 2022

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Mt Eden Community Liaison Group Minutes


Mt Eden Community Liaison Group (CLG)


Wednesday 2 March 2022


5:00pm – 6:30pm


Microsoft Teams Live


Helga Sonier, Annabelle Wrigley, Thibaut L’Hopital, Derek Whelan, Nick Adams, Simon Lough, Kate Cumberpatch, Anthony Pearse and Angelene Burn.

CLG Members

9 CLG members attended the meeting virtually.

Agenda: No.

Agenda Item



Meeting open

Helga Sonier


Welcome and overview

Helga Sonier


Communications & Engagement update

Helga Sonier


Basque Park update

Annabelle Wrigley


Mt Eden Station main site update

Thibaut L’Hopital


Tunnelling update

Derek Whelan


North Auckland Line update

Nick Adams


Link Alliance Urban Realm Scope

Simon Lough


Maungawhau and Karangahape precincts (Eke Panuku and Kāinga Ora)

Kate Cumberpatch


Auckland Transport Connecting Communities

Anthony Pearse & Angelene Burn


Q&A session

All Presenters


Meeting close

Helga Sonier

1. Welcome and overview • Helga Sonier, Mt Eden Community Manager welcomed attendees to the virtual Community Liason Group (CLG) meeting and provided helpful tips on how to engage during the virtual meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to share updates on the Link Alliance Mt Eden station construction progress, and respond to questions or feedback from CLG members.

2. Communications and engagement update •

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The Mt Eden Communications and Engagement team have reopened the Te Manawa visitor centre from 11 am – 1 pm every Monday, as well as reconvening the monthly information sessions and perimeter walks which received a record number of attendees this month. The ‘Quiet Space’ located in Cityside Baptist Church has also reopened again between 10 am – 2 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. New pieces of artwork have recently been installed on site, including artwork on our water tanks seen from Shaddock Street as well as our new ‘Chalk Jam Wall’ on Boston Road. The team hosted a final Mr Whippy activation for this summer on February 14th, sharing the love on Valentine's Day. We ran a naming competition for the new tower crane coming to site, giving the community a chance to name what will be a noticeable new machine on site. The winning name 'Tui’ has been announced. Significant works in the West are upcoming, the community received a flyer last week with more information about the works, and the mitigations that are in place such as our quiet space, weekly FriYAY kawhe (coffee) carts in March, and a QR code fridge magnet linking to our construction calendar.

3. Basque Park update • • • •

Annabelle Wrigley, Communications & Engagement Advisor announced that the team celebrated their smallest tunnel breakthrough on site, where the drill rig successfully drilled underneath New North Road from Basque Park to our main site. With the micro tunnel now in place, the team are preparing to pull a 5.6-metre-wide pipeline through the tunnel using a pully system. The next step is to create a small extension of the Basque Park hoarding site to create space for the team to connect new pipes as part of the pipe diversion. This will be in place for approximately 3 weeks. Newly installed art on the Basque Park hoardings has gathered positive feedback from the surrounding community.

Coming up in late March there will be a pop-up information day in the park for the team to share work updates and hear any feedback from the community.

4. Mt Eden Station site construction update • • • • • •

Thibaut L’Hopital, Mt Eden Station Project Manager shared that the team have been busy on site despite COVID-19 impacts on crews. The team have completed a great amount of painting for the North Auckland Line (NAL) pedestrian overpass which will protect the structure, and are now preparing for the installation of the glass facade. Piling has begun for constructing the Station building foundations, however progress has been slower due to COVID-19 impacts on the team. Construction for the western trough is nearly finished with most of the retaining walls being completed, this is where the future City Rail Link platform will be. The team have begun constructing the pre cast panels and internal walls for the ventilation building which will be 3 storeys and equate to 20 metres high, next to Nikau Street. Work on the NAL platform is progressing, involving work on the retaining wall and drainage. The team have also continued work on the Eastern Link cut and cover tunnels, which includes pre cast panels for the MC60 track that will pass under Mt Eden Road.

5. Tunnelling • • • • • • •

Derek Whelan, TBM Tunnels Construction Manager celebrated the final piece of the TBM returning from Aotea Station to Mt Eden Station, for the front section of the TBM that is now being reassembled near the tunnel portal. The gantries (back end of the TBM) were transported back to Mt Eden Station through the tunnel, and are now being prepared for reconnection to the front section of the TBM ahead of the next tunnel drive. The front shield of the TBM which is the heaviest piece had to be lifted by two cranes (450 tonne and 250 tonne) in order to rotate and put into position on Mt Eden site. Continuing 24/7 works to prepare for the next tunnel drive, the current night works include welding the TBM front section back together. The next step for the first CRL tunnel is to prepare for the track installation involving concrete pours for the tunnel floor, this work is expected to begin next week. The Mined tunnel team have completed all mined tunnels excavation, they are now beginning to waterproof. The second tunnel drive is expected to commence in May, where the TBM’s conveyor belt, spoil removal, and other associated activities on site will commence again 24/7.

6. North Auckland Line update •

Nick Adams, Deputy Construction Manager – North Auckland Line (NAL) explained that the new Down Main is now fully operational due to the great progress the team achieved during the Christmas BOL.

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This included completing the roof of the Eastern Grade Separation (EGS), which is a ‘dive structure’ that will take the MC50 track to the tunnel portal. The EGS is being constructed as a top-down structure, meaning that the team have constructed the walls and roof first, and are now excavating beneath. Achieved a milestone of 1000 bored piles along the NAL corridor. Piling is progressing well at both ends of the rail corridor but progress is slightly slower in the Western end due to basalt being a difficult soil. Constructed the northern span of the Normanby Road bridge, with the southern span being installed in early March. The piers for Porters Avenue footbridge have been completed, with the main span to be installed in late March.

7. Link Alliance urban realm scope •

Simon Lough, Interface Design Manager shared the scope of works for the urban realm including the Mt Eden Station Precinct, Western Facing Connection and Eastern Facing Connection. The immediate station surroundings including the following: Fenton Street, Ngahura Street, Ruru Street, Korari Street, Flower Street, and Mt Eden Road. The flame tree near the intersection on Boston Road will be kept intact. Planting on Boston Road will include specimen trees for the upper canopy and underplanting trees for the lower canopy.

8. Maungawhau and Karangahape precincts (Eke Panuku and Kāinga Ora) • • • • • • •

Kate Cumberpatch, Eke Panuku Development Auckland confirmed that the precinct for Eke Panuku includes the Maungawhau Station and Karangahape Station. The potential opportunity for Maungawhau development land includes 3.2 ha of CRLL landholding and 0.47 ha for Kainga Ora. In total, this provides opportunity for 700+ homes and 25,000sqm commercial. The draft programme business case is being reviewed by the CRLL project sponsors, and Eke Panuku are awaiting feedback. Currently undertaking infrastructure assessment in order to understand the three waters, transport and social infrastructure requirements for the area. Awaiting to understand the proposed changes through the National Policy Statement on Urban Design (NPS-UD) to have more clarity on the development capacity in the area. Following infrastructure assessments, Eke Panuku will analyse potential public realm projects to improve the area. An analysis is underway on the best development approach to achieve foundation outcomes, in particular affordable housing.

9. Auckland Transport Connected Communities •

Anthony Pearse & Angelene Burn, Auckland Transport provided an update on the New North Road and Symonds Street project. This project is to help accommodate the growing Auckland

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population, improve safety, and provide better transport movements to access the city centre and new station area. Auckland Transport have launched a public engagement campaign to receive feedback on the three approaches proposed for the future of the corridor: Two routes, minimal kerb changes, and road widened. The public engagement period will run for 6 weeks and close on April 8th 2022, as well as holding Q&A sessions on the 22nd, 24th and 26th of March. More information can be found via the following link New North Road and Symonds Street upgrade (

Questions & Answers: •

Is there anything that can be done to reduce the noise of the piling machines at the western end of the construction site? o We have to ensure the team follows best practice with piling rig operation, and have implemented noise mats and enclosures around the rig to limit noise. Piling in basalt is a noisy activity, however the Mt Eden Station has reopened their ‘Quiet Space’ in Cityside Baptist Church (8 Mt Eden Road). This space is for the community to work and study from during the day, it includes Wi-Fi, electricity, and kitchen facilities (closed in traffic light Red). The opening hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am – 2 pm.

In reference to slide 28, it talks about works that are being procured for Fenton Street over bridge. Can you please elaborate on that? o In order to construct the works, there are subcontractors and materials that need to be procured in order to deliver the project. The fabrication for Fenton Street over bridge has been confirmed, and the foundation work for the bridge should begin towards the end of this year with the installation occurring next year.

We have received no approach from Auckland Transport on the Symonds and New North Road project. o Auckland Transport have undertaken a consultation period with key stakeholders and public consultation is underway. The approach is that Auckland Transport are talking about three business case options, and have launched a public engagement campaign to receive feedback.

Do you expect the zoning of private land around the station to change significantly when the council responds to the NPS-UD? If the current zoning already allows for 6 stories, might it not change much anyway? I guess the estimate of 700 homes/units referred to by Kate is based on current zoning? o The 700 homes are based on the sites around the station themselves, and the development capacity is set and won’t change.

Can we see the noise measurements for the piling? It seems to be exceeding the designation. o The team take measurements of the piling regularly, with new pieces of work being measured before starting. The team have fixed monitors placed near the site, and can conduct attended monitoring at your specific location if neighbours have any concerns.

What Kainga Ora developments are planned? o It’s being worked on as part of the development opportunities for the entire area, we’ll be combining that with the master plan options as Eke Panuku work towards getting the sites ready to take to the market which is expected to take a period of 12 months.

Resident from Station R Fenton Street, are you monitoring the Diesel Fumes especially from the Generator and trucks? o We do monitor air quality, if you have any specific concerns, please provide your contact details. We have an Environmental team that monitors air quality and can come investigate your issue further.

We note that trucks are now using Fenton St as their main entrance to site? Wasn’t Ngahura St meant to take all traffic. o Access to the southern side of the corridor is limited in areas, and Fenton Street is currently used to access the western side of the NAL platform. Access from Ngahura Street is the entrance to the main site but is no longer possible for those accessing the west of the NAL platform. We do have Traffic Controllers and Traffic Management Plans in place to manage the increased traffic on Fenton Street.

We have noticed that there is almost no water spraying to reduce dust propagation in Fenton St? o The team are wetting down where we need to, however if you are experiencing dust issues, please provide your contact details and we can follow this issue up. Our Environmental team on site can monitor this and remind our teams to use water sprays.

This CLG Presentation is available on the City Rail Link website with all other Mt Eden CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is to be confirmed.

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