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Appendix A: Previous Recommendations

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9. Recommendations

9. Recommendations

 Undertake an audit of site condition including erosion and sediment control measures and implement any practicable mitigation recommendations  Provide information to the community on the type and level of noise that is likely to be experienced, the date and timing of noisy works, and the steps taken to mitigate noise impacts as far practicable. Information on quiet areas should also be provided.  Undertake a review of noise complaints with the noise and vibrations technical specialists who authored the Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan, and implement any practicable mitigation recommendations.

Link Alliance should continue to implement the range of mitigation measures identified in the SIBD DWP and associated DWP and are committed to being good neighbours to affected parties. Link Alliance should continue to engage with the community and key stakeholders through the CLG and the various engagement tools outlined in the SIBDDWPs. It is noted that it is not always possible to satisfy all of the community’s concerns relating to the construction activities associated with the Project, given the limits of what is reasonably practicable to mitigate the construction effects of a major infrastructure project. Link Alliance will, however, ensure that scale, time and likely extent of impacts is communicated to affected parties alongside the implementation of the Delivery Work Plans and monitoring of these and the Designation conditions.

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SIBD Annual Report – Maungawhau Station


Communications on upcoming works  The Link Alliance should continue to provide the affected community with detailed localised works notifications and information about potential impacts from proposed construction activities using a multitude of engagement tools (i.e. in person, on the phone, works notification emails, station newsletters). Seek alternative parking arrangements  The construction workforce will be travelling to the Maungawhau Site until the completion of the Project in 2024. Link Alliance should seek alternative parking arrangements to alleviate parking pressure in the local area as soon as possible.


Early engagement prior to any noisy or disruptive works continues to be undertaken. A range of engagement tools are used including notices, newsletters, CLG meetings and social media. A new tool which has been well received is a QR code which links stakeholders to the online calendar showing current and planned Construction Works.

Link Alliance have been exploring ways of increasing alternative transportation options for our workers this includes ‘Give it a go' schemes, toolbox talks, an internal alternative transport competition and rewards for carpooling, taking public transport or walking and cycling.

CLG attendance  Link Alliance will revisit the CLG to ensure that it is representative of the affected community. In March 2022 the CLG advertised for new members to join including residents around Maungawhau construction site, local community group representatives, or organisation or business in the Maungawhau construction site area. See notice below:

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