Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm
Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Revision: A02
18 January 2023
Site Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
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Revision Status
Approval Status Name/Title
Prepared by: Kieran Hill and Shivam Jakhu Acoustic Engineer / Senior Acoustic Engineer
Reviewed by: Claire Drewery Technical Director – Acoustics
Approved by: Peter Roan Planning and Approvals Manager
1. Introduction
This Site-Specific Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (SSCNVMP) forms part of the Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNV DWP) for the Aotea Station1 Main Works
This SSCNVMP includes a record of consultation with affected receivers and addresses each subsection (a-f), as required by condition 37.5 and 38.5. The SSCNVMP was developed in accordance with the established Auckland Council Subject Matter Expert (SME) and Independent Peer Review Process for the CRL project.
This SSCNVMP has been revised and updated from the previous revision following the CRL-Outline Plan Determination (AOT Public Realm)-OPW60389911 (16/02/22) by Auckland Council to address the changes requested to demonstrate compliance with conditions of Designation 2500.
This SSCNVMP provides a specific assessment of construction noise and vibration from the Public Realm Reinstatement (PRR) works within the project designation, that was not previously provided for as part of Aotea Station Main Works CNV DWP.
The PRR works extend along Albert Street from Wyndham Street to the southern end of the Aotea Station Designation 2500-1 located adjacent to 10 Mayoral Drive. This includes sections of intersecting roads including Victoria Street, Wellesley Street, Kingston Street, and Durham Street.
PRR works includes the following:
• Footpath construction
• Utilities installation
• Reinstatement of canopies removed as part of the enabling works
• Stormwater infrastructure
• Landscaping (including installation of tree pits and planters)
• Road pavement construction, paving, sealing, tie in works
• Installation of street furniture
The works will be undertaken in a staged manner (with five main stages), commencing as the current construction works are progressively completed (refer Table 1) A detailed description of the PRR works is provided in the Aotea Station PRR Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Addendum. This SSCNVMP should be read in conjunction with the Aotea Station Main Works Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNV DWP) to which this document forms part of Appendix F, as it contains further details of the project, noise criteria, monitoring and general mitigation measures
This SSCNVMP is a live document that will be reviewed at least annually. Any material changes to this SSCNVMP must be approved by Auckland Council prior to any on-site activity reliant upon the change commencing. Refer to the CEMP for further detail on the review and updating process.
Table 1 provides an overview of the construction works and staging. An overview of the works and details of the construction methodology are provided in Section 3.
1 In 2022 a proposal was made to the New Zealand Geographic Board (NZGB) Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa to alter the existing station name (Aotea Station) and assign a new official name (Te Waihorotiu Railway Station) This process is still being finalised, however, this document is named using the new station name, whereas existing documents maintain the previous station name
4 | Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm Reinstatement
Table 1 Overview of Construction Works and Staging
Stage Overview of works
Stage 1.1 –North: Media School building to Corner of Albert & Victoria
Stage 1.2 –Victoria: Northeast, Corner of Albert & Victoria to East Boundary Line
Stage 1.3 –Victoria: West, Albert to Federal
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Tree pit – Harvey Tree
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
(subject to change)
Stage 1.4 –Victoria: Southeast, NDG Corner to Boundary Line
Stage 2.1 –North: Kingston
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction March/April 2023 6 months
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction April 2023 10 months
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins to Crowne Plaza Service Lane May 2023 6 months
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Tree pit – 3 in total
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
5 | Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm Reinstatement
Q3 2023 6 months
Stage 2.2 –North: Durham Slip Lane north
Stage 2.2 –North: Durham Slip Lane south
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Bluestone Wall – TBC
• Road pavement construction
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Bluestone Wall – TBC
• Road pavement construction
Stage 2.3 –North: Kingston Street to Victoria St
Stage 2.2 – Stage 2.3 – North: Kingston Street to Wyndham St
Stage 3.1 – Albert St (NDG to Crowne Plaza)
2023 6 months
Stage 3.2 – Albert St (Crowne Plaza to Wellesley St)
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction Q1 2024 6 months
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins to Crowne access at lower level
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
Ties ins to Crowne Plaza upper level
Page 6 | Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm Reinstatement
2023 6 months
Q2/Q3 2023 6 months
2023 6 months
Stage 3.3 – Albert St (AA to SkyCity)
Stage 3.3 – Albert St (SkyCity to AC)
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins to Manhattan & SkyCity
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins with Auckland Council pavers
Stage 4.1 –Wellesley Street north
Stage 4.2 –Wellesley Street south
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins with Crowne Plaza Service Lane
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Access to all business to be maintained during construction
- Ties ins with new station entrance
Stage 5 –Mayoral Drive
- Public Realm works in this section including:
• Kerbs & Drainage
• Footpath works - Prep
• Footpath works – Concrete & Paving
• Road pavement construction
• Street furniture
- Southern end of Bledisloe House car park to be stabilised in anticipation for Oversite Development construction.
Q3 2023 6 months
Q3/Q4 2023 8 months
1.1 Objective
The objective of this SSCNVMP is to detail the best practicable option to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on sensitive receivers resulting from construction noise and vibration that does not comply with the Project Standards defined in Section 3 of the Aotea Station Main Works CNV DWP.
1.2 Site Plan
The extent of the PRR construction works is shown in Figure 1
1 Extent of PRR works
8 | Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm Reinstatement
2. Receivers
Receivers where noise and/or vibration levels due to the Public Realm Reinstatement works within the project designation have the potential to exceed project noise or vibration standards, along with the relevant building uses, are listed in Table 2
Table 2 Affected receivers
*This is the Monday to Saturday 07:00 to 22:00 noise criteria. The majority of works will be carried out during this period. For residential receivers the noise limit is reduced to 65 dB LAeq & 80 dB LAFmax on Sundays and Public Holidays between 07:00 to 22:00 and to 60 dB LAeq & 75 dB LAFmax at all other times.
3. Activities
Construction activities for Public Realm Reinstatement works are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Public Realm Reinstatement construction methodology
Footpath construction
Utilities installation
Reinstatement of canopies
Details of Works
• Footpath pavements generally consist of basecourse layer, reinforced concrete layer & decorative layer
• The Basecourse layer (Cemented treated basecourse) is spread and compacted using excavators and small roller/plate compactors
• Structural concrete layer is constructed in segments to maintain pedestrian movements and concrete is delivered via trucks with concrete pumps
• Dust from placement of fill and bedding material is controlled via a watering system
• Decorative paving is constructed by cutting, placing, and mixing of stone pavers with Steintec Bedding
• To maintain pedestrian access to business and properties, night works may be required for the pouring of structural concrete and installation of pavers
• A mobile acoustic enclosure is used during all paver cutting
• Duct from extraction and cutting operations is controlled via a watering system
• Duct installations are completed using a combination of excavators, trucks (for concrete, and for spoil disposal and importing backfill materials), hand tools, trench shields and compaction equipment
• The installation of street lighting and other above ground traffic service installation is linked to the utility duct and cable work.
• Previously removed canopies to be reinstated
• Electrical services, painting and buildings works for the reinstatement of canopies on 44 Wellesley St; 37 Albert St; 98-102 Albert St.
Equipment utilised
• Excavators(5-10T)
• Small roller/plate compactors
• Concrete pumps (Line or boom)
• Watering System
• Bedding material
• Stone pavers
• Steintec bedding material
• Mobile acoustic enclosure
• Concrete breaker
• Concrete saw
Construction of new stormwater infrastructure
• Within the road carriageway and connecting into the existing stormwater network is the new infrastructure
• The construction of the main drainage lines, manholes and connections will be completed first
• 5-14t excavators
• Trucks
• Plate compactors and/or small rollers
• Trench Shields
• Hand Tools
• Excavators(5T-20T)
• Trucks (for concrete, spoil disposal and importing backfill materials)
• Plate compactors and/or small rollers
• Trench Shields
Construction of tree pits
• Works begin from the downstream connection points and laid ‘uphill’ to the head of the new drainage line
• Aco drains, catchpits and leads are constructed after the main drainage lines are completed
• Landscaping works are completed from the adjacent traffic lane and are one of the final activities completed
• Trees are delivered by truck and planted by hand or using a Hiab Crane
• After the planting of trees, surface tree grilles or permeable coverings will be installed
• Hydro excavation and pothole techniques will be used to expose tree pits when utilities are approached
• Excavations will be around 1.0-2.0 m
• Temporary supports will be installed around the utilities
• Hand tools
Pavement construction
Installation of furniture
• After completion of ground works - Subsoil drains are constructed along the edges of the road carriageway
• Basecourse material/layer is spread and compacted
• Testing undertaken on the subgrade and basecourse layer during construction
• Structural asphalt layers are constructed and the final 50mm layer of AC14 will be placed at the final phase of the works
• Line markings works are completed after the asphalt layer is laid
• To allow asphalt tie in to live traffic network (e.g. at the Wyndham and Albert St intersection), night works may be required in accordance with TMP requirements.
• Road Furniture will be one of the final activities undertaken at each site
• Furniture will be delivered onto site and immediately installed
• Road furniture includes street lighting and signage, seating, rubbish bins, bicycle racks and drinking fountains
• Installation of street lighting, signage and traffic signal will be carried out by specialist electricians
• Hiab Crane
• Excavators(5T-20T)
• Excavators(10T-20T)
• Trucks (for concrete, spoil disposal and importing backfill materials)
• Plate compactors and/or small rollers
• Trench Shields
• Hand tools
• Excavators
• Graders
• Plate/Roller compactors
• Asphalt paving plant
• Milling machine
• Concrete breaker
• Concrete saw
• Hand tools
• Hiab crane
Details of the construction equipment that is likely to be used in the above activities and the associated noise levels can be found in Section 4.1 of the CNV DWP. Details of the equipment that is expected to generate high levels of vibration can be found in Section 4.2 of the CNV DWP.
Construction hours will be as per those outlined in Section 2.5 of the Main Works CEMP. Works will generally be undertaken Monday to Saturday, 0700 – 1900 hrs. However, certain activities may need to be undertaken outside these hours to minimise traffic impacts or minimise disruption to businesses or residents, such as network utility works where the Network Utility Operator (NUO) requires works to be undertaken at night, or the delivery of large plant.
Concrete pouring is likely to occur during night-time hours. Predictions of concrete pouring for construction noise during night-time hours include the concrete truck and concrete pump operational in the works area. Early morning concrete pouring will likely need to take place where access to businesses must be maintained during normal business (daytime) hours. This is expected to be required mainly along Victoria Street West, Wellesley Street West, Albert Street and lower section of Mayoral Drive but other areas may also require early morning concrete pouring as the project progresses
Night works will be required for the asphalting paving during road pavement construction and may be required for the installation of pavers Predictions of night-time paving are for the asphalt paver operating within the road corridor. Works must be undertaken for these activities during the nighttime to tie into and minimise disruption to the live traffic network and to maintain pedestrian access to business and properties. Cutting of pavers shall be undertaken during daytime construction hours.
4. Façade performance and internal noise levels
4.1 Noise
The Public Realm Reinstatement works are located close to a number of receivers such that internal noise levels will inevitably be high during some activities.
Use of a concrete saw, concrete breaker, plate compactor, roller compactor, and drilling equipment has the potential to exceed the Project Standards for construction noise. These high noise generating activities will occur intermittently. Noise levels will reduce from those presented in during other construction activities.
The use of high noise generating equipment (such as use of the concrete saw and concrete breaking) within close proximity of receivers has been modelled as a worst-case scenario. This may not actually occur, and is dependent on a number of factors including local ground condition, construction of existing footpaths etc.
With the mitigation and management measures implemented and barriers installed, the noise levels at the most exposed façade of a number of properties will still exceed the noise criteria by more than 5dB during some construction activities. These properties are detailed in along with an estimate of the current façade performance and the worst-case internal noise levels during Public Realm Reinstatement works, e.g. during use of the concrete saw and concrete breaker. Noise levels will reduce from those presented in during other construction activities.
It is important that stakeholders receive advance communication of high noise generating activities and night works. Refer to section 5 for the communication process.
Predicted noise levels for night works have been included in Table 4 where the building has a residential use or a commercial use that is operational during the night-time period.
4 Estimated internal noise levels
87-89 Albert Street Ground floor: Vacant (formerly Da Vinci Restaurant) <90 dB
Build-up /
The façade is approximately 90% laminated glazing and the restaurant is mechanically ventilated. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 30 dB Rw.
<55 dB with the door closed
First floor and above: Offices with multiple tenancies <85 dB
98-102 Albert Street First floor and above: Surf n Snow Ground
The façade is approximately 90% single glazing throughout. The windows are openable but well-sealed. The building is mechanically ventilated throughout. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 30 dB Rw.
Bedrooms are located on Level 1 and above.
Windows are single glazed with trickle vents.
Hotel bedrooms have sliding doors opening onto balconies and windows are single glazed laminate. The
<55 dB with windows closed
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
<65 dB with windows/doors closed.
Annoying and disturbing staff or guests. Sleep disruption if undertaken outside the building during night-time/early morning hours.
During day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Notice of noisy works is to be provided at least 24 hours in advance and scheduled outside of sleeping hours where practicable.
3 This column identifies specific mitigation measures to be applied where practicable. Should it be found that any of the mitigation in this column is not practicable or the requirements of a particular receiver change, alternative mitigation will be provided that results in similar or reduced noise effects. If it is not possible to provide alternative mitigation that results in similar or reduced noise effects, the process detailed in Section 9 of the CNV DWP will be followed.
Address Floor External noise level dB LAeq
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
current façade performance with doors closed is estimated to be 25 dB Rw.
Further Mitigation During Night-time Concrete Pours and Paving
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
Ground floor: Formerly occupied by Rio, currently rented by Stockman’s
<85 dB Shop front is comprised of single glazed bifolding doors which are usually left completely open. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
<60 dB when doors are closed.
Annoyance to staff and customers. Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground floor: Vacant (formerly 98 Hairdressers)4 <85 dB
The façade is assumed to be 90% single glazing with two doors. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 20 dB Rw <65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers.
Ground Floor: Vacant (formerly Auckland Print Shop) <85 dB
Ground Floor: Vacant (formerly NZ Hot Buy)5 <85 dB
The façade is masonry with a single glazed door from the street into the store with no mechanical ventilation. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
The façade appears to be masonry and single glazed door from street into store. The entrance to shop is appears to be open during operating hours. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 20 dB Rw.
Ground Floor: Vacant (formerly Nourish Life)6 <85 dB
4 Business is closed at time of writing
5 Business is closed at time of writing
6 Business is closed at time of writing
<65 dB (with door closed)
Annoyance to staff and customers
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers
The façade is predominantly single glazing. The entrance to shop is appears to be open during operating hours. The estimated <60 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
The façade is masonry with a single glazed door from the street into the store The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 20 dB Rw. <65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers.
The façade to Victoria Street west has been assumed to be a rollershutter door that is completely open when the store is open. When works do not directly face towards the entrance, the estimated façade performance with the roller door open is 15 dB Rw. No reduction in noise levels is expected if the works face directly towards the entrance. <70 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers.
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground Floor: Multiple stores < 90 dB
The façade is 90% single glazing throughout with a single glazed door. The building has mechanical ventilation but usually the door is kept open.
The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 30 dB Rw. <60 dB
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
The façade is 90% single glazing throughout openable windows.
The building does not have mechanical ventilation and tenants rely on natural ventilation through windows. Trickle vents are present in certain areas.
The estimated façade performance with the windows closed is 25 dB Rw. < 60 dB
Annoying and disturbing to residents. Sleep disruption if undertaken outside the building during nighttime/early morning hours.
Specific Mitigation Measures3
During Day
Manage unnecessary impact sounds. Consultations have identified shift workers who sleep during the daytime within this building.
The site-specific plans produced for other activities during the Main Works included provision for mechanical ventilation for apartments in this building. Where mechanical ventilation was taken up by the receivers, further benefit will be provided at those receivers since windows can be shut while a supply of fresh air is maintained.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Further Mitigation During Night-time Paving
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
37 Wellesley Street West– Econolodge Hotel Ground floor: Reception7 First floor and above: Econolodge Hotel (Not operating as lodge however there is a caretaker living in the building)
Daytime: < 90 dB
Night-time: < 85 dB
Build-up /
The façade on the first floor consists of approximately 90% single glazing with doors onto a balcony space. The estimated façade performance with windows closed is 30 dB
The façade above second floor level is approximately 40% single glazed with openable windows. The façade performance with windows closed is estimated to be 35 dB Rw.
< 60 dB when windows are closed.
Above First Floor: Internal noise level of <55 dB when windows are closed. Potential for NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria (35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms to be exceeded during worst-case activities
During Day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
Further Measures During Night-time Paving
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
44 - 52 Wellesley Street West Ground Floor (Mayoral Drive façade): Vacant (formerly Christian Reading Centre) <85 dB
7 Business in hibernation at time of writing
The façade consists of approximately 95% single glazing. The building is mechanically
< 60 dB when doors are closed.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Ground Floor (Mayoral Drive façade): NZ Post / Western Union
<85 dB The façade consists of approximately 80% single glazing with double doors opening onto Albert Street. The building has no mechanical ventilation. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
<85 dB The façade consists of approximately 90% single glazing. The building is mechanically ventilated with automatic doors onto Mayoral Drive. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
< 60 dB when doors are closed.
Ground Floor: Currently vacant (formerly Greedy Guts Café)
<85 dB The façade consists of bi-folding doors and is completely open at times when the café is open. The estimated façade reduction is 10 dB.
< 60 dB when doors are closed.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
< 75 dB when doors are open, <60 dB when doors are closed.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete breakers are used at the intersection with Albert Street and Mayoral Drive
First floor and above: Offices <80
The façade consists of approximately majority single glazing. The building is mechanically ventilated. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw. < 60
The façade is predominantly sealed thick laminated glazing. The estimated sound level difference across the façade is 30 dB.
The façade is predominantly sealed thick laminated glazing. The estimated sound level difference across the façade is 35 dB.
The façade is predominantly masonry with single glazing on the windows. The estimated faced performance is 30 dB.
when windows closed Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
noise levels will be intermittent in
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Internal noise level of <60 dB when windows are closed.
Crowne Plaza is a multistory masonry commercial building with glazing estimated to be 8mm thick single pane glass. The estimated sound level difference across the <60 dB in bedrooms during daytime.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
128 Albert Street –Crowne Plaza Hotel
Floor and
Daytime: < 85
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
façade with the windows and doors closed is 30 dB
Bedrooms are from approximately 10th floor and upwards, below lobby and bedroom are assumed to be car parking spaces.
The façade is predominantly sealed 12.38mm thick laminated glazing. The estimated sound level difference across the façade is 35 dB.
The building façade is 85% glazing with doors opening to the lobby within the Sky City building. The estimated façade performance is 35 dB with windows closed.
Internal noise level of <55 dB when windows are closed.
Possible that NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria (35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms may be exceeded for short periods.
Internal noise level of <55 dB when windows are closed.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used near the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete breakers are used immediately outside the building. 83
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed, 25% masonry wall. The estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when the concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Albert Street Ground Floor: Little Albert Coffee
<90 dB
The façade to the AA store is 90% laminated glazing. The store has two doorways on to Albert Street, opening frequently. The store keeps the doors closed when customers are not entering/departing the store. The store has mechanical ventilation, with an estimated façade performance of 25 dB Rw. <65 dB with the door closed.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is operating near the building.
A noise logger is installed inside the AA retail store, with a trigger alert level set above the normal background noise level. The device sends alerts to the construction team when the trigger alert level is exceeded. The construction team uses this information to manage noise from the construction site. The monitoring results, along with a summary of exceedances recorded, are provided in a monthly report to Auckland Council. It is expected this noise logger will remain in place for the duration of the PRR works.
The building is mechanically ventilated throughout. The building is accessed via sliding doors to Albert Street. The
Specific Mitigation Measures3 estimated façade performance on the ground floor is 25 dB Rw.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is operating near the building.
Level 1-4: Vacant
Lollipops Early Childhood Cent (NB: not directly adjacent to site but does have outdoor play area)
Level 5: Design School Lecture Theatre
Lecture theatre façade is 100% glazed. The room is mechanically ventilated. The estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw. < 35 dB
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
Level 6-11: Vacant: N/A N/A N/A
Level 12: Offices
Level 14-20: Media Design School
Office façade is 90% single glazing. Offices are mechanically ventilated. Background noise in the offices is estimated to be 50 - 60 dBA. The estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw. < 35 dB
The classrooms and learning areas on the Albert Street façade are approximately 90-100% glazed. The rooms are mechanically ventilated. The estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw. < 35 dB
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
65 Albert Street (District Court)
Ground floor and above: Auckland District Court
Ground: <80 dB
First Floor and above: <90 dB
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
Courtrooms on floors 2 and 3 have facades facing Kingston Street and are approximately 30% single glazing with an estimated façade performance of 35 dB Rw. The courtrooms are mechanically ventilated throughout.
Jury rooms and judicial offices on floors 1, 4 and 10-12 on both Albert Street and Kingston Street facades are up to 90% glazing with an estimated façade performance of 35 dB Rw.
Secondary glazing was installed in some of the courtrooms overlooking Albert Street as part of the C2 works.
An internal construction noise limit of 40 dB LAeq is recommended for the court rooms on the Albert Street façade.
< 40 dB in courtrooms without secondary glazing installed. This may result in interference with digital audio recording equipment and court proceedings.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Secondary glazing has been installed on the Albert Street façade..
Noisy works shall be scheduled at times that least impact the operations of the Court. Appropriate timing of works shall be discussed as part of ongoing consultation.
74 Albert Street Ground floor: Barclay Spa, Bespoke Café and The Altruist Shop
Ground floor: Daytime: < 90 dB
First floor and above Info below taken from C2 consultation:
This building is a hotel and is mechanically <55 dB at ground floor, <50 dB in bedrooms.
Potential for NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria During Day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
First floor and above: Accommodation/Residential Barclay Suites
ventilated. Hotel bedrooms have sliding doors opening onto balconies and windows are single glazed laminate. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 35 dB Rw.
(35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms to be exceeded during noisy activities.
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
Further Mitigation During Night-time Concrete Pours and Paving
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
The façade is a combination of masonry and glass to ancillary rooms. The façade performance is estimated to be at least 45 dB Rw to internal spaces within the Aotea Centre. Performance
Noise from these works is not expected to be audible in Aotea Centre performance spaces.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Address Floor External noise level
27-35 Victoria Street W
Ground Floor and above: President Hotel
Ground Floor: Belgar Barber Club and Vacant tenancy (formerly City Star Convenience Store)
Specific Mitigation Measures3 spaces are located within the building away from external facades facing the works.
All hotel rooms are mechanically ventilated with one openable window. The estimated façade performance is 35 dB Rw with windows closed.
< 55 dB in bedrooms with windows closed.
Possible sleep disturbance to guests in bedrooms facing Victoria Street.
Potential for NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria (35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms to be exceeded during noisy activities.
During Day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
Further Measures During Night
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
62 Victoria Street West Ground floor: Subway restaurant (currently closed) <90 dB The façade is 75% single glazing with sliding doors. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw with doors closed.
Ground Floor: Fuga Japanese Restaurant <90 dB The façade is 80% single glazing with glazed doors. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw with doors closed. <65 dB with doors
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities if occupied.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground Floor (Shop 3): Accord Barber <90 dB The façade is 80% single glazing with glazed doors. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw with doors closed. <65 dB with doors closed. Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground Floor: EZ Cash <90 dB The façade is 80% single glazing with glazed doors. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw with doors closed. <65 dB with doors closed. Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is immediately outside the building.
Ground Floor: Coffee Club <90 dB The façade is 80% single glazing with glazed doors. The estimated façade performance is <65 dB with doors closed. Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
62 Victoria Street West First Floor: Glass Goose Bar & Eatery <90 dB
75 Victoria Street W First floor and above –Residential building Ground floor: Daytime: < 90 dB First floor and above: Daytime: < 85 dB Night-time: < 85 dB
The first-floor seating area extends to the Victoria Street façade of 66 Victoria Street. The seating area is open aired and has a screen facing Victoria Street. The estimated reduction in noise to the outdoor seating area is 10 dB Rw.
The building is a total of 24 floors, all of which are apartments with openable windows/doors to all four facades of the building. The building is mechanically ventilated throughout. The estimated façade performance is 35 dB RW with windows closed.
<80 dB
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Customer has previously requested all noisy works to take place before business opening each day –this has been accommodated where possible.
<55 dB
Potential for NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria (35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms to be exceeded during noisy activities.
During Day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
During Night
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce. 15-31
85 dB
The façade along the ground floor is predominantly single glazing with single or double doors. The estimated façade performance is 20 dB Rw with doors closed.
The façade along the first floor is approximately 50% masonry, 50% glazing with operable windows. Façade performance estimated to be 25 dB Rw with windows closed.
During Day
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used near the building.
Further Measures During Night
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear
The façade is made of solid construction with predominantly brick and single glazing. The estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw. Ground
Specific Mitigation Measures3 so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will not take place immediately outside the building.
Further Measures During Night
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Specific Mitigation Measures3 performance with the door closed is 30 dB Rw.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground floor: Café Midnight Express
Ground Floor: <90 dB
This building does not have a façade and only has a roller door which is kept open.
< 90 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Ground floor: Vacant (formerly Taj Mahal)
Ground Floor: <90 dB
The Façade is approximately 75% single glazing with a glazed door access. The building has no mechanical ventilation.
Estimated façade performance is 30 dB Rw.
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw.
Ground floor: City Dollar Dealers (Pawn Shop)
Ground Floor: <90 dB
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw.
< 60 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities will provide some mitigation but high noise levels will be experienced within the building during some activities due to lack of façade.
The use of a concrete saw immediately outside of the building to be avoided if possible or done outside of business hours.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
< 65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
< 65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
First floor: Vacant (formerly Mai Tai restaurant)
Ground floor: Roma Blooms Florist
Ground Floor: <90 dB
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
37-43 Victoria Street W Mr Meetballs (formerly Belly Worship)
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw.
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB
< 65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Ground Floor: <65 dB
First Floor and above: <55 dB
<65 dB Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
<65 dB
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Address Floor
Ground floor: Tony’s Lord Nelson Restaurant <90 dB
First Floor: Oasis Hairdressing, Giga Internet Café and BS Body & Skin Care
<90 dB
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
The façade is a masonry construction with approximately 35% single glazing. The estimated façade performance with door shut is 30 dB Rw
The façade is a masonry construction with approximately 35% single glazing. The estimated façade performance with door shut is 25 dB Rw.
63 Albert Street Good To Go Supermarket <90 dB The building is mechanically ventilated, and the façade is 100% single glazing. The estimated façade reduction is 30 dB Rw.
Natural Health Store <90 dB
Mechanical ventilation is available but automatic glazed doors let noise in. The façade at this property is 100% single glazed with an estimated façade performance of 30 dB Rw where there is no door.
First floor and above: Offices <80 dB The building is mechanically ventilated, and the façade is 100% single glazing on both Albert Street and Wyndham Street
Specific Mitigation Measures3 frontage. The attenuation provided by the façade is predicted to be 35 dB Rw.
Mechanical ventilation is available. The façade at this property is solid an estimated façade performance of 25 dB Rw where there is no door.
Mechanical ventilation is available. The façade at this property is solid an estimated façade performance of 25 dB Rw where there is no door.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
During Day:
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Further Measures During Night:
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear
The façade is 90% single glazing throughout openable windows.
If the building does not have mechanical ventilation and tenants rely on natural ventilation through windows.
The estimated façade performance with the windows closed is 25 dB Rw.
If mechanical ventilation is present the estimates façade reduction is 35 dB Rw
The bakery façade is comprised of 75% laminated single glazing and 25% masonry wall.
The Hollywood Bakery plays background music at a low volume. The front doors are open onto Wyndham Street the majority of the time, meaning internal noise levels are elevated due high levels to external noise. The estimated
<50 dB
Potential for NZS 2107 internal noise level criteria (35-40 dB LAeq) for bedrooms to be exceeded during noisy activities.
Specific Mitigation Measures3 so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
During Day:
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Further Measures During Night:
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
<60 dB
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Address Floor External noise level dB LAeq
First floor and above: Offices First Floor and above: < 80 dB
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
façade performance with the door closed is 30 dB Rw.
All levels are mechanically ventilated with single glazed windows that do not open. The attenuation provided by the façade is predicted to be 30 dB Rw.
26 Wyndham St Ground floor: Ding Dong Lounge <80 dB The façade is a solid construction with minimal glazing and a single door that is left closed. The estimated façade performance with door shut is 30 dB Rw.
34-36 Wyndham Ground floor: Koffee Bar <85dB The façade is 75% single glazing with mechanical ventilation. The Koffee shop has windows and doors open during working hours. Estimated façade performance when windows and doors are open: 0 dB Rw. Performance when doors and windows are closed: 25 dB Rw
4 Kingston Street Ground floor: Jam e Jam <90 dB This building does not have a façade and only has a roller door. If the roller door is open
Ground floor: Inner Peace <90 dB The façade is approximately 50% single glazed with mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
6-12 Kingston Street Ground floor: Christian Dior/ El Jay Building <90 dB The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
16 Kingston Street Ground floor: Kingston St Cafe < 90 dB The façade is 90% glazed with a door opening to Kingston Street. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
With the door open the façade performance is 0 dB Rw.
First floor and above: Offices < 90 dB The façade is 90% glazed with a door opening to Kingston Street. The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw.
With the door open the
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Specific Mitigation Measures3
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Building is unoccupied so noise is not a concern
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will not take place immediately outside the building.
67 Victoria Street W Ground floor: Victoria Street News Agency < 90 dB
Façade Build-up / Expected performance (dB Rw)
façade performance is 0 dB Rw.
The façade is 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw..
First floor and above: Mexican Cafe < 90 dB
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
24 Wellesley Street Ground floor: Bledisloe House < 90 dB
The façade is approximately 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
The façade facing Wellesley St is mainly masonry with mechanical ventilation, however other facades are 75% glazed. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
<65 dB Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will not take place immediately outside the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
First floor and above: Offices < 90 dB
71 Victoria Street W The Fiddler < 90 dB
The façade facing Wellesley St is mainly masonry with mechanical ventilation, however other facades are 75% glazed. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw
The façade is 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will not take place immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw..
69 Victoria Street W Hells Pizza < 90 dB The façade is 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw..
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
23-25 Victoria Street W Ground floor: Vacant (formerly TAB)
< 90 dB The façade is 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation
The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw..
66 Victoria Street W Ground Floor: Vacant (formerly Velvet Burger)
First floor: Glass Goose offices
< 90 dB The façade is 75% single glazed with no mechanical ventilation.
The estimated façade performance with the door closed is 25 dB Rw
< 90 dB The façade is approximately 35% single glazed sash windows. The building is mechanically ventilated throughout. The estimated façade performance is 35 dB Rw.
<65 dB
Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
<65 dB Annoyance to staff and customers. Difficulty communicating.
<55 dB
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
68 Victoria Street W Ground Floor: 77 Convenience Store
First floor: United Coffee Nation < 90 dB The façade is approximately 35% single glazed sash windows. The building is mechanically ventilated throughout. The estimated façade performance is 25 dB Rw.
<65 dB
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
Worst-case noise levels will be intermittent in nature and will occur when concrete saw is used immediately outside the building.
85-87 Victoria Street W Ground Floor: Multiple Stores First Floor and above: Residential
<80 dB (Daytime) <75 dB (Nighttime)
The façade is 90% single glazing throughout openable windows.
The building does not have mechanical ventilation and tenants rely on natural ventilation through windows. Trickle vents are present in certain areas.
The estimated façade performance with the windows closed is 25 dB Rw.
<55 dB (Daytime) <50 dB (Night-time)
During Day:
Screening provided by 1.8m high temporary mobile noise barrier during high noise generating activities.
Further Measures During Night:
The use of noisy equipment outside the property will be kept to a minimum during night-time hours to reduce unnecessary high LMax noise events caused by impact from equipment being dropped, starting up or being moved etc.
Where practicable, the concrete truck and pump should be placed at least 15m away from the building during night-time works. Use of the paver outside during the night-time will be minimised as far as practicable.
Alternatively, the most affected rooms could be booked by the Project when night works occur adjacent to this receiver.
Operation of construction equipment will be intermittent in nature. Construction will be linear so as the equipment moves away from the receiver noise levels will reduce.
4.2 Vibration
In addition to the general noise and vibration control measures outlined in Section 5 of the CNV DWP, the specific vibration mitigation measures outlined in Table 5 should be implemented if the initial on-site vibration monitoring demonstrates that the building damage vibration limits will be exceeded.
Table 5 Vibration mitigation measures
Excavators, bobcats, loaders, roller compactors
Grease tracks regularly
Avoid unnecessary revving of engines and banging of buckets on the ground.
Use smaller equipment where possible.
Site-specific vibration mitigation measures are included in Table 6
Table 6 Site-specific mitigation measures
37 Wellesley Street W Mixed Use
83 Albert Street
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
65 Albert Street Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
98-102 Albert Street Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
Vibration may be felt within 37 Wellesley Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 m of the building, to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Vibration may be felt within 83 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building, to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Vibration may be felt within 65 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building, to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used. Ground-borne noise will also be checked in the court rooms
Vibration may be felt within 98-102 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
A vibration logger is installed inside 98-102 Albert Street, with a trigger alert level set at 2.5 mm/s. The device sends alerts to the construction team when the trigger alert level is exceeded. The construction team uses this information to help manage vibration from the construction site. The monitoring results, along with a summary of exceedances recorded, are provided in a monthly report to Auckland Council. It is expected this vibration logger will remain in place for the duration of the PRR works.
109-125 Albert Street Mixed Use
Vibration may be felt within 109-125 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
128 Albert Street Mixed Use
Vibration may be felt within 128 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
11 Mayoral Drive
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
Vibration may be felt within 11 Mayoral Drive.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Address Building type
Specific Mitigation Measures
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
A vibration logger is installed inside 11 Mayoral Drive, with a trigger alert level set at 2.5 mm/s. The device sends alerts to the construction team when the trigger alert level is exceeded. The construction team uses this information to help manage vibration from the construction site. The monitoring results, along with a summary of exceedances recorded, are provided in a monthly report to Auckland Council. It is expected this vibration logger will remain in place for the duration of the PRR works.
68 Victoria Street W Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
27-35 Victoria Street W Mixed Use
54-56 Wellesley Street W Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
182 Federal Street Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
15-31 Wellesley Street W Mixed Use
Vibration may be felt within 68 Victoria Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 27-35 Victoria Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 54-56 Wellesley Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 182 Federal Street
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 15-31 Wellesley Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
75 Victoria Street W Mixed Use Vibration may be felt within 75 Victoria Street W.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
50 Mayoral Drive Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
103-107 Albert Street Mixed Use
74 Albert Street Mixed Use
291-297 Queen Street Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
Vibration may be felt within 50 Mayoral Drive.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 103-107 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once rolling begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Alternative compaction methodology will be utilised if necessary, to meet the building damage criterion.
Alternative piling methodology will be utilised if necessary, to meet the building damage criterion.
Vibration may be felt within 74 Albert Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once rolling begins within 5 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Alternative compaction methodology will be utilised if necessary, to meet the building damage criterion.
Vibration may be felt within 291-297 Queen Street.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Address Building type
Specific Mitigation Measures
51-63 Victoria Street West Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
9-11 Durham St Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
34-36 Wyndham St
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
83-85 Albert St
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
4 Kingston St Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
6-12 Kingston St Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
61-65 Victoria St W
(Note street address in Auckland Council Geomaps is 67, 69 and 71 Victoria Street West)
24 Wellesley St
66 Victoria St W
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
Historic/ Vibration Sensitive
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 51-63 Victoria Street West.
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
A vibration logger is installed inside the Roma Blooms shop, with a trigger alert level set at 2.0 mm/s. The device sends alerts to the construction team when the trigger alert level is exceeded. The construction team uses this information to help manage vibration from the construction site. The monitoring results, along with a summary of exceedances recorded, are provided in a monthly report to Auckland Council. It is expected this vibration logger will remain in place for the duration of the PRR works.
Vibration may be felt within 9-11 Durham St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 34-36 Wyndham St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 83-85 Albert St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 4 Kingston St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 6-12 Kingston St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
A vibration logger is installed inside 6-12 Kingston St, with a trigger alert level set at 2.5 mm/s. The device sends alerts to the construction team when the trigger alert level is exceeded. The construction team uses this information to help manage vibration from the construction site. The monitoring results, along with a summary of exceedances recorded, are provided in a monthly report to Auckland Council. It is expected this vibration logger will remain in place for the duration of the PRR works.
Vibration may be felt within 61-65 Victoria St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 24 Wellesley St
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Vibration may be felt within 66 Victoria St W
Monitoring will be carried out once use of the roller begins within 10 metres of the building to determine the actual levels of vibration from the equipment used.
Address Building type Specific Mitigation Measures
The Project team will review the construction methodology and select low vibration-emitting equipment where practicable.
Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) Public Realm Reinstatement
5. Communication and Consultation
Section 7 of the CNV DWP details the communication procedures in relation to construction noise and vibration effects. The complaints process is detailed in Section 7.2 of the CNV DWP.
Consultation between the Link Alliance and the stakeholders identified in this SSCNVMP took place from early September 2019 regarding the Main Works phase. Topics that were covered included:
• Sequencing of construction activities
• Likely equipment and associated noise and vibration levels
• Proposed mitigation and management measures
• Construction of their buildings
• Operational hours of their businesses
• Operating environment that is required by the businesses
Details of the meetings and comments made by the stakeholders to date regarding the Main Works phase are provided in Appendix E of the CNV DWP.
Table 7 below provides a summary of consultation undertaken to date regarding the PRR works.
Table 7 Summary of Consultations for Public Realm Works
Address / business / building name Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
23 Victoria Street West – previously TAB
25 Victoria Street West – previously Daikoku
27-35 Victoria Street West – President Hotel
Dropped in 6/12/22 and spoke with front of house manager
hours / access requirements
Reception open 24/7. No vehicle crossing access, however tourist coaches/shuttles regularly drop-off/pickup guests.
27 Victoria Street West –Previously City Star Convenience Store - Currently Closed -
27 Victoria Street West –Belgar Barber Club Dropped in 9/12/2022 and spoke to owner Monday- Saturday 9am-7pm. Sunday 10am - 4pm
37 Victoria Street West –Tony’s Lord Nelson Restaurant Attended CLG –29/11/2021
Dropped in 12/12/2022 and spoke with owner Thursday – Friday 12pm - 2:30pm Monday – Sunday 5pm - 10pm
Main concern is the effect of noise and vibration on guests during sleeping hours which can be throughout the day and night.
37 Victoria Street West – Level 1 – BS Body & Skin Care
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Operates from Tuesday –Saturday
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration effects from the works.
Access to be maintained to shop during business hours.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works, which was experienced during earlier enabling works.
Would prefer nosier activity to be completed by 4pm.
Customer is concerned about potential vibration effects from the works,
Address / business / building name
39 Victoria Street West –Mr Katsu
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
Opening hours / access requirements
2:30pm – 8:30pm by appointment
Attended CLG –29/11/2022
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Level 1/41 Victoria Street West – Giga Net Cafe
41 Victoria Street West –Mr Meetballs –Ground Floor
Level 1 / 43 Victoria Street West –Oasis Hairdressing
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with business owner
Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with staff/manager
Operates between Monday to Friday from 9am to 7.00pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday Closed
Monday – Sunday 9am - 11pm
Owner also lives in the building
Monday – Saturday 10:30am – 8:30pm
Operates from Wednesday - Sunday 10am – 7pm
Monday – Tuesday By appointment
43 Victoria Street West - Currently Closed -
45 Victoria Street West –Liquor and Tobacco City (Ground floor of building 98-102 Albert Street)
47 Victoria Street West – City Photo
(Ground floor of building 98-102 Albert Street)
Dropped in on 9/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owners
Operating on reduced hours
Monday – Thursday 3:30pm – 8pm
Friday - 3pm - 9pm
Saturday - 2pm – 9pm
Operates Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 5.00pm.
Noise & vibration comments
especially the impact on the building which is old and has fragile windows.
Windows are generally kept open throughout the day for ventilation.
Doors are generally kept open throughout the day.
Concern with noise and dust affecting customer dining experience.
It is suggested that doors to the business are kept closed, if possible, during the high noise generating activities.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works which could result in loss of business. This also could damage computers and electrical items.
No concerns about noise and vibration.
Would like up-to-date communication about the works as they are a new business to the area.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works. Would like very regular communication about the works
Concerned about noise and vibration and dust due to experience from previous works on Victoria Street.
No mechanical ventilation available, which means they have to leave the door open for ventilation.
Noisy activities outside this property should be undertaken before opening, where practicable.
Would like up to date communication on the works especially when paving at the front of the shop.
Address / business / building name
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
53 Victoria Street West – Photo Image Drop in on 8/12/2022 and spoke with business owner
Operates from Monday to Friday from 9am-6pm and Saturday from 12pm-6pm
Customer is concerned about potential vibration effects from the works after experiencing this from previous works
49 Victoria Street West – Previously NZ Hot Buy (Ground floor of building 98-102 Albert Street) - Currently Closed Vibration monitor is currently setup inside the store to monitor effects on Gypren Hannah Building (former), 98-102 Albert Street
55 Victoria Street West –Kebab Time Drop in 1/12/2022 left pack with staff member to pass onto owner.
57 Victoria Street West –Previously Mai Thai
Email was sent to property manager on 5/12/2022
59 Victoria Street West –Cafe Midnight Express Drop in on 6/12/2022 with business manager
Operates from Monday to Sunday on the below hours:
Monday - 9am - 1am
Tuesday - 9am - 2am
Wednesday - 9am2.30am
Thursday - 9am - 3am
Friday - 9am - 5am
Saturday - 9.30am-5am Sunday - 10am - midnight
Currently closed -
No feedback received
Note: 6 panel folding doors are generally kept open throughout the day.
1/62 Victoria Street West – Subway –Ground Floor
2/62 Victoria Street West –
Fuga Modern Japanese Brasserie –Ground Floor
3/62 Victoria Street WestAccord BarbersGround Floor
Email sent to business owner on 6/12/2022
Drop in on 1/12/2022 to business owner
Email sent 5/12/2022 to building manager
Drop in on 9/12/2022 and spoke with business owner
Operates for Lunch on Tuesday to Friday from 11.30am to 2.30pm and dinner
Tuesday to Saturday from 5pm till late.
Currently closed
Operates from MondayFriday 7am - 10pm
Saturday - 8am - 10pm Sunday - 8am – 8pm
Operates for lunch from Monday to Sunday between 12pm and 3pm. Dinner from 6pm to 10pm.
Operates from MondaySunday 9am - 7pm
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the windows are generally kept open when possible.
Monday would be a good day to carry out works close to the business door steps.
No feedback received
Note: Outdoor dining for customers when business is open
Shop front door is generally closed due to concerns around noise and dust.
Customer would like to reinstate outdoor dining if possible.
Customer is concerned about potential dust, noise & vibration effects from the works after experiencing this from previous works as door is left open.
4/62 Victoria Street West – Empty Tenancy - Empty Tenancy -
Address / business / building name
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
62 Victoria Street West –EZ Cash –Pawnshop–Ground Floor Drop in on 1/12/2022 with business owner
Email sent 5/12/2022 to building manager
5/62 Victoria Street West – Coffee Club –Ground Floor
62 Victoria Street West –Glass Goose Bar & Eatery – Level 1
Email sent 5/12/2022 to business owner and building manager
Customer is concerned about potential noise from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open.
Requests update asap about when works will commence outside shop
Customer is concerned about potential noise from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open.
Outdoor dining is available to customers.
It is recommended that doors to the business are kept closed during high noise generating, where possible.
62 Victoria Street West – Commercial Building Offices – Level 2
Email sent 5/12/2022 to building manager
63 Victoria Street West – Dollar Dealers Drop in to owner and staff member on 6/12/2022
66 Victoria Street West –Glass Goose offices (Previously Velvet Burger) – Level 1
Email sent 5/12/2022 to business owner
68 Victoria Street West –77 convenience store –Drop in to business on 1/12/2022
Monday – Wednesday 11.30am-2.30am
Thursday - Saturday 11.30am-4am
Sunday 11.30am -2am
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works, which customer stated had a large impact on their business. A large outdoor rooftop area is available to customers, which has limited screening from noisy works.
Access to Glass Goose is via 78 Federal Street for customers.
Customer has previously requested all noisy works to take place before business opening each day – this has been accommodated where possible.
No further feedback received from business owner
Operates business hours. No feedback received
Operates from TuesdaySaturday from 10am-6pm
No specific opening hours, but generally regular office hours.
Operates 24 hours /7 days a week
Customer is concerned about potential noise from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works. Access to offices is via Victoria Street.
No further feedback received from business owner
The convenience store has a door opening on to Victoria Street.
Address / business / building name
Ground Floor
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
Opening hours / access requirements
68 Victoria Street West –United Coffee Nation –Level 1
67 Victoria Street West –Victoria Street News Agency
67 Victoria Street West –Mexican Café
Email sent to business owner on 6/12/2022
Dropped in to business on Friday 9/12/2022 provided pack to staff
Attended CLG on 29/12/2022
Drop in with business owner on 6/12/2022
Attended CLG on 29/12/2022
Daily from 7am until late afternoon.
Noise & vibration comments
Doors are left open all year round.
No concerns about noise and vibrations.
Concerns around the length of time for works to be completed – customer requested detailed information about completion date
No feedback received
The coffee shop is accessed via Federal Street. The first-floor seating area extends to the Victoria Street façade of 66 Victoria Street.
The shop’s busiest times are early mornings and lunchtimes.
Customer is concerned about potential noise from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open
There is a balcony with seating facing Victoria Street.
Normally open for lunch however temporarily closed due to staff shortages – this may change during the works period.
69 Victoria Street West – Hell Pizza Drop in on 1/12/2022 and spoke with business manager and staff
71 Victoria Street West – The Fiddler Irish Bar
Attended CLG on 29/12/2022
Operates from MondayWednesday - 11.30am10pm
Thursday - 11.30am11pm
Friday - Saturday11.30am - midnight
Sunday - 11.30am - 10am
Operates from MondayWednesday - 3pm - Late Thursday-Saturday - 2pm - Late Sunday - 3pm - Late
Mainly takeaway/delivery business, however small outdoor dining area is available.
Doors and windows are generally left open.
No concerns about noise and vibrations
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door/windows on ground floor are generally left open
Outdoor dining is available on the footpath for customers.
Concerns about noise during late nights when there is live music available.
Address / business / building name
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
Opening hours / access requirements
Noise & vibration comments
Noisy activities outside this property should be avoided after 3pm, where practicable.
75 Victoria Street West – Previously Jolly Bird - Currently Closed – Empty Tenancy -
75 Victoria Street West – Previously MHD - Currently Closed – Empty Tenancy -
75 Victoria Street West – Miss Torta/Mr Taco
Drop in on 1/11/2022 with business owner
Email sent to building manager
75 Victoria Street West – Apartment Building –Victoria Residences
Email sent on 5/12/2022 to property manager
Attended CLG on 29/11/2022
63 Albert Street –Natural Health Store Dropped in on 12/12/2022 and spoke with owner and manager
Operates from MondayThursday - 10am-4pm
Friday to Saturday from 10am-8pm Sunday from 12pm-5pm
Operates 24 hours 7 days a week.
Door is usually open as space is small; customers can dine in as well.
Lunch time rush normally has queues outside door.
No specific concerns about noise and vibration.
No feedback received
Monday to Friday 10am – 6pm
63 Albert Street –Office building
63 Albert Street –Good to go Supermarket
69 Albert Street –Auckland District Court
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
Access required at all times
Operates from: Monday to Friday: 7am to 9:30pm Saturday: 9am to 10pm Sunday: 9am to 9pm
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works.
The high hoarding walls are blocking a lot of natural light into the shop and general shop visibility from the main road – the high/solid hoardings will be removed during PRR works.
All levels are mechanically ventilated, and windows are not openable.
No concerns about noise and vibration
Would like up to date communication about the works especially when paving at the front of the shop.
The District Court was consulted as part of the C2 process, and a number of mitigation and management measures were identified and implemented.
Secondary glazing was installed to the Albert Street façade.
Courtrooms, jury rooms and judicial offices on Albert Street and Kingston Street facades were visited where secondary glazing is not currently installed.
Background noise sources are currently at a very low level.
Address / business / building name
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
72 Albert Street –Bespoke Café Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with staff/manager
74 Albert Street –Barclay Suites (residential)
74 Albert Street –Barclay Spa
38 Wyndham Street –Hollywood Bakery
Email to building manager / property director 7/12/2022
Opening hours / access requirements
Noise & vibration comments
The building is mechanically ventilated throughout.
There are a number of sensitive times of day for different room uses within the buildings.
Courtrooms are generally not sitting before 09:30, between 13:00 and 14:00, and after 17:00 hours. This is subject to change on a case by case basis.
The courtrooms have sensitive digital audio recording equipment that requires no interference from external noise sources.
Speech intelligibility is also important in jury rooms and judicial offices.
38 Wyndham Street –VATL Tower (offices)
Email to building manager / property director 7/12/2022
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Operates from Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 3.30pm
Saturday and Sunday from 6.30am to 11:30am
Operates 24 hours / 7 days a week
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works. especially in the outdoor seating area.
Noise is a significant concern, especially due to sleeping guests at any time of the day.
Customer requests as much notice possible for all works in the area. Site tidiness and dust control is also a concern.
Spa operates from Monday to Sunday from 10.30am to 8pm
16 Kingston Street –Kingston St Café Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with owner
22 Durham Street West – Lollipops Childcare Dropped in 9/12/2022 and spoke with manager
22 Durham Street West – Previously Media Design School – Tower at 92 Albert Street
Durham Street West –Wilson Public Carparks
x2 – Finance Plaza and City Centre Carpark.
Wilson Parking Elliott St carpark.
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
Email to Wilson Parking manager and building manager 7/12/2022
83 Albert Street – Little Albert Coffee Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with owner
Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm
Saturday Casual
Residential and offices –access required at all times.
Unoccupied building –access only occasional.
Office building – access required at all times.
Monday – Friday 6am – 5pm
Monday – Friday 7am - 6pm
Media School has relocated – building now largely unoccupied.
24/7 access required to carparks.
Noise & vibration comments
No comments received.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works. There is also an outdoor Shisha area at the front of the restaurant
There is a 2-hour gap between lunch and dinner time to accommodate for noisier works, if possible.
No concerns about noise and vibration
Concern around noise and vibration effects.
Building is unoccupied so noise is not a concern, however vibration is a significant concern due to age of building. A vibration monitor has been installed internally.
No comments received.
No concerns about noise and vibration
Noise is a concern for the baby sleep room and children nap time between 12:30 – 14:45 which faces onto Durham Street.
Younger kids have various nap times throughout the day.
The building is mechanically ventilated throughout.
No comment around noise & vibration.
Operates from Monday to Friday from 6:30am to 2:30pm
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration effects from the works.
Would like up to date communication on the works especially when paving at the front of the shop.
Address / business / building name
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
83-85 Albert St – K3 and Zagga office buildings
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
Opening hours / access requirements
Access primarily required during office hours.
87-89 Albert Street Ground floor –previously Da Vinci restaurant - Closed – Empty Tenancy -
87-89 Albert Street First floor and aboveOffice building
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
93 Albert Street –Roma Blooms Florist.
Ground floor of building 51 – 63 Victoria Street West
98 Albert Street –Gypren Hannah Building (former) Armishaw's Building
98-102 Albert Street –Surf n Snow Backpackers
Attended CLG on 29/11/2022
Dropped in on 1/12/2022 to business owners
Email sent 5/12/2022 to property manager of overall building
Email to building manager 7/12/2022
Dropped in 2/12/2022 and spoke with staff, left pack for manager
Emailed manager 7/12/2022
The building is an office tower with various tenancies throughout. Opening times are typically 08:30 – 17:30 but this can vary. Access required at all times, including vehicular access to driveway.
Various tenancies including backpacker hostel and retail shops
Operates 24 hours/ 7 days a week
Reception opens Monday – Sunday 7am - 11pm
102b Albert Street –Nourishing Life –Ground Floor N/A Empty Tenancy -
98-102 Albert Street –Auckland Print Shop N/A Empty Tenancy -
106 Albert St- NDG site Email to property manager and Currently operates as a Wilson Carpark
Noise & vibration comments
The shop is relatively small which means that during busy times, customers need to queue up outside the shop.
Preference is for works to be completed when shop is closed, though the owner understands this may not always be possible.
Concern about noise impacts, especially on client meetings.
Concern about any vibration impact as the building is relatively old.
The façade is approximately 90% single glazing throughout. The windows are openable.
The building is mechanically ventilated throughout.
Business owner is concerned about potential noise and vibration from the works after experiencing this from previous works as the door is generally left open for customers.
Vibration monitor is currently setup inside the business to monitor effects on Martha’s Corner Building, 51 – 63 Victoria Street.
Concern about noise and vibration impact on tenancies / businesses.
Business is concerned about noise and vibration impacts on hostel guests.
If possible, they prefer any sort of noisy or vibration causing works to start later in the day (at least after 11:00 am).
No comments received.
Address / business / building name
99 Albert Street –Peppers Café
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
Wilson Parking manager 7/12/2022
Dropped in on 1/12/2022 and spoke with business owner
99 Albert Street - AA Centre and offices above
Email sent 6/12/2022 to centre manager
Opening hours / access requirements
Operates Monday to Fridays 06:30 – 15:00
Noise & vibration comments
103 Albert Street –Manhattan Apartments
Email sent on 7/12/2022 to building manager
Operates Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5.00pm.
Customer is concerned about potential noise effects from the works especially in the outdoor seating area.
Door is normally left open.
Customer is concerned about potential noise and vibration effects for customers and staff. A request to limit these works between 9:30am and 4pm to minimise the impact to the business.
Operates 24/7 hours.
Driveway access to be maintained at all times.
103b Albert Street –City Convenience Store
123 Albert Street –East Day Spa
123 Albert Street –SkyCity properties
120-130 Albert Street –Crowne Plaza/Atrium Carpark/Huawei Centre
135 Albert Street –Auckland Council
120-130 Albert Street –Sierra Café
15-31 Wellesley Street West -Elliott Hotel & Apartments – Level 1 and above
Dropped in on 1/12/2022 and spoke with business owner
Email sent on 6/12/2022 to business owner and manager
Dropped in on 9/12/2022
Email sent on 7/12/2022 to property manager
Email sent on 7/12/2022 to building manager
Email sent on 7/12/2022 to building manager
Operates Monday to Friday from 7am to 6.30pm
Operates from Monday to Thursday 11am – 7pm and Friday to Sunday from 9:30am - 7pm
Access must be available at all times to SkyCity properties.
Property operates 24/7
No comments received, but noted this building does not have mechanical ventilation and is residential.
Customer is concerned about potential noise & vibration effects from the works as door is normally left open
Concerns around noise and vibration impact on the business – it provides massage/spa services.
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on SkyCity businesses/tenants.
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on businesses/tenants across all properties, especially the hotel which may have guests sleeping any time of the day.
Property operates during normal business hours –8am-5pm Monday to Friday.
No feedback received
Email sent to business owner on 5/12/2022 Daily, from 7am. No feedback received
Email sent to property manager on 5/12/2022
24/7 operation. No feedback received
Address / business / building name
17 Wellesley Street West – Howlin’ Wolf Cuts and Coffee
19 Wellesley St West –TEM (Vietnamese Restaurant)
21 Wellesley Street West - City Convenience Plus
21A Wellesley Street West – Chawlas
21 Wellesley Street West – Vape Mode
Date / type of engagement (e.g. email, drop-in, CLG, meeting)
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on the business.
Monday – Friday 6:30am – 10pm
Saturday 9am - 10pm No concerns about noise and vibration
Daily for lunch and dinner – hours vary
Dropped in 13.12.2022 and spoke with owners Open daily but hours
23 Wellesley Street West – Chongqing Noodles Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with owner
27 Wellesley St –Tony’s original steak & Seafood restaurant
Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with managers
31 Wellesley St – Attic Backpackers Dropped in 5/12/2022 and spoke with manager
37 Wellesley Street West – Econo Lodge
44-52 Wellesley Street West – Western Union/NZ Post –Ground floor – access from Mayoral Drive
44-52 Wellesley Centre – office building
11 Mayoral Drive –TBWA
Spoke with manager 5/12/2022
Spoke with manager 5/12/2022
Email sent on 7/12/2022 to building manager
Email sent on 5/12/2022 to building manager and office manager
Monday – Saturday 10am - 9pm
Monday – Friday 11:45 – 3pm 5pm – 11pm
Saturday – Sunday 5pm - 11pm
24/7 access for guests
Reception open Monday – Sunday 9am - 10pm
Not operating as lodge however there is a caretaker living in the building.
Open daily from 8am
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on the business.
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on the business.
Requests noisy works completed between 3-5pm if possible, to avoid busy times.
Customer is concerned around potential noise from the works after experiencing this from previous works.
No feedback received
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on the business.
Access required at all times
Business hours and some weekends
No feedback received
Concern about any noise & vibration impact on the business/building.
Additional to the engagement above, at least two weeks prior to ‘high noise generating activities’ taking place within 50m of the receivers identified in , advance communication of the works shall be provided to the affected receivers (unless a different notice period has been agreed upon during
consultation). The communication shall set out the total duration of the noisy works, the likely duration of high noise generating activities immediately adjacent to the receiver, and any measures being taken to mitigate noise. Confirmation shall be provided 48 hours prior to the works commencing.
Similarly, at least two weeks prior to ‘high vibration generating activities’ taking place within 10m of the receivers identified in , advance communication of the works shall be provided to the affected receivers (unless a different notice period has been agreed upon during consultation). The communication shall set out the total duration of the vibration generating works, the likely duration of high vibration generating activities immediately adjacent to the receiver, and any measures being taken to mitigate vibration. Confirmation shall be provided 48 hours prior to the works commencing.
6. Monitoring
Section 8 of the CNV DWP provides details of the methodology for noise and vibration monitoring.
6.1 Noise Monitoring
Noise monitoring will be carried out when concrete saw begins within 20 metres of the buildings detailed in Table 8 The monitoring will be carried out at first floor level unless access is unable to be arranged.
Where activities take place that have already been monitored previously using similar equipment and at similar distances to receivers, additional monitoring is not required. Monitoring should still be undertaken where the activity involves equipment that has not previously been measured, or where works take place in closer proximity to receivers than when previously monitored.
6.2 Vibration Monitoring
Vibration monitoring will be carried out when works begin on site to determine actual equipment vibration levels and the attenuation provided by local ground conditions. If the initial vibration monitoring demonstrates that the emission radius for the plant is similar to that identified in the CNV DWP addendum, then the monitoring as detailed below will be carried out. If the initial monitoring demonstrates that vibration levels are lower than predicted, then fewer properties may require monitoring.
Vibration monitoring shall be carried out at the following buildings:
• 291-297 Queen Street
• 83 Albert Street
• 65 Albert Street
• 98-102 Albert Street
• 50 Mayoral Drive
• 11 Mayoral Drive
• 68 Victoria Street West
• 54-56 Wellesley Street West
• 26 Wyndham Street
• 34-36 Wyndham Street
• 61 Albert Street
• 4 Kingston Street
• 6-12 Kingston Street
• 61-65 Victoria Street West
• 24 Wellesley Street West
• 66 Victoria Street West
• 69 Victoria Street West
• 71 Victoria Street West
Where activities take place that have already been monitored previously using similar equipment and at similar distances to receivers, additional monitoring is not required. Monitoring should still be undertaken where the activity involves equipment that has not previously been measured, or where works take place in closer proximity to receivers than when previously monitored.
Appendix: PRR Construction Noise and Vibration Contours