Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement
Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan Addendum
Revision: A01
Date: 4 October 2021
Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement – Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan Addendum
Revision Status
1. Introduction
The City Rail Link (CRL) project comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a 3.4 km underground passenger railway, running between Britomart Station and the North Auckland Rail Line (NAL) in the vicinity of Mt Eden Station. The CRL also involves the construction of two new underground stations at Aotea and Karangahape and the redevelopment of the station at Mt Eden (refer to Figure 1.1). The design and construction of the CRL infrastructure between the Aotea and Mt Eden Stations is being delivered by the Link Alliance.
This addendum to the Aotea Station Main Works Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan (TAP DWP)1 has been prepared to address any potential effects associated with the public realm reinstatement works (PRR) phase of construction works.
This addendum should be read in conjunction with the Aotea Station Main Works TAP DWP. Where project details, proposed management and effects are already covered in the Aotea Station Main Works TAP DWP and are directly applicable to the PRR works, reference is made to the appropriate section of the Aotea Station Main Works TAP DWP
2. Project Description
This section presents a summary of the PRR works to provide context to the TAP DWP Addendum. A detailed description of the PRR works is provided in the Aotea Station PRR Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Addendum. Further detail on the PRR works is also provided in the Aotea Station and Public Realm Reinstatement Urban Design Delivery Work Plan (Urban Design DWP).
1 Aotea Station Main Works Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan, Rev 001, prepared by the Link Alliance, dated 8 May 2020.
Page 4 | Aotea Station Public Realm Reinstatement
2.1 Construction Methodology Overview
The PRR works extend along Albert Street from Wyndham Street to the southern end of the Aotea Station Designation 2500-1 located adjacent to 10 Mayoral Drive. This includes sections of intersecting roads including Victoria Street, Wellesley Street, Kingston Street, and Durham Street. The extent of the works area is shown in Figure 2.1 below.
The construction works required to reinstate the permanent aspects of the public space include paving, sealing, tie-in works, stormwater treatment, the installation of street furniture and landscaping. The works will be undertaken in a staged manner (with five main stages), commencing as the current construction works are progressively completed. Refer to the CEMP Addendum for a further detailed description of the works.
2.2 Construction Programme
The PRR works are divided into five ‘phases’ as illustrated in Table 2.1. Note that the various phases overlap for some of the works, which is reflected in the total duration of works, being approximately 18 months.
Stage 2 –
Street - Public realm works along Victoria and at the intersection with Albert Street.
- Public realm works around the station entrances on Victoria Street.
2022 Mid 2023
Late 2022 Late 2023
Stage 3 – Albert Street
- Public realm works along Albert Street from Victoria to Wellesley Street.
- Public realm works along lower Albert Street
- Tie ins to Crowne Plaza and Sky City accesses
Stage 4 – Wellesley Street - Public realm works along Wellesley Street and at the intersection with Albert Street.
- Completion of the Aotea Station forecourt
Early 2023 Late 2023
Stage 5 – Mayoral Drive
- Public realm works along Mayoral Drive
Mid 2023 Mid 2024
Mid 2023 Mid 2024
The five stages of the PRR works are equivalent to Traffic Stages 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP.
3. Existing Transport Conditions
The traffic volumes of the roads nearest to where the PRR works will be undertaken are shown in Table 3.1. These volumes were obtained from the Auckland Transport (AT) online database on 15 March 2021.
Table 3 1 – Traffic volumes on main roads adjacent PRR works
The surveyed volumes are considered applicable for the 2022 and 2023 years given that the lane capacity for these roads remains the same and that the CBD area is generally operating at capacity during the peak periods
Further details of the existing transport environment are provided in Section 3 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP.
4. Proposed Traffic Management
The five stages of the PRR works are divided into further sub-stages for the purposes of construction and traffic management planning. These sub-stages of work are sequenced from north to south along the line of the CRL twin tunnels, starting at Wyndham Street and finishing at Mayoral Drive. The overall traffic management sequencing plan is shown in Figure 4.1
Details for each sub-stage will be included in the Traffic Management Plans (TMP) that will be submitted to AT approximately two to four weeks prior to construction works starting. Traffic Resolution documents will be prepared where changes to legal traffic and parking controls are required to support the approval and implementation of certain TMPs
The indicative traffic management layouts for each sub-stage are provided in the following report sections.
4.1 Albert Street – between Wyndham Street and Victoria Street West (Stages 1A, 1B, 1C)
PRR Stages 1A, 1B and 1C comprise of the reinstatement of the northern Albert Street section that is between Wyndham Street and Victoria Street West.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 1A is shown in Figure 4.2.
The Stage 1A works are located on the western side of Albert Street. One northbound traffic lane will be provided on Albert Street while southbound traffic movements will be facilitated via the existing slip lane. Pedestrian access to properties on Albert Street and Kingston Street will be maintained at all times via either existing footpaths or protected on-road diversions around work zones.
The indicative plan for Stage 1B is shown in Figure 4.3.
4 3 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 1B
Stage 1B comprises of works on the eastern side of Albert Street, Kingston Street and the Albert Street slip lane. Two traffic lanes, one in each direction, will be provided on Albert Street. Access to Albert Street from Durham Street West will be provided at the southern section of the Albert Street slip lane. Pedestrian access to existing properties will be maintained at all times.
The indicative Stage 1C plan is shown in Figure 4.4.
Figure 4 4 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 1C
Stage 1C is the same as Stage 1B for vehicular and pedestrian movements on Albert Street and Kingston Street. However, vehicle access from Durham Street West to Albert Street will be provided on the northern section of the Albert Street slip lane while works are undertaken on the southern section of the slip lane. An existing traffic signal will facilitate vehicles exiting the slip lane at the intersection of Albert Street / Wyndham Street.
4.2 Victoria Street West – between Federal Street and Elliott Street (Stage 2)
The PRR works on Victoria Street West will be undertaken during the long term closure of the Albert Street / Victoria Street West intersection and within the work zone established for the closure. The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 2 is shown in Figure 4.5.
4.5 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 2
Vehicle movements through the intersection will not be provided during the closure. Instead a culde-sac layout with a turning head will be provided on both Albert Street approaches to the intersection and the Victoria Street eastern approach. The Victoria Street / Federal Street intersection will operate as a T-junction during this phase.
Pedestrian and cyclist (will be required to dismount) access will be maintained through the intersection and for access to properties interfacing the closure area. During the closure of the Victoria Street West / Albert Street intersection, Wellesley Street West and its intersection with Albert Street will be fully open with two lanes provided in each direction on Wellesley Street West.
4.3 Albert Street – between Victoria Street West and Wellesley Street West (Stages 3A, 3B)
Stages 3A and 3B comprise the reinstatement of the southern Albert Street section that is between Victoria Street West and Wellesley West. This work will be undertaken during the closure of the Victoria Street West / Albert Street intersection. The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 3A is shown in Figure 4.6
Figure 4 6 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 3A
Two vehicle lanes, one in each direction, is provided on Albert Street between Victoria Street West and Wellesley Street West. Vehicle access to the Huawei Centre and Crowne Plaza forecourts will be maintained between the work zones.
The pedestrian footpath on the western side of Albert Street will remain open while a protected onstreet pedestrian path will be provided on the eastern side of Albert Street for pedestrian throughput and access to the Huawei Centre and Crowne Plaza buildings.
The indicative Stage 3B plan is shown in Figure 4.7.
4.7 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 3B
Similar to Stage 3A, two traffic lanes are provided on Albert Street, one in each direction with vehicle access to properties on the eastern side of Albert Street, restored to pre-CRL conditions. Pedestrian access to properties on the western side of Albert Street are maintained at all times between work zones.
4.4 Wellesley Street West – between Federal Street and Elliott Street (Stages 4A, 4B)
The reinstatement of Wellesley Street West will be undertaken in two general stages: Stage 4A and 4B. Two vehicle lanes, one in each direction, will be maintained on Wellesley Street West in both stages. Victoria Street West and its intersection with Albert Street will be open with the final configuration of one traffic lane in each direction on Victoria Street West, based on the Te Ha Noa –Victoria Street Linear Park project by Auckland Council
Stage 4A comprises works on the southern side of Wellesley Street West as shown in Figure 4.8.
Pedestrian access to properties adjacent the work zones will be maintained. Pedestrian through movements between Albert Street and Mayoral Drive will be maintained along the existing western side footpath, crossing Victoria Street West at the intersection traffic signals
Stage 4B comprises works on the northern side of Wellesley Street West as shown in Figure 4.9
4.9 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 4B
Pedestrian access to properties on the northern side of Wellesley Street West will be maintained. Pedestrian through movements along Wellesley Street West will be provided on-street, protected from the live traffic by barriers. Pedestrian crossing movements between Albert Street and Mayoral Drive will be maintained at the existing signalised crosswalks.
4.5 Mayoral Drive – between Wellesley Street West and Aotea Centre (Stage 5)
The final stage of the PRR works will utilise the existing work zones on Mayoral Drive and be undertaken concurrently with the reinstatement of Wellesley Street West. The indicative traffic management layout is shown in Figure 4.10.
Figure 4 10 - Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 5
Mayoral Drive will remain a cul-de-sac road on the eastern approach. Pedestrian access will be maintained to properties on the southern side of Mayoral Drive, provided either on the existing footpath or diverted along the centre of Mayoral Drive between work zones
5. Traffic Modelling Analysis
The scope, methodology and results of the transport modelling assessment for the PRR sub-stages are covered in the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP. The relationship between the Main Works stages and PRR stages are outlined in Table 5.1
Table 5.1 – Relationship between PRR stages and Main Works stages and respective road network layouts
Stages 1A, 1B
Traffic Stage 3
Stage 1C Traffic Stage 4
Stage 2 Traffic Stages 3 and 4
Albert St – cul-de-sac, one lane in each direction
Kingston St – closed to vehicles
Albert St / Victoria St West intersection –closed to vehicles
Albert St / Wellesley St West intersection –open to vehicles
Mayoral Drive – cul-de-sac
Same as above, but Kingston St is opened
Same as for PRR Stages 1A, 1B, 1C
Stages 3A, 3B
Traffic Stages 3, 4 and 6
Stages 4A, 4B
Traffic Stage 6
Stage 5
Traffic Stage 6
Same general layout as for previous PRR Stages but either the Albert St / Victoria St West intersection closed to vehicles while Albert St / Wellesley St West intersection is open with two lanes in each direction as per Traffic Stages 3 and 4, or with the Albert St / Victoria St West and Albert St / Wellesley St West intersections both open with one lane in each direction as per Traffic Stage 6
Albert St / Victoria St West and Albert St / Wellesley St West intersections both open with one lane in each direction.
Same as above
As a general requirement of CRL DWPs, the transport modelling of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP will be reviewed for relevancy in March of each year and updated as necessary It is expected that any specific modelling for the PRR stages would be undertaken outside of the Main Works assessment, should material changes to the PRR traffic management methodology be identified following the submission of the annual TAP DWP update.
6. Assessment of Effects
The scope of the PRR traffic management needs to comply with the relevant CRL designation conditions. Specific conditions for Aotea Station are detailed in Conditions 27.1 and 27.2. By way of summary, the PRR stages described in Section 4 of this report have been assessed to comply with the designation conditions.
Of particular significance, is Condition 27.1(c) which requires two fully operational traffic lanes in each direction at two of the Customs Street, Victoria Street and Wellesley Street intersections with Albert during the period when the third of those intersections is otherwise fully closed.
This will be achieved by undertaking PRR works on Victoria Street West during its established closure at Albert Street from mid-2021 to mid-2023 as part of the Main Works.
The PRR works for Wellesley Street West will be undertaken from mid-2023 onwards, maintaining one lane open in each direction. During this time, the public realm works on Victoria Street West will be mostly completed, with one lane open in each direction as per its final Linear Park configuration. This concurrent arrangement of having both Wellesley Street West and Victoria Street West open with one lane in each direction satisfies Condition 27.1(c), which maintains a combined total of two lanes eastbound and two lanes westbound across the two roads at their intersections with Albert Street.
Pedestrian and cyclist access to properties will be maintained at all times as required by the general condition 25.2(b), which fulfils the specific access requirements of Conditions 27.1 and 27.2.
On-going vehicle access to private property will be maintained to the greatest extent possible as required by the general condition 25.2(c). Specific requirements of Conditions 27.1 and 27.2 will be satisfied.
The effects of the PRR stages on the road network, especially in terms of travel time impacts on inner city bus services are described in Section 5 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP. The acceptability of the anticipated delays will be determined by AT prior to the approval of TMPs. Should anticipated delays to any bus services be a concern, then targeted mitigation measures will be discussed and agreed with AT during the development of a specific TMP.
The effects to on-street parking and loading spaces will be as outlined in Section 6 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP Changes required to these parking and traffic controls for a duration longer than three weeks will typically be addressed through the Traffic Resolution approval process, which may result in changes to the extent of the parking impacts.
In general, provided that the specific TMPs for the PRR stages comply with the relevant designation conditions captured in the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP, then AT will have sole-discretion over the transport effects of the TMPs to enable its approval.
Where there is conflict between a TMP and designation conditions further discussion will be required with AT and Auckland Council to resolve the appropriate traffic management measures.
Further Transport Specialist inputs may be required occasionally, such as for assessments against relevant designation conditions for specific TMPs, preparation of traffic resolution documents and assessment of effects not covered by either this PRR TAP DWP or the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP These inputs would be made on an as-needed basis.
7. Travel Time / Congestion Monitoring
The travel time and congestion monitoring requirements for CRL are set out in designation condition 26. The processes and responsibilities in relation to monitoring for the PRR works are consistent with that for the Main Works, as detailed in Section 7 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP.
8. Consultation and Communication
The scope of the consultation and communication requirements for PRR works are consistent with that established for the Main Works, as detailed in Section 8 of the Aotea Main Works TAP DWP
The Link Alliance communications and engagement team will work with the construction and traffic management teams to ensure that the requirements set out in this TAP DWP are achieved.