City Rail Link (CRL) – Waitematā Station (Britomart) Community Liaison Group Meeting
Rā: 30 May 2024
Wā: 4.30pm – 5:00pm
Wāhi: Chief Post Office (CPO)
Project representative Title
Alex Vaineritua (AV)
CRL Stakeholder and Communications Senior Advisor
Lily Boyask (LB) CRL Stakeholder and Communications Advisor
Simon Lough (SL) CRL Design Manager Urban Realm
Oliver Smith (OS) Auckland Council Project Sponsor
Mark Young (MY) Stellar Project Manager
Catherine Edmeades (CE) Stellar Stakeholder Manager
Siobhan O’Donovan (SD) Auckland Transport Communications
Stephen Howard (SH) Auckland Transport
CLG members
Shelley Noel
Richard Anehera
Stephenie Michael
Ian Joan
Angela Ran
Ivan Mac
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1 Welcome – Alex Vaineritua
AV welcomed attendees, introduced the meeting agenda, housekeeping.
CRL project progress update
- Approximately 68% of total fit out completed. - 11000kms of cable have been pulled.
Waitematā Station (Britomart) – Alex Vaineritua
Update on works at the station:
o CRL works are very minor, non-disruptive, mostly electrics work underground.
o Auckland Transport, on behalf of CRL, are cleaning and fixing the glass box in preparation for it being a future station entrance.
3 Recap of Station Plaza Designs – Simon Lough
Brief recap of station plaza designs.
4 Plaza Construction Update – Oliver Smith
The final part of the Tyler Street upgrade will be delivered in conjunction with the plaza works.
Work is anticipated to begin in late June.
Auckland Council is currently procuring as one package of works.
Procurement should be completed tomorrow (31/05/2024) or early next month (June).
Question: Will access be retained to garages on Tyler Street?
OS: Yes, access will be retained. The stakeholder management team – including CE who is present at this CLG – will be reaching out to all neighbours to coordinate works during construction, as some work will be right up to garage fronting.
Works will be behind a mixture of fencing and solid hoardings to ensure there’s good provision of light down Tyler Street.
Construction work is expected to take around 18 months, with the first 12 months focusing on Tyler Street
Question: This seems like a long period of time to do this work?
OS: There’s a need to ensure we keep access, so sequencing of the work is important, and there are also difficult underground utility works to undertake. However, one of the benefits of combining Tyler Street and the Plaza work is that the contractor can do work on multiple fronts.
Question: What’s the timeframe for when the trains start?
AV: CRL construction is expected to finish November 2025. Then everything is handed over to Auckland Transport. Auckland Transport will need to final checks, tests and driver training before operation begins in 2026.
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