Dublin Life April/May 2023

Page 36

presented by Workday INSIDE 2023 State of the Community Fourth grade author DCRC summer camps Accessible Dublin www.dublinlifemagazine.com 48th Annual Memorial Tournament

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4 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
T ranqui

6 City of Dublin

10 Community Calendar

12 faces

Author on the Rise Fourth grader at Dublin City Schools set to publish his third book

16 in focus

Join the Club

48th annual Memorial Tournament engages the community both on and off the course

20 Serving Summer

Dublin Community Recreation Center adds new features to its inclusive summer camps

23 2023 State of the Community

28 good AccessibleideasDublin

City drives inclusive initiatives, programs for public

30 ARTifacts

Patterns in Nature

Math and art combine to promote well-being through nature-based fractals

32 school connection Schools on Journey to Success Strategic Plan Defines New Mission, Vision for DCS

34 student spotlight

Steps to Success

How Dublin City Schools’ PATHS program empowers students

36 dublin dishes

Ramen Rocks in Dublin Dublin City Schools adds cultural cuisines to school menus

38 living Living Space Luster

Recent kitchen remodel creates a vibrant atmosphere and expansiveness to the space

42 luxury living real estate guide

43 top homes sold in dublin

44 write next door Lights, Camera, Action!

Dublin City Schools offer theater opportunities and life lessons for all


April/May 2023 • 5 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
p34 On the Cover Memorial Tournament Photo courtesy of the Memorial Tournament presented by Workday p36
p12 inside
April/May 2023

A Message from City Manager Megan O’Callaghan

The state of our community is strong. Dublin is sustainable, connected and resilient. And we are dedicated to transparency, accountability and communication.

Per the City Charter, the City Manager is responsible for sharing the City’s nancial and administrative activities with the public. Each year, we produce an annual report, which is published on the City website and included in Dublin Life. On the following pages, you will see the 2022 nancial report, which includes the City’s revenues and expenditures. I also hope you will ip to the center of this issue for some of your City’s accomplishments, initiatives and other highlights from the last year.

There have been many challenges over the past three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift of some employees to remote and hybrid work. While there is still some uncertainty in forecasting our nancial future, the picture that is emerging is one of resilience. Our income tax revenues increased by 3.7% in 2022, ending the year at nearly $105 million and exceeding $100 million for the second time in the City’s history. Our numbers continue to show that our tax base is diverse and robust enough to o set the increase in refunds owed to employees who work remotely.

We were also honored to earn the rare Triple Crown distinction for scal health, transparency and accountability from the Government Finance O cers Association of the United States and Canada. Dublin is one of just 317 governments to receive this award. The Triple Crown designation validates that we meet the highest standards of nancial transparency.

Fiscal sustainability is only one part of the picture, though. Through exemplary economic stewardship, we are able to provide world-class, innovative services and amenities that make Dublin the most desirable community to live, work and enjoy. While we have a history of providing best-in-class services to our residents and businesses — and will continue to do so — our future is aimed at being a model for sustainable community design that supports our

natural environment. In September 2022, we launched a Styrofoam collection program, which recycled more than one ton in its rst four months. We continued our pumpkin composting program for a second year, collecting more than 67,000 pounds of pumpkins. These new programs join our other sustainability initiatives, including food composting, electronics recycling, prescription pill collections, household hazardous waste drop-o s and document destruction days, in diverting tons of waste from the land ll each year. Our 2022 diversion rate was 47%, which is above the national and state averages of 33% and 25%, respectively.

Our community became more connected in 2022 thanks to investments in state-of-the-art infrastructure. This includes maintaining the roads, bridges, sewers and buildings we have, as well as launching new projects. Among the most signi cant endeavors was the U.S. 33/S.R. 161/Post Road interchange recon guration. Once completed in 2024, the new, e cient design will eliminate backups and delays, improve safety and handle the increasing travel demand in this fast-growing area. This critical interchange is in the heart of Dublin’s West Innovation District and along the world’s most connected highway — the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor which features a 35-mile redundant loop of ber connectivity, opening the door for innovators from around the globe to test connected and automated vehicle technology. Another noteworthy milestone was the completion of University Boulevard Phase 2, a new section of roadway that provides access to Ohio State Outpatient Care Dublin. This 272,000-square-foot facility o ers a wide array of medical services for the community and brings hundreds of jobs to Dublin.

We also know the importance of connecting people to places. Through our partnership with Share Mobility, the Dublin Connector provided more than 6,300 rides for Dublin’s seniors, workforce and people with disabilities. We also launched a micro-mobility pilot program, making electric scooters available for transportation and recreation. And our more than 150 miles of shared use paths helped us become the rst city in Ohio to earn a silver-level bicycle friendly community distinction. Amenities like these add value for our residents, businesses and visitors.

Megan O’Callaghan

Above all else, we created new connections among people. From more than 6.7 million social media impressions to dozens of public meetings and countless in-person engagements, public engagement is the cornerstone of everything we do. City Council held 30 regularly scheduled meetings and work sessions in 2022, all open to the public. A new Community Inclusion Advisory Committee was established to advise City Council on the unique needs of diverse Dublin residents and review City policy through an inclusive lens. The City launched a podcast, Link Ahead, which explores the many personalities and experiences that make Dublin a thriving place to live, work and grow. Our world-class sta ful lled more than 7,700 service requests through the GoDublin app, and we added a “Tell Dublin” feature to facilitate convenient two-way communication.

We are constantly evolving and innovating to nd new ways to connect with those we serve and those who serve with us. We are fortunate to have 2,800 volunteers who help make Dublin a global city of choice. They roll up their sleeves for river clean-ups and neighborhood service projects. They provide preservation service at the Dublin Cemetery and heritage interpreter services at Ferris-Wright Park, two e orts launched in 2022. And without them, we could not put on our beloved events, including the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Independence Day Celebration and the Dublin Irish Festival. While we have much to be proud of, our success is best

measured by the satisfaction of our residents. On that note, perhaps our biggest accomplishment last year was earning a 99% approval rate in the Community Attitudes Survey. Residents ranked City services, events and police protection all very highly. These survey results a rm that we are a safe, resilient and inclusive city with the best quality of life and environment for all to thrive. It is our distinct honor to serve this community and our greatest achievement to do it well.

As a citizen-centered democracy, we look forward to working with you to build an even better future. This year, the City will be updating our Community Plan, which was last updated in 2013. Through a robust public engagement process, together we will decide how we want to grow, develop and improve so that we can continue to be a desirable community for generations to come.


Want to Report an Issue on the Go? Download the GoDublin app and submit your service request. City Hall 5555 Perimeter Drive Dublin, Ohio 43017 614.410.4400 | DublinOhioUSA.gov
Back Row: Christina Alutto (At-Large), Vice Mayor Cathy De Rosa (Ward 4), John Reiner (Ward 3), Amy Kramb (Ward 1). Front Row: Mayor Jane Fox (Ward 2), Chris Amorose Groomes (At-Large), Andy Keeler (At-Large).

2022 Financial Reports

Al l R even u e s By Program

(For the year ended: December 31, 2022) 9% O ther Revenue | $17,459,611 9% | Payments vice Ser $17,291,035

A ll E x pendi tu re s By Program


13% Charges for Ser vices | $26,840,981

7% Long-Term Financing (bonds and loans) | $12,847,062

5% Local, state, and federal grants | $10,751,531

3% Licenses, fines, and permits | $5,711,627

2% Property Tax | $4,632,815

9% Police | $18,361,322

12% Leisure | $22,915,563 9% Debt Ser vice | $17,311,952

5% Community Environment | $8,856,923 4% Basic Utility Ser vices | $6,859,411 3% Transportation | $5,137,365

TO TA L $192,459,993
Income Tax
TO TA L $200,337,641
Miscellaneous | $6,499,533
Tax | $3,294,040 Intergovern Revenues | $4,516,580 Interest Income | $1,688,756 Special Assessments | $1,460,702
the year ended: December 31, 2022)
31% General Operations | $60,529,769 27% Capital Outlay | $52,487,688

2023- 2 027 Capital Improvements Program - Funded Projects

(Major By Category) TO TA L $225.73 Million 55% Transportation | $124.08 Million 14% Parks | $32.14 14% Utilities | $32.20 7% O ther | $16.32 5% Fleet & Facilities | $10.66 5% Technology | $10.33 I n c o me Ta x Receipts in
$100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




Work in Dublin: Job & Internship Fair

11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Dublin Scioto High School 4000 Hard Rd. www.dublinchamber.org


Teacher Conference Comp Day: No School Dublin City Schools



Annual Bunny Hop

3-5 p.m.

Historic Dublin www.historicdublin.org

APRIL 14-23

A Yankee Goes Home Abbey Theater of Dublin 5600 Post Rd. www.dublinohiousa.gov


Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Service Series

10 a.m. & noon



Community Service Day

8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Dublin Community Recreation Center 5600 Post Rd.



Dublin Market

Saturdays 9 a.m.-noon

Bridge Park


MAY 11 Night Market

6-9 p.m. North Market Bridge Park 6750 Longshore St. www.bridgepark.com

MAY 12

District Dodgeball Tournament

All events are subject to change. Visit websites for more information. Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 4850 W. Powell Rd. www.columbuszoo.org

APRIL 2 Sensory Friendly Easter Bunny

6-10 p.m. Coffman High School 6780 Coffman Rd.


MAY 17

Dublin Chamber Luncheon

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

The Country Club at Muirfield Village 8715 Muirfield Dr.


MAY 20


9 a.m.-noon Service Center

6555 Shier Rings Rd.


10 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Experience 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
and Claws 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
APRIL 7-8 Eggs, Paws
for Wildlife 6-9 p.m.
APRIL 20 WildNite
9 a.m.-5 p.m. MRS POWERWASH
Schedule – Call 614-771-3892
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APRIL 22-23 Earth

MAY 22

Cameron Steinberg Foundation Golf Classic

7:30 a.m.

Tartan Fields Golf Club

8070 Tartan Fields Dr. www.bit.ly/cameronsteinberg23

MAY 25

FORE! Miler

7 p.m.

Muirfield Village Golf Club 5750 Memorial Dr. www.foremiler.com

MAY 26-29

Wayne Williams Memorial Baseball Tournament

Avery Park 7501 Avery Park www.waynewilliamsmemorial tournament.com

MAY 28

Dublin High Schools’ Graduation The Schottenstein Center 555 Borror Dr., Columbus www.dublinschools.net

Coffman High School

1:30 p.m.

Jerome High School

4:30 p.m.

Scioto High School

7:30 p.m.


Memorial Tournament presented by Workday

9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Muirfield Village Golf Club 5750 Memorial Dr. www.thememorialtournament.com

MAY 30

Memorial Day Ceremony

11 a.m.

Riverside Crossing Park www.dublinveterans.com/ memorial-day-ceremony

Dublin City Schools Theater Performances

Dublin Coffman High School

April 12-15: Fiddler on the Roof

May 3-6: Romeo & Juliet

Dublin Jerome High School

May 4-6: Peter and the Star Catcher

Dublin Scioto High School

May 5-7: Rock of Ages: Teen Edition

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Memorial Day Ceremony

Author on the Rise

Fourth grader at Dublin City Schools set to publish his third book

12 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Photos courtesy of Rose Gonksa faces by Rachel Karas

Roman Gonksa is like many kids his age.

He loves hanging out with his friends, playing video games and practicing Jiu Jitsu.

But one thing makes this 10-year-old stand out from other fourth graders and many adults: he is a twice-published author with a third title on the way.

As of January this year, Gonska has published two books in his series The Adventures of Roman German and is already working on a third.

While he has high hopes for where the series may go, Gonska will never forget where his original inspiration came from that started this journey.

From New York to Dublin

Gonska’s parents, John and Rose, met in New York in 2007. They married in 2010 and two years later Gonska was born.

In 2014, he became a big brother when his sister Tiffany was born. The family moved from New York to Sydney, Australia in 2016, where they stayed for three years. A new job opportunity for John moved the family abroad again in 2019 to Tel Aviv, Israel.

“We were thinking that was going to be long-term,” John says. “So both Tiffany and Roman were in Hebrew school, much to their chagrin, … but they were learning. And then that company went bankrupt.”

With no job and their third child Chloe on the way, John and Rose decided to move again, this time back to John’s home state: Ohio.

After facing many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, John landed a job in Columbus and the family began searching for a new home. Several people had recommended the Dublin area, so after some house hunting, the family found the perfect fit and moved in December 2022.

Adventures of writing

Gonska has always been interested in books but fell in love with storytelling after discovering some unused character drawings his mom had from her clothing line.

“I always kind of wondered how authors make a book,” Gonska says. “So, when I heard my mom had all these character designs from a while ago, I was like, ‘Oh, these are awesome. I’ve

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got so many ideas for them.’ And then my brain told me, ‘I always love to read books, and I think they’re awesome. So what if I could write my own and put my own ideas into it?’”

Over the course of the next nine months, Gonska sat down twice a week after school with his mom and began to tell the tales of Roman German and his three friends, Jerry the giraffe, Rob the robot and Matt the monkey. Their travels take them around the world, highlighting places Gonska saw growing up, as they look for hidden treasures.

With his mom’s illustration skills and editing assistance from his dad and teacher, Gonska and his parents selfpublished The Adventures of Roman German in spring 2022.

“We self-published because it was a family project. We saw it as just making it a reality for him (Gonska) to see if you work hard, put your mind into it, it can be done,” Rose says.

What started as a fun, familyproduced story, soon became a bigger deal after garnering interest from readers and even inspiring fellow Dublin kids. Gonska engaged with readers through book tours and readings, and even created merchandise featuring some of his characters.

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After his first book grabbed readers’ attention, Gonska soon wrote and published his second in the series, The Adventures of Roman German #2, earlier this year, growing in confidence and as a writer.

“He’s now 10 years old compared to 8,” Rose says. “That’s why when you read book one, it’s an introduction of the characters you can see it’s for little kids, but this new book is definitely for a little bit older audience, I would say 8 and up.”

Turning the page

There are even more changes readers may see in his third book, which is already in the works. This includes some new characters – such as a dog and an older adult – as well as updated illustrations.

The growth doesn’t stop there. Gonska hopes to one day get to a point where his readers are not only anxiously waiting for the next book in the series, but talking about it and offering feedback, too.

“After we have a few people reading (the books), then I can start looking at the comments and the reviews of the book and then I can see what they said and I can change my perspective of the book and see what else I can do,” he says.

Gonska says his ultimate goal is to one day see his characters and stories in a TV

show, so readers can see and hear them the way he does.

Books one and two are available online through the Roman German website and through other retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble.

Rachel Karas is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at rkaras@cityscenemediagroup.com.

”And then my brain told me, ‘I always love to read books, and I think they’re awesome. So what if I could write my own and put my own ideas into it?’”

Join the Club

48th annual Memorial Tournament engages the community both on and off the course

Though golf is the clear focus of the Memorial Tournament, organizers recognize that not everyone is fascinated by the game and its players. Their goal is to engage the entire community – not just golf fans.

That’s why an ever-growing list of additional events and programming is a huge part of the Memorial experience.

“The centerpiece is world-class competition (and) international attention brought to Dublin, Ohio, but the Memorial Tournament is also a platform for bringing the community together, and it’s been that way from the beginning,” says tournament Executive Director Dan Sullivan. “We challenge ourselves to come up with new ways to bring people together who may not see golf as their passion.”

Community Engagement

Where many other professional sports have seasons around which they can build their community events – think themed game nights for the Columbus Blue Jack-


The Bogey Inn has been a destination for the Memorial since its 1976 founding, and though the Dublin-area staple closed in 2022 following the death of its owner, it will be back open during tournament week. The Bogey will be the site of live bands, food trucks and additional attractions all throughout the week.

ets or Columbus Crew – the Memorial Tournament has just the one week of play, this year slated for May 29-June 4. So organizers look for ways to expand the tournament’s reach beyond those seven days.

“One of our pillars has been to give back to the central Ohio community, and that’s something that has not waned since 1976,” says Heather Ditty, director of marketing and community relations for the tournament.

As an example, Sullivan points to the FORE! Miler, a four-mile run scheduled for May 25. With its first run in 2015, the FORE! Miler gives as many as 3,000 people the chance to take a running tour around Muirfield Village Golf Club, then have a party in the middle of the golf course afterward.

Another key endeavor to engage community members is Fore!Fest, a street and music festival at Bridge Park scheduled for June 2-3 this year. Featuring

food trucks, drink stations, multiple stages with live music and a variety of promotions at Bridge Park businesses, the event is a shining example of the types of experiences tournament organizers work to create, Ditty says.

It helps that the City of Dublin has historically been a huge supporter of the tournament, she says, and Bridge Park developer Crawford Hoying was more

16 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com in focus
Photos courtesy of the Memorial Tournament presented by Workday

than willing to help when the development was finally in a position to host events in 2018. Bridge Park is also the site of the tournament’s official off-site Golf Shop.

“Whether you’re coming back from the tournament or you’re out in the community, (on) either side of that beautiful pedestrian bridge, there’s always something to experience during tournament week,” Ditty says.

A Culture of Charity

More community programming also means more opportunities to raise money for the tournament’s charitable partners –a primary objective not just for the Memorial, but for professional golf tournaments in general, as Sullivan notes. Of these partners, Nationwide Children’s Hospital is the most prominent and has been since the first tournament in 1976.

“If we can use the tournament’s platform to … raise awareness and funding, then we’re excited about doing that,” Sullivan says. “As Nationwide Children’s Hospital becomes more and more recognized as a world leader in pediatric health care, we want to make sure we celebrate that and also bring more attention to it.”

The tournament also works with the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation, which focuses on fighting food insecurity, closing literacy gaps and offering access to sports for children.

Started by Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors and his entrepreneur/ author wife, Ayesha, Eat. Learn. Play. became one of the tournament’s beneficiaries last year by request of presenting sponsor Workday.

Much of the tournament-adjacent programming centers on fundraising for Nationwide Children’s. In addition to the tournament’s massive corps of volunteers, whose hours count toward a donation to the hospital, fundraisers include:

• Bears for Nationwide Children’s, a sale of limited-edition teddy bears – with 100% of proceeds going to the hospital – that has been in operation for more than 20 years;

April/May 2023 • 17 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
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• The Legends Luncheon, an April 19 event at the Ohio Union highlighted by the presentation of the Nicklaus Youth Spirit Award to a hospital patient or family who has shown strong commitment to overcoming obstacles, which started in 2011;

• The above-mentioned FORE! Miler, which also benefits Eat. Learn. Play.; and

• The annual Benefit Concert at KEMBA Live!, scheduled for June 1 this year and always featuring a big-name musical act for the past 15 years (last year’s was country singer-songwriter Eric Church).

Creating a Broad Appeal

Beyond opportunities for entertainment, community events also serve as a

touchpoint for children and families to find something to appreciate about the tournament, and for the tournament to meet them where they are.

Programs such as Clubhouse Kids, which offers a variety of activities as well as free admission for kids on the Wednesday of the tournament, make it easier to capture children’s interest, Ditty says.

Wanna Bet?

With the Ohio Legislature having legalized sports betting beginning in January, the Memorial Tournament is now partnering with betPARX, which is offering a number of mobile sports betting opportunities.

“We want to help garner interest in our youth for golf and grow interest in the game, and one of the ways to do that – even if you don’t play golf – is to experience things in and around the Memorial Tournament presented by Workday,” she says.

In addition to children and families, tournament organizers also work to engage current and former members of the Armed Forces, as well as their families, most significantly during Salute to Service Day on the Wednesday of tournament week.

Supporting veterans and active service members is a high priority for tournament founder Jack Nicklaus and his wife, Barbara, Sullivan says. The day’s programming includes a breakfast for recently returned active duty members and an honoree ceremony, and current and former military members can attend the tournament free of charge, as can first responders.

“There’s not any one thing that is enough to say ‘thank you,’” Ditty says, “but if there’s a way for us to give one small thing back to them and say how much we appreciate what they, as well as their families, have given back to us, then why not do it?”

Garth Bishop is a contributing editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.

Tournament Fan Events

The Memorial Tournament presented by Workday: May 29-June 4

Legends Luncheon presented by Nationwide: April 19

FORE! Miler: May 25

Jr. Golf Day: May 31


115 N. High Street

Accumulated Losses

Co-directors Amy Leibrand and Stephanie Rond





Salute to Service Day: May 31

Benefit Concert: June 1

Fore!Fest: June 2-3

18 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Climate Conversations is a series of temporary public art installations featuring 14 artists at 13 storefront window locations in and around downtown Columbus. The artwork, viewable 24/7, explores issues of climate change, conservation and the role of art in science communication. Photo: Ian Crumpler | Design: Formation Studio

Serving Summer

Dublin Community Recreation Center adds new features to its inclusive summer camps

As the weather starts to change and summer is on the horizon, the Dublin Community Recreation Center, also known as the DCRC, has many programs and resources for families in the Dublin community.

While she enjoys coordinating these camps, Campbell’s favorite part of her job involves running the adaptive programs and getting to meet the participants.

“There’s no judgment, we all get to be silly and just have a good time,” Campbell says. “We’re always just laughing and chopping it up, so I love working with them.”

ceramic classes where you can focus independently on your art skills.

Among the youth camps there are courses like the beginner ceramic Clay Creations Workshop and the Hip Hop Dance Class. To stay active, there are several fitness oriented camps like the drill focused Power Hour and Learn to Volley.

Among its fitness features, the DCRC holds many aquatic aspects including an indoor and outdoor aquatics area which offer water fitness classes, group swim lessons and private leisure pool parties.

For those looking to get up and active, group fitness classes, personal training with testing and tracking, as well as FitBiz are available to members.

To keep kids busy while they aren’t in school, there are plenty of fun and interactive options for all ages. From active kids’ programs like Kindertots to Youth Tennis Lessons, the DCRC’s summer camp season has a lot to offer.

With the help of the center’s new Adaptive Coordinator Meaghan Campbell, several new resources are offered for preschoolers, youths, teens and adults which are all more inclusive.

Looking to be artsy? New camps for adults include an Intermediate StainedGlass course as well as Saturday Studio

For more adventurous teens, the DCRC offers new day trips – chaperoned by the staff – to the indoor adventure park Urban

As a way of supporting the arts in Dublin, the DCRC houses the 200-seat Abbey Theater of Dublin. This space offers an extensive variety of theatrical and musical performances as well as movies and lectures. For parents with little ones, Preschool Play in a Day is a new camp that introduces children to theater while exploring iconic children’s stories in an interactive way.

20 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Students help cut up vegetables as part of a summer camp activity. Summer camp participants

Air and Columbus Saber Academy for instructor-led training.

Although weekly registration for Dublin residents opened March 30, registration for non-residents opens April 5. The official summer camp season kicks off June 5 and runs through July 28.

Isabelle Fisher is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com

Meaghan Campbell Adaptive Coordinator at Dublin Recreation Center

With a degree in pediatric occupational therapy and background work in special education around different school districts, Meaghan Campbell has started to settle into her adaptive coordinator role at the Dublin Recreation Center.

In hopes of working with the same demographic and role of being creative and different every day, Campbell stumbled across the job opening for the city of Dublin.

“It’s a great way for me to do something different and get out of the schools for a while to do something new but still use that skill set to be serving the community in a different way,” Campbell says.

After arrival, Campbell slowly started understanding how the Dublin community comes together as one.

“My favorite part of working in Dublin has to be the team I work with,” Campbell says. “The coordinators have been great, I’ve worked with a lot of different departments, and I’ve been really impressed on how everyone is really focused on inclusion and accessibility.”

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April/May 2023 • 21 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
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22 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com




Community Recycling & Composting

1 ton

Styrofoam Collected

• 16.62 tons of paper collected and recycled from Document Destruction Day

• 67,680 pounds of pumpkins composted

• 290 pounds of drugs collected during Drug Take Back events


105 million Income Tax Revenue

• General fund balance is 74.2% of expenditures

• Top credit ratings

Economic Development

1,000+ Jobs Created & Retained

• Four economic development agreements netted the City $35.4 million

• Facilitated two virtual hiring events for Dublin-based businesses

Beta District

35 miles Smart Mobility Corridor

• Where innovators from around the world deploy, test and evolve pioneering technology in real-world settings

• 432-strand fiber optic broadband connectivity

Parks & Paths

1,000+ Trees Planted

• 64 parks and 150+ miles of shared use paths

• Riverside Crossing Park Grand Opening and The Dublin Link Dedication


Social Media Engagement



• 910,158 video views across five channels

• Launched Link Ahead podcast series with total of 4,247 listens

• 14,712 subscribers to Dublin News Now weekly community email

Transportation & Mobility

4,000+ Riders

• Launched micro-mobility demonstration pilot program

• 7,064 total rides

• 17,432 miles traveled

• 5,401 pounds of carbon emissions saved

Dublin Connector

11,000+ Trips Completed

• Free community rideshare program

• 2,900 trips completed serving the Dublin workforce

• 33,280 pounds of carbon emissions saved


7,000+ Requests

• Optimized GoDublin Crew for faster response

• Top requests: chipper service, bulk pickup and tree maintenance

Connected Dublin

100GB Network

• Mobility testing and residential fiber initiatives

• 24 connected intersections and crosswalks



64,000+ Visitors to the Pools

• 328,589 Dublin Community Recreation Center visits

• 6,357 pool memberships (15% increase over 2021)

• 7,299 DCRC memberships (34% increase over 2021)

Public Safety

48,000+ Regional 911 Calls Answered

• Record low of breaking and entering and burglary incidents

• Chief’s Advisory Committee hosted mental health town hall

• Safe Space Dublin launched with 12 designated locations

Outreach & Engagement

47,000+ Hours of Service

• 2,800 volunteers serve Dublin, ranging in age from 5 to 95

• Three programs launched in 2022: Heritage Interpreters, Citizen U Jumpstart and Cemetery Preservation Team

Dublin Irish Festival

83,000+ Visitors

• Celebrated the Festival’s 35th anniversary

• First year without beverage tokens

Celebrating Culture

1st Juneteenth Celebration

• Community Inclusion Advisory Committee established

• The Dublin Link was home to the nation’s second-largest Indian Independence Day celebration

Citizen-Centered Democracy

Public engagement is the cornerstone of everything we do:

99% Resident Approved

• Community-wide surveys: Curbside Management, Speed Management, Scooter Pilot Program, Parks & Recreation Master Plan, Solar Panels

• Public Meetings/Town Halls: Speed Management; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Parks & Recreation Master Plan and other project public meetings

• 30 City Council meetings and work sessions to connect with residents in person and online

• 150+ board, commission and committee meetings


• American Public Works Association (APWA)

• Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)

• Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)

• Community Wildlife Habitat by The National Wildlife Federation

• International Economic Development Council

• Moody’s, Fitch Ratings and S&P


Received in 2022

• Dublin Irish Festival named Best Cultural Festival by CityScene

Pounds of Pumpkins Composted

• Communications & Public Information earned two awards from City-County Communications & Marketing Association (3CMA)

• Communications & Public Information earned four awards from Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) with the City’s DEI Framework named “Best of Show”

• Economic Development earned two awards from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC)

• Dublin Law Director Jennifer Readler Named Lawyer of the Year by Municipal Law

• Named Best Suburb To Do Business for 12th consecutive year by Columbus CEO

• Abbey Theater of Dublin received 12 BroadwayWorld Columbus Awards

• Dublin Fleet named to 100 Best Fleets in the Americas by NAFA and ranked 8th overall fleet in North America by Government Fleet

• Named Top Small City in Ohio and 13th Best Small City in U.S. by WalletHub

• Finance received “Triple Crown” distinction for fiscal health, transparency and accountability by Government Finance O cers Association (GFOA)

• Niche.com named Dublin 10th “Best Place To Live In Ohio” and the 2nd “Best Place To Live in Columbus Area”

• Economic Development received Workforce & Talent Award from the Mid-America Economic Development Council

• Received platinum-level Healthy Worksite Award from Healthy Business Council of Ohio

• Perfect score on the Human Rights Index, a ranking that examines laws, policies and services and how they are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people

• Only Ohio city honored as silver-level Bicycle Friendly Community by The League of American Bicyclists

• Planning earned Ohio History Connection Public Education and Awareness Award

• Ranked No. 3 on Top 50 Green Fleets in North America

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Accessible Dublin City drives inclusive initiatives, programs for public

The City of Dublin has numerous efforts in place to make public spaces and community resources as accessible as possible.

From fulfilling ADA requirements to maintaining full-time staff for adaptive programming, there’s a variety of ways the city aims to make Dublin as accessible and inclusive as possible for everyone.

One of the basic but important ways this happens is with new development.

“New developments within the city are required to meet ADA requirements as part of their private site development,” says Director of Planning Jennifer Rauch. “City staff also review projects to ensure that connectivity and accessibility are incorporated into the site design.”

Public spaces are outfitted with accessible features such as curb ramps with detectable warning surface mats, according to Director of Transportation & Mobility, Jeannie Willis. These alert pedestrians with vision disabilities to the boundary between the sidewalk and the street.

Tactile pedestrian push buttons with audible messages are placed at proper heights to accommodate all persons using the equipment. Accessibility standards are met for roadway grades, sidewalk widths and cross slopes.

“As infrastructure expands, these features are consistently included in the built environment,” Willis says.

The Dublin Connector is a service providing transportation for older adults, people with disabilities and people working in Dublin, and it is set to expand its reach. The Connector had 6,374 rides in 2022 and a five-star rating from users.

“Dublin is always looking for ways to improve accessibility and we’re very happy that residents are taking advantage of the Dublin Connector,” Willis says. “We hope to expand the Dublin Connector service through Dublin City Schools to provide access to jobs for high school students with disabilities. This allows students who might otherwise miss these learning opportunities to start their careers and find meaningful work.”

The City of Dublin has a full-time Adaptive Recreation Coordinator on staff at the Dublin Community Recreation Center to coordinate and oversee all adaptive recreation programming, events, classes and accommodations. In addition, they build and connect community-wide resources to meet the needs of residents with disabilities of all ages, which you can read more about on page 20.

Director of Outreach & Engagement

Christine Nardecchia heads up the Outreach & Engagement Division and

efforts to support accessibility throughout Dublin. These efforts include a tech-based solution to provide language translation services, including ASL, for all front desks in city buildings that they hope to be piloted this summer.

The City’s Volunteer Engagement area provides opportunities for people of all abilities. Aides are available to accompany a volunteer to ensure accommodation and inclusion.

The city website hosts an Adaptive Resources guide, which connects community members with various organizations and businesses focused on inclusion and serving those with disabilities.

Internally, there are several departments within the city – including Planning, Transportation & Mobility, Dublin Community Recreation Center, Parks & Recreation, Community Events and Communications & Public Information – that meet to consistently check that the City’s practices and programs are inclusive and accommodating to older adults.

Accessibility for citizens with disabilities is essential to meet the needs of everyone, and Dublin continues to drive initiatives that make life more inclusive and better for all.

Claire Miller is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at cmiller@cityscenemediagroup.com

28 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
good ideas
April/May 2023 • 29 www.dublinlifemagazine.com

Patterns in Nature

Math and art combine to promote well-being through nature-based fractals

Gaze at a fern. Investigate a pinecone. Though these patterns look visually complex, they organize themselves using a simple mathematical rule known as fractals – a never-ending pattern that repeats in smaller or larger copies.

Ohio State University (OSU). The project began with the installation of Fractal Boxes and activity booklets in three Dublin parks in 2021, followed by a “Take a Nature Walk with an Artist” series.

Fractal art activities, which ranged from leaf tracing to doodles, were designed to inspire connections to nature, promote well-being and nurture creativity. The project culminates in an exhibition at Dublin Arts Council, 7125 Riverside Dr., in Dublin, March 7 through June 2.

According to Psychology Today, “The results of many studies show that exposure to fractal patterns in nature reduce people’s levels of stress up to 60 percent. It seems this stress reduction effect occurs because of a certain physiological resonance within the eye. Some research indicates that certain types of artwork that have such patterns can also produce a relaxation affect.”

cardboard, paint, dye, oatmeal and various other materials into intricate and beautiful art pieces.

Andrea Myers

Myers is a multidisciplinary artist focusing on textiles, paper, installation and space through abstraction, patterning and saturated color. Her Fractal Box, titled Echoes and Hollows , was made from recycled PVC billboard material and was installed in Dublin’s Llewellyn Farms Park.

Karen Snouffer

The Dublin Arts Council’s (DAC) Fractals: Patterns in Nature project offers an opportunity to explore the ways that nature organizes itself, and its effect on personal well-being.

The project was developed in collaboration with Noor Murteza, a doctoral student in the Arts Administration, Education, and Policy program at The

“With Dublin Arts Council, I found a partner that was excited about the content and was invested in bringing quality programming to the local community,” Murteza says. “DAC also had an interest in programming related to art and well-being, which is the core of my dissertation project.”

Fractal Boxes

Jonah Jacobs

Jacobs, one of three participating Ohio artists, created a Fractal Box in Dublin’s Kiwanis Riverway Park. Jacobs describes himself as a material alchemist who turns

Snouffer’s vivid Fractal Box was created for Dublin’s M.L. “Red” Trabue Nature Reserve. In her practice, Snouffer concentrates on installation and multimedia, pulling inspiration from Ohio’s turkey tail fungus.

“The artists presented inspiring and unique concepts for their fractal boxes,” Murteza says. “This material created moments of well-being for visitors and encouraged them to see all the ways they are connected to Dublin’s natural environment.”

Nature walks with artist

In spring 2022, Dublin Arts Council hosted a series of guided nature walks as

30 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Noor Murteza works with Davis Middle School students

the second phase of the Fractals: Patterns in Nature project. Through each hour-long walk – facilitated by a Fractal Box artist in their respective park – participants explored the beauty of nature through a unique art activity, including guided meditation, landscape sketching and land art created from found objects.

Nature walk activities can still be enjoyed any time by downloading the guides or listening to recordings found on the Dublin Arts Council website.

Exhibition and workshops

The Fractal Boxes have been brought to Dublin Arts Council for the Fractals: Patterns in Nature exhibition, which includes additional artworks from Jacobs, Myers and Snouffer. The exhibition also includes artwork created by students from Dublin City Schools, students from The Ohio State University and a unique array of fractal photographs submitted by community members.

The artists hosted community workshops during the exhibition. Art patrons visited the open house for an opportunity to meet the artists on March 11.

Students from Kim Cover’s eighth grade class at Eversole Middle School and Alyson Remley’s seventh grade class at Davis Middle School have worked with Dublin Arts Council’s art education team to create string art fractals for the exhibition. String art has its origins in curve stitch activities from the late 19th century, created to make math ideas more accessible.

April 15 workshops

Andrea Myers’ April 15 community workshop will include painting and dyeing paper to create collage materials. Dublin Arts Council staff will host an additional workshop, experimenting with magnetic tiles and shapes for fractal-inspired artmaking. The workshops take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and are free of charge. Advance registration is required at www. dublinarts.org.

May 13 workshops

Jonah Jacobs’ workshop on May 13 will explore textures, material and dyes for hands-on creation of artwork from cardboard. Karen Snouffer’s workshop begins with outdoor sensory experiences, culminating in exploration of her artwork in the gallery. The workshops take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A $5 fee per person will be charged to cover materials. Registration is required in advance at www.dublinarts.org.

Regular gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exhibition, on-site parking and open house are free of charge. The exhibition

is supported in part by underwriting from Cardinal Health, the City of Dublin, Dublin Community Foundation, Ohio Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts.

“The concept of fractals offers visitors two important things: firstly, it offers them a chance to look, feel and explore nature,

inspiring a feeling of calm and relaxation,” Murteza says. “Secondly, the unique scaled patterning of fractals connects visitors to Dublin’s natural environment.”

Janet Cooper is the Director of Engagement at the Dublin Arts Council. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com

April/May 2023 • 31 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Artist Karen Snouffer’s Fractal Box (detail), inspired by Turkey Tail Fungi Participants create land art with found natural materials in Kiwanis Riverway Park

Schools on Journey to Success Strategic plan defines new mission, vision for DCS

After months of research, planning, and community conversations, Dublin City Schools has reached the pinnacle of the strategic planning process. A draft of the plan, which is currently named Journey 2030, was presented to the Board of Education in March. After final revisions and Board of Education approval, the plan will start guiding work immediately.

Journey 2030 will be the first strategic plan the district has adopted since 2007. Dr. John Marschhausen, Superintendent, prioritized a strategic plan because of the need he saw for the district to maximize output while remaining student-focused and purpose-driven. “Establishing our compass will help define our why and align our decision-making so that we can continue to not only foster collaboration and trust across our community, but also keep students at the center of our work.”

As part of the planning process, DCS conducted one-on-one leadership interviews, hosted a retreat with Board members, engaged with stakeholder groups, and surveyed school district residents. Data gathered at each step of the process set a framework that Dr. Marschhausen and his team vitalized with continual input from internal and external stakeholders, including students, staff, parents, seniors citizens, and key community leaders.

At the heart of the plan are mission and vision statements that highlight a personalized education experience for each student so that they are prepared for a lifetime of success. “Success is different for each student. There is not a one-size-fitsall profile that defines a learner. As such, we want to ensure our students experience

32 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
school connection
A draft of the strategic plan was shared during a “Community Cocoa” in February. Students from Dr. Marschhausen’s Student Advisory Council helped facilitate the event.

a journey that inspires them to achieve success no matter their chosen pathway,” Dr. Marschhausen explained.

Journey 2023 also includes nine guiding principles that are rooted in the district’s three values—take responsibility, always growing, and better together. Additionally, the plan defines four focus areas that will provide initial direction for achieving the district’s vision. As the plan is implemented, the focus areas may change to reflect the needs and desires of students, staff, and the community. Initially, the focus areas will be Academic Foundation, Student

Experience, Partnerships and Networks, and Master Facility Planning.

“The strategic planning process is the way we think critically and deeply about our district so we can learn from successes and failures. We know from data that, more than anything, our community trusts and respects our teachers and staff. They believe the quality of education provided by our district is very good. But we also know that we still have work to do regarding our variety of course offerings and meeting the diverse needs of our students. And we need to be deliberate in our financial and facilities planning so we can adapt to rapid growth in enrollment,” said Dr. Marschhausen. “Journey 2030 is how our district will constantly challenge ourselves and continually look to improve to ensure we are the best version of DCS.”

Once approved, the plan will be used throughout each academic year to establish and evaluate specific goals that help achieve the district’s mission and vision. At key milestones, the district will engage stakeholders and leadership to evaluate the plan’s success, assess indi-

cators, and identify any new goals. The plan is intended to be a living document and will be adjusted and revised accordingly.

To learn more about strategic planning at DCS, visit www.dublinschools.net and click on “About,” then “Strategic Planning.”

Initial Priorities for DCS

Within the four focus areas, DCS has identified 8 initial priorities to support their mission and vision:

• Early Literacy

• 6-12 Pathways

• Well-Rounded Education

• Physical and Mental Wellness

• Staff Development, Recruitment, and Retenetion

• Family and Community Partnerships

• Maintenance, Learning Spaces, and Safety

• Planning for Future Growth

April/May 2023 • 33 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Dr. Marschhausen shared details about the strategic planning process at the January Business Advisory Council meeting. Cassie Dietrich is a Public Information Officer for Dublin City Schools.

Steps to Success

How Dublin City Schools’ PATHS program empowers students

For young adults, graduating from high school and transitioning away from the structure of school is daunting, and for those with disabilities, the transition can be even more difficult. Luckily, postsecondary education is designed to bridge the gap.

Based out of Dublin City Schools’ Emerald Campus, the Postsecondary Access to Transition after High School (PATHS) program serves students who choose to defer their diplomas, bringing students of all backgrounds under one curriculum. With support from intervention specialists as well as paraprofessional job coaches, PATHS students hone developmental skills focused on independent living.

The program, which was launched under the name POWER Plus in 2008, originally served six to eight students in one classroom. Today, it serves 30-38 students across three classrooms.

Shawn Heimlich, a student services coordinator for Dublin City Schools, says the PATHS experience is customizable. Students can focus on a variety of skills –daily living, social, behavioral, vocational and more – in ways that best suit their unique circumstances. Different aspects from the tiers can always be blended if needed, Heimlich says.

“Our goal isn’t just to simply meet the standard provision of services under the law, but really to develop, design and implement programs like PATHS that provide individualized and specialized instructions and services based on identified student needs,” Heimlich says.

34 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com student spotlight
Photos PATHS students frequently take part in community experiences, employability skills training and independent living exercises.

As the program’s first and only job training intervention specialist in 2008, Katie Sochor has watched the program change over time. She says watching PATHS expand over the years has been exhilarating. She says it now builds a sense of community and interpersonal intelligence alongside hard skills.

“Classroom culture is really important to me,” Sochor says. “We’re all thinking similarly, we’re all planning similarly. We all have the same kind of goal in mind.”

PATHS also aims to increase students’ general employability, giving them a taste of professional life through hands-on visits to local businesses. Nestlé Quality Assurance Center (NQAC) Dublin, a food and beverage testing facility, and Friendship Village of Dublin, a retirement community for older adults, are just a couple of collaborators. Those visits aren’t beneficial for just the students, Sochor says.

“We’re always ready to educate employers and educate businesses on how to diversify their workforce,” Sochor says. “I think that is really key.”

Fellow PATHS intervention specialist Joshua Graham agrees.

“That’s our bread and butter,” Graham says. “There’s only so much you can teach in a classroom.”

Graham, who works with students with the most immediate needs, says forging deep bonds with PATHS students and their families is the highlight of his job.

“We try to pull back supervision of staff as best we can, but usually our individuals are going to continue to need that extra supervision to remain safe, to make good choices and just to make sure their overall day goes well for them,” Graham says.

Dublin City Schools administrator Mark Eatherton says PATHS instructors are deeply grounded in their work. Eatherton says he looks forward to seeing how PATHS continues to growth with and for its students

“The opportunities for a 22-year-old or 23-year-old person in the world now look very different in 2023 or 2024 than it did in 2000 or 2010,” Eatherton says. “So we have to be able to evolve as a program right along with that.”

Lucy Lawler is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com


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Ramen Rocks in Dublin

Dublin City Schools adds cultural cuisines to school menus

Start saving that lunch money, because Dublin City School District’s lunch menu is about to get even bigger as it has recently partnered with a new food and facilities management company. Sodexo works with schools and universities, hospitals, and senior living communities to provide catering, facility management and employee benefits.

Emilia Martin, an employee of Sodexo and the school district’s dietitian and food operations manager, plans to focus

the menus for each level: elementary, middle school and high school. This dual role means Martin can ensure safety protocols are followed and students receive the correct serving sizes, while still offering innovative and creative options in their menus.

Aside from the typical chicken tenders and fries, Sodexo offers a taste of Italian, Asian, Mexican and Mediterranean dishes for the students through a variety of options.

“We have an executive chef here in Dublin who helps ensure that we’re following the correct recipes and adhering to what the regional chef has created,” Martin says. “Those recipes also showcase different cultural cuisines which are really cool and new. ... So, they’re bringing a lot of new stuff in terms of flavor profiles, different fruits and vegetables and spices.” Some student favorites include Mediterranean pesto chicken pizza, sweet and sour chicken over fried rice with vegetables, and turkey carnitas tacos with cilantro lime rice and Mexican zucchini. And while these tastes are new to the lunch menu, some favorites never go out of style. Breakfast

for lunch, Martin says, is always a huge hit, complete with pancakes, waffles or French toast with a serving of eggs, turkey sausage, or yogurt.

But one meal that has students waiting week after week to return to the high schools, Martin says, is Rockin’ Ramen.

Not only does Sodexo provide school lunches, it also caters for Dublin events like teacher and retirement parties as well as school board meetings.

“We definitely want to expand on our catering services to the community so we

36 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com

are looking into events like graduation parties, brunches or family events,” Martin says.

Isabelle Fisher is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com

Rockin’ Ramen

• 1 cup cooked yakisoba or ramen noodles (according to package directions)

• 1 cup pho broth, heated

• 2 hard-boiled eggs, halved

• ¼ cup chopped zucchini

• 2 tbsp. shredded green or purple cabbage

• 2 tbsp. sliced mushrooms

• 2 tbsp. corn

• 2 tbsp. shredded or chopped carrots

• Sliced green onion, lime wedge, cilantro, jalapenos or sriracha sauce, for garnish

Place noodles in a bowl. Top with 2 hard-boiled eggs and vegetables of choice. Then pour the heated pho broth into the bowl and garnish with desired toppings.

*Cooked chicken or beef can be added to the bowl if desired.

April/May 2023 • 37 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
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Living Space Luster

Recent kitchen remodel creates a vibrant atmosphere and expansiveness to the space

Though the old adage “home is where the heart is” may be played out, it’s hard to deny its truth. The saying inspired Dublin residents Denise and John Halsted to embark on a spectacular home renovation project, resulting in a fully refurbished kitchen.

After living in Dublin for a few years, the two sought a way to transform Denise’s home into a living space that reflected them both.

“We were gonna make my house our house,” Halsted says.

The Halsteds turned to Dave Fox Design to help them apply their newlywed bliss to the perfect kitchen renovation. Dave Fox paired the couple with

38 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com living
Photography by Jeff Johnson, JL Johnson Photography

a designer, and together, they worked through each step of the renovation process. The partnership between the designer and homeowners was essential to the project’s success.

“They paired us with the perfect person who just got our taste,” Halsted says. “She gave us a true opinion but also understood what we were looking for.”

Spacious new kitchen

Above all, they wanted a lighter and more spacious home. The kitchen was central to that goal, and the first step to creating a more inviting atmosphere was for the design team to work with the Halsteds on a new color scheme.

“We knew we wanted to do white,” Halsted says. “Our inspiration was Restoration Hardware.”

With this vision in mind, contractors went to work replacing the cabinets and countertops. The original kitchen featured stained cabinets paired with dark


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April/May 2023 • 39 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
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countertops, which made the room feel dim and moody.

Dave Fox brought in bright white cabinets matched with a glistening quartzite countertop. This natural stone island top is complemented by beautiful light walls that surround the centerpiece, transforming the kitchen from night into day.

Along with brightening the space, the kitchen was in need of an airier ambience. The rehabilitated ceiling was a key factor in this objective. Designers constructed a beautiful coffered ceiling to open up the space, then made it the statement piece by painting it a darkened hue.

Dave Fox Design consultant Gregg Stadwick attributes the ceiling’s charm

to the chemistry between the team and the homeowners.

“We just reviewed several different design options as far as the pattern of the coffers,” Stadwick says. “We decided to keep things as open as possible while keeping things as symmetrical as possible as well.”

Although the ceilings were previously high in the kitchen, this adjustment allows for more storage space. Additionally, the gray hue creates a striking contrast to the light countertops and cabinets.

“It’s so dramatic,” Halsted says. “It’s truly one of our favorite things that we did.”

Joining the ceilings and even further illuminating the atmosphere are prominent intricate light fixtures. These installations double as both subtle decorations and tools for bringing together the contrasting colors of the ceiling and bright space surrounding it.

Perhaps less noticeable but just as important are the kitchen’s new cuttingedge appliances. Though these addi

tions may not be as eye-catching as the phenomenal ceiling or lustrous quartzite counters, their utility is unmatched.

“I didn’t think I could love an oven as much as I do,” Halsted says.

Bathroom upgrades and more

Dave Fox got to work in the master bathroom, too. The new bathroom boasts beautiful marble tile in the shower and mirrors the light new color scheme from the kitchen.

“We completely gutted the master bath,” Halsted says. “(It’s) a space I absolutely love.”

In the wake of the successful kitchen and bathroom renovations, the Halsteds plan to continue building their perfect living space including reimagining the powder room.

And though the renovations have exceeded expectations, Halsted’s favorite piece is less about what the renovations look like and more about what they represent.

“Honestly, (it’s) that we did it together,” Halsted says. “Me and my husband created something, with the help of Dave Fox, that was ours, and it feels like ours.”

Megan Brokamp is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.

40 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
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42 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Contact Laura Pappas today for more information: 614-572-1250
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Luxury Living

Top Homes Sold in Dublin

The price of Dublin homes went up 12% in January 2023, with the median price being $495K, in comparison to last year. On average, homes in Dublin sold within 51 days of being on the market, 4 more days than last year. A total of 27 homes were sold in January this year, down from 44 last year.


$875,000 Sold 1/3/23

7527 Heatherwood Ln. 4 beds 3.5 baths

$825,000 Sold 2/13/23

6661 Dale Dr. 3 beds 3.5 baths

$805,211 Sold 2/24/23

6721 Dublin Rd. 3 beds 3 baths

$800,000 Sold 1/11/23

4766 Donegal Cliffs Dr. 5 beds 4.5 baths

$725,000 Sold 2/9/23

6745 Longshore Dr. 2 beds 2 baths

$720,000 Sold 2/10/23

Information gathered from Franklin, Delaware and Union County Auditors

April/May 2023 • 43 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
Trafalgar Lp. 4 beds 3.5 baths
Sold 2/23/23
Kelly Dr. 5 beds 3.5 baths
Sold 1/20/23
Avondale Woods Blvd. 4 beds 3.5 baths
Sold 1/30/23
E. Summerhouse Dr. 4 beds 3.5 baths
Sold 2/15/23
Liscarrol Pl. 3 beds 2.5 baths
Sold 1/4/23
Heather Bluff Dr. 4 beds 3 beds $550,000 Sold 1/12/23
43016 6760
95 N. Riverview St. 2 beds 2 baths

Lights, Camera, Action!

Dublin City Schools offer theater opportunities and life lessons for all

In January freshman year of high school, I broke my wrist in gymnastics and thought my life was over.

I was accustomed to training in the gym for hours every day and didn’t know what to do with my time. My mother suggested I try out for the spring musical, and I poured all of my energy into dancing, singing, acting and creating costumes.

My father was a professor and playwright, so I had attended numerous plays and worked backstage on his productions. I earned a part as a lady in waiting to the princess in

Once Upon a Mattress, the musical version of The Princess and the Pea. I was immediately welcomed by students in all grades and felt an incredible sense of community. Improving self confidence, communication and public speaking skills are just some of the numerous benefits of acting. Just going through the audition process, memorizing lines, singing and speaking in front of others, and learning to project are beneficial skills to carry through life.

Luke Bolyard is a senior at Dublin Scioto High School and has been acting on stage since sixth grade.

“My brother convinced me to try out for School of Rock in 2016 and although I was very shy at the time, being part of the cast helped me break out of my shell,” Luke says. “I honestly tried every sport but nothing clicked until I met my theater family.”

Jeff Horst is the new theater director at Dublin Jerome High School and explains that there are multiple opportunities for elementary- and middle-schoolers to get experience within Dublin Schools.

“For Flat Stanley Jr., kids were educated in the audition and rehearsal process, learned about blocking and positioning onstage, and got experience watching older students,” Jeff says. “Participating early increases the chance of students engaging in theater classes or drama club later on.”

Karrer Middle School sixth-grader Quinn Bailey has also been bitten by the acting bug. Quinn participated in a musical theater camp at Dublin Coffman High School last spring, where she was in the chorus for Oklahoma and then Newsies in fall.

Since then, she has enjoyed camps at The Abbey Theater of Dublin, weekly acting classes with Broadway2LA acting studio and her part in The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr. production at Dublin Jerome.

“Quinn walked right into that high school audition by herself and earned a speaking part,” Quinn’s mother, Megan, says. “It’s great to watch her shyness melt away when she is onstage.”

Columbus Children’s Theatre is a great place for performance opportunities and

44 • April/May 2023 www.dublinlifemagazine.com
write next door
“All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players, / They have their exits and their entrances, / And one man in his time plays many parts.”
{ {
– As You Like It, by William Shakespeare
Dublin Jerome Flat Stanley Jr. Photo by JAMS Photography, courtesy of Dublin Jerome Theatre Dublin Scioto Newsies Photo courtesy of Luke Bolyard

classes ranging from musical theater and dance to design and technology. The theater also holds summer camps with multiple themes for children and teens from June 5 to Aug. 4.

High-schoolers can sign up for an amazing summer workshop by the Lovewell Institute for the Creative Arts at Short North Stage. Lovewell is a notfor-profit organization where students work with experts to conceive, write, choreograph, rehearse and perform an original musical in just two weeks. This year’s workshop will be held in Columbus July 10-23.

It definitely takes many jobs behind the scenes coordinating together to make a performance successful. Pat Santanello, theater director at Dublin Scioto for three decades, lists out a variety of backstage jobs, including lighting, prop and costume design, sound, set design and construction, business management, publicity, program creation and much, much more.

The Dublin high schools offer classes like introduction to theater, advanced techniques and advanced acting ensemble. There is also a tech class to learn about set design, mechanics and production.

Whether you’re backstage, on stage or nowhere near the stage, all aspects of theater work require the ability to collaborate.

Sharing ideas, supporting one another and offering constructive feedback are important life skills that translate into success in multiple aspects of life.

Luke will graduate this spring from Dublin Scioto and is planning to major in vocal education in college. He tries to see as many plays as he can and especially enjoys the Broadway series musicals and viewing the adaptations of plays at other schools.

“I recommend taking that first step toward the theater family whether it’s behind the scenes or on stage,” Luke says. “Any fear you have will be outweighed by the welcoming dramatics community and the lifelong friends you make.”

Colleen D’Angelo is a Dublin Life columnist and freelance writer. She and her husband, Tony, raised three children in Dublin over the last 25 years.

Colleen enjoys playing and teaching pickleball; walking her pup, Mason; and traveling internationally. You can reach her at colleendangelo1@gmail.com.

Upcoming Dublin shows

Dublin Coffman High School

April 12-15: Fiddler on the Roof

May 3-6: Romeo & Juliet

Dublin Jerome High School

May 4-6: Peter and the Star Catcher

Dublin Scioto High School

May 5-7: Rock of Ages: Teen Edition

The Abbey Theater of Dublin

July 13-16: Matilda Jr.

Aug. 9-13: Grease

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Dublin Coffman Clue Photo courtesy of Melissa Kadar
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From the Dublin Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library

Wade in the Water

Eleven-year-old Ella lives on the Black side of racially divided Ricksville, Mississippi in the early 1980s. Too smart for her own good, Ella, is considered a nuisance by many, including her own mother. But Ella is about to make a very unexpected acquaintance: Ms. St. James, a well-to-do white woman from Princeton, who has just arrived in town. Her presence immediately has many residents on edge, who only grow wearier as the two form a very unlikely friendship. What begins as tutoring sessions becomes a powerful bond that transcends race, class and age. But Ms. St. James, like Ella, has a secret of her own, and its revelation could cause devastating consequences.

Now is Not the Time to Panic

Now is Not the Time to Panic tells the witty yet nuanced story of the unexpected consequences of young love. Beginning in 1996 with Frankie, a 16-year-old stuck spending another sad summer in Coalfield, Tennessee. Luckily, she forges an immediate connection with new kid Zeke due to their mutual interest in art. They create a poster merging Frankie’s writing with Zeke’s artistic talents. To their surprise, the enigmatic and anonymous project becomes a local mystery. Rumors they were created by Satanists or kidnappers run rampant, causing dangerous repercussions. The story picks back up 20 years later as Frances Budge, famous author, gets a call from a reporter investigating the Coalfield Panic of 1996. He wants to know more about the notorious posters, but she wants to preserve the life she’s built.


Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be

Dr. Becky Kennedy, a popular parenting expert, shares her most useful and practical philosophies for raising kids in her new book Good Inside. Kennedy explains that many techniques sold to parents over the years – from reward charts to time outs – are based on shaping behaviors. Not only do they simply not work, but the bad techniques lead to burn out and the fear of failure for many caretakers. That’s why Kennedy has developed her own approaches, ones that help parents build skills their children will need to lead successful lives and ones that will make any caretaker feel supported and capable.

Where the Children Take Us: How One Family Achieved the Unimaginable by

Zain Asher’s debut book Where the Children Take Us tells the story of her extraordinary family. She shares her mother Obiajulu’s tale of surviving genocide, famine and poverty before immigrating to London from Nigeria, only to become a widower raising four children. But Obiajulu didn’t let crippling grief, nor the prejudices faced in her new home, stop her from pushing her children to achieve greatness. Asher details the lengths her mother went to help them succeed, but reminds readers how she also showered her children with endless support and love, using her Nigerian parenting techniques to do the unexpected. Asher and her three siblings grew up to be a CNN anchor, an Oscar-nominated actor, a medical doctor, and a thriving entrepreneur.

As Vincent Bianco’s son is getting ready to go off to college, he is reminded of his final summer before college. All he wanted to do was collect a little beer money and enjoy his final summer, so he got a job as a laborer on a construction crew. As he worked alongside two Vietnam vets – one of whom suffers from PTSD – Vincent gets the education of a lifetime.

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