Malhotra 69

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Vol. 19 Issue 30 RNI No. 69862/98


4 Pages

February 18-24, 2018

Mobile: 98154 29998 Email:

okMZ 69 dk pquko & 30 lky ls fu”dke lkekftd lsok djus okyk eygks=k ifjokj

Through a brief conversation pendent candiw a r d 6 9 Malhotra we through her goals and ments wan t o

with the indedate from Monica c o m e expected improve she ts

Monica: Though ward 69 can be considered as one of the posh areas of the city but there are many problems that people have to face. There are old colonies like Model Town and Harnam Nagar were made in 1950,Shastri Nagar, Namdev Colony, Nehru Nagar, Jyoti Colony, Teacher Colony, Bank Colony and Mahavir Colony in 1967, Model T o w n Extens ion A Block & Model town Extn. AX Blo ck in 1980. The civil infrado cture in City Vibes: Why should common people vote stru these a r e a s for YOU? updation. Monica: coz I’ m an educated person belong- needs one has taken ing to a family of social workers with seless , N o past over 20 service record of over 30 years, people of the care in years to improve ward love and admire my family and have conthe dence in my capabilities as their representative, as a humble future councillor and as a professional forward looking administrator. A common man can come to me for any of his problem 24*7. My character sketch in society is of a very dignied and trustworthy person. I am well aware about the problems of my ward and can solve them as well. I can face any hardships and circumstances if required to solve the issues related to my ward . City Vibes: What would be the rst thing u facilities in these areas. Basic neccessities of will do after winning the elections?

comon people are being ignored,. Kundan Nagar has been fully converted into a slum Same is the case with the slums of Pakhowal Road. Sewerage system is very poor in our ward. Its shows its true colours every rainy season but nobody takes care of it. Water drainage is also another problem faced by people which can be solved by using water harvesting method which will not only lead to improvement in drainage problem but also help in elevating the declining water level. City Vibes: What are your other priorties? Monica: My priority is to make my ward a smard ward in true sense of the word. And the rst step in that has to be the transparency in the work ability of people’s elected representatives. A regular communication with the ward residents to know their requirements and expectations and draft the development plan with a common consent. There should be no place for any type of favours on the basis of religion, caste or money power. CITY VIBES: What is your stand over the unethical ways of getting vote during elections? MONICA: I totally condemn the use of money for attracting votes. If someone spends money to lure voters then it becomes a business. You rst invest and then try to earn. People who vote for liquor, drugs or some

cash are the biggest loosers as they loose the opportunity of real honest serv i c e during next ve years by t h e i r elected representative. CV: What is your message for people? SM: I

request people of my ward to vote for the deserving candidate who should be available to them at the time of need. They should not vote on the basis of cast and religion. I am a professional administrator with over 30 years of family history of seless social service. Councillor is the frontline activist in a government machinery. Every councillor gets equal funds for the maintenance and development of her ward. So this is totally a personal election and party involvement does not matter. Politics is a service please don’t vote for business minded candidates. Vote for the one who has the will to deliver and the power to deliver.



February 18 - 24, 2018


vwrf 69 dI coxW - 30 swl dw smwj syvI pirvwr bnwm vpwrI au~mIdvwr - DIrj Srmw

1. Ex- English Lecturer At Guru Nanak Girls College, Ludhiana, Arya College, Ludhiana, Partap College Of Education , Ludhiana 2. Ex-principal At Everest Public Schoo, Ludhiana, Sacred Soul Convent Sr. Sec. School, Ludhiana, SVS School, Kathua, Jammu, 3. Student Counselor At Sportking Institute Of Fashin Technology, Ludhiana,

Additional Responsibilities Undertaken: · · · ·


Freelance Working For British Council, Since 2007 Till Date. Freelance Working For New Light Publication As A Writer, Proof Reader, Since 1997. Sub-examiner To Evaluate Annual Exams Conduct By Panjab University, Chandigarh. Conducting Of Seminars, Workshops, Extention Lectures And Awareness Prog.with The Help Of Ngo's. Co-coordinator, N.t.t Study Centre, Afliated To Mother Marry Organization Since 2004. Adjudged Sahodya School Declamation Contest Held At Guru Nanak International Public School, Ludhiana, On 13/11/2001.




#104-a, Shastri Nagar, Model Town, Ludhiana Tele-91-161-2457497; Mobile: +91 9872865866,


Monica Malhotra, M.A. M. Ed. (Naari Shakti Award Winner)

& & &

hr vwrf dy vsnIk dw ieh h`k hY auh ijsnMU vot pwaux jw rhy hn ausdy bwry pUrI jwnkwrI r`Kdy hox, ibnw iksy nUM jwxy Apxy Awaux vwly 5 swl iksy dy hvwly krxw koeI isAwxI soc nhIN[ koNslr koeI swfw rwjw nhIN blkI syvwdwr huNdw hY[ ies leI pyS hY ielwkw invwsIAW dI hwjrI iv`c myrw ArjI p`qr[ iksy nUM vI vot pwaux qoN pihlW myry nwl ikrpw ausdw ArjI p`qr jrUr imlwaux dI ikpRwlqw krxI jI[ ijs aumIdvwr ny Awpxw ArjI p`qr sNgqW snmuK nhIN r`iKAw ausdI qW vyt bxdI hI nhIN[



Ward No. 69 has 11 colonies, namely, Model Town, Shastri Nagar, Model Town Extension A Block, Model Town Extn. AX Block, Nehru Nagar, Kundan Nagar, Namdev Colony, Harnam Nagar, Teacher Colony, Bank Colony, & Mahavir Colony Ward Issues: Though this is called one of the posh wards of the city but there are certain major issues here which might have been better resolved in some of the villages of Punjab. This territory in the city is facing problems due to maladministration for the past many years as follows: Rainy season becomes a predicament for the residents. Instead of enjoying the rainfall, people have to face the anomalies of stagnant water owing in the streets. The age old sewerage system needs urgent attention and upgradation. No solution has been found till date for the daily trafc jam at Shastri Nagar Railway crossing. Similarly Harnam Nagar railway crossing needs a solution for smooth ow of trafc. The ward has good and broad roads but there is no facility of local transport and if you don’t have your own conveyance, there is no alternative to foot march in this area. The ward has some of the best schools in the city namely BCM, R S Model, Guru Nanak Public School, Blossom etc., but during the school opening and closing timings, trafc chaos pose great danger for the safety of little kids. In many areas of the ward, water supply is not upto mark. There are regular complaints of contamination in water as well. The operational timing of street lights, tubewells and generators also leaves a lot to be desired. Parks and the road alongside canal are not properly maintained and regular care is required. Sushil Malhotra s the lone person in the ward who takes pains to keep the parks in nice and healthy condition. Park alongside Mintgomery Chowk has been literally converted into a dump. Similar is the story of Chhattar Singh Park. There is no public toilet or parking facility in the area that has grown into a commercial hub where so many outsiders come daily and face problems. Many commercial areas have been developed within residential areas, these should be legally declared commercial. Ward 69 has a big hospital ( GTB), some highly visited religious sites namely Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh, Krishna Mandir, Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Devi Mandir at Harnam Nagar. A big Tuition & goreign visa market in Model town Extn. People coming to these places suffer a lot due to already stated problems of trafc and lack of civil amenities. Last but not the least, there is no one to listen to these problems considerately and to work upon nding a solution for them.


rwKvyN vwrf dI nIqI dw mjwk auVwauNdI, isrP itkt lYx leI KVI kIqI geI puruS smwj dI koeI kTpuqlI nhIN hY, luiDAwxy iv`c KVIAW keI mihlw aumIdvwrW vWg[ lokW dI syvw iv`c Awpxw bwkI jIvn ibqwaux dI koiSS iv`c Sihr dy ie`k pRmuK CBSE skUl dI ipRNsIpl dw auhdw C`ifAw hY moinkw mlhoqrw ny ij`Qy ieh A`j qk l`KW b`icAW nUM cMgw jIvn jIx Aqy Biv`K svwrx dI sIK dyx dI ijMmyvwrI bKUbI inBwauNdI Aw rhI sI[ moinkw mlhoqrw dI soc hY ik koNslr dIAW coxW iv`c pwrtI nwloN aumIdvwr dI ApxI SksIAq ijAwdw jrUrI huNdI hY[auh cwhy iksy pwrtI dw hovy jW Ajwd, ielwky dy r`K rKwv Aqy qr`kI leI pYsy qy hr koNslr nUMU brwbr imldy hn pr lokW dw Blw isrP auhI koNslr krdw hY ijsdy KUn iv`c smwj syvw hovy[ vpwrI qy hr kMm isrP munwPy leI hI k r x w jwndw hY[


ny itkt dy id~qI[suSIl mlhoqrw ny ipCly 20 swlW qoN ielwkw vwsIAW dy hr su`K-du`K iv`c Swiml ho ky ibnw iksy lwlc dy aunW dI syvw kIqI hY[ aus nwl ielwkw vwsIAW nUM ipAwr hY Aqy aus nUM ies ielwky dy lokW dI hr jrUrq dw pqw vI hY qy ausdw hl vI pqw hY[ ielwkw invwsI Ainl scdyvw bNtI ny d`isAw kI ie`k aumIdvwr Bwjpw dw iksy hor ielwky qoN au`f ky AwieAw hY qy swfy vwrf dI muNfyr qy jbrdwqI bYT igAw hY[ mlhoqrw pirvwr qoN ielwvw swnUM ies vwrf iv`c hor koeI suc`jw aumIdvwr nhIN id`K irhw[ suSIl mlhoqrw qy k`tr kwNgyRsI hY ies leI cu`p ho ky bYT igAw[ vwrf vwsIAW dI ie`s ij`d qy hwmI BrI hY suSIl mlhoqrw dI BYx moinkw mlhoqrw ny[ A`j dI soc nwl c`lx vwlI moinkw mlhoqrw ies AOrqW leI suriK`Aq vwrf iv`c KVI ieklOqI AYsI aumIdvwr hY jo ik Awpxy blbUqy qy ie`k koNslr dIAW swrIAW ijMmyvwrIAW inBwaux Xog hY[ ieh AOrqW leI

au`cI dukwn iP`kw pkvwn vwlw hwl hY vwrf 69 dw - moinkw mlhoqrw


vwrf 69 qoN mlhoqrw pirvwr dI DI poRPYsr Aqy ipRNsIpl moinkw mlhoqrw dy coxW iv`c KVy hox nwl ivroDIAW iv`c KlblI m`c geI hY[ vwrf dy swry vwsIAW dy ipAwr Aqy snmwn dw pwqr mlhoqrw pirvwr ipCly 30 vHirAW qoN inSkwm Bwv nwl pUry ielwkw vwsIAW dI syvw kr irhw hY [ mo i nkw mlho q rw dy ipqw svrgI iqlk rwj mlhoqrw ies ielwky dy blwk pRDwn rih cu`ky hn[ moinkw mlhoqrw dy v`fy Brw suSIl mlhoqrw nUM ies vwrf dw b`cw b`cw jwxdw hY[ ipCly 20 swlW qoN suSIl mlhoqrw ny ielwkw vwsIAW dy hr suK du`K ‘c SrIk ho ky ibnw iksy lwlc dy syvw kIqI hY[ ie`k kwNgRys dy AwgU nyqw ny nW nw Cwpx dI gujwirS nwl istI vwiebs nUM d`isAw ik ies coxW leI ies vwrf qoN suSIl mlhoqrw hI kWgRs dI itkt qoN coxW lVx dw shI hkdwr sI, aus ivcwry nwl qy njwiej hI D`kw ho igAw[ pqw nhIN ikvyN pihlW Awm AwdmI pwrtI vloN itkt mMgx vwly pYrwSUtI nyqw nUM kwNgRys

The ward needs a councillor who moves within people, listens to them, understands their vows and who has the courage and skills to make administration work to get the things done for her people.


Core Competencies: · A High Level Of Commitment Towards Work With Intuitive Mind · Adaptable To Changing Work Culture And Environment. · Good Intrapersonal Skills.

Served As Resource Person: · · ·

At Guru Nanak Girls College & Everest Public Sr. Sec School, Ludhiana, At Vocational Rehabilitation Training Centre, Ludhiana Teaching Of English Grammar At Teachers' Training Centre, Ludhiana

Certied For: · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Youth Leadership Training Camp held At P.A.U. Ludhiana th 12 National Jamboree Held At Palghat, Kerala Training In Basic Course,for Guide Captain At Taradevi, Shimla 6th National Adventure Festival Held At Chandigarh Training In Advance Course For Guide Captain At Taradevi, Shimla. Rover –ranger Rally Held At Ludhiana Scout/guide Jamborette Held At Chandigarh N.S.S. Camp At G.N.N. College, Doraha, & at Mater Tara Singh College, Ldh Organizing Medical Checkup Camp At Govt. Girls school Ramgarh,ludhiana Represented The Committee To recommend syllabus By Panjab University Delivered Lecture On Personality Development To NSS Delivered Lecture On” Problems Among Adolescent Girls” At Govt. Girls school, Ludhiana

Awards Received: · Got Special Award Medal Of Merit From Bharat Scouts And Guides, · Naari Shakti Award From Aadhar The Foundation In Service Of Humanity · “priyadarshini Samman”from Avantika Besides, Monica Malhotra is Life member of Red Cross, IPDA, UK & many more CITY VIBES Published & Edited By Chander Mohan Sharma from P-11, Basant Vihar, Noorwala Road, Ludhiana and Printed at Swastik Printers, Ludhiana. RNI No. 69862/98. Mobile: 98154 29998; Assistant Editor: Aakash Bhardwaj

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