Si želite Triglavski narodni park bolje spoznati, pridobiti informacije ali koristen namig, s pomočjo katerega boste osvojili vrh gore, ki ste jo v mislih osvajali že večkrat? Želite v park popeljati organizirano skupino? Mogoče pa lepote raje spoznavate in občudujete drugače: na razstavah, ob filmih in razlagah animatorjev, vodnikov … Vse to in še več vam ponujamo v naših informacijskih središčih in točkah, na vodenjih in prireditvah.
Would you like to experience the Triglav National Park first hand, get some useful information or a helpful hint that will help you conquer the mountain you have climbed several times in your mind? Are you thinking of taking a large group of people in the Park? Or, perhaps you prefer to enjoy the beauties of nature in a different way: through exhibitions, documentaries and nature interpretations by experienced guides … You will find all this and more at Triglav National Park’s information centres, information points, guided tours and events.
Skupaj bomo odkrivali skrivnostni in edinstveni svet, vreden občudovanja in ohranjanja za nas in za tiste, ki še prihajajo. Vabljeni na obisk v Triglavski narodni park!
Together, we will explore this mysterious and unique area which deserves to be admired and protected for our generation and for all to come. Welcome to the Triglav National Park!
Triglavski narodni park
Pravila ravnanja Pri obisku v Triglavskem narodnem parku spoštujmo navade in način življenja domačinov. Bodimo tihi, da ne bomo vznemirjali živali. V narodnem parku ničesar ne puščajmo in ne odnašajmo ničesar razen lepih spominov. Gorsko cvetje je najlepše na svojih rastiščih, zato naj tam tudi ostane. Odpadke odnesimo s seboj. Pse vodimo na vrvici. Parkovne poti so namenjene pohodnikom, vožnja s kolesi po njih ni dovoljena. Na poti sledimo oznakam na stebričkih in markiranim potem. Vozila puščajmo na za to označenih mestih. Noč preživimo v organiziranih namestitvah (kampih, sobah, kočah ...), taborjenje zunaj za to namenjenih območij ni dovoljeno.
Za varnejši obisk gora svetujemo: bodite primerno obuti in oblečeni v nahrbtniku imejte pripravljeno zaščito pred dežjem in mrazom ne izbirajte poti, ki jih ne poznate, oziroma pridobite zadostne informacije, da boste kos novim izzivom ne precenite svojih psihofizičnih zmožnosti
Triglavski narodni park (TNP) je na začetku dvajsetega stoletja, sprva kot ideja, nato kot institucija za varstvo narave, vstopil v pestro zgodovino Vzhodnih Julijskih Alp. Spada med najstarejše parke v Alpah in je eden največjih naravnih zakladov Slovenije. Letnice, ki so zaznamovale TNP: prvi predlog za zavarovanje v letu 1906, »Alpski varstveni park« v dolini Triglavskih jezer leta 1924 (1600 ha), odlok o razglasitvi Doline Triglavskih jezer za »Triglavski narodni park« (2000 ha) in Zakon o Triglavskem narodnem parku (83.807 ha) v letu 1981. Leži v Julijskih Alpah blizu tromeje med Avstrijo, Italijo in Slovenijo. Najvišja točka je vrh Triglava (2864 m), po katerem je park dobil ime, najnižja pa je v Tolminskih koritih (180 m). Pokrajinske značilnosti so ledeniške alpske doline, gorske planote in visokogorje nad zgornjo gozdno mejo. Posebnosti TNP so kristalno čiste vode, globoke soteske, ostanki pragozdov, izjemno bogata biotska pestrost, eldorado planinskega cvetja, med njimi nekaj endemitov (zoisova zvončica, julijski mak, srebrna krvomočnica). Značilne živali v parku so gams, kozorog, jelen, medved, ris, orel in številne druge vrste ptic, plazilci in endemična postrv. Skratka, več kot 5500 različnih živih bitij je našlo svoj prostor na območju TNP. V tem prostoru sta kmetijstvo in varstvo narave zaveznika, ki ohranjata življenjski prostor rastlin in živali ter tako tudi naravne vire za življenje človeka samega. Obdelana polja, njive, travniki, senožeti in pašniki, dolinska naselja in pašne planine, značilne hiše in številni majhni seniki, hlevi in stanovi ustvarjajo kulturno krajino. Kulturna dediščina je prepoznavna po svoji raznolikosti, saj je mogoče preprosto prepoznati in razlikovati tipično bohinjsko hišo od tiste v Zgornjesavski dolini in Posočju.
Triglav National Park
First as an idea and then as a nature conservation institution, the Triglav National Park (TNP) entered the history of the Eastern Julian Alps at the beginning of the 20th century. It is among the earliest parks to have been established in the Alps and one of the greatest natural treasures of Slovenia. The highlights of its history include the following: in 1906, the first protection proposal was launched; in 1924 an »Alpine Protection Park« (1,600 ha) was established in the Triglav Lakes Valley; 1961 marks the decree promulgating the Triglav Lakes Valley as the Triglav National Park (2,000 ha) and in 1981 the Law on the Triglav National Park (83,807 ha) was passed. The park is located in the Julian Alps, in the three-border area between Slovenia, Austria and Italy. The highest point of the park is the summit of Triglav (2,864 m), whilst the lowest point lies in the basins of the Tolminka river (180 m). TNP’s most prominent landscape features include glacier-shaped valleys, mountain plateaus and high-altitude mountains above the tree line. The park prides itself on pure waters, deep-cut gorges, remains of virgin forests, richness of biodiversity, and an eldorado of mountain flowers including a number of endemic plants such as Zois’ Bellflower (Campanula zoysii), Julian Poppy (Papaver alpinum subsp. ernesti-mayeri) and Silver-leaved Cranesbill (Geranium argentum). Typical park animals are the chamois, ibex, red deer, brown bear, lynx, eagle, numerous bird and reptile species, and the endemic Marble Trout. In short, TNP is home to over 5,500 plant and animal species. In this area agriculture and nature conservation walk hand in hand, preserving the habitat for plant and animal species and natural resources needed for the survival of man. Cultivated fields, meadows, hay meadows and pasturelands, valley settlements and alps, typical houses and abundant small hayracks, sheds and homesteads make up the cultural landscape of the Triglav National Park, the most striking feature of which is its diversity as the typical Bohinj house can be easily recognized and contrasted against a house in the Upper Sava Valley (Zgornjesavska dolina) or the Soča Valley.
Code of Conduct When visiting TNP, respect the customs and traditions of the people who live in the park. Do not make any noise so as not to disturb the wildlife. Do not leave any waste in the park; take it with you, along with your memories. Admire the plants, but do not pick them as they are most beautiful where they grow. Dogs should be kept on a lead. Park trails are intended for hikers, and cycling along the trails is not permitted. Follow the signs on information posts along the trails. Leave vehicles in designated places. Spend the night in accommodation facilities (campsites, rooms, huts) because camping is not allowed outside the designated areas.
For safe mountaineering: wear comfortable hiking shoes and appropriate clothes keep a change of clothes and some protection from rain and cold in your rucksack do not take the paths you do not know, or get sufficient information to be equipped for the challenge do not overestimate your capabilities
Spoznavam, Obcudujem, Spostujem v vv v Info srediscu Triglavska roza na Bledu
Experience, Admire, Respect at the Info v Centre Triglavska roza Bled
Info središče Triglavska roža na Bledu je bogata, odprta hiša najrazličnejših vprašanj in odgovorov o naravi in človeku, o njunem sožitju in o Triglavskem narodnem parku. Prijazne animatorke vam bodo v sliki in besedi predstavile edini slovenski narodni park ter vas popeljale po strokovnih in umetniških razstavah. V toplejšem delu leta si lahko ogledate skalnjak z alpskim cvetjem ali pa samo posedite v senci dreves in lesenih umetnin pred središčem.
The Info Centre Triglavska roža in Bled is a diverse, open floor plan house where various questions are asked and answers given on the nature and man, on their coexistence and on the Triglav National Park. Friendly guides will present the only Slovenia’s national park in word and image and take you through many scientific and art exhibitions. During the warm part of the year, you can also see the rock garden with alpine flowers or take a rest in the pleasant shade of trees and wooden sculptures in front of the Centre.
Od vprašanja do odgovora, od radovednosti do razumevanja, od umetnosti do znanosti
Vse leto razen novembra in 25. 12. od 2. 5. do 30.9. od 10. do 18. ure, od 1. 10. do 30. 4. od ponedeljka do petka: od 12. do 16. ure sobota in nedelja od 10. do 18. ure
Year round except November and 25. 12. 2. 5. - 30. 9. 10:00 - 18:00 1. 10. - 30. 4. Monday-Friday: 12:00 - 16:00 Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
Vsak mesec pripravimo Sredin večer, ko naravo parka lahko spoznavate skozi besedo in jo občudujete ob stvaritvah umetnikov, ter Triglavsko tržnico, ki je namenjena spodbujanju sonaravnega kmetijstva in lokalne domače obrti. Tržnica je z animacijskimi delavnicami tudi priložnost za druženje različnih starostnih skupin. Za najavljene skupine, predvsem šolarje, pa naši sodelavci biologi, geografi, gozdarji, umetnostni zgodovinarji … pripravijo zanimive tematske delavnice.
From question to answer, from curiosity to understanding, from art to science
Every month, we organise Wednesday Evening, an event where visitors can learn more about the park and enjoy the displayed artistic works, and the Triglav Market, which is aimed at promoting organic farming and local arts and crafts. The workshops that take place at the time of the Market are an opportunity for the visitors of various age groups to socialize. For pre-booked groups TNP biologists, geographers, foresters and art historians prepare attractive thematic workshops.
Poslanstvo Info središča je spodbujati spoštovanje do narave in ohranjanje lepega. S svojim sodelovanjem in obiskom lahko prispevate kamenček v ta mozaik.
The mission of the Info Centre is to promote respect for nature and conservation of beauty. Your cooperation and visit to the Centre will be a new pebble in this intriguing mosaic.
informacije o Triglavskem narodnem parku multimedijska predstavitev Triglavskega narodnega parka razstavi o Triglavskem narodnem parku: Šotna barja, Etnologija planinskega pašništva virtualni prelet nad Alpskim lokom Mali skrivnostni svet (razstava pod lupami) vrt z izbranimi drevesnimi vrstami in s skalnjakom trgovina z izdelki domače obrti ter planinsko in strokovno literaturo Sredini večeri: fotografske in likovne razstave ter izobraževanje za vse generacije Triglavska tržnica z otroško delavnico in animacijskim programom: vsako tretjo soboto v mesecu delavnice in naravoslovni dnevi za učence in ljudi s posebnimi potrebami prostor za strokovna srečanja objekt je prirejen za obisk invalidov
information on the Triglav National Park multimedia presentation of the Triglav National Park exhibitions about the Triglav National Park:Peat Bogs, Ethnology of Dairy Farming Virtual Flight over the Alps Mysterious Micro World: World Under a Magnifying Lens (exhibition) a garden with several interesting tree species and a rock garden a shop selling arts and crafts products, mountaineering and expert books Wednesday Evenings in the Park: photo and painting exhibitions and lectures for all generations Triglav Market with a workshop for children and animation program held on the third Saturday in every month nature days and lectures for pupils, students and people with special needs meeting and conference venues wheel-chair access
Spoznavam, Obcudujem, Spostujem v vv Info srediscu Dom Trenta v Trenti
Experience, Admire, Respect at the Information centre Dom Trenta
Informacije o naravi in vsem, kar je povezano z njo ter z dogajanji, ki so skozi stoletja zaznamovala dolino Trente in Soče, dobijo obiskovalci v Informacijskem središču Triglavskega narodnega parka v Trenti ali s krajšim imenom Dom Trenta. Dom v Trenti ima dve stalni razstavi: predstavitev Triglavskega narodnega parka in prikaz etnološke dediščine doline Trente in Soče.
Information on the nature and everything remotely connected with this area and the events that have shaped the development of the valley through centuries is readily available at the Triglav National Park Information Centre in Trenta, called Dom Trenta (Trenta Lodge). Dom Trenta houses two permanent exhibitions: a presentation of the Triglav National Park and an exhibition of the ethnological heritage of the Trenta valley.
Odkrivanje narave, spoznavanje zgodovine doline Trente in Soče v Trentarskem muzeju
Posebno privlačna je po mnenju številnih obiskovalcev predstavitev reke Soče avtorja Andreja Zdraviča Skrivnosti Soče, ki na osmih televizijskih zaslonih obiskovalca prevzame z videoposnetki in zvoki reke od njenega izvira do Bovca, posneta v vseh letnih časih. Trentarski muzej spada med najstarejše etnološke zbirke na Slovenskem. Prikaz življenja v dolini se prične z Baumbachovo pravljico o Zlatorogu in se zaključi z rekonstrukcijo trentarske hiše in bivanjskega prostora (hram) na planini.
informacije o Triglavskem narodnem parku razstave: Razstava o naravi, Trentarski muzej začasne fotografske in likovne razstave knjižnica in čitalnica, opremljena s širokopasovnim dostopom na svetovni splet trgovina z izdelki domače obrti in planinsko literaturo tradicionalne prireditve: Belarjevi dnevi, glasbeni Forum in Trentarski senjem tematska vodenja: Soška pot, Pot tehnične dediščine, Pot krivopetnic vodenja s parkovnim planinskim vodnikom eno- ali večdnevne delavnice in naravoslovni dnevi za učence osnovnih in srednjih šol prostor za strokovna srečanja do 100 oseb osem turističnih apartmajev hiša Trenta s sedmimi dvoposteljnimi sobami in apartmajem za pet oseb objekt, prirejen za obisk invalidov
Exploring nature and learning about the history of the Trenta and Soča valley in the Trenta Museum
The most interesting part of the museum for most visitors is the multi-monitor installation “Secrets of Soča, a Ballet of Four Seasons”, by Andrej Zdravič, which, running simultaneously on eight screens, takes the visitor on a spectacular journey down the river from its source to Bovec. The Trenta Museum houses one of the oldest ethnological collections in Slovenia. The presentation of the life in the valley starts with Baumbach’s fairy tale of Zlatorog. A final touch of the museum is the reconstructed Trenta house and a typical shepherd’s homestead.
information on the Triglav National Park exhibitions: Nature Exhibition, The Trenta Museum temporary photo and art exhibitions library and a reading room with broadband Internet access a shop selling arts and crafts products and mountaineering books traditional events: Albin Belar Days, Trenta Music Forum, Trenta Fair guided tours: Soča Trail, Technical Heritage Path, The Path of the Fairies tours with a mountain guide one-day or several-day workshops and nature days for primary and secondary school groups meeting and conference venue (seating max 100) eight fully equipped apartments The Trenta House with seven double bedrooms and an apartment wheel-chair access
Vse leto razen novembra, 25. 12 in 1.1 od 27. 4 do 31. 10. od 10. do 18. ure, od 1. 12 do 26. 4. od 10. do 14. ure Year round except November, December 25 and January 1 27. 4. - 31. 10. 10:00 - 18:00, 1. 12. - 26. 4. 10:00 - 14:00
Ob petkih, sobotah, nedeljah in na državne praznike od tretjega konca tedna v maju do konca septembra od 11. do 18. ure. Za najavljene skupine tudi druge dneve. On Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays from the third week of May to end of September from 11:00 to 18:00. Guided visits for groups also by appointment.
Pocarjeva domacija
The Pocar Homestead
Etnološka znamenitost doline z bogato zbirko starih predmetov in zgodbo o rodu Pocar
An ethnological monument, the Pocar Homestead offers a rich display of old artefacts and the story of the Pocar family
Na lep, sončen spomladanski, poletni ali jesenski dan vas vabimo na kolesarjenje po Kolesarski poti v dolini Radovna. 16 kilometrov dolgo, a ne pretežko pot lahko začnete že v Krnici, v Zgornjih Gorjah. Na avtobusni postaji stoji informacijska tabla, na kateri je predstavljena kolesarska pot z informacijskimi točkami. Pot vodi ob reki Radovni mimo lepo urejenih travnikov, hiš, jezerca Kreda vse do konca Kolesarske poti – do Pocarjeve domačije.
A sunny day in spring, summer or autumn is ideal for a biking tour of the Radovna Valley. You can set off on the 16-kilometre-long Radovna Cycling Route at Krnica, in Zgornje Gorje. At the Krnica bus stop an information panel has been erected to inform visitors of the Radovna Cycling Route and its information points. The trail runs along the Radovna past the cultivated meadows, houses, the Kreda lakelet and to the route’s final destination, the Pocar Homestead.
Pocarjeva domačija, ena od prvih šestih v Zgornji Radovni, hrani veliko različnih starih predmetov, ki pričajo o načinu dela in življenja ljudi pod Triglavom. Na ogled so hiša, gospodarsko poslopje in vozarna. V Pocarjevi domačiji obiskovalce pričaka vodnik, ki z zgodbo o Pocarjih zamakne čas življenja na tej domačiji več kot sto let nazaj. Ugotovitev, da so Pocarjevi živeli na tak način še v bližnji preteklosti, na začetku 90. let prejšnjega stoletja, je prav razburljiva.
The Pocar farm, one of the six oldest farms in Zgornja Radovna, is a storage place for a variety of old artefacts that bear witness to the work and life of people at the foot of Triglav. The tour of the homestead includes the house (hiša), the outbuilding and the cart shed. Telling the story of the Pocar family, the exhibition guide takes the visitors back in time for several hundred years. However, most are stunned to learn that the Pocars kept their way of life alive until the beginning of the 1990s.
Triglavski narodni park je v letu 2006 prejel nagrado Evropske skupnosti za kulturno dediščino Europa Nostra za arhitekturno obnovo Pocarjeve domačije.
In 2006 the Triglav National Park was awarded an EU prize for cultural heritage called Europa Nostra for architectural renovation of the Pocar Homestead.
informacije o Triglavskem narodnem parku voden ogled Pocarjeve domačije Poletni kulturni večeri na Pocarjevi domačiji
information on the Triglav National Park guided tours of Pocar Homestead Summer Culture Evenings at the Pocar Homestead
Slovenski planinski muzej
The Slovenian Alpine Museum
Informacijska točka Triglavskega narodnega parka v Mojstrani
Triglav National Park Information Point in Mojstrana
V Slovenskem planinskem muzeju si podajata roke preteklost in sedanjost. Bogata zbirka predmetov s pestro zgodovinsko pripovedjo, raznolikost fotografskega in arhivskega gradiva ter obsežna strokovna knjižnica nudijo obiskovalcu vpogled v množičnost in pomembnost planinske dejavnosti v slovenskem prostoru. Stalna razstava je zasnovana kot muzejska pripoved, ki jo doživljamo skozi lasten vzpon na goro.
In the Slovenian Alpine Museum the past and the future go hand in hand. A rich collection of items and artifacts telling stories, rich photographic and archive material, and a comprehensive professional booklet give the visitor the chance to grasp the popularity and importance of the mountaineering activity in the Slovenian territory. The permanent exhibition is based on the concept of a museum story, which we experience through our own climb up the mountain.
T: +386 (0)8 380 67 30 E: info@planinskimuzej.si; www.planinskimuzej.si
T: +386 (0)8 380 67 30 E: info@planinskimuzej.si; www.planinskimuzej.si
TIC Kobarid
Tourist Information Centre Kobarid
Informacijska točka Triglavskega narodnega parka v Kobaridu
Triglav National Park Information Point in Kobarid
Maj – september: 9.00 - 19.00 Oktober – april: 9.00 - 17.00 Maj – September: 9:00 – 19:00 October – April: 9:00 – 17:00
Poletni delovni čas: Vsak dan med 9. in 20. uro Zimski delovni čas: ponedeljek – petek: 9.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 16.00 Sobota: 10.00 - 14.00 Nedelja: zaprto Prazniki, ob katerih je TIC zaprt: 1. januar, 1. november in 25. december. LTO Sotočje – TIC Kobarid in Info točka TNP v Zeleni hiši, na osrednjem trgu v Kobaridu, uresničujeta zamisel o povezovanju kmetijstva, turizma in naravovarstva s ciljem trajnostnega razvoja. Osnovni namen obeh organizacij je predstavitev turistične ponudbe ter naravne in kulturne dediščine Zgornjega Posočja in Triglavskega narodnega parka.
Sotočje Local Tourist Board – TIC Kobarid and TNP Info Point in Zelena Hiša (Green House) at the na central square of Kobarid have implemented the idea to connect agriculture, tourism and nature conservation with sustainable development. The main goal of both organisations is to present the tourist assets and the natural and cultural heritage of Zgornje Posočje (Upper Soča Valley) and Triglav National Park.
T: 00386 (0)5 38 00 490 E: info.kobarid@lto-sotocje.si; www.dolina-soce.si
T: 00386 (0)5 38 00 490 E: info.kobarid@lto-sotocje.si; www.dolina-soce.si
Summer time: Every day 9:00 –20:00 Winter time: Monday – Friday: 9:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 16:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00 Sunday: closed Closed on the following holidays: January 1, November 1, and December 25
Petkovi popoldnevi v parku v v druzinsko dozivljanje narave
Friday Afternoons in the Park: The family experience of nature
V Triglavskem narodnem parku vsak zadnji petek v poletnih mesecih pripravljamo Petkove popoldneve v parku, ki so zlasti namenjeni druženju otrok in staršev ter njihovemu skupnemu doživljanju narave. Na delavnicah združujemo prijetno s koristnim. Družine preživijo nekaj kvalitetnega časa v naravi na območju parka, poudarjena pa je predvsem njihova skupna dejavnost v odkrivanju in občudovanje naravnih čudes, odnos do narave, ustvarjalno delo, druženje ter komunikacija. Delavnic se lahko udeležijo vsi, saj so prilagojene vsem starostim, od vnukov do dedkov in babic. Animatorji udeležence popeljejo v gozd, na travnik, na hrib, k jezeru ali potoku in jim na preprost ter zanimiv način približajo njihove prebivalce. Otroci s svojo zvedavostjo v ta svet potegnejo še starše in z njimi delijo nova doživetja. Ne pozabljamo pa tudi na kulturo in človeka, ki sta neločljiv del narave. Poseben poudarek je namenjen skrbi za naravo ter obnašanju v njej. Zadovoljni in srečni obrazi so stalnica zaključkov delavnic, ki jih včasih popestrimo z ustvarjalno delavnico, na kateri otroci svoje vtise prelijejo še na papir. Veselimo se vašega obiska!
On the last Friday in every summer month the Triglav National Park organises a special event called Friday Afternoons in the Park, which aims to provide parents and children with an opportunity to enjoy nature together. The workshops are an ideal blend of learning and having fun. Families spend some quality time in nature within the park, join in exploring and admiring the nature, develop a common attitude towards nature and benefit from creative work, socializing and communication. The workshops are suitable for participants of all age groups, from grandchildren to grandparents. Workshop staff take the participants into a forest, on to a meadow, a hill, to a lake or a stream and present the inhabitants of these specific habitats in a simple and interesting way. Children’s curiosity draws parents into the magical world of nature and they join in wonderful new experience. Special attention is paid to the culture and man, both inseparable parts of nature. Special emphasis is placed on instructing the participants about how to take care of nature and how to behave in it. Satisfied, happy faces are a desired outcome of these events, which are often spiced up with a creative workshop where children record their impressions on paper. Spend a Friday afternoon with us!
druženje otrok, družin, posameznikov in skupno odkrivanje narave vsak zadnji petek v mesecu od maja do septembra brezplačna delavnica
meeting of children, families, individuals, and joint explorations of nature held on the last Friday in every month from May to September workshops free of charge
Triglav in tri znamenite poti na njegov vrh
Triglav and its three famous climbing routes
Predstavljamo vam tri pomembne pristope na Triglav. Bohinjskega kot znamenito pot štirih prvopristopnikov iz leta 1778, gornjesavskega ali kar mojstranskega v spomin na Aljažev čas in trentarskega v duhu dr. Juliusa Kugyja. Da bi se bolje seznanili s Kraljestvom Triglava, je treba sčasoma spoznati vse tri, prav tako njihove variante. Za naključnega obiskovalca Julijskih Alp in Triglavskega narodnega parka pa je vsaka od naštetih poti dovolj zanimiva in lepa. Izhodišča opisanih pristopov na Triglav so planinske koče v Triglavskem narodnem parku, katerim je dodan informativni opis poti iz doline do koče.
There are three important ascent routes to Triglav. The Bohinj Alpine Path, dedicated to the Bohinj mountaineers who were the first to ascend Triglav in 1778, the approach from the Upper Sava Valley (Mojstrana) dedicated to the renowned Triglav priest Jakob Aljaž, and the Trenta Route inspired by Dr Julius Kugy. Those wishing to explore the kingdom of Triglav in detail will have to take all three, and their many variants. But for a chance visitor to the Julian Alps and Triglav, each and every one of these routes will quench the thirst for mountaineering experience and beauty. The focal points in the description of these routes are the huts of the Triglav National Park. Consequently, the ascent from the hut to the top of the mountain is described first, followed by an explanation of the lower sections of the route.
Pot s Planike ali smer prvopristopnikov iz leta 1778
The Planika Route or the »First Men on Triglav« Route
Velja za najlažji pristop na Triglav, vendar je ne gre podcenjevati. Iz široke kotanje za domom se po drobljivih ploščah dvigne pod strm kamin (Triglavska Vrata), od koder si varovala sledijo do vrha Malega Triglava, kjer se združi s plezalno potjo s Kredarice. Od tam izpostavljeno po grebenu na vrh (1.45 h).
Although this is believed to be the easiest of approaches to Triglav, it should not be underestimated. From the wide depression behind Dom Planika the path slants up across crumbly ground as far as the steep saddle Triglavska Vrata and further up the secured route to the top of Mali Triglav, where it joins the climbing route from Kredarica. From there, it is an airy climb along the ridge to the top of Triglav (1.45 h).
Na Planiko nas v slabih dveh urah privede dokaj nezahtevna, razgledna pot od Vodnikovega doma na Velem polju, najstarejša med opisanimi. Do Velega polja je bila nekoč »zapovedana« pastirska pot iz Stare Fužine v Bohinjski dolini, skozi stransko dolino in hkrati planino Voje. Voje so tako postala »Zelena vrata Triglava«. Iz zatrepa doline, blizu slapu Mostnice, krene na Velo polje pot čez Spodnjo Grintojco, strmo do Zagona, potem pa zložno do Vodnikovega doma (iz Stare Fužine do Vodnikovega doma dobre štiri ure.) Na Zagonu se opisani poti priključi danes najbolj uhojena pot na Velo polje z Rudnega polja na Pokljuki.
Dom Planika, the starting point of this Triglav ascent, is reached after an easy, two-hour panoramic walk from the mountain hut Vodnikov dom on Velo polje, which is the oldest of all the described approaches. The path to Velo polje used to be a »compulsory« shepherd’s path from Stara Fužina in Bohinj through a side valley and over the Voje valley. Because of this path, Voje has come to be called »the green door to Triglav«. From the end of the valley, near the Mostnica waterfall, the path sets off to Velo polje across Spodnja Grintojca, steeply to Zagon and then gently to Vodnikov dom (4 hours from Stara Fužina to Vodnikov dom). At Zagon the path is joined by currently the most frequented route to Velo polje, which starts at Rudno polje on the Pokljuka plateau.
Poti iz Vrat niso za vsakogar. Zahtevajo gorniško izkušenost in dobro pripravljenost ter potrebno opremo. Obvezna sta cepin in zaščitna čelada. The routes from Vrata are not suitable for everyone as they require some climbing experience, stamina and climbing equipment. Use of a helmet and an alpine axe is compulsory.
Od Triglavskega doma na Kredarici
From Triglavski dom on Kredarica
Od Triglavskega doma na Kredarici je speljana danes najpopularnejša, dokaj zahtevna plezalna pot. Imenovali jo bomo »pot spomina na Triglavskega župnika Jakoba Aljaža«. Pri plezanju je ves čas v pomoč značilen »jež« starih klinov, kajti vse do Malega Triglava si sledijo vrtoglavi prepadi. Od Malega Triglava naprej po grebenu na vrh, kakor pri poti s Planike (1.15 h). Najbolj znane poti do Triglavskega doma privedejo iz Vrat, iz Kota (mimo Staničevega doma) in iz Krme.
The most popular, yet quite demanding climbing route to Triglav runs from the mountain hut Triglavski dom on Kredarica. The route is dedicated to the memory of the Triglav priest, Jakob Aljaž. Climbers are assisted by a secured rope throughout the climb because of the gaping precipices stretching all the way to Mali Triglav. From Mali Triglav the route winds up along the ridge to the top, as described in the Planika Route (1.15 h). To reach Triglavski dom on Kredarica, mountaineers normally start from the valleys Vrata, Kot (past Staničev dom) or Krma.
Skozi Krmo so prebivalci Zgornje Radovne (v zadnjem času Psnakovi) dolga leta oskrbovali Triglavski in Staničev dom. Precej samotna in zelo lepa je pot skozi Kot, čez sončni, razgledni Lengarjev rovt, pod stenami Rjavine in Vrbanove špice do Staničevega doma ter naprej na Kredarico. Najbolj uhojene so poti iz Vrat. Od Aljaževega doma (prenočišča), ki je tudi znano izhodišče za plezalne vzpone v Vratih, so tri možne poti na Triglav, od katerih nobena ni lahka. Pot čez Prag, ki je najbolj obiskana, se v zatrepu doline dvigne čez prvi prag (varovala) na široko, poraščeno polico v vznožju Severne triglavske stene, ki se od tam poševno dviga proti sedlu med Triglavom in Cmirom ter Begunjskim vrhom. V drugi tretjini poti čaka nad deset metrov visok, povsem navpičen prag, opremljen z jeklenico in klini. Nad njim se pot zagrize v melišča pod Triglavskimi podi. Na območju podov Stena zapusti popotniško sceno, na katero stopi vrhnja zgradba Triglava. Svet se položi na slikovitih zglajenih ploščah in se še enkrat strmo dvigne pod Triglavskim domom (od Aljaževega doma čez Prag do Kredarice 5.15 h).
Through Krma the inhabitants of Zgornja Radovna (the Psnak family, in recent time) have been supplying the mountain huts Triglavski dom and Staničev dom. Secluded but breath-takingly beautiful is the path through the Kot valley, which runs across a sunny, panoramic Lengar pasture, below the rock faces of Rjavina and Vrbanova špica to the mountain hut Staničev dom and then on to Kredarica. If you are looking for a more frequented path, choose the one from the Vrata Valley. Aljažev dom (accommodation), a popular starting point for mountaineering trips in Vrata, offers three ascents to Triglav, none of them easy. The Prag Route, which is the most popular of all three, climbs the first rock step at the end of the valley (roped section). Then the path follows a long grassy ledge at the edge of the Triglav North Face and rises gently towards the saddle between Triglav and Cmir on the one side and Begunjski vrh on the other. In the second third of the route you must climb an over-10-metrehigh, vertical step, which is secured with a rope. Once you have climbed it, the path eats up into the tiring screes below Triglavski podi. The Face is now forced to leave the climber’s scene, only to be replaced by a view of the top reaches of Triglav. The terrain flattens out on a karst plateau and then rises, one last time, to Triglavski dom (from Aljažev dom in Vrata over Prag to Kredarica 5.15h).
Z Dolica po stopinjah dr. Juliusa Kugyja
From Dolic in the Footsteps of Dr Julius Kugy
Od koče sledimo serpentinam stare mulatjere do ruševin nekdanje italijanske vojašnice Morbegne (možnost zavetja). Od tam po meliščih navzgor pod Triglavsko škrbino. Zavarovana pot privede v rdečo grapo pod škrbino, nato pa v cikcaku čez strmo, južno pobočje Triglava in v zaključku po jugozahodnem grebenu na vrh (2.30 h).
From the mountain hut on the Dolič saddle follow the serpentine bends of the old mulattiera to the ruins of a former Italian barracks Morbegne (refuge) and up the scree slopes to Triglavska škrbina. A secured path takes you to a red gully just below Škrbina (Notch) and then zig-zags across the steep southern slopes of Triglav, finally climbing up the south-western ridge to the top (2.30 h).
Na Dolič se lahko vzpnemo iz Trente, z Velega polja, s Triglavskih jezer čez Hribarice ali po plezalni poti Mire Marko Debelakove za Kanjavcem. Največ obiska ima Dolič po Triglavski magistrali čez Hribarice iz Doline Triglavskih jezer. Ta pot je tako dobro znana, da je ne bomo opisovali. Na pot se bomo podali iz Informacijskega središča TNP Dom Trenta Na Logu v Trenti. Sledimo cesti proti Vršiču. Na prvi serpentini zavijemo po makadamski cesti v dolino Zadnjico (do parkirišča se lahko pripeljemo z avtomobilom). Na parkirišču se levo odcepi pot na Kriške pode, mi pa nadaljujemo mimo rampe po dnu doline, ki spada med najlepše v Julijskih Alpah. Z vseh strani jo obdajajo prepadne stene, zato je pozimi mrzla, poleti pa vlada v njej prijeten hlad gorskega zavetja. Nad nekdanjimi pašniki, posejanimi z balvani in ovčjimi prestajami, pritegneta pogled mogočni ostenji Kanjavca in Vršaca. Ob njunem vznožju je križišče poti. Desno gre pot v strmi Zadnjiški Dol, na staro pašno planino Trebiščino in Prehodavce, levo mulatjera na Luknjo in Dolič, naravnost pa manj znana plezalna pot čez Komar naravnost na Dolič. Udobnejša, vendar precej daljša je mulatjera. Dobro uro nad zatrepom se naša pot odcepi desno, se čez čas malo spusti, nato pa po serpentinah in z lepimi pogledi proti zastavnemu Jalovcu na Dolič. Nekaj korakov pod kočo srečamo odcep mulatjere proti Triglavu. (Z Loga dobre štiri ure.)
The roads to Dolič run from Trenta, Velo polje, Triglav Lakes via Hribarice, and along the Mira Marko Debelak’s climbing route behind Kanjavec. The most frequented path to Dolič is the one along the Triglav Traverse (Triglavska magistrala) from the Triglav Lakes Valley via the Hribarice pass. As this path is well-known and described in detail in other publications, we will set on our way to Dolič from the TNP Information Centre Dom Trenta at Na Logu in Trenta. Follow the road to Vršič. At the first serpentine, take the gravel road into the valley Zadnjica (by car to the car park). At the car park, a path branches off left for Kriški podi, but we continue past a road barrier at the end of the valley, considered among the most beautiful in the Julian Alps. The valley is surrounded from all sides by precipitous cliffs so it is cold in the winter and filled with pleasant coolness of a mountain refuge during summer. Former pasturelands, scattered with boulders and sheep sheds, are governed by the towering rock faces of Kanjavec and Vršac. At the foot of these rock faces, there is a junction of mountain paths. To the left, a path runs to the steep Zadnjiški Dol and to the old alp Trebiščina and the Prehodavci pass, and to the left a mulattiera takes the mountaineer to the Luknja pass and the Dolič saddle. The path running straight is a less popular climbing route over Komar directly to Dolič. The mulattiera offers a more pleasant, but much longer walk. A good hour above the end of the valley our path forks right, descends slightly and then winds up towards Jalovec and Dolič. Just a few steps below the mountain hut, the mulattiera branches off towards Triglav (4 hours from Na Logu).
Parkovne poti Triglavskega narodnega parka
Park Trails of the Triglav National Park
Parkovne poti poleg doživljanja narave ponujajo tudi informacije o območju, po katerem potekajo. Po njih vas vodijo razpoznavni parkovni stebrički, ki vas sem ter tja pripeljejo do informacijskih tabel s kratko vsebino o zgodovini, živalih, ljudeh ali drugih značilnostih okolice. S parkovnimi potmi TNP upravlja javni zavod Triglavski narodni park, ponekod v sodelovanju z lokalnimi organizacijami. Vse poti so tehnično nezahtevne, kljub temu pa pred odhodom pomislite na primerno obutev, pijačo in vremensko napoved. Ne pozabite, da je v slabem vremenu tudi ravna in široka pot lahko spolzka! Po parkovnih poteh se lahko odpravite sami ali s strokovno usposobljenimi parkovnimi vodniki. Primerne so za obisk šolskih in drugih skupin.
Park trails provide visitors with hands-on experience of natural environment and some information on the visited area. The trails are organized along the information posts leading to occasional information boards that contain a short text on the history, fauna, flora, people or other features of the site. The trails are managed by the public institution Triglav National Park Authority, in cooperation with local organisations. All the trails are easy to take but suitable footwear and a supply of liquid is recommended as is a quick look at the weather forecast. Remember that in bad weather, even a wide and flat path can become very slippery. You can take the park trails alone or use the services of our experienced guides. Park trails are suitable for school and other groups.
Pot Triglavske Bistrice
The Triglavska Bistrica Trail
Že leta 1995 je Triglavski narodni park s pomočjo mednarodne fundacije Alp Action v dolini uredil Naravoslovno učno pot Vrata. Na začetku je povezovala organizirano vodenje predvsem najzanimivejše dele gozda in še nekatere v juniju in avgustu, vsak druge naravne znamenitosti, kot so slap Peričnik, torek ob 9. uri, zborno Galerije in amfiteatralni zatrep Vrat. Pot smo večkrat mesto pred Slovenskim dopolnili, v letu pa 2006 pa popolnoma prenovili. Povabilo obiskovalcem je tudi novo ime – Pot Triglavske planiniskim muzejem Bistrice. v Mojstrani Pot poteka po dolini navzgor, začne se pri meji 10 kilometrov poti ob Triglavski Bistrici osrednjega območja parka Pri Rosu, prav pri vstopu v Vrata. Večinoma poteka po stezah in poteh vzdolž je 3 ure hoda Triglavske Bistrice in se le na kratkih odsekih združi guided tours available s cesto. Obisk poti lahko poljubno skrajšamo in si ogledamo samo tisti del, ki nas najbolj zanima. in June and August, every Tuesday at 9:00; Triglav je gora in simbol, ki v Vrata pripelje mnoge obiskovalce, največkrat planince. Po gori je naš edini meeting place: at the narodni park dobil ime in ob njenem vznožju izvira Slovenian Alpine MuTriglavska Bistrica, po kateri smo poimenovali našo seum in Mojstrana pot. Po njej vas bo spremljal Triglavček – vse dokler na 10 km along the koncu poti ne boste zagledali pravega! Triglavska Bistrica Trail takes 3 hours of walking
With the support of the international Alp Action foundation, the Triglav National Park set up the Vrata Valley Nature Trail in 1995. Originally, the trail connected the most interesting parts of the valley forests and several other natural attractions such as the Peričnik Fall, the Galerije and the amphitheatre-shaped head of the Vrata Valley. The trail was expanded over the years and in 2006 it underwent a complete renovation. Today, it attracts visitors under a new name: the Triglavska Bistrica Trail. The Triglavska Bistrica Trail starts at Pri Rosu, at the valley’s entrance close to the border of the central zone of the park, and runs up the valley. Most of the trail follows the paths along the Triglavska Bistrica and only meets the road through the valley in several short sections. The visit to the Triglavska Bistrica Trail can be tailored to the available time and desired purpose of the visitors who can only take a look at the sections which they consider most interesting. Triglav is the mountain and the symbol which attracts visitors, mostly mountaineers, to the valley of Vrata. The stream which gave its name to the theme trail originates at the foot of this majestic mountain, after which the only Slovenia’s national park was named. When taking the trail, look for “Triglav”, the mascot and official logo of the trail, who will be your companion and guide along the way until you feast your eyes at the real Triglav when you have come to the and of the trail.
Soska pot
The Soca Trail
Najstarejša, Soška pot vodi obiskovalce Triglavskega narodnega parka ob Soči od njenega izvira proti Bovcu. Povezuje steze in mirne, manj znane dele doline Trente in Soče, stran od ceste in hrupa. Posebna zanimivost so slikovite brvi, po katerih večkrat prečkamo reko. Hoja po Soški poti in obisk Informacijskega središča TNP Doma Trenta ponujata spoznavanje in razumevanje Triglavskega narodnega parka.
The oldest, Soča Trail is a nature trail taking visitors to the Triglav National Park along the Soča river from its source to Bovec. The trail connects the old Trenta paths and peaceful sections of the valley, leading visitors away from the road and noise. Numerous footbridges across the Soča open up possibilities of short or long walks along the riverbed. A visit to the Soča Trail and TNP Information Centre Dom Trenta will certainly deepen a traveller’s experience and understanding of the Triglav National Park.
Celotna pot od izvira Soče po dolini Trente in Soče vse do meje parka pri Kršovcu je dolga okrog 20 kilometrov. Na meji parka Soška pot preide v eno od bovških sprehajalnih poti in nas pripelje v Bovec. Obisk poti lahko prilagodimo svojemu času in si ogledamo samo tisti del, ki nas najbolj zanima. Znak Soške poti je endemična ribja vrsta soška postrv (Salmo marmoratus), ki v Sloveniji naseljuje predvsem Sočo s pritoki, Reko in Rižano.
The trail, which measures 20 km in length, runs from the source of the Soča river down the valley of Trenta and the river Soča to the Kršovec hamlet at the border of the national park, and continues from there to Bovec as the Bovec Walking Trail.The visit to the Soča Trail can be tailored to the available time and desired purpose of visitors, who can simply take a look at those sections of the trail they consider most interesting. The endemic Marble Trout (Salmo marmoratus), whose habitat in Slovenia is limited to the Soča and its tributaries, and the rivers Reka and Rižana, was the natural choice for the logo of the Soča Trail.
organizirano vodenje v juniju in avgustu, vsak četrtek ob 9. uri, zborno mesto pri izviru Soče od izvira do informacijskega Important info: Dom tours - središča TNP guided Trenta je 2–3 ure available in June and hoda
August, every Thursday at guided 9:00; meeting place: tours atavailable the source of the in June Soča and August, every - Thursdayfrom the Soča at 9:00; meetingtoplace: the Insource the atTNP source of the Soča Dom formation Centre from the Soča Trenta: 2 –3 hours. source to the TNP Information Centre Dom Trenta: 2–3 hours
7,5 kilometrov poti ob gozdovih Pokljuke je 3 ure hoda 7.5 kilometre trail across Pokljuka forests takes 3 hours of walking
Pokljuska pot
The Pokljuka Trail
Pokljuka ni le izhodišče za pohode na bližnje planine, gore ali celo Triglav, temveč je tudi sama po sebi zelo privlačen cilj obiskovalcev. Razmišljanje, kaj pokazati obiskovalcu, kam ga usmeriti in kako obenem tudi varovati naravo, pa je pripeljalo do ideje o Pokljuški poti, ki smo jo leta 2003 uredili skupaj z Zavodom za gozdove Slovenije. Pokljuška pot je torej parkovna in gozdarska učna pot, ki vodi obiskovalce Triglavskega narodnega parka in Pokljuke po njenih gozdovih ter drugih znamenitostih. Povezuje gozdove, planine ter nas popelje tudi do nekaterih zgodovinskih zanimivosti. Obisk Pokljuške poti lahko tudi prilagodimo svojemu času in namenu ter si ogledamo samo del, ki nas najbolj zanima. Pokljuška pot je namenjena vsem, ki prihajajo na Pokljuko: šolskim in drugim skupinam, strokovnim ekskurzijam in posameznim obiskovalcem. S Triglavskim narodnim parkom ali Zavodom za gozdove Slovenije se je mogoče dogovoriti tudi za strokovno vodenje. Prostrano Pokljuko zaznamuje smrekov gozd, zato smo tudi za znak Pokljuške poti izbrali brhko smreko Jelko. Ob obisku poti pa boste med drugim lahko izvedeli tudi to, zakaj so iz pokljuških gozdov izginili listavci.
In addition to being a starting point for mountaineering tours to the nearby alps, summits and even Triglav, the Pokljuka plateau is in itself a very attractive visitor destination. Constant thinking about what to show to visitors and where to take them so as to ensure nature protection and conservation has led to the idea of creating a Pokljuka Trail, which was formed in 2003 in cooperation with the Slovenia Forest Service. The Pokljuka Trail is a park and nature trail showing visitors to the Triglav National Park and Pokljuka around its forests and other points of interest. The trail connects forests, alps and pastures and several historical attractions into an intriguing whole. The visit to the Pokljuka Trail can be tailored to the available time and desired purpose of visitors who decide to take a look at only those sections of the trail which they consider most interesting. The trail is for all who come to Pokljuka: families, school children and special interest groups, and individuals of all ages. You can take the park trails alone or use the service of experienced guides of the TNP or Slovenia Forest Service. The Pokljuka plateau is known for its vast spruce forests, which is why a perky SPRUCE JELKA has been chosen as a logo of the Pokljuka Trail. When you take the trail, you will also find out why broadleaf trees have disappeared from the Pokljuka forests.
1 kilometer poti po barju je 1–2 uri hoda 1 kilometre path around the bog takes 1–2 hours of walking
Ucna pot Sotno barje Goreljek
Goreljek Peat Bog Education Trail
Barja so v Sloveniji zelo redek in ranljiv življenjski prostor. Z biološkega in ekološkega stališča pa so zelo zanimiva in edinstvena. Barja stalno rastejo, na njih rastejo rastline, ki jih ne najdemo nikjer drugje, pod njihova površino pa se predmeti ohranijo tisočletja. Le zakaj? Obisk učne poti Šotno barje Goreljek vam bo razjasnil marsikatero zanimivost, ki je ovita v tančico skrivnosti. Pot je krožna, dolga približno en kilometer in ima pet učnih točk z informativnimi tablami. Namenjene so rastlinstvu in živalstvu na barju, Pokljuki danes in v preteklosti, splošnim značilnostim barja in človekovim dejavnostim v okolici. Na mokrih delih so leseni podesti in mostiček, ki omogočajo varno hojo po suhem. Pot je namenjena predvsem šolarjem, dijakom in študentom, pa tudi vsem tistim, ki si želijo le spokojnega miru in uživanja ob jutranji meglici nad barjem.
In Slovenia, peat bogs are a rare and vulnerable habitat of unique value and highly interesting in terms of biology and ecology. Bogs are characterised by continuous growth of plants found nowhere else and below their boggy surface objects can be preserved for millennia. Why is that? A visit to the Goreljek Peat Bog Trail will clarify a few secrets for you. The route is circular, spans about one kilometre and contains five information points with information boards. These cover the flora and fauna of the bog, Pokljuka today and in the past, general features of bogs and human activities in the surrounding areas. A surfaced path around the bog, supplemented by an occasional floating floor, ensures safe walking. The trail is primarily intended for school children, pupils and students and to all who seek the peace and quiet of enjoying a morning mist hovering above the bog.
Pot v Tolminskih koritih
Tolminka Troughs Trail
Tolminska korita so s 180 m nadmorske višine najnižja točka Triglavskega narodnega parka in obenem tudi ena najpomembnejših naravnih znamenitosti tolminske občine. O tem, da je to območje že od nekdaj privlačilo obiskovalce, priča tudi legenda o obisku slavnega Danteja Alighierija v 14. stoletju, ki naj bi med ogledom skrivnostnih korit dobil navdih za Pekel v pesnitvi Božanska komedija. Prvič je turistično pot skozi korita v obdobju 1953–1958 uredilo Turistično društvo Tolmin, kasneje je k vzdrževanju veliko pripomogel lastnik bara pred vstopom v korita, od leta 2006 pa s potjo upravlja Lokalna turistična organizacija (LTO) Sotočje. Pot sta LTO Sotočje in uprava parka tudi obnovila, na nekaterih odsekih temeljito popravila ter opremila z več informacijskimi tablami in usmerjevalnimi stebrički.
Located at 180 metres above sea level, the Tolminka troughs are the lowest-lying point of the Triglav National Park and one of the most important natural sights of the Municipality of Tolmin. The fact that the wild canyons of the river have long attracted visitors is confirmed by the legend saying that the gorge was also visited by the famous 14th century author Dante Alighieri who, impressed by the mysterious troughs, wrote the Inferno (Hell) of The Divine Comedy with the Tolminka in mind. The trail through the troughs was first arranged by the Tolmin Tourist Association in the period 1953-58, whereas later the maintenance of the trail was taken over by the owner of the bar located at the entrance to the gorge, and since 2006 the trail has been managed by the Sotočje Tourist Board. The trail was renovated by the Tourist Board Sotočje and the TNP Authority, several sections of the trail were reconstructed and equipped with several information boards and posts.
Do Tolminskih korit prav ob vstopu v TNP nas pripelje cesta od Zatolmina proti vasi Čadrg. Pot skozi korita ni dolga, je zavarovana, kljub temu pa je na posameznih odsekih potrebna pazljivost. Za ogled korit je treba plačati vstopnino, ki jo LTO Sotočje namenja vzdrževanju poti.
The Tolminka troughs located at the entrance to TNP are accessible via the road from Zatolmin towards Čadrg. The path through the troughs is secured and not long, but caution is recommended. The money from the admission fee goes for maintenance of the paths.
200 m poti skozi Tolminska korita je 0,5–1 uro hoda 200-metre Trail Throughs Tolminka trough takes 0.5–1 hour of walking
16 kilometrov poti ob reki Radovni je 2,5–3,5 ure kolesarjenja 16-kilometre trail along the Radovna takes 2.5–3.5 hours of cycling
Kolesarska pot Radovna
Radovna Cycling Route
Kolesarska pot Radovna je za zdaj edina takšna pot Triglavskega narodnega parka. Nastala je po zamisli Turističnega podmladka OŠ Gorje, ki je s projektno nalogo Kolesa nazaj – kolesa naprej predstavil naravne in kulturne zanimivosti doline ter jih povezal v kolesarsko pot. Kolesarska pot povezuje znamenitosti doline, v Zgornji Radovni pa se pridruži tamkajšnji že obstoječi Kulturni poti. Pot želi ljudem približati znamenitosti doline ter jih spodbuditi k aktivnemu in usmerjenemu doživljanju narave. Namenjena je vsem, ki radi kolesarijo, imajo radi naravo in kulturno krajino ter želijo vse to tudi globlje doživeti.
The Radovna Cycling Route is currently the only cycling route within the Triglav National Park. The concept of the trail was prepared by the Elementary School Gorje Youth Tourist Club, whose members presented the natural and cultural attractions of the valley in their project Wheels turn backward – wheels turn forward, and linked these points of interest into a cycling route. At Zgornja Radovna, the Radovna Cycle Route joins the existing Cultural Trail The route has been designed to inform visitors of the attractions of the valley and to encourage them to experience nature in a focused, active way. The route is for all who like cycling, for all who love the nature and cultural landscape and for all who wish to experience this part of the Triglav National Park up close.
Kolesarska pot Radovna poteka po dolini Radovne, od Krnice pri Zgornjih Gorjah do muzejsko urejene Pocarjeve domačije v Zgornji Radovni. Večinoma poteka po makadamski cesti skozi dolino, edinemu večjemu vzponu pred koncem poti se lahko ognemo po lažji različici. Na poti je več kot 10 različnih informacijskih tabel, ki se nanašajo na dolino in njene posebnosti. Kolo Srečko je znak Kolesarske poti Radovna in predstavlja sončno kolo, za katero so domačini verjeli, da prinaša srečo. Rozeto kolesa, izrezljano v stropnem tramu, lahko vidimo v »hiši« Pocarjeve domačije.
The cycleway runs along the Radovna valley, from Krnica near Zgornje Gorje to the Pocar Homestead at Zgornja Radovna. As far as possible, the route follows the gravel road through the valley, and the only slightly difficult ascent just before the end of the cycleway can be avoided by taking a short detour. Along the route over 10 information boards have been placed providing visitors with descriptions of the valley and its points of interest. The wheel SREČKO (»HAPPY«) is the official logo of the Radovna Cycle Route. It represents the sun wheel, a symbol believed by the natives of Radovna to bring happiness and good fortune. The sun-like rosettes of the wheel can be seen carved into a ceiling beam in hiša, or the main room, of the Pocar Homestead.
Uredila / Edited by Mojca Smolej; Avtorji fotografij / Photographs by Jože A. Mihelič, Aleš Zdešar, Jurij Dobravec, Janko Dobravec, Tanja Menegalija, Tine Štular, Tomaž Bregant, Davorin Koren, Martin Šolar; Shutterstock; Lektoriranje / Language editing by Jana Lavtižar; Prevod / Translation by Darja Prentar; Oblikovanje naslovnice / Cover design: Idejološka ordinacija; Oblikovanje / Design by: Rosje; Tisk / Printed by Medium d.o.o. Žirovnica, 1 / 2011.
Izdal / Published by Triglavski narodni park;
Koce Triglavskega narodnega parka v
Koca Planinka
Triglav National Park Huts Hut Planinka INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Koca Goreljek
Hut Goreljek
INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Koca Vogar
Hut Vogar
INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Hisa Radovna
Hause Radovna
INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Dostop pozimi/ Accessible in winter
Ogrevanje z drvmi/ Wood heating
Centralno ogrevanje/ Central heating
Koca Vrata
Hut Vrata
INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Koca Vrsic
Hut Vrsic
INFO: triglavski-narodni-park@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)4 5780 200
Hisa Trenta
House Trenta
INFO: dom-tnp.trenta@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)5 3889 330
Info sredisce (apartmaji) Dom Trenta
Info Centre (self-catering apartments) Dom Trenta
INFO: dom-tnp.trenta@tnp.gov.si T: +386 (0)5 3889 330
Topla voda/ Hot water
Elektrika/ Electricity
ElektriÄ?na napeljava na sonÄ?ne celice/ Solar cell electric system
Predstavljamo vam ekološke kmetije iz Triglavskega narodnega parka. Kmetije nadaljujejo tradicijo kmetov in kmetic, ki so stoletja živeli in delali na gorskih domačijah pod Triglavom ter tako sooblikovali krajino. Priporočamo obisk kmetij in pokušnjo njihovih dobrot!
There are a number of organic farms located within the Triglav National Park. Organic farmers continue the farming tradition of people who have lived here for centuries working the mountain farms below Triglav and shaped the landscape through their work. Visit them and taste the delicious fruits of their work.
Gostilna in turisticna kmetija Psnak
Inn and Tourist Farm Psnak
Zgornja Radovna 18, 4281 Mojstrana T: +386 (0)4 589 11 52, +386 (0)31 68 16 30 F: +386 (0)4 589 11 52 E-mail: psnak@s5.net
Kmetija in gostilna s tradicijo je v dolini Zgornja Radovna. Posebna ponudba: vožnja z lojtrnikom in ježa konj.
The inn boasting a long tradition is located in the Zgornja Radovna valley. Special offer: cart rides and horse riding.
Ponudba: - apartmaji - nočitev z zajtrkom - polpenzion
Services include: - tourist accommodation - bed and breakfast - half-board
Ekoloska turisticna kmetija pri Lovrcu
Organic tourist Farm Pri Lovrcu
Čadrg 8, 5220 Tolmin T: +386 (0)5 3811 154 M: +386 (0)31 548 383 E-mail: marija.cadrg@gmail.com Ekološka kmetija leži v visokogorski vasici Čadrg nad Tolminom. Posebna ponudba: sir Tolminec in albuminska skuta.
The organic farm is located in a high-altitude village Čadrg above Tolmin. Special offer: Tolminc cheese and curd.
Ponudba: - apartmaji - nočitev z zajtrkom
Services include: - tourist accommodation - bed and breakfast
Ekoloska turisticna kmetija Plajer
Organic tourist farm Plajer
Trenta 16a, 5232 Soča T: +386 (0)5 3889 209, +386 (0)41 600 590 F: +386 (0)5 3889 209 E-mail: info@eko-plajer.com www.eko-plajer.com
Ekološka kmetija leži v dolini Soče v vasi Trenta. Posebna ponudba: spanje na senu in delo na kmetiji.
The organic farm is located in the village Trenta in the Soča valley. Special offer: sleeping on hay and helping with farm work.
Ponudba: - apartmaji - nočitev z zajtrkom - polpenzion
Services: - tourist accommodations - bed and breakfast - half-board
Turisticna kmetija Jelincic
Tourist farm Jelincic
Soča 50, 5232 Soča T: +386 (0)5 3889 510 F: +386 (0)5 3889 511 E-mail: kmecki.turizem.jelincic@siol.net Ekološka kmetija leži v dolini Soče. Posebna ponudba: - Bovški sir in albuminska skuta, postrvi z ovčjim sirom, jagnetina - kampiranje na kmetiji
Ponudba: - nočitev z zajtrkom - polpenzion
Turisticna kmetija Gorjup
The farm is located in the Soča valley. Special offer: - Bovec cheese and curd, trout with sheep’s cheese, lamb meat - camping on the farm
Services: - bed and breakfast - half-board
Tourist farm Gorjup
Podjelje 19, 4267 Srednja vas v Bohinju M: +386 (0)41 825 671 +386 (0)31 477 979 www.bohinj.si/gorjup
Ekološka kmetija leži v Bohinju v vasi Podjelje (1070 m). Posebna ponudba: meso in mesni izdelki, mleko in mlečni izdelki.
The organic farm is located in Bohinj in the village Podjelje (1070 m). Special offer: meat and meat products, milk and dairy products.
Ponudba: - nočitev z zajtrkom - polpenzion - polni penzion
Services: - bed and breakfast - half-board - full board