CX Magazine Jan 2015 Issue

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Religious Corner: Peace on Earth - Dr. Harvey Carr

legal: D.U.I.

- Attorney Gordon Nicol

Marriage Equality -Nadine Smith

No Courthouse Weddings -Jon Davis

Modern Civil Rights Leaders - David Vandygriff

SOTRU Trans Families - Laura Rigss

Publisher/Executive Editor: David Vandygriff Editor In Chief: Harvey Carr Creative Designer: Jason Smith Sales Department: Carlos Martinez cityXtra Magazine is published by cityXtra Magazine, LLC. 2941 Plum Street Jacksonville, FL 32205 (904) 410-9592 Like us on Facebook/cityxtramag Twitter/cityxtra

Contributing Writers Laura Riggs, Dr. Harvey Carr, Attorney Gordon Nicol, Meredith O’Malley Johnson, Tina Vaughn, Jake Moore, Tyler Curry Editor HIV Equal Online, Sebastian Fortino, David Vandygriff, Joey Amato Publisher Unite Magazine

night life JACKSONVILLE Boot Rack: 4751 Lenox Blvd. (904) 384-7090 Bo’s Club: 201 5th Ave. N. (Jax Beach) (904) 246-9874

ORLANDO Parliament House: 410 Orange Blossom Trail (407) 425-7571 ST. PETERSBURG

Club Jax: 1939 Hendricks Ave. (904) 398-7451

Flamingo Resort: 4601 34th St. S (727) 321-5000

Hamburger Mary’s: 3333-1 Beach Blvd. (904) 5512048

Sporters Bar: 187 Dr. MLK St. N (9th St.) (727) 821-1920

Incahoots: 711 Edison Ave. (904) 353-6316 Park Place: 931 King St. (904) 389-6616 Metro: 859 Willow Branch Ave. (904) 388-7192 The Norm: 2952 Roosevelt (904) 384-0029

TAMPA (Ybor) Bradley’s on 7th: 1510 E 7th Ave (813) 241-2723 Liquid Tampa: 1502 E 7th (813) 248-6104 3

Peace on Earth - Good Will to ALL Humanity Part 2 By Dr. Harvey Carr The gap between Christmas and the rest of the year is getting shorter. This eagerness to get a jump on holiday cheer is purely practical from a retailer’s point of view. Stores typically make more than half of their yearly sales during these few short weeks. Shopping has become a pretty substantial part of the North American Christmas Kwanzaa. tradition. Good News of Great Joy for all Humanity – Christmas is and should be so much more than Christmas is a time of unusual openness to what we buy. Gifts are fun, both to give and spiritual things. Jesus is on the lips of Christians. receive, but they are only symbolic of a much There is no greater gift you can give those are not greater gift: The love of God came down to of the Christian faith than to share in action the earth - now that is something to celebrate! It is the teachings of Jesus to love one another so deeply showing of a love by God that we should try to we would be willing to die for one another. emulate with ALL humanity. Share in the traditions of people whose faith may It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the differ from yours and learn from that sharing, as busyness of Christmas. That doesn’t mean we you may discover your preconceived ideas of have to lose track of the significance of this time what they believe to be totally incorrect. After all, of year, or miss out on the opportunities it can Jesus was born a Jew; He was educated as a present. Jew, lived as a Jew, worshipped in the Temple as a Jew, (the only scriptures available then were Here are some simple ways that you can those we today call the Old Testament and incorporate the real meaning of Christmas into thousands of Jewish rules and regulations); and your family’s holiday: He died as a Jew, and Throw a birthday party for Jesus. his body was to be Many families enjoy re-enacting the Christmas prepared story. in Jewish tradition As a musician, music has always been a big part when we of my Christmas celebrations. as Christians Gift giving is a wonderful way to reflect God’s love believe it for us. was discovered Volunteer His tomb to be Make a donation in someone’s name rather than empty. giving that person a gift. All of these activities can be modified and adapted whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or 6


By Atty. Gordon Nicol

It’s that season again….office parties, end-ofsemester celebrations, family get-togethers… many of which will involve alcohol. Drunk driving is a criminal offense with a serious legal consequence. With any offense/ charges that involve alcohol, there are a number of legal and practical issues. maintain a steady speed in relation to the rest of traffic, and those who are constantly hitting Do you know the legal limits that separate the brakes when not really warranted. impaired from legally drunk? Can you tell the Drivers who don’t seem to be aware of what difference between being impaired and is happening around them also raise legally drunk? Do you know what driving suspicion and those who show poor driving behaviors alert law enforcement to the judgment, i.e., braking too soon, not braking possibility that you have over-consumed? soon enough and repeatedly riding up close Other legal “fights” involve the blood alcohol to the bumper of the car in front of them, as level--BAC. What is a BAC? Simply put, it is well as turning too wide or too tightly. the concentration of alcohol in the blood and is measured by a ratio of percentage alcohol Next month, we will continue to help our to volume of blood. clients and readers know their legal rights. The above article is general in nature and For a woman between 120-160 pounds you should not be relied upon for specific legal can go from impaired to legally drunk before advice. Every legal situation is different. you have finished your third drink. For the average grown man, it is 4-5 drinks. That’s a Gordon T. Nicol, Attorney at Law Your Jacksonville Lawyer, P.A. measured in 12-oz bottles of beer, 5-oz 7545 Centurion Parkway, Suite 108 glasses of wine, and shots of hard liquor. Jacksonville, FL 32256 The amount of alcohol versus body weight is not the only factor. Are you rested or tired? Healthy or under the weather? On medication? Have you eaten? Are you well hydrated? How much have you had in what time frame? All factors that govern your body’s response to the alcohol consumed and determine your blood alcohol level.

Ph: (904) 384-4911 E-mail:

Law enforcement, outside of an established check point, will be looking for drivers having issues with staying in their lanes. They will also be observing drivers who cannot 9

Marriage Equality By Nadine Smith

The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here - the freedom to marry has come to Florida! Yesterday, the same judge who heard arguments last July on behalf of Equality Florida Institute and our six brave plaintiff couples lifted the stay on her marriage ruling, allowing marriages to begin in When asked if Cathy and Karla had their rings, Miami-Dade County. Marriages are happened in they replied, “Yes, they’ve been on for fifteen Miami - and will today statewide tomorrow! years.” Jeff and Todd Delmay officially switched the silver wedding bands they’ve worn for over 10 During the hearing yesterday, our attorney Jeff years to their left hands - symbolic of their Cohen stated, “Another day the plaintiffs are now-official marriage. denied their right to marry is a day that shames

our county.” Judge Zabel heard him loud and clear, and reaffirmed that there is no good reason to deny our families any longer! Cheers erupted in the courtroom as our plaintiff couples realized their dream was about to come true, and Judge Zabel herself performed the marriage ceremony of Cathy Pareto & Karla Arguello and Todd & Jeff Delmay - the first same-sex couples to be married in Florida! 12

This is a monumental day in Florida’s history. Loving same-sex couples have been waiting months, years, and decades for the right to marry the person they love. We were so excited to be able to share this moment with the brave plaintiff couples who were married yesterday, the legal teams, and with all of you. Your constant support has carried us to this victory, and none of our successes would be possible without you. This is our moment, Florida. Let’s use this momentum to create a state that truly embraces Equality and Justice for All. And if you still have questions about marriage in Florida, please visit for more information.


The decision by Duval, Clay and Baker counties comes after Judge Robert Hinkle announced last Wednesday that any court refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses would be in violation of the U.S. Constitution. In an effort to avoid the situation altogether, the officials for the counties say they will no longer hold wedding ceremonies for anyone, First Coast News reported. They still, however, will issue marriage licenses — no matter one's sexuality — as required under Hinkle's ruling. "It was decided as a team, as an office, this would be what we do so that there wouldn't be any discrimination," Duval Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell told First Coast News. "The easiest way is to not do them at all." Fussell said the decisions are over shared discomfort, between himself and the other clerks, on having to perform the nuptials. They say it goes against their beliefs on marriage being strictly between a man and woman. Gay marriages set to begin statewide on Tuesday, ceremonies will be abolished at the Duval courthouse. The Duval Democrat Executive Committee has sent Fussell a formal letter requesting his reconsideration of not performing courthouse marriages. The chapel built in the new multi-million dollar courthouse has been dismantled and will be used Tuesday as an over flow room. The clerk contacted by our office said the purpose of the chapel afterwards has not been determined. We were refused use of the chapel even with your own officiant. 17


Jacksonville is a city with rich history in the past and present Civil Right Movement. The most noticeable Civil Rights Leader from the area would be Philip A. Randolph. In 1963, Randolph was the head of the March on Washington, which was organized by Bayard Rustin, at which Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech. Randolph inspired the Freedom budget, sometimes called the "Randolph Freedom budget", which aimed to deal with the economic problems facing the black community. A well-known iconic leader responsible for the March on Washington is Bayard Rustin. Rustin became a leading strategist of the civil rights movement from 1955 to 1968. He was the chief organizer of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, which was headed by A. Philip Randolph, the leading African-American labor-union president and socialist. Rustin was a gay man who had been arrested for a homosexual act in 1953. Homosexuality was criminalized in parts of the United States until 2003. Rustin's sexuality, or at least his embarrassingly public criminal charge, was criticized by some fellow pacifists and civil-rights leaders. Rustin was attacked as a "pervert" or "immoral influence" by political opponents from segregationists to Black power militants, and from the 1950s through the 1970s. In addition, his pre-1941 Communist Party affiliation when he was a young man was controversial. To avoid such attacks, Rustin served only rarely as a public spokesperson. He usually acted as an influential adviser to civil-rights leaders. In the 1970s, he became a public advocate on behalf of gay and lesbian causes.

Local Activist and Founder of We Are Straight Allies, Chevara Orrin is one of James Bevels Children; Bevel is one of the architects of the civil rights marches in Selma. "I certainly respect the work that he did and the path that he blazed," she said. "I find myself often walking [the same path] here in Jacksonville." She is now a community activist, pushing for the Human Rights Ordinance; pushing for better relations between the black and the Jewish community.

"His footprints are all over the work of the Civil Rights movement," said Orrin. History claims Bevel's masterpiece is the Children Crusade; encouraging children to be part of the marches. Orrin said her family members have seen the movie and describe it as a fair but found two things are missing. Hip-hop artist and actor Common portrays James Bevel in the movie. Even though she is proud of her father's accomplishments, she is also devastated and disgusted by his ugly past. The movie Selma is currently playing in select theaters. Nadine Smith is an LGBT activist and has been the executive director of Equality Florida since its inception in 1997 and serves as a legislative lobbyist, living in Tallahassee during session. In 1986, Smith served on the founding board of the International Gay and Lesbian Organization. Smith has been


recognized as a national leader by organizations including: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Human Rights Campaign, Human Rights Task Force of Florida, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership The Blue Fish Restaurant and Oyster Bar is Forum. located historic Avondale, one of Jacksonville's most prestigious In 1991, Smith was the first openly lesbian neighborhoods. The Blue Fish has a rich African-American to run for Tampa City history in the battle of Civil Rights. The Council, earning the most votes in the business has donated annual to JASMYN primary and garnering 42% in the run-off. Fundraisers, Equality Florida, PFLAG Fundraisers, and many more. In 2007, Smith was arrested at a Largo City Council hearing after handing someone a The most recent was the donation of flier that had the words "Don't Discriminate" $10,000 to help in the fight to bring Marriage printed on it. The Council was debating Equality to Florida. The money was used to whether or not to fire Susan Stanton, the city help with the landmark ruling by Judge manager who had transitioned from male to Hinkle that gave way to Gay Marriage female. The charges were later dropped. The through-out Florida. Police Chief and the City Council issued official apologies. One cannot help to feel PROUD to be a citizen of Jacksonville when in the presence In 2010 Smith brought Florida's anti-gay of such great leaders and businesses. Their adoption law that bans any gay person from work continues to make each and every adopting to the attention of President citizen of Jacksonville a little freer. What Obama. During a White House event, she have you done lately in the fight for Equality? presented the President with a picture of two boys the state of Florida is trying to block To help in the fight for Equality visit: from being adopted by the gay man who has been their foster father for more than 5 years.

Smith has served as Director for Equality Florida denouncing the adoption ban, in particular challenging the state for using huge sums of taxpayer dollars to fund a discredited anti-gay activist as their star witness. The ban was lifted and today same-sex marriage is legal in Florida.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.� Martin Luther King Jr. 19

SOTRU Trans Families By Laura Riggs

After months of hard work by the Jacksonville Committee for Equality, the Jacksonville City Council voted down a bill that would have added these fully inclusive LGBT protections. Gender identity and expression was the sticking point for most of the city council members. In response, We Are Straight Allies (WASA) was launched in August 2013, as an ad campaign created to raise awareness and encourage support of adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s existing Human Rights Ordinance. To help ensure passage of the ordinance in 2015, WASA has engaged local media, corporations, nonprofit organizations and the faith-based community to begin public dialogue about transgender experiences. On Oct. 15, 2014, We Are Straight Allies hosted a State of the Re: Union (SOTRU) Trans Families live listening session at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in partnership with NPR’s “SOTRU” host, Al Letson and WJCT (NPR/PBS) to facilitate a safe space where local transgender community members could share a first-person perspective of their lives. The professional panel consisted of Bradley, a case manager who has worked with 20

HIV +, homeless and transgender populations; Tricia Russell, Bank of America executive; Cam, freelance writer and artist and Kristie Overstreet, licensed mental health professional, who each brilliantly wove their life testimonials in between several SOTRU Trans Families episodes. The interviews and stories from SOTRU revealed some of the complexities around coming out as trans and finding acceptance amongst family, friends, partners, and society at large. One story, which captivated audience members, was of a Catholic nun who counseled and ministered to transgender Catholics. Her story reveals an interdependent relationship of audacity and vulnerability, as both the anonymous nun and those who she supports were able to take a radical approach to their Catholic faith. Representation from diverse races/cultures, age groups, orientations (LGBTQA) and community sectors (faith, corporate, political, non profit, higher education). Three city council candidates were in attendance, along with 10 members from a local trans support group (that WASA visited in July). The audience

was attentive and posed challenging questions and provided thoughtful comments. One of the attendees shared that she had a lengthy dinner table conversation with her family and friends visiting from South Africa after the event. City council candidate (also a minister) shared during the event that his daughter came out as a lesbian. Never before has an organization embarked upon an innovative transgender education and awareness initiative in Jacksonville, FL, targeted towards educating the cisgender population. Noteworthy comments were made from panelists regarding the urgent needs of transgender people living in Jacksonville, particularly trans* youth of color. While the nation grapples with trans-exclusion and phobia, this monumental event was an important step towards full equality for the transgender community and passage of a fully inclusive ordinance. For more information about the work they are doing in the community, please visit 23

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