Digital Leaders 1: Innovation in Digital Delivery Conference Handbook

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INNOVATION CHANNEL SHIFT ASSISTED DIGITAL DIGITAL BY DEFAULT DL1: Innovation in Digital Delivery 13 October 2011 at BIS and House of Commons

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contents page Networking Reception

Introduction................................................................. 3

Printed invitations for the Digital Leaders Reception, taking place at the House of Commons at 4pm, will be issued to you on your arrival at BIS at the reception desk.


Please make sure you take this invitation to the House of Commons to be able to gain entrance and proceed through security. Delegates will be led to the House of Commons from the BIS Conference Centre at 3.45pm, and will enter the building from the Cromwell Green Entrance. The event is being held in the Terrace Pavilion.

Social media Twitter @DigiLeaders Hashtag #DigiLeaders Interviews can be watched on the YouTube Channel at http://youtube. com/DigiLeaders Presentations will be available on

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Programme...................................................................5 Biographies..................................................................8 Delegates list..............................................................13 Next Event...................................................................15

introduction ‘Innovation in Digital Delivery’ is the first event in the Digital Leaders 2011-12 series. It will focus on empowering leaders with the tools and knowledge they need to embed innovative delivery solutions into their organisations, looking at how to respond to a new ‘digital marketplace’. With the evident benefits of shifting to digital channels in terms of increased efficiency, transparency and accessibility over traditional methods of service delivery, it will be important that new and existing digital services innovate in order to be fit for purpose, adaptable and anticipatory of future developments in digital technology. Looking ahead, delivering digital services in an innovative and effective manner will be essential for realising the Government’s plans to make digital the default option for interaction between citizens and government. To achieve this vision, leaders from all sectors, not only public service providers, will need to engage. This event seeks to equip and inspire senior leaders from Government, not-for-profit organisations and the private sector with the latest policy and best practice to enable them to formulate their own innovative digital strategies. This year’s Digital Leaders Programme has chosen Innovation, Channel Shift and assisted Digital as its core topics and will also include an inaugural Digital Leaders Lecture in Parliament in January. Further information about this year’s programme can be found at

“I am delighted that we are returning with the Digital Leaders Programme once again, following a successful first year. This programme has proved to be a fantastic opportunity for leaders to build a high-level, crosssector, network of partners with which to address challenges, build solutions, and realise new opportunities for making the switch to digital in their organisations. Over the next few months we are looking forward to working with this year’s influential group of leaders to get to the heart of what it means to go digital by default, and how organisations and their executive team can shift into digital ‘top gear’.” Robin Knowles Founder, Digital Leaders Programme 3

background The Digital Leaders Programme brings together an influential cohort of political, civil service, NGO and industry leaders to build a network of strategic decision makers who understand the power of digital to transform society and enable the delivery of transparent, efficient and citizen-centric public services. The programme is free to attend and by invitation only, managed by a cross-sector steering group representing Government, NGOs and industry. The inaugural series, launched at the House of Commons in October 2010, brought together a senior network of 150 CEO, Chair and Board level leaders for the opportunity to be briefed and up-skilled on how to build their digital strategies. The programme provided thought-leadership, policy briefings and best practice case studies looking at the core themes of Transparency; Big Society; and Service Delivery. An influential group of contributors included: Mark Howe, Marketing Director, Google UK; Andrew Hudson, Managing Director for Public Services at HM Treasury; Rory Stewart MP; Lord Allen, Director of Policy EU, Facebook; Rt Hon Lord Knight of Weymouth; Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica; Paul Twivy, Chief Executive, Your Square Mile; William Perrin, Founder, Talk About Local; Rt Hon Alun Michael MP Chairman, PITCOM; and Gordon Graylish, Global VP for Enterprise, Intel. The Digital Leaders 2010-11 series, hosted in Whitehall with networking receptions at the House of Commons and House of Lords, culminated in the Digital Leaders Dinner on 12th May 2011, at which Cabinet Office Minister Rt. Hon Francis Maude MP and broadcaster Clive Anderson presented 15 awards to innovative social projects in front of an audience of 400.



DL 1: Innovation in Digital Delivery Programme | 13th October, BIS and House of Commons 12.00 Arrival and Hot Fork Buffet Lunch A chance to network and meet fellow Digital Leaders over a hot lunch ahead of the first main session. 13.00 Plenary 1: Inspiring Innovation in Digital Delivery The objective of the opening plenary session will be to brief Digital Leaders on the latest policy and vision from within Government, looking at why innovation is vital to success for the digital shift in interactions between citizens and Government. Leaders will be encouraged to consider in strategic terms the benefits of putting innovation at the heart of digital service delivery, within the context of the Government’s ‘digital by default’ agenda for increasing the accessibility, simplicity, transparency and efficiency of services for Government, private organisations and citizens. The session will explore how, by leveraging new technology, digital usage trends, and increasingly open online Government data and transactions, both Government and businesses can make lasting cost reductions, increase their quality of service and reach users wherever and however they chose to access the Internet. Contributors include: • Graham Walker, Government Director for the UK Digital Champion (Chair) • Mike Bracken, HMG Executive Director for Digital, Cabinet Office


programme 14.00 Coffee and Breakout Advisory Panels The Breakout Advisory Panels will be an opportunity for delegates to break into smaller groups to hear about examples of the latest innovation from inside and outside of Government, centred around three core themes: Social Action, Channel Shift and Assisted Digital. Each panel will include two presentations of new innovative products, policies or pilots set to be adopted as models of digital excellence in service delivery. Led by an experienced facilitator for each subject theme, the panels will provide a forum for leaders to hear practical examples of how organisations are formulating innovative digital strategies, to exchange experience and to sound-out ideas for how they can develop their own innovative channel strategies. Advisory Panel 1: Social Action This panel will hear from two organisations that have put digital innovation at the heart of developing new products and services that communicate effectively with new audiences. Facilitator: David Dinsdale, E-Government Product Director, Atos • Pitch 1: ‘Using social media platforms innovatively to drive business and new audiences’ James Ohene-Djan, Managing Director, Winkball • Pitch 2: ‘A mobile volunteering application to deliver bite-size, micro-volunteering opportunities’ Olly Benson, Head of Projects, YouthNet and Susanna Halonen, Marketing Manager, Sony Europe Advisory Panel 2: Assisted Digital This panel will hear from two organisations that have developed new digital products and services that offer an assisted digital service to customers who may not otherwise go online or have access to the internet. Facilitator: Kevin McLean, Director of Operations, UK online centres • Pitch 1: ‘Transforming the Customer Experience’ Kevin Seller, Head of Government Services, Post Office • Pitch 2: ‘New online qualification: ‘Digital Accessibility: Web Essentials’ Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet Advisory Panel 3: Channel Shift This panel will hear from two organisations that have developed new digital products and services that put the customer first and make interactions between citizens, key services and information more efficient. Facilitator: Robin Knowles, Managing Director, Civic Agenda • Pitch 1: ‘NHS Direct mobile app and online health and symptom checkers’ Ronnette Lucraft, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Choices • Pitch 2: ‘An onine crime reporting application to report criminal activity through instant image sharing’ Simon Burgess, Managing Director, Facewatch 6

programme 15.00 Closing Plenary: ‘How to make the Digital Shift’ – Lessons for Success The closing session will hear experience and insight from the BBC, which has successfully developed innovative ways of delivering services digitally. The session will be an opportunity for Digital Leaders to hear what the challenges have been for those leading at the highest level, as well practical advice on how to overcome these and go about making the ‘Channel Shift’ to operating digitally across the board. Contributors include: • Graham Walker, Government Director for the UK Digital Champion (Chair) • Kerstin Mogull, Chief Operating Officer, BBC Future Media 16.00 House of Commons Reception After the sessions at BIS, the group will be guided to the House of Commons Terrace for a reception, where Digital Leaders will be invited to join Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Chairman of PICTFOR, and fellow digital leaders for afternoon tea and networking. The reception will be an opportunity for leaders to discuss ideas and build a network around digital delivery in a more informal setting with fellow attendees of the day’s sessions, and to meet MPs and Peers who are involved in formulating the Government’s digital policy. PICTFOR, the reception host, is the recently formed Parliamentary, Internet, Communications and Technology Forum and is the lead Parliamentary group for ICT following the merger of PITCOM and DEAPPG. 18.00 Finish


biographies olly Benson, Head of Projects, youthNet Olly is Head of Projects at YouthNet, with specific responsibility for the development of Do-it, the national volunteering database. This includes working with both government and corporate organisations around new ways to engage and involve volunteers. Specifically, Olly has been working with LOCOG around volunteering initiatives associated with London 2012. He joined YouthNet in 2008 as Editorial Manager. Prior to YouthNet, he worked at another charity, Headliners, and before that he was at the BBC for seven years.

Mike Bracken, HMg Executive Director for Digital, Cabinet office Mike Bracken has been appointed as the Government’s new Executive Director of Digital and is responsible for overseeing and improving all of the Government’s online presence and extending the number of public services available online. Based in the Cabinet Office, the role was created following the Martha Lane Fox review of Directgov, which recommended a change in focus for the existing Directgov Central Team, and to bring digital communications into one place. The proposal has been endorsed by a Cabinet Sub-Committee, and has unprecedented support from Ministers and across Government for an increased role in digital public services. The new role combines the work of the Chief Executive of Directgov, the lead of crossGovernment digital reform work, and part of the work of the Director for Digital Engagement and Transparency. Mike Bracken was previously the Director of Digital Development at Guardian News & Media, and was responsible for all consumer facing technology services and applications across the Guardian, Observer and

robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion, abilityNet After Cambridge University, Robin worked as an IT instructor for the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) and became a founding member of AbilityNet in 1998. Now globally acclaimed as leading experts in the field, AbilityNet specialises in accessibility auditing and disabled user testing, as well as helping clients design attractive websites that are both accessible and easy to use by all. Despite being blind, Robin uses technology very effectively using speech output to access computers, the internet, his iPhone and many other technologies to assist him in his work. A member of the Guild of Accessible Web Designers, Robin has a first-hand appreciation of the importance of good web design and its impact on accessibility. Robin also has courtroom experience as an expert technical witness in the area of assistive technology and in software, systems and website accessibility. In addition, he advises companies on their obligations under the Equality Act and the Disability Equality Duty – including the evaluation of case specific reasonable adjustment. Robin’s current projects include raising awareness through a busy public speaking schedule in Europe and the US, and co-hosting AbilityNet’s ‘Tech for All’ podcast.


biographies Simon Burgess, Managing Director, Facewatch Simon Burgess has worked to develop Facewatch and to introduce the technology to new parties since its launch in 2010. Simon’s responsibilities are predominantly for Distribution, PR and Communications. Prior to joining Facewatch, Simon enjoyed a career in financial services working both as Sales Director for Skandia and Fidelity International. Facewatch is an online system for instantly reporting low level crime and sharing CCTV and information of offenders between police forces, licensed premises, shops and hotels. This reduces the time it takes to bring criminals to justice, empowers communities by creating a more effective partnership with police and provides victims with immediate support. When a crime is reported, the witness statement is taken at the site with CCTV and details uploaded for police on to the website. An alert email is sent straight to the relevant police officer who can quickly assess the quality of evidence without having to visit the premises. Images from incidents are hosted on the website so local businesses and chains of premises are made aware of known and suspected criminals operating in their area.

David Dinsdale, E-government, Product Director, atos David is e-Government Product Director for Atos. As well as shaping the future, David is also responsible for the government’s online products that are delivered by Atos, including services such as Government Gateway. Prior to this role David was the Serco Programme Director for the government’s Business.Gov programme where he oversaw the implementation of government’s rationalisation programme that migrated almost all government online services for business onto He has a special interest in innovation and intellectual property, and was the founder of a leading intellectual property software company,

Susanna Halonen, Marketing Manager, Sony Europe Susanna Halonen is part of the Sustainability Marketing Communications team at Sony Europe. From its conception though to the current day, she has been the community manager for the Open Planet Ideas project; the crowd-sourcing challenge from which the +U mobile application was born. She’s currently project managing the development of the +U volunteering application, working closely with the YouthNet organisation.

robin Knowles, Founder and Managing Director, Civic agenda Robin Knowles is Founder and Managing Director of Civic Agenda and has been the driving force behind its core areas of expertise: E Inclusion; Digital Government; Accessible Technology; Public Libraries; and Creative Industries. He is passionate about equipping leaders, policymakers and opinion-formers with evidence, new thinking and connections and has built up an strong network across these domains in the UK and EU. He is a well known curator and has created a number of well known annual events and conversations attracting participants of the very highest level in the space of policy development and strategic direction creation. These include the National Digital Conference; the Digital Leaders Programme and the European Congress on E Inclusion. Robin has also recently launched Civic Agenda EU to support a new client base in Brussels.


biographies Kevin Mclean, Director of Operations, UK online centres Kevin is the Director of Operations at UK online centres, responsible for the organisation’s technology and the delivery of its services. Before joining UK online centres in June 2010, Kevin had a long career in the Civil Service. Until June 2008 he was based in the Home Office, leading a small team working to Sir Ian Magee on a year-long review of criminality information. This was followed by a short stint based in the Cabinet Office, with responsibility for developing the e-Government strategy. Most recently, he worked in the Strategy team at the Home Office. From 2004 to 2007 Kevin led the then Department for Education and Skills’ eGovernment programme, latterly as Chief Information Officer. Kevin also worked for David Blunkett’s office, ran the Permanent Secretary’s office for two years, led a team working on the international aspects of Higher Education policy and developed the strategy behind the Connexions service for young people.

Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, Chairman, PICTFOR Alun Michael is a former Cabinet Minister who has held office as Deputy Home Secretary, Secretary of State for Wales, Minister for Rural Affairs and Minister of State for Industry and the Regions, as well as having been the first First Minister of the National Assembly for Wales. He is currently a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee. He is Chair of the Christian Socialist Movement, the All-Party Group for Somaliland, the Parliamentary Information Technology Forum, the All Party Group for Civil Society and Volunteering and has played a leading role in establishing the UK Internet Governance Forum. He is a member of the National Executive of the Co-operative Party and a Fellow of the RSA. He is a Patron of Volunteering England and a Vice-President of the Local Government Association. First elected to Parliament for Cardiff South and Penarth in 1987, he became Deputy Home Secretary in 1997, with special responsibility for Criminal Justice, the Police and Voluntary Sector. He joined the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Wales in 1998 and in 1999 was elected the Founding First Secretary of the National Assembly for Wales. He stood down in February 2000. He returned to Government in 2001 as Minister of State for Rural Affairs. He had the difficult task of handling the Government’s legislation on hunting with dogs as well as steering the Clean Neighbourhoods Act, the Gangmasters Act and the Ragwort Act onto the Statute Book. Born at Bryngwran, Ynys Mon, on 22nd August 1943, he was educated at Colwyn Bay Grammar School and Keele University. A journalist on the South Wales Echo between 1966 and 1971, he went on to spend 16 years as a Youth and Community worker in Cardiff. He became a magistrate in 1972 and was Chairman of the Cardiff Juvenile Bench before being elected to Parliament. A fluent Welsh Speaker, he is married with five children and nine grandchildren. He enjoys mountain walking, running, music and reading.

Ronnette Lucraft, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Direct Ronnette joined the Board of NHS Direct in April 2007 as Commercial Director with responsibility for business development, marketing and communications, and multi-channel integration. With the outbreak of Swine flu in April 2009, she added the role of Operations Director for the National Pandemic Flu Service. In January 2010, she became Chief Operating Officer, responsible for the delivery of the trust’s high-quality, cost effective multi-channel services. Ronnette has held senior management positions within the communications and new media industries at BT, Telewest and ntl (now Virgin Media). She is a pioneer of web-enabling government services; she was the general manger of Living Health, which led the way in providing television-based public healthcare services, part of the launch team for businesslink. gov and the strategy team which led to the development of She has also worked with NHSU and as an NHS LIFT Chief Executive, developing new healthcare facilities for the South West London local health economy.


biographies Kerstin Mogull, Chief Operating Officer, BBC’s Future Media Division Kerstin is responsible for ensuring the division’s business operations deliver against the group’s overall objectives – creating interacting digital media services that deliver the BBC’s mission, purposes and editorial priorities in the internet age. In her role, Kerstin also manages the Future Media Business Development Team, which is responsible for developing the technology partnerships that enable BBC services to be accessed on third-party platforms and devices, and she oversees Legal & Business Affairs, the ITACU team and Risk management. She took up her position in September 2008. She was previously the BBC’s Deputy Director of Policy & Strategy, where she played an instrumental role in driving the BBC’s strategy for content across all platforms, including the organisation’s six-year plan, Delivering Creative Future. Prior to this, Kerstin was the Controller for the Strategy Group where she was responsible for some of the corporation’s most important initiatives, including the strategy for BBC iPlayer and the overall BBC reorganisation in 2006. Kerstin continues to play a role in various panBBC initiatives, primarily through her leadership of the BBC portfolio of major, long-term, transformational projects. Kerstin joined the BBC in 2000, and prior this she held senior strategy posts in the airline industry with United Airlines and American Airlines, first in the United States and later in the UK. She started her career in Sweden in the IT industry with Ericsson. Kerstin was born in Sweden. She has a degree in economics awarded jointly by the Stockholm School of Economics and HEC in Paris, and she earned an MBA in Chicago where she was a Fulbright Scholar.

James Ohene-Djan, Managing Director, Winkball James Ohene-Djan (PhD) is currently Managing Director and co-founder of The WinkBall Project, a UK internet company which, since its launch just over 2 year ago, has grown the company into the UK’s number one video website, with 40 million views in that time. He is also senior lecturer in Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London. Born in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa, but arriving in his beloved London at the grand age of 2, James’ passion to bring 21st century technology to the masses in the UK began when he combined the knowledge gained from a Business Studies / Systems Analysis and Design BA with an Information Technology MSc in the early 1990s, at the dawn of the internet. Taking a PhD in Computer Science and then lecturing to his young students at the prestigious and fashionable Goldsmiths, while always doing private industry work as a computing consultant and website design for companies as diverse as Ogilvy and Mahler and Lloyds of London, all combined to give him the passion for building a UK internet phenomenon in a US-dominated market. In addition, his continuing research into technologies to aid the deaf community reflects his enthusiasm for people and being in a position to help where he can. His charisma has been the driving force behind WinkBall growing from a team of 5 staff to what it is today, with headquarters in London comprising of 60 full-time staff and 20 regular consultants, and 300 citizen video reporters (a genre he created) situated not only in London, Manchester, Liverpool, the West Midlands and Newcastle but also globally in New York, South Africa and Delhi.


biographies Kevin Seller, Head of government Services, Post office Kevin took up his current role in September 2006 and has responsibility for all Post Office business with national and local government bodies; this includes the new driving licence digital data capture service with the DVLA and the vitally important contract for the Post Office Card Account. In his previous role he had responsibility for the relationships with all of Post Office Ltd’s major financial services clients including the banks, NS&I and Government for the Post Office Card Account. Previously, he was involved in the set up of the Post Office’s financial services venture with the Bank of Ireland, managing the interface with our Government shareholder and other key stakeholders. Before this he was one of the founders of the universal banking concept, working with the Banking industry and Government to launch universal banking services in April 2003.

graham Walker government Director for the UK Digital Champion, Martha Lane Fox Graham held the post of Director for Digital Delivery at the Cabinet Office from August to December 2010 where he was heading up the Government’s policy and strategy work on digital delivery in the public sector, also looking at the role of digital to deliver efficient and transparent services. Graham is now Director at Race Online 2012 supporting the policy and strategy work behind the office of the UK Digital Champion, working to deliver a 100% networked nation. Graham has previously been a Managing Partner for a consultancy business as well as a former Director of Strategy for the Office of e-Envoy at the Cabinet Office.


delegate list Cllr. Stephen Alambritis Leader, LB Merton Nigel Adams MP House of Commons Graham Andrews Founder, David Ashby Head of Proposition, Dr Foster Intelligence Gary Ashby Partner, Cadence Partnership Susan Attard Deputy Town Clerke, City of London Mike Attwell Regional Director, WEA East Midlands Region Damien Austin-Walker Head of Online & Tech Systems, TimeBank Mieke BarbĂŠ Civic Agenda Chris Batt Senior Research Fellow, CIBER, Chris Batt Consulting Cllr. Julian Bell Leader, LB Ealing Olly Benson Head of Projects, YouthNet Pamella Bisson Production Manager, Winkball Mike Bracken HMG Executive Director for Digital, Cabinet Office Simon Burgess Managing Director, Facewatch Martin Cantor Executive Officer to the Chief Executive, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Robin Christopherson Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet Sal Cooke Director, JISC TechDIS Gary Coyle Chief Executive, Community Infopoint

Erica Crump Solicitor, Bates Wells & Braithwaite London LLP Pennie Cullen LB Haringey

Simon Hills Sales and Marketing Director, StartHere Stephen Hilton Director of Futures Group, Bristol City Council

Carol Cutler Director of Business, Transformation & Customer Service, LB Harrow

Paul Hodgkin Chief Executive, Patient Opinion

Caroline Diehl Chief Executive, Media Trust

Mark Humphries Assistant Director Infrastructure & Transactions, LB Merton

Simon Hughes Assistant Chief Executive, East Sussex Dennis Dearden Sales and Marketing Director, AbilityNet County Council

David Dinsdale E-Government Product Director, Atos Diana Edmonds Assistant Director of Culture Services, LB Haringey

John Jackson Assistant Director, LB Camden Cllr. Barbara Janke Leader, Bristol City Council

Pat Fitzsimons Chief Executive, Community Network

David Kelly Statutory Manager, Crisis

Patricia Forrest Head of e-Learning and Innovations, Lewisham College

Jack Kessler Senior Advisor to Alan Keen MP House of Commons

Debbie Forster Head of Partnering, Apps for Good - CDI Europe

Robin Knowles Director, Civic Agenda

Gerry Friell Head of Investment Appraisal, HM Revenue and Customs Bob Gann Head of Strategy, NHS Choices Adrian Goodall Senior ePolicy Advisor, BIS Mike Granville Head of Shareholder Relations, Post Office Susanna Halonen Marketing Manager, Sony Sarah Hamilton-Fairley Chief Executive, StartHere Roger Hampson Chief Executive, LB Redbridge Cllr. Andrew Harper Leader, LB Barnet Cllr. Graham Henson LB Harrow

Jimmy Leach Head of Digital Engagement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Nigel Lewis Chief Executive, AbilityNet Sean Locke Client Director, Post Office Ronnette Lucraft Chief Operating Officer, NHS Direct Colin Mackenzie Department of Health Richard Manby Head of Development, Slivers-of-Time Markets Craig Manson Director of International Business Development, Dr Foster David McConnell Communications Consultant, Post Office


delegate list Kevin Mclean Director of Operations, UK online centres Sally Meecham Stakeholder Relations Manager, Post Office Rt Hon Alun Michael MP Chairman, PICTFOR Helen Milner Managing Director, UK online centres Kerstin Mogull Chief Operating Officer, BBC Future Media Division

Lindsay Roy MP House of Commons Terry Ryall Chief Executive, v Kevin Seller Head of Government Services Marketing, Post Office Gita Singham Willis Partner, Cadence Partnership Terry Stokes Chief Executive, Lasa Timothy Stone Researcher, Civic Agenda

Carol Moonlight Electronic Services Development Manager, Citizens Advice

Clive Tritton Chief Executive, Renaisi

David Mortimer Head of Digital Inclusion, Age UK

Graham Walker Government Director, Race Online 2012

Dan Mount Senior Advisor to Alun Michael MP

Patrick Whife Content Manager, Civic Agenda

Barbara Munden Head of ICT, LB Hounslow

Chris Williams Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire County Council

Ian Murray MP House of Commons

Andy Williamson

Rebecca Nicholls Head of Content, Civic Agenda

Martin Wilson Head of Digital Literacy, BBC

Adrian Northover-Smith Director of Corporate Affairs, Sony

Simon Woodsford Civic Agenda

Kevin O’Malley Senior Programme Manager, Bristol City Council

David Wortley Immersive Technology Strategies, Founder

James Ohene-Djan Managing Director, Winkball

Chris Yapp Senior Associate Fellow, Institute of Governance and Public Management, Warwick Business School

Ruth Owen Bristol City Council Nicholas Paske Director, Changing Media Carol Patrick Head of Innovation, Kent County Council James Pinkham New Century Media Cllr. Keith Prince Leader, LB Redbridge


John Whittingdale OBE MP House of Commons Tristan Wilkinson Head of Public Sector EMEA, Intel

next event

Channel Shift Live, 8th December 2011, BIS and House of Lords, London In association with the Digital Leaders Programme Channel Shift Live will unite 200 UK leaders and practitioners responsible for delivering and supporting frontline public services for a one day event to get to grips with the ‘Channel Shift’ agenda, which recognises that moving increasing numbers of services online can drive Government efficiency and generate significant economic savings. As targets for ‘digital by default’ citizen-focused services are rising up the political agenda and plans for the Government’s Single Domain gather speed, this one day event will seek to brief and inspire decision makers from frontline public services in central and local Government, not-for-profit organisations and technology delivery partners and suppliers with the latest policy and solutions for delivering effective ‘Channel Shift’ strategies. There will be opportunities for cross-section collaboration, briefings on new and easy-to-implement solutions, and advice and lessons for success from those who have made the transition to digital, looking at a number of core topics including: Customer Focussed Services; Assisted Digital; Service Delivery; Social Housing; and e-Skills. Keynote contributors include: • Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP* • Paula Vennells, Managing Director, Post Office • Rt Hon Lord Knight of Weymouth • Helen Milner, Managing Director, UK online centres *subject to confirmation Key Objectives:

• Graham Walker, Government Director for the UK Digital Champion (Chair) • Phil Pavitt, Chief Information Officer, HMRC • Nigel Lewis, Chief Executive, AbilityNet

• To provide insight and leadership on what delivering a ‘Channel Shift’ strategy means in practical terms, with vision and expertise from both inside and out of Government. • To showcase and brief delegates on the latest examples of customer focussed solutions and innovation ready to be adopted and mainstreamed by central and local Government; and by key sectors including Social Housing, Health and Well-Being, and Education. • To provide a forum where sector peers and new partners can share knowledge, resources and expertise on how to shift to a digital culture where interactions take place online. • To put together a catalogue of ‘oven ready’ solutions across the day’s themes. This ‘Channel Shift’ handbook will be published and made available to participants and their organisations following the event. Channel Shift Live is free to attend, and registration is now open at


Contact Us Digital Leaders Programme 21 Garden Walk Shoreditch London EC2A 3EQ Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 7378 0422 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7357 8015

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